Ejemplo n.º 1
    public function testCreateTable()
        $xml = <<<XML
<schema name="public" owner="NOBODY">
  <table name="test" primaryKey="id" description="test description">
    <tableOption sqlFormat="pgsql8" name="tablespace" value="schmableschpace"/>
    <tableOption sqlFormat="pgsql8" name="with" value="(oids=true,fillfactor=70)"/>
    <tableOption sqlFormat="mysql5" name="auto_increment" value="5"/>
    <column name="id" type="int"/>
    <column name="foo" type="int"/>
        $schema = new SimpleXMLElement($xml);
        $expected = <<<SQL
CREATE TABLE "public"."test" (
\t"id" int,
\t"foo" int
WITH (oids=true,fillfactor=70)
TABLESPACE schmableschpace;
COMMENT ON TABLE "public"."test" IS 'test description';
        $actual = pgsql8_table::get_creation_sql($schema, $schema->table);
        $this->assertEquals($expected, trim($actual));
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public static function build_schema($db_doc, $ofs, $table_depends)
     // schema creation
     foreach ($db_doc->schema as $schema) {
         // schema grants
         if (isset($schema->grant)) {
             foreach ($schema->grant as $grant) {
                 $ofs->write(pgsql8_permission::get_sql($db_doc, $schema, $schema, $grant) . "\n");
     // types: enumerated list, etc
     foreach ($db_doc->schema as $schema) {
         foreach ($schema->type as $type) {
             $ofs->write(pgsql8_type::get_creation_sql($schema, $type) . "\n");
     // table structure creation
     foreach ($db_doc->schema as $schema) {
         // create defined tables
         pgsql8_table::$include_column_default_nextval_in_create_sql = FALSE;
         foreach ($schema->table as $table) {
             // table definition
             $ofs->write(pgsql8_table::get_creation_sql($schema, $table) . "\n");
             // table indexes
             pgsql8_diff_indexes::diff_indexes_table($ofs, NULL, NULL, $schema, $table);
             // table grants
             if (isset($table->grant)) {
                 foreach ($table->grant as $grant) {
                     $ofs->write(pgsql8_permission::get_sql($db_doc, $schema, $table, $grant) . "\n");
         pgsql8_table::$include_column_default_nextval_in_create_sql = TRUE;
         // sequences contained in the schema
         if (isset($schema->sequence)) {
             foreach ($schema->sequence as $sequence) {
                 $ofs->write(pgsql8_sequence::get_creation_sql($schema, $sequence));
                 // sequence permission grants
                 if (isset($sequence->grant)) {
                     foreach ($sequence->grant as $grant) {
                         $ofs->write(pgsql8_permission::get_sql($db_doc, $schema, $sequence, $grant) . "\n");
         // add table nextvals that were omitted
         foreach ($schema->table as $table) {
             if (pgsql8_table::has_default_nextval($table)) {
                 $ofs->write(pgsql8_table::get_default_nextval_sql($schema, $table) . "\n");
     // function definitions
     foreach ($db_doc->schema as $schema) {
         foreach ($schema->function as $function) {
             if (pgsql8_function::has_definition($function)) {
                 $ofs->write(pgsql8_function::get_creation_sql($schema, $function));
                 // when pg:build_schema() is doing its thing for straight builds, include function permissions
                 // they are not included in pg_function::get_creation_sql()
                 foreach (dbx::get_permissions($function) as $function_permission) {
                     $ofs->write(pgsql8_permission::get_sql($db_doc, $schema, $function, $function_permission) . "\n");
     // maybe move this but here we're defining column defaults fo realz
     foreach ($db_doc->schema as $schema) {
         foreach ($schema->table as $table) {
             $ofs->write(pgsql8_table::define_table_column_defaults($schema, $table));
     // define table primary keys before foreign keys so unique requirements are always met for FOREIGN KEY constraints
     foreach ($db_doc->schema as $schema) {
         foreach ($schema->table as $table) {
             pgsql8_diff_tables::diff_constraints_table($ofs, NULL, NULL, $schema, $table, 'primaryKey', FALSE);
     // foreign key references
     // use the dependency order to specify foreign keys in an order that will satisfy nested foreign keys and etc
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($table_depends); $i++) {
         $schema = $table_depends[$i]['schema'];
         $table = $table_depends[$i]['table'];
         if ($table['name'] === dbsteward::TABLE_DEPENDENCY_IGNORABLE_NAME) {
             // don't do anything with this table, it is a magic internal DBSteward value
         pgsql8_diff_tables::diff_constraints_table($ofs, NULL, NULL, $schema, $table, 'constraint', FALSE);
     // trigger definitions
     foreach ($db_doc->schema as $schema) {
         foreach ($schema->trigger as $trigger) {
             // only do triggers set to the current sql format
             if (strcasecmp($trigger['sqlFormat'], dbsteward::get_sql_format()) == 0) {
                 $ofs->write(pgsql8_trigger::get_creation_sql($schema, $trigger));
     pgsql8_diff_views::create_views_ordered($ofs, null, $db_doc);
     // view permission grants
     foreach ($db_doc->schema as $schema) {
         foreach ($schema->view as $view) {
             if (isset($view->grant)) {
                 foreach ($view->grant as $grant) {
                     $ofs->write(pgsql8_permission::get_sql($db_doc, $schema, $view, $grant) . "\n");
     // use pgdiff to add any configurationParameters that are defined
     pgsql8_diff::update_database_config_parameters($ofs, null, $db_doc);
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * @group pgsql8
 public function testTableColumnTypeQuotingPgsql8()
     dbsteward::$quote_all_names = TRUE;
     dbsteward::$single_stage_upgrade = TRUE;
     $doc_empty = simplexml_load_string($this->xml_empty);
     $doc_empty = xml_parser::composite_doc(FALSE, $doc_empty);
     dbsteward::$old_database = $doc_empty;
     $doc = simplexml_load_string($this->xml);
     $doc = xml_parser::composite_doc(FALSE, $doc);
     dbsteward::$new_database = $doc;
     $table_dependency = xml_parser::table_dependency_order($doc);
     $schema = $doc->schema;
     $table = $schema->table;
     // make sure the type is named with quoting as part of a definition build
     $expected = "CREATE TYPE \"schema1\".\"enumCamelCaseType\" AS ENUM ('Read','Write','Delete');";
     $mofs = new mock_output_file_segmenter();
     pgsql8::build_schema($doc, $mofs, $table_dependency);
     $actual = trim($mofs->_get_output());
     $this->assertContains($expected, $actual);
     // make sure the type is referred to with quoting in a table creation as part of a definition build
     $expected_column = '"table_shable_mode" "enumCamelCaseType"';
     $this->assertContains($expected_column, $actual);
     // make sure the type is referred to with quoting when generating table create statements
     $expected = '"table_shable_mode" "enumCamelCaseType"';
     $sql = pgsql8_table::get_creation_sql($schema, $table);
     $this->assertContains($expected, $sql);
     // make sure create table quotes the type name
     $expected = '"table_shable_mode" "enumCamelCaseType"';
     $mofs = new mock_output_file_segmenter();
     pgsql8_diff_tables::diff_tables($mofs, $mofs, NULL, $schema);
     $actual = trim($mofs->_get_output());
     $this->assertContains($expected, $actual);
     // make sure insert statements are made that match the XML definition
     $expected = "INSERT INTO \"schema1\".\"table_shable\" (\"table_shable_id\", \"table_shable_value\", \"table_shable_mode\") VALUES (1, E'shim sham', BETA);";
     $actual = trim(pgsql8_diff_tables::get_data_sql(NULL, NULL, $schema, $table, FALSE));
     $this->assertContains($expected, $actual);
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * Outputs commands for creation of new tables.
  * @param $ofs         output file pointer
  * @param $old_schema  original schema
  * @param $new_schema  new schema
 private static function create_tables($ofs, $old_schema, $new_schema, $old_table = null, $new_table = null)
     foreach (dbx::get_tables($new_schema) as $table) {
         if ($new_table != null) {
             if (strcasecmp($table['name'], $new_table['name']) != 0) {
         if ($old_schema == null || !pgsql8_schema::contains_table($old_schema, $table['name'])) {
             if (!dbsteward::$ignore_oldnames && pgsql8_diff_tables::is_renamed_table($new_schema, $table)) {
                 // oldTableName renamed table ? rename table instead of create new one
                 $old_table_schema = pgsql8_table::get_old_table_schema($new_schema, $table);
                 $old_table_name = pgsql8::get_quoted_schema_name($old_table_schema['name']) . '.' . pgsql8::get_quoted_table_name($table['oldTableName']);
                 // ALTER TABLE ... RENAME TO does not accept schema qualifiers when renaming a table
                 // ALTER TABLE message.message_report RENAME TO report ;
                 $new_table_name = pgsql8::get_quoted_table_name($table['name']);
                 $ofs->write("-- table rename from oldTableName specification" . "\n" . "ALTER TABLE {$old_table_name} RENAME TO {$new_table_name} ;" . "\n");
                 // if the schema changed for the table as well, set it in the new schema
                 if (strcasecmp($old_table_schema['name'], $new_schema['name']) != 0) {
                     // the table has been renamed, but is still in the old schema, resolve this fully qualified name
                     $old_schema_new_table_name = pgsql8::get_quoted_schema_name($old_table_schema['name']) . '.' . $new_table_name;
                     $new_schema_name = pgsql8::get_quoted_schema_name($new_schema['name']);
                     $ofs->write("-- table reschema from oldSchemaName specification" . "\n" . "ALTER TABLE {$old_schema_new_table_name} SET SCHEMA {$new_schema_name} ;" . "\n");
             } else {
                 $ofs->write(pgsql8_table::get_creation_sql($new_schema, $table) . "\n");
                 // the table is getting added in an upgrade diff.
                 // need to apply column defaults and not nulls
                 $ofs->write(pgsql8_table::define_table_column_defaults($new_schema, $table) . "\n");