Ejemplo n.º 1
 public static function apache_tokenize(PropertyAccess $conf, $file)
     $ret = false;
     if ($conf->get(['registry', 'executables', 'h264-streaming-enabled']) && is_file($file)) {
         if (mb_strpos($file, $conf->get(['registry', 'executables', 'auth-token-directory-path'])) === false) {
             return false;
         $server = new system_server();
         if ($server->is_nginx()) {
             $fileToProtect = mb_substr($file, mb_strlen($conf->get(['registry', 'executables', 'auth-token-directory-path'])));
             $secret = $conf->get(['registry', 'executables', 'auth-token-passphrase']);
             $protectedPath = p4string::addFirstSlash(p4string::delEndSlash($conf->get(['registry', 'executables', 'auth-token-directory'])));
             $hexTime = strtoupper(dechex(time() + 3600));
             $token = md5($protectedPath . $fileToProtect . '/' . $secret . '/' . $hexTime);
             $url = $protectedPath . $fileToProtect . '/' . $token . '/' . $hexTime;
             $ret = $url;
         } elseif ($server->is_apache()) {
             $fileToProtect = mb_substr($file, mb_strlen($conf->get(['registry', 'executables', 'auth-token-directory-path'])));
             $secret = $conf->get(['registry', 'executables', 'auth-token-passphrase']);
             // Same as AuthTokenSecret
             $protectedPath = p4string::addEndSlash(p4string::delFirstSlash($conf->get(['registry', 'executables', 'auth-token-directory'])));
             // Same as AuthTokenPrefix
             $hexTime = dechex(time());
             // Time in Hexadecimal
             $token = md5($secret . $fileToProtect . $hexTime);
             // We build the url
             $url = '/' . $protectedPath . $token . "/" . $hexTime . $fileToProtect;
             $ret = $url;
     return $ret;
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Download a set of documents
  * @param Application $app
  * @param Request     $request
  * @param String      $token
  * @return Response
 public function downloadDocuments(Application $app, Request $request, $token)
     $datas = $app['tokens']->helloToken($token);
     if (false === ($list = @unserialize((string) $datas['datas']))) {
         $app->abort(500, 'Invalid datas');
     $exportName = $list['export_name'];
     if ($list['count'] === 1) {
         $file = end($list['files']);
         $subdef = end($file['subdefs']);
         $exportName = sprintf('%s%s.%s', $file['export_name'], $subdef['ajout'], $subdef['exportExt']);
         $exportFile = \p4string::addEndSlash($subdef['path']) . $subdef['file'];
         $mime = $subdef['mime'];
         $list['complete'] = true;
     } else {
         $exportFile = $app['root.path'] . '/tmp/download/' . $datas['value'] . '.zip';
         $mime = 'application/zip';
     if (!$app['filesystem']->exists($exportFile)) {
         $app->abort(404, 'Download file not found');
     $app['dispatcher']->addListener(KernelEvents::TERMINATE, function (PostResponseEvent $event) use($list, $app) {
         \set_export::log_download($app, $list, $event->getRequest()->request->get('type'), null !== $event->getRequest()->request->get('anonymous') ? true : false, isset($list['email']) ? $list['email'] : '');
     return $app['phraseanet.file-serve']->deliverFile($exportFile, $exportName, DeliverDataInterface::DISPOSITION_ATTACHMENT, $mime);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 protected function dump_base(base $base, InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $date_obj = new DateTime();
     $filename = sprintf('%s%s_%s.sql', p4string::addEndSlash($input->getArgument('directory')), $base->get_dbname(), $date_obj->format('Y_m_d_H_i_s'));
     $command = sprintf('mysqldump %s %s %s %s %s %s --default-character-set=utf8', '--host=' . escapeshellarg($base->get_host()), '--port=' . escapeshellarg($base->get_port()), '--user='******'--password='******'--databases', escapeshellarg($base->get_dbname()));
     if ($input->getOption('gzip')) {
         $filename .= '.gz';
         $command .= ' | gzip -9';
     } elseif ($input->getOption('bzip')) {
         $filename .= '.bz2';
         $command .= ' | bzip2 -9';
     $output->write(sprintf('Generating <info>%s</info> ... ', $filename));
     $command .= ' > ' . escapeshellarg($filename);
     $process = new Process($command);
     $process->setTimeout((int) $input->getOption('timeout'));
     if (!$process->isSuccessful()) {
         return 1;
     if (file_exists($filename) && filesize($filename) > 0) {
         return 0;
     } else {
         return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 protected function buildResult(Application $app, $rs)
     $i = 0;
     foreach ($rs as $row) {
         if ($i >= $this->nb_record) {
         foreach ($this->champ as $key => $value) {
             if ($row[$value]) {
                 if ($value == 'date') {
                     $this->result[$i][$value] = $this->pretty_string ? $app['date-formatter']->getPrettyString(new DateTime($row[$value])) : $row[$value];
                 } elseif ($value == 'size') {
                     $this->result[$i][$value] = p4string::format_octets($row[$value]);
                 } else {
                     $this->result[$i][$value] = $row[$value];
             } else {
                 if ($value == 'comment') {
                     $this->result[$i][$value] = '&nbsp;';
                 } else {
                     $this->result[$i][$value] = '<i>' . $this->app->trans('report:: non-renseigne') . '</i>';
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public function testFormat_seconds()
     $this->assertEquals('07:38', p4string::format_seconds(458));
     $this->assertEquals('15:46:31', p4string::format_seconds(56791));
     $this->assertEquals('2737:59:51', p4string::format_seconds(9856791));
     $this->assertEquals('00:00', p4string::format_seconds(0));
     $this->assertEquals('', p4string::format_seconds(-15));
Ejemplo n.º 6
 private function generateSubdefPathname(\record_adapter $record, \databox_subdef $subdef, $oldVersion = null)
     if ($oldVersion) {
         $pathdest = \p4string::addEndSlash(pathinfo($oldVersion, PATHINFO_DIRNAME));
     } else {
         $pathdest = \databox::dispatch($this->filesystem, $subdef->get_path());
     return $pathdest . $record->get_record_id() . '_' . $subdef->get_name() . '.' . $this->getExtensionFromSpec($subdef->getSpecs());
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public function substitute(\record_adapter $record, $name, MediaInterface $media)
     $newfilename = $record->get_record_id() . '_0_' . $name . '.' . $media->getFile()->getExtension();
     $subdef_def = false;
     if ($name == 'document') {
         $baseprefs = $record->get_databox()->get_sxml_structure();
         $pathhd = \p4string::addEndSlash((string) $baseprefs->path);
         $filehd = $record->get_record_id() . "_document." . strtolower($media->getFile()->getExtension());
         $pathhd = \databox::dispatch($this->fs, $pathhd);
         $this->fs->copy($media->getFile()->getRealPath(), $pathhd . $filehd, true);
         $subdefFile = $pathhd . $filehd;
         $meta_writable = true;
     } else {
         $type = $record->isStory() ? 'image' : $record->get_type();
         $subdef_def = $record->get_databox()->get_subdef_structure()->get_subdef($type, $name);
         if ($record->has_subdef($name) && $record->get_subdef($name)->is_physically_present()) {
             $path_file_dest = $record->get_subdef($name)->get_pathfile();
         } else {
             $path = \databox::dispatch($this->fs, $subdef_def->get_path());
             $this->fs->mkdir($path, 0750);
             $path_file_dest = $path . $newfilename;
         try {
             $this->alchemyst->turnInto($media->getFile()->getRealPath(), $path_file_dest, $subdef_def->getSpecs());
         } catch (MediaAlchemystException $e) {
         $subdefFile = $path_file_dest;
         $meta_writable = $subdef_def->meta_writeable();
     $this->fs->chmod($subdefFile, 0760);
     $media = $this->mediavorus->guess($subdefFile);
     \media_subdef::create($this->app, $record, $name, $media);
     if ($meta_writable) {
     if ($name == 'document') {
     $this->dispatcher->dispatch(RecordEvents::MEDIA_SUBSTITUTED, new RecordMediaSubstitutedEvent($record));
Ejemplo n.º 8
  * @param SubdefType       $type
  * @param SimpleXMLElement $sd
  * @return databox_subdef
 public function __construct(SubdefType $type, SimpleXMLElement $sd, TranslatorInterface $translator)
     $this->subdef_group = $type;
     $this->class = (string) $sd->attributes()->class;
     $this->translator = $translator;
     foreach ($sd->devices as $device) {
         $this->devices[] = (string) $device;
     $this->name = strtolower($sd->attributes()->name);
     $this->downloadable = p4field::isyes($sd->attributes()->downloadable);
     $this->path = trim($sd->path) !== '' ? p4string::addEndSlash(trim($sd->path)) : '';
     $this->write_meta = p4field::isyes((string) $sd->meta);
     foreach ($sd->label as $label) {
         $lang = trim((string) $label->attributes()->lang);
         if ($lang) {
             $this->labels[$lang] = (string) $label;
     switch ((string) $sd->mediatype) {
         case SubdefSpecs::TYPE_IMAGE:
             $this->subdef_type = $this->buildImageSubdef($sd);
         case SubdefSpecs::TYPE_AUDIO:
             $this->subdef_type = $this->buildAudioSubdef($sd);
         case SubdefSpecs::TYPE_VIDEO:
             $this->subdef_type = $this->buildVideoSubdef($sd);
         case SubdefSpecs::TYPE_ANIMATION:
             $this->subdef_type = $this->buildGifSubdef($sd);
         case SubdefSpecs::TYPE_FLEXPAPER:
             $this->subdef_type = $this->buildFlexPaperSubdef($sd);
     return $this;
Ejemplo n.º 9
  * Update a record with a UUID
  * @param \databox $databox
  * @param array    $record
 protected function updateRecordUUID(\databox $databox, array $record)
     $pathfile = \p4string::addEndSlash($record['path']) . $record['file'];
     $uuid = Uuid::uuid4();
     try {
         $media = $this->app['mediavorus']->guess($pathfile);
         $collection = \collection::get_from_coll_id($this->{$app}, $databox, (int) $record['coll_id']);
         $file = new File($this->app, $media, $collection);
         $uuid = $file->getUUID(true, true);
         $sha256 = $file->getSha256();
         $this->app['monolog']->addInfo(sprintf("Upgrading record %d with uuid %s", $record['record_id'], $uuid));
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $this->app['monolog']->addError(sprintf("Uuid upgrade for record %s failed", $record['record_id']));
     $sql = 'UPDATE record SET uuid = :uuid, sha256 = :sha256 WHERE record_id = :record_id';
     $params = [':uuid' => $uuid, 'sha256' => $sha256, ':record_id' => $record['record_id']];
     $stmt = $databox->get_connection()->prepare($sql);
Ejemplo n.º 10
  * Mount a databox
  * @param  Application      $app     The silex application
  * @param  Request          $request The current HTTP request
  * @return RedirectResponse
 public function databaseMount(Application $app, Request $request)
     if ('' === ($dbName = trim($request->request->get('new_dbname', '')))) {
         return $app->redirectPath('admin_databases', ['success' => 0, 'error' => 'no-empty']);
     if (\p4string::hasAccent($dbName)) {
         return $app->redirectPath('admin_databases', ['success' => 0, 'error' => 'special-chars']);
     if (null === $request->request->get('new_settings')) {
         try {
             $connexion = $app['conf']->get(['main', 'database']);
             $hostname = $connexion['host'];
             $port = $connexion['port'];
             $user = $connexion['user'];
             $password = $connexion['password'];
             $base = \databox::mount($app, $hostname, $port, $user, $password, $dbName);
             return $app->redirectPath('admin_database', ['databox_id' => $base->get_sbas_id(), 'success' => 1, 'reload-tree' => 1]);
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             return $app->redirectPath('admin_databases', ['success' => 0, 'error' => 'mount-failed']);
     if (null !== $request->request->get('new_settings') && null !== ($hostname = $request->request->get('new_hostname')) && null !== ($port = $request->request->get('new_port')) && null !== ($userDb = $request->request->get('new_user')) && null !== ($passwordDb = $request->request->get('new_password'))) {
         try {
             $base = \databox::mount($app, $hostname, $port, $userDb, $passwordDb, $dbName);
             return $app->redirectPath('admin_database', ['databox_id' => $base->get_sbas_id(), 'success' => 1, 'reload-tree' => 1]);
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             return $app->redirectPath('admin_databases', ['success' => 0, 'error' => 'mount-failed']);
Ejemplo n.º 11
 private function formatResult($column, $value, $i)
     if ($value) {
         if ($column == 'coll_id') {
             $this->result[$i][$column] = $this->formatCollId($value);
         } elseif ($column == 'ddate') {
             $this->result[$i][$column] = $this->formatDateValue($value);
         } elseif ($column == 'size') {
             $this->result[$i][$column] = p4string::format_octets($value);
         } else {
             $this->result[$i][$column] = $value;
     } else {
         if ($column == 'comment') {
             $this->result[$i][$column] = '';
         } else {
             $this->result[$i][$column] = $this->formatEmptyValue();
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public function exportTopics(Application $app, Request $request)
     $lng = $app['locale'];
     $obr = explode(';', $request->get('obr'));
     $t_lng = [];
     if ($request->get('ofm') == 'tofiles') {
         $t_lng = array_map(function ($code) {
             $lng_code = explode('_', $code);
             return $lng_code[0];
         }, array_keys($app['locales.available']));
     } else {
         $t_lng[] = $request->get('piv');
     switch ($request->get('obrf')) {
         case 'from_itf_closable':
             $default_display = 'closed';
             $opened_display = 'opened';
         case 'from_itf_static':
             $default_display = 'closed';
             $opened_display = 'static';
         case 'all_opened_closable':
             $default_display = 'opened';
             $opened_display = '';
         case 'all_opened_static':
             $default_display = 'static';
             $opened_display = '';
         case 'all_closed':
             $default_display = 'closed';
             $opened_display = '';
     $now = date('YmdHis');
     $lngs = [];
     try {
         $databox = $app['phraseanet.appbox']->get_databox((int) $request->get("bid"));
         if ($request->get("typ") == "TH") {
             $domth = $databox->get_dom_thesaurus();
         } else {
             $domth = $databox->get_dom_cterms();
         if ($domth) {
             $xpathth = new \DOMXPath($domth);
             if ($request->get("id") == "T") {
                 $q = "/thesaurus";
             } elseif ($request->get("id") == "C") {
                 $q = "/cterms";
             } else {
                 $q = "//te[@id='" . $request->get("id") . "']";
             if ($request->get('ofm') == 'toscreen') {
                 printf("<pre style='font-size: 12px;'>\n");
             foreach ($t_lng as $lng) {
                 $dom = new \DOMDocument("1.0", "UTF-8");
                 $dom->standalone = true;
                 $dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
                 $dom->formatOutput = true;
                 $root = $dom->appendChild($dom->createElementNS('www.phraseanet.com', 'phraseanet:topics'));
                 $root->appendChild($dom->createComment($app->trans('thesaurus:: fichier genere le %date%', ['%date%' => $now])));
                 $this->export0Topics($app, $xpathth->query($q)->item(0), $dom, $root, $lng, $request->get("srt"), $request->get("sth"), $request->get("sand"), $opened_display, $obr);
                 if ($request->get("ofm") == 'toscreen') {
                     $lngs[$lng] = str_replace(['&', '<', '>'], ['&amp;', '&lt;', '&gt;'], $dom->saveXML());
                 } elseif ($request->get("ofm") == 'tofiles') {
                     $fname = 'topics_' . $lng . '.xml';
                     @rename($app['root.path'] . '/config/topics/' . $fname, $app['root.path'] . '/config/topics/topics_' . $lng . '_BKP_' . $now . '.xml');
                     if ($dom->save($app['root.path'] . '/config/topics/' . $fname)) {
                         $lngs[$lng] = \p4string::MakeString($app->trans('thesaurus:: fichier genere : %filename%', ['%filename%' => $fname]));
                     } else {
                         $lngs[$lng] = \p4string::MakeString($app->trans('thesaurus:: erreur lors de l\'enregsitrement du fichier'));
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
     return $app['twig']->render('thesaurus/export-topics.html.twig', ['lngs' => $lngs, 'ofm' => $request->get('ofm')]);
Ejemplo n.º 13
  * Download a set of documents
  * @param Application $app
  * @param Request     $request
  * @param Token       $token
  * @return Response
 public function downloadDocuments(Application $app, Request $request, Token $token)
     if (false === ($list = @unserialize($token->getData()))) {
         $app->abort(500, 'Invalid datas');
     if (!is_array($list)) {
         $app->abort(500, 'Invalid datas');
     foreach (['export_name', 'files'] as $key) {
         if (!isset($list[$key])) {
             $app->abort(500, 'Invalid datas');
     $exportName = $list['export_name'];
     if ($list['count'] === 1) {
         $file = end($list['files']);
         $subdef = end($file['subdefs']);
         $exportName = sprintf('%s%s.%s', $file['export_name'], $subdef['ajout'], $subdef['exportExt']);
         $exportFile = \p4string::addEndSlash($subdef['path']) . $subdef['file'];
         $mime = $subdef['mime'];
         $list['complete'] = true;
     } else {
         $exportFile = $app['tmp.download.path'] . '/' . $token->getValue() . '.zip';
         $mime = 'application/zip';
     if (!$app['filesystem']->exists($exportFile)) {
         $app->abort(404, 'Download file not found');
     $app['dispatcher']->addListener(KernelEvents::RESPONSE, function (FilterResponseEvent $event) use($list, $app) {
         \set_export::log_download($app, $list, $event->getRequest()->get('type'), !!$event->getRequest()->get('anonymous', false), isset($list['email']) ? $list['email'] : '');
     return $app['phraseanet.file-serve']->deliverFile($exportFile, $exportName, DeliverDataInterface::DISPOSITION_ATTACHMENT, $mime);
Ejemplo n.º 14
  * @return string
 public function get_duration()
     return p4string::format_seconds($this->entry->getVideoDuration());
Ejemplo n.º 15
 public static function dispatch(Filesystem $filesystem, $repository_path, $date = false)
     if (!$date) {
         $date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
     $repository_path = p4string::addEndSlash($repository_path);
     $year = date('Y', strtotime($date));
     $month = date('m', strtotime($date));
     $day = date('d', strtotime($date));
     $n = 0;
     $pathout = $repository_path . $comp;
     while (($pathout = $repository_path . $comp . self::addZeros($n)) && is_dir($pathout) && iterator_count(new \DirectoryIterator($pathout)) > 100) {
     $filesystem->mkdir($pathout, 0750);
     return $pathout . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
Ejemplo n.º 16
  * @param Application $app
  * @param String      $token
  * @param Array       $list
  * @param string      $zipFile
  * @return string
 public static function build_zip(Application $app, $token, array $list, $zipFile)
     if (isset($list['complete']) && $list['complete'] === true) {
     $files = $list['files'];
     $list['complete'] = false;
     $app['tokens']->updateToken($token, serialize($list));
     $toRemove = [];
     $archiveFiles = [];
     foreach ($files as $record) {
         if (isset($record["subdefs"])) {
             foreach ($record["subdefs"] as $o => $obj) {
                 $path = p4string::addEndSlash($obj["path"]) . $obj["file"];
                 if (is_file($path)) {
                     $name = $obj["folder"] . $record["export_name"] . $obj["ajout"] . '.' . $obj["exportExt"];
                     $archiveFiles[$app['unicode']->remove_diacritics($name)] = $path;
                     if ($o == 'caption') {
                         if (!in_array(dirname($path), $toRemove)) {
                             $toRemove[] = dirname($path);
                         $toRemove[] = $path;
     $app['zippy']->create($zipFile, $archiveFiles);
     $list['complete'] = true;
     $app['tokens']->updateToken($token, serialize($list));
     $app['filesystem']->chmod($zipFile, 0760);
     return $zipFile;
Ejemplo n.º 17
  * Get the deail of download by users
  * @param array  $tab config for the html table
  * @param String $on
  * @return array
 public function getDetailDownload($tab = false, $on = "")
     empty($on) ? $on = "user" : "";
     //by default always report on user
     //set title
     $this->title = $this->app->trans('report:: Detail des telechargements');
     $sqlBuilder = new module_report_sql($this->app, $this);
     $filter = $sqlBuilder->getFilters()->getReportFilter();
     $params = array_merge([], $filter['params']);
     $sql = "\n            SELECT tt.usrid, TRIM(" . $on . ") AS " . $on . ", tt.final, sum(1) AS nb, sum(size) AS poid\n            FROM (\n                SELECT DISTINCT(log.id), TRIM(" . $on . ") AS " . $on . ", log_docs.record_id, log_docs.final, log.usrid\n                FROM log_docs\n                    INNER JOIN log FORCE INDEX (date_site) ON (log.id = log_docs.log_id)\n                    INNER JOIN log_colls FORCE INDEX (couple) ON (log.id = log_colls.log_id)\n                    INNER JOIN record ON (record.record_id = log_docs.record_id)\n                WHERE (" . $filter['sql'] . ")\n                AND (log_docs.action = 'download' OR log_docs.action = 'mail')\n            ) AS tt\n            LEFT JOIN subdef FORCE INDEX (unicite) ON (tt.record_id = subdef.record_id)\n            WHERE subdef.name = tt.final\n            GROUP BY " . $on . ", usrid\n            ORDER BY nb DESC;";
     $stmt = $sqlBuilder->getConnBas()->prepare($sql);
     $rs = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
     $save_user = "";
     $i = -1;
     $total = ['nbdoc' => 0, 'poiddoc' => 0, 'nbprev' => 0, 'poidprev' => 0];
     foreach ($rs as $row) {
         $user = $row[$on];
         if ($save_user != $user && !is_null($user) && !empty($user)) {
             if ($i >= 0) {
                 if ($this->result[$i]['nbprev'] + $this->result[$i]['nbdoc'] == 0 || $this->result[$i]['poiddoc'] + $this->result[$i]['poidprev'] == 0) {
                 if (isset($this->result[$i]['poiddoc']) && isset($this->result[$i]['poidprev'])) {
                     $this->result[$i]['poiddoc'] = p4string::format_octets($this->result[$i]['poiddoc']);
                     $this->result[$i]['poidprev'] = p4string::format_octets($this->result[$i]['poidprev']);
             $this->result[$i]['nbprev'] = 0;
             $this->result[$i]['poidprev'] = 0;
             $this->result[$i]['nbdoc'] = 0;
             $this->result[$i]['poiddoc'] = 0;
         //doc info
         if ($row['final'] == 'document' && !is_null($user) && !is_null($row['usrid'])) {
             $this->result[$i]['nbdoc'] = !is_null($row['nb']) ? $row['nb'] : 0;
             $this->result[$i]['poiddoc'] = !is_null($row['poid']) ? $row['poid'] : 0;
             $this->result[$i]['user'] = empty($row[$on]) ? "<i>" . $this->app->trans('report:: non-renseigne') . "</i>" : $row[$on];
             $total['nbdoc'] += $this->result[$i]['nbdoc'];
             $total['poiddoc'] += !is_null($row['poid']) ? $row['poid'] : 0;
             $this->result[$i]['usrid'] = $row['usrid'];
         //preview info
         if (($row['final'] == 'preview' || $row['final'] == 'thumbnail') && !is_null($user) && !is_null($row['usrid'])) {
             $this->result[$i]['nbprev'] += !is_null($row['nb']) ? $row['nb'] : 0;
             $this->result[$i]['poidprev'] += !is_null($row['poid']) ? $row['poid'] : 0;
             $this->result[$i]['user'] = empty($row[$on]) ? "<i>" . $this->app->trans('report:: non-renseigne') . "</i>" : $row[$on];
             $total['nbprev'] += !is_null($row['nb']) ? $row['nb'] : 0;
             $total['poidprev'] += !is_null($row['poid']) ? $row['poid'] : 0;
             $this->result[$i]['usrid'] = $row['usrid'];
         $save_user = $user;
     $nb_row = $i + 1;
     $this->total = $nb_row;
     if ($this->total > 0) {
         $this->result[$nb_row]['user'] = '******';
         $this->result[$nb_row]['nbdoc'] = '<b>' . $total['nbdoc'] . '</b>';
         $this->result[$nb_row]['poiddoc'] = '<b>' . p4string::format_octets($total['poiddoc']) . '</b>';
         $this->result[$nb_row]['nbprev'] = '<b>' . $total['nbprev'] . '</b>';
         $this->result[$nb_row]['poidprev'] = '<b>' . p4string::format_octets($total['poidprev']) . '</b>';
     $this->total = sizeof($this->result);
     return $this->report;
Ejemplo n.º 18
 private static function drawTopics($topics, $depth = 0, $triid = '', $defaultview)
     $n = 0;
     $out = '';
     foreach ($topics->topic as $subtopic) {
         $tid = $triid . '_' . $n;
         $s = $subtopic->label;
         $l = p4string::MakeString($s, 'html');
         $l = '<span class=\'topic_' . $depth . '\'>' . $l . '</span>';
         if ($subtopic->query) {
             $q = str_replace(["\\", "\"", "'", "\r", "\n"], ["\\\\", "&quot;", "\\'", "\\r", "\\n"], $subtopic->query);
             $q = '<a href="javascript:void();" onClick="doSpecialSearch(\'' . $q . '\',true);">' . $l . '</a>';
         } else {
             $q = $l;
         if (self::hastopics($subtopic)) {
             $view = mb_strtolower($subtopic['view']);
             if (!$view) {
                 $view = $defaultview;
             switch ($view) {
                 case 'opened':
                     $out .= '<li><a id=\'TOPIC_TRI' . $tid . '\' class="opened" href="javascript:void();" onclick="clktri(\'' . $tid . '\');return(false);"></a>&nbsp;' . $q . '</li>' . "\n";
                     $out .= "<ul id='TOPIC_UL{$tid}' class='opened'>\n";
                     $out .= self::drawTopics($subtopic->topics, $depth + 1, $tid, $defaultview);
                     $out .= "</ul>\n<div style='height:1px;'></div>\n";
                 case 'closed':
                     $out .= '<li><a id=\'TOPIC_TRI' . $tid . '\' class="closed" href="javascript:void();" onclick="clktri(\'' . $tid . '\');return(false);"></a>&nbsp;' . $q . '</li>' . "\n";
                     $out .= "<ul id='TOPIC_UL{$tid}' class='closed'>\n";
                     $out .= self::drawTopics($subtopic->topics, $depth + 1, $tid, $defaultview);
                     $out .= "</ul>\n<div style='height:1px;'></div>\n";
                 case 'static':
                     $out .= '<li><span id=\'TOPIC_TRI' . $tid . '\' class="static">&nbsp</span>&nbsp;' . $q . '</li>' . "\n";
                     $out .= "<ul id='TOPIC_UL{$tid}' class='static'>\n";
                     $out .= self::drawTopics($subtopic->topics, $depth + 1, $tid, $defaultview);
                     $out .= "</ul>\n<div style='height:1px;'></div>\n";
         } else {
             $out .= '<li><span id=\'TOPIC_TRI' . $tid . '\' class="none">&nbsp</span>&nbsp;' . $q . '</li>' . "\n";
     return $out;
Ejemplo n.º 19
 public function calcSQL(Application $app, $sxtask, $playTest = false)
     $sbas_id = (int) $sxtask['sbas_id'];
     $ret = ['name' => $sxtask['name'] ? (string) $sxtask['name'] : 'sans nom', 'name_htmlencoded' => \p4string::MakeString($sxtask['name'] ? $sxtask['name'] : 'sans nom', 'html'), 'active' => trim($sxtask['active']) === '1', 'sbas_id' => $sbas_id, 'basename' => '', 'basename_htmlencoded' => '', 'action' => strtoupper($sxtask['action']), 'sql' => null, 'err' => '', 'err_htmlencoded' => ''];
     try {
         $dbox = $app['phraseanet.appbox']->get_databox($sbas_id);
         $ret['basename'] = $dbox->get_label($app['locale']);
         $ret['basename_htmlencoded'] = htmlentities($ret['basename']);
         switch ($ret['action']) {
             case 'UPDATE':
                 $ret['sql'] = $this->calcUPDATE($app, $sbas_id, $sxtask, $playTest);
             case 'DELETE':
                 $ret['sql'] = $this->calcDELETE($app, $sbas_id, $sxtask, $playTest);
                 $ret['deletechildren'] = (int) $sxtask['deletechildren'];
                 $ret['err'] = "bad action '" . $ret['action'] . "'";
                 $ret['err_htmlencoded'] = htmlentities($ret['err']);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $ret['err'] = "bad sbas '" . $sbas_id . "'";
         $ret['err_htmlencoded'] = htmlentities($ret['err']);
     return $ret;
Ejemplo n.º 20
  * Render the html upload form
  * @param Application $app     A Silex application
  * @param Request     $request The current request
  * @return Response
 public function getUploadForm(Application $app, Request $request)
     $maxFileSize = $this->getUploadMaxFileSize();
     return $app['twig']->render('prod/upload/upload.html.twig', ['collections' => $this->getGrantedCollections($app['acl']->get($app['authentication']->getUser())), 'maxFileSize' => $maxFileSize, 'maxFileSizeReadable' => \p4string::format_octets($maxFileSize)]);
Ejemplo n.º 21
 public function connect(SilexApplication $app)
     $app['controller.api.v1'] = $this;
     $controllers = $app['controllers_factory'];
      * @var API_OAuth2_Token
     $app['token'] = null;
      * Api Service
      * @var Closure
     $app['api'] = function () use($app) {
         return new \API_V1_adapter($app);
      * oAuth token verification process
      * - Check if oauth_token exists && is valid
      * - Check if request comes from phraseanet Navigator && phraseanet Navigator
      *  is enbale on current instance
      * - restore user session
      * @ throws \API_V1_exception_unauthorized
      * @ throws \API_V1_exception_forbidden
     $controllers->before(function ($request) use($app) {
         $context = new Context(Context::CONTEXT_OAUTH2_TOKEN);
         $app['dispatcher']->dispatch(PhraseaEvents::PRE_AUTHENTICATE, new PreAuthenticate($request, $context));
         $app['dispatcher']->dispatch(PhraseaEvents::API_OAUTH2_START, new ApiOAuth2StartEvent());
         $oauth2_adapter = new \API_OAuth2_Adapter($app);
         $app['token'] = \API_OAuth2_Token::load_by_oauth_token($app, $oauth2_adapter->getToken());
         $oAuth2App = $app['token']->get_account()->get_application();
         /* @var $oAuth2App \API_OAuth2_Application */
         if ($oAuth2App->get_client_id() == \API_OAuth2_Application_Navigator::CLIENT_ID && !$app['conf']->get(['registry', 'api-clients', 'navigator-enabled'])) {
             throw new \API_V1_exception_forbidden('The use of phraseanet Navigator is not allowed');
         if ($oAuth2App->get_client_id() == \API_OAuth2_Application_OfficePlugin::CLIENT_ID && !$app['conf']->get(['registry', 'api-clients', 'office-enabled'])) {
             throw new \API_V1_exception_forbidden('The use of Office Plugin is not allowed.');
         if ($app['authentication']->isAuthenticated()) {
             $app['dispatcher']->dispatch(PhraseaEvents::API_OAUTH2_END, new ApiOAuth2EndEvent());
         $user = $app['manipulator.user']->getRepository()->find($oauth2_adapter->get_usr_id());
         $app['dispatcher']->dispatch(PhraseaEvents::API_OAUTH2_END, new ApiOAuth2EndEvent());
      * OAuth log process
      * Parse the requested route to fetch
      * - the ressource (databox, basket, record etc ..)
      * - general action (list, add, search)
      * - the action (setstatus, setname etc..)
      * - the aspect (collections, related, content etc..)
      * @return array
     $parseRoute = function ($route, Response $response) {
         $ressource = $general = $aspect = $action = null;
         $exploded_route = explode('/', \p4string::delFirstSlash(\p4string::delEndSlash($route)));
         if (sizeof($exploded_route) > 0 && $response->isOk()) {
             $ressource = $exploded_route[0];
             if (sizeof($exploded_route) == 2 && (int) $exploded_route[1] == 0) {
                 $general = $exploded_route[1];
             } else {
                 switch ($ressource) {
                     case \API_V1_Log::DATABOXES_RESSOURCE:
                         if ((int) $exploded_route[1] > 0 && sizeof($exploded_route) == 3) {
                             $aspect = $exploded_route[2];
                     case \API_V1_Log::RECORDS_RESSOURCE:
                         if ((int) $exploded_route[1] > 0 && sizeof($exploded_route) == 4) {
                             if (!isset($exploded_route[3])) {
                                 $aspect = "record";
                             } elseif (preg_match("/^set/", $exploded_route[3])) {
                                 $action = $exploded_route[3];
                             } else {
                                 $aspect = $exploded_route[3];
                     case \API_V1_Log::BASKETS_RESSOURCE:
                         if ((int) $exploded_route[1] > 0 && sizeof($exploded_route) == 3) {
                             if (preg_match("/^set/", $exploded_route[2]) || preg_match("/^delete/", $exploded_route[2])) {
                                 $action = $exploded_route[2];
                             } else {
                                 $aspect = $exploded_route[2];
                     case \API_V1_Log::FEEDS_RESSOURCE:
                         if ((int) $exploded_route[1] > 0 && sizeof($exploded_route) == 3) {
                             $aspect = $exploded_route[2];
         return ['ressource' => $ressource, 'general' => $general, 'aspect' => $aspect, 'action' => $action];
      * Log occurs in after filter
     $controllers->after(function (Request $request, Response $response) use($app, $parseRoute) {
         $account = $app['token']->get_account();
         $pathInfo = $request->getPathInfo();
         $route = $parseRoute($pathInfo, $response);
         \API_V1_Log::create($app, $account, $request->getMethod() . " " . $pathInfo, $response->getStatusCode(), $response->headers->get('content-type'), $route['ressource'], $route['general'], $route['aspect'], $route['action']);
     $controllers->after(function () use($app) {
      * Method Not Allowed Closure
     $bad_request_exception = function () {
         throw new \API_V1_exception_badrequest();
      * Check wether the current user is Admin or not
     $mustBeAdmin = function (Request $request) use($app) {
         $user = $app['token']->get_account()->get_user();
         if (!$app['acl']->get($user)->is_admin()) {
             throw new \API_V1_exception_unauthorized('You are not authorized');
      * Get scheduler informations
      * Route : /monitor/scheduler/
      * Method : GET
      * Parameters :
     $controllers->get('/monitor/scheduler/', function (SilexApplication $app, Request $request) {
         return $app['api']->get_scheduler($app)->get_response();
      * Get all tasks information
      * Route : /monitor/tasks/
      * Method : GET
      * Parameters :
     $controllers->get('/monitor/tasks/', function (SilexApplication $app, Request $request) {
         return $app['api']->get_task_list($app)->get_response();
      * Get task informations
      * Route : /monitor/task/{task}/
      * Method : GET
      * Parameters :
     $controllers->get('/monitor/task/{task}/', function (SilexApplication $app, Request $request, $task) {
         return $app['api']->get_task($app, $task)->get_response();
     })->convert('task', [$app['converter.task'], 'convert'])->before($mustBeAdmin)->assert('task', '\\d+');
      * Start task
      * Route : /monitor/task/{task}/
      * Method : POST
      * Parameters :
      * - name (string) change the name of the task
      * - autostart (boolean) start task when scheduler starts
     $controllers->post('/monitor/task/{task}/', function (SilexApplication $app, Request $request, $task) {
         return $app['api']->set_task_property($app, $task)->get_response();
     })->convert('task', [$app['converter.task'], 'convert'])->before($mustBeAdmin)->assert('task', '\\d+');
      * Start task
      * Route : /monitor/task/{task}/start/
      * Method : POST
      * Parameters :
     $controllers->post('/monitor/task/{task}/start/', function (SilexApplication $app, Request $request, $task) {
         return $app['api']->start_task($app, $task)->get_response();
     })->convert('task', [$app['converter.task'], 'convert'])->before($mustBeAdmin);
      * Stop task
      * Route : /monitor/task/{task}/stop/
      * Method : POST
      * Parameters :
     $controllers->post('/monitor/task/{task}/stop/', function (SilexApplication $app, Request $request, $task) {
         return $app['api']->stop_task($app, $task)->get_response();
     })->convert('task', [$app['converter.task'], 'convert'])->before($mustBeAdmin);
      * Get some information about phraseanet
      * Route : /monitor/phraseanet/
      * Method : GET
      * Parameters :
     $controllers->get('/monitor/phraseanet/', function (SilexApplication $app, Request $request) {
         return $app['api']->get_phraseanet_monitor($app)->get_response();
      * Route : /databoxes/list/
      * Method : GET
      * Parameters :
     $controllers->get('/databoxes/list/', function (SilexApplication $app, Request $request) {
         return $app['api']->get_databoxes($request)->get_response();
      * Route /databoxes/DATABOX_ID/collections/
      * Method : GET
      * Parameters ;
      *    DATABOX_ID : required INT
     $controllers->get('/databoxes/{databox_id}/collections/', function (SilexApplication $app, $databox_id) {
         return $app['api']->get_databox_collections($app['request'], $databox_id)->get_response();
     })->assert('databox_id', '\\d+');
     $controllers->get('/databoxes/{any_id}/collections/', $bad_request_exception);
      * Route /databoxes/DATABOX_ID/status/
      * Method : GET
      * Parameters ;
      *    DATABOX_ID : required INT
     $controllers->get('/databoxes/{databox_id}/status/', function (SilexApplication $app, $databox_id) {
         return $app['api']->get_databox_status($app['request'], $databox_id)->get_response();
     })->assert('databox_id', '\\d+');
     $controllers->get('/databoxes/{any_id}/status/', $bad_request_exception);
      * Route /databoxes/DATABOX_ID/metadatas/
      * Method : GET
      * Parameters ;
      *    DATABOX_ID : required INT
     $controllers->get('/databoxes/{databox_id}/metadatas/', function (SilexApplication $app, $databox_id) {
         return $app['api']->get_databox_metadatas($app['request'], $databox_id)->get_response();
     })->assert('databox_id', '\\d+');
     $controllers->get('/databoxes/{any_id}/metadatas/', $bad_request_exception);
      * Route /databoxes/DATABOX_ID/termsOfUse/
      * Method : GET
      * Parameters ;
      *    DATABOX_ID : required INT
     $controllers->get('/databoxes/{databox_id}/termsOfUse/', function (SilexApplication $app, $databox_id) {
         return $app['api']->get_databox_terms($app['request'], $databox_id)->get_response();
     })->assert('databox_id', '\\d+');
     $controllers->get('/databoxes/{any_id}/termsOfUse/', $bad_request_exception);
     $controllers->get('/quarantine/list/', function (SilexApplication $app, Request $request) {
         return $app['api']->list_quarantine($app, $request)->get_response();
     $controllers->get('/quarantine/item/{lazaret_id}/', function ($lazaret_id, SilexApplication $app, Request $request) {
         return $app['api']->list_quarantine_item($lazaret_id, $app, $request)->get_response();
      * Route : /records/add/
      * Method : POST
      * Parameters :
     $controllers->post('/records/add/', function (SilexApplication $app, Request $request) {
         return $app['api']->add_record($app, $request)->get_response();
      * Route : /search/
      * Method : GET or POST
      * Parameters :
      *    bases[] : array
      *    status[] : array
      *    fields[] : array
      *    record_type : boolean
      *    media_type : string
      * Response :
      *    Array containing an array of records and stories collection
     $controllers->match('/search/', function () use($app) {
         return $app['api']->search($app['request'])->get_response();
      * Route : /records/search/
      * Method : GET or POST
      * Parameters :
      *    bases[] : array
      *    status[] : array
      *    fields[] : array
      *    record_type : boolean
      *    media_type : string
      * Response :
      *    Array of record objects
     $controllers->match('/records/search/', function (SilexApplication $app) {
         return $app['api']->search_records($app['request'])->get_response();
     $controllers->get('/records/{databox_id}/{record_id}/caption/', function (SilexApplication $app, $databox_id, $record_id) {
         return $app['api']->caption_records($app['request'], $databox_id, $record_id)->get_response();
     })->assert('databox_id', '\\d+')->assert('record_id', '\\d+');
     $controllers->get('/records/{any_id}/{anyother_id}/caption/', $bad_request_exception);
      * Route : /records/DATABOX_ID/RECORD_ID/metadatas/
      * Method : GET
      * Parameters :
      *    DATABOX_ID : required INT
      *    RECORD_ID : required INT
     $controllers->get('/records/{databox_id}/{record_id}/metadatas/', function (SilexApplication $app, $databox_id, $record_id) {
         return $app['api']->get_record_metadatas($app['request'], $databox_id, $record_id)->get_response();
     })->assert('databox_id', '\\d+')->assert('record_id', '\\d+');
     $controllers->get('/records/{any_id}/{anyother_id}/metadatas/', $bad_request_exception);
      * Route : /records/DATABOX_ID/RECORD_ID/status/
      * Method : GET
      * Parameters :
      *    DATABOX_ID : required INT
      *    RECORD_ID : required INT
     $controllers->get('/records/{databox_id}/{record_id}/status/', function (SilexApplication $app, $databox_id, $record_id) {
         return $app['api']->get_record_status($app['request'], $databox_id, $record_id)->get_response();
     })->assert('databox_id', '\\d+')->assert('record_id', '\\d+');
     $controllers->get('/records/{any_id}/{anyother_id}/status/', $bad_request_exception);
      * Route : /records/DATABOX_ID/RECORD_ID/related/
      * Method : GET
      * Parameters :
      *    DATABOX_ID : required INT
      *    RECORD_ID : required INT
     $controllers->get('/records/{databox_id}/{record_id}/related/', function (SilexApplication $app, $databox_id, $record_id) {
         return $app['api']->get_record_related($app['request'], $databox_id, $record_id)->get_response();
     })->assert('databox_id', '\\d+')->assert('record_id', '\\d+');
     $controllers->get('/records/{any_id}/{anyother_id}/related/', $bad_request_exception);
      * Route : /records/DATABOX_ID/RECORD_ID/embed/
      * Method : GET
      * Parameters :
      *    DATABOX_ID : required INT
      *    RECORD_ID : required INT
     $controllers->get('/records/{databox_id}/{record_id}/embed/', function (SilexApplication $app, $databox_id, $record_id) {
         return $app['api']->get_record_embed($app['request'], $databox_id, $record_id)->get_response();
     })->assert('databox_id', '\\d+')->assert('record_id', '\\d+');
     $controllers->get('/records/{any_id}/{anyother_id}/embed/', $bad_request_exception);
      * Route : /records/DATABOX_ID/RECORD_ID/setmetadatas/
      * Method : POST
      * Parameters :
      *    DATABOX_ID : required INT
      *    RECORD_ID : required INT
     $controllers->post('/records/{databox_id}/{record_id}/setmetadatas/', function (SilexApplication $app, $databox_id, $record_id) {
         return $app['api']->set_record_metadatas($app['request'], $databox_id, $record_id)->get_response();
     })->assert('databox_id', '\\d+')->assert('record_id', '\\d+');
     $controllers->post('/records/{any_id}/{anyother_id}/setmetadatas/', $bad_request_exception);
      * Route : /records/DATABOX_ID/RECORD_ID/setstatus/
      * Method : POST
      * Parameters :
      *    DATABOX_ID : required INT
      *    RECORD_ID : required INT
     $controllers->post('/records/{databox_id}/{record_id}/setstatus/', function (SilexApplication $app, $databox_id, $record_id) {
         return $app['api']->set_record_status($app['request'], $databox_id, $record_id)->get_response();
     })->assert('databox_id', '\\d+')->assert('record_id', '\\d+');
     $controllers->post('/records/{any_id}/{anyother_id}/setstatus/', $bad_request_exception);
      * Route : /records/DATABOX_ID/RECORD_ID/setcollection/
      * Method : POST
      * Parameters :
      *    DATABOX_ID : required INT
      *    RECORD_ID : required INT
     $controllers->post('/records/{databox_id}/{record_id}/setcollection/', function (SilexApplication $app, $databox_id, $record_id) {
         return $app['api']->set_record_collection($app['request'], $databox_id, $record_id)->get_response();
     })->assert('databox_id', '\\d+')->assert('record_id', '\\d+');
     $controllers->post('/records/{wrong_databox_id}/{wrong_record_id}/setcollection/', $bad_request_exception);
     $controllers->get('/records/{databox_id}/{record_id}/', function (SilexApplication $app, $databox_id, $record_id) {
         return $app['api']->get_record($app['request'], $databox_id, $record_id)->get_response();
     })->assert('databox_id', '\\d+')->assert('record_id', '\\d+');
     $controllers->get('/records/{any_id}/{anyother_id}/', $bad_request_exception);
      * Route : /baskets/list/
      * Method : POST
      * Parameters :
     $controllers->get('/baskets/list/', function (SilexApplication $app) {
         return $app['api']->search_baskets($app['request'])->get_response();
      * Route : /baskets/add/
      * Method : POST
      * Parameters :
     $controllers->post('/baskets/add/', function (SilexApplication $app) {
         return $app['api']->create_basket($app['request'])->get_response();
      * Route : /baskets/BASKET_ID/content/
      * Method : GET
      * Parameters :
      *    BASKET_ID : required INT
     $controllers->get('/baskets/{basket}/content/', function (SilexApplication $app, Basket $basket) {
         return $app['api']->get_basket($app['request'], $basket)->get_response();
     })->before($app['middleware.basket.converter'])->before($app['middleware.basket.user-access'])->assert('basket', '\\d+');
     $controllers->get('/baskets/{wrong_basket}/content/', $bad_request_exception);
      * Route : /baskets/BASKET_ID/settitle/
      * Method : GET
      * Parameters :
      *    BASKET_ID : required INT
     $controllers->post('/baskets/{basket}/setname/', function (SilexApplication $app, Basket $basket) {
         return $app['api']->set_basket_title($app['request'], $basket)->get_response();
     })->before($app['middleware.basket.converter'])->before($app['middleware.basket.user-is-owner'])->assert('basket', '\\d+');
     $controllers->post('/baskets/{wrong_basket}/setname/', $bad_request_exception);
      * Route : /baskets/BASKET_ID/setdescription/
      * Method : POST
      * Parameters :
      *    BASKET_ID : required INT
     $controllers->post('/baskets/{basket}/setdescription/', function (SilexApplication $app, Basket $basket) {
         return $app['api']->set_basket_description($app['request'], $basket)->get_response();
     })->before($app['middleware.basket.converter'])->before($app['middleware.basket.user-is-owner'])->assert('basket', '\\d+');
     $controllers->post('/baskets/{wrong_basket}/setdescription/', $bad_request_exception);
      * Route : /baskets/BASKET_ID/delete/
      * Method : POST
      * Parameters :
      *    BASKET_ID : required INT
     $controllers->post('/baskets/{basket}/delete/', function (SilexApplication $app, Basket $basket) {
         return $app['api']->delete_basket($app['request'], $basket)->get_response();
     })->before($app['middleware.basket.converter'])->before($app['middleware.basket.user-is-owner'])->assert('basket', '\\d+');
     $controllers->post('/baskets/{wrong_basket}/delete/', $bad_request_exception);
      * Route : /feeds/list/
      * Method : POST
      * Parameters :
     $controllers->get('/feeds/list/', function (SilexApplication $app) {
         return $app['api']->search_publications($app['request'], $app['authentication']->getUser())->get_response();
     $controllers->get('/feeds/content/', function (SilexApplication $app) {
         return $app['api']->get_publications($app['request'], $app['authentication']->getUser())->get_response();
     $controllers->get('/feeds/entry/{entry_id}/', function (SilexApplication $app, $entry_id) {
         return $app['api']->get_feed_entry($app['request'], $entry_id, $app['authentication']->getUser())->get_response();
     })->assert('entry_id', '\\d+');
     $controllers->get('/feeds/entry/{entry_id}/', $bad_request_exception);
      * Route : /feeds/PUBLICATION_ID/content/
      * Method : GET
      * Parameters :
      *    PUBLICATION_ID : required INT
     $controllers->get('/feeds/{feed_id}/content/', function (SilexApplication $app, $feed_id) {
         return $app['api']->get_publication($app['request'], $feed_id, $app['authentication']->getUser())->get_response();
     })->assert('feed_id', '\\d+');
     $controllers->get('/feeds/{wrong_feed_id}/content/', $bad_request_exception);
      * Route : /stories/DATABOX_ID/RECORD_ID/embed/
      * Method : GET
      * Parameters :
      *    DATABOX_ID : required INT
      *    RECORD_ID : required INT
     $controllers->get('/stories/{databox_id}/{story_id}/embed/', function ($databox_id, $story_id) use($app) {
         $result = $app['api']->get_story_embed($app['request'], $databox_id, $story_id);
         return $result->get_response();
     })->assert('databox_id', '\\d+')->assert('story_id', '\\d+');
     $controllers->get('/stories/{any_id}/{anyother_id}/embed/', $bad_request_exception);
     $controllers->get('/stories/{databox_id}/{story_id}/', function ($databox_id, $story_id) use($app) {
         $result = $app['api']->get_story($app['request'], $databox_id, $story_id);
         return $result->get_response();
     })->assert('databox_id', '\\d+')->assert('story_id', '\\d+');
     $controllers->get('/stories/{any_id}/{anyother_id}/', $bad_request_exception);
     $controllers->get('/stories/{databox_id}/{story_id}/', function ($databox_id, $story_id) use($app) {
         $result = $app['api']->get_story($app['request'], $databox_id, $story_id);
         return $result->get_response();
     })->assert('databox_id', '\\d+')->assert('story_id', '\\d+');
     $controllers->get('/stories/{any_id}/{anyother_id}/', $bad_request_exception);
     return $controllers;
Ejemplo n.º 22
 public function substitute_subdef($name, MediaInterface $media, Application $app, $adapt = true)
     $newfilename = $this->record_id . '_0_' . $name . '.' . $media->getFile()->getExtension();
     if ($name == 'document') {
         $baseprefs = $this->get_databox()->get_sxml_structure();
         $pathhd = p4string::addEndSlash((string) $baseprefs->path);
         $filehd = $this->get_record_id() . "_document." . strtolower($media->getFile()->getExtension());
         $pathhd = databox::dispatch($app['filesystem'], $pathhd);
         $app['filesystem']->copy($media->getFile()->getRealPath(), $pathhd . $filehd, true);
         $subdefFile = $pathhd . $filehd;
         $meta_writable = true;
     } else {
         $type = $this->isStory() ? 'image' : $this->get_type();
         $subdef_def = $this->get_databox()->get_subdef_structure()->get_subdef($type, $name);
         if ($this->has_subdef($name) && $this->get_subdef($name)->is_physically_present()) {
             $path_file_dest = $this->get_subdef($name)->get_pathfile();
         } else {
             $path = databox::dispatch($app['filesystem'], $subdef_def->get_path());
             $app['filesystem']->mkdir($path, 0750);
             $path_file_dest = $path . $newfilename;
         if ($adapt) {
             try {
                 $app['media-alchemyst']->turnInto($media->getFile()->getRealPath(), $path_file_dest, $subdef_def->getSpecs());
             } catch (\MediaAlchemyst\Exception\ExceptionInterface $e) {
                 return $this;
             $subdefFile = $path_file_dest;
         } else {
             $app['filesystem']->copy($media->getFile()->getRealPath(), $path_file_dest);
             $subdefFile = $path_file_dest;
         $meta_writable = $subdef_def->meta_writeable();
     $app['filesystem']->chmod($subdefFile, 0760);
     $media = $app->getMediaFromUri($subdefFile);
     $subdef = media_subdef::create($app, $this, $name, $media);
     if ($meta_writable) {
     if ($name == 'document' && $adapt) {
     return $this;
Ejemplo n.º 23
 public function getUploadForm()
     $maxFileSize = $this->getUploadMaxFileSize();
     return $this->render('prod/upload/upload.html.twig', ['collections' => $this->getGrantedCollections($this->getAclForUser()), 'maxFileSize' => $maxFileSize, 'maxFileSizeReadable' => \p4string::format_octets($maxFileSize)]);
Ejemplo n.º 24
 protected function doExport(Application $app, Task $task, FtpExport $export)
     $settings = simplexml_load_string($task->getSettings());
     $proxy = (string) $settings->proxy;
     $proxyport = (string) $settings->proxyport;
     $state = "";
     $ftp_server = $export->getAddr();
     $ftp_user_name = $export->getLogin();
     $ftp_user_pass = $export->getPwd();
     $ftpLog = $ftp_user_name . "@" . \p4string::addEndSlash($ftp_server) . $export->getDestfolder();
     if ($export->getCrash() == 0) {
         $line = $this->translator->trans('task::ftp:Etat d\'envoi FTP vers le serveur "%server%" avec le compte "%username%" et pour destination le dossier : "%directory%"', ['%server%' => $ftp_server, '%username%' => $ftp_user_name, '%directory%' => $export->getDestfolder()]) . PHP_EOL;
         $state .= $line;
         $this->log('debug', $line);
     $state .= $line = $this->translator->trans("task::ftp:TENTATIVE no %number%, %date%", ['%number%' => $export->getCrash() + 1, '%date%' => "  (" . date('r') . ")"]) . PHP_EOL;
     $this->log('debug', $line);
     try {
         $ssl = $export->isSsl();
         $ftp_client = $app['phraseanet.ftp.client']($ftp_server, 21, 300, $ssl, $proxy, $proxyport);
         $ftp_client->login($ftp_user_name, $ftp_user_pass);
         if ($export->isPassif()) {
             try {
             } catch (\Exception $e) {
                 $this->log('debug', $e->getMessage());
         if (trim($export->getDestfolder()) != '') {
             try {
                 $export->setDestfolder('/' . $export->getDestfolder());
             } catch (\Exception $e) {
                 $this->log('debug', $e->getMessage());
         } else {
         if (trim($export->getFoldertocreate()) != '') {
             try {
             } catch (\Exception $e) {
                 $this->log('debug', $e->getMessage());
             try {
                 $new_dir = $ftp_client->add_end_slash($export->getDestfolder()) . $export->getFoldertocreate();
             } catch (\Exception $e) {
                 $this->log('debug', $e->getMessage());
         $obj = [];
         $basefolder = '';
         if (!in_array(trim($export->getDestfolder()), ['.', './', ''])) {
             $basefolder = \p4string::addEndSlash($export->getDestfolder());
         $basefolder .= $export->getFoldertocreate();
         if (in_array(trim($basefolder), ['.', './', ''])) {
             $basefolder = '/';
         foreach ($export->getElements() as $exportElement) {
             if ($exportElement->isDone()) {
             $base_id = $exportElement->getBaseId();
             $record_id = $exportElement->getRecordId();
             $subdef = $exportElement->getSubdef();
             $localfile = null;
             try {
                 $sbas_id = \phrasea::sbasFromBas($app, $base_id);
                 $record = new \record_adapter($app, $sbas_id, $record_id);
                 $sdcaption = $app['serializer.caption']->serialize($record->get_caption(), CaptionSerializer::SERIALIZE_XML, $exportElement->isBusinessfields());
                 $remotefile = $exportElement->getFilename();
                 if ($subdef == 'caption') {
                     $desc = $app['serializer.caption']->serialize($record->get_caption(), CaptionSerializer::SERIALIZE_XML, $exportElement->isBusinessfields());
                     $localfile = sys_get_temp_dir() . '/' . md5($desc . time() . mt_rand());
                     if (file_put_contents($localfile, $desc) === false) {
                         throw new \Exception('Impossible de creer un fichier temporaire');
                 } elseif ($subdef == 'caption-yaml') {
                     $desc = $app['serializer.caption']->serialize($record->get_caption(), CaptionSerializer::SERIALIZE_YAML, $exportElement->isBusinessfields());
                     $localfile = sys_get_temp_dir() . '/' . md5($desc . time() . mt_rand());
                     if (file_put_contents($localfile, $desc) === false) {
                         throw new \Exception('Impossible de creer un fichier temporaire');
                 } else {
                     $sd = $record->get_subdefs();
                     if (!$sd || !isset($sd[$subdef])) {
                     $localfile = $sd[$subdef]->get_pathfile();
                     if (!file_exists($localfile)) {
                         throw new \Exception('Le fichier local n\'existe pas');
                 $current_folder = rtrim(str_replace('//', '/', $basefolder . $exportElement->getFolder()), '/');
                 if ($ftp_client->pwd() != $current_folder) {
                     try {
                     } catch (\Exception $e) {
                         $this->log('debug', $e->getMessage());
                 $ftp_client->put($remotefile, $localfile);
                 $obj[] = ["name" => $subdef, "size" => filesize($localfile), "shortXml" => $sdcaption ? $sdcaption : ''];
                 if ($subdef == 'caption') {
                 $this->logexport($app, $record, $obj, $ftpLog);
             } catch (\Exception $e) {
                 $state .= $line = $this->translator->trans('task::ftp:File "%file%" (record %record_id%) de la base "%basename%" (Export du Document) : Transfert cancelled (le document n\'existe plus)', ['%file%' => basename($localfile), '%record_id%' => $record_id, '%basename%' => \phrasea::sbas_labels(\phrasea::sbasFromBas($app, $base_id), $app)]) . "\n<br/>";
                 $this->log('debug', $line);
                 // One failure max
         if ($export->isLogfile()) {
             $this->log('debug', "logfile ");
             $date = new DateTime();
             $buffer = '#transfert finished ' . $date->format(DATE_ATOM) . "\n\n";
             foreach ($export->getElements() as $exportElement) {
                 if (!$exportElement->isDone() || $exportElement->isError()) {
                 $filename = $exportElement->getFilename();
                 $folder = $exportElement->getFilename();
                 $root = $export->getFoldertocreate();
                 $buffer .= $root . '/' . $folder . $filename . "\n";
             $tmpfile = sys_get_temp_dir() . '/tmpftpbuffer' . $date->format('U') . '.txt';
             file_put_contents($tmpfile, $buffer);
             $remotefile = $date->format('U') . '-transfert.log';
             $ftp_client->put($remotefile, $tmpfile);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $state .= $line = $e . "\n";
         $this->log('debug', $line);
     $this->finalize($app, $export);
Ejemplo n.º 25
  * @param  record_adapter $record
  * @return array
 private function check_record_constraints(record_adapter $record)
     $errors = [];
     if (!$record->get_hd_file() instanceof \SplFileInfo) {
         $errors["file_size"] = $this->translator->trans("Le record n'a pas de fichier physique");
     //Record must rely on real file
     if ($record->get_duration() > self::AUTH_VIDEO_DURATION) {
         $errors["duration"] = $this->translator->trans("La taille maximale d'une video est de %duration% minutes.", ['%duration%' => self::AUTH_VIDEO_DURATION / 60]);
     if ($record->get_technical_infos('size') > self::AUTH_VIDEO_SIZE) {
         $errors["size"] = $this->translator->trans("Le poids maximum d'un fichier est de %size%", ['%size%' => p4string::format_octets(self::AUTH_VIDEO_SIZE)]);
     return $errors;
Ejemplo n.º 26
 private function serializeJSON(\caption_record $caption, $includeBusinessFields)
     return \p4string::jsonencode($this->toArray($caption, $includeBusinessFields));
Ejemplo n.º 27
  * get duration formatted as xx:xx:xx
  * @return string
 public function get_formated_duration()
     return p4string::format_seconds($this->get_duration());
Ejemplo n.º 28
 public function testGet_duration()
     $this->assertEquals(p4string::format_seconds(80), $this->object->get_duration());
     $this->assertInternalType(PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_IsType::TYPE_STRING, $this->object->get_duration());
Ejemplo n.º 29
 public function reset_stamp($record_id = null)
     $sql = 'SELECT path, file FROM record r INNER JOIN subdef s USING(record_id)
         WHERE r.coll_id = :coll_id
           AND r.type="image" AND s.name IN ("preview", "document")';
     $params = [':coll_id' => $this->get_coll_id()];
     if ($record_id) {
         $sql .= ' AND record_id = :record_id';
         $params[':record_id'] = $record_id;
     $stmt = $this->get_connection()->prepare($sql);
     while ($row2 = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
         @unlink(p4string::addEndSlash($row2['path']) . 'stamp_' . $row2['file']);
     return $this;
Ejemplo n.º 30
  * {@inheritdoc}
 protected function doJob(JobData $data)
     $app = $data->getApplication();
     $settings = simplexml_load_string($data->getTask()->getSettings());
     $proxy = (string) $settings->proxy;
     $proxyport = (string) $settings->proxyport;
     $localPath = (string) $settings->localpath;
     $ftpPath = (string) $settings->ftppath;
     $host = (string) $settings->host;
     $port = (string) $settings->port;
     $user = (string) $settings->user;
     $password = (string) $settings->password;
     $ssl = (bool) (string) $settings->ssl;
     $passive = (bool) (string) $settings->passive;
     foreach (['localpath' => $localPath, 'host' => $host, 'port' => $host, 'user' => $user, 'password' => $password, 'ftppath' => $ftpPath] as $name => $value) {
         if (trim($value) === '') {
             // maybe throw an exception to consider the job as failing ?
             $this->log('error', sprintf('setting `%s` must be set', $name));
             throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('`%s` setting is empty', $name));
     $app['filesystem']->mkdir($localPath, 0750);
     if (!is_dir($localPath)) {
         $this->log('error', sprintf('`%s` does not exists', $localPath));
         throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('`%s` does not exists', $localPath));
     if (!is_writeable($localPath)) {
         $this->log('error', sprintf('`%s` is not writeable', $localPath));
         throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('`%s` is not writeable', $localPath));
     $ftp = $app['phraseanet.ftp.client']($host, $port, 90, $ssl, $proxy, $proxyport);
     $ftp->login($user, $password);
     $list_1 = $ftp->list_directory(true);
     $done = 0;
     $this->log('debug', "attente de 25sec pour avoir les fichiers froids...");
     if (!$this->isStarted()) {
         $this->log('debug', "Stopping");
     $list_2 = $ftp->list_directory(true);
     foreach ($list_1 as $filepath => $timestamp) {
         if (!isset($list_2[$filepath])) {
             $this->log('debug', "le fichier {$filepath} a disparu...\n");
         if ($list_2[$filepath] !== $timestamp) {
             $this->log('debug', "le fichier {$filepath} a ete modifie depuis le dernier passage...");
         $finalpath = \p4string::addEndSlash($localPath) . ($filepath[0] == '/' ? mb_substr($filepath, 1) : $filepath);
         $this->log('debug', "Rappatriement de {$filepath} vers {$finalpath}\n");
         if (file_exists($finalpath)) {
             $this->log('debug', "Un fichier du meme nom ({$finalpath}) existe deja, skipping");
         $this->log('debug', "Create " . dirname($finalpath) . "");
         $app['filesystem']->mkdir(dirname($finalpath), 0750);
         $this->log('debug', "Get {$filepath} to {$finalpath}");
         $ftp->get($finalpath, $filepath);
         $this->log('debug', "Remove {$filepath}");