function can_process() { if (!references::is_valid($_POST['ref'])) { display_error(tr("You must enter a reference.")); set_focus('ref'); return false; } if (!is_new_reference($_POST['ref'], systypes::inventory_adjustment())) { display_error(tr("The entered reference is already in use.")); set_focus('ref'); return false; } if (!is_date($_POST['AdjDate'])) { display_error(tr("The entered date for the adjustment is invalid.")); set_focus('AdjDate'); return false; } elseif (!is_date_in_fiscalyear($_POST['AdjDate'])) { display_error(tr("The entered date is not in fiscal year.")); set_focus('AdjDate'); return false; } $failed_item = $_SESSION['adj_items']->check_qoh($_POST['StockLocation'], $_POST['AdjDate'], !$_POST['Increase']); if ($failed_item != null) { display_error(tr("The adjustment cannot be processed because an adjustment item would cause a negative inventory balance :") . " " . $failed_item->stock_id . " - " . $failed_item->item_description); return false; } return true; }
function get_transactions() { $data_after = date2sql($_POST['TransAfterDate']); $date_to = date2sql($_POST['TransToDate']); $sql = "SELECT debtor_trans.*,\n\t\ AS CustName, debtors_master.curr_code AS CustCurrCode,\n \t(debtor_trans.ov_amount + debtor_trans.ov_gst + " . "debtor_trans.ov_freight + debtor_trans.ov_freight_tax + debtor_trans.ov_discount)\n\t\tAS TotalAmount,\n\t\tdebtor_trans.alloc AS Allocated,\n\t\t((debtor_trans.type = 10)\n\t\tAND debtor_trans.due_date < '" . date2sql(Today()) . "') AS OverDue\n \tFROM debtor_trans, debtors_master\n \tWHERE debtors_master.debtor_no = debtor_trans.debtor_no\n\t\t\tAND (debtor_trans.ov_amount + debtor_trans.ov_gst + " . "debtor_trans.ov_freight + debtor_trans.ov_freight_tax + debtor_trans.ov_discount != 0)\n \t\tAND debtor_trans.tran_date >= '{$data_after}'\n \t\tAND debtor_trans.tran_date <= '{$date_to}'"; if ($_POST['customer_id'] != reserved_words::get_all()) { $sql .= " AND debtor_trans.debtor_no = '" . $_POST['customer_id'] . "'"; } if (isset($_POST['filterType']) && $_POST['filterType'] != reserved_words::get_all()) { if ($_POST['filterType'] == '1' || $_POST['filterType'] == '2') { $sql .= " AND debtor_trans.type = 10 "; } elseif ($_POST['filterType'] == '3') { $sql .= " AND debtor_trans.type = " . systypes::cust_payment(); } elseif ($_POST['filterType'] == '4') { $sql .= " AND debtor_trans.type = 11 "; } if ($_POST['filterType'] == '2') { $today = date2sql(Today()); $sql .= " AND debtor_trans.due_date < '{$today}'\n\t\t\t\tAND (round(abs(debtor_trans.ov_amount + " . "debtor_trans.ov_gst + debtor_trans.ov_freight + " . "debtor_trans.ov_freight_tax + debtor_trans.ov_discount) - debtor_trans.alloc,6) > 0) "; } } else { $sql .= " AND debtor_trans.type != 13 "; } if (!check_value('showSettled')) { $sql .= " AND (round(abs(debtor_trans.ov_amount + debtor_trans.ov_gst + " . "debtor_trans.ov_freight + debtor_trans.ov_freight_tax + " . "debtor_trans.ov_discount) - debtor_trans.alloc,6) != 0) "; } $sql .= " ORDER BY debtor_trans.tran_date"; return db_query($sql, "No transactions were returned"); }
function can_process() { global $selected_id; if ($selected_id == -1) { if (!references::is_valid($_POST['ref'])) { display_error(tr("The dimension reference must be entered.")); set_focus('ref'); return false; } if (!is_new_reference($_POST['ref'], systypes::dimension())) { display_error(tr("The entered reference is already in use.")); set_focus('ref'); return false; } } if (strlen($_POST['name']) == 0) { display_error(tr("The dimension name must be entered.")); set_focus('name'); return false; } if (!is_date($_POST['date_'])) { display_error(tr("The date entered is in an invalid format.")); set_focus('date_'); return false; } if (!is_date($_POST['due_date'])) { display_error(tr("The required by date entered is in an invalid format.")); set_focus('due_date'); return false; } return true; }
function get_transactions() { $date_after = date2sql($_POST['TransAfterDate']); $date_to = date2sql($_POST['TransToDate']); $sql = "SELECT debtor_trans.*, AS CustName," . "debtors_master.curr_code AS CustCurrCode," . "(debtor_trans.ov_amount + debtor_trans.ov_gst + " . "debtor_trans.ov_freight + debtor_trans.ov_freight_tax + " . "debtor_trans.ov_discount) AS " . "TotalAmount, debtor_trans.alloc AS Allocated, " . "((debtor_trans.type = 10) " . "AND debtor_trans.due_date < '" . date2sql(Today()) . "') AS OverDue " . "FROM debtor_trans, debtors_master " . "WHERE debtors_master.debtor_no = debtor_trans.debtor_no " . "AND debtor_trans.tran_date >= '{$date_after}' " . "AND debtor_trans.tran_date <= '{$date_to}'"; if ($_POST['customer_id'] != reserved_words::get_all()) { $sql .= " AND debtor_trans.debtor_no = '" . $_POST['customer_id'] . "'"; } if ($_POST['filterType'] != reserved_words::get_all()) { if ($_POST['filterType'] == '1') { $sql .= " AND (debtor_trans.type = 10 OR debtor_trans.type = 1) "; } elseif ($_POST['filterType'] == '2') { $sql .= " AND (debtor_trans.type = 10) "; } elseif ($_POST['filterType'] == '3') { $sql .= " AND (debtor_trans.type = " . systypes::cust_payment() . " OR debtor_trans.type = 2) "; } elseif ($_POST['filterType'] == '4') { $sql .= " AND debtor_trans.type = 11 "; } elseif ($_POST['filterType'] == '5') { $sql .= " AND debtor_trans.type = 13 "; } if ($_POST['filterType'] == '2') { $today = date2sql(Today()); $sql .= " AND debtor_trans.due_date < '{$today}' " . "AND (debtor_trans.ov_amount + debtor_trans.ov_gst + " . "debtor_trans.ov_freight_tax + debtor_trans.ov_freight + " . "debtor_trans.ov_discount - debtor_trans.alloc > 0) "; } } $sql .= " ORDER BY debtor_trans.tran_date DESC,debtor_trans.type," . "debtor_trans.trans_no "; return db_query($sql, "No transactions were returned"); }
function print_list_of_journal_entries() { global $path_to_root; include_once $path_to_root . "reporting/includes/"; $from = $_REQUEST['PARAM_0']; $to = $_REQUEST['PARAM_1']; $systype = $_REQUEST['PARAM_2']; $comments = $_REQUEST['PARAM_3']; $dec = user_price_dec(); $cols = array(0, 100, 240, 300, 400, 460, 520, 580); $headers = array(tr('Type/Account'), tr('Account Name'), tr('Date/Dim.'), tr('Person/Item/Memo'), tr('Debit'), tr('Credit')); $aligns = array('left', 'left', 'left', 'left', 'right', 'right'); $params = array(0 => $comments, 1 => array('text' => tr('Period'), 'from' => $from, 'to' => $to), 2 => array('text' => tr('Type'), 'from' => systypes::name($systype), 'to' => '')); $rep = new FrontReport(tr('List of Journal Entries'), "JournalEntries.pdf", user_pagesize()); $rep->Font(); $rep->Info($params, $cols, $headers, $aligns); $rep->Header(); if ($systype == -1) { $systype = null; } $trans = get_gl_transactions($from, $to, -1, null, 0, $systype); $typeno = 0; while ($myrow = db_fetch($trans)) { if ($typeno != $myrow['type_no']) { if ($typeno != 0) { $rep->Line($rep->row + 4); $rep->NewLine(); } $typeno = $myrow['type_no']; $TransName = systypes::name($myrow['type']); $rep->TextCol(0, 2, $TransName . " # " . $myrow['type_no']); $rep->TextCol(2, 3, sql2date($myrow['tran_date'])); $coms = payment_person_types::person_name($myrow["person_type_id"], $myrow["person_id"]); $memo = get_comments_string($myrow['type'], $myrow['type_no']); if ($memo != '') { $coms .= $coms != "" ? "/" : "" . $memo; } $rep->TextCol(3, 6, $coms); $rep->NewLine(2); } $rep->TextCol(0, 1, $myrow['account']); $rep->TextCol(1, 2, $myrow['account_name']); $dim_str = get_dimension_string($myrow['dimension_id']); $dim_str2 = get_dimension_string($myrow['dimension2_id']); if ($dim_str2 != "") { $dim_str .= "/" . $dim_str2; } $rep->TextCol(2, 3, $dim_str); $rep->TextCol(3, 4, $myrow['memo_']); if ($myrow['amount'] > 0.0) { $rep->TextCol(4, 5, number_format2(abs($myrow['amount']), $dec)); } else { $rep->TextCol(5, 6, number_format2(abs($myrow['amount']), $dec)); } $rep->NewLine(1, 2); } $rep->Line($rep->row + 4); $rep->End(); }
function can_delete($selected_id) { $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM stock_moves \n\t\tWHERE type=" . systypes::inventory_adjustment() . " AND person_id={$selected_id}"; $result = db_query($sql, "could not query stock moves"); $myrow = db_fetch_row($result); if ($myrow[0] > 0) { display_error(tr("Cannot delete this inventory movement type because item transactions have been created referring to it.")); return false; } return true; }
function display_gl_heading($myrow) { global $table_style; $trans_name = systypes::name($_GET['type_id']); start_table("{$table_style} width=95%"); $th = array(tr("General Ledger Transaction Details"), tr("Date"), tr("Person/Item")); table_header($th); start_row(); label_cell("{$trans_name} #" . $_GET['trans_no']); label_cell(sql2date($myrow["tran_date"])); label_cell(payment_person_types::person_name($myrow["person_type_id"], $myrow["person_id"])); end_row(); comments_display_row($_GET['type_id'], $_GET['trans_no']); end_table(1); }
function display_wo_production($prod_id) { global $table_style; $myrow = get_work_order_produce($prod_id); start_table($table_style); $th = array(tr("Production #"), tr("Reference"), tr("For Work Order #"), tr("Item"), tr("Quantity Manufactured"), tr("Date")); table_header($th); start_row(); label_cell($myrow["id"]); label_cell($myrow["reference"]); label_cell(get_trans_view_str(systypes::work_order(), $myrow["workorder_id"])); label_cell($myrow["stock_id"] . " - " . $myrow["StockDescription"]); qty_cell($myrow["quantity"]); label_cell(sql2date($myrow["date_"])); end_row(); comments_display_row(29, $prod_id); end_table(1); is_voided_display(29, $prod_id, tr("This production has been voided.")); }
function display_wo_issue($issue_no) { global $table_style; $myrow = get_work_order_issue($issue_no); start_table($table_style); $th = array(tr("Issue #"), tr("Reference"), tr("For Work Order #"), tr("Item"), tr("From Location"), tr("To Work Centre"), tr("Date of Issue")); table_header($th); start_row(); label_cell($myrow["issue_no"]); label_cell($myrow["reference"]); label_cell(get_trans_view_str(systypes::work_order(), $myrow["workorder_id"])); label_cell($myrow["stock_id"] . " - " . $myrow["description"]); label_cell($myrow["location_name"]); label_cell($myrow["WorkCentreName"]); label_cell(sql2date($myrow["issue_date"])); end_row(); comments_display_row(28, $issue_no); end_table(1); is_voided_display(28, $issue_no, tr("This issue has been voided.")); }
$row = db_fetch_row($res); if ($k == 1) { $row_text = "class='oddrow'"; $k = 0; } else { $row_text = "class='evenrow'"; $k++; } // check if it's an overdue work order if (date_diff(Today(), sql2date($myrow["due_date"]), "d") > 0) { $row_text = "class='overduebg'"; } start_row($row_text); $mpage = $path_to_root . "/dimensions/dimension_entry.php?" . SID . "trans_no=" . $myrow["id"]; label_cell(get_dimensions_trans_view_str(systypes::dimension(), $myrow["id"])); label_cell(get_dimensions_trans_view_str(systypes::dimension(), $myrow["id"], $myrow["reference"])); label_cell($myrow["name"]); label_cell($myrow["type_"]); label_cell(sql2date($myrow["date_"])); label_cell(sql2date($myrow["due_date"])); if (!$outstanding_only) { label_cell($myrow["closed"] ? tr("Yes") : tr("No")); } amount_cell($row[0]); if ($myrow["closed"] == 0) { label_cell("<a href='{$mpage}'>" . tr("Edit") . "</a>"); } end_row(); $j++; if ($j == 12) { $j = 1;
start_row(); label_cells(tr("Item"), $from_trans['stock_id'] . " - " . $from_trans['description'], "class='tableheader2'"); label_cells(tr("From Location"), $from_trans['location_name'], "class='tableheader2'"); label_cells(tr("To Location"), $to_trans['location_name'], "class='tableheader2'"); end_row(); start_row(); label_cells(tr("Reference"), $from_trans['reference'], "class='tableheader2'"); $adjustment_type = get_movement_type($from_trans['person_id']); label_cells(tr("Adjustment Type"), $adjustment_type['name'], "class='tableheader2'"); label_cells(tr("Date"), sql2date($from_trans['tran_date']), "class='tableheader2'"); end_row(); comments_display_row(systypes::location_transfer(), $trans_no); end_table(1); echo "<br>"; start_table("{$table_style} width=90%"); $th = array(tr("Item"), tr("Description"), tr("Quantity"), tr("Units")); table_header($th); $transfer_items = get_stock_moves(systypes::location_transfer(), $trans_no); while ($item = db_fetch($transfer_items)) { if ($item['loc_code'] == $to_trans['loc_code']) { alt_table_row_color($k); label_cell($item['stock_id']); label_cell($item['description']); qty_cell($item['qty']); label_cell($item['units']); end_row(); } } end_table(1); is_voided_display(systypes::location_transfer(), $trans_no, tr("This transfer has been voided.")); end_page(true);
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (isset($_POST['Process'])) { $input_error = 0; if (!is_date($_POST['date_'])) { display_error(tr("The entered date is invalid.")); set_focus('date_'); $input_error = 1; } elseif (!is_date_in_fiscalyear($_POST['date_'])) { display_error(tr("The entered date is not in fiscal year.")); set_focus('date_'); $input_error = 1; } elseif (!references::is_valid($_POST['ref'])) { display_error(tr("You must enter a reference.")); set_focus('ref'); $input_error = 1; } elseif (references::exists(systypes::journal_entry(), $_POST['ref'])) { display_error(tr("The entered reference is already in use.")); set_focus('ref'); $input_error = 1; } if ($input_error == 1) { unset($_POST['Process']); } } if (isset($_POST['Process'])) { $trans_no = add_journal_entries($_SESSION['journal_items']->gl_items, $_POST['date_'], $_POST['ref'], check_value('Reverse'), $_POST['memo_']); $_SESSION['journal_items']->clear_items(); unset($_SESSION['journal_items']); meta_forward($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], "AddedID={$trans_no}"); } /*end of process credit note */
function display_allocatable_transactions() { global $table_style, $path_to_root; start_form(); /* show all outstanding receipts and credits to be allocated */ /*Clear any previous allocation records */ if (isset($_SESSION['alloc'])) { unset($_SESSION['alloc']->allocs); unset($_SESSION['alloc']); } if (!isset($_POST['supplier_id'])) { $_POST['supplier_id'] = get_global_supplier(); } echo "<center>" . tr("Select a Supplier: ") . " "; supplier_list('supplier_id', $_POST['supplier_id'], true, true); echo "<br>"; check(tr("Show Settled Items:"), 'ShowSettled', null, true); echo "</center><br><br>"; set_global_supplier($_POST['supplier_id']); if (isset($_POST['supplier_id']) && $_POST['supplier_id'] == reserved_words::get_all()) { unset($_POST['supplier_id']); } $settled = false; if (check_value('ShowSettled')) { $settled = true; } $supplier_id = null; if (isset($_POST['supplier_id'])) { $supplier_id = $_POST['supplier_id']; } $trans_items = get_allocatable_from_supp_transactions($supplier_id, $settled); start_table($table_style); if (!isset($_POST['supplier_id'])) { $th = array(tr("Transaction Type"), tr("#"), tr("Reference"), tr("Date"), tr("Supplier"), tr("Currency"), tr("Total"), tr("Left To Allocate")); } else { $th = array(tr("Transaction Type"), tr("#"), tr("Reference"), tr("Date"), tr("Total"), tr("Left To Allocate")); } table_header($th); $k = 0; //row colour counter $has_settled_items = false; while ($myrow = db_fetch($trans_items)) { if ($myrow["settled"] == 1) { start_row("class='settledbg'"); $has_settled_items = true; } else { alt_table_row_color($k); } label_cell(systypes::name($myrow["type"])); label_cell(get_trans_view_str($myrow["type"], $myrow["trans_no"])); label_cell($myrow["reference"]); label_cell(sql2date($myrow["tran_date"])); if (!isset($_POST['supplier_id'])) { label_cell($myrow["supp_name"]); label_cell($myrow["curr_code"]); } amount_cell(-$myrow["Total"]); amount_cell(-$myrow["Total"] - $myrow["alloc"]); label_cell("<a href='{$path_to_root}/purchasing/allocations/supplier_allocate.php?trans_no=" . $myrow["trans_no"] . "&trans_type=" . $myrow["type"] . "'>" . tr("Allocate") . "</a>"); end_row(); } end_table(); if ($has_settled_items) { display_note(tr("Marked items are settled."), 0, 1, "class='settledfg'"); } if (db_num_rows($trans_items) == 0) { display_note(tr("There are no allocations to be done."), 1, 2); } end_form(); }
function print_GL_transactions() { global $path_to_root; include_once $path_to_root . "reporting/includes/"; $rep = new FrontReport(tr('GL Account Transactions'), "GLAccountTransactions.pdf", user_pagesize()); $dim = get_company_pref('use_dimension'); $dimension = $dimension2 = 0; $from = $_REQUEST['PARAM_0']; $to = $_REQUEST['PARAM_1']; $fromacc = $_REQUEST['PARAM_2']; $toacc = $_REQUEST['PARAM_3']; if ($dim == 2) { $dimension = $_REQUEST['PARAM_4']; $dimension2 = $_REQUEST['PARAM_5']; $comments = $_REQUEST['PARAM_6']; } else { if ($dim == 1) { $dimension = $_REQUEST['PARAM_4']; $comments = $_REQUEST['PARAM_5']; } else { $comments = $_REQUEST['PARAM_4']; } } $dec = user_price_dec(); $cols = array(0, 70, 90, 140, 210, 280, 340, 400, 450, 510, 570); //------------0--1---2---3----4----5----6----7----8----9----10------- //-----------------------dim1-dim2----------------------------------- //-----------------------dim1---------------------------------------- //------------------------------------------------------------------- $aligns = array('left', 'left', 'left', 'left', 'left', 'left', 'right', 'right', 'right'); if ($dim == 2) { $headers = array(tr('Type'), tr('#'), tr('Date'), tr('Dimension') . " 1", tr('Dimension') . " 2", tr('Person/Item'), tr('Debit'), tr('Credit'), tr('Balance')); } else { if ($dim == 1) { $headers = array(tr('Type'), tr('#'), tr('Date'), tr('Dimension'), "", tr('Person/Item'), tr('Debit'), tr('Credit'), tr('Balance')); } else { $headers = array(tr('Type'), tr('#'), tr('Date'), "", "", tr('Person/Item'), tr('Debit'), tr('Credit'), tr('Balance')); } } if ($dim == 2) { $params = array(0 => $comments, 1 => array('text' => tr('Period'), 'from' => $from, 'to' => $to), 2 => array('text' => tr('Accounts'), 'from' => $fromacc, 'to' => $toacc), 3 => array('text' => tr('Dimension') . " 1", 'from' => get_dimension_string($dimension), 'to' => ''), 4 => array('text' => tr('Dimension') . " 2", 'from' => get_dimension_string($dimension2), 'to' => '')); } else { if ($dim == 1) { $params = array(0 => $comments, 1 => array('text' => tr('Period'), 'from' => $from, 'to' => $to), 2 => array('text' => tr('Accounts'), 'from' => $fromacc, 'to' => $toacc), 3 => array('text' => tr('Dimension'), 'from' => get_dimension_string($dimension), 'to' => '')); } else { $params = array(0 => $comments, 1 => array('text' => tr('Period'), 'from' => $from, 'to' => $to), 2 => array('text' => tr('Accounts'), 'from' => $fromacc, 'to' => $toacc)); } } $rep->Font(); $rep->Info($params, $cols, $headers, $aligns); $rep->Header(); $accounts = get_gl_accounts($fromacc, $toacc); while ($account = db_fetch($accounts)) { if (is_account_balancesheet($account["account_code"])) { $begin = ""; } else { if ($from < $begin) { $begin = add_days($from, -1); } else { $begin = add_days(begin_fiscalyear(), -1); } } $prev_balance = get_gl_balance_from_to($begin, $from, $account["account_code"], $dimension, $dimension2); $trans = get_gl_transactions($from, $to, -1, $account['account_code'], $dimension, $dimension2); $rows = db_num_rows($trans); if ($prev_balance == 0.0 && $rows == 0) { continue; } $rep->Font('bold'); $rep->TextCol(0, 3, $account['account_code'] . " " . $account['account_name']); $rep->TextCol(3, 5, tr('Opening Balance')); if ($prev_balance > 0.0) { $rep->TextCol(6, 7, number_format2(abs($prev_balance), $dec)); } else { $rep->TextCol(7, 8, number_format2(abs($prev_balance), $dec)); } $rep->Font(); $total = $prev_balance; $rep->NewLine(2); if ($rows > 0) { while ($myrow = db_fetch($trans)) { $total += $myrow['amount']; $rep->TextCol(0, 1, systypes::name($myrow["type"])); $rep->TextCol(1, 2, $myrow['type_no']); $rep->TextCol(2, 3, sql2date($myrow["tran_date"])); if ($dim >= 1) { $rep->TextCol(3, 4, get_dimension_string($myrow['dimension_id'])); } if ($dim > 1) { $rep->TextCol(4, 5, get_dimension_string($myrow['dimension2_id'])); } $rep->TextCol(5, 6, payment_person_types::person_name($myrow["person_type_id"], $myrow["person_id"], false)); if ($myrow['amount'] > 0.0) { $rep->TextCol(6, 7, number_format2(abs($myrow['amount']), $dec)); } else { $rep->TextCol(7, 8, number_format2(abs($myrow['amount']), $dec)); } $rep->TextCol(8, 9, number_format2($total, $dec)); $rep->NewLine(); if ($rep->row < $rep->bottomMargin + $rep->lineHeight) { $rep->Line($rep->row - 2); $rep->Header(); } } $rep->NewLine(); } $rep->Font('bold'); $rep->TextCol(3, 5, tr("Ending Balance")); if ($total > 0.0) { $rep->TextCol(6, 7, number_format2(abs($total), $dec)); } else { $rep->TextCol(7, 8, number_format2(abs($total), $dec)); } $rep->Font(); $rep->Line($rep->row - $rep->lineHeight + 4); $rep->NewLine(2, 1); } $rep->End(); }
label_cells(tr("Currency"), $from_trans['bank_curr_code'], "class='tableheader2'"); } label_cells(tr("Amount"), number_format2(-$from_trans['amount'], user_price_dec()), "class='tableheader2'", "align=right"); label_cells(tr("Date"), sql2date($from_trans['trans_date']), "class='tableheader2'"); end_row(); start_row(); label_cells(tr("Pay To"), payment_person_types::person_name($from_trans['person_type_id'], $from_trans['person_id']), "class='tableheader2'", "colspan={$colspan1}"); label_cells(tr("Payment Type"), $from_trans['BankTransType'], "class='tableheader2'"); end_row(); start_row(); label_cells(tr("Reference"), $from_trans['ref'], "class='tableheader2'", "colspan={$colspan2}"); end_row(); comments_display_row(systypes::bank_payment(), $trans_no); end_table(1); $voided = is_voided_display(systypes::bank_payment(), $trans_no, tr("This payment has been voided.")); $items = get_gl_trans(systypes::bank_payment(), $trans_no); if (db_num_rows($items) == 0) { echo "<br>" . tr("There are no items for this payment."); } else { display_heading2(tr("Items for this Payment")); if ($show_currencies) { display_heading2(tr("Item Amounts are Shown in :") . " " . $company_currency); } echo "<br>"; start_table("{$table_style} width=80%"); $th = array(tr("Account Code"), tr("Account Description"), tr("Amount"), tr("Memo")); table_header($th); $k = 0; //row colour counter $totalAmount = 0; while ($item = db_fetch($items)) {
session_register("transfer_items"); $_SESSION['transfer_items'] = new items_cart(); $_POST['AdjDate'] = Today(); if (!is_date_in_fiscalyear($_POST['AdjDate'])) { $_POST['AdjDate'] = end_fiscalyear(); } $_SESSION['transfer_items']->tran_date = $_POST['AdjDate']; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (isset($_POST['Process'])) { $input_error = 0; if (!references::is_valid($_POST['ref'])) { display_error(tr("You must enter a reference.")); set_focus('ref'); $input_error = 1; } elseif (!is_new_reference($_POST['ref'], systypes::location_transfer())) { display_error(tr("The entered reference is already in use.")); set_focus('ref'); $input_error = 1; } elseif (!is_date($_POST['AdjDate'])) { display_error(tr("The entered date for the adjustment is invalid.")); set_focus('AdjDate'); $input_error = 1; } elseif (!is_date_in_fiscalyear($_POST['AdjDate'])) { display_error(tr("The entered date is not in fiscal year.")); set_focus('AdjDate'); $input_error = 1; } elseif ($_POST['FromStockLocation'] == $_POST['ToStockLocation']) { display_error(tr("The locations to transfer from and to must be different.")); set_focus('FromStockLocation'); $input_error = 1;
include_once $path_to_root . "/dimensions/includes/"; include_once $path_to_root . "/dimensions/includes/"; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($_GET['trans_no'] != "") { $id = $_GET['trans_no']; } display_heading(systypes::name(systypes::dimension()) . " # " . $id); $myrow = get_dimension($id); if (strlen($myrow[0]) == 0) { echo tr("The work order number sent is not valid."); exit; } start_table($table_style); $th = array(tr("#"), tr("Reference"), tr("Name"), tr("Type"), tr("Date"), tr("Due Date")); table_header($th); start_row(); label_cell($myrow["id"]); label_cell($myrow["reference"]); label_cell($myrow["name"]); label_cell($myrow["type_"]); label_cell(sql2date($myrow["date_"])); label_cell(sql2date($myrow["due_date"])); end_row(); comments_display_row(systypes::dimension(), $id); end_table(); if ($myrow["closed"] == true) { echo "<br>" . tr("This dimension is closed.") . "<br>"; } display_dimension_payments($id); br(1); end_page(true);
function can_commit() { if (!is_date($_POST['OrderDate'])) { display_error(tr("The entered order date is invalid.")); set_focus('OrderDate'); return false; } if (!$_SESSION['PO']->order_no) { if (!references::is_valid($_SESSION['PO']->reference)) { display_error(tr("There is no reference entered for this purchase order.")); set_focus('ref'); return false; } if (!is_new_reference($_SESSION['PO']->reference, systypes::po())) { display_error(tr("The entered reference is already in use.")); set_focus('ref'); return false; } } if ($_SESSION['PO']->delivery_address == "") { display_error(tr("There is no delivery address specified.")); set_focus('delivery_address'); return false; } if (!isset($_SESSION['PO']->Location) || $_SESSION['PO']->Location == "") { display_error(tr("There is no location specified to move any items into.")); set_focus('StkLocation'); return false; } if ($_SESSION['PO']->order_has_items() == false) { display_error(tr("The order cannot be placed because there are no lines entered on this order.")); return false; } return true; }
$result = db_query($sql, "No orders were returned"); print_hidden_script(18); start_table("{$table_style} colspan=7 width=80%"); if (isset($_POST['StockLocation']) && $_POST['StockLocation'] == reserved_words::get_all()) { $th = array(tr("#"), tr("Reference"), tr("Supplier"), tr("Location"), tr("Supplier's Reference"), tr("Order Date"), tr("Currency"), tr("Order Total"), ""); } else { $th = array(tr("#"), tr("Reference"), tr("Supplier"), tr("Supplier's Reference"), tr("Order Date"), tr("Currency"), tr("Order Total"), ""); } table_header($th); $j = 1; $k = 0; //row colour counter while ($myrow = db_fetch($result)) { alt_table_row_color($k); $date = sql2date($myrow["ord_date"]); label_cell(get_trans_view_str(systypes::po(), $myrow["order_no"])); label_cell($myrow["reference"]); label_cell($myrow["supp_name"]); if (isset($_POST['StockLocation']) && $_POST['StockLocation'] == reserved_words::get_all()) { label_cell($myrow["location_name"]); } label_cell($myrow["requisition_no"]); label_cell($date); label_cell($myrow["curr_code"]); amount_cell($myrow["OrderValue"]); label_cell(print_document_link($myrow['order_no'], tr("Print"))); end_row(); $j++; if ($j == 12) { $j = 1; table_header($th);
$myrow = get_work_order($woid); if ($myrow["type"] == wo_types::advanced()) { display_wo_details($woid, true); } else { display_wo_details_quick($woid, true); } echo "<center>"; // display the WO requirements echo "<br>"; if ($myrow["released"] == false) { display_heading2(tr("BOM for item:") . " " . $myrow["StockItemName"]); display_bom($myrow["stock_id"]); } else { display_heading2(tr("Work Order Requirements")); display_wo_requirements($woid, $myrow["units_reqd"]); if ($myrow["type"] == wo_types::advanced()) { echo "<br><table cellspacing=7><tr valign=top><td>"; display_heading2(tr("Issues")); display_wo_issues($woid); echo "</td><td>"; display_heading2(tr("Productions")); display_wo_productions($woid); echo "</td><td>"; display_heading2(tr("Payments")); display_wo_payments($woid); echo "</td></tr></table>"; } } echo "<br>"; is_voided_display(systypes::work_order(), $woid, tr("This work order has been voided.")); end_page(true);
$k = 0; $header_shown = false; while ($adjustment = db_fetch($adjustment_items)) { if (!$header_shown) { $adjustment_type = get_movement_type($adjustment['person_id']); start_table("{$table_style2} width=90%"); start_row(); label_cells(tr("At Location"), $adjustment['location_name'], "class='tableheader2'"); label_cells(tr("Reference"), $adjustment['reference'], "class='tableheader2'", "colspan=6"); label_cells(tr("Date"), sql2date($adjustment['tran_date']), "class='tableheader2'"); label_cells(tr("Adjustment Type"), $adjustment_type['name'], "class='tableheader2'"); end_row(); comments_display_row(systypes::inventory_adjustment(), $trans_no); end_table(); $header_shown = true; echo "<br>"; start_table("{$table_style} width=90%"); $th = array(tr("Item"), tr("Description"), tr("Quantity"), tr("Units"), tr("Unit Cost")); table_header($th); } alt_table_row_color($k); label_cell($adjustment['stock_id']); label_cell($adjustment['description']); qty_cell($adjustment['qty']); label_cell($adjustment['units']); amount_cell($adjustment['standard_cost']); end_row(); } end_table(1); is_voided_display(systypes::inventory_adjustment(), $trans_no, tr("This adjustment has been voided.")); end_page(true);
function check_valid_entries() { if (!is_date($_POST['DatePaid'])) { display_error(tr("The entered date is invalid.")); set_focus('DatePaid'); return false; } if (!is_date_in_fiscalyear($_POST['DatePaid'])) { display_error(tr("The entered date is not in fiscal year.")); set_focus('DatePaid'); return false; } if (!check_num('amount', 0)) { display_error(tr("The entered amount is invalid or less than zero.")); set_focus('amount'); return false; } if (!references::is_valid($_POST['ref'])) { display_error(tr("You must enter a reference.")); set_focus('ref'); return false; } if (!is_new_reference($_POST['ref'], systypes::bank_transfer())) { display_error(tr("The entered reference is already in use.")); set_focus('ref'); return false; } if ($_POST['FromBankAccount'] == $_POST['ToBankAccount']) { display_error(tr("The source and destination bank accouts cannot be the same.")); set_focus('ToBankAccount'); return false; } return true; }
} table_header($th); $j = 1; $k = 0; //row colour counter $over_due = false; while ($myrow = db_fetch($result)) { if ($myrow['OverDue'] == 1) { start_row("class='overduebg'"); $over_due = true; } else { alt_table_row_color($k); } $date = sql2date($myrow["tran_date"]); $duedate = $myrow["type"] == 20 || $myrow["type"] == 21 ? sql2date($myrow["due_date"]) : ""; label_cell(systypes::name($myrow["type"])); label_cell(get_trans_view_str($myrow["type"], $myrow["trans_no"])); label_cell(get_trans_view_str($myrow["type"], $myrow["trans_no"], $myrow["reference"])); if ($_POST['supplier_id'] == reserved_words::get_all()) { label_cell($myrow["supp_name"]); } label_cell($myrow["supp_reference"]); label_cell($date); label_cell($duedate); if ($_POST['supplier_id'] == reserved_words::get_all()) { label_cell($myrow["curr_code"]); } if ($myrow["TotalAmount"] >= 0) { label_cell(""); } amount_cell(abs($myrow["TotalAmount"]));
function show_results() { global $path_to_root, $table_style; if (!isset($_POST["account"]) || $_POST["account"] == "") { return; } $act_name = get_gl_account_name($_POST["account"]); $dim = get_company_pref('use_dimension'); /*Now get the transactions */ if (!isset($_POST['Dimension'])) { $_POST['Dimension'] = 0; } if (!isset($_POST['Dimension2'])) { $_POST['Dimension2'] = 0; } $result = get_gl_transactions($_POST['TransFromDate'], $_POST['TransToDate'], -1, $_POST["account"], $_POST['Dimension'], $_POST['Dimension2']); $colspan = $dim == 2 ? "6" : ($dim == 1 ? "5" : "4"); //echo "\nDimension =". $_POST['Dimension']; display_heading($_POST["account"] . " " . $act_name); start_table($table_style); if ($dim == 2) { $th = array(tr("Type"), tr("#"), tr("Date"), tr("Dimension") . " 1", tr("Dimension") . " 2", tr("Person/Item"), tr("Debit"), tr("Credit"), tr("Balance"), tr("Memo")); } else { if ($dim == 1) { $th = array(tr("Type"), tr("#"), tr("Date"), tr("Dimension"), tr("Person/Item"), tr("Debit"), tr("Credit"), tr("Balance"), tr("Memo")); } else { $th = array(tr("Type"), tr("#"), tr("Date"), tr("Person/Item"), tr("Debit"), tr("Credit"), tr("Balance"), tr("Memo")); } } table_header($th); if (is_account_balancesheet($_POST["account"])) { $begin = ""; } else { $begin = begin_fiscalyear(); if ($_POST['TransFromDate'] < $begin) { $begin = $_POST['TransFromDate']; } $begin = add_days($begin, -1); } $bfw = get_gl_balance_from_to($begin, $_POST['TransFromDate'], $_POST["account"], $_POST['Dimension'], $_POST['Dimension2']); start_row("class='inquirybg'"); label_cell("<b>" . tr("Opening Balance") . " - " . $_POST['TransFromDate'] . "</b>", "colspan={$colspan}"); display_debit_or_credit_cells($bfw); label_cell(""); end_row(); //$running_total =0; $running_total = $bfw; $j = 1; $k = 0; //row colour counter while ($myrow = db_fetch($result)) { alt_table_row_color($k); $running_total += $myrow["amount"]; $trandate = sql2date($myrow["tran_date"]); label_cell(systypes::name($myrow["type"])); label_cell(get_gl_view_str($myrow["type"], $myrow["type_no"], $myrow["type_no"], true)); label_cell($trandate); if ($dim >= 1) { label_cell(get_dimension_string($myrow['dimension_id'], true)); } if ($dim > 1) { label_cell(get_dimension_string($myrow['dimension2_id'], true)); } label_cell(payment_person_types::person_name($myrow["person_type_id"], $myrow["person_id"])); display_debit_or_credit_cells($myrow["amount"]); amount_cell($running_total); label_cell($myrow['memo_']); end_row(); $j++; if ($j == 12) { $j = 1; table_header($th); } } //end of while loop start_row("class='inquirybg'"); label_cell("<b>" . tr("Ending Balance") . " - " . $_POST['TransToDate'] . "</b>", "colspan={$colspan}"); display_debit_or_credit_cells($running_total); label_cell(""); end_row(); end_table(2); if (db_num_rows($result) == 0) { display_note(tr("No general ledger transactions have been created for this account on the selected dates."), 0, 1); } }
include_once $path_to_root . "/includes/"; include_once $path_to_root . "/includes/"; include_once $path_to_root . "/sales/includes/"; if (isset($_GET["trans_no"])) { $trans_id = $_GET["trans_no"]; } $receipt = get_customer_trans($trans_id, systypes::cust_payment()); display_heading(sprintf(tr("Customer Payment #%d"), $trans_id)); echo "<br>"; start_table("{$table_style} width=80%"); start_row(); label_cells(tr("From Customer"), $receipt['DebtorName'], "class='tableheader2'"); label_cells(tr("Into Bank Account"), $receipt['bank_account_name'], "class='tableheader2'"); label_cells(tr("Date of Deposit"), sql2date($receipt['tran_date']), "class='tableheader2'"); end_row(); start_row(); label_cells(tr("Payment Currency"), $receipt['curr_code'], "class='tableheader2'"); label_cells(tr("Amount"), price_format($receipt['ov_amount']), "class='tableheader2'"); label_cells(tr("Discount"), price_format($receipt['ov_discount']), "class='tableheader2'"); end_row(); start_row(); label_cells(tr("Payment Type"), $receipt['BankTransType'], "class='tableheader2'"); label_cells(tr("Reference"), $receipt['reference'], "class='tableheader2'", "colspan=4"); end_row(); comments_display_row(systypes::cust_payment(), $trans_id); end_table(1); $voided = is_voided_display(systypes::cust_payment(), $trans_id, tr("This customer payment has been voided.")); if (!$voided) { display_allocations_from(payment_person_types::customer(), $receipt['debtor_no'], systypes::cust_payment(), $trans_id, -$receipt['Total']); } end_page(true);
<?php $page_security = 10; $path_to_root = ".."; include $path_to_root . "/includes/"; page(tr("Forms Setup")); include $path_to_root . "/includes/"; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (isset($_POST['setprefs'])) { $systypes = get_systypes(); begin_transaction(); while ($type = db_fetch($systypes)) { save_next_reference($type["type_id"], $_POST['id' . $type["type_id"]]); } commit_transaction(); display_notification_centered(tr("Forms settings have been updated.")); } start_form(); start_table("class='tablestyle'"); $systypes = get_systypes(); $th = array(tr("Form"), tr("Next Reference")); table_header($th); while ($type = db_fetch($systypes)) { ref_row(systypes::name($type["type_id"]), 'id' . $type["type_id"], $type["next_reference"]); } end_table(1); submit_center('setprefs', tr("Update")); end_form(2); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end_page();
function edit_allocations_for_transaction($type, $trans_no) { global $table_style; start_form(false, true); display_heading(sprintf(tr("Allocation of %s # %d"), systypes::name($_SESSION['alloc']->type), $_SESSION['alloc']->trans_no)); display_heading($_SESSION['alloc']->person_name); display_heading2(tr("Date:") . " <b>" . $_SESSION['alloc']->date_ . "</b>"); display_heading2(tr("Total:") . " <b>" . price_format($_SESSION['alloc']->amount) . "</b>"); echo "<br>"; if (count($_SESSION['alloc']->allocs) > 0) { start_table($table_style); $th = array(tr("Transaction Type"), tr("#"), tr("Date"), tr("Due Date"), tr("Amount"), tr("Other Allocations"), tr("This Allocation"), tr("Left to Allocate"), "", ""); table_header($th); $k = $counter = $total_allocated = 0; foreach ($_SESSION['alloc']->allocs as $allocn_item) { alt_table_row_color($k); label_cell(systypes::name($allocn_item->type)); label_cell(get_trans_view_str($allocn_item->type, $allocn_item->type_no)); label_cell($allocn_item->date_, "align=right"); label_cell($allocn_item->due_date, "align=right"); amount_cell($allocn_item->amount); amount_cell($allocn_item->amount_allocated); if (!check_num('amount' . $counter)) { $_POST['amount' . $counter] = price_format($allocn_item->current_allocated); } amount_cells(null, 'amount' . $counter, $_POST['amount' . $counter]); $un_allocated = round($allocn_item->amount - $allocn_item->amount_allocated, 6); hidden("un_allocated" . $counter, $un_allocated); amount_cell($un_allocated); label_cell("<a href='#' name=Alloc{$counter} onclick='allocate_all(;return true;'>" . tr("All") . "</a>"); label_cell("<a href='#' name=DeAll{$counter} onclick='allocate_none(;return true;'>" . tr("None") . "</a>"); end_row(); $total_allocated += input_num('amount' . $counter); $counter++; } label_row(tr("Total Allocated"), price_format($total_allocated), "colspan=6 align=right", "nowrap align=right id='total_allocated'"); if ($_SESSION['alloc']->amount - $total_allocated < 0) { $font1 = "<font color=red>"; $font2 = "</font>"; } else { $font1 = $font2 = ""; } $left_to_allocate = $_SESSION['alloc']->amount - $total_allocated; $left_to_allocate = price_format($left_to_allocate); label_row(tr("Left to Allocate"), $font1 . $left_to_allocate . $font2, "colspan=6 align=right ", "nowrap align=right id='left_to_allocate'"); end_table(1); hidden('TotalNumberOfAllocs', $counter); // hidden('left_to_allocate', $left_to_allocate); submit_center_first('UpdateDisplay', tr("Update")); submit('Process', tr("Process")); } else { display_note(tr("There are no unsettled transactions to allocate."), 0, 1); } submit_center_last('Cancel', tr("Back to Allocations")); end_form(); }
session_register("deposit_items"); $_SESSION['deposit_items'] = new items_cart(); $_POST['date_'] = Today(); if (!is_date_in_fiscalyear($_POST['date_'])) { $_POST['date_'] = end_fiscalyear(); } $_SESSION['deposit_items']->tran_date = $_POST['date_']; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (isset($_POST['Process'])) { $input_error = 0; if (!references::is_valid($_POST['ref'])) { display_error(tr("You must enter a reference.")); set_focus('ref'); $input_error = 1; } elseif (!is_new_reference($_POST['ref'], systypes::bank_deposit())) { display_error(tr("The entered reference is already in use.")); set_focus('ref'); $input_error = 1; } if (!is_date($_POST['date_'])) { display_error(tr("The entered date for the deposit is invalid.")); set_focus('date_'); $input_error = 1; } if (!is_date_in_fiscalyear($_POST['date_'])) { display_error(tr("The entered date is not in fiscal year.")); set_focus('date_'); $input_error = 1; } if ($input_error == 1) {
function display_grn_items_for_selection() { global $table_style; $result = get_grn_items(0, $_SESSION['supp_trans']->supplier_id, true); if (db_num_rows($result) == 0) { display_note(tr("There are no outstanding items received from this supplier that have not been invoiced by them."), 0, 1); end_page(); exit; } /*Set up a table to show the outstanding GRN items for selection */ start_form(false, true); display_heading2(tr("Items Received Yet to be Invoiced")); start_table("{$table_style} colspan=7 width=95%"); $th = array(tr("Delivery"), tr("Sequence #"), tr("P.O."), tr("Item"), tr("Description"), tr("Received On"), tr("Quantity Received"), tr("Quantity Invoiced"), tr("Uninvoiced Quantity"), tr("Order Price"), tr("Total")); table_header($th); $i = $k = 0; while ($myrow = db_fetch($result)) { $grn_already_on_invoice = False; foreach ($_SESSION['supp_trans']->grn_items as $entered_grn) { if ($entered_grn->id == $myrow["id"]) { $grn_already_on_invoice = True; } } if ($grn_already_on_invoice == False) { alt_table_row_color($k); label_cell(get_trans_view_str(25, $myrow["grn_batch_id"])); //text_cells(null, 'grn_item_id', $myrow["id"]); submit_cells('grn_item_id', $myrow["id"]); label_cell(get_trans_view_str(systypes::po(), $myrow["purch_order_no"])); label_cell($myrow["item_code"]); label_cell($myrow["description"]); label_cell(sql2date($myrow["delivery_date"])); qty_cell($myrow["qty_recd"]); qty_cell($myrow["quantity_inv"]); qty_cell($myrow["qty_recd"] - $myrow["quantity_inv"]); amount_cell($myrow["unit_price"]); amount_cell(round($myrow["unit_price"] * ($myrow["qty_recd"] - $myrow["quantity_inv"]), user_price_dec())); end_row(); $i++; if ($i > 15) { $i = 0; table_header($th); } } } end_table(); }
if (strlen($cust_row['name']) > 0) { $person = $cust_row['name'] . " (" . $cust_row['br_name'] . ")"; } } elseif ($myrow["type"] == 25) { // get the supplier name $sql = "SELECT supp_name FROM suppliers WHERE supplier_id = '" . $myrow["person_id"] . "'"; $supp_result = db_query($sql, "check failed"); $supp_row = db_fetch($supp_result); if (strlen($supp_row['supp_name']) > 0) { $person = $supp_row['supp_name']; } } elseif ($myrow["type"] == systypes::location_transfer() || $myrow["type"] == systypes::inventory_adjustment()) { // get the adjustment type $movement_type = get_movement_type($myrow["person_id"]); $person = $movement_type["name"]; } elseif ($myrow["type"] == systypes::work_order() || $myrow["type"] == 28 || $myrow["type"] == 29) { $person = ""; } label_cell($person); label_cell($myrow["qty"] >= 0 ? $quantity_formatted : "", "nowrap align=right"); label_cell($myrow["qty"] < 0 ? $quantity_formatted : "", "nowrap align=right"); label_cell(number_format2($after_qty, user_qty_dec()), "nowrap align=right"); end_row(); $j++; if ($j == 12) { $j = 1; table_header($th); } //end of page full new headings if } //end of while loop