Ejemplo n.º 1
 function generate()
     $thisTable = $this->getTableObject();
     $thisSqlEngine = new selectSQLGenerator($thisTable->getTableName(), $thisTable->getDatabase(), $thisTable->getFieldNameArray());
     $sql = $thisSqlEngine->constructSQL($thisTable);
     return $sql;
 function generateSelectSQL()
     $thisTable = $this->getTableObject();
     $thisSqlEngine = new selectSQLGenerator($thisTable->getTableName(), $thisTable->getDatabase(), " * ");
     $sql = $thisSqlEngine->constructSQL($thisTable);
     $code = "";
     $code .= "<?\n";
     $code .= "\$initStartLimit = 0;\n";
     $code .= "\$limitPerPage = 10;\n\n";
     $code .= "\$startLimit = \$_REQUEST['startLimit'];\n";
     $code .= "\$numberOfRows = \$_REQUEST['rows'];\n";
     $code .= "\$sortBy = \$_REQUEST['sortBy'];\n";
     $code .= "\$sortOrder = \$_REQUEST['sortOrder'];\n\n";
     $code .= "if (\$startLimit==\"\")\n";
     $code .= "{\n";
     $code .= "\t\t\$startLimit = \$initStartLimit;\n";
     $code .= "}\n\n";
     $code .= "if (\$numberOfRows==\"\")\n";
     $code .= "{\n";
     $code .= "\t\t\$numberOfRows = \$limitPerPage;\n";
     $code .= "}\n\n";
     $code .= "if (\$sortOrder==\"\")\n";
     $code .= "{\n";
     $code .= "\t\t\$sortOrder  = \"DESC\";\n";
     $code .= "}\n";
     $code .= "if (\$sortOrder == \"DESC\") { \$newSortOrder = \"ASC\"; } else  { \$newSortOrder = \"DESC\"; }\n";
     $code .= "\$limitQuery = \" LIMIT \".\$startLimit.\",\".\$numberOfRows;\n";
     $code .= "\$nextStartLimit = \$startLimit + \$limitPerPage;\n";
     $code .= "\$previousStartLimit = \$startLimit - \$limitPerPage;\n\n";
     $code .= "if (\$sortBy!=\"\")\n";
     $code .= "{\n";
     $code .= "\t\t\$orderByQuery = \" ORDER BY \".\$sortBy.\" \".\$sortOrder;\n";
     $code .= "}\n";
     $code .= "\n\n";
     $code .= "\$sql = \"" . $sql . "\".\$orderByQuery.\$limitQuery;" . $this->getLineEnder();
     $code .= "\$result = MYSQL_QUERY(\$sql);" . $this->getLineEnder();
     $code .= "\$numberOfRows = MYSQL_NUM_ROWS(\$result);\n\n";
     $code .= "\n?>";
 function generateSelectSQL()
     $thisTable = $this->getTableObject();
     $thisSqlEngine = new selectSQLGenerator($thisTable->getTableName(), $thisTable->getDatabase(), " * ");
     $sql = $thisSqlEngine->constructSQL($thisTable);
     $code = "";
     $code .= "<?\n";
     $code .= "";
     $code .= "\$this" . ucfirst($thisTable->getPrimaryKey()) . "FromForm = \$_REQUEST['" . NAME_FORM_FIELD_PREFIX . ucfirst($thisTable->getPrimaryKey()) . NAME_FORM_FIELD_SUFFIX . "'];\n";
     $code .= "\$thisAction = \$_REQUEST['action'];\n";
     $code .= "if (\$thisAction==\"Update\")\n";
     $code .= "{\n";
     $thisUpdateSqlEngine = new updateSQLGenerator($thisTable->getTableName(), $thisTable->getDatabase());
     $sqlUpdate = $thisUpdateSqlEngine->constructSQL($thisTable);
     $code .= $this->getRetreiveFromFormCode("REQUEST");
     $code .= "\t\$sqlUpdate = \"" . $sqlUpdate . "\";" . $this->getLineEnder();
     $code .= "\t\$resultUpdate = MYSQL_QUERY(\$sqlUpdate);" . $this->getLineEnder();
     $code .= "\techo \"<b>Record with Id \".\$this" . ucfirst($thisTable->getPrimaryKey()) . "FromForm.\" has been Updated<br></b>\";\n";
     $code .= "\t\$this" . ucfirst($thisTable->getPrimaryKey()) . "FromForm = \"\";\n";
     $code .= "}\n\n";
     $code .= "if (\$thisAction==\"Insert\")\n";
     $code .= "{\n";
     $thisInsertSqlEngine = new insertSQLGenerator($thisTable->getTableName(), $thisTable->getDatabase());
     $sqlInsert = $thisInsertSqlEngine->constructSQL($thisTable);
     $code .= $this->getRetreiveFromFormCode("REQUEST");
     $code .= "\t\$sqlInsert = \"" . $sqlInsert . "\";" . $this->getLineEnder();
     $code .= "\t\$resultInsert = MYSQL_QUERY(\$sqlInsert);" . $this->getLineEnder();
     $code .= "\techo \"<b>Record has been inserted in Database<br></b>\";\n";
     $code .= "\t\$this" . ucfirst($thisTable->getPrimaryKey()) . "FromForm = \"\";\n";
     $code .= "}\n\n";
     $code .= "if (\$thisAction==\"Delete\")\n";
     $code .= "{\n";
     $thisDeleteSqlEngine = new deleteSQLGenerator($thisTable->getTableName(), $thisTable->getDatabase());
     $sqlDelete = $thisDeleteSqlEngine->constructSQL($thisTable);
     $code .= $this->getRetreiveFromFormCode("REQUEST");
     $code .= "\t\$sqlDelete = \"" . $sqlDelete . "\";" . $this->getLineEnder();
     $code .= "\t\$resultDelete = MYSQL_QUERY(\$sqlDelete);\n" . $this->getLineEnder();
     $code .= "\techo \"<b>Record with Id \".\$this" . ucfirst($thisTable->getPrimaryKey()) . "FromForm.\" has been Deleted<br></b>\";\n";
     $code .= "\t\$this" . ucfirst($thisTable->getPrimaryKey()) . "FromForm = \"\";\n";
     $code .= "}\n\n";
     $code .= "\$initStartLimit = 0;\n";
     $code .= "\$limitPerPage = 10;\n\n";
     $code .= "\$startLimit = \$_REQUEST['startLimit'];\n";
     $code .= "\$numberOfRows = \$_REQUEST['rows'];\n";
     $code .= "\$sortBy = \$_REQUEST['sortBy'];\n";
     $code .= "\$sortOrder = \$_REQUEST['sortOrder'];\n\n";
     $code .= "if (\$startLimit==\"\")\n";
     $code .= "{\n";
     $code .= "\t\t\$startLimit = \$initStartLimit;\n";
     $code .= "}\n\n";
     $code .= "if (\$numberOfRows==\"\")\n";
     $code .= "{\n";
     $code .= "\t\t\$numberOfRows = \$limitPerPage;\n";
     $code .= "}\n\n";
     $code .= "if (\$sortOrder==\"\")\n";
     $code .= "{\n";
     $code .= "\t\t\$sortOrder  = \"DESC\";\n";
     $code .= "}\n";
     $code .= "if (\$sortOrder == \"DESC\") { \$newSortOrder = \"ASC\"; } else  { \$newSortOrder = \"DESC\"; }\n";
     $code .= "\$limitQuery = \" LIMIT \".\$startLimit.\",\".\$numberOfRows;\n";
     $code .= "\$nextStartLimit = \$startLimit + \$limitPerPage;\n";
     $code .= "\$previousStartLimit = \$startLimit - \$limitPerPage;\n\n";
     $code .= "if (\$sortBy!=\"\")\n";
     $code .= "{\n";
     $code .= "\t\t\$orderByQuery = \" ORDER BY \".\$sortBy.\" \".\$sortOrder;\n";
     $code .= "}\n";
     $code .= "\n\n";
     $code .= "\$sql = \"" . $sql . "\".\$orderByQuery.\$limitQuery;" . $this->getLineEnder();
     $code .= "\$result = MYSQL_QUERY(\$sql);" . $this->getLineEnder();
     $code .= "\$numberOfRows = MYSQL_NUM_ROWS(\$result);\n\n";
     $code .= "\n?>";
Ejemplo n.º 4
 function generateGetDataFromDbForOneRowOOnPage()
     $thisTable = $this->getTableObject();
     $code = "";
     $code .= "<?php\n";
     $code .= "\$this" . ucfirst($thisTable->getPrimaryKey()) . " = \$_REQUEST['" . $thisTable->getPrimaryKey() . NAME_FORM_FIELD_SUFFIX . "']\n";
     $code .= "?>\n";
     $thisSqlEngine = new selectSQLGenerator($thisTable->getTableName(), $thisTable->getDatabase(), " * ", "", "", "", "", "", "y");
     $sql = $thisSqlEngine->constructSQL($thisTable);
     $code .= "<?php\n";
     $code .= "\$sql = \"" . $sql . "\";" . $this->getLineEnder();
     $code .= "\$result = MYSQL_QUERY(\$sql);" . $this->getLineEnder();
     $code .= "\$numberOfRows = MYSQL_NUMROWS(\$result);\n";
     $code .= "if (\$numberOfRows==0) {  \n?>\n\n";
     $code .= "<?php\n}\n";
     $code .= "else if (\$numberOfRows>0) {\n\n";
     $code .= $this->getCodeTab() . "\$i=0;\n";
     $code .= $this->generateGetDataFromDbForOneRow();
     $code .= "\n}\n";
     $code .= "?>\n";
     return $code;