Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Adds a new task
  * @param array $args array containing all task properties. unknown properties will be ignored
  * @access public
  * @return array(error type, msg, false) or array(task ID, token, true)
  * @version 1.0
  * @notes $args is POST data, bad..bad user..
 function create_task($args)
     global $db, $user, $proj, $fs;
     if ($proj->id != $args['project_id']) {
         $proj = new Project($args['project_id']);
     if (!$user->can_open_task($proj) || count($args) < 3) {
         return array(ERROR_RECOVER, L('missingrequired'), false);
     // check required fields
     if (!(($item_summary = $args['item_summary']) && ($detailed_desc = $args['detailed_desc']))) {
         return array(ERROR_RECOVER, L('summaryanddetails'), false);
     foreach ($proj->fields as $field) {
         if ($field->prefs['value_required'] && !array_get($args, 'field' . $field->id) && !($field->prefs['force_default'] && !$user->perms('modify_all_tasks'))) {
             return array(ERROR_RECOVER, L('missingrequired') . ' (' . $field->prefs['field_name'] . ')', false);
     if ($user->isAnon() && $fs->prefs['use_recaptcha']) {
         include_once BASEDIR . '/includes/external/recaptchalib.php';
         $solution = new reCAPTCHA_Solution();
         $solution->privatekey = $fs->prefs['recaptcha_priv_key'];
         $solution->challenge = Post::val('recaptcha_challenge_field');
         $solution->response = Post::val('recaptcha_response_field');
         $solution->remoteip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
         if (!$solution->isValid()) {
             return array(ERROR_RECOVER, $solution->error_code, false);
     $sql_values = array(time(), time(), $args['project_id'], $item_summary, $detailed_desc, intval($user->id), 0);
     $sql_params[] = 'mark_private';
     $sql_values[] = isset($args['mark_private']) && $args['mark_private'] == '1';
     $sql_params[] = 'closure_comment';
     $sql_values[] = '';
     $sql_params[] = 'syntax_plugins';
     $plugins = trim(implode(' ', array_get($args, 'detailed_desc_syntax_plugins', array())));
     if (!$plugins) {
         $plugins = $proj->prefs['syntax_plugins'];
     $sql_values[] = $plugins;
     // Token for anonymous users
     $token = '';
     if ($user->isAnon()) {
         $token = md5(uniqid(mt_rand(), true));
         $sql_params[] = 'task_token';
         $sql_values[] = $token;
     $sql_params[] = 'anon_email';
     $sql_values[] = array_get($args, 'anon_email', '');
     $sql_cols = array_merge(array('date_opened', 'last_edited_time', 'project_id', 'item_summary', 'detailed_desc', 'opened_by', 'percent_complete'), $sql_params);
     $db->x->autoExecute('{tasks}', array_combine($sql_cols, $sql_values));
     $task_id = $db->lastInsertID();
     // [RED] Add task to redundancy table (opened by, last_changed_time)
     $db->x->autoExecute('{redundant}', array('task_id' => $task_id, 'last_changed_time' => time(), 'opened_by_real_name' => $user->infos['real_name'], 'opened_by_user_name' => $user->infos['user_name'], 'last_changed_by_real_name' => $user->infos['real_name'], 'last_changed_by_user_name' => $user->infos['user_name']));
     // Per project task ID
     $prefix_id = $db->x->GetOne('SELECT MAX(prefix_id)+1 FROM {tasks} WHERE project_id = ?', null, $proj->id);
     $db->x->execParam('UPDATE {tasks} SET prefix_id = ? WHERE task_id = ?', array($prefix_id, $task_id));
     // Now the custom fields
     if (count($proj->fields)) {
         $stmt = $db->x->autoPrepare('{field_values}', array('task_id', 'field_id', 'field_value'));
         foreach ($proj->fields as $field) {
             $stmt->execute(array($task_id, $field->id, $field->read(array_get($args, 'field' . $field->id, 0))));
     $assignees = array();
     if (isset($args['assigned_to'])) {
         // Prepare assignee list
         $assignees = explode(';', trim($args['assigned_to']));
         $assignees = array_map(array('Flyspray', 'UserNameToId'), $assignees);
         $assignees = array_filter($assignees, create_function('$x', 'return ($x > 0);'));
         // Log the assignments and send notifications to the assignees
         if (count($assignees)) {
             // Convert assigned_to and store them in the 'assigned' table
             foreach ($assignees as $val) {
                 $fields = array('user_id' => array('value' => $val, 'key' => true), 'task_id' => array('value' => $task_id, 'key' => true));
                 $db->Replace('{assigned}', $fields);
             Flyspray::logEvent($task_id, 14, implode(' ', $assignees));
             // Notify the new assignees what happened.  This obviously won't happen if the task is now assigned to no-one.
             Notifications::send($assignees, ADDRESS_USER, NOTIFY_NEW_ASSIGNEE, array('task_id' => $task_id));
     // Log that the task was opened
     Flyspray::logEvent($task_id, 1);
     // find category owners
     $owners = array();
     foreach ($proj->fields as $field) {
         if ($field->prefs['list_type'] != LIST_CATEGORY) {
         $cat = $db->x->getRow('SELECT  *
                              FROM  {list_category}
                             WHERE  category_id = ?', null, array_get($args, 'field' . $field->id, 0));
         if ($cat['category_owner']) {
             $owners[] = $cat['category_owner'];
         } else {
             // check parent categories
             $sql = $db->x->getAll('SELECT  *
                                  FROM  {list_category}
                                 WHERE  lft < ? AND rgt > ? AND list_id  = ?
                              ORDER BY  lft DESC', null, array($cat['lft'], $cat['rgt'], $cat['list_id']));
             foreach ($sql as $row) {
                 // If there's a parent category owner, send to them
                 if ($row['category_owner']) {
                     $owners[] = $row['category_owner'];
     // last try...
     if (!count($owners) && $proj->prefs['default_cat_owner']) {
         $owners[] = $proj->prefs['default_cat_owner'];
     if (count($owners)) {
         foreach ($owners as $owner) {
             if ($proj->prefs['auto_assign'] && !in_array($owner, $assignees)) {
                 Backend::add_to_assignees($owner, $task_id, true);
             Backend::add_notification($owner, $task_id, true);
     // Create the Notification
     if (Backend::upload_files($task_id)) {
         Notifications::send($task_id, ADDRESS_TASK, NOTIFY_TASK_OPENED, array('files' => true));
     } else {
         Notifications::send($task_id, ADDRESS_TASK, NOTIFY_TASK_OPENED);
     // If the reporter wanted to be added to the notification list
     if (isset($args['notifyme']) && $args['notifyme'] == '1' && !in_array($user->id, $owners)) {
         Backend::add_notification($user->id, $task_id, true);
     // this is relaxed, if the anonymous email is not valid, just dont bother..
     if ($user->isAnon() && Flyspray::check_email($args['anon_email'])) {
         Notifications::send($args['anon_email'], ADDRESS_EMAIL, NOTIFY_ANON_TASK, array('task_id' => $task_id, 'token' => $token));
     return array($task_id, $token, true);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 function action_sendcode()
     global $user, $db, $fs, $conf, $baseurl;
     if (!Post::val('user_name') || !Post::val('real_name') || !Post::val('email_address')) {
         // If the form wasn't filled out correctly, show an error
         return array(ERROR_RECOVER, L('registererror'));
     $email = Post::val('email_address');
     $jabber_id = Post::val('jabber_id');
     //email is mandatory
     if (!$email || !Flyspray::check_email($email)) {
         return array(ERROR_RECOVER, L('novalidemail'));
     //jabber_id is optional
     if ($jabber_id && !Jabber::check_jid($jabber_id)) {
         return array(ERROR_RECOVER, L('novalidjabber'));
     $user_name = Backend::clean_username(Post::val('user_name'));
     // Limit lengths
     $real_name = substr(trim(Post::val('real_name')), 0, 100);
     // Remove doubled up spaces and control chars
     $real_name = preg_replace('![\\x00-\\x1f\\s]+!u', ' ', $real_name);
     if (!$user_name || !$real_name) {
         return array(ERROR_RECOVER, L('entervalidusername'));
     // Delete registration codes older than 24 hours
     $yesterday = time() - 86400;
     $db->x->execParam('DELETE FROM {registrations} WHERE reg_time < ?', $yesterday);
     $taken = $db->x->getRow('SELECT u.user_id FROM {users} u, {registrations} r
                               WHERE u.user_name = ? OR r.user_name = ?', null, array($user_name, $user_name));
     if ($taken) {
         return array(ERROR_RECOVER, L('usernametaken'));
     $taken = $db->x->getRow("SELECT user_id\n                                   FROM {users}\n                                  WHERE jabber_id = ? AND jabber_id != NULL\n                                        OR email_address = ? AND email_address != NULL", null, array($jabber_id, $email));
     if ($taken) {
         return array(ERROR_RECOVER, L('emailtaken'));
     if ($fs->prefs['use_recaptcha']) {
         $solution = new reCAPTCHA_Solution();
         $solution->privatekey = $fs->prefs['recaptcha_priv_key'];
         $solution->challenge = Post::val('recaptcha_challenge_field');
         $solution->response = Post::val('recaptcha_response_field');
         $solution->remoteip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
         if (!$solution->isValid()) {
             return array(ERROR_RECOVER, $solution->error_code);
     $magic_url = substr(md5(uniqid(rand(), true)), 0, 20);
     //send the email first.
     if (Notifications::send(Post::val('email_address'), ADDRESS_EMAIL, NOTIFY_CONFIRMATION, array($baseurl, $magic_url, $user_name))) {
         //email sent succefully, now update the database.
         $reg_values = array('reg_time' => time(), 'user_name' => $user_name, 'real_name' => $real_name, 'email_address' => Post::val('email_address'), 'jabber_id' => Post::val('jabber_id'), 'notify_type' => Post::num('notify_type'), 'magic_url' => $magic_url, 'time_zone' => Post::num('time_zone'));
         // Insert everything into the database
         $query = $db->x->autoExecute('{registrations}', $reg_values);
         if (!PEAR::isError($query)) {
             return array(SUBMIT_OK, L('codesent'), $baseurl);
     } else {
         return array(ERROR_INPUT, L('codenotsent'));