getEncryptionKey() public static method

Retrieve the encryption key for the given entity.
public static getEncryptionKey ( SimpleSAML_Configuration $metadata ) : XMLSecurityKey
$metadata SimpleSAML_Configuration The metadata of the entity.
return XMLSecurityKey The encryption key.
Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Build a logout request based on information in the metadata.
  * @param SimpleSAML_Configuration idpMetadata  The metadata of the IdP.
  * @param SimpleSAML_Configuration spMetadata  The metadata of the SP.
  * @param array $association  The SP association.
  * @param string|NULL $relayState  An id that should be carried across the logout.
 private static function buildLogoutRequest(SimpleSAML_Configuration $idpMetadata, SimpleSAML_Configuration $spMetadata, array $association, $relayState)
     $lr = sspmod_saml_Message::buildLogoutRequest($idpMetadata, $spMetadata);
     $assertionLifetime = $spMetadata->getInteger('assertion.lifetime', NULL);
     if ($assertionLifetime === NULL) {
         $assertionLifetime = $idpMetadata->getInteger('assertion.lifetime', 300);
     $lr->setNotOnOrAfter(time() + $assertionLifetime);
     $encryptNameId = $spMetadata->getBoolean('nameid.encryption', NULL);
     if ($encryptNameId === NULL) {
         $encryptNameId = $idpMetadata->getBoolean('nameid.encryption', FALSE);
     if ($encryptNameId) {
     return $lr;
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Build an assertion based on information in the metadata.
  * @param SimpleSAML_Configuration $idpMetadata  The metadata of the IdP.
  * @param SimpleSAML_Configuration $spMetadata  The metadata of the SP.
  * @param array &$state  The state array with information about the request.
  * @return SAML2_Assertion  The assertion.
 private static function buildAssertion(SimpleSAML_Configuration $idpMetadata, SimpleSAML_Configuration $spMetadata, array &$state)
     $signAssertion = $spMetadata->getBoolean('saml20.sign.assertion', NULL);
     if ($signAssertion === NULL) {
         $signAssertion = $idpMetadata->getBoolean('saml20.sign.assertion', TRUE);
     $config = SimpleSAML_Configuration::getInstance();
     $a = new SAML2_Assertion();
     if ($signAssertion) {
         sspmod_saml_Message::addSign($idpMetadata, $spMetadata, $a);
     $a->setNotBefore(time() - 30);
     $assertionLifetime = $spMetadata->getInteger('assertion.lifetime', NULL);
     if ($assertionLifetime === NULL) {
         $assertionLifetime = $idpMetadata->getInteger('assertion.lifetime', 300);
     $a->setNotOnOrAfter(time() + $assertionLifetime);
     if (isset($state['saml:AuthnContextClassRef'])) {
     } else {
     if (isset($state['AuthnInstant'])) {
     } else {
         /* For backwards compatibility. Remove in version 1.8. */
         $session = SimpleSAML_Session::getInstance();
     $sessionLifetime = $config->getInteger('session.duration', 8 * 60 * 60);
     $a->setSessionNotOnOrAfter(time() + $sessionLifetime);
     $sc = new SAML2_XML_saml_SubjectConfirmation();
     $sc->SubjectConfirmationData = new SAML2_XML_saml_SubjectConfirmationData();
     $sc->SubjectConfirmationData->NotOnOrAfter = time() + $assertionLifetime;
     $sc->SubjectConfirmationData->Recipient = $state['saml:ConsumerURL'];
     $sc->SubjectConfirmationData->InResponseTo = $state['saml:RequestId'];
     /* ProtcolBinding of SP's <AuthnRequest> overwrites IdP hosted metadata configuration. */
     $hokAssertion = NULL;
     if ($state['saml:Binding'] === SAML2_Const::BINDING_HOK_SSO) {
         $hokAssertion = TRUE;
     if ($hokAssertion === NULL) {
         $hokAssertion = $idpMetadata->getBoolean('saml20.hok.assertion', FALSE);
     if ($hokAssertion) {
         /* Holder-of-Key */
         $sc->Method = SAML2_Const::CM_HOK;
         if (SimpleSAML_Utilities::isHTTPS()) {
             if (isset($_SERVER['SSL_CLIENT_CERT']) && !empty($_SERVER['SSL_CLIENT_CERT'])) {
                 /* Extract certificate data (if this is a certificate). */
                 $clientCert = $_SERVER['SSL_CLIENT_CERT'];
                 $pattern = '/^-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----([^-]*)^-----END CERTIFICATE-----/m';
                 if (preg_match($pattern, $clientCert, $matches)) {
                     /* We have a client certificate from the browser which we add to the HoK assertion. */
                     $x509Certificate = new SAML2_XML_ds_X509Certificate();
                     $x509Certificate->certificate = str_replace(array("\r", "\n", " "), '', $matches[1]);
                     $x509Data = new SAML2_XML_ds_X509Data();
                     $x509Data->data[] = $x509Certificate;
                     $keyInfo = new SAML2_XML_ds_KeyInfo();
                     $keyInfo->info[] = $x509Data;
                     $sc->SubjectConfirmationData->info[] = $keyInfo;
                 } else {
                     throw new SimpleSAML_Error_Exception('Error creating HoK assertion: No valid client certificate provided during TLS handshake with IdP');
             } else {
                 throw new SimpleSAML_Error_Exception('Error creating HoK assertion: No client certificate provided during TLS handshake with IdP');
         } else {
             throw new SimpleSAML_Error_Exception('Error creating HoK assertion: No HTTPS connection to IdP, but required for Holder-of-Key SSO');
     } else {
         /* Bearer */
         $sc->Method = SAML2_Const::CM_BEARER;
     /* Add attributes. */
     if ($spMetadata->getBoolean('simplesaml.attributes', TRUE)) {
         $attributeNameFormat = self::getAttributeNameFormat($idpMetadata, $spMetadata);
         $attributes = self::encodeAttributes($idpMetadata, $spMetadata, $state['Attributes']);
     /* Generate the NameID for the assertion. */
     if (isset($state['saml:NameIDFormat'])) {
         $nameIdFormat = $state['saml:NameIDFormat'];
     } else {
         $nameIdFormat = NULL;
     if ($nameIdFormat === NULL || !isset($state['saml:NameID'][$nameIdFormat])) {
         /* Either not set in request, or not set to a format we supply. Fall back to old generation method. */
         $nameIdFormat = $spMetadata->getString('NameIDFormat', 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:transient');
     if (isset($state['saml:NameID'][$nameIdFormat])) {
         $nameId = $state['saml:NameID'][$nameIdFormat];
         $nameId['Format'] = $nameIdFormat;
     } else {
         $spNameQualifier = $spMetadata->getString('SPNameQualifier', NULL);
         if ($spNameQualifier === NULL) {
             $spNameQualifier = $spMetadata->getString('entityid');
         if ($nameIdFormat === SAML2_Const::NAMEID_TRANSIENT) {
             /* generate a random id */
             $nameIdValue = SimpleSAML_Utilities::generateID();
         } else {
             /* this code will end up generating either a fixed assigned id (via nameid.attribute)
                or random id if not assigned/configured */
             $nameIdValue = self::generateNameIdValue($idpMetadata, $spMetadata, $state);
             if ($nameIdValue === NULL) {
                 SimpleSAML_Logger::warning('Falling back to transient NameID.');
                 $nameIdFormat = SAML2_Const::NAMEID_TRANSIENT;
                 $nameIdValue = SimpleSAML_Utilities::generateID();
         $nameId = array('Format' => $nameIdFormat, 'Value' => $nameIdValue, 'SPNameQualifier' => $spNameQualifier);
     $state['saml:idp:NameID'] = $nameId;
     $encryptNameId = $spMetadata->getBoolean('nameid.encryption', NULL);
     if ($encryptNameId === NULL) {
         $encryptNameId = $idpMetadata->getBoolean('nameid.encryption', FALSE);
     if ($encryptNameId) {
     return $a;
$associations = $idp->getAssociations();
if (!isset($associations[$assocId])) {
    throw new SimpleSAML_Error_BadRequest('Invalid association id.');
$association = $associations[$assocId];
$metadata = SimpleSAML_Metadata_MetaDataStorageHandler::getMetadataHandler();
$idpMetadata = $idp->getConfig();
$spMetadata = $metadata->getMetaDataConfig($association['saml:entityID'], 'saml20-sp-remote');
$lr = sspmod_saml_Message::buildLogoutRequest($idpMetadata, $spMetadata);
$assertionLifetime = $spMetadata->getInteger('assertion.lifetime', NULL);
if ($assertionLifetime === NULL) {
    $assertionLifetime = $idpMetadata->getInteger('assertion.lifetime', 300);
$lr->setNotOnOrAfter(time() + $assertionLifetime);
$encryptNameId = $spMetadata->getBoolean('nameid.encryption', NULL);
if ($encryptNameId === NULL) {
    $encryptNameId = $idpMetadata->getBoolean('nameid.encryption', FALSE);
if ($encryptNameId) {
SimpleSAML_Stats::log('saml:idp:LogoutRequest:sent', array('spEntityID' => $association['saml:entityID'], 'idpEntityID' => $idpMetadata->getString('entityid')));
$bindings = array(\SAML2\Constants::BINDING_HTTP_POST);
$dst = $spMetadata->getDefaultEndpoint('SingleLogoutService', $bindings);
$binding = \SAML2\Binding::getBinding($dst['Binding']);
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * Start a SAML 2 logout operation.
  * @param array $state  The logout state.
 public function startSLO2(&$state)
     assert('array_key_exists("saml:logout:IdP", $state)');
     assert('array_key_exists("saml:logout:NameID", $state)');
     assert('array_key_exists("saml:logout:SessionIndex", $state)');
     $id = SimpleSAML_Auth_State::saveState($state, 'saml:slosent');
     $idp = $state['saml:logout:IdP'];
     $nameId = $state['saml:logout:NameID'];
     $sessionIndex = $state['saml:logout:SessionIndex'];
     $idpMetadata = $this->getIdPMetadata($idp);
     $endpoint = $idpMetadata->getEndpointPrioritizedByBinding('SingleLogoutService', array(\SAML2\Constants::BINDING_HTTP_REDIRECT, \SAML2\Constants::BINDING_HTTP_POST), FALSE);
     if ($endpoint === FALSE) {
         SimpleSAML\Logger::info('No logout endpoint for IdP ' . var_export($idp, TRUE) . '.');
     $lr = sspmod_saml_Message::buildLogoutRequest($this->metadata, $idpMetadata);
     $encryptNameId = $idpMetadata->getBoolean('nameid.encryption', NULL);
     if ($encryptNameId === NULL) {
         $encryptNameId = $this->metadata->getBoolean('nameid.encryption', FALSE);
     if ($encryptNameId) {
     $b = \SAML2\Binding::getBinding($endpoint['Binding']);
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * Build an assertion based on information in the metadata.
  * @param SimpleSAML_Configuration $idpMetadata  The metadata of the IdP.
  * @param SimpleSAML_Configuration $spMetadata  The metadata of the SP.
  * @param array &$state  The state array with information about the request.
  * @return SAML2_Assertion  The assertion.
 private static function buildAssertion(SimpleSAML_Configuration $idpMetadata, SimpleSAML_Configuration $spMetadata, array &$state)
     $signAssertion = $spMetadata->getBoolean('saml20.sign.assertion', NULL);
     if ($signAssertion === NULL) {
         $signAssertion = $idpMetadata->getBoolean('saml20.sign.assertion', TRUE);
     $config = SimpleSAML_Configuration::getInstance();
     $a = new SAML2_Assertion();
     if ($signAssertion) {
         sspmod_saml_Message::addSign($idpMetadata, $spMetadata, $a);
     $a->setNotBefore(time() - 30);
     $assertionLifetime = $spMetadata->getInteger('assertion.lifetime', NULL);
     if ($assertionLifetime === NULL) {
         $assertionLifetime = $idpMetadata->getInteger('assertion.lifetime', 300);
     $a->setNotOnOrAfter(time() + $assertionLifetime);
     if (isset($state['saml:AuthnContextClassRef'])) {
     } else {
     if (isset($state['AuthnInstant'])) {
     } else {
         /* For backwards compatibility. Remove in version 1.8. */
         $session = SimpleSAML_Session::getInstance();
     $sessionLifetime = $config->getInteger('session.duration', 8 * 60 * 60);
     $a->setSessionNotOnOrAfter(time() + $sessionLifetime);
     $sc = new SAML2_XML_saml_SubjectConfirmation();
     $sc->Method = SAML2_Const::CM_BEARER;
     $sc->SubjectConfirmationData = new SAML2_XML_saml_SubjectConfirmationData();
     $sc->SubjectConfirmationData->NotOnOrAfter = time() + $assertionLifetime;
     $sc->SubjectConfirmationData->Recipient = $state['saml:ConsumerURL'];
     $sc->SubjectConfirmationData->InResponseTo = $state['saml:RequestId'];
     /* Add attributes. */
     if ($spMetadata->getBoolean('simplesaml.attributes', TRUE)) {
         $attributeNameFormat = $spMetadata->getString('AttributeNameFormat', NULL);
         if ($attributeNameFormat === NULL) {
             $attributeNameFormat = $idpMetadata->getString('AttributeNameFormat', 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:basic');
         $attributes = self::encodeAttributes($idpMetadata, $spMetadata, $state['Attributes']);
     /* Generate the NameID for the assertion. */
     if (isset($state['saml:NameIDFormat'])) {
         $nameIdFormat = $state['saml:NameIDFormat'];
     } else {
         $nameIdFormat = NULL;
     if ($nameIdFormat === NULL || !isset($state['saml:NameID'][$nameIdFormat])) {
         /* Either not set in request, or not set to a format we supply. Fall back to old generation method. */
         $nameIdFormat = $spMetadata->getString('NameIDFormat', 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:transient');
     if (isset($state['saml:NameID'][$nameIdFormat])) {
         $nameId = $state['saml:NameID'][$nameIdFormat];
         $nameId['Format'] = $nameIdFormat;
     } else {
         $spNameQualifier = $spMetadata->getString('SPNameQualifier', NULL);
         if ($spNameQualifier === NULL) {
             $spNameQualifier = $spMetadata->getString('entityid');
         if ($nameIdFormat === SAML2_Const::NAMEID_TRANSIENT) {
             /* generate a random id */
             $nameIdValue = SimpleSAML_Utilities::generateID();
         } else {
             /* this code will end up generating either a fixed assigned id (via nameid.attribute)
                or random id if not assigned/configured */
             $nameIdValue = self::generateNameIdValue($idpMetadata, $spMetadata, $state);
             if ($nameIdValue === NULL) {
                 SimpleSAML_Logger::warning('Falling back to transient NameID.');
                 $nameIdFormat = SAML2_Const::NAMEID_TRANSIENT;
                 $nameIdValue = SimpleSAML_Utilities::generateID();
         $nameId = array('Format' => $nameIdFormat, 'Value' => $nameIdValue, 'SPNameQualifier' => $spNameQualifier);
     $state['saml:idp:NameID'] = $nameId;
     $encryptNameId = $spMetadata->getBoolean('nameid.encryption', NULL);
     if ($encryptNameId === NULL) {
         $encryptNameId = $idpMetadata->getBoolean('nameid.encryption', FALSE);
     if ($encryptNameId) {
     return $a;