  * Cabeçalho do relatórios
  * @throws Exception
 public function Header()
     $this->SetCreator(utf8_decode('Sistema: EcidadeOnline2 - DBSeller Sistemas Integrados'));
     $sLogotipoPrefeitura = APPLICATION_PATH . '/../public/global/img/brasao.jpg';
     if (file_exists($sLogotipoPrefeitura)) {
         $this->Image($sLogotipoPrefeitura, $this->rMargin, $this->tMargin, 20);
     $sNomePrefeitura = utf8_decode($this->oDadosPrefeitura->getNome());
     $sRua = utf8_decode(trim($this->oDadosPrefeitura->getEndereco()));
     $sNumero = utf8_decode(trim($this->oDadosPrefeitura->getNumero()));
     $sMunicipio = utf8_decode(trim($this->oDadosPrefeitura->getMunicipio()));
     $sEstado = utf8_decode(trim($this->oDadosPrefeitura->getUf()));
     $sTelefone = utf8_decode(trim($this->oDadosPrefeitura->getTelefone()));
     $sTelefone = DBSeller_Helper_Number_Format::maskPhoneNumber($sTelefone);
     $sCnpj = utf8_decode(trim($this->oDadosPrefeitura->getCnpj()));
     $sCnpj = DBSeller_Helper_Number_Format::maskCPF_CNPJ($sCnpj);
     $sUrl = utf8_decode(trim($this->oDadosPrefeitura->getUrl()));
     $sEmail = utf8_decode(trim($this->oDadosPrefeitura->getEmail()));
     if (strlen($sNomePrefeitura) > 42) {
         $iTamanhoFonte = 8;
     } else {
         $iTamanhoFonte = 9;
     $this->SetFont('Arial', 'BI', $iTamanhoFonte);
     $this->Text($this->rMargin + 22, $this->tMargin + 5, $sNomePrefeitura);
     $this->SetFont('Arial', 'I', 8);
     $sComplento = '';
     if ($this->oDadosPrefeitura->getComplemento()) {
         $sComplento = ', ' . substr(trim($this->oDadosPrefeitura->getComplemento()), 0, 20);
     $this->Text($this->rMargin + 22, $this->tMargin + 8, "{$sRua}, {$sNumero} {$sComplento}");
     $this->Text($this->rMargin + 22, $this->tMargin + 11, "{$sMunicipio} - {$sEstado}");
     $this->Text($this->rMargin + 22, $this->tMargin + 14, "{$sTelefone} - CNPJ : {$sCnpj}");
     $this->Text($this->rMargin + 22, $this->tMargin + 17, $sEmail);
     $this->Text($this->rMargin + 22, $this->tMargin + 20, $sUrl);
     $this->SetFont('Arial', '', 7);
     $iComprimento = $this->w - $this->rMargin - $this->lMargin;
     if ($this->CurOrientation == 'L') {
         $iTamanhoRetangulo = $iComprimento - 200;
         $iRMargemRetangulo = $this->rMargin + 200;
         $iComprimento = $iComprimento - 6;
     } else {
         $iTamanhoRetangulo = $iComprimento - 120;
         $iRMargemRetangulo = $this->rMargin + 120;
     $this->line($this->rMargin, $this->tMargin + 25, $iComprimento + $this->rMargin, $this->tMargin + 25);
     if (!empty($this->oCabecalho)) {
         if (count($this->oCabecalho->aLinhas) > 7) {
             throw new Exception('Número de Registro do Header é maior que o permitido.');
         foreach ($this->oCabecalho->aLinhas as $iLinha => $sHeader) {
             $this->SetXY($iComprimento - 60, $this->tMargin + 2 + $iLinha * 3);
             $this->Cell(70, 3, utf8_decode($sHeader), 0, 1, 'J', TRUE);
     $this->Rect($iRMargemRetangulo, $this->tMargin, $iTamanhoRetangulo, 25);
  * @param object $participation
  * @return void
  * @throws \Exception
 public function sendEmail($participation)
     $email = $participation->getEmail();
     $emailDomain = trim(strtolower(preg_replace('/^[^@]+@/', '', $email)));
     $confirmationLink = $this->createConfirmationLink($participation->getConfirmationCode());
     $parameters = array('confirmationLink' => $confirmationLink, 'participationId' => $participation->getId());
     $emailDocumentPath = Plugin::getConfig()->get('emailDocumentPath');
     $emailDocument = DocumentModel::getByPath($emailDocumentPath);
     if (!$emailDocument instanceof EmailDocument) {
         throw new \Exception("Error: emailDocumentPath [{$emailDocumentPath}] " . "is not a valid email document.");
     $mail = new Mail();
     if ($this->getSubject()) {
     $note = new Note();
     $note->setTitle("Email sent");
     $note->addData("email", "text", $email);
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Set identity in session
  * @param object $user
 private function setIdentity($user)
     $st_identity = array('id' => $user->getId(), 'email' => $user->getEmail(), 'name' => $user->getName());
     if ($user->profile) {
         $st_identity['profile_picture'] = $user->profile->getPicture();
     $this->session->set('auth-identity', $st_identity);
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * Store the parsed message in database
  * @access public
  * @param object $msg {@link xhelpParsedMsg} object Message to add
  * @param object $user {@link xoopsUser} object User that submitted message
  * @param object $mbox {@link xhelpDepartmentMailBox} object. Originating Mailbox for message
  * @return mixed Returns {@link xhelpTicket} object if new ticket, {@link xhelpResponses} object if a response, and false if unable to save.
 function &storeMsg(&$msg, &$user, &$mbox, &$errors)
     //Remove any previous error messages
     $type = $msg->getMsgType();
     switch ($type) {
         case _XHELP_MSGTYPE_TICKET:
             $obj =& $this->_hTicket->create();
             $obj->setVar('uid', $user->getVar('uid'));
             $obj->setVar('subject', $msg->getSubject());
             $obj->setVar('description', $msg->getMsg());
             $obj->setVar('department', $mbox->getVar('departmentid'));
             $obj->setVar('priority', $mbox->getVar('priority'));
             $obj->setVar('posted', time());
             $obj->setVar('serverid', $mbox->getVar('id'));
             $obj->setVar('userIP', 'via Email');
             $obj->setVar('email', $user->getVar('email'));
             if (!($status = xhelpGetMeta("default_status"))) {
                 xhelpSetMeta("default_status", "1");
                 $status = 1;
             $obj->setVar('status', $status);
             if ($this->_hTicket->insert($obj)) {
                 $obj->addSubmitter($user->getVar('email'), $user->getVar('uid'));
                 $this->_saveAttachments($msg, $obj->getVar('id'));
                 $errors = $this->_getErrors();
                 return array($obj);
             if (!($ticket = $this->_hTicket->getTicketByHash($msg->getHash()))) {
                 return false;
             if ($msg->getEmail() != $ticket->getVar('email')) {
                 $this->_setError(sprintf(_XHELP_MISMATCH_EMAIL, $msg->getEmail(), $ticket->getVar('email')));
                 return false;
             $obj = $this->_hResponse->create();
             $obj->setVar('ticketid', $ticket->getVar('id'));
             $obj->setVar('uid', $user->getVar('uid'));
             $obj->setVar('message', $msg->getMsg());
             $obj->setVar('updateTime', time());
             $obj->setVar('userIP', 'via Email');
             if ($this->_hResponse->insert($obj)) {
                 $this->_saveAttachments($msg, $ticket->getVar('id'), $obj->getVar('id'));
                 $ticket->setVar('lastUpdated', time());
                 $errors = $this->_getErrors();
                 return array($ticket, $obj);
             //Sanity Check, should never get here
     return false;
  * Normalizes an object into a set of arrays/scalars.
  * @param object $object object to normalize
  * @param string $format format the normalization result will be encoded as
  * @param array $context Context options for the normalizer
  * @return array|string|bool|int|float|null
 public function normalize($object, $format = null, array $context = array())
     /** @var Payer $object */
     $hasComments = true;
     $comments = $object->getComments();
     if (is_null($comments) || $comments->getSize() == 0) {
         $hasComments = false;
     } else {
         $comments = $comments->getComments();
     return array_filter(array('@type' => $object->getType(), '@ref' => $object->getRef(), 'title' => $object->getTitle(), 'firstname' => $object->getFirstName(), 'surname' => $object->getSurname(), 'company' => $object->getCompany(), 'address' => $object->getAddress(), 'phonenumbers' => $object->getPhoneNumbers(), 'email' => $object->getEmail(), 'comments' => $hasComments ? array('comment' => $comments) : array()), array(NormaliserHelper::GetClassName(), "filter_data"));
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * Save the teammate
  * @param object $teammate
  * @return object
 public function save($teammate)
     $teammateData = array('firstname' => $teammate->getFirstname(), 'lastname' => $teammate->getLastname(), 'email' => $teammate->getEmail(), 'phone' => $teammate->getPhone(), 'image' => $teammate->getImage());
     if ($teammate->getId()) {
         $this->db->update('teammate', $teammateData, array('id' => $teammate->getId()));
     } else {
         $this->db->insert('teammate', $teammateData);
         // Get the id of the newly created artist and set it on the entity.
         $id = $this->db->lastInsertId();
     return $teammate;
Ejemplo n.º 7
  * Tests that mails for contact messages are correctly sent.
 function testSendPersonalContactMessage()
     $message = $this->submitPersonalContact($this->contact_user);
     $mails = $this->drupalGetMails();
     $this->assertEqual(1, count($mails));
     $mail = $mails[0];
     $this->assertEqual($mail['to'], $this->contact_user->getEmail());
     $this->assertEqual($mail['from'], \Drupal::config('system.site')->get('mail'));
     $this->assertEqual($mail['reply-to'], $this->web_user->getEmail());
     $this->assertEqual($mail['key'], 'user_mail');
     $variables = array('!site-name' => \Drupal::config('system.site')->get('name'), '!subject' => $message['subject[0][value]'], '!recipient-name' => $this->contact_user->getUsername());
     $this->assertEqual($mail['subject'], t('[!site-name] !subject', $variables), 'Subject is in sent message.');
     $this->assertTrue(strpos($mail['body'], t('Hello !recipient-name,', $variables)) !== FALSE, 'Recipient name is in sent message.');
     $this->assertTrue(strpos($mail['body'], $this->web_user->getUsername()) !== FALSE, 'Sender name is in sent message.');
     $this->assertTrue(strpos($mail['body'], $message['message[0][value]']) !== FALSE, 'Message body is in sent message.');
     // Check there was no problems raised during sending.
     // Verify that the correct watchdog message has been logged.
     $placeholders = array('@sender_name' => $this->web_user->username, '@sender_email' => $this->web_user->getEmail(), '@recipient_name' => $this->contact_user->getUsername());
     $this->assertText(String::format('@sender_name (@sender_email) sent @recipient_name an email.', $placeholders));
Ejemplo n.º 8
  * Runs when new ticket is created
  * @param object $ticket
  * @param object $customer [optional]
  * @return
 public function ticketNew($ticket, $customer = null)
     // If email notifications are not disabled, notify admin
     $department = $ticket->getDepartment();
     /*parse content for send into mail*/
     $originalContent = $ticket->getContent();
     $parsedContent = $this->_parseContent($ticket);
     $ticket->setContent($this->_processContent($ticket->getContent(), array('ticket' => $ticket, 'department' => $department)));
     if ($department->getEnabled() && $department->getNotify()) {
         // Notify admin/department
         $tpl = $department->getToAdminNewEmail();
         $sender = array('name' => $customer->getName(), 'email' => $customer->getEmail());
         $recipientEmail = $department->getContact();
         $recipientName = $department->getName();
         $mailTemplate = $this->_getMailTemplate($ticket, $department);
         if (!is_null($mailTemplate)) {
             $this->log('Sending mail about new ticket ' . $ticket->getUid() . ' to department ' . $recipientName . '<' . $recipientEmail . '>');
             $mailTemplate->setDesignConfig(array('area' => 'backend', 'store' => $ticket->getStoreId()))->sendTransactional($tpl, $sender, $recipientEmail, $recipientName, array('ticket' => $ticket, 'department' => $department), $ticket->getStoreId());
     if ($customer) {
         $recipientEmail = is_string($customer) ? $customer : $customer->getEmail();
         $recipientName = is_string($customer) ? $customer : $customer->getName();
     } else {
         $recipientEmail = $ticket->getCustomerEmail();
         $recipientName = $ticket->getCustomerName();
     if ($recipientEmail) {
         if ($ticket->getCreatedBy() == 'admin') {
             $tpl = $department->getNewFromAdminToCustomer();
         } else {
             $tpl = $department->getToCustomerNewEmail();
         $sender = $department->getSender();
         $mailTemplate = $this->_getMailTemplate($ticket, $department);
         if (isset($mailTemplate) && !is_null($mailTemplate)) {
             $this->log('Sending mail about new ticket ' . $ticket->getUid() . ' to customer ' . $recipientName . '<' . $recipientEmail . '>');
             $mailTemplate->setDesignConfig(array('area' => 'frontend', 'store' => $ticket->getStoreId()))->sendTransactional($tpl, $sender, $recipientEmail, $recipientName, array('ticket' => $ticket, 'department' => $department), $ticket->getStoreId());
Ejemplo n.º 9
 * Filters a new comment post and sends email replies to previous posters
 * @param object $comment the comment
 * @param object $owner the element commented upon.
function emailReply($comment, $owner)
    $gallery = new Gallery();
    if ($comment->getInModeration() || $comment->getPrivate()) {
        return $comment;
        // we are not going to e-mail unless the comment has passed.
    $oldcomments = $owner->comments;
    $emails = array();
    foreach ($oldcomments as $oldcomment) {
        $name = $oldcomment['name'];
        $emails[$name] = $oldcomment['email'];
    $emails = array_unique($emails);
    switch ($comment->getType()) {
        case "albums":
            $url = "album=" . urlencode($owner->name);
            $action = sprintf(gettext('A reply has been posted on album "%1$s".'), $owner->name);
        case "news":
            $url = "p=" . ZENPAGE_NEWS . "&title=" . urlencode($owner->getTitlelink());
            $action = sprintf(gettext('A reply has been posted on article "%1$s".'), $owner->getTitlelink());
        case "pages":
            $url = "p=" . ZENPAGE_PAGES . "&title=" . urlencode($owner->getTitlelink());
            $action = sprintf(gettext('A reply has been posted on page "%1$s".'), $owner->getTitlelink());
            // all image types
            $url = "album=" . urlencode($owner->album->name) . "&image=" . urlencode($owner->filename);
            $action = sprintf(gettext('A reply has been posted on "%1$s" the album "%2$s".'), $owner->getTitle(), $owner->getAlbumName());
    if ($comment->getAnon()) {
        $email = $name = '<' . gettext("Anonymous") . '>';
    } else {
        $name = $comment->getname();
        $email = $comment->getEmail();
    $message = $action . "\n\n" . sprintf(gettext('Author: %1$s' . "\n" . 'Email: %2$s' . "\n" . 'Website: %3$s' . "\n" . 'Comment:' . "\n\n" . '%4$s'), $name, $email, $comment->getWebsite(), $comment->getComment()) . "\n\n" . sprintf(gettext('You can view all comments about this item here:' . "\n" . '%1$s'), 'http://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . WEBPATH . '/index.php?' . $url) . "\n\n";
    $on = gettext('Reply posted');
    zp_mail("[" . $gallery->getTitle() . "] {$on}", $message, $emails);
    return $comment;
Ejemplo n.º 10
  * Return Merge Fields mapped to Magento attributes
  * @param object $customer
  * @param bool $includeEmail
  * @param integer $websiteId
  * @return array
 public function getMergeVars($customer, $includeEmail = FALSE, $websiteId = NULL)
     $merge_vars = array();
     $maps = $this->getMergeMaps($customer->getStoreId());
     if (!$maps) {
     $request = Mage::app()->getRequest();
     //Add Customer data to Subscriber if is Newsletter_Subscriber is Customer
     if (!$customer->getDefaultShipping() && $customer->getEntityId()) {
     foreach ($maps as $map) {
         $customAtt = $map['magento'];
         $chimpTag = $map['mailchimp'];
         if ($chimpTag && $customAtt) {
             $key = strtoupper($chimpTag);
             switch ($customAtt) {
                 case 'gender':
                     $val = (int) $customer->getData(strtolower($customAtt));
                     if ($val == 1) {
                         $merge_vars[$key] = 'Male';
                     } elseif ($val == 2) {
                         $merge_vars[$key] = 'Female';
                 case 'dob':
                     $dob = (string) $customer->getData(strtolower($customAtt));
                     if ($dob) {
                         $merge_vars[$key] = substr($dob, 5, 2) . '/' . substr($dob, 8, 2);
                 case 'billing_address':
                 case 'shipping_address':
                     $addr = explode('_', $customAtt);
                     $address = $customer->{'getPrimary' . ucfirst($addr[0]) . 'Address'}();
                     if ($address) {
                         $merge_vars[$key] = array('addr1' => $address->getStreet(1), 'addr2' => $address->getStreet(2), 'city' => $address->getCity(), 'state' => !$address->getRegion() ? $address->getCity() : $address->getRegion(), 'zip' => $address->getPostcode(), 'country' => $address->getCountryId());
                         $telephone = $address->getTelephone();
                         if ($telephone) {
                             $merge_vars['TELEPHONE'] = $telephone;
                         $company = $address->getCompany();
                         if ($company) {
                             $merge_vars['COMPANY'] = $company;
                 case 'date_of_purchase':
                     $last_order = Mage::getResourceModel('sales/order_collection')->addFieldToFilter('customer_email', $customer->getEmail())->addFieldToFilter('state', array('in' => Mage::getSingleton('sales/order_config')->getVisibleOnFrontStates()))->setOrder('created_at', 'desc')->getFirstItem();
                     if ($last_order->getId()) {
                         $merge_vars[$key] = Mage::helper('core')->formatDate($last_order->getCreatedAt());
                 case 'ee_customer_balance':
                     $merge_vars[$key] = '';
                     if ($this->isEnterprise() && $customer->getId()) {
                         $_customer = Mage::getModel('customer/customer')->load($customer->getId());
                         if ($_customer->getId()) {
                             if (Mage::app()->getStore()->isAdmin()) {
                                 $websiteId = is_null($websiteId) ? Mage::app()->getStore()->getWebsiteId() : $websiteId;
                             $balance = Mage::getModel('enterprise_customerbalance/balance')->setWebsiteId($websiteId)->setCustomerId($_customer->getId())->loadByCustomer();
                             $merge_vars[$key] = $balance->getAmount();
                 case 'group_id':
                     $group_id = (int) $customer->getData(strtolower($customAtt));
                     $customerGroup = Mage::helper('customer')->getGroups()->toOptionHash();
                     if ($group_id == 0) {
                         $merge_vars[$key] = 'NOT LOGGED IN';
                     } else {
                         $merge_vars[$key] = $customerGroup[$group_id];
                     if ($value = (string) $customer->getData(strtolower($customAtt)) or $value = (string) $request->getPost(strtolower($customAtt))) {
                         $merge_vars[$key] = $value;
     if (!$customer->getId() && (!$request->getPost('firstname') || !$request->getPost('lastname'))) {
         $guestFirstName = $this->config('guest_name', $customer->getStoreId());
         $guestLastName = $this->config('guest_lastname', $customer->getStoreId());
         if ($guestFirstName) {
             $merge_vars['FNAME'] = $guestFirstName;
         if ($guestLastName) {
             $merge_vars['LNAME'] = $guestLastName;
     if ($includeEmail) {
         $merge_vars['EMAIL'] = $customer->getEmail();
     $groups = $customer->getListGroups();
     $groupings = array();
     if (is_array($groups) && count($groups)) {
         foreach ($groups as $groupId => $grupoptions) {
             $groupings[] = array('id' => $groupId, 'groups' => is_array($grupoptions) ? implode(', ', $grupoptions) : $grupoptions);
     $merge_vars['GROUPINGS'] = $groupings;
     $blank = new Varien_Object();
     Mage::dispatchEvent('magemonkey_mergevars_after', array('vars' => $merge_vars, 'customer' => $customer, 'newvars' => $blank));
     if ($blank->hasData()) {
         $merge_vars = array_merge($merge_vars, $blank->toArray());
     return $merge_vars;
Ejemplo n.º 11
  * apply uses this. Password reset also uses it in the case of a user who
  * was never verified to begin with.
  * @param object $profile
 protected function sendVerificationMail($profile)
     $this->mail(array('subject' => 'Spreadly -Zugang zu bestätigen / account to be confirmed', 'fullname' => $profile->getFullname(), 'email' => $profile->getEmail(), 'parameters' => array('fullname' => $profile->getFullname(), 'validate' => $profile->getValidate()), 'text' => 'sfApply/sendValidateNewText'));
Ejemplo n.º 12
  * @param object $object
  * @return array
 protected function getRecipient($object)
     $recipient = [];
     if ($object instanceof BillingAddress || $object instanceof Participant) {
         $recipient = [$object->getEmail() => $object->getName()];
     } elseif ($object instanceof Registration) {
         $recipient = $this->getRecipient($object->getBillingAddress());
     } elseif (is_array($object) && isset($object['registration'])) {
         return $this->getRecipient($object['registration']);
     return $recipient;
Ejemplo n.º 13
  * Method to get the details of a user
  * @author KnowledgeTree Team
  * @access private
  * @param object $oUser The user object
  * @return array $results The user details in an array
 private function _get_user_details($oUser)
     $results['user_id'] = $oUser->getId();
     $results['username'] = $oUser->getUsername();
     $results['name'] = $oUser->getName();
     $results['email'] = $oUser->getEmail();
     return $results;
 * Authorize and Prosses order using the AuthnetAIM.class.php class.
 * Fill object of the class ($payment), then send to process order,
 * this order then gives a echo for the payment error or recieved.
 * Tutorial: http://www.johnconde.net/blog/tutorial-integrating-the-authorizenet-aim-api-with-php/
 * @param  object $ccInfo Object containing info for the Authorize.NET API.
 * @return void
function wc_AuthorizeCard($ccInfo)
    require 'AuthnetAIM.class.php';
    $payment = new AuthnetAIM("52H4eeYq", "7RD64g4h993VE6rp", true);
    $payment->setTransaction($ccInfo->getCreditCard(), $ccInfo->getExpiration(), $ccInfo->getTotal());
    $payment->setParameter("x_description", $ccInfo->getProduct());
    $payment->setParameter("x_email", $ccInfo->getEmail());
    $payment->setParameter("x_first_name", $ccInfo->getName());
    if ($payment->isApproved()) {
        echo "Payment Received/Approved";
    if ($payment->isError()) {
        $error_number = $payment->getResponseSubcode();
        $error_message = $payment->getResponseText();
        echo $payment->getResponseMessage();
Ejemplo n.º 15
  * Returns Ticket details from object
  * @param object $_ticketObject
  * @return array $_ticket
 public function getTicketDetailsByObject($_ticketObject)
     $_ticket = array();
     $_ticket['ticketid'] = $_ticketObject->getId();
     $_ticket['displayticketid'] = $_ticketObject->getDisplayId();
     $_ticket['departmentid'] = $_ticketObject->getDepartmentId();
     $_ticket['department'] = $_ticketObject->getDepartment()->getTitle();
     $_ticket['ticketstatusid'] = $_ticketObject->getStatusId();
     $_ticket['status'] = $_ticketObject->getStatus()->getTitle();
     $_ticket['statusbgcolor'] = $_ticketObject->getStatus()->getStatusBackgroundColor();
     $_ticket['priorityid'] = $_ticketObject->getPriorityId();
     $_ticket['priority'] = $_ticketObject->getPriority()->getTitle();
     $_ticket['prioritybgcolor'] = $_ticketObject->getPriority()->getBackgroundColor();
     $_ticket['userid'] = $_ticketObject->getUserId();
     $_ticket['tickettypeid'] = $_ticketObject->getTypeId();
     $_ticket['type'] = $_ticketObject->getType()->getTitle();
     $_ticket['userid'] = $_ticketObject->getUserId();
     $_ticket['fullname'] = $_ticketObject->getFullName();
     $_ticket['email'] = $_ticketObject->getEmail();
     $_ticket['ownerstaffid'] = $_ticketObject->getOwnerStaffId();
     $_ticket['lastreplier'] = $_ticketObject->getLastReplier();
     $_ticket['subject'] = $_ticketObject->getSubject();
     $_ticket['dateline'] = $_ticketObject->getCreationTime();
     $_ticket['lastactivity'] = $_ticketObject->getLastActivity();
     return $_ticket;
  * Build an xtcommerce address Array from a KlarnaAddr object.
  * @param object $address KlarnaAddr object
  * @return array xtcommerce address
 public function klarnaAddrToXtcAddr($address)
     global $order;
     return array('firstname' => KiTT_String::decode($address->getFirstName()), 'lastname' => KiTT_String::decode($address->getLastName()), 'street_address' => KiTT_String::decode($address->getStreet() . ' ' . $address->getHouseNumber() . ' ' . $address->getHouseExt()), 'postcode' => KiTT_String::decode($address->getZipCode()), 'city' => KiTT_String::decode($address->getCity()), 'telephone' => KiTT_String::decode($address->getTelNo()), 'email_address' => KiTT_String::decode($address->getEmail()), 'company' => KiTT_String::decode($address->getCompanyName()), 'state' => $order->delivery['state'], 'zone_id' => $order->delivery['zone_id'], 'country_id' => $order->delivery['country_id'], 'country' => array('id' => $order->delivery['country']['id'], 'title' => $order->delivery['country']['title'], 'iso_code_2' => $order->delivery['country']['iso_code_2'], 'iso_code_3' => $order->delivery['country']['iso_code_3']));