Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Creates constraint object from tokens.
  * <p>
  * If parameter $constraintName is not passed then current position should point to the name of the constraint.
  * @param Tokenizer $tokenizer Tokens collection.
  * @param string $constraintName Optional name of the constraint.
  * @return Constraint
 public static function create(Tokenizer $tokenizer, $constraintName = '')
     if ($constraintName === false) {
         $constraintName = '';
     } elseif (!$constraintName) {
         $constraintName = $tokenizer->getCurrentToken()->text;
     $constraint = new self($constraintName);
     $token = $tokenizer->getCurrentToken();
     $level = $token->level;
     $constraintDefinition = '';
     do {
         if ($token->level == $level && $token->text == ',') {
         if ($token->level < $level && $token->text == ')') {
         $constraintDefinition .= $token->text;
         $token = $tokenizer->nextToken();
     } while (!$tokenizer->endOfInput());
     return $constraint;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public static function fromReflection(Zend_Reflection_Method $reflectionMethod)
     $method = new self();
     if ($reflectionMethod->getDocComment() != '') {
     if ($reflectionMethod->isPrivate()) {
     } elseif ($reflectionMethod->isProtected()) {
     } else {
     foreach ($reflectionMethod->getParameters() as $reflectionParameter) {
     $body = $reflectionMethod->getBody();
     $body2 = str_replace("\n\n", "\n", $body);
     $body2 = preg_replace("|^\n\\s{4}|muU", "\n", $body2);
     $body2 = preg_replace("|^\\s{4}|muU", "", $body2);
     //    $body2 = str_replace(' ', '.', $body2);
     //dmDebug::kill($body, "\n".$body2);
     return $method;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public static function fromRaw($body, $headers)
     $out = new self();
     return $out;
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * @param string $url
  * @param array $post
  * @param wfWAFHTTP $request
  * @return wfWAFHTTPResponse|bool
  * @throws wfWAFHTTPTransportException
 public static function post($url, $post = array(), $request = null)
     if (!$request) {
         $request = new self();
     return $request->send();
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * Creates trigger object from tokens.
  * <p>
  * Current position should point to the name of the trigger.
  * @param Tokenizer $tokenizer Tokens collection.
  * @return Trigger
 public static function create(Tokenizer $tokenizer)
     $name = $tokenizer->getCurrentToken()->text;
     $trigger = new self($name);
     $definition = '';
     while (!$tokenizer->endOfInput()) {
         $definition .= $tokenizer->getCurrentToken()->text;
     return $trigger;
Ejemplo n.º 6
Archivo: File.php Proyecto: lortnus/zf1
  * Enter description here...
  * @param ZendL_Reflection_File $reflectionFile
  * @return ZendL_Tool_CodeGenerator_Php_File
 public static function fromReflection(ZendL_Reflection_File $reflectionFile)
     $file = new self();
     $body = $reflectionFile->getContents();
     // @todo this whole area needs to be reworked with respect to how body lines are processed
     foreach ($reflectionFile->getClasses() as $class) {
         $classStartLine = $class->getStartLine(true);
         $classEndLine = $class->getEndLine();
         $bodyLines = explode("\n", $body);
         $bodyReturn = array();
         for ($lineNum = 1; $lineNum <= count($bodyLines); $lineNum++) {
             if ($lineNum == $classStartLine) {
                 $bodyReturn[] = str_replace('?', $class->getName(), self::$_markerClass);
                 //'/* ZendL_Tool_CodeGenerator_Php_File-ClassMarker: {' . $class->getName() . '} */';
                 $lineNum = $classEndLine;
             } else {
                 $bodyReturn[] = $bodyLines[$lineNum - 1];
                 // adjust for index -> line conversion
         $body = implode("\n", $bodyReturn);
         unset($bodyLines, $bodyReturn, $classStartLine, $classEndLine);
     if ($docblock = $reflectionFile->getDocblock()) {
         $bodyLines = explode("\n", $body);
         $bodyReturn = array();
         for ($lineNum = 1; $lineNum <= count($bodyLines); $lineNum++) {
             if ($lineNum == $docblock->getStartLine()) {
                 $bodyReturn[] = str_replace('?', $class->getName(), self::$_markerDocblock);
                 //'/* ZendL_Tool_CodeGenerator_Php_File-ClassMarker: {' . $class->getName() . '} */';
                 $lineNum = $docblock->getEndLine();
             } else {
                 $bodyReturn[] = $bodyLines[$lineNum - 1];
                 // adjust for index -> line conversion
         $body = implode("\n", $bodyReturn);
         unset($bodyLines, $bodyReturn, $classStartLine, $classEndLine);
     return $file;
Ejemplo n.º 7
  * @param array $recipient Recipient e-mail address
  * @param string $subject E-mail subject
  * @param string $body Message body
  * @param bool $html - HTML mail or plain text
  * @param array $replyto Reply to email address
  * @param array $cc CC e-mail address
  * @param array $bcc BCC e-mail address
  * @param string $attachment Attachment file name
  * @param array $cert - pem certificate
  * @param array $from - array( from, fromname )
  * @internal param array $replytoname Reply to name
  * @return boolean True on success
 public static function SpSendMail($recipient, $subject, $body, $html = false, $replyto = null, $cc = null, $bcc = null, $attachment = null, $cert = null, $from = null)
     $from = is_array($from) ? $from : array(Sobi::Cfg('mail.from'), Sobi::Cfg('mail.fromname'));
     $mail = new self();
     if ($html) {
     if ($cert) {
         $mail->Sign($cert['certificate'], $cert['key'], $cert['password']);
     return $mail->Send();
Ejemplo n.º 8
  * Creates stored procedure object from tokens.
  * <p>
  * Current position should point to the type of the stored procedure (PROCEDURE, FUNCTION or TYPE).
  * <p>
  * Name may consist of two parts divided by '.'.
  * @param Tokenizer $tokenizer Tokens collection.
  * @return Procedure
 public static function create(Tokenizer $tokenizer)
     $type = $tokenizer->getCurrentToken()->text;
     $name = $tokenizer->getCurrentToken()->text;
     $token = $tokenizer->nextToken();
     if ($token->text === '.') {
         $token = $tokenizer->nextToken();
         $name .= '.' . $token->text;
     $procedure = new self($name, $type);
     $definition = '';
     while (!$tokenizer->endOfInput()) {
         $definition .= $tokenizer->getCurrentToken()->text;
     return $procedure;
Ejemplo n.º 9
  * @return Request
 public static function fromInput()
     global $module;
     $model = new self();
     if (isset($module)) {
         $input = explode('/', $module);
     return $model;
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public static function createFromRawResponse($rawResponse)
     $response = new self($rawResponse);
     $lines = preg_split('/(\\r?\\n)/', $rawResponse);
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($lines); $i++) {
         if (0 == $i) {
             preg_match('/^HTTP\\/(\\d\\.\\d)\\s(\\d+)\\s(.+)/', $lines[$i], $statusLine);
             $response->setStatusCode($statusCode = $statusLine[2]);
         if (empty($lines[$i])) {
             $body = array_slice($lines, $i + 1);
             $response->setBody(implode("\n", $body));
         if (strpos($lines[$i], ':')) {
             $headerParts = explode(':', $lines[$i]);
             $response->setHeader($headerParts[0], $headerParts[1]);
     return $response;
Ejemplo n.º 11
  * fromReflection()
  * @param Zend_Reflection_Method $reflectionMethod
  * @return Zend_CodeGenerator_Php_Method
 public static function fromReflection(Zend_Reflection_Method $reflectionMethod)
     $method = new self();
     if ($reflectionMethod->getDocComment() != '') {
     if ($reflectionMethod->isPrivate()) {
     } elseif ($reflectionMethod->isProtected()) {
     } else {
     foreach ($reflectionMethod->getParameters() as $reflectionParameter) {
     return $method;
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public static function sendMailS($sender, $receiver, $subject, $body, $html = false, $resendCheck = false)
     $mail = new self();
     return false === $html ? $mail->sendAsText() : $mail->sendAsHTML();
Ejemplo n.º 13
  * Create an instance from an input string.
  * @param  string     $str the stringified response
  * @return \vakata\http\Response          the response instance
  * @codeCoverageIgnore
 public static function fromString($str)
     $res = new self();
     $break = strpos($str, "\r\n\r\n") === false ? "\n" : "\r\n";
     // just in case someone breaks RFC 2616
     list($headers, $message) = explode($break . $break, (string) $str, 2);
     $headers = explode($break, preg_replace("(" . $break . "\\s+)", " ", $headers));
     if (isset($headers[0]) && substr($headers[0], 0, 5) === 'HTTP/') {
         $temp = explode(' ', substr($headers[0], 5));
         $res->setStatusCode((int) $temp[1]);
         $headers = array_values($headers);
     foreach (array_filter($headers) as $v) {
         $v = explode(':', $v, 2);
         $res->setHeader(trim($v[0]), trim($v[1]));
     return $res;
Ejemplo n.º 14
  * Create an instance from a stringified request.
  * @param  string     $str the stringified request
  * @return \vakata\http\Request          the request instance
  * @codeCoverageIgnore
 public static function fromString($str)
     $req = new self();
     $break = strpos($str, "\r\n\r\n") === false ? "\n" : "\r\n";
     // just in case someone breaks RFC 2616
     list($headers, $message) = explode($break . $break, $str, 2);
     $headers = explode($break, preg_replace("(" . $break . "\\s+)", " ", $headers));
     if (isset($headers[0]) && strlen($headers[0])) {
         $temp = explode(' ', $headers[0]);
         if (in_array($temp[0], ['GET', 'POST', 'HEAD', 'PATCH', 'PUT', 'OPTIONS', 'TRACE', 'DELETE'])) {
             if (isset($temp[2])) {
                 $req->setProtocolVersion(substr($temp[2], 5));
             $headers = array_values($headers);
     foreach (array_filter($headers) as $v) {
         $v = explode(':', $v, 2);
         $req->setHeader(trim($v[0]), trim($v[1]));
     if ($req->hasHeader('Host')) {
         $host = explode(':', $req->getHeader('Host'), 2);
         if (isset($host[1]) && (int) $host[1]) {
     if (strpos($req->getHeader('Content-Type'), 'multipart') !== false) {
         $bndr = trim(explode(' boundary=', $req->getHeader('Content-Type'))[1], '"');
         $parts = explode($break . '--' . $bndr, $break . $message);
         $post = [];
         foreach ($parts as $item) {
             list($head, $body) = explode($break . $break, $item, 2);
             $head = explode($break, preg_replace("(" . $break . "\\s+)", " ", $head));
             foreach ($head as $h) {
                 if (strpos(strtolower($h), 'content-disposition') === 0) {
                     $cd = explode(';', $h);
                     $name = '';
                     $file = '';
                     foreach ($cd as $p) {
                         if (strpos(trim($p), 'name=') === 0) {
                             $name = trim(explode('name=', $p)[1], ' "');
                         if (strpos(trim($p), 'filename=') === 0) {
                             $file = trim(explode('filename=', $p)[1], ' "');
                     if ($file) {
                         $req->addUpload($name, $body, $file);
                     } else {
                         $post[$name] = $body;
     } elseif (strlen($message)) {
     return $req;
Ejemplo n.º 15
 static function send($to, $subject, $msg, $attach = '', $attachFilename = '')
     $e = new self();
     $e->setFrom(ini::get('email-address'), ini::get('email-name'));
     if (strlen($attach)) {
         $e->attach($attach, strlen($attachFilename) ? $attachFilename : 'attachment-1');
     return $e->mail();
Ejemplo n.º 16
  * @param wfWAFRequest|null $request
  * @return wfWAFRequest
 public static function createFromGlobals($request = null)
     if ($request === null) {
         if (version_compare(phpversion(), '5.3.0') > 0) {
             $class = get_called_class();
             $request = new $class();
         } else {
             $request = new self();
     if (!empty($_FILES)) {
         $fileNames = array();
         foreach ($_FILES as $input => $file) {
             $fileNames[$input] = wfWAFUtils::stripMagicQuotes($file['name']);
     if (is_array($_SERVER)) {
         //All of these depend on $_SERVER being non-null and an array
         $auth = array();
         if (array_key_exists('PHP_AUTH_USER', $_SERVER)) {
             $auth['user'] = wfWAFUtils::stripMagicQuotes($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']);
         if (array_key_exists('PHP_AUTH_PW', $_SERVER)) {
             $auth['password'] = wfWAFUtils::stripMagicQuotes($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW']);
         if (array_key_exists('REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT', $_SERVER)) {
             $timestamp = $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT'];
         } else {
             if (array_key_exists('REQUEST_TIME', $_SERVER)) {
                 $timestamp = $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'];
             } else {
                 $timestamp = time();
         $headers = array();
         foreach ($_SERVER as $key => $value) {
             if (wfWAFUtils::strpos($key, 'HTTP_') === 0) {
                 $header = wfWAFUtils::substr($key, 5);
                 $header = str_replace(array(' ', '_'), array('', ' '), $header);
                 $header = ucwords(wfWAFUtils::strtolower($header));
                 $header = str_replace(' ', '-', $header);
                 $headers[$header] = wfWAFUtils::stripMagicQuotes($value);
         if (array_key_exists('CONTENT_TYPE', $_SERVER)) {
             $headers['Content-Type'] = wfWAFUtils::stripMagicQuotes($_SERVER['CONTENT_TYPE']);
         if (array_key_exists('CONTENT_LENGTH', $_SERVER)) {
             $headers['Content-Length'] = wfWAFUtils::stripMagicQuotes($_SERVER['CONTENT_LENGTH']);
         $host = '';
         if (array_key_exists('Host', $headers)) {
             $host = $headers['Host'];
         } else {
             if (array_key_exists('SERVER_NAME', $_SERVER)) {
                 $host = wfWAFUtils::stripMagicQuotes($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']);
         $request->setMethod(array_key_exists('REQUEST_METHOD', $_SERVER) ? wfWAFUtils::stripMagicQuotes($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) : 'GET');
         $request->setProtocol(array_key_exists('HTTPS', $_SERVER) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] !== 'off' ? 'https' : 'http');
         $request->setUri(array_key_exists('REQUEST_URI', $_SERVER) ? wfWAFUtils::stripMagicQuotes($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) : '');
         $uri = parse_url($request->getURI());
         if (is_array($uri) && array_key_exists('path', $uri)) {
             $path = $uri['path'];
         } else {
             $path = $request->getURI();
     return $request;
Ejemplo n.º 17
  * Creates column object from tokens.
  * <p>
  * Current position should point to the name of the column.
  * @param Tokenizer $tokenizer Tokens collection.
  * @return Column
  * @throws NotSupportedException
 public static function create(Tokenizer $tokenizer)
     $columnName = $tokenizer->getCurrentToken()->text;
     $token = $tokenizer->getCurrentToken();
     $columnType = $token->upper;
     if (!self::checkType($columnType)) {
         throw new NotSupportedException("column type expected but [" . $tokenizer->getCurrentToken()->text . "] found. line: " . $tokenizer->getCurrentToken()->line);
     $column = new self($columnName);
     $column->type = $columnType;
     $level = $token->level;
     $lengthLevel = -1;
     $columnDefinition = '';
     do {
         if ($token->level == $level && $token->text == ',') {
         if ($token->level < $level && $token->text == ')') {
         $columnDefinition .= $token->text;
         if ($token->upper === 'NOT') {
             $column->nullable = false;
         } elseif ($token->upper === 'DEFAULT') {
             $column->default = false;
         } elseif ($column->default === false) {
             if ($token->type !== Token::T_WHITESPACE && $token->type !== Token::T_COMMENT) {
                 $column->default = $token->text;
         $token = $tokenizer->nextToken();
         //parentheses after type
         if ($lengthLevel == -1) {
             if ($token->text == '(') {
                 $lengthLevel = $token->level;
                 $column->length = '';
                 while (!$tokenizer->endOfInput()) {
                     $columnDefinition .= $token->text;
                     $token = $tokenizer->nextToken();
                     if ($token->level == $lengthLevel && $token->text == ')') {
                     $column->length .= $token->text;
             } elseif ($token->type !== Token::T_WHITESPACE && $token->type !== Token::T_COMMENT) {
                 $lengthLevel = 0;
     } while (!$tokenizer->endOfInput());
     return $column;