  * Returns the form HTML code for a database table field.
  * @param	string		The table name
  * @param	string		The field name
  * @param	array		The record to edit from the database table.
  * @param	string		Alternative field name label to show.
  * @param	boolean		Set this if the field is on a palette (in top frame), otherwise not. (if set, field will render as a hidden field).
  * @param	string		The "extra" options from "Part 4" of the field configurations found in the "types" "showitem" list. Typically parsed by $this->getSpecConfFromString() in order to get the options as an associative array.
  * @param	integer		The palette pointer.
  * @return	mixed		String (normal) or array (palettes)
 function getSingleField($table, $field, $row, $altName = '', $palette = 0, $extra = '', $pal = 0)
     global $TCA, $BE_USER;
     // Hook: getSingleField_preProcess
     foreach ($this->hookObjectsSingleField as $hookObj) {
         if (method_exists($hookObj, 'getSingleField_preProcess')) {
             $hookObj->getSingleField_preProcess($table, $field, $row, $altName, $palette, $extra, $pal, $this);
     $out = '';
     $PA = array();
     $PA['altName'] = $altName;
     $PA['palette'] = $palette;
     $PA['extra'] = $extra;
     $PA['pal'] = $pal;
     // Make sure to load full $TCA array for the table:
     // Get the TCA configuration for the current field:
     $PA['fieldConf'] = $TCA[$table]['columns'][$field];
     $PA['fieldConf']['config']['form_type'] = $PA['fieldConf']['config']['form_type'] ? $PA['fieldConf']['config']['form_type'] : $PA['fieldConf']['config']['type'];
     // Using "form_type" locally in this script
     $skipThisField = $this->inline->skipField($table, $field, $row, $PA['fieldConf']['config']);
     // Now, check if this field is configured and editable (according to excludefields + other configuration)
     if (is_array($PA['fieldConf']) && !$skipThisField && (!$PA['fieldConf']['exclude'] || $BE_USER->check('non_exclude_fields', $table . ':' . $field)) && $PA['fieldConf']['config']['form_type'] != 'passthrough' && ($this->RTEenabled || !$PA['fieldConf']['config']['showIfRTE']) && (!$PA['fieldConf']['displayCond'] || $this->isDisplayCondition($PA['fieldConf']['displayCond'], $row)) && (!$TCA[$table]['ctrl']['languageField'] || $PA['fieldConf']['l10n_display'] || strcmp($PA['fieldConf']['l10n_mode'], 'exclude') || $row[$TCA[$table]['ctrl']['languageField']] <= 0) && (!$TCA[$table]['ctrl']['languageField'] || !$this->localizationMode || $this->localizationMode === $PA['fieldConf']['l10n_cat'])) {
         // Fetching the TSconfig for the current table/field. This includes the $row which means that
         $PA['fieldTSConfig'] = $this->setTSconfig($table, $row, $field);
         // If the field is NOT disabled from TSconfig (which it could have been) then render it
         if (!$PA['fieldTSConfig']['disabled']) {
             // Override fieldConf by fieldTSconfig:
             $PA['fieldConf']['config'] = $this->overrideFieldConf($PA['fieldConf']['config'], $PA['fieldTSConfig']);
             // Init variables:
             $PA['itemFormElName'] = $this->prependFormFieldNames . '[' . $table . '][' . $row['uid'] . '][' . $field . ']';
             // Form field name
             $PA['itemFormElName_file'] = $this->prependFormFieldNames_file . '[' . $table . '][' . $row['uid'] . '][' . $field . ']';
             // Form field name, in case of file uploads
             $PA['itemFormElValue'] = $row[$field];
             // The value to show in the form field.
             $PA['itemFormElID'] = $this->prependFormFieldNames . '_' . $table . '_' . $row['uid'] . '_' . $field;
             // set field to read-only if configured for translated records to show default language content as readonly
             if ($PA['fieldConf']['l10n_display'] && t3lib_div::inList($PA['fieldConf']['l10n_display'], 'defaultAsReadonly') && $row[$TCA[$table]['ctrl']['languageField']] > 0) {
                 $PA['fieldConf']['config']['readOnly'] = true;
                 $PA['itemFormElValue'] = $this->defaultLanguageData[$table . ':' . $row['uid']][$field];
             // Create a JavaScript code line which will ask the user to save/update the form due to changing the element. This is used for eg. "type" fields and others configured with "requestUpdate"
             if ($TCA[$table]['ctrl']['type'] && !strcmp($field, $TCA[$table]['ctrl']['type']) || $TCA[$table]['ctrl']['requestUpdate'] && t3lib_div::inList($TCA[$table]['ctrl']['requestUpdate'], $field)) {
                 if ($GLOBALS['BE_USER']->jsConfirmation(1)) {
                     $alertMsgOnChange = 'if (confirm(TBE_EDITOR.labels.onChangeAlert) && TBE_EDITOR.checkSubmit(-1)){ TBE_EDITOR.submitForm() };';
                 } else {
                     $alertMsgOnChange = 'if (TBE_EDITOR.checkSubmit(-1)){ TBE_EDITOR.submitForm() };';
             } else {
                 $alertMsgOnChange = '';
             // Render as a hidden field?
             if (in_array($field, $this->hiddenFieldListArr)) {
                 $this->hiddenFieldAccum[] = '<input type="hidden" name="' . $PA['itemFormElName'] . '" value="' . htmlspecialchars($PA['itemFormElValue']) . '" />';
             } else {
                 // Render as a normal field:
                 // If the field is NOT a palette field, then we might create an icon which links to a palette for the field, if one exists.
                 if (!$PA['palette']) {
                     $paletteFields = $this->loadPaletteElements($table, $row, $PA['pal']);
                     if ($PA['pal'] && $this->isPalettesCollapsed($table, $PA['pal']) && count($paletteFields)) {
                         list($thePalIcon, $palJSfunc) = $this->wrapOpenPalette(t3lib_iconWorks::getSpriteIcon('actions-system-options-view', array('title' => htmlspecialchars($this->getLL('l_moreOptions')))), $table, $row, $PA['pal'], 1);
                     } else {
                         $thePalIcon = '';
                         $palJSfunc = '';
                 // onFocus attribute to add to the field:
                 $PA['onFocus'] = $palJSfunc && !$BE_USER->uc['dontShowPalettesOnFocusInAB'] ? ' onfocus="' . htmlspecialchars($palJSfunc) . '"' : '';
                 // Find item
                 $item = '';
                 $PA['label'] = $PA['altName'] ? $PA['altName'] : $PA['fieldConf']['label'];
                 $PA['label'] = $PA['fieldTSConfig']['label'] ? $PA['fieldTSConfig']['label'] : $PA['label'];
                 $PA['label'] = $PA['fieldTSConfig']['label.'][$GLOBALS['LANG']->lang] ? $PA['fieldTSConfig']['label.'][$GLOBALS['LANG']->lang] : $PA['label'];
                 $PA['label'] = $this->sL($PA['label']);
                 // JavaScript code for event handlers:
                 $PA['fieldChangeFunc'] = array();
                 $PA['fieldChangeFunc']['TBE_EDITOR_fieldChanged'] = "TBE_EDITOR.fieldChanged('" . $table . "','" . $row['uid'] . "','" . $field . "','" . $PA['itemFormElName'] . "');";
                 $PA['fieldChangeFunc']['alert'] = $alertMsgOnChange;
                 // if this is the child of an inline type and it is the field creating the label
                 if ($this->inline->isInlineChildAndLabelField($table, $field)) {
                     $inlineObjectId = implode(t3lib_TCEforms_inline::Structure_Separator, array($this->inline->inlineNames['object'], $table, $row['uid']));
                     $PA['fieldChangeFunc']['inline'] = "inline.handleChangedField('" . $PA['itemFormElName'] . "','" . $inlineObjectId . "');";
                 // Based on the type of the item, call a render function:
                 $item = $this->getSingleField_SW($table, $field, $row, $PA);
                 // Add language + diff
                 if ($PA['fieldConf']['l10n_display'] && (t3lib_div::inList($PA['fieldConf']['l10n_display'], 'hideDiff') || t3lib_div::inList($PA['fieldConf']['l10n_display'], 'defaultAsReadonly'))) {
                     $renderLanguageDiff = false;
                 } else {
                     $renderLanguageDiff = true;
                 if ($renderLanguageDiff) {
                     $item = $this->renderDefaultLanguageContent($table, $field, $row, $item);
                     $item = $this->renderDefaultLanguageDiff($table, $field, $row, $item);
                 // If the record has been saved and the "linkTitleToSelf" is set, we make the field name into a link, which will load ONLY this field in alt_doc.php
                 $label = t3lib_div::deHSCentities(htmlspecialchars($PA['label']));
                 if (t3lib_div::testInt($row['uid']) && $PA['fieldTSConfig']['linkTitleToSelf'] && !t3lib_div::_GP('columnsOnly')) {
                     $lTTS_url = $this->backPath . 'alt_doc.php?edit[' . $table . '][' . $row['uid'] . ']=edit&columnsOnly=' . $field . '&returnUrl=' . rawurlencode($this->thisReturnUrl());
                     $label = '<a href="' . htmlspecialchars($lTTS_url) . '">' . $label . '</a>';
                 // wrap the label with help text
                 $PA['label'] = $label = t3lib_BEfunc::wrapInHelp($table, $field, $label);
                 // Create output value:
                 if ($PA['fieldConf']['config']['form_type'] == 'user' && $PA['fieldConf']['config']['noTableWrapping']) {
                     $out = $item;
                 } elseif ($PA['palette']) {
                     // Array:
                     $out = array('NAME' => $label, 'ID' => $row['uid'], 'FIELD' => $field, 'TABLE' => $table, 'ITEM' => $item);
                     $out = $this->addUserTemplateMarkers($out, $table, $field, $row, $PA);
                 } else {
                     // String:
                     $out = array('NAME' => $label, 'ITEM' => $item, 'TABLE' => $table, 'ID' => $row['uid'], 'PAL_LINK_ICON' => $thePalIcon, 'FIELD' => $field);
                     $out = $this->addUserTemplateMarkers($out, $table, $field, $row, $PA);
                     // String:
                     $out = $this->intoTemplate($out);
         } else {
             $this->commentMessages[] = $this->prependFormFieldNames . '[' . $table . '][' . $row['uid'] . '][' . $field . ']: Disabled by TSconfig';
     // Hook: getSingleField_postProcess
     foreach ($this->hookObjectsSingleField as $hookObj) {
         if (method_exists($hookObj, 'getSingleField_postProcess')) {
             $hookObj->getSingleField_postProcess($table, $field, $row, $out, $PA, $this);
     // Return value (string or array)
     return $out;