Ejemplo n.º 1
 function edit($id = false, $saved = false)
     // If user doesn't have access, redirect to dashboard
     if (!groups::permissions($this->user, "settings")) {
         url::redirect(url::site() . 'admin/dashboard');
     $this->template->content = new View('simplegroups/simplegroups_editgroups');
     $this->template->content->title = "edit group";
     $this->template->content->logo_file = false;
     $this->template->content->users = array();
     // setup and initialize form field names
     $form = array('name' => '', 'description' => '', 'logo' => '', 'own_instance' => '', 'contact_person' => '', 'contact_email' => '', 'contact_phone' => '', 'contact_address' => '', 'group_site' => '');
     //initialize this stuff
     $this->template->content->whitelist = array();
     //  copy the form as errors, so the errors will be stored with keys corresponding to the form field names
     $errors = $form;
     $form_error = FALSE;
     if ($saved == 'saved') {
         $form_saved = TRUE;
     } else {
         $form_saved = FALSE;
     // check, has the form been submitted, if so, setup validation
     if ($_POST) {
         // Instantiate Validation, use $post, so we don't overwrite $_POST fields with our own things
         $post = Validation::factory(array_merge($_POST, $_FILES));
         //  Add some filters
         $post->pre_filter('trim', TRUE);
         // Add some rules, the input field, followed by a list of checks, carried out in order
         // $post->add_rules('locale','required','alpha_dash','length[5]');
         $post->add_rules('name', 'required', 'length[1,100]');
         $post->add_rules('description', 'required');
         $post->add_rules('own_instance', 'length[3,1000]');
         // Validate photo uploads
         $post->add_rules('logo', 'upload::valid', 'upload::type[gif,jpg,png]', 'upload::size[8M]');
         //add validation rules as needed for the contact info stuff
         $post->add_rules('contact_person', 'length[1,99]');
         $post->add_rules('contact_email', 'length[1,99]', 'valid::email');
         $post->add_rules('contact_phone', 'length[1,99]');
         $post->add_rules('group_site', 'valid::url');
         // Test to see if things passed the rule checks
         if ($post->validate()) {
             // Save the Group
             $group = new simplegroups_groups_Model($id);
             $group->name = $post->name;
             $group->description = $post->description;
             $group->own_instance = $post->own_instance;
             $group->contact_person = $post->contact_person;
             $group->contact_email = $post->contact_email;
             $group->contact_phone = $post->contact_phone;
             $group->contact_address = $post->contact_address;
             $group->group_site = $post->group_site;
             $filename = upload::save('logo');
             if ($filename) {
                 if (!is_dir(Kohana::config('upload.directory', TRUE) . "groups")) {
                     mkdir(Kohana::config('upload.directory', TRUE) . "groups", 0770, true);
                 $new_filename = $group->id . "_simple_group_logo";
                 //Resize original file... make sure its max 408px wide
                 Image::factory($filename)->save(Kohana::config('upload.directory', TRUE) . "groups/" . $new_filename . ".jpg");
                 // Create thumbnail
                 Image::factory($filename)->save(Kohana::config('upload.directory', TRUE) . "groups/" . $new_filename . "_t.jpg");
                 // Remove the temporary file
                 $group->logo = $new_filename;
             $id = $group->id;
             //now loop over the existing values
             $ids_still_there = array();
             foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {
                 if (substr($key, 0, 22) == "white_list_number_old_") {
                     $new_id = substr($key, 22);
                     $ids_still_there[] = $new_id;
                     $number_item = ORM::factory('simplegroups_groups_number', $new_id);
                     $number = trim($_POST["white_list_number_old_{$new_id}"]);
                     if (!$this->_check_length($number, 6, 30, "Can't have a phone number with more than 30 characters or less than 6", $form, $post, $id)) {
                     $number_item->number = $number;
                     $name = trim($_POST["white_list_name_old_{$new_id}"]);
                     if (!$this->_check_length($value, 0, 100, "Can't have a phone number name with more than 100 characters", $form, $post, $id)) {
                     $number_item->name = $name;
                     $org = trim($_POST["white_list_org_old_{$new_id}"]);
                     if (!$this->_check_length($org, 0, 100, "Can't have a phone number organization with more than 100 characters", $form, $post, $id)) {
                     $number_item->org = $org;
                     $number_item->simplegroups_groups_id = $id;
             //end loop
             //Find what IDs weren't included above and delete them
             //but first check and see if there are any ids in the $ids_still_there variable
             $number_items = ORM::factory('simplegroups_groups_number')->where("simplegroups_groups_id", $id);
             if (count($ids_still_there) > 0) {
                 $number_items = $number_items->where("NOT ( `id` IN (" . implode(',', $ids_still_there) . "))");
             //do the white list of numbers for this group
             //loop through the post variables and find all the ones that start with white_list_number_new_
             //We'll make new entries for each one of these
             foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {
                 if (substr($key, 0, 22) == "white_list_number_new_") {
                     $new_id = substr($key, 22);
                     $number_item = ORM::factory('simplegroups_groups_number');
                     $number = trim($_POST["white_list_number_new_{$new_id}"]);
                     if (!$this->_check_length($number, 6, 30, "Can't have a phone number with more than 30 characters or less than 6", $form, $post, $id)) {
                     $number_item->number = $number;
                     $name = trim($_POST["white_list_name_new_{$new_id}"]);
                     if (!$this->_check_length($value, 0, 100, "Can't have a phone number name with more than 100 characters", $form, $post, $id)) {
                     $number_item->name = $name;
                     $org = trim($_POST["white_list_org_new_{$new_id}"]);
                     if (!$this->_check_length($org, 0, 100, "Can't have a phone number organization with more than 100 characters", $form, $post, $id)) {
                     $number_item->org = $org;
                     $number_item->simplegroups_groups_id = $id;
             //end loop
             //update the users
             //delete everything
             ORM::factory('simplegroups_groups_users')->where("simplegroups_groups_id", $id)->delete_all();
             //put it all backtogether
             foreach ($_POST as $post_id => $data) {
                 if (substr($post_id, 0, 8) == "user_id_") {
                     //get the user ID number
                     $user_id = substr($post_id, 8);
                     $user_item = ORM::factory('simplegroups_groups_users');
                     $user_item->simplegroups_groups_id = $id;
                     $user_item->users_id = $user_id;
             //end for each
             //update the users to roles mapping
             //delete everything
             $roles = ORM::factory('simplegroups_users_roles')->join('simplegroups_groups_users', 'simplegroups_users_roles.users_id', 'simplegroups_groups_users.users_id', 'LEFT')->where("simplegroups_groups_users.simplegroups_groups_id", $id)->find_all();
             foreach ($roles as $role) {
             //put it all backtogether
             foreach ($_POST as $post_id => $data) {
                 if (substr($post_id, 0, 8) == "role_id_") {
                     //get the user ID number
                     $ids_str = substr($post_id, 8);
                     $position_of_ = strpos($ids_str, "_");
                     $user_id = substr($ids_str, 0, $position_of_);
                     $role_id = substr($ids_str, $position_of_ + 1);
                     $user_role = ORM::factory('simplegroups_users_roles');
                     $user_role->roles_id = $role_id;
                     $user_role->users_id = $user_id;
             //end for each
             // SAVE AND CLOSE?
             if ($post->save == 1) {
                 url::redirect('admin/simplegroups_settings/edit/' . $group->id . '/saved');
             } else {
         } else {
             // repopulate the form fields
             $form = arr::overwrite($form, $post->as_array());
             // populate the error fields, if any
             $errors = arr::overwrite($errors, $post->errors('simplegroups'));
             $form_error = TRUE;
     } else {
         if ($id) {
             // Retrieve Current group
             $group = ORM::factory('simplegroups_groups', $id);
             if ($group->loaded == true) {
                 // Combine Everything
                 $group_arr = array('name' => $group->name, 'description' => $group->description, 'own_instance' => $group->own_instance, 'contact_person' => $group->contact_person, 'contact_email' => $group->contact_email, 'contact_phone' => $group->contact_phone, 'contact_address' => $group->contact_address, 'group_site' => $group->group_site);
                 $this->template->content->logo_file = $group->logo;
                 // Merge To Form Array For Display
                 $form = arr::overwrite($form, $group_arr);
                 $listers = ORM::factory('simplegroups_groups_number')->where("simplegroups_groups_id", $id)->find_all();
                 $this->template->content->whitelist = $listers;
             } else {
                 // Redirect
         $this->template->content->users = groups::get_available_users_for_group($id);
         $this->template->content->group_roles = groups::get_group_roles();
         $this->template->content->group_users_roles = groups::get_group_users_to_roles_mapping($id);
     $this->template->content->id = $id;
     $this->template->content->form = $form;
     $this->template->content->errors = $errors;
     $this->template->content->form_error = $form_error;
     $this->template->content->form_saved = $form_saved;
     // Javascript Header
     $this->template->editor_enabled = TRUE;
     $this->template->js = new View('simplegroups/simplegroups_editgroups_js');
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public function index($saved = false)
     $id = $this->group->id;
     $this->template->content = new View('simplegroups/settings');
     $this->template->content->title = "edit group";
     $this->template->content->logo_file = false;
     $this->template->content->users = array();
     // setup and initialize form field names
     $form = array('name' => '', 'description' => '', 'logo' => '', 'own_instance' => '');
     //initialize this stuff
     $this->template->content->whitelist = array();
     //  copy the form as errors, so the errors will be stored with keys corresponding to the form field names
     $errors = $form;
     $form_error = FALSE;
     if ($saved == 'saved') {
         $form_saved = TRUE;
     } else {
         $form_saved = FALSE;
     // check, has the form been submitted, if so, setup validation
     if ($_POST) {
         // Instantiate Validation, use $post, so we don't overwrite $_POST fields with our own things
         $post = Validation::factory(array_merge($_POST, $_FILES));
         //  Add some filters
         $post->pre_filter('trim', TRUE);
         // Add some rules, the input field, followed by a list of checks, carried out in order
         // $post->add_rules('locale','required','alpha_dash','length[5]');
         $post->add_rules('name', 'required', 'length[1,100]');
         $post->add_rules('description', 'required');
         $post->add_rules('own_instance', 'length[3,1000]');
         // Validate photo uploads
         $post->add_rules('logo', 'upload::valid', 'upload::type[gif,jpg,png]', 'upload::size[8M]');
         // Test to see if things passed the rule checks
         if ($post->validate()) {
             // Save the Group
             $group = new simplegroups_groups_Model($id);
             $group->name = $post->name;
             $group->description = $post->description;
             $group->own_instance = $post->own_instance;
             $filename = upload::save('logo');
             if ($filename) {
                 if (!is_dir(Kohana::config('upload.directory', TRUE) . "groups")) {
                     mkdir(Kohana::config('upload.directory', TRUE) . "groups", 0770, true);
                 $new_filename = $group->id . "_simple_group_logo";
                 //Resize original file... make sure its max 408px wide
                 Image::factory($filename)->save(Kohana::config('upload.directory', TRUE) . "groups/" . $new_filename . ".jpg");
                 // Create thumbnail
                 Image::factory($filename)->save(Kohana::config('upload.directory', TRUE) . "groups/" . $new_filename . "_t.jpg");
                 // Remove the temporary file
                 $group->logo = $new_filename;
             $id = $group->id;
             //do the white list of numbers for this group
             //delete everything in the white list db to make room for the new ones
             ORM::factory('simplegroups_groups_number')->where("simplegroups_groups_id", $id)->delete_all();
             $white_list_size = $post->white_list_id;
             for ($i = 1; $i < $white_list_size; $i++) {
                 //check to make sure this is a valid number
                 if (!isset($_POST["white_list_number_{$i}"])) {
                 $number_item = ORM::factory('simplegroups_groups_number');
                 $value = trim($_POST["white_list_number_{$i}"]);
                 if (!$this->_check_length($value, 30, "Can't have a phone number with more than 30 characters")) {
                 $number_item->number = $value;
                 $value = trim($_POST["white_list_name_{$i}"]);
                 if (!$this->_check_length($value, 100, "Can't have a phone number name with more than 100 characters")) {
                 $number_item->name = $value;
                 $value = trim($_POST["white_list_org_{$i}"]);
                 if (!$this->_check_length($value, 100, "Can't have a phone number organization with more than 100 characters")) {
                 $number_item->org = $value;
                 $number_item->simplegroups_groups_id = $id;
             //don't give group admins the option to add/remove random users
             //update the users
             //delete everything
             ORM::factory('simplegroups_groups_users')->where("simplegroups_groups_id", $id)->delete_all();
             //put it all backtogether
             foreach($_POST as $post_id => $data)
             	if( substr($post_id, 0,8) == "user_id_")
             		//get the user ID number
             		$user_id = substr($post_id, 8);
             		$user_item = ORM::factory('simplegroups_groups_users');
             		$user_item->simplegroups_groups_id = $id;
             		$user_item->users_id = $user_id;
             }//end for each 
             //update the users to roles mapping
             //delete everything
             $roles = ORM::factory('simplegroups_users_roles')->join('simplegroups_groups_users', 'simplegroups_users_roles.users_id', 'simplegroups_groups_users.users_id', 'LEFT')->where("simplegroups_groups_users.simplegroups_groups_id", $id)->find_all();
             foreach ($roles as $role) {
             //put it all backtogether
             foreach ($_POST as $post_id => $data) {
                 if (substr($post_id, 0, 8) == "role_id_") {
                     //get the user ID number
                     $ids_str = substr($post_id, 8);
                     $position_of_ = strpos($ids_str, "_");
                     $user_id = substr($ids_str, 0, $position_of_);
                     $role_id = substr($ids_str, $position_of_ + 1);
                     $user_role = ORM::factory('simplegroups_users_roles');
                     $user_role->roles_id = $role_id;
                     $user_role->users_id = $user_id;
             //end for each
             // SAVE AND CLOSE?
             if ($post->save == 1) {
             } else {
         } else {
             // repopulate the form fields
             $form = arr::overwrite($form, $post->as_array());
             // populate the error fields, if any
             $errors = arr::overwrite($errors, $post->errors('report'));
             $form_error = TRUE;
     } else {
         if ($id) {
             // Retrieve Current group
             $group = ORM::factory('simplegroups_groups', $id);
             if ($group->loaded == true) {
                 // Combine Everything
                 $group_arr = array('name' => $group->name, 'description' => $group->description, 'own_instance' => $group->own_instance);
                 $this->template->content->logo_file = $group->logo;
                 // Merge To Form Array For Display
                 $form = arr::overwrite($form, $group_arr);
                 $listers = ORM::factory('simplegroups_groups_number')->where("simplegroups_groups_id", $id)->find_all();
                 $this->template->content->whitelist = $listers;
             } else {
                 // Redirect
         $this->template->content->users = groups::get_users_for_group($id);
         $this->template->content->group_roles = groups::get_group_roles();
         $this->template->content->group_users_roles = groups::get_group_users_to_roles_mapping($id, false);
     $this->template->content->id = $id;
     $this->template->content->form = $form;
     $this->template->content->errors = $errors;
     $this->template->content->form_error = $form_error;
     $this->template->content->form_saved = $form_saved;
     // Javascript Header
     $this->template->editor_enabled = TRUE;
     $this->template->js = new View('simplegroups/settings_js');