function addItem() { global $router; $product_type = isset($this->params['product_type']) ? $this->params['product_type'] : 'product'; $product = new product(); //eDebug($this->params); //if we're trying to add a parent product ONLY, then we redirect to it's show view $c = null; if (isset($this->params['product_id']) && empty($this->params['children'])) { $c = $product->find('first', 'parent_id=' . $this->params['product_id']); } if (!empty($c->id)) { flash('message', gt("Please select a product and quantity from the options listed below to add to your cart.")); redirect_to(array('controller' => 'store', 'action' => 'show', 'id' => $this->params['product_id'])); } //check for multiple product adding if (isset($this->params['prod-quantity'])) { //we are adding multiple children, so we approach a bit different //we'll send over the product_id of the parent, along with id's and quantities of children we're adding foreach ($this->params['prod-quantity'] as $qkey => &$quantity) { if (in_array($qkey, $this->params['prod-check'])) { //this might not be working...FJD $child = new $product_type($qkey); /*if ($quantity < $child->minimum_order_quantity) { flash('message', $child->title . " - " . $child->model . " has a minimum order quantity of " . $child->minimum_order_quantity . '. Your quantity has been adjusted accordingly.'); $quantity = $child->minimum_order_quantity; }*/ $this->params['children'][$qkey] = $quantity; } if (isset($child)) { $this->params['product_id'] = $child->parent_id; } } } $product = new $product_type($this->params['product_id'], true, true); //need true here? //Check the Main Product quantity if (isset($this->params['quantity'])) { if ((int) $this->params['quantity'] < $product->minimum_order_quantity) { flash('message', gt("Please enter a quantity equal or greater than the minimum order quantity.")); redirect_to(array('controller' => 'store', 'action' => 'show', 'id' => $this->params['product_id'])); } else { } } if ($product->product_type == "product" || $product->product_type == "childProduct") { if (($product->hasOptions() || $product->hasUserInputFields()) && (!isset($this->params['options_shown']) || $this->params['options_shown'] != $product->id)) { // if we hit here it means this product type was missing some // information it needs to add the item to the we need to help // it display its addToCart form /*redirect_to(array( 'controller'=>'cart', 'action'=>'displayForm', 'form'=>'addToCart', 'product_id'=>$this->params['product_id'], 'product_type'=>$this->params['product_type'], 'children'=>serialize($this->params['children']), ));*/ $product->displayForm('addToCart', $this->params); return false; } } //product either has no options, user input fields, or has already seen and passed the options page, so we try adding to cart //it will validate and fail back to the options page if data is incorrect for whatever reason (eg, bad form post) //eDebug($this->params, true); //$this->params['qty'] = 1; //REMOVE ME if ($product->addToCart($this->params)) { if (empty($this->params['quick'])) { flash('message', gt("Added") . " " . $product->title . " " . gt("to your cart.") . " <a href='" . $router->makeLink(array('controller' => 'cart', 'action' => 'checkout'), false, true) . "'>" . gt("Click here to checkout now.") . "</a>"); //expHistory::back(); //eDebug(show_msg_queue(false),true); redirect_to(array('controller' => 'cart', 'action' => 'show')); //expHistory::lastNotEditable(); } else { redirect_to(array('controller' => 'cart', 'action' => 'quickPay')); } } else { //expHistory::back(); } }
function get_id($id) { return product::find($id); }
<div id="contact-area"> <div class="container"> <div class="order-form"> <?php $form = ActiveForm::begin(['options' => ['enctype' => 'multipart/form-data']]); ?> <?php echo $form->field($model, 'username')->textInput(['value' => Yii::$app->user->identity->username]); ?> <?php echo $form->field($model, 'product_id')->dropDownlist(ArrayHelper::map(product::find()->all(), 'id', 'name'), ['prompt' => 'Select product']); ?> <?php echo $form->field($model, 'qty')->textInput(['maxlength' => 45]); ?> <?php echo $form->field($model, 'specification')->textArea(); ?> <?php echo $form->field($model, 'shippingaddress')->textInput(['maxlength' => 100]); ?>
public function deleteChildren() { //eDebug($data[0],true); //if($id!=null) $this->params['id'] = $id; //eDebug($this->params,true); $product = new product($this->params['id']); //$product = $product->find("first", "previous_id =" . $previous_id); //eDebug($product, true); if (empty($product->id)) { flash('error', gt('There was an error deleting the child products.')); expHistory::back(); } $childrenToDelete = $product->find('all', 'parent_id=' . $product->id); foreach ($childrenToDelete as $ctd) { //fwrite($lfh, "Deleting:" . $ctd->id . "\n"); $ctd->delete(); } }
public function deleteProduct($id) { $product = product::find($id); $product->delete(); return Redirect::to('all-products'); }
/** * Show the form for editing the specified resource. * * @param int $id * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function edit($id) { $product = product::find($id); return view('products.edit', compact('product', $product)); }
function status_export() { global $db; //eDebug($this->params); //$sql = "SELECT * INTO OUTFILE '" . BASE . "tmp/export.csv' FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' FROM exponent_product WHERE 1 LIMIT 10"; //is | parent_id | SKU |WAREHOUSE LOCATION | Title | Vendor/Manufacturer | Product Status | Notes $out = '"id","parent_id","model","warehouse_location","title","vendor","product_status","notes"' . chr(13) . chr(10); if (isset($this->params['applytoall']) && $this->params['applytoall'] == 1) { $sql = expSession::get('product_export_query'); //eDebug($sql); //expSession::set('product_export_query',''); $prods = $db->selectArraysBySql($sql); //eDebug($prods); } else { foreach ($this->params['act-upon'] as $prod) { $prods[] = array('id' => $prod); } } $stats = new product_status(); $stats = $stats->find('all'); $statuses = array(); foreach ($stats as $stat) { $statuses[$stat->id] = $stat->title; } eDebug($statuses); set_time_limit(0); $baseProd = new product(); //$p = new product($pid['id'], false, false); //id | parent_id | SKU |WAREHOUSE LOCATION | Title | Vendor/Manufacturer | Product Status | Notes foreach ($prods as $pid) { $except = array('crosssellItem', 'optiongroup', 'childProduct'); $p = $baseProd->find('first', 'id=' . $pid['id'], null, null, null, true, true, $except, true); /*if(count($p->expSimpleNote)) { eDebug($p,true); } else { continue; }*/ $out .= $this->outputField($p->id); $out .= $this->outputField($p->parent_id); $out .= $this->outputField($p->model); $out .= $this->outputField($p->warehouse_location); $out .= $this->outputField($p->title); $out .= $this->outputField($p->company->title); $out .= $this->outputField($statuses[$p->product_status_id]); $noteString = ''; foreach ($p->expSimpleNote as $note) { $noteString .= "(" . $note->name . " - " . date('M d Y H:i A', $note->created_at) . ") " . $note->body . "||"; } $out .= $this->outputField($noteString, '') . chr(13) . chr(10); $cps = $baseProd->find('all', 'parent_id=' . $p->id, null, null, null, true, true, $except, true); foreach ($cps as $cp) { $out .= $this->outputField($cp->id); $out .= $this->outputField($cp->parent_id); $out .= $this->outputField($cp->model); $out .= $this->outputField($cp->warehouse_location); $out .= $this->outputField($cp->title); $out .= $this->outputField($cp->company->title); $out .= $this->outputField($statuses[$cp->product_status_id]); $noteString = ''; foreach ($cp->expSimpleNote as $note) { $noteString .= "(" . $note->name . " - " . date('M d Y H:i A', $note->created_at) . ") " . $note->body . "||"; } $out .= $this->outputField($noteString, '') . chr(13) . chr(10); } } //eDebug($out,true); $outFile = 'tmp/product_export_' . time() . '.csv'; $outHandle = fopen(BASE . $outFile, 'w'); fwrite($outHandle, $out); fclose($outHandle); echo "<br/><br/>Download the file here: <a href='" . PATH_RELATIVE . $outFile . "'>Product Export</a>"; /*eDebug(BASE . "tmp/export.csv"); $db->sql($sql); eDebug($db->error());*/ /*OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY '" . '"' . "' ESCAPED BY '\\' LINES TERMINATED BY '" . '\\n' . "' */ }
/** * Remove the specified resource from storage. * * @param int $id * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function destroy($id) { $product = product::find($id); $product->delete(); //Session::flash('flash_message', 'product successfully deleted!'); return redirect('product/list'); }