 * Kopiert die Inhalte eines Artikels in einen anderen Artikel
 * @param $from_id           ArtikelId des Artikels, aus dem kopiert werden (Quell ArtikelId)
 * @param $to_id             ArtikelId des Artikel, in den kopiert werden sollen (Ziel ArtikelId)
 * @param [$from_clang]      ClangId des Artikels, aus dem kopiert werden soll (Quell ClangId)
 * @param [$to_clang]        ClangId des Artikels, in den kopiert werden soll (Ziel ClangId)
 * @param [$from_re_sliceid] Id des Slices, bei dem begonnen werden soll
function rex_copyContent($from_id, $to_id, $from_clang = 0, $to_clang = 0, $from_re_sliceid = 0)
    global $REX, $REX_USER;
    if ($from_id == $to_id && $from_clang == $to_clang) {
        return false;
    $gc = new sql();
    $gc->setQuery("select * from " . $REX['TABLE_PREFIX'] . "article_slice where re_article_slice_id='{$from_re_sliceid}' and article_id='{$from_id}' and clang='{$from_clang}'");
    if ($gc->getRows() == 1) {
        // letzt slice_id des ziels holen ..
        $glid = new sql();
        $glid->setQuery("select r1.id, r1.re_article_slice_id\r\n                     from " . $REX['TABLE_PREFIX'] . "article_slice as r1 \r\n                     left join " . $REX['TABLE_PREFIX'] . "article_slice as r2 on r1.id=r2.re_article_slice_id \r\n                     where r1.article_id={$to_id} and r1.clang={$to_clang} and r2.id is NULL;");
        if ($glid->getRows() == 1) {
            $to_last_slice_id = $glid->getValue("r1.id");
        } else {
            $to_last_slice_id = 0;
        $ins = new sql();
        // $ins->debugsql = 1;
        $ins->setTable($REX['TABLE_PREFIX'] . "article_slice");
        $cols = new sql();
        // $cols->debugsql = 1;
        $cols->setquery("SHOW COLUMNS FROM " . $REX['TABLE_PREFIX'] . "article_slice");
        for ($j = 0; $j < $cols->rows; $j++, $cols->next()) {
            $colname = $cols->getvalue("Field");
            if ($colname == "clang") {
                $value = $to_clang;
            } elseif ($colname == "re_article_slice_id") {
                $value = $to_last_slice_id;
            } elseif ($colname == "article_id") {
                $value = $to_id;
            } elseif ($colname == "createdate") {
                $value = time();
            } elseif ($colname == "updatedate") {
                $value = time();
            } elseif ($colname == "createuser") {
                $value = $REX_USER->getValue("login");
            } elseif ($colname == "updateuser") {
                $value = $REX_USER->getValue("login");
            } else {
                $value = addslashes($gc->getValue("{$colname}"));
            if ($colname != "id") {
                $ins->setValue($colname, $value);
        // id holen und als re setzen und weitermachen..
        rex_copyContent($from_id, $to_id, $from_clang, $to_clang, $gc->getValue("id"));
        return true;
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
             $query .= current($key);
             if ($k + 1 != count($key)) {
                 $query .= ",";
         $query .= ")";
     $query .= ")TYPE=MyISAM;";
     $dump .= $query . "\n";
     $cont = new sql();
     $cont->setquery("SELECT * FROM " . $tabs->getvalue("Tables_in_" . $DB[1][NAME]));
     for ($j = 0; $j < $cont->rows; $j++, $cont->next()) {
         $query = "INSERT INTO " . $tabs->getvalue("Tables_in_" . $DB[1][NAME]) . " VALUES (";
         $cols->counter = 0;
         for ($k = 0; $k < $cols->rows; $k++, $cols->next()) {
             if (is_numeric($cont->getvalue($cols->getvalue("Field")))) {
                 $query .= "'" . $cont->getvalue($cols->getvalue("Field")) . "'";
             } else {
                 $query .= "'" . addslashes($cont->getvalue($cols->getvalue("Field"))) . "'";
             if ($k + 1 != $cols->rows) {
                 $query .= ",";
         $query .= ");";
         $dump .= str_replace("\n", "||||||+N+||||||", $query) . "\n";
         // <<<---- schrecklich aber zweckmäßig --- workaround??
     // end for für content der tabelle
 // end else für rex_user tabelle rausnehmen
Ejemplo n.º 3
                 $query .= current($key);
                 if ($k + 1 != count($key)) {
                     $query .= ",";
             $query .= ")";
         $query .= ")TYPE=MyISAM;";
         $dump .= $query . "\n";
         $cont = new sql();
         $cont->setquery("SELECT * FROM " . $tab);
         for ($j = 0; $j < $cont->rows; $j++, $cont->next()) {
             $query = "INSERT INTO " . $tab . " VALUES (";
             $cols->counter = 0;
             for ($k = 0; $k < $cols->rows; $k++, $cols->next()) {
                 $con = $cont->getvalue($cols->getvalue("Field"));
                 if (is_numeric($con)) {
                     $query .= "'" . $con . "'";
                 } else {
                     $query .= "'" . addslashes($con) . "'";
                 if ($k + 1 != $cols->rows) {
                     $query .= ",";
             $query .= ");";
             $dump .= str_replace(array("\r\n", "\n"), '\\r\\n', $query) . "\n";
 $content = "## Redaxo Database Dump Version " . $REX[version] . " \n" . str_replace("\r", "", $dump);
Ejemplo n.º 4
     $err_msg = $I18N->msg("no_import_file_chosen_or_wrong_version") . "<br>";
 } else {
     $file_temp = $REX[INCLUDE_PATH] . "/install/temp.sql";
     if (@move_uploaded_file($_FILES['FORM']['tmp_name']['importfile'], $file_temp)) {
         $h = fopen($file_temp, "r");
         $conts = fread($h, filesize($file_temp));
         if (!ereg("## Redaxo Database Dump Version " . $REX[version] . " \n", $conts)) {
             $err_msg = $I18N->msg("no_valid_import_file") . ".<br>";
         } else {
             $conts = str_replace("## Redaxo Database Dump Version " . $REX[version] . " \n", "", $conts);
             $all = explode("\n", $conts);
             $tabs = new sql();
             $tabs->setquery("SHOW TABLES");
             $del = new sql();
             for ($i = 0; $i < $tabs->rows; $i++, $tabs->next(), $del->flush()) {
                 if ($tabs->getvalue("Tables_in_" . $DB[1][NAME]) != "rex_user") {
                     $del->setquery("DROP TABLE " . $tabs->getvalue("Tables_in_" . $DB[1][NAME]));
             $add = new sql();
             foreach ($all as $hier) {
                 $add->setquery(Trim(str_replace("||||||+N+||||||", "\n", $hier), ";"));
             $err_msg = $I18N->msg("database_imported") . ". " . $I18N->msg("entry_count", count($all)) . " | " . $I18N->msg("go_to_special_features") . ".<br>";
     } else {
         $err_msg = $I18N->msg("file_could_not_be_uploaded") . " " . $I18N->msg("you_have_no_write_permission_in", "include/install") . " " . $I18N->msg("check_install_php") . "<br>";