public function show() { $type = intval($this->input['type']); $url = $this->input['url']; include_once ROOT_PATH . 'lib/class/shorturl.class.php'; $shorturl = new shorturl($url); $url = $shorturl->shorturl($url); $vedio_url = $this->input['vedio_addr']; $title = $this->input['title']; $this->tpl->addVar('type', $type); $this->tpl->addVar('url', $url); $this->tpl->addVar('vedio_url', $vedio_url); $this->tpl->addVar('title', $title); echo $this->tpl->outTemplate('share_comm', 'hg_html_share_comm'); }
/** * Function to instantiate our class and make it a singleton */ public static function getInstance() { if (!self::$instance) { self::$instance = new self(); } return self::$instance; }
public function __construct($_options) { if (is_array($_options)) { if (!empty($_options['db'])) { $this->_db = $_options['db']; } if (!empty($_options['table'])) { $this->_table = $_options['table']; } if (!empty($_options['sumtable'])) { $this->_sumtable = $_options['sumtable']; } if (!empty($_options['keys'])) { $this->_keys = $_options['keys']; } if (!empty($_options['keylength'])) { $this->_keylength = $_options['keylength']; } if (!empty($_options['host'])) { $this->_host = $_options['host']; } if (!empty($_options['port'])) { $this->_port = $_options['port']; } if (!empty($_options['domain'])) { $this->_domain = $_options['domain']; } if (!empty($_options['username'])) { $this->_username = $_options['username']; } if (!empty($_options['password'])) { $this->_password = $_options['password']; } if (!class_exists('Mongo')) { return false; } if (!empty($this->_username) && !empty($this->_password)) { $constr = 'mongodb://' . $this->_username . ':' . $this->_password . '@' . $this->_host . ':' . $this->_port; } else { $constr = 'mongodb://' . $this->_host . ':' . $this->_port; } if (!self::$handle) { self::$handle = new Mongo($constr); } $db = self::$handle->selectDB($this->_db); $this->conn = $db->selectCollection($this->_table); if (!$this->conn) { return false; } } }
private function status_bind($id, $text, $pic_id) { include_once ROOT_DIR . 'lib/user/user.class.php'; $this->mUser = new user(); $bind_info = $this->mUser->get_bind_info(); //获取绑定信息 include_once ROOT_PATH . 'lib/class/status.class.php'; $status = new status(); if (!$bind_info) { //do nothing! } else { //file_put_contents('d:/show.txt', '用户绑定了' , FILE_APPEND); $bind_info = $bind_info[0]; if ($bind_info['state'] == 1 && $bind_info['last_key']) { //file_put_contents('d:/show.txt', '用户开启同步了' , FILE_APPEND); include_once ROOT_PATH . 'lib/class/weibooauth.class.php'; $last_key = unserialize($bind_info['last_key']); $oauth = new WeiboClient(WB_AKEY, WB_SKEY, $last_key['oauth_token'], $last_key['oauth_token_secret']); //$oauth = new WeiboOAuth( WB_AKEY , WB_SKEY , 'e9b1d743a687550cec725e65fd204b6c' , '119934aabf1632d426533505c0f02e70' ); //判断是否发送了图片 if ($pic_id) { //file_put_contents('d:/show.txt', '用户发送了图片' , FILE_APPEND); //取出该图片的路径 //获取媒体信息 $pic_url = $status->getPicById($pic_id); $url = $pic_url[0]; //$url = ''; $content = $oauth->upload($text, $url); } else { $content = $text; $pattern = "/#([\\x{4e00}-\\x{9fa5}0-9A-Za-z_-\\s‘’“”'\"!\\?\$%&:;!?¥×\\*\\<\\>》《]+)[\\s#]/iu"; if (preg_match_all($pattern, $content, $topic)) { include_once ROOT_PATH . 'lib/class/shorturl.class.php'; $shorturl = new shorturl(); $link = ''; $tmp_url = ''; $topic_name = array(); foreach ($topic[1] as $key => $value) { $tmp_url = SNS_MBLOG . 'k.php?q=' . urlencode($value); $short_url = $shorturl->shorturl($tmp_url); $link .= $short_url; } $content = $content . $link; } // $content = $oauth->post( $oauth->updateURL() , array( 'status' => $content) ); $content = $oauth->update($content); //同步发送 } $syn_id = $content['id']; //返回点滴的ID $type = $bind_info['type']; //绑定类型 /** * 记录同步发送的点滴id */ $status->syn_relation($id, $syn_id, $type); } } }
/** * 验证内容,是否含有屏蔽词语,是否含有短网址 * @param $text 传入值 * @param $memberid * @param $source * @return $info array */ private function verifyUrlBanword($text, $memberid, $source) { include_once ROOT_DIR . 'lib/class/banword.class.php'; $banword = new banword(); $status = 0; $banwords = $banword->banword(urlencode($text)); if ($banwords && $banwords != 'null') { $status = 1; $banwords = implode(',', $banwords); } else { $banwords = ''; } include_once ROOT_DIR . 'lib/class/shorturl.class.php'; $shorturl = new shorturl(); $text = $shorturl->shorturl($text); /* * 在这里对是否含有媒体信息进行判断 * */ $info = array('member_id' => $memberid, 'text' => $text, 'location' => '地址', 'status' => $status, 'source' => $source, 'bans' => $banwords); return $info; }
<?php /* urlshort / api.php */ /* api for creation and lookup*/ /* written june 24 2008 by adam */ /* updated may 29 2009 by matt */ error_reporting(0); require_once 'includes/config.php'; // settings require_once 'includes/gen.php'; // url generation and location require_once 'includes/install_path.php'; global $request; $url = new shorturl(); $msg = ''; header('HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error'); // if the url has been sent to this script if (isset($request->url) && strlen(trim($request->url))) { // escape bad characters from the users url $longurl = trim(mysql_escape_string($request->url)); // set the protocol to not ok by default $protocol_ok = false; // if there's a list of allowed protocols, // check to make sure its all cool if (count($allowed_protocols)) { foreach ($allowed_protocols as $ap) { if (strtolower(substr($longurl, 0, strlen($ap))) == strtolower($ap)) { $protocol_ok = true; break; } }
/** * 视频 */ public function uploadVideo() { //$this->input['url'] = ""; $userinfo = $this->mUser->verify_credentials(); if (!$userinfo['id']) { $this->errorOutput(USENAME_NOLOGIN); } if (!$this->input['url']) { $this->errorOutput(OBJECT_NULL); } $link = urldecode($this->input['url']); // $link = ""; $infos = hg_get_video($link); // file_put_contents("D:texzt.php", $link); if (!$infos['img'] && !$infos['link'] && !$infos['title']) { $this->errorOutput(OBJECT_NULL); } include_once ROOT_DIR . 'lib/class/shorturl.class.php'; $short = new shorturl(); $url = $short->shorturl($link); $ip = hg_getip(); $create_at = time(); $sql = "INSERT " . DB_PREFIX . "media(status_id,type,title,link,img,url,ip,create_at) VALUES(0,1,'" . str_replace("'", "’", $infos['title']) . "','" . $infos['link'] . "','" . $infos['img'] . "','" . $url . "','" . $ip . "'," . $create_at . ")"; $this->db->query($sql); $id = $this->db->insert_id(); $info['id'] = $id; $info['url'] = $url; $info['ip'] = $ip; $info['link'] = $infos['link']; $info['img'] = $infos['img']; $info['title'] = $infos['title']; $info['create_at'] = $create_at; $info['type'] = 1; $this->setXmlNode('media', 'info'); $this->addItem($info); return $this->output(); }
public function show() { $sta_id = intval(trim($this->input['sta_id'])); $n_user_id = intval(trim($this->user['id'])); $n_station = $this->mVideo->get_user_station($n_user_id); $n_sta_id = intval(trim($n_station['id'])); $station = $this->mVideo->get_station($sta_id); $station = $station[0]; $user_id = intval(trim($station['user_id'])); $username = $station['user']['username']; $vip_url = $station['user']['vip_url'] ? $station['user']['vip_url'] : ''; if ($sta_id && $user_id) { $program = $this->mVideo->get_station_programe($sta_id, $user_id); // hg_pre($program); $info_id = array(); $info = array(); $js = 'var gProgramIds = new Array(); var gIndexs = new Array(); var gVideoIds = new Array(); var gTitles = new Array(); var gMedias = new Array(); var gSchematic = new Array(); var gToffs = new Array(); var gBriefs = new Array(); var gRelations = new Array(); var user_id = ' . $this->user['id'] . '; var sta_id = ' . $n_sta_id . '; var gLastProgram = 0; '; if ($program && is_array($program)) { $skey = 0; foreach ($program as $key => $value) { if (!$key) { $js .= "var gFirstProgram = " . $value['id'] . ";"; } $js .= 'gIndexs[' . $value['id'] . '] = ' . $key . ';'; $js .= 'gProgramIds[' . $key . '] = ' . $value['id'] . ';'; $js .= "gVideoIds[{$value['id']}] = '{$value['video']['id']}';"; $js .= "gTitles[{$value['id']}] = \"" . addslashes($value['video']['title']) . "\";"; $js .= "gMedias[{$value['id']}] = '{$value['video']['streaming_media']}';"; $js .= "gSchematic[{$value['id']}] = '{$value['video']['schematic']}';"; $js .= "gToffs[{$value['id']}] = '{$value['video']['toff']}';"; //$js .= "gBriefs[{$value['id']}] = '{$value['video']['brief']}';"; $js .= "gRelations[{$value['id']}] = '{$value['video']['relation']}';"; $skey = $key; } $js .= "gLastProgram = " . $skey . ";"; } /*include_once(ROOT_PATH . 'lib/class/groups.class.php'); $this->group = new Group(); $group = $this->group->get_my_groups($user_id);*/ if ($this->user['id'] == $user_id) { $is_my_page = 1; } else { $is_my_page = 0; } $this->mVideo->update_click_count($sta_id); if (!$is_my_page && $this->user['id']) { $this->mVideo->create_visit_history($user_id, $sta_id, 2); } $visit = $this->mVideo->get_visit_history($sta_id, $type = 2, $page = 0, $count = 10); $type = 1; $state = 1; //评论状态,0-待审核,1-已审核通过 $cid = $sta_id; $user_id = $user_id; $count = 10; $page = intval($this->input['pp']) / $count; $comment_list = $this->mVideo->get_comment_list($user_id, $cid, $type, $state, $page, $count); if (is_array($comment_list)) { $total_nums = $comment_list['total']; unset($comment_list['total']); $data['totalpages'] = $total_nums; $data['perpage'] = $count; $data['curpage'] = $this->input['pp']; $data['onclick'] = ' onclick="comment_page(this,' . $cid . ',' . $user_id . ',' . $type . ',' . $count . ');"'; $data['pagelink'] = hg_build_link('', array('user_id' => $this->input['user_id'], 'sta_id' => $this->input['sta_id'])); $showpages = hg_build_pagelinks($data); } $url = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; include_once ROOT_PATH . 'lib/class/shorturl.class.php'; $shorturl = new shorturl($url); $url = $shorturl->shorturl($url); $url = urldecode($url); $this->page_title = $station['web_station_name'] . '视频_原创视频'; $this->keywords = $station['web_station_name']; $this->description = $station['web_station_name']; hg_add_head_element('js', RESOURCE_DIR . 'scripts/' . 'comment.js'); // hg_add_head_element('js', RESOURCE_DIR . 'scripts/' . 'tvieplayer_new.js'); // hg_add_head_element('js', ''); // hg_add_head_element('js', ''); hg_add_head_element('js', ''); hg_add_head_element('js', ''); hg_add_head_element('js', RESOURCE_DIR . 'scripts/' . 'share.js'); hg_add_head_element('js', RESOURCE_DIR . 'scripts/' . 'station.js'); hg_add_head_element('js', RESOURCE_DIR . 'scripts/' . 'my.js'); hg_add_head_element('css', RESOURCE_DIR . 'css/' . 'color_open.css', 'id="lamp" '); hg_add_head_element('js-c', "{$js}"); hg_add_head_element('js-c', 'var video_address="";video_title="";'); /*start---视频广告*/ if (defined('ADVERT_XML')) { $xml = simplexml_load_file(ADVERT_XML, null, LIBXML_NOCDATA); $prePlayAd = $xml->item->prePlayAd; $prePlayAd_url = $xml->item->prePlayAd_url; $onPauseAd = $xml->item->onPauseAd; $onPauseAd_url = $xml->item->onPauseAd_url; $onEndAd = $xml->item->onEndAd; $onEndAd_url = $xml->item->onEndAd_url; } /*end-----视频广告*/ hg_add_head_element('js-c', ' REQUEST_URI = "' . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . '"; REQUEST_URL = "' . $url . '"; U_REQUEST_URI = "' . urlencode($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) . '"; WB_AKEY = "' . WB_AKEY . '"; WEB_SITE_NAME = "' . WEB_SITE_NAME . '"; var prePlayAd = "' . $prePlayAd . '"; var prePlayAd_url = "' . $prePlayAd_url . '"; var onPauseAd = "' . $onPauseAd . '"; var onPauseAd_url = "' . $onPauseAd_url . '"; var onEndAd = "' . $onEndAd . '"; var onEndAd_url = "' . $onEndAd_url . '"; '); $_mBodyCode = ' onload="timing();"'; $gScriptName = SCRIPTNAME; $this->tpl->addVar('head_line', 0); $this->tpl->addVar('_mBodyCode', $_mBodyCode); $this->tpl->addVar('station', $station); $this->tpl->addVar('n_sta_id', $n_sta_id); $this->tpl->addVar('n_station', $n_station); $this->tpl->addVar('n_user_id', $n_user_id); $this->tpl->addVar('sta_id', $sta_id); $this->tpl->addVar('username', $username); $this->tpl->addVar('vip_url', $vip_url); $this->tpl->addVar('program', $program); $this->tpl->addVar('is_my_page', $is_my_page); $this->tpl->addVar('visit', $visit); $this->tpl->addVar('user_id', $user_id); $this->tpl->addVar('comment_list', $comment_list); $this->tpl->addVar('total_nums', $total_nums); $this->tpl->addVar('showpages', $showpages); $this->tpl->addVar('url', $url); $this->tpl->addVar('gScriptName', $gScriptName); $this->tpl->addVar('cid', $cid); $this->tpl->addVar('video_id', 0); $this->tpl->addVar('toff', 0); $this->tpl->addVar('type', $type); $this->tpl->addVar('play', 1); $this->tpl->addVar('gKeywords', $this->keywords); $this->tpl->addVar('gDescription', $this->description); $this->tpl->addHeaderCode(hg_add_head_element('echo')); $this->tpl->setTemplateTitle($this->page_title); $this->tpl->outTemplate('station_play'); } else { header("Location:index.php"); } }
function onsoap_info() { if ($this->user['admin'] == 1) { $id = getgpc('id', 'P'); $name = getgpc('name', 'P'); $blog = getgpc('blog', 'P'); $soapId = getgpc('soapId', 'P'); $avatar = getgpc('img', 'P'); $link = SNS_UCENTER . "user.php?user_id=" . $id; include_once ROOT_PATH . 'lib/class/shorturl.class.php'; include_once ROOT_PATH . 'lib/func/functions.php'; $shorturl = new shorturl(); $link = $shorturl->shorturl($link); //$avatar = $shorturl->shorturl($avatar); //导入cms $xml_soap = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <contentlist> <con> <columnid>' . $soapId . '</columnid><tcontentid>' . $id . '</tcontentid><tname>' . $name . '</tname><user_id>' . $id . '</user_id><title>' . $name . '</title><images>' . $avatar . '</images><content>' . $blog . '</content><liv_outlink>' . $link . '</liv_outlink></con></contentlist>'; ini_set("soap.wsdl_cache_enabled", "0"); $objSoapClient = new SoapClient($this->gSoapConfig['wsdl_url']); $xml_soap = $objSoapClient->import($xml_soap, $this->gSoapConfig['u'], $this->gSoapConfig['p']); if ($xml_soap == 1) { echo "导入成功"; } else { echo "导入错误"; } } else { echo "没有权限"; } }
function do_shorten_redirect(&$model, &$model) { global $request; if (!($model->table == 'settings')) { return; } $perma = parse_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); $_PERMA = explode("/", $perma['path']); @array_shift($_PERMA); if (isset($_PERMA[0])) { $id = mysql_escape_string($_PERMA[0]); } else { $id = ''; } if ($id != '' && $id != basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) { add_include_path(library_path() . 'urlshort/upload'); require_once 'includes/config.php'; // settings require_once 'includes/gen.php'; // url generation and location $url = new shorturl(); $location = $url->get_url($id); if ($location != -1) { include 'db/library/pca/pca.class.php'; $cache = PCA::get_best_backend(); $timeout = 86400; $cache->add($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], $location, $timeout); header('Location: ' . $location, TRUE, 301); exit; } } }
private function check_url($text) { include_once ROOT_PATH . 'lib/class/shorturl.class.php'; $shorturl = new shorturl(); return $shorturl->shorturl($text); }
public function show() { global $gGlobalConfig; include_once ROOT_PATH . 'lib/class/shorturl.class.php'; $shorturl = new shorturl(); $last_id = @file_get_contents(CACHE_DIR . 'autoget.txt'); echo $last_id = intval($last_id); $statusline = $this->status->public_timeline($page, 30, $last_id, 1); if ($statusline) { krsort($statusline); $xml_soap = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <contentlist>'; $pattern = "((((f|ht){1}tp|ftp|gopher|news|telnet|rtsp|mms)://|www\\.)[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%_\\+.~#?&//=]+)"; foreach ($statusline as $k => $blog) { if (in_array($blog['user']['id'], array(1, 6687))) { continue; } $blog['text'] = strip_tags($blog['text']); $blog['text'] = preg_replace("/<script/i", "<script", $blog['text']); $pregfind = array(' ', '<!--', '-->', '>', '<', '"', '!', "'", "\n", '$', "\r"); $pregreplace = array(' ', '<!--', '-->', '>', '<', '"', '!', ''', '', '$', ''); $val = str_replace($pregfind, $pregreplace, $blog['text']); $blog['text'] = preg_replace('/\\\\(&#|\\?#)/', '\', $blog['text']); $blog['text'] = preg_replace("/(\\:.*[0-9]*\\:)/Ui", '', $blog['text']); $blog['text'] = preg_replace($pattern, '', $blog['text']); $blog['text'] = trim($blog['text']); $text = preg_replace("/(#[\\x{4e00}-\\x{9fa5}0-9A-Za-z_-\\s‘’“”'\"!\\?\$%&:;!?¥×\\*\\<\\>》《]+[\\s#])/iu", '', $blog['text']); if (!$blog['text'] || !trim($text)) { continue; } if ($blog['medias'][0]['ori']) { if ($blog['text'] == '分享图片') { continue; } } else { $images = ''; } $last_id = $blog['id']; if ($gGlobalConfig['rewrite']) { $link = $this->settings['mblog_url'] . 'status-' . $blog['id'] . '.html'; } else { $link = $this->settings['mblog_url'] . 'show.php?id=' . $blog['id']; } $link = $shorturl->shorturl($link); $xml_soap .= '<content> <columnid>24</columnid> <tcontentid>' . $blog['id'] . '</tcontentid> <title><![CDATA[' . $blog['text'] . ']]></title> <tname><![CDATA[' . $blog['user']['username'] . ']]></tname> <user_id>' . $blog['user']['id'] . '</user_id> <images><![CDATA[' . $images . ']]></images> <content><![CDATA[' . $blog['text'] . ']]></content> <liv_outlink><![CDATA[' . $link . ']]></liv_outlink> </content>'; } $xml_soap .= '</contentlist>'; ini_set("soap.wsdl_cache_enabled", "0"); $xml_soap = preg_replace('/[\\x00-\\x08\\x0b-\\x0c\\x0e-\\x1f]/', '', $xml_soap); $objSoapClient = new SoapClient($this->gSoapConfig['wsdl_url']); $xml_soap = $objSoapClient->import($xml_soap, $this->gSoapConfig['u'], $this->gSoapConfig['p']); if ($xml_soap) { file_put_contents(CACHE_DIR . 'autoget.txt', $last_id); } } }
public function play() { $video_id = intval(trim($this->input['id'])); if ($video_id) { /** * 获取单个已发布的的视频 */ $single_video_info = $this->mVideo->get_single_video($video_id); if (!$single_video_info['id']) { if ($this->user['id']) { header('Location:' . SNS_VIDEO . 'user.php?user_id=' . $this->user['id']); } else { header('Location:' . SNS_VIDEO); } } /** * 更新这部视频的播放数 */ $this->mVideo->update_play_count($video_id); if (is_array($single_video_info)) { $user_id = $single_video_info['user_id']; $username = $single_video_info['user']['username']; $vip_url = $single_video_info['user']['vip_url'] ? $single_video_info['user']['vip_url'] : ''; $visit_total = $single_video_info['click_count']; } if ($this->user['id'] == $user_id) { $relation = 1; } else { $relation = 0; } if (!$relation && $this->user['id']) { $this->mVideo->create_visit_history($user_id, $video_id); } $visit = $this->mVideo->get_visit_history($video_id, $type = 1, $page = 0, $count = 10); $type = 0; $state = 1; //评论状态,0-待审核,1-已审核通过 $cid = $video_id; $user_id = $user_id; $count = 10; $page = intval($this->input['pp']) / $count; $comment_list = $this->mVideo->get_comment_list($user_id, $cid, $type, $state, $page, $count); if (is_array($comment_list)) { $total_nums = $comment_list['total']; unset($comment_list['total']); $data['totalpages'] = $total_nums; $data['perpage'] = $count; $data['curpage'] = $this->input['pp']; $data['onclick'] = ' onclick="comment_page(this,' . $cid . ',' . $user_id . ',' . $type . ',' . $count . ');"'; $data['pagelink'] = $this->input['id'] ? hg_build_link('', array('id' => $this->input['id'])) : ''; $showpages = hg_build_pagelinks($data); } $station = $this->mVideo->get_user_station($user_id); $program = $this->mVideo->video_program($video_id, 0, 3); if (is_array($program)) { $program_total = $program['total']; unset($program['total']); } $video = $this->mVideo->video_tags_search($video_id, 0, 8); if (is_array($video)) { unset($video['total']); } include_once ROOT_PATH . 'lib/class/groups.class.php'; $this->group = new Group(); $group = $this->group->get_my_groups($user_id); $n_user_id = intval(trim($this->user['id'])); $station = $this->mVideo->get_user_station($n_user_id); $n_sta_id = intval(trim($station['id'])); $toff = $single_video_info['toff']; $program_all = $this->mVideo->get_station_program($n_sta_id, $n_user_id); $start_time = 0; if (is_array($program_all)) { $start_time = $program_all[count($program_all) - 1]['end_time']; } $this->page_title = $single_video_info['title'] . "视频_视频信息"; $this->keywords = $single_video_info['title']; $this->description = $single_video_info['title']; hg_add_head_element('js', RESOURCE_DIR . 'scripts/' . 'comment.js'); // hg_add_head_element('js', RESOURCE_DIR . 'scripts/' . 'tvieplayer_new.js'); hg_add_head_element('js', ''); hg_add_head_element('js', ''); /*start---视频广告*/ if (defined('ADVERT_XML')) { $xml = simplexml_load_file(ADVERT_XML, null, LIBXML_NOCDATA); $prePlayAd = $xml->item->prePlayAd; $prePlayAd_url = $xml->item->prePlayAd_url; $onPauseAd = $xml->item->onPauseAd; $onPauseAd_url = $xml->item->onPauseAd_url; $onEndAd = $xml->item->onEndAd; $onEndAd_url = $xml->item->onEndAd_url; $watermark = $xml->item->watermark; } /*end-----视频广告*/ $js = ' video_address="' . $single_video_info['streaming_media'] . '"; video_title="' . $single_video_info['title'] . '"; video_schematic="' . $single_video_info['schematic'] . '"; function lightOnHanle() { lamps(2,1);} function lightOffHandle() { lamps(2,0);} function playComplete() {} var resource = ""; var width = 530; var height = 462; var tvie = new TViePlayer("player", resource+"CBNVodSkin.swf", width, height); tvie.videoScaleMode = "original"; tvie.bgcolor="#000"; //tvie.forceBase64 = true; tvie.loader = resource+"Loader.swf"; tvie.player = resource+"Player.swf"; tvie.setTVieVod("", "' . $single_video_info['streaming_media'] . 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'","width",115,"height",57],null,true,null,null); tvie.addPlugin(resource+"TVieFacade.swf", { mode: "embeded",type:"facade" },{layout:"float",x:0,y:0},["adapter","yi_chuan_mei","ad_player","","width",540,"height",455,"id",2460,"keywords",""]);; '; //tvie.addPlugin(resource+"TVieFacade.swf", { mode: "embeded",type:"facade" },{layout:"float",x:0,y:0},["adapter","yi_chuan_mei","ad_player","","width",540,"height",455,"id",2460,"keywords",""]); hg_add_head_element('js-c', $js); hg_add_head_element('js', RESOURCE_DIR . 'scripts/' . 'share.js'); hg_add_head_element('js', RESOURCE_DIR . 'scripts/' . 'my.js'); hg_add_head_element('css', RESOURCE_DIR . 'css/' . 'color_open.css', 'id="lamp" '); $url = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; include_once ROOT_PATH . 'lib/class/shorturl.class.php'; $shorturl = new shorturl($url); $url = $shorturl->shorturl($url); $url = urldecode($url); $gScriptName = SCRIPTNAME; $this->tpl->addVar('head_line', 0); $this->tpl->addVar('single_video_info', $single_video_info); $this->tpl->addVar('user_id', $user_id); $this->tpl->addVar('username', $username); $this->tpl->addVar('cid', $cid); $this->tpl->addVar('vip_url', $vip_url); $this->tpl->addVar('visit_total', $visit_total); $this->tpl->addVar('video_id', $video_id); $this->tpl->addVar('relation', $relation); $this->tpl->addVar('total_nums', $total_nums); $this->tpl->addVar('comment_list', $comment_list); $this->tpl->addVar('visit', $visit); $this->tpl->addVar('program', $program); $this->tpl->addVar('program_total', $program_total); $this->tpl->addVar('video', $video); $this->tpl->addVar('station', $station); $this->tpl->addVar('n_sta_id', $n_sta_id); $this->tpl->addVar('n_user_id', $n_user_id); $this->tpl->addVar('toff', $toff); $this->tpl->addVar('showpages', $showpages); $this->tpl->addVar('url', $url); $this->tpl->addVar('gScriptName', $gScriptName); $this->tpl->addVar('play', 1); $this->tpl->addVar('gKeywords', $this->keywords); $this->tpl->addVar('gDescription', $this->description); $this->tpl->addHeaderCode(hg_add_head_element('echo')); $this->tpl->setTemplateTitle($this->page_title); $this->tpl->outTemplate('video_play'); } else { //报错 } }