Ejemplo n.º 1
 public function testEncryption()
     $sec_key = "EpBic6szxPJVbwlW3VAfE6MZSdWdA04t2Nm6yRQFpf0=";
     $pub_key = "jZutz9bU6FWIIIRn/12zneT74yWCCuvN5/Su5LvP+3o=";
     $atpay_key = "x3iJge6NCMx9cYqxoJHmFgUryVyXqCwapGapFURYh18=";
     $noncer = new \sodium\nonce();
     $nonce = $noncer->next();
     $encrypter = new \AtPay\Encrypter($sec_key, $pub_key, $atpay_key);
     $this->assertEquals($encrypter->encrypt("Skyler", $nonce), $this->direct_sodium($sec_key, $pub_key, $atpay_key, $nonce, "Skyler"));
Ejemplo n.º 2
try {
    $c = new \sodium\crypto();
    // Create a secret key
    $alice_secret = $c->keypair();
    // Create public key
    $alice_public = new \sodium\public_key();
    // Load binary key from alice_secret (pbin), false: expect binary, not key in hex
    $alice_public->load($alice_secret->pbin, false);
    // Alice's friend Bob
    $bob_secret = $c->keypair();
    // Create public key from bob_secret (pbin)
    $bob_public = new \sodium\public_key();
    $bob_public->load($bob_secret->pbin, false);
    // Alice's message to Bob
    $message = "Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of the disciples,";
    $message .= "which are not written in this book; but these are written so that";
    $message .= "you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that";
    $message .= "by believing you may have life in his name. (ESV, John 20:30:31)";
    // Create a nonce
    $nonce = new \sodium\nonce();
    // Every call to $nonce->next() generates a new nonce! Important for crypto_box
    // Use Bob's public key to send to Bob
    $encrypted_text = $c->box($message, $nonce->next(), $bob_public, $alice_secret);
    // Bob receives the $encrypted_text and 24 bytes nonce->nbin from Alice via the network
    $nonce_from_alice = $nonce->nbin;
    $bob_nonce = new \sodium\nonce();
    $message_decrypted = $c->box_open($encrypted_text, $bob_nonce->set_nonce($nonce_from_alice, true), $alice_public, $bob_secret);
    echo "Messages encrypted/decrypted\n";
} catch (\sodium\crypto_exception $e) {
    syslog(LOG_ERR, sprintf("Error: %s:%s : (%s) %s\n%s\n", $e->getFile(), $e->getLine(), $e->getCode(), $e->getMessage(), $e->getTraceAsString()));