Ejemplo n.º 1
 public function pagination()
     $string = $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"];
     $pattern = "/(&page=[0-9]+)/i";
     $replacement = "";
     $target = preg_replace("/([&?]+page=[0-9]+)/i", "", $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]);
     $page = new pagination();
     return $page->show();
Ejemplo n.º 2
 function pagination()
     $string = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
     $pattern = '/(&page=[0-9]+)/i';
     $replacement = '';
     $target = preg_replace('/([&?]+page=[0-9]+)/i', '', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
     $page = new pagination();
     return $page->show();
Ejemplo n.º 3
         if ($total > 0) {
             //постраничная разбивка
             $page_href = $mod_page;
             if ($search_username) {
                 $page_href .= "&amp;search_username="******"&amp;search_status=" . $search_status;
             if ($search_date) {
                 $page_href .= "&amp;search_date=" . $search_date;
             $pg = new pagination();
             $pg->nextT = ' <a href="[+link+]">' . $langTxt['next'] . '</a> ';
             $pg->prevT = ' <a href="[+link+]">' . $langTxt['prev'] . '</a> ';
             $pager = $pg->getOutput();
             //Данные заказов
             $data_query = $modx->db->query("SELECT shk.id, shk.short_txt, shk.price, shk.currency, shk.note, shk.status, shk.userid, DATE_FORMAT(shk.date,'%d.%m.%Y %k:%i') AS date, DATE_FORMAT(shk.sentdate,'%d.%m.%Y %k:%i') AS sentdate " . $data_q . $orderby_q);
             //$data_query = $modx->db->select("id, short_txt, price, currency, note, status, userid, DATE_FORMAT(date,'%d.%m.%Y %k:%i') AS date, DATE_FORMAT(sentdate,'%d.%m.%Y %k:%i') AS sentdate", $shkm->mod_table, "", "id DESC", "$start,$pnum");
             //Данные пользователей
             $userData_query = $modx->db->select("DISTINCT wu.id, wu.username", $dbprefix . "web_users wu, {$shkm->mod_table} shk", "wu.id = shk.userid", "", "");
             $users_id_list = "0";
             while ($userData = mysql_fetch_row($userData_query)) {
                 $userName[$userData[0]] = $userData[1];
                 $users_id_list .= "," . $userData[0];
Ejemplo n.º 4
    $output = $ctlView->renderRows($products, $cv_config['tpl']);
    $pagination = '';
    if ($cv_config['paginate'] && !$cv_config['randomize'] && $cv_config['display'] > 0) {
        require_once MODX_BASE_PATH . "assets/snippets/catalogView/classes/pagination.class.php";
        $p = new pagination();
        $p->nextT = $langTxt['next'];
        //' <a href="[+link+]">'.$langTxt['next'].'</a> ';
        $p->prevT = $langTxt['prev'];
        //' <a href="[+link+]">'.$langTxt['prev'].'</a> ';
        $p->numberT = ' <a href="[+link+]" class="' . $cv_config['pageClass'] . '">[+num+]</a> ';
        $p->currentT = ' <b class="' . $cv_config['currentPageClass'] . '">[+num+]</b> ';
        $p->prevI = '';
        $p->target($cv_config['thisPageUrl'] . $pagesQueryString);
        $p->parameterName($cv_config['id_prefix'] . 'page');
        $pagination .= $p->getOutput();
        $totalPages = ceil($total / $qs_display);
        $ctlView->setMODxPlaceholders(array("pages" => $pagination, "totalPages" => $totalPages));
    $ctlView->setMODxPlaceholders(array("sortBy" => $qs_sortBy, "sortDir" => $qs_sortDir, "qs_start" => $qs_start, "total" => $total, "currentPage" => $qs_page, "display" => $qs_display, "sortDirOther" => $sortDirOther, "filter" => $qs_filter, "pagesQueryString" => $pagesQueryString, "thisPageUrl" => $cv_config['thisPageUrl']));
    if ($cv_config['toPlaceholder']) {
        $ctlView->setMODxPlaceholders(array($cv_config['toPlaceholder'] => $output));
        $output = '';
Ejemplo n.º 5
 function get($sql = FALSE, $noSplitPage = FALSE)
     $sql = $sql ? $sql : 'select ' . $this->select . ' from ' . $this->table . ' ' . $this->join . ' ' . $this->where . ' ' . $this->sort . ' ' . $this->order;
     //$sql = iconv('UTF-8','TIS-620',$sql);
     if ($noSplitPage == FALSE) {
         $page = new pagination();
         $rs = $this->db->PageExecute($sql, $page->limit, $page->page);
         $this->pagination = $page->show();
     } else {
         $rs = $this->db->Execute($sql);
     $data = $rs->GetArray();
     return $data;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 function sql_page($sql, $limit = 20)
     $db = get_instance()->db;
     $rs = preg_replace("/select(.*)from/is", "select count(users.id) total from", $sql);
     $q = $db->query($rs)->row_array();
     $this->sql_page_total = $q['total'];
     // $this->sql_page_total = $db->query($sql)->num_rows();
     $page = new pagination();
     $page->target(preg_replace('/([&?]+page=[0-9]+)/i', '', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']));
     $this->sql_pagination = $page->show();
     $c_page = $page->page == 1 ? 0 : ($page->page - 1) * $page->limit;
     return $db->query($sql . ' limit ' . $c_page . ',' . $page->limit)->result();
     } else {
         $buildings_total = Idp_Main::getBuildings(false, 0, 1844674407371, 'published');
         $pagination_count = count($buildings_total);
         $building_count = $pagination_count;
 if ($pagination_count > 0) {
     //Records per page and items per row
     $per_page = getPerPageCount($pagination_count);
     //Total Page
     $total_page = ceil($pagination_count / $per_page);
     //initiate the pagination variable
     $pag = new pagination();
     //Set the pagination variable values
     //Done with the pagination
     //Now get the entries
     //But before that a little anomaly checking
     $list_start = ($this_page - 1) * $per_page;
     if ($list_start >= $pagination_count) {
         //Start of the list should be less than pagination count
         $list_start = $pagination_count - $per_page;
     if ($list_start < 0) {
         //list start cannot be negative
         $list_start = 0;
 function detail_page($detail)
     $page = 0;
     if (@$_GET["page"]) {
         $page = $_GET["page"] - 1;
     $foo = @split("<!-- pagebreak -->", $detail);
     $target = preg_replace("/([&?]+page=[0-9]+)/i", "", $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]);
     $pagination = new pagination();
     return @$foo[$page] . $pagination->show();
Ejemplo n.º 9
if ($aux['total'] and isset($busqueda)) {
    echo "{$aux['total']} Resultado" . ($aux['total'] > 1 ? 's' : '') . " que coinciden con tu b&uacute;squeda \"<strong>{$busqueda}</strong>\".";
} elseif ($aux['total'] and !isset($q)) {
    echo "Total de registros: {$aux['total']}";
} elseif (!$aux['total'] and isset($q)) {
    echo htmlentities($c) . "No hay registros que coincidan con tu b&uacute;squeda \"<strong>{$busqueda}</strong>\"";

if ($aux['total'] > 0) {
    $p = new pagination();
    if (isset($q)) {
        $p->target("alumnoBusqueda.php?q=" . urlencode($q));
    } else {
    $sql = $sqlStr . $limit;
    $rs_list = $cn->query($sql);
    $row_list = $rs_list->num_rows;
    echo '
        <table class="bordered">
