Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Makes a calculated question about summing two numbers.
  * @return qtype_calculated_question
 public function get_calculated_question_data_sum()
     $qdata = new stdClass();
     $qdata->qtype = 'calculated';
     $qdata->name = 'Simple sum';
     $qdata->questiontext = 'What is {a} + {b}?';
     $qdata->generalfeedback = 'Generalfeedback: {={a} + {b}} is the right answer.';
     $qdata->options = new stdClass();
     $qdata->options->unitgradingtype = 0;
     $qdata->options->unitpenalty = 0.0;
     $qdata->options->showunits = qtype_numerical::UNITNONE;
     $qdata->options->unitsleft = 0;
     $qdata->options->synchronize = 0;
     $qdata->options->answers = array(13 => new qtype_numerical_answer(13, '{a} + {b}', 1.0, 'Very good.', FORMAT_HTML, 0.001), 14 => new qtype_numerical_answer(14, '{a} - {b}', 0.0, 'Add. not subtract!.', FORMAT_HTML, 0.001), 17 => new qtype_numerical_answer(17, '*', 0.0, 'Completely wrong.', FORMAT_HTML, 0));
     foreach ($qdata->options->answers as $answer) {
         $answer->correctanswerlength = 2;
         $answer->correctanswerformat = 1;
     $qdata->options->units = array();
     return $qdata;
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Makes a match question about completing two blanks in some text.
  * @return object the question definition data, as it might be returned from
  * get_question_options.
 public function get_match_question_data_foursubq()
     global $USER;
     $q = new stdClass();
     $q->name = 'Matching question';
     $q->qtype = 'match';
     $q->parent = 0;
     $q->questiontext = 'Classify the animals.';
     $q->questiontextformat = FORMAT_HTML;
     $q->generalfeedback = 'General feedback.';
     $q->generalfeedbackformat = FORMAT_HTML;
     $q->defaultmark = 1;
     $q->penalty = 0.3333333;
     $q->length = 1;
     $q->hidden = 0;
     $q->createdby = $USER->id;
     $q->modifiedby = $USER->id;
     $q->options = new stdClass();
     $q->options->shuffleanswers = 1;
     $q->options->subquestions = array(14 => (object) array('id' => 14, 'questiontext' => 'frog', 'questiontextformat' => FORMAT_HTML, 'answertext' => 'amphibian'), 15 => (object) array('id' => 15, 'questiontext' => 'cat', 'questiontextformat' => FORMAT_HTML, 'answertext' => 'mammal'), 16 => (object) array('id' => 16, 'questiontext' => 'newt', 'questiontextformat' => FORMAT_HTML, 'answertext' => 'amphibian'), 17 => (object) array('id' => 17, 'questiontext' => '', 'questiontextformat' => FORMAT_HTML, 'answertext' => 'insect'));
     return $q;
Ejemplo n.º 3
     * Makes a multianswer question about completing two blanks in some text.
     * @return object the question definition data, as it might be returned from
     * get_question_options.
    public function get_multianswer_question_data_twosubq() {
        $qdata = new stdClass();

        $qdata->name = 'Simple multianswer';
        $qdata->questiontext =
                        'Complete this opening line of verse: "The {#1} and the {#2} went to sea".';
        $qdata->generalfeedback = 'General feedback: It\'s from "The Owl and the Pussy-cat" by Lear: ' .
                        '"The owl and the pussycat went to sea';

        $qdata->defaultmark = 2.0;
        $qdata->qtype = 'multianswer';

        $sa = new stdClass();

        $sa->name = 'Simple multianswer';
        $sa->questiontext = '{1:SHORTANSWER:Dog#Wrong, silly!~=Owl#Well done!~*#Wrong answer}';
        $sa->generalfeedback = '';
        $sa->penalty = 0.0;
        $sa->qtype = 'shortanswer';

        $sa->options = new stdClass();
        $sa->options->usecase = 0;

        $sa->options->answers = array(
            13 => new question_answer(13, 'Dog', 0, 'Wrong, silly!', FORMAT_HTML),
            14 => new question_answer(14, 'Owl', 1, 'Well done!',    FORMAT_HTML),
            15 => new question_answer(15, '*',   0, 'Wrong answer',  FORMAT_HTML),

        $mc = new stdClass();

        $mc->name = 'Simple multianswer';
        $mc->questiontext = '{1:MULTICHOICE:Bow-wow#You seem to have a dog obsessions!~' .
                'Wiggly worm#Now you are just being ridiculous!~=Pussy-cat#Well done!}';
        $mc->generalfeedback = '';
        $mc->penalty = 0.0;
        $mc->qtype = 'multichoice';

        $mc->options = new stdClass();
        $mc->options->layout = 0;
        $mc->options->single = 1;
        $mc->options->shuffleanswers = 1;
        $mc->options->correctfeedback = '';
        $mc->options->correctfeedbackformat = 1;
        $mc->options->partiallycorrectfeedback = '';
        $mc->options->partiallycorrectfeedbackformat = 1;
        $mc->options->incorrectfeedback = '';
        $mc->options->incorrectfeedbackformat = 1;
        $mc->options->answernumbering = '';
        $mc->options->shownumcorrect = 0;

        $mc->options->answers = array(
            23 => new question_answer(23, 'Bow-wow',     0,
                    'You seem to have a dog obsessions!', FORMAT_HTML),
            24 => new question_answer(24, 'Wiggly worm', 0,
                    'Now you are just being ridiculous!', FORMAT_HTML),
            25 => new question_answer(25, 'Pussy-cat',   1,
                    'Well done!',                         FORMAT_HTML),

        $qdata->options = new stdClass();
        $qdata->options->questions = array(
            1 => $sa,
            2 => $mc,

        $qdata->hints = array(
            new question_hint(0, 'Hint 1', FORMAT_HTML),
            new question_hint(0, 'Hint 2', FORMAT_HTML),

        return $qdata;
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * Gets the question data for a transcription questionwith just the correct
  * ansewer 'frog', and no other answer matching.
  * @return stdClass
 public function get_transcription_question_data_frogonly()
     $qdata = new stdClass();
     $qdata->qtype = 'transcription';
     $qdata->name = 'Transcription question';
     $qdata->questiontext = 'Name the best amphibian: __________';
     $qdata->generalfeedback = 'Generalfeedback: you should have said frog.';
     $qdata->options = new stdClass();
     $qdata->options->usecase = false;
     $qdata->options->answers = array(13 => new question_answer(13, 'frog', 1.0, 'Frog is right.', FORMAT_HTML));
     return $qdata;
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * Gets the question data for a shortanswer questionwith just the correct
  * ansewer 'frog', and no other answer matching.
  * @return stdClass
 public function get_gapfill_question_data_catmat()
     $qdata = new stdClass();
     $qdata->qtype = 'gapfill';
     $qdata->name = 'catmat';
     $qdata->questiontext = 'The [cat] sat on the [mat]';
     $qdata->generalfeedback = 'someanswer';
     $qdata->options = new stdClass();
     $qdata->options->casesensitive = false;
     return $qdata;
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * Makes a multianswer question onetaining one blank in some text.
  * This question has no hints.
  * @return object the question definition data, as it might be returned from
  * get_question_options.
 public function get_multianswer_question_data_dollarsigns()
     $qdata = new stdClass();
     $qdata->name = 'Multianswer with $s';
     $qdata->questiontext = 'Which is the right order? {#1}';
     $qdata->generalfeedback = '';
     $qdata->defaultmark = 1.0;
     $qdata->qtype = 'multianswer';
     $mc = new stdClass();
     $mc->name = 'Multianswer with $s';
     $mc->questiontext = '{1:MULTICHOICE:=y,y,$3~$3,y,y}';
     $mc->generalfeedback = '';
     $mc->penalty = 0.0;
     $mc->qtype = 'multichoice';
     $mc->options = new stdClass();
     $mc->options->layout = 0;
     $mc->options->single = 1;
     $mc->options->shuffleanswers = 0;
     $mc->options->correctfeedback = '';
     $mc->options->correctfeedbackformat = 1;
     $mc->options->partiallycorrectfeedback = '';
     $mc->options->partiallycorrectfeedbackformat = 1;
     $mc->options->incorrectfeedback = '';
     $mc->options->incorrectfeedbackformat = 1;
     $mc->options->answernumbering = 0;
     $mc->options->shownumcorrect = 0;
     $mc->options->answers = array(23 => new question_answer(23, 'y,y,$3', 0, '', FORMAT_HTML), 24 => new question_answer(24, '$3,y,y', 0, '', FORMAT_HTML));
     $qdata->options = new stdClass();
     $qdata->options->questions = array(1 => $mc);
     $qdata->hints = array();
     return $qdata;
Ejemplo n.º 7
  * @return qtype_stack_question the question from the test3.xml file.
 public static function get_stack_question_data_test3()
     $qdata = new stdClass();
     $qdata->contextid = context_system::instance()->id;
     $qdata->qtype = 'stack';
     $qdata->name = 'test-3';
     $qdata->questiontext = '<p>1. Give an example of an odd function by typing
                                   an expression which represents it.
                                   $f_1(x)=$ [[input:ans1]].
                             <p>2. Give an example of an even function.
                                   $f_2(x)=$ [[input:ans2]].
                             <p>3. Give an example of a function which is odd and even.
                                   $f_3(x)=$ [[input:ans3]].
                             <p>4. Is the answer to 3. unique? [[input:ans4]]
                                   (Or are there many different possibilities.)
     $qdata->generalfeedback = '';
     $qdata->penalty = 0.4;
     $qdata->options = new stdClass();
     $qdata->options->id = 0;
     $qdata->options->questionvariables = '';
     $qdata->options->specificfeedback = '';
     $qdata->options->specificfeedbackformat = FORMAT_HTML;
     $qdata->options->questionnote = '';
     $qdata->options->questionsimplify = 1;
     $qdata->options->assumepositive = 0;
     $qdata->options->markmode = 'penalty';
     $qdata->options->prtcorrect = self::DEFAULT_CORRECT_FEEDBACK;
     $qdata->options->prtcorrectformat = FORMAT_HTML;
     $qdata->options->prtpartiallycorrect = self::DEFAULT_PARTIALLYCORRECT_FEEDBACK;
     $qdata->options->prtpartiallycorrectformat = FORMAT_HTML;
     $qdata->options->prtincorrect = self::DEFAULT_INCORRECT_FEEDBACK;
     $qdata->options->prtincorrectformat = FORMAT_HTML;
     $qdata->options->multiplicationsign = 'dot';
     $qdata->options->sqrtsign = 1;
     $qdata->options->complexno = 'i';
     $qdata->options->inversetrig = 'cos-1';
     $qdata->options->matrixparens = '[';
     $qdata->options->variantsselectionseed = '';
     $input = new stdClass();
     $input->name = 'ans1';
     $input->id = 0;
     $input->questionid = 0;
     $input->type = 'algebraic';
     $input->tans = 'x^3';
     $input->boxsize = 15;
     $input->strictsyntax = 1;
     $input->insertstars = 0;
     $input->syntaxhint = '';
     $input->forbidwords = '';
     $input->allowwords = '';
     $input->forbidfloat = 1;
     $input->requirelowestterms = 0;
     $input->checkanswertype = 0;
     $input->mustverify = 1;
     $input->showvalidation = 1;
     $input->options = '';
     $qdata->inputs['ans1'] = $input;
     $input = new stdClass();
     $input->name = 'ans2';
     $input->id = 0;
     $input->questionid = 0;
     $input->type = 'algebraic';
     $input->tans = 'x^4';
     $input->boxsize = 15;
     $input->strictsyntax = 1;
     $input->insertstars = 0;
     $input->syntaxhint = '';
     $input->forbidwords = '';
     $input->allowwords = '';
     $input->forbidfloat = 1;
     $input->requirelowestterms = 0;
     $input->checkanswertype = 0;
     $input->mustverify = 1;
     $input->showvalidation = 1;
     $input->options = '';
     $qdata->inputs['ans2'] = $input;
     $input = new stdClass();
     $input->name = 'ans3';
     $input->id = 0;
     $input->questionid = 0;
     $input->type = 'algebraic';
     $input->tans = '0';
     $input->boxsize = 15;
     $input->strictsyntax = 1;
     $input->insertstars = 0;
     $input->syntaxhint = '';
     $input->forbidwords = '';
     $input->allowwords = '';
     $input->forbidfloat = 1;
     $input->requirelowestterms = 0;
     $input->checkanswertype = 0;
     $input->mustverify = 1;
     $input->showvalidation = 1;
     $input->options = '';
     $qdata->inputs['ans3'] = $input;
     $input = new stdClass();
     $input->name = 'ans4';
     $input->id = 0;
     $input->questionid = 0;
     $input->type = 'boolean';
     $input->tans = 'true';
     $input->boxsize = 15;
     $input->strictsyntax = 1;
     $input->insertstars = 0;
     $input->syntaxhint = '';
     $input->forbidwords = '';
     $input->allowwords = '';
     $input->forbidfloat = 1;
     $input->requirelowestterms = 0;
     $input->checkanswertype = 0;
     $input->mustverify = 0;
     $input->showvalidation = 0;
     $input->options = '';
     $qdata->inputs['ans4'] = $input;
     $prt = new stdClass();
     $prt->name = 'odd';
     $prt->id = '0';
     $prt->questionid = '0';
     $prt->value = 1;
     $prt->autosimplify = 1;
     $prt->feedbackvariables = 'sa:subst(x=-x,ans1)+ans1';
     $prt->firstnodename = '0';
     $node = new stdClass();
     $node->id = 0;
     $node->questionid = 0;
     $node->prtname = 'odd';
     $node->nodename = '0';
     $node->answertest = 'AlgEquiv';
     $node->sans = 'sa';
     $node->tans = '0';
     $node->testoptions = null;
     $node->quiet = 0;
     $node->truescoremode = '=';
     $node->truescore = 1;
     $node->truepenalty = 0.4;
     $node->truenextnode = -1;
     $node->trueanswernote = 'odd-0-1';
     $node->truefeedback = '';
     $node->truefeedbackformat = FORMAT_HTML;
     $node->falsescoremode = '=';
     $node->falsescore = 0;
     $node->falsepenalty = 0.4;
     $node->falsenextnode = -1;
     $node->falseanswernote = 'odd-0-0';
     $node->falsefeedback = 'Your answer is not an odd function. Look, \\[ f(x)+f(-x)=@sa@ \\neq 0.\\]';
     $node->falsefeedbackformat = FORMAT_HTML;
     $prt->nodes['0'] = $node;
     $qdata->prts['odd'] = $prt;
     $prt = new stdClass();
     $prt->name = 'even';
     $prt->id = '0';
     $prt->questionid = '0';
     $prt->value = 1;
     $prt->autosimplify = 1;
     $prt->feedbackvariables = 'sa:subst(x=-x,ans2)-ans2';
     $prt->firstnodename = '0';
     $node = new stdClass();
     $node->id = 0;
     $node->questionid = 0;
     $node->prtname = 'even';
     $node->nodename = '0';
     $node->answertest = 'AlgEquiv';
     $node->sans = 'sa';
     $node->tans = '0';
     $node->testoptions = null;
     $node->quiet = 0;
     $node->truescoremode = '=';
     $node->truescore = 1;
     $node->truepenalty = 0.4;
     $node->truenextnode = -1;
     $node->trueanswernote = 'even-0-1';
     $node->truefeedback = '';
     $node->truefeedbackformat = FORMAT_HTML;
     $node->falsescoremode = '=';
     $node->falsescore = 0;
     $node->falsepenalty = 0.4;
     $node->falsenextnode = -1;
     $node->falseanswernote = 'even-0-0';
     $node->falsefeedback = 'Your answer is not an even function. Look, \\[ f(x)-f(-x)=@sa@ \\neq 0.\\]';
     $node->falsefeedbackformat = FORMAT_HTML;
     $prt->nodes['0'] = $node;
     $qdata->prts['even'] = $prt;
     $prt = new stdClass();
     $prt->name = 'oddeven';
     $prt->id = '0';
     $prt->questionid = '0';
     $prt->value = 1;
     $prt->autosimplify = 1;
     $prt->feedbackvariables = 'sa1:ans3+subst(x=-x,ans3); sa2:ans3-subst(x=-x,ans3)';
     $prt->firstnodename = '0';
     $node = new stdClass();
     $node->id = 0;
     $node->questionid = 0;
     $node->prtname = 'oddeven';
     $node->nodename = '0';
     $node->answertest = 'AlgEquiv';
     $node->sans = 'sa1';
     $node->tans = '0';
     $node->testoptions = null;
     $node->quiet = 0;
     $node->truescoremode = '=';
     $node->truescore = 0.5;
     $node->truepenalty = 0.4;
     $node->truenextnode = 1;
     $node->trueanswernote = 'oddeven-0-1';
     $node->truefeedback = '';
     $node->truefeedbackformat = FORMAT_HTML;
     $node->falsescoremode = '=';
     $node->falsescore = 0;
     $node->falsepenalty = 0.4;
     $node->falsenextnode = 1;
     $node->falseanswernote = 'oddeven-0-0';
     $node->falsefeedback = 'Your answer is not an odd function. Look, \\[ f(x)+f(-x)=@sa1@ \\neq 0.\\]';
     $node->falsefeedbackformat = FORMAT_HTML;
     $prt->nodes['0'] = $node;
     $node = new stdClass();
     $node->id = 0;
     $node->questionid = 0;
     $node->prtname = 'oddeven';
     $node->nodename = '1';
     $node->answertest = 'AlgEquiv';
     $node->sans = 'sa2';
     $node->tans = '0';
     $node->testoptions = null;
     $node->quiet = 0;
     $node->truescoremode = '+';
     $node->truescore = 0.5;
     $node->truepenalty = 0.4;
     $node->truenextnode = -1;
     $node->trueanswernote = 'oddeven-1-1';
     $node->truefeedback = '';
     $node->truefeedbackformat = FORMAT_HTML;
     $node->falsescoremode = '+';
     $node->falsescore = 0;
     $node->falsepenalty = 0.4;
     $node->falsenextnode = -1;
     $node->falseanswernote = 'oddeven-1-0';
     $node->falsefeedback = 'Your answer is not an even function. Look, \\[ f(x)-f(-x)=@sa2@ \\neq 0.\\]';
     $node->falsefeedbackformat = FORMAT_HTML;
     $prt->nodes['1'] = $node;
     $qdata->prts['oddeven'] = $prt;
     $prt = new stdClass();
     $prt->name = 'unique';
     $prt->id = '0';
     $prt->questionid = '0';
     $prt->value = 1;
     $prt->autosimplify = 1;
     $prt->feedbackvariables = null;
     $prt->firstnodename = '0';
     $node = new stdClass();
     $node->id = 0;
     $node->questionid = 0;
     $node->prtname = 'unique';
     $node->nodename = '0';
     $node->answertest = 'AlgEquiv';
     $node->sans = 'ans4';
     $node->tans = 'true';
     $node->testoptions = null;
     $node->quiet = 0;
     $node->truescoremode = '=';
     $node->truescore = 1;
     $node->truepenalty = 1;
     $node->truenextnode = -1;
     $node->trueanswernote = 'unique-0-1';
     $node->truefeedback = '';
     $node->truefeedbackformat = FORMAT_HTML;
     $node->falsescoremode = '=';
     $node->falsescore = 0;
     $node->falsepenalty = 1;
     $node->falsenextnode = -1;
     $node->falseanswernote = 'unique-0-0';
     $node->falsefeedback = '';
     $node->falsefeedbackformat = FORMAT_HTML;
     $prt->nodes['0'] = $node;
     $qdata->prts['unique'] = $prt;
     $qdata->deployedseeds = array();
     $qdata->testcases = array();
     $qdata->hints = array(1 => new question_hint(1, 'Hint 1', FORMAT_HTML), 2 => new question_hint(2, 'Hint 2', FORMAT_HTML));
     return $qdata;