Ejemplo n.º 1

$status = false;
$notify = $this->tenantDB->queryFirstRow("SELECT nc.id,nc.from_address,subject,message,from_name from notifications_configured  nc \r\n\tinner join  notifications n on n.id=nc.notification_id  where n.name='" . NOTIFYCREATEUSER . "' AND nc.client_id={$this->CLIENTID} ");
if (isset($notify['id'])) {
    $sendmail = new sendmailclass();
    $from_address = $notify['from_address'];
    $from_name = $notify['from_name'];
    $to_name = $name;
    $to_address = $mailid;
    $subject = $notify['subject'];
    $html_message = "Hi " . $to_name . ", <br /><br /> Your Login credential created for microsite,<br/> Please find the details below <br/>Link:xxxxxx<br/>LoginId:{$loginid}<br/>Password:{$password}";
    $status = $sendmail->sendHtmlEMail($from_address, $from_name, $to_name, $to_address, $subject, $html_message, $html_message);
return $status;
Ejemplo n.º 2

include_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/eventconfig.php";
include_once CLASSFOLDER . '/sendmail/sendmail.php';
$sendmail = new sendmailclass();
$from_address = "*****@*****.**";
$from_name = "senthil";
$subject = "Test";
$html_message = "test";
$sendmail->sendHtmlEMail($from_address, $from_name, 'hariesh', '*****@*****.**', $subject, $html_message, $html_message);
echo 'ds';

include_once CLASSFOLDER . "/rpoconstants.php";
$notify = $this->tenantDB->queryFirstRow("SELECT nc.id,nc.from_address,subject,message,from_name,message_location from notifications_configured  nc inner join  notifications n on n.id=nc.notification_id  where n.name='" . NOTIFYFORGETPASSWORD . "' AND nc.client_id={$this->CLIENTID} ");
if (isset($notify['id'])) {
    include_once CLASSFOLDER . '/sendmail/sendmail.php';
    $sendmail = new sendmailclass();
    $from_address = $notify['from_address'];
    $from_name = $notify['from_name'];
    $subject = $notify['subject'];
    $location = $notify['message_location'];
    $html_message = (include ROOTFOLDER . "/" . $location);
    $sendmail->sendHtmlEMail($from_address, $from_name, $username, $mailid, $subject, $html_message, $html_message);