public function download_agresso()
     $browser = CreateObject('phpgwapi.browser');
     $browser->content_header('export.txt', 'text/plain');
     print rental_soparty::get_instance()->get_export_data();
Ejemplo n.º 2
 protected function import_parties()
     $start_time = time();
     $soparty = rental_soparty::get_instance();
     $parties = array();
     //Check to see if there is any parties in the database. If so, do not store these
     //... double checking to  ensure that the user has not logged out and in again during import
     $alreay_imported_parties = false;
     $number_of_parties = $soparty->get_number_of_parties();
     if ($number_of_parties > 0) {
     $datalines = $this->getcsvdata($this->path . "/u_PersonForetak.csv", true);
     $this->messages[] = "Read 'u_PersonForetak.csv' file in " . (time() - $start_time) . " seconds";
     $this->messages[] = "'u_PersonForetak.csv' contained " . count($datalines) . " lines";
     $counter = 1;
     // Loop through each line of the file, parsing CSV data to a php array
     foreach ($datalines as $data) {
         if (count($data) <= 30) {
         // Create a new rental party we can fill with info from this line from the file
         $party = new rental_party();
         $identifier = $this->decode($data[24]);
         //Removed whitespace characters
         $identifier = str_replace(' ', '', '' . $identifier);
         // Default information
         // Insert contract person in comment if present
         $contact_person = $this->decode($data[6]);
         if (isset($contact_person)) {
             $party->set_comment($party->get_comment() . "\n\nKontaktperson: " . $contact_person);
         $valid_identifier = false;
         switch (strlen('' . $identifier)) {
             case 4:
                 // Intern organisasjonstilknytning
                 //Should be four number or on the form 'KFxx'
                 if (is_numeric($identifier) || substr($identifier, 0, 2) == 'KF' && is_numeric(substr($identifier, 2, 2))) {
                     // Get location ID
                     $locations = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->locations;
                     $subs = $locations->get_subs_from_pattern('rental', '.ORG.BK.__.' . $identifier);
                     if (count($subs) > 0) {
                     } else {
                         $this->warnings[] = "Party with valid identifier ({$identifier}) not found in internal organisation tree. Company name({$party->get_company_name()})";
                     $valid_identifier = true;
             case 5:
                 //Internal, Should be a result unit on the form 'Rxxxx'
                 if (substr($identifier, 0, 1) == 'R' && is_numeric(substr($identifier, 1, 4))) {
                     $identifier = substr($identifier, 1, 4);
                     // Get location ID
                     $locations = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->locations;
                     $subs = $locations->get_subs_from_pattern('rental', '.ORG.BK.__.' . $identifier);
                     if (count($subs) > 0) {
                     } else {
                         $this->warnings[] = "Party with valid identifier ({$identifier}- original R{$identifier}) not found in internal organisation tree. Company name({$party->get_company_name()})";
                     $valid_identifier = true;
             case 6:
                 // Foretak (agresso-id)
             // Foretak (agresso-id)
             case 9:
                 // Foretak (
                 if (is_numeric($identifier)) {
                     $valid_identifier = true;
             case 11:
                 // Personnr
                 if (is_numeric($identifier)) {
                     if (!$this->is_null($data[0])) {
                     } else {
                         $company_name = explode(' ', $this->decode($data[2]), 2);
                     $valid_identifier = true;
         if (!$valid_identifier) {
             $this->warnings[] = "Party with unknown 'cPersonForetaknr' format ({$identifier}). First name ({$party->get_first_name()}). Last name({$party->get_last_name()}). Company name({$party->get_company_name()}) Setting as inactive.";
         // Fødselsnr/Foretaksnr/AgressoID
         // Store party and log message
         if ($soparty->store($party)) {
             // Add party to collection of parties keyed by its facilit ID so we can refer to it later.
             $facilit_id = $data[17];
             $parties[$facilit_id] = $party->get_id();
             $this->messages[] = "Successfully added party " . $party->get_name() . " (" . $party->get_id() . ")";
         } else {
             $this->errors[] = "Failed to store party " . $party->get_name();
     $this->messages[] = "Successfully imported " . count($parties) . " contract parties. (" . (time() - $start_time) . " seconds).";
     //Clean up
     return $parties;
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Synchronization job to update company name on contract parties which are connected to Fellesdata.
  * Uses property org_enhet_id on party to link party with unit from Fellesdata.
  * To be run as a scheduled job
 function syncronize_party_name()
     $config = CreateObject('phpgwapi.config', 'rental');
     $use_fellesdata = $config->config_data['use_fellesdata'];
     if (!$use_fellesdata) {
     $bofelles = rental_bofellesdata::get_instance();
     $parties = rental_soparty::get_instance()->get();
     $result_count = rental_soparty::get_instance()->get_count();
     $updated_parties[] = "Total number of parties: {$result_count}";
     if ($this->isExecutiveOfficer() || $this->isAdministrator()) {
         $count = 0;
         $count_result_unit_number = 0;
         $count_identifier = 0;
         $count_responsibility = 0;
         foreach ($parties as $party) {
             $unit_found = false;
             $fellesdata = NULL;
             if (isset($party)) {
                 $sync_data = $party->get_sync_data();
                 $fellesdata = $bofelles->result_unit_exist($sync_data['result_unit_number'], 4);
                 if ($fellesdata) {
                     $updated_parties[] = "Unit id found {$fellesdata['UNIT_ID']} by result unit number check. The unit name is {$fellesdata['UNIT_NAME']}<br />";
                 if ($fellesdata && isset($fellesdata['UNIT_ID']) && is_numeric($fellesdata['UNIT_ID'])) {
                     // We found a match, so store the new connection
                     $old_party_name = $party->get_company_name();
                     $updated_parties[] = "Updated company name on party {$party->get_id()} with unit ID {$party->get_org_enhet_id} from {$old_party_name} to {$party->get_company_name()}";
                 } else {
                     // No match was found. Do nothing
         $updated_parties[] = "Number of parties found through result unit number {$count_result_unit_number}";
         $updated_parties[] = "Number of parties that have been updated {$count}";
 private function get_contracts_per_location()
     $org_unit = $this->header_state['selected_org_unit'];
     if ($org_unit == 'all' || $org_unit == 'none') {
         phpgwapi_cache::message_set('Velg organisasjon', 'error');
         return array();
     $values = phpgwapi_cache::session_get('frontend', $this->contracts_per_location_identifier);
     if (isset($values[$org_unit])) {
         return $values[$org_unit];
     $parties = rental_soparty::get_instance()->get(null, null, null, null, null, null, array('org_unit_id' => $org_unit));
     $types = rental_socontract::get_instance()->get_fields_of_responsibility();
     $location_id_internal = array_search('contract_type_internleie', $types);
     $location_id_in = array_search('contract_type_innleie', $types);
     $location_id_ex = array_search('contract_type_eksternleie', $types);
     $contracts_per_location = array();
     $contracts_in_per_location = array();
     $contracts_ex_per_location = array();
     //For all parties connected to the internal organization unit
     foreach ($parties as $party) {
         //... get the contracts
         $contracts = rental_socontract::get_instance()->get(null, null, null, null, null, null, array('party_id' => $party->get_id()));
         //... and for each contract connected to this contract part
         foreach ($contracts as $id => $contract) {
             //... get the composites
             $composites = rental_socomposite::get_instance()->get(null, null, null, null, null, null, array('contract_id' => $contracts[$id]->get_id()));
             //...and for each composite in the contract in which this contract part is connected
             foreach ($composites as $composite) {
                 //... get the units
                 $units = $composite->get_units();
                 //... and for each unit retrieve the property locations we are after
                 foreach ($units as $unit) {
                     $property_location = $unit->get_location();
                     $property_locations[$property_location->get_location_code()] = $property_location;
                     // Contract holders: contracts_per_location (internal) and contracts_in_per_location (in)
                     // Internal contract should have impact on total price
                     if ($contract->get_location_id() == $location_id_internal) {
                         $total_price = rental_socontract_price_item::get_instance()->get_total_price($contract->get_id());
                         if (!is_array($contracts_per_location[$org_unit][$property_location->get_location_code()])) {
                             $contracts_per_location[$org_unit][$property_location->get_location_code()] = array();
                         array_push($contracts_per_location[$org_unit][$property_location->get_location_code()], $contract);
                     } else {
                         if ($contract->get_location_id() == $location_id_in) {
                             $total_price = rental_socontract_price_item::get_instance()->get_total_price($contract->get_id());
                             if (!is_array($contracts_in_per_location[$org_unit][$property_location->get_location_code()])) {
                                 $contracts_in_per_location[$org_unit][$property_location->get_location_code()] = array();
                             array_push($contracts_in_per_location[$org_unit][$property_location->get_location_code()], $contract);
                         } else {
                             if ($contract->get_location_id() == $location_id_ex) {
                                 $total_price = rental_socontract_price_item::get_instance()->get_total_price($contract->get_id());
                                 if (!is_array($contracts_ex_per_location[$org_unit][$property_location->get_location_code()])) {
                                     $contracts_ex_per_location[$org_unit][$property_location->get_location_code()] = array();
                                 array_push($contracts_ex_per_location[$org_unit][$property_location->get_location_code()], $contract);
     phpgwapi_cache::session_set('frontend', 'contracts_per_location', $contracts_per_location);
     phpgwapi_cache::session_set('frontend', 'contracts_in_per_location', $contracts_in_per_location);
     phpgwapi_cache::session_set('frontend', 'contracts_ex_per_location', $contracts_ex_per_location);
     return ${$this}->contracts_per_location_identifier[$org_unit];
  * Public function to add a document.
  * @param HTTP::contract_id	the contract id
  * @param HTTP::party_id	the party id
  * @return unknown_type
 public function add()
     // Get target ids
     $contract_id = intval(phpgw::get_var('contract_id'));
     $party_id = intval(phpgw::get_var('party_id'));
     $data = array();
     // Check permissions if contract id is set
     if (isset($contract_id) && $contract_id > 0) {
         //Load contract
         $contract = rental_socontract::get_instance()->get_single($contract_id);
         if (!$contract->has_permission(PHPGW_ACL_EDIT)) {
             $data['error'] = lang('permission_denied_add_document');
             $this->render('permission_denied.php', $data);
     // Check permissions if party id is set
     if (isset($party_id) && $party_id > 0) {
         //Load party
         $party = rental_soparty::get_instance()->get_single($party_id);
         if (!($this->isAdministrator() || $this->isExecutiveOfficer())) {
             $data['error'] = lang('permission_denied_add_document');
             $this->render('permission_denied.php', $data);
     // If no contract or party is loaded
     if (!(isset($party) || isset($contract))) {
         $data['error'] = lang('error_no_contract_or_party');
         $this->render('permission_denied.php', $data);
     if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') {
         //Create a document object
         $document = new rental_document();
         //Retrieve the document properties
         $document_properties = $this->get_type_and_id($document);
         // Move file from temporary storage to vfs
         $result = rental_sodocument::get_instance()->write_document_to_vfs($document_properties['document_type'], $_FILES["file_path"]["tmp_name"], $document_properties['id'], $_FILES["file_path"]["name"]);
         if ($result) {
             if (rental_sodocument::get_instance()->store($document)) {
                 if (isset($party)) {
                     $GLOBALS['phpgw']->redirect_link('/index.php', array('menuaction' => 'rental.uiparty.edit', 'id' => $party->get_id(), 'tab' => 'documents'));
                 } else {
                     if (isset($contract)) {
                         $GLOBALS['phpgw']->redirect_link('/index.php', array('menuaction' => 'rental.uicontract.edit', 'id' => $contract->get_id(), 'tab' => 'documents'));
             } else {
                 // Handle failure on storing document
                 $this->redirect($document, $document_propeties, '', '');
         } else {
             //Handle vfs failure to store document
             $this->redirect($document, $document_propeties, '', '');
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * Common function for viewing or editing a contract
  * @param $editable whether or not the contract should be editable in the view
  * @param $contract_id the id of the contract to show
 public function viewedit($editable, $contract_id, $contract = null, $location_id = null, $notification = null, string $message = null, string $error = null)
     $cancel_link = self::link(array('menuaction' => 'rental.uicontract.index', 'populate_form' => 'yes'));
     $adjustment_id = (int) phpgw::get_var('adjustment_id');
     if ($adjustment_id) {
         $cancel_link = self::link(array('menuaction' => 'rental.uiadjustment.show_affected_contracts', 'id' => $adjustment_id));
         $cancel_text = 'contract_regulation_back';
     if (isset($contract_id) && $contract_id > 0) {
         if ($contract == null) {
             $contract = rental_socontract::get_instance()->get_single($contract_id);
         if ($contract) {
             if ($editable && !$contract->has_permission(PHPGW_ACL_EDIT)) {
                 $editable = false;
                 $error .= '<br/>' . lang('permission_denied_edit_contract');
             if (!$editable && !$contract->has_permission(PHPGW_ACL_READ)) {
                 $this->render('permission_denied.php', array('error' => lang('permission_denied_view_contract')));
             $parties = rental_soparty::get_instance()->get(null, null, null, null, null, null, array('contract_id' => $contract->get_id()));
             $party = reset($parties);
             $contract_dates = $contract->get_contract_date();
             $composites = rental_socomposite::get_instance()->get(null, null, null, null, null, null, array('contract_id' => $contract->get_id()));
             $composite = reset($composites);
             $units = $composite->get_units();
             $price_items = rental_socontract_price_item::get_instance()->get(null, null, null, null, null, null, array('contract_id' => $contract->get_id()));
             $months = rental_socontract::get_instance()->get_months_in_term($contract->get_term_id());
             $one_time_price_items = array();
             $termin_price_items = array();
             foreach ($price_items as $item) {
                 if ($item->is_one_time()) {
                     array_push($one_time_price_items, $item);
                 } else {
                     array_push($termin_price_items, $item);
             $data = array('contract' => $contract, 'months' => $months, 'contract_party' => $party, 'contract_dates' => $contract_dates, 'composite' => $composite, 'units' => $units, 'price_items' => $price_items, 'one_time_price_items' => $one_time_price_items, 'termin_price_items' => $termin_price_items, 'notification' => $notification, 'editable' => $editable, 'message' => isset($message) ? $message : phpgw::get_var('message'), 'error' => isset($error) ? $error : phpgw::get_var('error'), 'cancel_link' => $cancel_link, 'cancel_text' => $cancel_text);
             $template_file = 'pdf/' . $this->pdf_templates[$_GET[pdf_template]][1];
             $this->render($template_file, $data);
     } else {
         if ($this->isAdministrator() || $this->isExecutiveOfficer()) {
             if (!isset($contract)) {
                 $contract = new rental_contract();
                 $fields = rental_socontract::get_instance()->get_fields_of_responsibility();
             if ($contract) {
                 $data = array('contract' => $contract, 'notification' => $notification, 'editable' => true, 'message' => isset($message) ? $message : phpgw::get_var('message'), 'error' => isset($error) ? $error : phpgw::get_var('error'), 'cancel_link' => $cancel_link, 'cancel_text' => $cancel_text);
                 $this->render('contract.php', $data);
         } else {
             $this->render('permission_denied.php', array('error' => lang('permission_denied_new_contract')));
Ejemplo n.º 7
  * @param array $org_unit_ids
 public static function get_property_locations($array, $top_org_units)
     foreach ($array as $row) {
          * 1. hent alle kontraktsparter som har org unit id (foreløpig bruker vi result_unit_number i rentalparty)
          * 2. hent alle kontrakter på kontraktspartene
          * 3. hent alle leieobjekt på kontraktene
          * 4. hent ut bygg-ider, location_code, fra leieobjektet
         if (is_array($row)) {
             if (!isset($row['ORG_UNIT_ID']) || $row['ORG_UNIT_ID'] == '') {
             $parties = self::get_all_parties($top_org_units, $row['ORG_UNIT_ID']);
         } else {
             $parties = rental_soparty::get_instance()->get(null, null, null, null, null, null, array('email' => $row));
             $parties = array_keys($parties);
         $contracts = array();
         $composites = array();
         $sorental = CreateObject('frontend.sorental');
         //For all parties connected to the internal organization unit
         $locations = $sorental->get_location($parties);
     return $locations;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public function delete_party()
     $party_id = phpgw::get_var('id');
     if ($this->isExecutiveOfficer() || $this->isAdministrator()) {
         if (isset($party_id) && $party_id > 0) {
             if (rental_soparty::get_instance()->delete_party($party_id)) {
                 $message = lang('messages_saved_form');
             } else {
                 $error = lang('messages_form_error');
     } else {
         $this->render('permission_denied.php', array('error' => lang('permission_denied_edit')));