Ejemplo n.º 1
 function getItem($id = NULL)
     $id = $id ? $id : $this->getState('id');
     $this->setState('id', $id);
     $limit = $this->getState('limit') ? ' LIMIT ' . $this->getState('limit') : '';
     $q = $this->getListQuery($this->getStates());
     $item = new struct_core_alias($this->query($q->toString(), $q->getValues()));
     $theme_id = $item->themeid ? $item->themeid : 0;
     $theme2_id = $theme_id;
     if ($item->group_id) {
         $theme2_id = rad_dbpdo::query('SELECT theme_id FROM ' . RAD . 'themes WHERE theme_aliasid=? AND theme_folder=?', array($item->group_id, $item->themefolder));
         $theme2_id = !empty($theme2_id['theme_id']) ? (int) $theme2_id['theme_id'] : $theme_id;
     if ($this->getState('join.aliasgroup')) {
         $table = new model_core_table('aliases');
         $ali_item = $table->getItem($id);
     if (!$this->getState('without_joins')) {
         foreach ($this->queryAll('select params_presonal,inc_id,inc_name,inc_filename,controller,order_sort,rp_name,rp_id,id_module,m_name,ia.id as incinal_id, ia.params_hash as params_hash, 0 as is_ga ' . ($this->getState('join.original_params', false) ? ', ip_params AS original_params ' : '') . 'from ' . RAD . 'includes_in_aliases ia ' . 'inner join ' . RAD . 'includes on include_id=inc_id ' . 'inner join ' . RAD . 'modules m on m.m_id=id_module ' . 'inner join ' . RAD . 'positions p on position_id=p.rp_id ' . ($this->getState('join.original_params', false) ? ' left join ' . RAD . 'includes_params ip ON ip.ip_incid=ia.include_id ' : '') . 'where alias_id=' . $id . ' and ia.theme_id=' . $theme_id . (($this->getState('join.aliasgroup') and isset($ali_item) and $ali_item->group_id) ? ' UNION (' . 'select params_presonal,inc_id,inc_name,inc_filename,controller,order_sort,rp_name,rp_id,id_module,m_name,ia.id as incinal_id, ia.params_hash as params_hash, 1 as is_ga ' . ($this->getState('join.original_params', false) ? ', ip_params AS original_params ' : '') . 'from ' . RAD . 'includes_in_aliases ia ' . 'inner join ' . RAD . 'includes on include_id=inc_id ' . 'inner join ' . RAD . 'modules m on m.m_id=id_module ' . 'inner join ' . RAD . 'positions p on position_id=p.rp_id ' . ($this->getState('join.original_params', false) ? ' left join ' . RAD . 'includes_params ip ON ip.ip_incid=ia.include_id ' : '') . 'where alias_id=' . $ali_item->group_id . ' and ia.theme_id=' . $theme2_id . ')' : '') . ' order by rp_name, order_sort') as $idi) {
             $item->includes[] = new struct_core_include($idi);
             $item->includes[count($item->includes) - 1]->is_ga = (bool) $idi['is_ga'];
     if ($this->getState('join_description')) {
         $wlangid = $this->getState('ald_langid');
         $wlangid = $wlangid ? ' AND ald_langid=' . $wlangid : '';
         foreach ($this->queryAll('SELECT * FROM ' . RAD . 'aliases_description where ald_aliasid=' . $id . $wlangid) as $idd) {
             $item->description[$idd['ald_langid']] = new struct_core_aliases_description($idd);
     return $item;
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Get URL using URL alias
  * @static
  * @param string $alias
  * @return false|string
 public static function getUrlByAlias($alias)
     $result = rad_dbpdo::query('SELECT item_type, item_id, lang_id FROM ' . RAD . 'url_aliases WHERE alias=:alias', array('alias' => $alias));
     if (empty($result['item_type'])) {
         return false;
     $lng = rad_lang::getLangByID($result['lang_id']);
     switch ($result['item_type']) {
         //List all supported item types here (if they don't need some special processing)
         case 'product':
             return rad_input::makeURL('alias=' . $result['item_type'] . '&p=' . $result['item_id'], false);
             return false;
             //For not supported item types
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Query an a element and return the rad_struct
  * @param string $result_struct
  * @return rad_struct
 function getItem($result_struct)
     $result = null;
     $res = rad_dbpdo::query($this->toString(), $this->getValues());
     if ($res) {
         $result = new $result_struct($res);
     return $result;
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * Check user by its username and password
  * @var string login
  * @var string password
  * @return struct_core_users
 public static function checkUser(&$login = '', &$password = '')
     $res = rad_dbpdo::query('select * from ' . RAD . 'users where u_login=:login and u_pass=:pass and u_active=1 limit 1', array('login' => $login, 'pass' => md5($password)));
     if (count($res)) {
         return new struct_core_users($res);
     } else {
         return null;
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * Alias for rad_dbpdo::query($sql,$fetchMode)
  * @param string $sql
  * @param array $params
  * @return mixed assoc array
  * @access public
 function query($sql = null, $params = null)
     return rad_dbpdo::query($sql, $params);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public static function getAliasByName(&$aliasname = '')
     $result = self::getAliasRecord($aliasname);
     if (!$result->id || !$result->active) {
         rad_session::setVar('message', $aliasname);
         $aliasname = rad_config::getParam('alias.404');
         $result = self::getAliasRecord(self::$alias);
     if ($result->ali_admin && !rad_session::adminAccess()) {
         rad_session::setVar('message', $aliasname);
         $aliasname = rad_config::getParam('alias.loginform');
         $result = self::getAliasRecord(self::$alias);
     if ($result->id) {
         $result->includes = array();
         $themeId = $result->themeid ? $result->themeid : 0;
         $sqlParams = array('alias_1_id' => $result->id, 'theme_1_id' => $themeId);
         if ($result->group_id) {
             $sqlParams['alias_2_id'] = $result->group_id;
             $theme2Id = rad_dbpdo::query('SELECT theme_id FROM ' . RAD . 'themes WHERE theme_aliasid=? AND theme_folder=?', array($result->group_id, rad_themer::getCurrentTheme()));
             $theme2Id = !empty($theme2Id['theme_id']) ? (int) $theme2Id['theme_id'] : $themeId;
             $sqlParams['theme_2_id'] = $theme2Id;
         $sql = 'SELECT inc_id,inc_name,inc_filename,controller,order_sort,rp_name,id_module,m_name,params_hash,ina.id as incinal_id,ina.params_presonal as params_presonal, ip.ip_params as original_params ' . 'FROM ' . RAD . 'includes_in_aliases ina ' . 'INNER JOIN ' . RAD . 'includes on include_id=inc_id ' . 'INNER JOIN ' . RAD . 'modules m on m.m_id=id_module ' . 'INNER JOIN ' . RAD . 'positions p on position_id=p.rp_id ' . 'LEFT JOIN ' . RAD . 'includes_params ip on ip.ip_incid=ina.include_id ' . 'WHERE alias_id=:alias_1_id' . ' AND ina.theme_id=:theme_1_id' . ($result->group_id ? ' UNION (SELECT inc_id,inc_name,inc_filename,controller,order_sort,rp_name,id_module,m_name,params_hash,ina.id as incinal_id,ina.params_presonal as params_presonal, ip.ip_params as original_params ' . 'FROM ' . RAD . 'includes_in_aliases ina ' . 'INNER JOIN ' . RAD . 'includes on include_id=inc_id ' . 'INNER JOIN ' . RAD . 'modules m on m.m_id=id_module ' . 'INNER JOIN ' . RAD . 'positions p on position_id=p.rp_id ' . 'LEFT JOIN ' . RAD . 'includes_params ip on ip.ip_incid=ina.include_id ' . 'WHERE alias_id=:alias_2_id' . ' AND ina.theme_id=:theme_2_id' . ')' : '') . ' ORDER BY order_sort, rp_name';
         foreach (rad_dbpdo::queryAll($sql, $sqlParams) as $id) {
             $result->includes[] = new struct_core_include($id);
     } else {
         $result = NULL;
     return $result;
Ejemplo n.º 7
  * @param string $social_id identifire from social site 
  * @param string $provider social site name
  * @return id user or false
 public static function social_login($social_id, $provider, $sessionTime = NULL)
     //$sessionTime =($sessionTime)?$sessionTime:rad_config::getParam('CookieExpireTime');
     $provider_row = 'u_' . $provider . '_id';
     $id = rad_dbpdo::query('SELECT u_id, u_email, u_pass, is_admin FROM ' . RAD . 'users WHERE `' . $provider_row . '`=:' . $provider_row, array($provider_row => $social_id));
     if (!empty($id['u_id'])) {
         self::$error_code = 0;
         self::$is_admin = $id['is_admin'];
         self::$user = rad_user::getUserByID($id['u_id']);
         $_SESSION['user_dump'] = self::$user;
         $_SESSION['user'] = $id['u_email'];
         $_SESSION['pass'] = md5($id['u_pass']);
         return self::$user;
     self::$error_code = self::ERROR_WRONG_PASSWORD;
     return false;
Ejemplo n.º 8
  * Load item by it primary key
 public function load()
     $pk = $this->getPrimaryKey();
     $this->CopyToStruct(rad_dbpdo::query('SELECT ' . implode(',', $this->getKeys('`', true)) . ' FROM ' . $this->_getTableName() . ' WHERE `' . $pk . '`=?', array($this->{$pk})));
     return $this;
Ejemplo n.º 9
  * Returns language value by it langcode
  * @param string $code
  * @param string $langcode (en.ru e.t.c.)
  * @param boolean $ucfirst
  * @return string
  * @example lang('submit.system.button');
  * @access public
 public static function lang($code = '', $langcode = null, $container = NULL, $ucfirst = false)
     $langcode = $langcode ? $langcode : self::$currentLanguage;
     $langID = ($langcode and isset(self::$allLanguages[$langcode])) ? self::$allLanguages[$langcode]->lng_id : self::$langID;
     if (isset(self::$cacheLngValues[$langID][$code])) {
         return self::$cacheLngValues[$langID][$code];
     $row = rad_dbpdo::query('SELECT `lnv_value` FROM ' . RAD . 'langvalues where `lnv_code`=? and `lnv_lang`=?', array($code, $langID));
     if (is_null($row['lnv_value'])) {
         self::$cacheLngValues[$langID][$code] = $code;
         if (!empty($container)) {
             self::addNotFoundCache($container->getTemplate(), $code, $langcode);
     } else {
         self::$cacheLngValues[$langID][$code] = $row['lnv_value'];
     return $ucfirst ? mb_ucfirst(self::$cacheLngValues[$langID][$code]) : self::$cacheLngValues[$langID][$code];