Ejemplo n.º 1
$modal['response_favorite'] = $mc->fs_favorite_modals_Query(array('limit_start' => 0, 'limit_end' => 1, 'query_where' => "table_id = {$modal['table_id']} and mno = {$mno}", 'query_order' => 'fmno asc', 'query_favorite' => 'get-all-user-favorite'));
if (!empty($modal['response_favorite'])) {
    $modal['src_img_favorite'] = "look-icon-favorite-detail-yellow.png";
$response = $mc->fs_flag(array('type' => 'select', 'limit_start' => 0, 'limit_end' => 1, 'where' => "table_id  = {$plno} and table_name= 'postedlooks' and mno = {$mno} "));
if (!empty($response)) {
    $modal['src_img_flag'] = "large-flag-red.png";
# set status of owner or not for the user not allow to rate , drip and favorite the modal
if ($modal['mno'] == $mno) {
    $modal['stat_rated'] = 'modal owner';
    $modal['stat_dripted'] = 'modal owner';
    $modal['stat_favorited'] = 'modal owner';
$keyword = modal::conver_cetegory_to_keyword($pltags);
$title = page::set_url_for_modal_details($modal['table_id'], 'look', $style, $date_, $lookName);
// set url of the page
echo "</div>";
// echo " $keyword ";
// $lookName = 'Mauricio (member) has 7 people who signed up using the referral link.There are currently1000 people on the waiting list who has no association to any member on the';
// echo " this is the len of the string ".strlen($lookName);
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">

    <title>New Details Page Development</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="fs_folders/index_home/home_css/home.css">
    <script type="text/javascript" src='fs_folders/fs_lookdetails/lookdetails_js/lookdetails_ajax.js'></script>
Ejemplo n.º 2
$response = $mc->fs_flag(array('type' => 'select', 'limit_start' => 0, 'limit_end' => 1, 'where' => "table_id  = {$modal['table_id']} and table_name= 'fs_postedarticles' and mno = {$mno} "));
if (!empty($response)) {
    $modal['src_img_flag'] = "large-flag-red.png";
# set status of owner or not for the user not allow to rate , drip and favorite the modal
if ($modal['mno'] == $mno) {
    $modal['stat_rated'] = 'modal owner';
    $modal['stat_dripted'] = 'modal owner';
    $modal['stat_favorited'] = 'modal owner';
 *  set view more for the article link  
$more = $mc->look_with_more($modal['table_id'], $modal['source_url'], 'fs_postedarticles');
// set more..
page::set_url_for_modal_details($modal['table_id'], 'article', $modal['topic'], $modal['date'], $modal['title']);
// set url of the page
// $modal['source_url'] = strip_tags($modal['source_url']);
// echo " <br><br><br>this is the me  url ".$modal['source_url'].'<br>' ;
// echo " click $more  to show popup <br> ";
/** get article attribute */
$post_attr = $post->get_post("table_id = {$table_id} and table_name = 'fs_postedarticles'");
$alt = !empty($post_attr[0]['alt']) ? $post_attr[0]['alt'] : "";
//modal like status
$look_attr['response'] = $mc->posted_modals_rate_Query(array('mno' => $mno, 'table_name' => $modal['table_name'], 'table_id' => $modal['table_id'], 'rate_query' => 'get-user-rated-type'));
if ($look_attr['response'] == true) {
    $look_attr['stat_rated'] = 'look already rated';
    if ($look_attr['response'] == 'like') {
        $look_attr['thumbsUp'] = 'look-red-thumbs.png';
    if ($look_attr['response'] == 'dislike') {
Ejemplo n.º 3
    public function modal_version1_article($_table_id, $lookpath = null, $profilepath = null, $headersyle = null, $commentstyle = null, $page = null, $status = null)
        # explaination
        $_table_id     => table id
        $lookpath      => modas path 
        $profilepath   => profile pic path
        $headersyle    => header style iether show or hide
        $commentstyle  => comment style ither show or hide
        $page          => page where the data retrieved
        $status        => status to show the settings ither admin or client
        # initialize
        $ri = new resizeImage();
        $_SESSION['mno'] = $this->get_cookie('mno', 136);
        $mno = $this->get_cookie('mno', 136);
        $hide = '';
        # get activitywall info
        if ($page == 'profile-tabs' || $page == 'admin') {
            $plno = $_table_id;
            $ano = $_table_id;
        } else {
            if ($page == 'rate-page') {
                $plno = $_table_id;
                $ano = $_table_id;
                $hide = 'display:none;';
            } else {
                $ano = $_table_id;
                $activity = $this->get_activity_posted($ano);
                $whoAction = $activity[0]['mno'];
                $plno = $activity[0]['_table_id'];
                $_table = $activity[0]['_table'];
                $action = $activity[0]['action'];
                $_date = $activity[0]['_date'];
        // echo " artno =   $plno  <br> ";
        # get postarticle info
        $response = $this->fs_postedarticles(array('aticle_type' => 'select', 'where' => "artno = {$plno}"));
        $radius = 'border-radius: 5px 5px 0px 0px;';
        $artno = $response[0]['artno'];
        $lookOwnerMno = $response[0]['mno'];
        $look_attr['title'] = strtoupper($response[0]['title']);
        $lookAbout = $response[0]['description'];
        $look_attr['lookAbout'] = $response[0]['description'];
        $keyword = $response[0]['keyword'];
        $look_attr['category'] = $response[0]['category'];
        $look_attr['topic'] = $response[0]['topic'];
        $look_attr['source_url'] = $response[0]['source_url'];
        $look_attr['source_item'] = $response[0]['source_item'];
        $look_attr['type'] = $response[0]['type'];
        $extention = $response[0]['extention'];
        $date = $response[0]['date'];
        $look_attr['tfavorite'] = $response[0]['tfavorite'];
        $look_attr['tdrip'] = $response[0]['tdrip'];
        $look_attr['tshare'] = $response[0]['tshare'];
        $look_attr['tflag'] = 0;
        $look_attr['tcomment'] = $response[0]['tcomment'];
        $look_attr['trating'] = $response[0]['trating'];
        $look_attr['tpercentage'] = $response[0]['tpercentage'];
        $look_attr['active'] = $response[0]['active'];
        $look_attr['tview'] = $response[0]['tview'];
        $pltvotes = $response[0]['pltvotes'];
        $look_attr['video_id'] = $look_attr['type'] == 'video' ? basename($response[0]['source_item']) : null;
        $look_attr['page'] = $page;
        $tlview = '9,999+';
        $tfavorite = '9,999+';
        $trating = 0;
        $tpercentage = 0;
        $rating_percent = 1;
        $rating_total = 0;
        $look_attr['owner'] = $lookOwnerMno;
        $look_attr['thumbsUp'] = 'look-white-thumb.png';
        $look_attr['thumbsDown'] = 'look-white-down-thumb.png';
        $look_attr['stat_rated'] = 'look not rated';
        $look_attr['stat_dripted'] = 'look not dripted';
        $look_attr['stat_favorited'] = 'look not favorited';
        $look_attr['response'] = '';
        $look_attr['dripped_name'] = '';
        $look_attr['dripped_message'] = '';
        $look_attr['table_name'] = 'fs_postedarticles';
        $look_attr['headermssg'] = 'SUCCESSFULLY FAVORITED';
        # this is for success message popup
        $look_attr['contentmssg'] = 'This Article is now on your favorite list.';
        # this is for success message popup
        $look_attr['default_image'] = 'default-article.jpg';
        // $look_attr['src'] 		   = ( file_exists("$profilepath"."$this->article_home/$plno.jpg")) ? "$this->article_home/$plno.jpg" : "$this->article_home/$look_attr[default_image]" ;
        $look_attr['src'] = '';
        $user['username'] = $this->get_username_by_mno($look_attr['owner']);
        $look_attr['src_img_drip'] = "look-icon-drip-modal.png";
        $look_attr['src_img_drip_dynamic'] = "look-icon-drip-modal.png";
        // change this to "look-icon-drip-selected.png" if u want to have a color when drip clicked
        $look_attr['src_img_favorite'] = "look-icon-favorite-modal.png";
        $look_attr['src_img_share'] = "look-icon-share.png";
        $look_attr['src_img_flag'] = "modal-flag-dot.png";
        $look_attr['response_drip'] = array();
        $look_attr['response_favorite'] = array();
        $look_attr['response_share'] = array();
        $look_attr['path'] = $profilepath;
        $look_attr['status'] = $status;
        $latestLikerName = '';
        $blogUrl = $this->getUserInfo($look_attr['owner'], 'blogurl') != "" ? $this->getUserInfo($look_attr['owner'], 'blogurl') : '#';
        $blogName = $this->getUserInfo($look_attr['owner'], 'blogdom');
        $blogNameLink = !empty($blogName) ? "of <a href=\"{$blogUrl}\" target=\"_blank\" class='user-blogname' ><b> {$blogName} </b> </a>  " : "";
        switch ($page) {
            case 'rate-look':
            case 'profile-tab-look':
            case 'profile-tabs' or 'admin':
                $len_dripped = strpos($action, 'Dripped');
                if ($len_dripped >= 0) {
                    $array = array('limit_start' => 0, 'limit_end' => 1, 'query_where' => "table_id = {$plno}", 'query_order' => 'dmno desc', 'query_drip' => 'get-all-user-dripped');
                    $response = $this->fs_drip_modals_Query($array);
                    // $look_attr['dripped_username']    =  "******".$this->get_username_by_mno( $response[0]['mno'] ).' said';
                    $look_attr['dripped_username'] = $this->get_full_name_by_id($response[0]['mno']) . ' said';
                    $look_attr['dripped_message'] = $response[0]['comment'];
                $action = $this->get_activity_action($lookOwnerMno, $whoAction, $action, $plno, $_date, $_table);
        #check if already thumbs up or down
        // $look_attr['response'] = $this->posted_modals_rate_Query( array(  'mno'=>$mno,  'table_name'=>$look_attr['table_name'] , 'table_id'=>$plno,  'rate_query'=>'get-user-rated-type'  )  );
        // if ( $look_attr['response'] == true ):
        // 	$look_attr['stat_rated'] =  'look already rated';
        // 	if ( $look_attr['response'] == 'like') {
        // 		$look_attr['thumbsUp'] = 'look-red-thumbs.png';
        // 	}
        // 	if ( $look_attr['response'] == 'dislike') {
        // 	   $look_attr['thumbsDown'] = 'look-red-thumb-down.png';
        // 	}
        // endif;
        $look_attr['response'] = $this->posted_modals_rate_Query(array('mno' => $mno, 'table_name' => $look_attr['table_name'], 'table_id' => $plno, 'rate_query' => 'get-user-rated-type'));
        if ($look_attr['response'] == true) {
            $look_attr['stat_rated'] = 'look already rated';
            if ($look_attr['response'] == 'like') {
                $look_attr['thumbsUp'] = 'look-red-thumbs.png';
            if ($look_attr['response'] == 'dislike') {
                $look_attr['thumbsDown'] = 'look-red-thumb-down.png';
            $look_rated = true;
        } else {
            $look_rated = false;
        // echo " video id ".$look_attr['video_id'];
        #set points color
        $look_attr['response_drip'] = $this->fs_drip_modals_Query(array('limit_start' => 0, 'limit_end' => 1, 'query_where' => "table_id = {$plno} and mno = {$mno}", 'query_order' => 'dmno asc', 'query_drip' => 'get-all-user-dripped'));
        if (!empty($look_attr['response_drip'])) {
            // $look_attr['src_img_drip'] = "look-icon-drip-selected.png";   // the colored driped
            //$look_attr['src_img_drip_dynamic'] = "look-icon-drip-selected.png";  // update the main initialized when u want to have a color when the dripped clicked
            $look_attr['src_img_drip'] = "look-icon-drip.png";
        $look_attr['response_favorite'] = $this->fs_favorite_modals_Query(array('limit_start' => 0, 'limit_end' => 1, 'query_where' => "table_id = {$plno} and mno = {$mno}", 'query_order' => 'fmno asc', 'query_favorite' => 'get-all-user-favorite'));
        if (!empty($look_attr['response_favorite'])) {
            $look_attr['src_img_favorite'] = "look-icon-favorite-selected.png";
        $response = $this->fs_flag(array('type' => 'select', 'limit_start' => 0, 'limit_end' => 1, 'where' => "table_id  = {$plno} and table_name= 'fs_postedarticles' and mno = {$mno} "));
        if (!empty($response)) {
            $look_attr['src_img_flag'] = "large-flag-red.png";
        # get image src
        $look_attr['src'] = $this->image(array('table_name' => $look_attr['table_name'], 'table_id' => $plno, 'type' => 'get-default-image-src', 'size' => 'home', 'path' => $look_attr['path']));
        # set status of owner or not for the user not allow to rate , drip and favorite the modal
        // echo " $look_attr[owner] == $mno  ";
        if ($look_attr['owner'] == $mno) {
            $look_attr['stat_rated'] = 'modal owner';
            $look_attr['stat_dripted'] = 'modal owner';
            $look_attr['stat_favorited'] = 'modal owner';
        //set url of the article page detail
        $title = page::set_url_for_modal_details($plno, 'article', strtolower($look_attr['topic']), $date, strtolower($look_attr['title']));
        /** get article attribute */
        // $post_attr = $this->post->get_post("table_id = $artno and table_name = 'fs_postedarticles'");
        // $alt =  (!empty($post_attr[0]['alt'])) ? $post_attr[0]['alt'] : "";
        $alt = "this is the alt";
        if ($page == 'rate-article' || $page == 'rate-page') {
            $feed = TRUE;
        } else {
            $feed = FALSE;
        /** on the blue box show latest member to like post and the total number of likes by others */
        $table_name = $look_attr['table_name'];
        $latestUserRated = select_v3('fs_rate_modals', 'mno', "table_id = {$plno} and table_name = '{$table_name}' ORDER BY rmno desc limit 1");
        if (!empty($latestUserRated[0]['mno'])) {
            $latestLikerName = $this->get_full_name_by_id($latestUserRated[0]['mno']);
        // echo "Latest Liker Name = $latestLikerName";
        $featuredLooks = select_v3('fs_postedarticles', '*', "mno = '" . $look_attr['owner'] . "'  and artno <> {$plno} and category = '" . $look_attr['category'] . "' order by pltvotes desc limit 3");

      				<modals-item >   
      				 	<div class="<?php 
        echo "{$_table}-{$plno}";
" >
	      					<div style="display:none"> 
        echo $ano;
        echo $ano;

		      				<div id="modals_version1_look_main_wrapper"  class="look_t<?php 
        echo $ano;
"  >  
		      					<table border="0" style="border:1px solid none; width:100%;" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"  name='table1' > 

		      							<!-- this will print except the rate page area -->
		      							<td style="<?php 
        echo "{$headersyle}; {$hide}";
 " >    
        $this->new_modals_header($whoAction, $action, $profilepath);

		      							<!-- This will only print in the rate page area --> 
        if ($feed == TRUE) {
            $owner_fullname = $this->get_full_name_by_id($look_attr['owner']);
            $ago = $this->get_time_ago($date);
            $uname = $this->get_username_by_mno($look_attr['owner']);
 			      								 <div style="border:1px solid none;line-height:16px;    " id="look-modals-action"> 
            $this->new_modals_header($look_attr['owner'], "  <a href='{$uname}'> {$owner_fullname} </a>    <span style=' color:#225B99' > {$blogNameLink} <span style='color:#d6051d'>  posted </span>   a new article </span> {$ago} ", $profilepath);
		      							<td style="padding-top:9px;" >  
		      							<td id="modal-image-container-td" style="<?php 
        echo $radius;
"  >  

		      								<div id="new-look-body-container" style="margin-left:7px;background:white !important; border:1px solid none;" > 
				      								<li style="display:none;" >      
				      									<div style=" padding:0px; margin:0px; width:270px; border:1px solid none; " >
					      									<div style="font-family:misoRegular; font-size:20px;" > 
        echo "{$lookname}";
					      									<div style="font-family:arial; font-size:12px;  " > 
        echo "{$lookAbout} ";
				      									<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" name='table2' style="padding-top:5px;background-color:none"  > 
					      										<td style="height:150px; border:1px solid none;">     
										      						<!-- main image -->
							      									<div id="new-look-image-container" class="new-look-image-container<?php 
        echo $ano;
" style="border: 1px solid none;"  onmouseover="mouseOver_elemShow_mouseOut_elemHide(  '.new-look-image-container<?php 
        echo $ano;
 ' ,   '.new-look-image-container<?php 
        echo $ano;
  ' ,   '.new-look-mousover-desc-title-container<?php 
        echo $ano;
' )"  >       
					      												<!-- <a href='detail?id=<?php 
        echo $artno;
' >   --> 
																			<!-- <div onclick="fs_popup( 'modal-details' , 'feed-modal-clicked-detail-view' , 'process' , 'method' , '<?php 
        echo $plno;
' , '<?php 
        echo $look_attr['table_name'];
' , '<?php 
        echo $title;
' )" >  -->
        if ($look_attr['type'] == 'video') {
            echo "<div id='mouserover-video-play' class='mouserover-video-play{$artno}' onmouseover='article_nex_prev ( \"video-mouseover\" , \"{$artno}\" , \"response\" , \"loader\" ,  \"e\"  )'   onmouseout='article_nex_prev ( \"video-mouseout\" , \"{$artno}\" , \"response\" , \"loader\" ,  \"e\"  )'     > \n \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t      \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<a href='articledetails-dev.php?id={$artno}' >  \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t      \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<center> <img alt='{$alt}' src='{$this->genImgs}/video-play-3.png' id='video-play' class='video-play{$artno}' /> </center>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t      \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</a>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t      \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>";
            echo "  \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t      \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<a href='articledetails-dev.php?id={$artno}' >  \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t      \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<img  alt='{$alt}' src='{$look_attr['src']}' style='position:relative;width:100%;height:220px;' />  \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t      \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</a>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t      \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t";
        } else {
            echo "  \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t      \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<a href='articledetails-dev.php?id={$artno}' >  \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t      \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<img  alt='{$alt}' src='{$look_attr['src']}' style='position:relative;width:100%;height:auto;' />  \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t      \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</a>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t      \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t";
					      											  	<!-- </a>    -->
		      							<td class="modal-footer-container" style="<?php 
        echo "{$commentstyle}";
"     > 
	 										<!-- status used for the validation of the ratings and so on -->

												<div id="status-container"  >
													<input type="text" value="<?php 
        echo "{$look_attr['stat_rated']}";
"       id="stat-look-rated<?php 
        echo $ano;
"       /> <br>
													<input type="text" value="<?php 
        echo "{$look_attr['stat_dripted']}";
"     id="stat-look-dripted<?php 
        echo $ano;
"         /> <br>
													<input type="text" value="<?php 
        echo "{$look_attr['stat_favorited']}";
"   id="stat-look-favorited<?php 
        echo $ano;
"    /> <br>

											<!-- first footer grey line top  -->

												<div class='modal-comment-grey-line' > 

											<!-- print settings for delete , hide and so on accessed by the admin for now -->

        if ($look_attr['status'] == 'admin') {
            $this->modal(array('type' => 'print-settings', 'table_id' => $plno, 'table_name' => $look_attr['table_name'], 'id' => ".look_t{$ano}"));
											<!-- dripped message  -->
        if (!empty($look_attr['dripped_message'])) {
			      									<div id="new-look-modals-dripped-message-container" >  
            echo "{$look_attr['dripped_username']}:";
            echo ucfirst("{$look_attr['dripped_message']}");

		  									<!-- category message  -->

        if (!empty($look_attr['topic'])) {
		  											<a href="article?topic=<?php 
            echo strtolower($look_attr['topic']);
			  											<div class="modal-footer-category" >
            echo strtoupper($look_attr['topic']);

											<!-- title message -->	

        if (!empty($look_attr['title'])) {
		 											<a href="articledetails-dev.php?id=<?php 
            echo $plno;
" > 
				      									<div id="new-look-modals-title1-container" > 
            echo "{$look_attr['title']}";
		  									<!-- grey line --> 
											<!--  <div class='modal-comment-grey-line' style="margin-top:3px;" > -->
											<!-- blue rectangle   -->	
		  										<div id="new-look-modals-stat-container" style="display:none" >
			  										 	 <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="padding:0px; margin:0px; width:97%; "  > 
			  										 	 		<td style="width:35px;" > 
			  										 	 			<span style="font-size:12px !important" > <b><?php 
        echo "{$look_attr['tpercentage']}";
%</b>  </span> 
			  										 	 		<td style="width:70px;" > 
			  										 	 			<span style="font-size:12px;!important" >LIKES THIS </span>
			  										 	 		<td style="width:45px;" >   
			  										 	 			<table style="margin-top:-9px; width:40px;float:right" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"  > 
			  										 	 							<img src="<?php 
        echo "  {$this->genImgs}/{$look_attr['thumbsUp']}";
" title='like'            style='height:18px;' class='postedlooks-like<?php 
        echo $ano;
'      onclick="posted_modals_rate_Query ( '0' , '<?php 
        echo $mno;
' , '<?php 
        echo $look_attr['table_name'];
' , 'like' , '<?php 
        echo "{$plno}";
' , 'insert' , 'rate'  , '.postedlooks-like<?php 
        echo $ano;
' , 'look-red-thumbs.png' , '#stat-look-rated<?php 
        echo $ano;
'  , '<?php 
        echo $look_attr['category'];
' , '<?php 
        echo $ano;
' )" > 
			  										 	 						<div style="margin-top:6px;" > 
			  										 	 							<img src="<?php 
        echo "  {$this->genImgs}/{$look_attr['thumbsDown']}";
" title='dislike'       style='height:18px;' class='postedlooks-dislike<?php 
        echo $ano;
'       onclick="posted_modals_rate_Query ( '0' , '<?php 
        echo $mno;
' , '<?php 
        echo $look_attr['table_name'];
' , 'dislike' , '<?php 
        echo "{$plno}";
' , 'insert' , 'rate' , '.postedlooks-dislike<?php 
        echo $ano;
' , 'look-red-thumb-down.png' , '#stat-look-rated<?php 
        echo $ano;
'  , '<?php 
        echo $look_attr['category'];
' , '<?php 
        echo $ano;
' )"  > 
			  										 	 			<div  id="new-look-modals-rating" style="width:100px; background-size: 100px 19px; border:1px solid none; float:right; margin-top:5px;   " >
				      													<!-- <div style='cursor:pointer; border:1px solid none; margin-top:2px; margin-left:15px;  position:absolute;font-size:11px !important;font-family:arial; ' onclick="fs_popup( 'postarticle' , 'rate-posted-modals-view' , 'look-modal-design'  , 'method' , '<?php 
        echo $plno;
' , '<?php 
        echo $look_attr['table_name'];
' )" > -->

				      													<div style='cursor:pointer; border:1px solid none; margin-top:2px; margin-left:15px;  position:absolute;font-size:11px !important;font-family:arial; ' onclick="fs_modal_popup( 'fs-modal-popup' , 'design' , 'ratings' , '<?php 
        echo $look_attr['table_name'];
' , '<?php 
        echo $plno;
' , 'RATINGS ( <?php 
        echo "{$look_attr['trating']}";
 )' , 'fron-end' ,	'#popup-more-doing-the-action-loader img' , '<?php 
        echo $look_attr['category'];
' )"  >
				      														RATE ( <span id='modal-tratings<?php 
        echo $ano;
' ><?php 
        echo "{$look_attr['trating']}";
</span> )

												<!-- description -->
												<div class="wrapper-modal-description" >
												<div id="new-look-modals-description-container"> 
        print $this->string_limit($lookAbout, 100, 'article', $plno);
		  										<!-- 	<span>
														Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry... <span  class="modal-description-more-text" >see more</span> 
													</span>  -->
        if ($feed == FALSE) {

		  										<!-- like blue --> 
		  										<!-- article -->
			  									<!-- 	<div id="new-look-modals-stat-container-1"> 
													  	<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> 
            echo $ano;
            echo $ano;
															 				onmousemove=" mousein_change_button ( '#look-like-<?php 
            echo $ano;
' , 'fs_folders/images/modal/look/liked.png' )" 
															 				onmouseout="mouseout_change_button (  '#look-like-<?php 
            echo $ano;
'  , 'fs_folders/images/modal/look/modals-like.png' ) "
																			<span> Maurico Moore and <a style="font-family: 'Avenir LT Std 85 Heavy' !important; color:white;cursor:pointer">127</a> others like this <span>
		  											</div>  -->

		  											<div id="new-look-modals-stat-container-1"> 
														  	<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> 
            if ($look_rated == false) {
                echo $ano;
																		      		onclick="look_like_click( '<?php 
                echo $mno;
' , '<?php 
                echo $plno;
' , '<?php 
                echo $look_attr['table_name'];
' , 'like' , 'liked.png' , '#look-like-<?php 
                echo $ano;
' , '<?php 
                echo $ano;
' , '#look-total-like-<?php 
                echo $ano;
', '<?php 
                echo $this->get_full_name_by_id($this->mno);
																	 			    onmousemove=" mousein_change_button ( '#look-like-<?php 
                echo $ano;
' , 'fs_folders/images/modal/look/liked.png' )" 
																	 				onmouseout="mouseout_change_button (  '#look-like-<?php 
                echo $ano;
'  , 'fs_folders/images/modal/look/modals-like.png' ) " 
																				<input onclick=" test_modal () "  type="text" value="not rated comment" id="rate-comment-stat<?php 
                echo $ano;
" class='hide'  />
            } else {
																 				<img src="fs_folders/images/modal/look/liked.png"   id="look-like-<?php 
                echo $ano;
"    /> 
            if ($pltvotes == 0) {
																        		<span id='look-total-like-<?php 
                echo $ano;
-name' ></span>  
																		 		<a id="look-total-like-<?php 
                echo $ano;
" style="font-family: 'Avenir LT Std 85 Heavy' !important; color:white; cursor:pointer" ><?php 
																		 		<span>like this </span>
            } elseif ($pltvotes == 1) {
																				<span id='look-total-like-<?php 
                echo $ano;
-name' > <?php 
                echo $latestLikerName;
																				<span>like this </span>
																				<span id="look-total-like-<?php 
                echo $ano;
-stat" style='display:none' >1</span>
            } else {
																				<span id='look-total-like-<?php 
                echo $ano;
-name' > <?php 
                echo $latestLikerName;

																				<span> and </span>
                echo $ano;
																					style="font-family: 'Avenir LT Std 85 Heavy' !important; color:white; cursor:pointer" 
																					onclick="fs_modal_popup( 'fs-modal-popup' , 'design' , 'ratings' , '<?php 
                echo $look_attr['table_name'];
' , '<?php 
                echo $plno;
' , 'VIEWS ( <?php 
                echo "{$look_attr['tview']}";
 ) ' , 'fron-end' ,	'#popup-more-doing-the-action-loader img' )"
                print $pltvotes - 1;

																				<span> others like this <span> 
			  									<!-- grey line --> 
													<div class='modal-comment-grey-line' style="margin-top:6px;" > 
												<!-- grey rectangle  -->	 
			  										<div id="new-look-modals-score-container" >  
			  											<ul style="position:relative;  z-index:102; margin-top: 0px;  margin-left:3px;"   id="new-look-modals-footer-icons"   > 
															<li style="padding-top:2px;" >  
																<!-- <div title='views (<?php 
            echo "{$look_attr['tview']}";
)'   id="new-look-modals-views-icon" > 	
																</div>   -->  
																<!-- <img src="fs_folders/images/modal/look/views.png" id="modal-view-icon" >  --> 
            echo $ano;
																	onmouseenter=" mousein_change_button ( '.modal-view-icon<?php 
            echo $ano;
' , 'fs_folders/images/modal/look/views-dark.png' )" 
																	onmouseleave="mouseout_change_button (  '.modal-view-icon<?php 
            echo $ano;
' , 'fs_folders/images/modal/look/views.png' ) "	 
															<li   style="width: 27px;padding-left: 6px;"  class='look-modal-attr-numbers'  >
																<div id='look-score-text' onclick="fs_modal_popup( 'fs-modal-popup' , 'design' , 'views' , '<?php 
            echo $look_attr['table_name'];
' , '<?php 
            echo $plno;
' , 'VIEWS ( <?php 
            echo "{$look_attr['tview']}";
 ) ' , 'fron-end' ,	'#popup-more-doing-the-action-loader img' )" >
																	<span> <?php 
            echo "{$look_attr['tview']}";
																<div title='Share (<?php 
            echo "{$look_attr['tdrip']}";
)'  id="new-look-modals-drip-icon-1"      onclick="drip_popup_show( '<?php 
            echo $mno;
' , '<?php 
            echo "{$look_attr['table_name']}";
' , '<?php 
            echo $plno;
' , '<?php 
            echo $look_attr['title'];
' , 'Article' , '<?php 
            echo $look_attr['owner'];
' , '<?php 
            echo ".modal-drip-img{$ano}";
' , '<?php 
            echo "{$this->genImgs}/{$look_attr['src_img_drip_dynamic']}";
' , '<?php 
            echo $ano;
' , '<?php 
            echo "#stat-look-dripted{$ano}";
'  )" > 	
																	<!-- <img src="<?php 
            echo "{$this->genImgs}/{$look_attr['src_img_drip']}";
"  id='modal-drip-icon'   class='modal-drip-img<?php 
            echo $ano;
'  />  --> 
            echo "{$this->genImgs}/{$look_attr['src_img_drip']}";
            echo $ano;
																		onmouseenter=" mousein_change_button ( '.modal-drip-img<?php 
            echo $ano;
' , 'fs_folders/images/modal/look/drip-dark.png' )" 
																		onmouseleave="mouseout_change_button (  '.modal-drip-img<?php 
            echo $ano;
' , 'fs_folders/images/modal/look/drip.png' ) "	 
															<li  style="padding-left: 4px;width: 27px;"   class='look-modal-attr-numbers'  >
																<div  class="modal-tdriped<?php 
            echo $ano;
" onclick="fs_modal_popup( 'fs-modal-popup' , 'design' , 'dripped' , '<?php 
            echo $look_attr['table_name'];
' , '<?php 
            echo $plno;
' , 'SHARED ( <?php 
            echo "{$look_attr['tdrip']}";
 ) ' , 'fron-end' ,	'#popup-more-doing-the-action-loader img' )" >
																	<span> <?php 
            echo "{$look_attr['tdrip']}";

            if (empty($look_attr['response_favorite'])) {
                // can favorite for the first time only
																	<div  title='favorites (<?php 
                echo "{$look_attr['tfavorite']}";
)'  id="new-look-modals-favorite-icon-1"  onclick="favorite_posting( '<?php 
                echo $mno;
' , '<?php 
                echo "{$look_attr['table_name']}";
' , '<?php 
                echo $plno;
' , '<?php 
                echo $look_attr['headermssg'];
' ,'<?php 
                echo $look_attr['contentmssg'];
'  , 'Article' , '<?php 
                echo $look_attr['owner'];
' , '<?php 
                echo ".modal-favorite-img{$ano}";
' , '<?php 
                echo "{$this->genImgs}/look-icon-favorite-selected.png";
' , '.modal-comment-tfavorite<?php 
                echo $ano;
' , '#stat-look-favorited<?php 
                echo $ano;
' )"   > 	
            } else {
																	<div  title='favorites (<?php 
                echo "{$look_attr['tfavorite']}";
)'  id="new-look-modals-favorite-icon-1" >

																	<!-- <img 
            echo "{$this->genImgs}/{$look_attr['src_img_favorite']}";
            echo $ano;
																	/>  --> 

            if (empty($look_attr['response_favorite'])) {
                echo "{$this->genImgs}/{$look_attr['src_img_favorite']}";
                echo $ano;
																		onmouseenter=" mousein_change_button ( '.modal-favorite-img<?php 
                echo $ano;
' , 'fs_folders/images/modal/look/favorite-dark.png' )" 
																		onmouseleave="mouseout_change_button (  '.modal-favorite-img<?php 
                echo $ano;
' , 'fs_folders/images/modal/look/favorite.png' ) "	 
            } else {
                echo $ano;
															<li  style="padding-left: 4px;width: 27px;"  class='look-modal-attr-numbers'   >
																<div class="modal-comment-tfavorite<?php 
            echo $ano;
" onclick="fs_modal_popup( 'fs-modal-popup' , 'design' , 'favorites' , '<?php 
            echo $look_attr['table_name'];
' , '<?php 
            echo $plno;
' , 'FAVORITES ( <?php 
            echo "{$look_attr['tfavorite']}";
 ) ' , 'fron-end' ,	'#popup-more-doing-the-action-loader img' )">
																	<span> <?php 
            echo "{$look_attr['tfavorite']}";
															<li style="padding-left:5px;" > 
																<div  title='share (<?php 
            echo "{$look_attr['tshare']}";
)' id="new-look-modals-share-icon" class='share_look_modals<?php 
            echo $ano;
' onmouseover="mouseOver_elemShow_mouseOut_elemHide(  '.share_look_modals<?php 
            echo $ano;
' ,   '.share_look_modals<?php 
            echo $ano;
' ,   '#dropdown_share<?php 
            echo $ano;
' ) "  > 	
															<li id='modal-tshare-number'  style="width: 15px;padding-left: 2px;" >
																<div style="color:grey" >
            echo "{$look_attr['tshare']}";
															<li id='modal-flag-li' >  
																<!-- <div   id="new-look-modals-share-icon-1" class='share_look_modals<?php 
            echo $ano;
' onclick="flag ( 'fs-flag' , 'fs_postedarticles' , '<?php 
            echo $artno;
' , '#modal-flag-icon<?php 
            echo $ano;
'  , '<?php 
            echo "{$this->genImgs}/large-flag-red.png";
' ) " > 	 -->
																<div   id="modal-flag-icon-article" class='share_look_modals<?php 
            echo $ano;
' onclick="flag ( 'action' , '<?php 
            echo $look_attr['table_name'];
'  , '<?php 
            echo $ano;
' , 'imgid' , 'imgsrc' , 'modal-flag-dropdown' ) "  > 	 
																	<!-- <img 
            echo "{$this->genImgs}/{$look_attr['src_img_flag']}";
            echo $ano;
																	/>  --> 
            echo "{$this->genImgs}/{$look_attr['src_img_flag']}";
            echo $ano;
																		onmouseenter=" mousein_change_button ( '#modal-flag-icon<?php 
            echo $ano;
' , 'fs_folders/images/modal/look/more-icon-dark.png' )" 
																		onmouseleave="mouseout_change_button ( '#modal-flag-icon<?php 
            echo $ano;
' , 'fs_folders/images/modal/look/more-icon.png' ) "	 


													<!-- dropdown flag design article  --> 
            $this->fs_flag(array('type' => 'flag-modal-dropdown', 'table_name' => $look_attr['table_name'], 'table_id' => $plno, 'id' => $ano, 'mno' => $look_attr['owner']));

			  									<!-- dropdowns share -->
			  										<div style="border:1px solid none" >
            $this->share_modal_dropdown(array('table_name' => $look_attr['table_name'], 'table_id' => $plno, 'id' => $ano, 'about' => $look_attr['lookAbout'], 'name' => $user['username'], 'title' => $look_attr['title'], 'page' => 'feed', 'link' => '', 'picture' => ''));

			  									<!-- grey line -->

													<div class='modal-comment-grey-line' style="margin-top:5px;" > 
												<!-- comment content-->

		  											<!-- 	<div style="height:5px;border-top:1px solid #e2e2df;width: 269px;" > 
		  											</div> --> 
            $comments = $this->posted_modals_comment_Query(array('table_name' => 'fs_postedarticles', 'table_id' => $artno, 'orderby' => 'cno desc', 'limit_start' => 0, 'limit_end' => 2, 'comment_query' => 'get-comment-modal'));
            $pltcomment = count($comments);
            $tcomment = $look_attr['tcomment'];
            if ($status == 'profile-tabs') {
                $comment_style_1 = 'padding-top:7px;';
            } else {

													<!-- <div style="<?php 
            echo "{$comment_style_1}";
" > </div> -->
												      		<div id="new-look-body-comment-container" style="<?php 
            echo $comment_style_1;
" >   
					      										<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"  name='table7' > 
            if ($tcomment > 2) {
					      												<td style="padding-bottom:5px;padding-top:0px;padding-left:2px;"> 
					      													<a href="detail?id=<?php 
                echo $plno;
#comment_content" style='text-decoration:none' > 
						      													<div style="cursor:pointer;color:#284372;font-family:arial; font-size:12px;" > 
						      														<!-- <a href="<?php 
                echo $user['username'];
-comments-article-123123" > -->
							      														View all <span style="font-family: 'Avenir LT Std 85 Heavy ' !impotant" ><?php 
                echo "{$tcomment}";
</span> comments	
							      													<!-- </a> -->
						      												<!-- </a> -->
					      												<td style="padding-bottom:5px;padding-top:0px;" id="comment-container<?php 
            echo $ano;
" >  
            // 2014-07-22 12:41:25
            // 2014-07-22 00:23:16
            if ($pltcomment > 0) {
                #from database lookcomment
                // $len  = ($pltcomment < 3 ) ? $pltcomment : 2;
                #from real comment count
                $len = count($comments) < 3 ? count($comments) : 2;
                for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) {
                    $cno = $comments[$i]['cno'];
                    $table_id = $comments[$i]['table_id'];
                    $table_name = $comments[$i]['table_name'];
                    $mno_commentor = $comments[$i]['mno'];
                    $date = $this->get_time_ago($comments[$i]['date']);
                    $comment = $comments[$i]['comment'];
                    $tlike = $comments[$i]['tlike'];
                    $tdislike = $comments[$i]['tdislike'];
                    $fullname = $this->get_full_name_by_id($mno_commentor);
                    $response = $this->posted_modals_rate_Query(array('mno' => $mno, 'table_name' => 'fs_comment', 'table_id' => $cno, 'rate_query' => 'get-user-rated-type'));
                    // echo " tdislike $tdislike tlike $tlike cno = $cno ";
                    $validate_comment = !empty($response) ? 'rated comment' : 'not rated comment';
                    // echo " this is the $response <br> 'mno'=>$mno2 <br> 'table_name'=>$table_name <br> 'table_id'=>$table_id <br> ";
                    // $b              = $this->get_your_look_comment_thumb_up_or_down( $mno , $cno );
                    $you_liked = $response == 'like' ? 'comment-like-liked.png' : 'commen-like-unlike.png';
                    $you_disliked = $response == 'dislike' ? 'comment-dislike-disliked.png' : 'comment-dislike-un-disliked.png';
                    // this is the comment area
                    // $profile_pic = $this ->member_profile_pic_query( array('mno'=>$mno1  , 'type'=>'get-latest-mppno' ) );
                    #comment print testing
                    // $tlikes = '12,332';
                    // $tdislike = '1,000';
                    // grey separotors of the two comments
                    if ($i == 1) {
                        echo " <div id='modal-comment-grey-separator-article' >  </div> ";
											      										<ul style="padding:none; margin:none; border:1px solid none;" >
                    $this->member_thumbnail_display($this->ppic_thumbnail, $mno_commentor, "{$profilepath}" . "{$this->ppic_thumbnail}", null, '35px;', '', '35px;');
											      										 	<li style="width:228px;font-family:arial; font-size:12px;  " >
											      										 		<div style="margin-top:-2px;" >
												      										 		<div style="margin-left:7px;"  >
												      										 		 	<a href='<?php 
                    echo $username;
'> <b style='color:#284372;font-family: 'Avenir LT Std 35 Light' !important; color:#225b99' > <?php 
                    echo $fullname;
 </b></a> <span id='modal-comment-color' > <?php 
                    echo $this->cleant_text_print_from_db($comment);
												      										 		<div style="margin-left:7px; color:#d6051d"  >   
												      										 			<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="width:auto;padding:none;margin:0px; " name='table8' > 
												      										 					<td style='auto' > 
												      										 						<span style='color:#ccc;font-size:12px' > <?php 
                    echo "{$date}";
												      										 					<td  style="padding-left:5px;" >  	
												      										 						<div  style="margin-top:-1px;" > 
                    if ($you_liked == 'commen-like-unlike.png') {
												      										 								<!-- unliked -->
                        echo "modal-comment-like{$cno}";
                        echo "{$this->genImgs}/{$you_liked}";
																												 				onclick="modal_comment_like_dislike( '<?php 
                        echo $mno;
' , '<?php 
                        echo $cno;
' , 'fs_comment' , 'like' ,  'comment-like-liked.png',   '#modal-comment-like<?php 
                        echo $cno;
'  ,'<?php 
                        echo $cno;
' , '#modal-comment-tlike<?php 
                        echo $cno;
' )"
																												 				onmousemove=" mousein_change_button ( '<?php 
                        echo "#modal-comment-like{$cno}";
' , '<?php 
                        echo "{$this->genImgs}/comment-like-liked.png";
																												 				onmouseout="mouseout_change_button (  '<?php 
                        echo "#modal-comment-like{$cno}";
'  , '<?php 
                        echo "{$this->genImgs}/commen-like-unlike.png";
' ) "
														      										 						<!-- 'comment-like-liked.png' : 'commen-like-unlike.png'  --> 
                    } else {
														      										 						<!-- liked -->
														      										 						<img src="<?php 
                        echo "{$this->genImgs}/{$you_liked}";
" id='modal-comment-like<?php 
                        echo $cno;
' style='height:12px;cursor:pointer' onclick="modal_comment_like_dislike( '<?php 
                        echo $mno;
' , '<?php 
                        echo $cno;
' , 'fs_comment' , 'like' ,  'comment-like-liked.png',   '#modal-comment-like<?php 
                        echo $cno;
'  ,'<?php 
                        echo $cno;
' , '#modal-comment-tlike<?php 
                        echo $cno;
' )" />  
												      										 					<td style=" color:#d2d0d0;font-size:12px;padding-left:5px;" id="modal-comment-tlike<?php 
                    echo $cno;
" ><?php 
                    echo "{$tlike}";
												      										 					<td style="padding-left:5px;" > 
												      										 						<div style="margin-top:2px;" >
                    if ($you_disliked == 'comment-dislike-un-disliked.png') {
												      										 								<!-- unlike unliked -->
                        echo "modal-comment-dislike{$cno}";
                        echo "{$this->genImgs}/{$you_disliked}";
																																onclick="modal_comment_like_dislike( '<?php 
                        echo $mno;
' , '<?php 
                        echo $cno;
' , 'fs_comment' , 'dislike' ,  'comment-dislike-disliked.png' , '#modal-comment-dislike<?php 
                        echo $cno;
' ,  '<?php 
                        echo $cno;
' , '#modal-comment-tdislike<?php 
                        echo $cno;
'  )" 
																												 				onmousemove=" mousein_change_button ( '<?php 
                        echo "#modal-comment-dislike{$cno}";
' , '<?php 
                        echo "{$this->genImgs}/comment-dislike-disliked.png";
																												 				onmouseout="mouseout_change_button (  '<?php 
                        echo "#modal-comment-dislike{$cno}";
'  , '<?php 
                        echo "{$this->genImgs}/comment-dislike-un-disliked.png";
' ) "
                    } else {
														      										 						<!-- unlike liked -->
														      										 						<img src="<?php 
                        echo "{$this->genImgs}/{$you_disliked}";
" id='modal-comment-dislike<?php 
                        echo $cno;
'  style='height:12px;cursor:pointer' onclick="modal_comment_like_dislike( '<?php 
                        echo $mno;
' , '<?php 
                        echo $cno;
' , 'fs_comment' , 'dislike' ,  'comment-dislike-disliked.png' , '#modal-comment-dislike<?php 
                        echo $cno;
' ,  '<?php 
                        echo $cno;
' , '#modal-comment-tdislike<?php 
                        echo $cno;
'  )"   />
												      										 					<td style="color:#d2d0d0;font-size:12px;padding-left:5px;" id="modal-comment-tdislike<?php 
                    echo $cno;
" > <?php 
                    echo "{$tdislike}";
											      										<div style="display:none" >
											      											<input type="text" value="<?php 
                    echo $validate_comment;
" id="rate-comment-stat<?php 
                    echo $cno;
"  /> 
                    if ($i < $len - 1) {
													 										<div style="clear:both; height:7px;border:1px solid none;" > 
									      						 		<td style="display:none" >
            $this->image(array('type' => 'loader', 'id' => "modal-comment-loader-test{$ano}", 'style' => 'visibility:hidden;height:10px;'));
								      									<td style="padding-bottom:5px;padding-top:0px;" >  
								      										<ul style="border:1px solid none;" >
            $this->member_thumbnail_display($this->ppic_thumbnail, $mno, "{$profilepath}" . "{$this->ppic_thumbnail}", null, '35px;', '', '35px');
								      										 	<li style="width:225px;font-family:arial; font-size:12px;" > 	 
								      										 		<div style="margin-left:5px;"  > 
								      										 			<input id="modal-comment-field<?php 
            echo $ano;
" type="text" placeholder='Leave a comment' style=" border:1px solid #e2e2df; height:35px; width:228px; padding-left:5px; "     onkeyup="modal_comment_send ( '<?php 
            echo $mno;
' , '<?php 
            echo $artno;
' , 'fs_postedarticles' , '<?php 
            echo $ano;
' , event , 'feed' , 'comment-container<?php 
            echo $ano;
' , '#modal-comment-loader-test<?php 
            echo $ano;
' )"        >      										 		 	 
        } else {
            $category = $look_attr['category'];
            $memFsInfo = $this->get_user_full_fs_info($look_attr['owner']);
            $tlikes = $memFsInfo['tlikes'];
            $tfollowers = $memFsInfo['tfollowers'];
            $tarticle = select_v3('fs_postedarticles', 'count(artno) as tarticle', " category =  '{$category}' and mno =  " . $look_attr['owner'])[0]['tarticle'];
            // $memFsInfo ['tarticle'];   // get the total article that member posted in the specific category
				      							<!-- grey line --> 
													<div class='modal-comment-grey-line' style="margin-top:6px;" > 
												<!-- line height controller -->
													<div style="height: 7px;"></div> 
												<!-- like blue --> 
			  										<div id="new-look-modals-stat-container-2"> 
													  	<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> 
															      	<!-- <td>  -->
            // $this->member_thumbnail_display( $this->ppic_thumbnail , $look_attr['owner']  , "$profilepath"."$this->ppic_thumbnail" , null , '35px;', '', '35px'  );
            //$this->member_thumbnail_display( $this->ppic_thumbnail , $look_attr['owner'], $this->ppic_thumbnail,  $this->get_full_name_by_id($look_attr['owner']) , '35px', '', '35px', 'border-radius:3px;' );
															      	<!-- </td>  -->
															        <td class='modal-attr-rate-page-td1' >
															        	<text>Likes </text>  <stat><?php 
            echo $pltvotes;
															        <td class='modal-attr-rate-page-td2' > 
															        	<text>Followers</text>  <stat><?php 
            echo $tfollowers;
															        <td class='modal-attr-rate-page-td3' > 
															        	<text>Articles</text>  <stat><?php 
            echo $tarticle;
															        <td style="display:none" > 
															         	 <img id = "modal-feed-post-button"  src="fs_folders/images/header/header_post.png" style='height:30px;' onmouseover="change_image_src ( '#modal-feed-post-button' , 'fs_folders/images/header/post-mouse-over-button.png' )" onmouseout="change_image_src ( '#modal-feed-post-button' , 'fs_folders/images/header/header_post.png' )"   >  

												<!-- ARTICLE SUGGEST --> 
            if (!empty($featuredLooks)) {
												<!-- grey line --> 
													<div class='modal-comment-grey-line' style="margin-top:5px;" > 
												<!-- Suggestions modals depends on the type of the modals iether article or look -->
													<table id="modal-feed-suggestions">
                // echo $plno. '';
                for ($i = 0; $i < count($featuredLooks); $i++) {
																				<a href="articledetails-dev.php?id=<?php 
                    echo $featuredLooks[$i]['artno'];
#details-title" > 
																					<div style="
																					    background-image: url(fs_folders/images/uploads/posted%20articles/home/<?php 
                    echo $featuredLooks[$i]['artno'];
																					    background-repeat: no-repeat;
																					    background-size: 127px;
																				<!-- <img    src="fs_folders/images/uploads/posted looks/home/<?php 
                    echo $featuredLooks[$i]['plno'];
.jpg" /> -->

												<!-- line height controller -->
			      								<div style="height: 7px;"> </div>  


        if ($feed == TRUE) {
								<div style="height:6px;"> </div>  
        } else {
								<div style="height:15px;"> </div>  

Ejemplo n.º 4
    public function load_look_picture_and_tags($mc, $plno)
        $ri = new resizeImage();
        $img = "{$mc->look_folder_lookdetails}/{$plno}.jpg";
        // echo "<img id='look_view_img' src='$mc->look_folder_home/$plno.jpg'  >";
        $li = $mc->posted_look_info($plno);
        // $_SESSION['plno']=$_GET['id'];
        $pltags = $li['pltags'];
        $plstyle = $li['style'];
        $lookName = $li["lookName"];
        $date_ = $li['date_'];
        $lookOwnerMno = $li["lookOwnerMno"];
        $lookOwnerName = $li["lookOwnerName"];
        $lookAbout = $li["lookAbout"];
        $pltvotes = $li["pltvotes"];
        $trating = $li["trating"];
        $mno1 = intval($li["lookOwnerMno"]);
        $memFsInfo = $mc->get_user_full_fs_info($mno1);
        $opercentage = $memFsInfo['opercentage'];
        $otrating = $memFsInfo['otrating'];
        $pltratings = number_format($li["pltratings"]);
        $mno = intval($mc->get_cookie('mno', 136));
        //  generate next and prev temporary.
        // $limit = 10;
        // $looks = $mc->get_all_latest_look( $limit );
        // $r=$mc->shuffle_array( $looks , "plno" , $limit );
        // $user_look_next = $r[0]; // temporary
        // $user_look_prev = $r[1]; // temporary
        $Ttag = count($li['pltags']);
        $mem_info = $mc->get_user_info_by_id($mno1);
        $tlooks = number_format($mem_info[0]['tlooks']);
        $tratings = number_format($otrating);
        /*number_format($mem_info[0]['tratings']); */
        $tfollower = number_format($mem_info[0]['tfollower']);
        $tfollowing = number_format($mem_info[0]['tfollowing']);
        $tpercentage = number_format($mem_info[0]['tpercentage']);
        $user_total_percentage = $tpercentage;
        $user_total_rating = $tratings;
        $user_total_lookuploaded = count($mc->retreive_specific_user_all_looks($lookOwnerMno));
        $user_total_followers = $tfollower;
        $user_total_following = $tfollowing;
        $user_total_look_percentage = $li['pltpercentage'];
        $user_total_look_star = 0;
        $user_total_look_views = $li['tlview'];
        $user_total_look_drip = 0;
        $user_total_look_share = array('overallsharetotal' => rand(100, 200), 'facebook' => rand(100, 200), 'twitter' => rand(100, 200), 'tumblr' => rand(10, 200), 'pinterest' => rand(100, 200), 'google+' => rand(100, 200), 'stumbleupon' => rand(100, 200), 'email' => rand(100, 200));
        // $looks = $mc->get_all_latest_look();
        $looks = $mc->retreive_specific_user_all_looks($lookOwnerMno, "order by plno desc ");
        // $next_prev        = $mc->db_result_next_prev( $plno , $looks , 'all' );
        $next_prev = $mc->db_result_next_prev('postedlooks', $plno, $looks, 'all');
        // $mc->add_look_view( $plno );
        $lookmodalsstyle = $mc->lookdetails_set_size_of_the_look("../../../" . $img, $ri);
        // echo "$lookmodalsstyle";
        $mc->header_attribute("{$lookName}-{$lookOwnerName}-Fashion Sponge", $lookAbout, "OOTD | Trends | Fashion Blogs | Beauty Tips | Fashion Inspiration ");
        $mc->print_name_looktitle_look_desc_for_share($lookOwnerMno, $plno, $lookname, $lookAbout);
        $modal['table_name'] = 'postedlooks';
        $modal['table_id'] = $plno;
        $modal['mno'] = $mno1;
        $modal['kind'] = 'ARTICLE';
        $modal['position'] = 1;
        $modal['total'] = 30;
        $modal['view_footer_id'] = 'lf_div_container';
        $modal['thumbsUp'] = 'look-white-thumb.png';
        $modal['thumbsDown'] = 'look-white-down-thumb.png';
        $modal['stat_rated'] = 'look not rated';
        $modal['stat_dripted'] = 'look not dripted';
        $modal['stat_favorited'] = 'look not favorited';
        $modal['headermssg'] = 'SUCCESSFULLY FAVORITED';
        # this is for success message popup
        $modal['contentmssg'] = 'This Look is now on your favorite list.';
        # this is for success message popup
        $modal['src_img_drip'] = "look-icon-drip.png";
        $modal['src_img_drip'] = "look-icon-drip.png";
        $modal['src_img_favorite'] = "look-icon-favorite.png";
        $modal['src_img_share'] = "look-icon-share.png";
        $modal['src_img_flag'] = "modal-flag-dot.png";
        $modal['tdrip'] = $li["tdrip"];
        $modal["title"] = $li["lookName"];
        $modal['tfavorite'] = $li["tfavorite"];
        $modal['path'] = '../../../';
        # set view and add
        $mc->view(array('table_name' => $modal['table_name'], 'table_id' => $modal['table_id'], 'mno' => $mno, 'type' => 'add-view'));
        #check if already thumbs up or down
        $modal['response'] = $mc->posted_modals_rate_Query(array('mno' => $mno, 'table_name' => $modal['table_name'], 'table_id' => $modal['table_id'], 'rate_query' => 'get-user-rated-type'));
        if ($modal['response'] == true) {
            $modal['stat_rated'] = 'look already rated';
            if ($modal['response'] == 'like') {
                $modal['thumbsUp'] = 'look-red-thumbs.png';
            if ($modal['response'] == 'dislike') {
                $modal['thumbsDown'] = 'look-red-thumb-down.png';
        #set points color
        $modal['response_drip'] = $mc->fs_drip_modals_Query(array('limit_start' => 0, 'limit_end' => 1, 'query_where' => "table_id = {$modal['table_id']} and mno = {$mno}", 'query_order' => 'dmno asc', 'query_drip' => 'get-all-user-dripped'));
        if (!empty($modal['response_drip'])) {
            $modal['src_img_drip'] = "look-icon-drip-selected.png";
        $modal['response_favorite'] = $mc->fs_favorite_modals_Query(array('limit_start' => 0, 'limit_end' => 1, 'query_where' => "table_id = {$modal['table_id']} and mno = {$mno}", 'query_order' => 'fmno asc', 'query_favorite' => 'get-all-user-favorite'));
        if (!empty($modal['response_favorite'])) {
            $modal['src_img_favorite'] = "look-icon-favorite-detail-yellow.png";
        $response = $mc->fs_flag(array('type' => 'select', 'limit_start' => 0, 'limit_end' => 1, 'where' => "table_id  = {$plno} and table_name= 'postedlooks' and mno = {$mno} "));
        if (!empty($response)) {
            $modal['src_img_flag'] = "large-flag-red.png";
        # get image src
        $modal['src'] = $mc->image(array('table_name' => $modal['table_name'], 'table_id' => $modal['table_id'], 'type' => 'get-default-image-src', 'size' => 'detail', 'path' => $modal['path']));
        # set status of owner or not for the user not allow to rate , drip and favorite the modal
        if ($modal['mno'] == $mno) {
            $modal['stat_rated'] = 'modal owner';
            $modal['stat_dripted'] = 'modal owner';
            $modal['stat_favorited'] = 'modal owner';
        #get title url of the page
        $url = page::set_url_for_modal_details($plno, 'look', $plstyle, $date_, $look_attr['title']);

					<style type="text/css">
						#posted-look-response { list-style: none; }
				<ul id="posted-look-response" > 
        echo $url;
        echo "{$lookName}-{$lookOwnerName}-Fashion Sponge";
        echo "{$lookName}-{$lookOwnerName}-Fashion Sponge";
 						<table id="banner_view_and_look_view_table_container" border="0"  cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" >
        // echo "test1";
        // echo " plno =  $plno <br>  looks <br>";
        // print_r($looks);
        // $mc->arrow_left_right_pressed_for_next_prev( $plno ,  $looks );
												<td id='lbc_ads_banner' >  
													<table id="lbc-body-header" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> 	
																<span id='feed'>  
																	<!-- ADVERTISEMENT -->
															<td id="ads-banner" >  
																	<a href="r?loc=http://theschoolofstyle com/" target="_blank" >
																		<img id='a-b' src="fs_folders/images/banner/new-sos-banner1.png" >
															<td id='next_prev_td'>  

																<a href="feed" style='text-decoration:none' target="_parent" >
																	<span id='return_to_feed' title='return to feed'  > < < RETURN TO FEED </span>
																<div id='lookdetails-next-prev' > 
																				<span id='prev'  onclick="load_look_picture_and_tags( '<?php 
        echo $next_prev['prev'];
')"   > 
																			<td style="padding-left:15px; padding-right:15px;" > 
																				<!-- <div id='next-prev-separator' > 
																				</div> -->
																				<div id="look-details-profile-look-owner-header-gray-bar"  style="margin-top:10px;" > 		 
																				<span id='next'  onclick="load_look_picture_and_tags( '<?php 
        echo $next_prev['next'];
')" > 
																<div id='next_hr'> 
															<td id='look_title' > 
																<div id='look-title-div-container' > 
        // $lookName =  wordwrap($lookName, 50, "<br />", true);
        echo $lookName;
											<!-- look view -->
												<td id='lbc_look_view' >  
        $user_total_followers = $tfollower;
        $user_total_following = $tfollowing;
        $user_total_percentage = $tpercentage;
        $user_total_rating = $tratings;
        $user_total_lookuploaded = count($mc->retreive_specific_user_all_looks($lookOwnerMno));
        $user_total_look_percentage = $li['tpercentage'];
        $user_total_look_star = 0;
        $user_total_look_views = $li['tlview'];
        $user_total_look_drip = 0;
        $user_total_look_share = array('overallsharetotal' => rand(100, 200), 'facebook' => rand(100, 200), 'twitter' => rand(100, 200), 'tumblr' => rand(10, 200), 'pinterest' => rand(100, 200), 'google+' => rand(100, 200), 'stumbleupon' => rand(100, 200), 'email' => rand(100, 200));
        $mc->print_name_looktitle_look_desc_for_share($lookOwnerMno, $plno, $lookName, $lookAbout);
													<table id='lbc_look_view_tc' border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" > 
															<td id='look_view_header' >   
																<div style="margin-top:-40px;border:1px solid none; " >
        $plno1 = $next_prev['next'];
        $mc->print_look_details_look_owner_header(array('mno' => $mno, 'mno1' => $mno1, 'table_id' => $plno, 'table_id_1' => $plno1, 'inside_modals' => true, 'lookOwnerMno' => $lookOwnerMno, 'lookOwnerName' => $lookOwnerName, 'opercentage' => $user_total_look_percentage, 'date_' => $date_, 'user_total_rating' => $trating, 'user_total_followers' => $user_total_followers, 'user_total_following' => $user_total_following, 'user_total_lookuploaded' => $user_total_lookuploaded, 'link_edit' => "post-look-label?kooldi={$plno}&type=u"));
															<td id='look_view_img_td'>   
																	<div id="load_look_picture_and_tags"  >
        // print_r($pltags);
        // if (empty($pltags)) {
        //  	 $db_Ttagged=0;
        // }
        // else {
        //  	 $db_Ttagged=count($pltags);
        // }
        echo " \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='pos' style='display:block'> ";
        $c = 0;
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($pltags); $i++) {
            $plt_color = $pltags[$i]["plt_color"];
            $plt_brand = $pltags[$i]["plt_brand"];
            $plt_garment = $pltags[$i]["plt_garment"];
            $plt_material = $pltags[$i]["plt_material"];
            $plt_pattern = $pltags[$i]["plt_pattern"];
            $plt_price = $pltags[$i]["plt_price"];
            $plt_purchased_at = $pltags[$i]["plt_purchased_at"];
            // echo " pattern $plt_pattern <br>";
            $plt_color = empty($plt_color) ? "NONE" : strtoupper($plt_color);
            $plt_brand = $plt_brand == "BRAND" ? "NONE" : strtoupper($plt_brand);
            $plt_garment = $plt_garment == "GARMENT" ? "NONE" : strtoupper($plt_garment);
            $plt_material = $plt_material == "MATERIAL" ? "NONE" : strtoupper($plt_material);
            $plt_pattern = $plt_pattern == "PATTERN" ? "NONE" : strtoupper($plt_pattern);
            $plt_price = $plt_price == "PRICE" ? "NONE" : strtoupper($plt_price);
            $plt_purchased_at = $plt_purchased_at == "PURCHASED AT" ? "NONE" : strtoupper($plt_purchased_at);
            // echo "
            // $plt_color <br>
            // $plt_brand <br>$next_prev[next]
            // $plt_garment <br>
            // $plt_material <br>
            // $plt_pattern <br>
            // $plt_price <br>
            // $plt_purchased_at <br>
            // ";
            //counter starts from 1
            //retrieve position z and y from database.
            																					    $left = $pltags[$i]["plt_x"]+175;
            $top = $pltags[$i]["plt_y"]-15;
            $left = $pltags[$i]["plt_x"];
            $top = $pltags[$i]["plt_y"] + 85;
            // echo " x =  $left and y = $top <br> ";
            // set position for the red circle tag.
            // $db_Ttagged = 4;
            if ($c < 10) {
                $number_single = "  margin-left: 11px;  ";
                $style = $number_single;
            } else {
                $number_double = " margin-left: 7px; ";
                $style = $number_double;
            $circle_tag_stye = "margin-top:" . $top . "px; margin-left:" . $left . "px; visibility:hidden";
            echo " <div id='tag-circle' class='tag-circle-{$c}'   onmouseout='circle_tag_mouseout(\".tag-circle-{$c}\")' onmouseenter='circle_tag_mouseover(\".tag-circle-{$c}\")' style='{$circle_tag_stye}'  >\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t     \t\t <img id='tag-circle-img' src='{$mc->genImgs}/tag-red-circle.jpg' /> \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t     \t\t <div id='tag-circle-value' style='{$style}'  > {$c} </div>  \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t     \t\t </div>";
            // $circle_tag_stye = "margin-top:".$top."px; margin-left:".$left."px;";
            // echo " <span id='tag-circle' class='tag-circle-$c'  onmouseout='circle_tag_mouseout(\".tag-circle-$c\")' onmouseenter='circle_tag_mouseover(\".tag-circle-$c\")' style='$circle_tag_stye' >
            // $c
            // </span>";
            //set bubble arrow asd left
            if ($left < 430) {
                // echo "arrow right<br>";
                $tag_arrow = "left";
            } else {
                if ($left >= 430) {
                    // echo "arrow left<br>";
                    $tag_arrow = "right";
            // add top and left for TAG DIV CONTAINER POSITION
            $top -= 50;
            $left += 20;
            $tag_circle_tag_div = "margin-top:" . $top . "px; margin-left:" . $left . "px;";
            $tn = array("ZERO", "ONE", "TWO", "THREE", "FOUR", "FIVE", "SIX", "SEVEN", "EIGHT", "NINE", "TEN", "ELEVEN", "TWELVE", "THIRTEN", "FOURTEN", "FIFTHTEN");
            //  set url
            // www.google.com
            // https://www.google.com
            // http://www.google.com
            // google.com
            // $url = "www.google.com";
            // $url = "https://www.google.com";
            // $url = "http://www.facebook.com"; # working link
            $url = str_replace(".", " ", $plt_purchased_at);
            // if the bubble tag arrow is left
            if ($tag_arrow == "left") {
                echo "  \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \t \t<div id='tag-circle-tag-div' class='tag-circle-{$c}-tag-div' onmouseenter='circle_tag_mouseover(\".tag-circle-{$c}-tag-div\")' style='{$tag_circle_tag_div}' >\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \t \t\t<div id='tag-bubble-body' > \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \t \t\t\t<img id='tag-bubble-arrow-left-img' src='{$mc->genImgs}/tag-bubble-arrow-left.png' >\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t       <center> <span id='tag-bubble-title' >ABOUT ITEM NUMBER " . $tn[$c] . "</span>  </center>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t        <table id='tag-bubble-table' border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' > \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t            <tr> \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t              <td >  <span  id='tag-name' >  COLOR:    </span> <span  id='tag-desc' > #{$plt_color}            </span>  </td> <tr> \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t              <td > <span id='tag-name' >  BRAND:    </span> <span  id='tag-desc' >   #{$plt_brand}            </span>  </td> <tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t              <td > <span id='tag-name' >  GARMENT:  </span> <span  id='tag-desc' >   #{$plt_garment}          </span>  </td> <tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t              <td > <span id='tag-name' >  MATERIAL: </span> <span  id='tag-desc' >   #{$plt_material}         </span>  </td> <tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t              <td > <span id='tag-name' >  PATTERN:  </span> <span  id='tag-desc' >   #{$plt_pattern}          </span> \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t                    <span id='tag-name' style='display:none' >  PRICE:    </span> <span  id='tag-desc' >   #{$plt_price}            </span>  </td>  <tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t              <td  style='display:none' > <span id='tag-url' > <a href='r?loc={$url}' target='_blank' >   {$plt_purchased_at} </a> </span> </td>  \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t        </table> \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t        <hr id='tag-bubble-body-hr' style='display:none'  >  \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t         <a style='display:none'  href='r?loc={$url}' target='_blank' id='visit-store'  > <img src='{$mc->button}/visit-store.png'>  </a> \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t    </div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \t";
            } else {
                if ($tag_arrow == "right") {
                    // if the bubble tag arrow right
                    $left -= 410;
                    $tag_circle_tag_div = "margin-top:" . $top . "px; margin-left:" . $left . "px;";
                    echo "  \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \t \t<div id='tag-circle-tag-div' class='tag-circle-{$c}-tag-div' onmouseenter='circle_tag_mouseover(\".tag-circle-{$c}-tag-div\")' style='{$tag_circle_tag_div}' >\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \t \t\t<div id='tag-bubble-body' > \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \t \t\t\t<img id='tag-bubble-arrow-right-img' src='{$mc->genImgs}/tag-bubble-arrow-right.png' >\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t       <center> <span id='tag-bubble-title' >ABOUT ITEM NUMBER " . $tn[$c] . "</span>  </center>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t        <table id='tag-bubble-table' border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' > \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t          \t<tr> \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t              <td >  <span  id='tag-name' >  COLOR:    </span> <span  id='tag-desc' >   #{$plt_color}            </span>  </td> <tr> \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t              \t<td > <span id='tag-name' >  BRAND:    </span> <span  id='tag-desc' >   #{$plt_brand}            </span>  </td> <tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t              \t<td > <span id='tag-name' >  GARMENT:  </span> <span  id='tag-desc' >   #{$plt_garment}          </span>  </td> <tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t              \t<td > <span id='tag-name' >  MATERIAL: </span> <span  id='tag-desc' >   #{$plt_material}         </span>  </td> <tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t              \t<td > <span id='tag-name' >  PATTERN:  </span> <span  id='tag-desc' >   #{$plt_pattern}          </span> \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t                    <span id='tag-name'  style='display:none'  >  PRICE:    </span> <span  id='tag-desc' >     #{$plt_price}            </span>  </td>  <tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t              \t<td  style='display:none'  > <span id='tag-url' > <a href='r?loc={$url}' target='_blank' >   {$plt_purchased_at} </a> </span> </td>  \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t        </table> \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t        <hr id='tag-bubble-body-hr' style='display:none'  >  \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t         <a style='display:none'   href='r?loc={$url}' target='_blank' id='visit-store'  > <img src='{$mc->button}/visit-store.png'>  </a> \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t    </div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t </div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \t";
        echo "  \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>";
        // if ( empty($con->plook) ) {
        //  	echo "<img id='look_view_img' src='$mc->look_folder_home/3.jpg'  >";
        // } else  {
        echo " <img id='look_view_img' style='{$lookmodalsstyle}'  src='{$modal['src']}'  onclick=\"load_look_picture_and_tags('{$next_prev['next']}')\" > ";
        // }
															<td id='lf_img_view_td' >  
															 	<div id='lf_div_container'>   
        if (false) {
            $mc->print_choose_votes_version2($mno, $plno, $plstyle);
																	 		<table id='lfdc_t1' border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> 
																	 				<td id='percentage'  > 
																	 					<span title='(<?php 
        echo $user_total_look_percentage;
%) Looks Rating' id='tpercentage'style='font-size:20px;' ><?php 
        echo $user_total_look_percentage;
</span><span style='font-size:15px;' > %</span>
																	 				<td id="modal-likethis" >
																	 					<div>LIKES THIS</div>  
																	 				<td style="padding-right:20px;" >   
																	 					<table style=" width:40px;" border="0"  > 
								  										 	 						<img src="<?php 
        echo "  {$mc->genImgs}/{$modal['thumbsUp']}";
" title='like'          style='height:18px;'      class='postedlooks-like<?php 
        echo $modal['table_id'];
'      onclick="posted_modals_rate_Query ( '0' , '<?php 
        echo $mno;
' , '<?php 
        echo $modal['table_name'];
' , 'like' , '<?php 
        echo $modal['table_id'];
' , 'insert' , 'rate'  , '.postedlooks-like<?php 
        echo $modal['table_id'];
' , 'look-red-thumbs.png' , '#stat-look-rated<?php 
        echo $modal['table_id'];
'  , '<?php 
        echo $plstyle;
'   )" > 
								  										 	 						<div style="margin-top:6px;" > 
								  										 	 							<img src="<?php 
        echo " {$mc->genImgs}/{$modal['thumbsDown']}";
" title='dislike'   style='height:18px;'  class='postedlooks-dislike<?php 
        echo $modal['table_id'];
'     onclick="posted_modals_rate_Query ( '0' , '<?php 
        echo $mno;
' , '<?php 
        echo $modal['table_name'];
' , 'dislike' , '<?php 
        echo $modal['table_id'];
' , 'insert' , 'rate' , '.postedlooks-dislike<?php 
        echo $modal['table_id'];
' , 'look-red-thumb-down.png' , '#stat-look-rated<?php 
        echo $modal['table_id'];
' , '<?php 
        echo $plstyle;
' )"  > 
																	 				<td id='ldmtd' title="(<?php 
        echo $trating;
) Total Rates" >    
        $mc->print_specific_look_ratings(array('trating' => $trating, 'table_name' => 'postedlooks', 'table_id' => $plno, 'category' => $plstyle));
																	 				<td id='ld_eyes' >  
																		 				<img src="<?php 
        echo $mc->path_icons;
/Views-Icon.png" title="views" > 
																 						<span id='ttext' onclick="fs_modal_popup( 'fs-modal-popup' , 'design' , 'views' , '<?php 
        echo $modal['table_name'];
' , '<?php 
        echo $modal['table_id'];
' , 'VIEWS ( <?php 
        echo "{$user_total_look_views}";
 ) ' , 'fron-end' ,	'#popup-more-doing-the-action-loader img' )"  > 
        echo $user_total_look_views;
																	 				<td id='total_arrow' >  
																	 					<img src="<?php 
        echo "{$mc->genImgs}/{$modal['src_img_drip']}";
"  title="drips"   class="modal-drip-img<?php 
        echo $modal['table_id'];
"   onclick="drip_popup_show( '<?php 
        echo $mno;
' , '<?php 
        echo $modal['table_name'];
' , '<?php 
        echo $modal['table_id'];
' , '<?php 
        echo $modal['title'];
' , 'Look' , '<?php 
        echo $modal['mno'];
' , '<?php 
        echo ".modal-drip-img{$modal['table_id']}";
' , '<?php 
        echo "{$mc->genImgs}/look-icon-drip-selected.png";
' , '<?php 
        echo $modal['table_id'];
' , '#stat-look-dripted<?php 
        echo $modal['table_id'];
'  )" >  
																		 			<td > 
																		 				<span id='ttext' class="modal-tdriped<?php 
        echo $modal['table_id'];
" onclick="fs_modal_popup( 'fs-modal-popup' , 'design' , 'dripped' , '<?php 
        echo $modal['table_name'];
' , '<?php 
        echo $modal['table_id'];
' , 'DRIPPED ( <?php 
        echo "{$modal['tdrip']}";
 ) ' , 'fron-end' ,	'#popup-more-doing-the-action-loader img' )" > 
        echo $modal['tdrip'];
																	 				<td id='ld_star_with_cross'  > 
																	 					<!-- <img src="<?php 
        echo $mc->path_icons;
/favorite-icon.png" title="favorite">  -->
																	 					<img src="<?php 
        echo "{$mc->genImgs}/{$modal['src_img_favorite']}";
" class='modal-favorite-img<?php 
        echo $modal['table_id'];
'   title="favorite" onclick="favorite_posting( '<?php 
        echo $mno;
' , '<?php 
        echo "{$modal['table_name']}";
' , '<?php 
        echo $modal['table_id'];
' , '<?php 
        echo $modal['headermssg'];
' ,'<?php 
        echo $modal['contentmssg'];
'  , 'Article' , '<?php 
        echo $modal['mno'];
' , '<?php 
        echo ".modal-favorite-img{$modal['table_id']}";
' , '<?php 
        echo "{$mc->genImgs}/look-icon-favorite-detail-yellow.png";
' , '<?php 
        echo $modal['tfavorite'];
' ,'#stat-look-favorited<?php 
        echo $modal['table_id'];
'   )"  >  
																	 				<td style="padding-left:10px;" > 
																		 				<span id='ttext' onclick="fs_modal_popup( 'fs-modal-popup' , 'design' , 'favorites' , '<?php 
        echo $modal['table_name'];
' , '<?php 
        echo $modal['table_id'];
' , 'FAVORITES ( <?php 
        echo "{$modal['tfavorite']}";
 ) ' , 'fron-end' ,	'#popup-more-doing-the-action-loader img' )" >
        echo $modal['tfavorite'];
																	 				<td id='ld_square_with_arrow'  > 
																	 					<img src="<?php 
        echo $mc->path_icons;
/share-icon.png" title="share"  onmouseover="share_mouser_over('<?php 
        echo $plno;
')" onmouseout="share_mouser_out('<?php 
        echo $plno;
')" >
																	 					<span id='ttext' > <?php 
        echo $user_total_look_share["overallsharetotal"];
        $mc->print_look_footer_flag_or_edit($mno, $mno1, $modal['table_id'], $modal['table_name'], $modal['src_img_flag'], "post-look-label?kooldi={$modal['table_id']}&type=u");
																	 				<td id='ld_scope' >
																	 					<a href="z?i=<?php 
        echo $plno;
"  target="_blank" >
																	 						<img src="<?php 
        echo $mc->path_icons;
/zoom-icon.png" title="zoom" >
																	 				<!-- <td id='ld_scope'  > 
																	 					<img src="<?php 
        echo $mc->path_icons;
/flag-icon.png"  title="flag" style='display:none' >
																	 				</td>   --> 
																	 				<td id="ld_padding" >  
																	 				<td id="ld_hide_show" > 
																	 					<img style="display:none"  id="rectangle-image-footer-hide" title="hide" onclick="hide_look_foooter_rectangle()"   src="<?php 
        echo "{$mc->path_icons}/hide-icon.png";
" /> 
																	 					<!-- dropdowns share --> 
													  										<div style="border:1px solid none;positio:absolute" >
        $mc->share_modal_dropdown(array('type' => 'details', 'table_name' => $modal['table_name'], 'table_id' => $modal['table_id'], 'id' => $modal['table_id'], 'about' => $lookAbout, 'name' => $lookOwnerName, 'title' => $lookName, 'page' => 'lookdetails', 'link' => '', 'picture' => ''));
															 	<!-- validator -->
									 								<div id="status-container" style='display:none'   >
							 											<input type="text" value="<?php 
        echo "{$modal['stat_rated']}";
"       id="stat-look-rated<?php 
        echo $modal['table_id'];
"       /> <br>
							 											<input type="text" value="<?php 
        echo "{$modal['stat_dripted']}";
"     id="stat-look-dripted<?php 
        echo $modal['table_id'];
"         /> <br>
							 											<input type="text" value="<?php 
        echo "{$modal['stat_favorited']}";
"   id="stat-look-favorited<?php 
        echo $modal['table_id'];
"    /> <br>

															 	<table id='tag_colors' border="0" cellspacing="0" style="display:block"  > 
        // $tag_colors = array('#b7253a','#f2822e','#f3c97c','#6d7a4f','#9e9a5a');
        // echo " Ttag $Ttag ";
        if (!empty($Ttag)) {
            for ($i = 0; $i < $Ttag; $i++) {
                $tc = $mc->get_html_colo_code(str_replace(" ", "", $pltags[$i]["plt_color"]));
                if ($i == 0) {
                    if (!empty($tc)) {
                        $tagcolors_style = "background-color:#{$tc}; border-radius:0 0 0 5px;";
                    } else {
                        if ($i == $Ttag - 1) {
                            $tagcolors_style = "background-color:#000;border-radius:0 0 5px 5px;opacity:0.8;";
                } else {
                    if ($i == $Ttag - 1) {
                        if (!empty($tc)) {
                            $tagcolors_style = "background-color:#{$tc};  border-radius:0 0 5px 0;";
                        } else {
                            $tagcolors_style = "background-color:#000;border-radius:0 0 5px 0;opacity:0.8;";
                    } else {
                        $tagcolors_style = "background-color:#{$tc}";

																				<td id='tag_colors_td' style='<?php 
                echo $tagcolors_style;
' >   
        } else {
            $tagcolors_style = "background-color:#000;border-radius:0 0 5px 5px;opacity:0.8;";
            echo "<td id='tag_colors_td' style='{$tagcolors_style}'> </td>";
