Ejemplo n.º 1
     * Main visit function
     * Visit function to process an automaton (directed, cyclic, discontinuous 
     * graph). No more detailed methods are defined, since the process of 
     * visiting is highly dependent on the concrete visitor implementation.
     * Optionally labels may be passed for each node in the graph, which might 
     * be used during the rendering process.
     * Returns a string, containing a DOT specification of the graph, to be 
     * rendered with graphviz.
     * @param slAutomaton $automaton
     * @param array $labels
     * @return string
    public function visit(slAutomaton $automaton, array $labels = array())
        $content = <<<EOSTYLE
digraph G 
    node [
        fontname  = Arial,
        fontcolor = "#2e3436",
        fontsize  = 10,

        style     = filled,
        color     = "#2e3436",
        fillcolor = "#babdb6",
        shape     = ellipse

    splines = true;
    overlap = false;

        foreach ($automaton->getNodes() as $node) {
            $content .= sprintf("    \"%s\" [label = \"%s\"]\n", $node, isset($labels[(string) $node]) ? $labels[(string) $node] : $node);
        $content .= "\n";
        foreach ($automaton->getNodes() as $node) {
            foreach ($automaton->getOutgoing($node) as $dst) {
                if ($automaton instanceof slTypeAutomaton) {
                    $content .= sprintf("    \"%s\" -> \"%s\" [label = \"%s\"]\n", $node, $dst, $automaton->getEdgeLabel($node, $dst));
                } else {
                    $content .= sprintf("    \"%s\" -> \"%s\"\n", $node, $dst);
        return $content . "}\n";