function UpdateMemBar() { if ($this->mem_bar) { $ms = self::GetMemStats(); $pu = round($ms['usage'] / $ms['limit'] * 100); if ($this->memprof && $pu > 90) { memprof_dump_callgrind(fopen("/tmp/callgrind_mem.out", "w")); die("memprof @{$pu}% written to /tmp/callgrind_mem.out"); } if ($this->memprof) { self::DEcho("Mem Usage: {$pu} %<br />"); //sleep(1); } $this->mem_bar->set($ms['usage']); } }
static function Sync($hash_sync = false, $output = false) { self::PrintDebugTrace(); wpfb_loadclass('File', 'Category'); $sync_data = new WPFB_SyncData(true); $sync_data->hash_sync = $hash_sync; self::PreSync($sync_data); self::SyncPase1($sync_data, $output); if ($output && $sync_data->num_files_to_add > 0) { echo "<p>"; printf(__('%d Files found, %d new.', WPFB), $sync_data->num_all_files, $sync_data->num_files_to_add); echo "</p>"; if (!class_exists('progressbar')) { include_once WPFB_PLUGIN_ROOT . 'extras/progressbar.class.php'; } $progress_bar = new progressbar(0, $sync_data->num_files_to_add); $progress_bar->print_code(); } else { $progress_bar = null; if ($output) { self::DEcho('done!</p>'); } } self::PrintDebugTrace("pre_add_files"); self::AddNewFiles($sync_data, $progress_bar); self::PostSync($sync_data, $output); return $sync_data->log; }
public function progressbar() { session_write_close(); // unlock session !important! $dbprg = new progressbar($this->_prepare_registry(), $this); $this->response->addJSONHeader(); switch ($this->request->get["work"]) { case "max": echo AJson::encode(array('total' => $dbprg->get_max())); break; case "do": $result = $dbprg->do_work(); if (!$result) { $result = array('status' => 406, 'errorText' => $result); } else { $result = array('status' => 100); } echo AJson::encode($result); break; case "progress": echo AJson::encode(array('prc' => (int) $dbprg->get_progress())); break; } }
/** * * @param type $steps * * @return \progressbar */ private static function NewProgressBar($steps) { if (!class_exists('progressbar')) { include_once WPFB_PLUGIN_ROOT . 'extras/progressbar.class.php'; } $progress_bar = new progressbar(0, $steps); $progress_bar->print_code(); return $progress_bar; }
public static function SideloadFile($url, $dest_file = null, $size_for_progress = 0) { //WARNING: The file is not automatically deleted, The script must unlink() the file. @ini_set('max_execution_time', '0'); @set_time_limit(0); require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/file.php'; if (!$url) { return array('error' => __('Invalid URL Provided.')); } if (empty($dest_file)) { // if no dest file set, create temp file $fi = self::GetRemoteFileInfo($url); if (empty($fi)) { return array('error' => sprintf(__('Could not get file information from %s!', WPFB), $url)); } if (!($dest_file = self::GetTmpFile($fi['name']))) { return array('error' => __('Could not create Temporary file.')); } } if ($size_for_progress >= self::$MIN_SIZE_FOR_PROGRESSBAR) { if (!class_exists('progressbar')) { include_once WPFB_PLUGIN_ROOT . 'extras/progressbar.class.php'; } $progress_bar = new progressbar(0, $size_for_progress, 300, 30, '#aaa'); echo "<p><code>" . esc_html($url) . "</code> ...</p>"; $progress_bar->print_code(); } else { $progress_bar = null; } wpfb_loadclass('Download'); $result = WPFB_Download::SideloadFile($url, $dest_file, $progress_bar); if (is_array($result) && !empty($result['error'])) { return $result; } return array('error' => false, 'file' => $dest_file); }