Ejemplo n.º 1

require dirname(__FILE__) . '/../bootstrap/functional.php';
// Test for all the different variables that can determine which theme should be set
$browser = new sfTestFunctional(new sfBrowser());
$headers = array('app_test' => 'Application Test Layout', 'test_theme' => 'Plugin Test Layout');
$browser->info('1 - Test a few straightforward ways of setting themes')->info('  1.1 - Do nothing special, end up with the default theme')->get('/controller/default_theme')->with('response')->begin()->isStatusCode(200)->checkElement('h1', '/' . $headers['app_test'] . '/')->end()->info('  1.2 - Go to an action that explicitly request the test_theme')->get('/controller/explicit_test_theme')->with('response')->begin()->isStatusCode(200)->checkElement('h1', '/' . $headers['test_theme'] . '/')->end();
$browser->info('2 - Test forwarding')->info('  2.1 Start at an action with test_theme route then forward to one using the default theme')->get('/controller/test_theme_forward_default_theme')->with('response')->begin()->isStatusCode(200)->info('  2.1.1 - The default theme, the final spot, should win out')->checkElement('h1', '/' . $headers['app_test'] . '/')->end()->info('  2.2 Start at an action with the default theme then forward to the test theme')->get('/controller/default_theme_forward_test_theme')->with('response')->begin()->isStatusCode(200)->info('  2.2.1 - The test theme, the final spot, should win out')->checkElement('h1', '/' . $headers['test_theme'] . '/')->end();
$browser->info('3 - Test the event listening method of setting a theme')->info('  3.1 - Goto a module/action that should use the default theme')->get('/controller/event_listener')->with('response')->begin()->isStatusCode(200)->info('  3.1.1 - Listener in frontendConfiguration set the theme to test_theme')->checkElement('h1', '/' . $headers['test_theme'] . '/')->end();
$browser->info('4 - Change the theme via a request parameter')->info('  4.1 - Goto the default theme but with a request parameter to set test_theme')->get('/controller/default_theme?sf_theme=test_theme')->with('response')->begin()->isStatusCode(200)->info('  4.2 - See that the test_theme is used')->checkElement('h1', '/' . $headers['test_theme'] . '/')->end()->with('user')->begin()->info('  4.3 - A user attribute is set for the theme')->isAttribute('current_theme', 'test_theme')->end()->info('  4.4 - The theme should be sticky - goto another default theme, should be test theme still')->get('/controller/test_theme_forward_default_theme')->with('response')->begin()->isStatusCode(200)->checkElement('h1', '/' . $headers['test_theme'] . '/')->end()->info('  4.5 - Set the theme back to app_test with a request parameter')->get('/controller/test_theme_forward_default_theme?sf_theme=app_test')->with('response')->begin()->isStatusCode(200)->checkElement('h1', '/' . $headers['app_test'] . '/')->end()->info('  4.6 - The user theme is not used if overridden explicitly')->get('/controller/explicit_test_theme')->with('response')->begin()->isStatusCode(200)->info('  4.6.1 - The theme is test_theme, since it was explicitly set')->checkElement('h1', '/' . $headers['test_theme'] . '/')->end()->info('  4.7 - Using an invalid theme name does nothing, unsets user attribute')->get('/controller/default_theme?sf_theme=fake')->with('response')->begin()->isStatusCode(200)->checkElement('h1', '/' . $headers['app_test'] . '/')->end()->with('user')->begin()->info('  4.8 - A user attribute is actually unset')->isAttribute('current_theme', false)->end();
// Restart the browser to clear the session
$browser->info('5 - Test the modules and routes method of setting themes')->info('  5.1 - Goto a module that is setup in app.yml to use test_theme')->get('/test_theme_module/index')->with('response')->begin()->isStatusCode(200)->checkElement('h1', '/' . $headers['test_theme'] . '/')->end()->info('  5.2 - Goto a route that is setup in app.yml to use test_theme')->get('/controller/test_theme_route')->with('response')->begin()->isStatusCode(200)->checkElement('h1', '/' . $headers['test_theme'] . '/')->end();