Ejemplo n.º 1

defined('IN_DESTOON') or exit('Access Denied');
require DT_ROOT . '/module/' . $module . '/common.inc.php';
require DT_ROOT . '/include/post.func.php';
include load($module . '.lang');
include load('my.lang');
$resume = isset($resume) ? 1 : 0;
if ($resume) {
    $MG['resume_limit'] > -1 or dalert(lang('message->without_permission_and_upgrade'), 'goback');
    require MD_ROOT . '/resume.class.php';
    $do = new resume($moduleid);
    $table = $DT_PRE . 'resume';
    if (in_array($action, array('add', 'edit'))) {
        $FD = cache_read('fields-' . substr($table, strlen($DT_PRE)) . '.php');
        if ($FD) {
            require DT_ROOT . '/include/fields.func.php';
        isset($post_fields) or $post_fields = array();
    $sql = $_userid ? "username='******'" : "ip='{$DT_IP}'";
    $limit_used = $limit_free = $need_password = $need_captcha = $need_question = $fee_add = 0;
    if (in_array($action, array('', 'add'))) {
        $r = $db->get_one("SELECT COUNT(*) AS num FROM {$table} WHERE {$sql} AND status>1");
        $limit_used = $r['num'];
        $limit_free = $MG['resume_limit'] > $limit_used ? $MG['resume_limit'] - $limit_used : 0;
    switch ($action) {
        case 'add':
            if ($MG['resume_limit'] && $limit_used >= $MG['resume_limit']) {
                dalert(lang($L['info_limit'], array($MG['resume_limit'], $limit_used)), $_userid ? $MODULE[2]['linkurl'] . $DT['file_my'] . '?mid=' . $mid : $MODULE[2]['linkurl'] . $DT['file_my']);
     $arrDescriptFields = array();
     // Описание основных полей анкеты
     foreach (array_keys(array_merge($arrBindFields, $arrNoBindFields)) as $indexField) {
         $arrDescriptFields['basic'][$indexField] = @constant('ANNOUNCE_BASIC_FIELD_DESCRIPT_' . strtoupper($indexField)) or $arrDescriptFields['basic'][$indexField] = @constant('VACANCY_BASIC_FIELD_DESCRIPT_' . strtoupper($indexField));
     $smarty->assignByRef('arrDescriptFields', $arrDescriptFields);
     $smarty->assignByRef('arrBasicFields', $arrBasicFields);
  * Настройки объявлений - Резюме
 if ($arrActions['confResume']) {
     // инициируем "Наименование страницы" отображаемое в форме
     $arrNamePage[] = array('name' => MENU_ANNOUNCES_RESUMES, 'link' => false);
     $arrNamePage[] = array('name' => MENU_CONFIG, 'link' => false);
     $resume = new resume();
     if (isset($_POST['save'])) {
         // сохраняем данные, переданные из формы
         $crat = isset($_POST['crat']) && (int) $_POST['crat'] ? (int) abs($_POST['crat']) : 72;
         $crpt = isset($_POST['crpt']) && (int) $_POST['crpt'] ? (int) abs($_POST['crpt']) : 72;
         $crct = isset($_POST['crct']) && (int) $_POST['crct'] ? (int) abs($_POST['crct']) : 72;
         $crvipt = isset($_POST['crvipt']) && (int) $_POST['crvipt'] ? (int) abs($_POST['crvipt']) : 0;
         $crvips = isset($_POST['crvips']) ? 1 : 0;
         $crvipsp = isset($_POST['crvipsp']) && (int) $_POST['crvipsp'] ? (int) abs($_POST['crvipsp']) : 5;
         $crhott = isset($_POST['crhott']) && (int) $_POST['crhott'] ? (int) abs($_POST['crhott']) : 0;
         $crhotsp = isset($_POST['crhotsp']) && (int) $_POST['crhotsp'] ? (int) abs($_POST['crhotsp']) : 5;
         $crls = isset($_POST['crls']) ? 1 : 0;
         $crlsp = isset($_POST['crlsp']) && (int) $_POST['crlsp'] ? (int) abs($_POST['crlsp']) : 5;
         $crap = isset($_POST['crap']) ? 1 : 0;
         $crapmw = isset($_POST['crapmw']) && (int) $_POST['crapmw'] ? (int) abs($_POST['crapmw']) : 150;
         $crapmh = isset($_POST['crapmh']) && (int) $_POST['crapmh'] ? (int) abs($_POST['crapmh']) : 150;
Ejemplo n.º 3
                unset($_FILES[$inputName]['tmp_name'], $_FILES[$inputName]['type'], $_FILES[$inputName]['error']);
        } else {
            // иначе: есть ошибки
            // уничтожаем лишние данные (мусор)
            // уничтожаем временный файл
        // печатаем данные о загруженном файле в формате JSON
        echo ajax::sdgJSONencode($_FILES[$inputName]);
    } else {
        echo 'ErrInputFile';
} elseif (isset($_GET['editVisibility']) && !empty($_POST['visibility']) && ('visible' === $_POST['visibility'] || 'visiblehc' === $_POST['visibility'] || 'members' === $_POST['visibility'] || 'membershc' === $_POST['visibility'] || 'hide' === $_POST['visibility']) && (int) $_POST['id'] && 0 < $_POST['id']) {
    $resume = new resume();
    echo !$resume->setVisibility($_POST['visibility'], $_POST['id']) ? 'errSet' : 'success';
} elseif (!empty($_POST['checkAlias']) && !empty($_POST['uID'])) {
    $user = new user();
    echo $user->issetUser("id NOT IN (" . secure::escQuoteData($_POST['uID']) . ") AND alias IN (" . secure::escQuoteData($_POST['checkAlias']) . ") AND token IN ('active','archived','moderate','new')") ? 'true' : 'false';
} elseif (!empty($_POST['getArticleDetail'])) {
    $articles = new articles();
    $arrArticle = $articles->getArticle("id IN (" . secure::escQuoteData($_POST['getArticleDetail']) . ")");
    $smarty->assignByRef('arrArticle', $arrArticle);
} elseif (!empty($_POST['getNewsDetail'])) {
    $news = new news();
    $arrNews = $news->getNews("id=" . secure::escQuoteData($_POST['getNewsDetail']));
    $smarty->assignByRef('arrNews', $arrNews);
} elseif (!empty($_GET['getAnnounceData']) && ('vacancy' === $_GET['getAnnounceData'] || 'resume' === $_GET['getAnnounceData']) && !empty($_POST['unikey'])) {
Ejemplo n.º 4
 * @author Rene F. Gabriel Junior <*****@*****.**>
 * @copyright © Pan American Health Organization, 2013. All rights reserved.
 * @access public
 * @version v0.13.46
 * @package ProEthos
 * @subpackage Main
/* mark active page to cabmenu */
$active_page = 'home';
require "cab.php";
/* Library */
require $include . 'sisdoc_data.php';
/* Resume */
require "_class/_class_resume.php";
require $include . 'sisdoc_data.php';
$rs = new resume();
/* load config committee */
require "_class/_class_committee.php";
$cmt = new committee();
if ($cmt->config_exist_file() != 0) {
    require_once $cmt->file;
/* Valida paramentros do Committee */
require_once "_class/_class_committee.php";
$cmt = new committee();
if ($cmt->config_exist_file() == 0) {
/* Carrega dados do calendário */
require "_class/_class_calender.php";
$cal = new calendar();
Ejemplo n.º 5
 * @copyright © Pan American Health Organization, 2013. All rights reserved.
 * @access public
 * @version v.0.13.46
 * @package Proethos
 * @subpackage Protocol
/* mark active page to cabmenu */
$active_page = 'research';
require "cab.php";
require "_class/_class_cep.php";
$cep = new cep();
require "_class/_class_cep_submit.php";
require $include . 'sisdoc_colunas.php';
require $include . 'sisdoc_data.php';
require "_class/_class_resume.php";
$rs = new resume();
$proj = new submit();
/* Ajusta protocolos perdidos */
$sql = "update " . $proj->tabela . " set doc_status = '@' where doc_status = '' ";
$rlt = db_query($sql);
/* Buscar projetos do pesquisador */
$proj->doc_autor_principal = $ss->user_codigo;
$pta = $proj->protocolos_todos($dd[1]);
/* Search project form */
echo '<h1>' . msg('project_investigador') . '</h1>';
echo $cep->form_search();
/* search form */
echo '<BR><BR>';
echo $rs->resume();
/* project in submission */
echo '<BR>';
Ejemplo n.º 6
 if ($minsalary) {
     $condition .= " AND minsalary>={$minsalary}";
 if ($maxsalary) {
     $condition .= " AND maxsalary<={$maxsalary}";
 $GENDER[0] = $L['all_gender'];
 $TYPE[0] = $L['all_work'];
 $MARRIAGE[0] = $L['all_marriage'];
 $EDUCATION[0] = $L['all_education'];
 $pagesize = $MOD['pagesize'];
 $offset = ($page - 1) * $pagesize;
 if ($action == 'resume') {
     $condition .= " AND open=3";
     require MD_ROOT . '/resume.class.php';
     $do = new resume($moduleid);
     $tags = $do->get_list($condition, 'edittime desc', $DT['cache_search'] ? 'CACHE' : '');
 } else {
     if ($pptsql) {
         $condition .= $pptsql;
     require MD_ROOT . '/job.class.php';
     $do = new job($moduleid);
     $tags = $do->get_list($condition, $MOD['order'], $DT['cache_search'] ? 'CACHE' : '');
     if ($tags && $kw) {
         foreach ($tags as $k => $v) {
             $tags[$k]['title'] = str_replace($kw, '<span class="highlight">' . $kw . '</span>', $v['title']);
         if ($page == 1) {
             keyword($kw, $items, $moduleid);
Ejemplo n.º 7
 static function actionsControl(&$arrActions)
     $user = new user();
     $subscription = new subscription();
     $vacancy = new vacancy();
     $resume = new resume();
     foreach ($arrActions as $action => $type) {
         switch ($action) {
             case 'updateCounters':
                 $result = caching::dropCache();
             case 'delNonverifyUsers':
                 $uData = $user->getCombinedUsersData(array(array('users', 'id')), "users.token IN ('new') AND users.token_datetime < NOW()", false, false);
                 if (!empty($uData) && is_array($uData)) {
                     foreach ($uData as $data) {
                         $arrId[] = $data['id'];
                 $result = !empty($arrId) ? $user->deleteUsers($arrId, false, false, false, false, false) : true;
             case 'delNontypeUsers':
                 $uData = $user->getCombinedUsersData(array(array('users', 'id')), "conf_users.token IN ('new') AND users.token IN ('active') AND users.token_datetime < NOW()", false, false);
                 if (!empty($uData) && is_array($uData)) {
                     foreach ($uData as $data) {
                         $arrId[] = $data['id'];
                 $result = !empty($arrId) ? $user->deleteUsers($arrId, false, false, false, false, false) : true;
             case 'delUnpaidUsers':
                 $uData = $user->getCombinedUsersData(array(array('users', 'id')), "conf_users.token IN ('payment') AND users.token_datetime < NOW()", false, false);
                 if (!empty($uData) && is_array($uData)) {
                     foreach ($uData as $data) {
                         $arrId[] = $data['id'];
                 $result = !empty($arrId) ? $user->deleteUsers($arrId, false, false, false, false, false) : true;
             case 'delUnpaidSubscr':
                 $result = $subscription->delSubscriptions("token IN ('payment') AND token_datetime < NOW()");
             case 'vacDelNonverify':
                 $result = $vacancy->delAnnounces("token IN ('new') AND token_datetime < NOW()");
             case 'resDelNonverify':
                 $result = $resume->delAnnounces("token IN ('new') AND token_datetime < NOW()");
             case 'vacDelUnpaid':
                 $result = $vacancy->delAnnounces("token IN ('payment') AND token_datetime < NOW()");
             case 'resDelUnpaid':
                 $result = $resume->delAnnounces("token IN ('payment') AND token_datetime < NOW()");
             case 'vacVipResetSlo':
                 $result = $vacancy->controlAnnounces("vip AND token IN ('active') AND vip_unset_datetime NOT IN ('0000-00-00 00:00:00') AND vip_unset_datetime < NOW()", 'vip');
             case 'resVipResetSlo':
                 $result = $resume->controlAnnounces("vip AND token IN ('active') AND vip_unset_datetime NOT IN ('0000-00-00 00:00:00') AND vip_unset_datetime < NOW()", 'vip');
             case 'vacHotResetSlo':
                 $result = $vacancy->controlAnnounces("hot AND token IN ('active') AND hot_unset_datetime NOT IN ('0000-00-00 00:00:00') AND hot_unset_datetime < NOW()", 'hot');
             case 'resHotResetSlo':
                 $result = $resume->controlAnnounces("hot AND token IN ('active') AND hot_unset_datetime NOT IN ('0000-00-00 00:00:00') AND hot_unset_datetime < NOW()", 'hot');
             case 'vacActionSlo':
                 $result = $vacancy->controlAnnounces("token IN ('active') AND token_datetime < NOW()", $type);
             case 'resActionSlo':
                 $result = $resume->controlAnnounces("token IN ('active') AND token_datetime < NOW()", $type);
                 $result = true;
         if (!$result) {
             return false;
         } else {
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 8
  * protected функция выполняет действия над группой строк в таблице БД
  * @param string $action
  * @param array $arrFields
  * @return bool
 protected function actionCategorys($action, $arrFields, $silentMode = false)
     switch ($action) {
         case 'edit':
             foreach ($arrFields as $key => $value) {
                 $arrData = isset($value['arrNoBindFields']) ? $value['arrBindFields'] + $value['arrNoBindFields'] : $value['arrBindFields'];
                 $result = $this->editEntrys(secure::escQuoteData($arrData), "id IN (" . secure::escQuoteData($key) . ")");
         case 'sort':
             foreach ($arrFields as $key => $value) {
                 $arrSort[$value][] = $key;
             foreach ($arrSort as $key => $value) {
                 $result = $this->editEntrys(array('sort' => "'{$key}'"), "id IN (" . implode(',', secure::escQuoteData($value)) . ")");
         case 'del':
             $table = $this->retTableName();
             $strFields = implode(',', secure::escQuoteData($arrFields));
             $vacancy = new vacancy();
             $result = $vacancy->delAnnounces('id_' . $table . ' IN (' . $strFields . ')');
             $resume = new resume();
             $result = $resume->delAnnounces('id_' . $table . ' IN (' . $strFields . ')');
             $subscription = new subscription();
             $strWhere = 'profession' !== $table ? 'id_' . $table . ' IN (' . $strFields . ')' : 'id_' . $table . ' IN (' . $strFields . ') OR id_' . $table . '_1 IN (' . $strFields . ') OR id_' . $table . '_2 IN (' . $strFields . ')';
             $result = $subscription->delSubscriptions($strWhere);
             $result = $this->delCategorys('id IN (' . $strFields . ')');
         case 'setcapital':
             $result = $this->editEntrys(array('capital' => "'on'"), "id IN (" . implode(',', secure::escQuoteData($arrFields)) . ") AND capital IN ('0')");
         case 'resetcapital':
             $result = $this->editEntrys(array('capital' => "'0'"), "parent_id IN (" . implode(',', secure::escQuoteData($arrFields)) . ") AND capital IN ('on')");
         case 'setRegionMajor':
             $result = $this->editEntrys(array('major' => "'on'"), "id IN (" . implode(',', secure::escQuoteData($arrFields)) . ") AND major IN ('0')");
         case 'resetRegionMajor':
             $result = $this->editEntrys(array('major' => "'0'"), "id IN (" . implode(',', secure::escQuoteData($arrFields)) . ") AND major IN ('on')");
         case 'setAddCityAllowed':
             $result = $this->editEntrys(array('add_city_allowed' => "'on'"), "id IN (" . implode(',', secure::escQuoteData($arrFields)) . ") AND add_city_allowed IN ('0')");
         case 'resetAddCityAllowed':
             $result = $this->editEntrys(array('add_city_allowed' => "'0'"), "id IN (" . implode(',', secure::escQuoteData($arrFields)) . ") AND add_city_allowed IN ('on')");
             if ($silentMode) {
                 $result = false;
             } else {
                 messages::messageChangeSaved(MESSAGE_WARNING_UNKNOWN_ACTION, false, CONF_ADMIN_FILE);
     return $result;
Ejemplo n.º 9
     msg('ID从' . $fid . '至' . ($itemid - 1) . $MOD['name'] . ($update ? '更新' : '生成') . '成功' . progress($sid, $fid, $tid), "?moduleid={$moduleid}&file={$file}&action={$action}&sid={$sid}&fid={$itemid}&tid={$tid}&num={$num}&update={$update}&all={$all}&one={$one}");
 case 'update_resume':
     $table = $DT_PRE . 'resume';
     $catid = isset($catid) ? intval($catid) : '';
     $sql = $catid ? " AND catid={$catid}" : '';
     if (!isset($fid)) {
         $r = $db->get_one("SELECT min(itemid) AS fid FROM {$table} WHERE status>2 {$sql}");
         $fid = $r['fid'] ? $r['fid'] : 0;
     if (!isset($tid)) {
         $r = $db->get_one("SELECT max(itemid) AS tid FROM {$table} WHERE status>2 {$sql}");
         $tid = $r['tid'] ? $r['tid'] : 0;
     require MD_ROOT . '/resume.class.php';
     $do = new resume($moduleid);
     isset($num) or $num = 100;
     if ($fid <= $tid) {
         $result = $db->query("SELECT itemid FROM {$table} WHERE status>2 AND itemid>={$fid} {$sql} ORDER BY itemid LIMIT 0,{$num} ");
         if ($db->affected_rows($result)) {
             while ($r = $db->fetch_array($result)) {
                 $itemid = $r['itemid'];
             $itemid += 1;
         } else {
             $itemid = $fid + $num;
     } else {
         dmsg('更新成功', $this_forward);
Ejemplo n.º 10
 * Рабочая часть
 * Инициализация объектов
$pages = new pages();
// дополнительные страницы
$news = new news();
// новости
$user = new user();
// пользователь
$group = new group();
// группа
$payments = new payments();
// платные услуги
$vacancy = new vacancy();
// вакансии
$resume = new resume();
// резюме
$smarty->assignByRef('currLang', $currLang);
 * инициализация списка разделов
$sections = new sections();
$arrDataSections = $sections->retCategorys();
$smarty->assignByRef('sections', $arrDataSections);
 * инициализация списка профессий
$professions = new professions();
$arrDataProfessions = $professions->retCategorys();
$smarty->assignByRef('professions', $arrDataProfessions);
* @package
* @todo
!defined('SDG') ? die('Triple protection!') : null;
* иницализация массива подключаемых шаблонов: по умолчанию все значения - false
* для подключения шаблона, необходимо установить значение - true
* шаблоны подключаются в порядке установленном в файле головного шаблона
$arrActions = array('moderate' => false, 'payment' => false, 'new' => false, 'correction' => false, 'template' => false, 'archived' => false);
// инициируем "Наименование страницы" отображаемое в форме
$arrNamePage = array(array('name' => MENU_ADMIN_MAIN, 'link' => CONF_ADMIN_FILE), array('name' => MENU_ANNOUNCES, 'link' => false));
* создаем необходимые объекты
$resume = new resume();
// резюме
$sections = new sections();
// разделы
$smarty->assign('sections', $sections->retCategorys());
$professions = new professions();
// профессии
$regions = new regions();
// регионы
$smarty->assign('regions', $regions->retCategorys());
$citys = new citys();
// города
$selects = new selects();
// словарь - "Списки"
$dictGender = $selects->retDictByAlias('SysDict', 'Gender');
// список - "Половая принадлежность"
Ejemplo n.º 12

defined('IN_DESTOON') or exit('Access Denied');
$table = $DT_PRE . 'resume';
require MD_ROOT . '/resume.class.php';
$do = new resume($moduleid);
$menus = array(array('添加简历', '?moduleid=' . $moduleid . '&file=' . $file . '&action=add'), array('简历列表', '?moduleid=' . $moduleid . '&file=' . $file), array('审核简历', '?moduleid=' . $moduleid . '&file=' . $file . '&action=check'), array('未通过简历', '?moduleid=' . $moduleid . '&file=' . $file . '&action=reject'), array('回收站', '?moduleid=' . $moduleid . '&file=' . $file . '&action=recycle'), array('移动简历', '?moduleid=' . $moduleid . '&file=' . $file . '&action=move'));
if (in_array($action, array('add', 'edit'))) {
    $FD = cache_read('fields-' . substr($table, strlen($DT_PRE)) . '.php');
    if ($FD) {
        require DT_ROOT . '/include/fields.func.php';
    isset($post_fields) or $post_fields = array();
if (in_array($action, array('', 'check', 'expire', 'reject', 'recycle'))) {
    $GENDER[0] = '性别';
    $TYPE[0] = '工作';
    $MARRIAGE[0] = '婚姻';
    $EDUCATION[0] = '学历';
    $sfields = array('模糊', '标题', '简介', '会员名', '真实姓名', '毕业院校', '所学专业', '专业技能', '语言水平', '期望职位', '联系手机', '联系电话', '联系地址', 'Email', 'MSN', 'QQ', '模板', 'IP');
    $dfields = array('keyword', 'title', 'introduce', 'username', 'truename', 'school', 'major', 'skill', 'language', 'job', 'mobile', 'telephone', 'address', 'email', 'msn', 'qq', 'template', 'ip');
    $sorder = array('结果排序方式', '更新时间降序', '更新时间升序', '添加时间降序', '添加时间升序', '浏览次数降序', '浏览次数升序', '最低待遇降序', '最低待遇升序', '最高待遇降序', '最高待遇升序', '学历高低降序', '学历高低升序', '信息ID降序', '信息ID升序');
    $dorder = array($MOD['order'], 'edittime DESC', 'edittime ASC', 'addtime DESC', 'addtime ASC', 'hits DESC', 'hits ASC', 'minsalary DESC', 'minsalary ASC', 'maxalary DESC', 'maxsalary ASC', 'education DESC', 'education ASC', 'itemid DESC', 'itemid ASC');
    $level = isset($level) ? intval($level) : 0;
    $gender = isset($gender) ? intval($gender) : 0;
    $type = isset($type) ? intval($type) : 0;
    $marriage = isset($marriage) ? intval($marriage) : 0;
    $education = isset($education) ? intval($education) : 0;
    $experience = isset($experience) ? intval($experience) : 0;
    $areaid = isset($areaid) ? intval($areaid) : 0;
    $minsalary = isset($minsalary) ? intval($minsalary) : 0;
Ejemplo n.º 13
  * private функция формирования данных для рассылки
  * @param array $arrData - массив данных, необходимых для рассылки
  * @return
 private function createSubscriptionData($arrData)
     // формируем основной запрос для выборки объявлений
     $strWhere = "id_section IN (" . secure::escQuoteData($arrData['id_section']) . ") AND id_region IN (" . secure::escQuoteData($arrData['id_region']) . ") AND (TO_DAYS(NOW())-TO_DAYS(act_datetime))<=" . $arrData['period'];
     // добавляем в запрос город
     $arrData['id_city'] ? $strWhere .= " AND id_city IN (" . secure::escQuoteData($arrData['id_city']) . ")" : null;
     // добавляем в запрос профессию
     if ($arrData['id_profession']) {
         switch ($arrData['type_subscription']) {
             case 'vacancy':
                 $strWhere .= " AND id_profession IN (" . secure::escQuoteData($arrData['id_profession']) . ")";
             case 'resume':
                 $strWhere .= " AND (id_profession IN (" . secure::escQuoteData($arrData['id_profession']) . ") OR id_profession_1 IN (" . secure::escQuoteData($arrData['id_profession']) . ") OR id_profession_2 IN (" . secure::escQuoteData($arrData['id_profession']) . "))";
     // меняем рабочую таблицу, на таблицу объявлений
     // формируем список полей, которые необходимо получить
     //$arrFields = array('id', 'title', 'id_section', 'id_region', 'id_city', 'pay_from', 'currency');
     //('vacancy' === $arrData['type_subscription']) ? array_push($arrFields, 'pay_post') : null;
     // получаем список объявлений, соответствующих параметрам подписки
     if ('vacancy' === $arrData['type_subscription']) {
         $vacancy = new vacancy();
         $arrAnnounces = $vacancy->getActiveAnnounces(false, $strWhere);
     } else {
         $resume = new resume();
         $arrAnnounces = $resume->getActiveAnnounces(false, $strWhere);
     // меняем рабочую таблицу, на таблицу подписок
     return $this->prepareSubscriptionData($arrData, $arrAnnounces);
Ejemplo n.º 14
 * @author Rene Faustino Gabriel Junior  (Analista-Desenvolvedor)
 * @copyright © Pan American Health Organization, 2013. All rights reserved.
 * @access public
 * @version v0.13.46
 * @package ProEthos
 * @subpackage Committe
/* mark active page to cabmenu */
$active_page = 'committee';
require "cab.php";
require $include . 'sisdoc_menus.php';
require "_class/_class_resume.php";
require "_class/_class_cep.php";
require $include . 'sisdoc_debug.php';
$cep = new cep();
$rs = new resume();
echo $rs->resume_cep();
echo $cep->form_search();
//echo $cep->form_search();
require "committee_secretary.php";
require "committee_reports.php";
echo '</div>';
// This file is part of the ProEthos Software.
// Copyright 2013, PAHO. All rights reserved. You can redistribute it and/or modify
// ProEthos under the terms of the ProEthos License as published by PAHO, which
Ejemplo n.º 15
  * protected Функция удаления контента пользователей
  * Ф-я удаляет все объявления, подписки, статьи и новости пользователей
  * @param (array) $arrId - массив, содержащий ID пользователей, контент которых нужно удалить
  * @param (bool) $vacancy, $resume, $subscription, $articles, $news - параметры, определяющие удаление соответствующих данных пользователя (TRUE || FALSE)
  * @return void
 protected function deleteUsersContent($arrId, $vacancy, $resume, $subscription, $articles, $news)
     // формируем запрос, для выбора всех необходимых пользователей
     $strWhere = "id_user IN (" . implode(',', secure::escQuoteData($arrId)) . ")";
     // удаление вакансий
     if ($vacancy) {
         $vacancy = new vacancy();
     // удаление резюме
     if ($resume) {
         $resume = new resume();
     // удаление подписок
     if ($subscription) {
         $subscription = new subscription();
     // удаление статей
     if ($articles) {
         $articles = new articles();
         $articles->deleteArticles(false, $strWhere);
     // удаление новостей
     if ($news) {
         $news = new news();
         $news->deleteNews(false, $strWhere);