Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Returns an array of the strings in the selected page
  * @param string $pageID
  * @param string $langID
  * @return array
 function &getPage($pageID = null, $langID = null)
     $langID = $this->_getLangID($langID);
     $lang_col = $this->_getLangCol($langID);
     $table = $this->_getLangTable($langID);
     $query = sprintf('SELECT %s, %s FROM %s WHERE %s ', $this->options['string_id_col'], $lang_col, $table, $this->options['string_page_id_col']);
     if (is_null($pageID)) {
         $query .= 'IS NULL';
     } else {
         $query .= ' = ' . $this->db->getTextValue($pageID);
     $res = $this->db->query($query);
     if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
         return $res;
     $strings = array();
     while (list($key, $value) = $this->db->fetchInto($res)) {
         $strings[$key] = $value;
     return $strings;
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Frees the resources allocated for this result set
  * @return bool  true on success.  A DB_Error object on failure.
 function free()
     $err = $this->dbh->freeResult($this->result);
     if (DB::isError($err)) {
         return $err;
     $this->result = false;
     $this->statement = false;
     return true;
  * get the stucture of a field into an array
  * @param object    $db        database object that is extended by this class
  * @param string    $table         name of table that should be used in method
  * @param string    $field_name     name of field that should be used in method
  * @return mixed data array on success, a MDB error on failure
  * @access public
 function getTableFieldDefinition(&$db, $table, $field_name)
     $result = $db->query("SELECT \n                    attnum,attname,typname,attlen,attnotnull,\n                    atttypmod,usename,usesysid,pg_class.oid,relpages,\n                    reltuples,relhaspkey,relhasrules,relacl,adsrc\n                    FROM pg_class,pg_user,pg_type,\n                         pg_attribute left outer join pg_attrdef on\n                         pg_attribute.attrelid=pg_attrdef.adrelid \n                    WHERE (pg_class.relname='{$table}') \n                        and (pg_class.oid=pg_attribute.attrelid) \n                        and (pg_class.relowner=pg_user.usesysid) \n                        and (pg_attribute.atttypid=pg_type.oid)\n                        and attnum > 0\n                        and attname = '{$field_name}'\n                        ORDER BY attnum\n                        ");
     if (MDB::isError($result)) {
         return $result;
     $columns = $db->fetchInto($result, MDB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC);
     $field_column = $columns['attname'];
     $type_column = $columns['typname'];
     $db_type = preg_replace('/\\d/', '', strtolower($type_column));
     $length = $columns['attlen'];
     if ($length == -1) {
         $length = $columns['atttypmod'] - 4;
     //$decimal = strtok('(), '); = eh?
     $type = array();
     switch ($db_type) {
         case 'int':
             $type[0] = 'integer';
             if ($length == '1') {
                 $type[1] = 'boolean';
         case 'text':
         case 'char':
         case 'varchar':
         case 'bpchar':
             $type[0] = 'text';
             if ($length == '1') {
                 $type[1] = 'boolean';
             } elseif (strstr($db_type, 'text')) {
                 $type[1] = 'clob';
                         case 'enum':
                             preg_match_all('/\'.+\'/U',$row[$type_column], $matches);
                             $length = 0;
                             if(is_array($matches)) {
                                 foreach($matches[0] as $value) {
                                     $length = max($length, strlen($value)-2);
                         case 'set':
                             $type[0] = 'text';
                             $type[1] = 'integer';
                     case 'enum':
                         preg_match_all('/\'.+\'/U',$row[$type_column], $matches);
                         $length = 0;
                         if(is_array($matches)) {
                             foreach($matches[0] as $value) {
                                 $length = max($length, strlen($value)-2);
                     case 'set':
                         $type[0] = 'text';
                         $type[1] = 'integer';
         case 'date':
             $type[0] = 'date';
         case 'datetime':
         case 'timestamp':
             $type[0] = 'timestamp';
         case 'time':
             $type[0] = 'time';
         case 'float':
         case 'double':
         case 'real':
             $type[0] = 'float';
         case 'decimal':
         case 'money':
         case 'numeric':
             $type[0] = 'decimal';
         case 'oid':
         case 'tinyblob':
         case 'mediumblob':
         case 'longblob':
         case 'blob':
             $type[0] = 'blob';
             $type[1] = 'text';
         case 'year':
             $type[0] = 'integer';
             $type[1] = 'date';
             return $db->raiseError(MDB_ERROR_MANAGER, NULL, NULL, 'List table fields: unknown database attribute type');
     if ($columns['attnotnull'] == 'f') {
         $notnull = 1;
     if (!preg_match("/nextval\\('([^']+)'/", $columns['adsrc'])) {
         $default = substr($columns['adsrc'], 1, -1);
     $definition = array();
     for ($field_choices = array(), $datatype = 0; $datatype < count($type); $datatype++) {
         $field_choices[$datatype] = array('type' => $type[$datatype]);
         if (isset($notnull)) {
             $field_choices[$datatype]['notnull'] = 1;
         if (isset($default)) {
             $field_choices[$datatype]['default'] = $default;
         if ($type[$datatype] != 'boolean' && $type[$datatype] != 'time' && $type[$datatype] != 'date' && $type[$datatype] != 'timestamp') {
             if (strlen($length)) {
                 $field_choices[$datatype]['length'] = $length;
     $definition[0] = $field_choices;
     if (preg_match("/nextval\\('([^']+)'/", $columns['adsrc'], $nextvals)) {
         $implicit_sequence = array();
         $implicit_sequence['on'] = array();
         $implicit_sequence['on']['table'] = $table;
         $implicit_sequence['on']['field'] = $field_name;
         $definition[1]['name'] = $nextvals[1];
         $definition[1]['definition'] = $implicit_sequence;
     // check that its not just a unique field
     if (MDB::isError($indexes = $db->queryAll("SELECT \n                oid,indexrelid,indrelid,indkey,indisunique,indisprimary \n                FROm pg_index, pg_class \n                WHERE (pg_class.relname='{$table}') \n                    AND (pg_class.oid=pg_index.indrelid)", NULL, MDB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC))) {
         return $indexes;
     $indkeys = explode(' ', $indexes['indkey']);
     if (in_array($columns['attnum'], $indkeys)) {
         if (MDB::isError($indexname = $db->queryAll("SELECT \n                    relname FROM pg_class WHERE oid={$columns['indexrelid']}"))) {
             return $indexname;
         $is_primary = $indexes['isdisprimary'] == 't';
         $is_unique = $indexes['isdisunique'] == 't';
         $implicit_index = array();
         $implicit_index['unique'] = 1;
         $implicit_index['FIELDS'][$field_name] = $indexname['relname'];
         $definition[2]['name'] = $field_name;
         $definition[2]['definition'] = $implicit_index;
     return $definition;
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * Process Query Results
  * @access	private
  * @param	object	Mediawiki Result Object
  * @return	array	Array of Article objects.
 private function processQueryResults($result)
     /* Random Count Pick Generator */
     $randomCount = $this->parameters->getParameter('randomcount');
     if ($randomCount > 0) {
         $nResults = $this->DB->numRows($result);
         //mt_srand() seeding was removed due to PHP 5.2.1 and above no longer generating the same sequence for the same seed.
         //Constrain the total amount of random results to not be greater than the total results.
         if ($randomCount > $nResults) {
             $randomCount = $nResults;
         //This is 50% to 150% faster than the old while (true) version that could keep rechecking the same random key over and over again.
         //Generate pick numbers for results.
         $pick = range(1, $nResults);
         //Shuffle the pick numbers.
         //Select pick numbers from the beginning to the maximum of $randomCount.
         $pick = array_slice($pick, 0, $randomCount);
     $articles = [];
     /* Article Processing */
     $i = 0;
     while ($row = $result->fetchRow()) {
         //In random mode skip articles which were not chosen.
         if ($randomCount > 0 && !in_array($i, $pick)) {
         if ($this->parameters->getParameter('goal') == 'categories') {
             $pageNamespace = NS_CATEGORY;
             $pageTitle = $row['cl_to'];
         } elseif ($this->parameters->getParameter('openreferences')) {
             if (count($this->parameters->getParameter('imagecontainer')) > 0) {
                 $pageNamespace = NS_FILE;
                 $pageTitle = $row['il_to'];
             } else {
                 //Maybe non-existing title
                 $pageNamespace = $row['pl_namespace'];
                 $pageTitle = $row['pl_title'];
         } else {
             //Existing PAGE TITLE
             $pageNamespace = $row['page_namespace'];
             $pageTitle = $row['page_title'];
         // if subpages are to be excluded: skip them
         if (!$this->parameters->getParameter('includesubpages') && strpos($pageTitle, '/') !== false) {
         $title = \Title::makeTitle($pageNamespace, $pageTitle);
         $thisTitle = $this->parser->getTitle();
         //Block recursion from happening by seeing if this result row is the page the DPL query was ran from.
         if ($this->parameters->getParameter('skipthispage') && $thisTitle->equals($title)) {
         $articles[] = Article::newFromRow($row, $this->parameters, $title, $pageNamespace, $pageTitle);
     return $articles;
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * get the stucture of an index into an array
  * @param object    $db        database object that is extended by this class
  * @param string    $table      name of table that should be used in method
  * @param string    $index_name name of index that should be used in method
  * @return mixed data array on success, a MDB error on failure
  * @access public
 function getTableIndexDefinition(&$db, $table, $index_name)
     if ($index_name == 'PRIMARY') {
         return $db->raiseError(MDB_ERROR_MANAGER, NULL, NULL, 'Get table index definition: PRIMARY is an hidden index');
     if (MDB::isError($result = $db->query("SHOW INDEX FROM {$table}"))) {
         return $result;
     $definition = array();
     while (is_array($row = $db->fetchInto($result, MDB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC))) {
         if ($db->options['optimize'] != 'portability') {
             $row = array_change_key_case($row);
         $key_name = $row['key_name'];
         if (!strcmp($index_name, $key_name)) {
             if (!$row['non_unique']) {
                 $definition[$index_name]['unique'] = 1;
             $column_name = $row['column_name'];
             $definition['FIELDS'][$column_name] = array();
             if (isset($row['collation'])) {
                 $definition['FIELDS'][$column_name]['sorting'] = $row['collation'] == 'A' ? 'ascending' : 'descending';
     if (!isset($definition['FIELDS'])) {
         return $db->raiseError(MDB_ERROR_MANAGER, NULL, NULL, 'Get table index definition: it was not specified an existing table index');
     return $definition;
  * list all fields in a tables in the current database
  * @param object    $db        database object that is extended by this class
  * @param string $table name of table that should be used in method
  * @return mixed data array on success, a MDB error on failure
  * @access public
 function listTableFields(&$db, $table)
     $result = $db->query("SELECT * FROM {$table}");
     if (MDB::isError($result)) {
         return $result;
     $columns = $db->getColumnNames($result);
     if (MDB::isError($columns)) {
         return $columns;
     return array_flip($columns);
Ejemplo n.º 7
  * Start a query build.
  * @access	public
  * @param	boolean	Calculate Found Rows
  * @return	mixed	Mediawiki Result Object or False
 public function buildAndSelect($calcRows = false)
     global $wgNonincludableNamespaces;
     wfProfileIn(__METHOD__ . ": Query Build");
     $options = [];
     $parameters = $this->parameters->getAllParameters();
     foreach ($parameters as $parameter => $option) {
         $function = "_" . $parameter;
         //Some parameters do not modifiy the query so we check if the function to modify the query exists first.
         $success = true;
         if (method_exists($this, $function)) {
             $success = $this->{$function}($option);
         if ($success === false) {
             throw new \MWException(__METHOD__ . ": SQL Build Error returned from {$function} for " . serialize($option) . ".");
         $this->parametersProcessed[$parameter] = true;
     if (!$this->parameters->getParameter('openreferences')) {
         //Add things that are always part of the query.
         $this->addTable('page', $this->tableNames['page']);
         $this->addSelect(['page_namespace' => $this->tableNames['page'] . '.page_namespace', 'page_id' => $this->tableNames['page'] . '.page_id', 'page_title' => $this->tableNames['page'] . '.page_title']);
     //Always add nonincludeable namespaces.
     if (is_array($wgNonincludableNamespaces) && count($wgNonincludableNamespaces)) {
         $this->addNotWhere([$this->tableNames['page'] . '.page_namespace' => $wgNonincludableNamespaces]);
     if ($this->offset !== false) {
         $options['OFFSET'] = $this->offset;
     if ($this->limit !== false) {
         $options['LIMIT'] = $this->limit;
     } elseif ($this->offset !== false && $this->limit === false) {
         $options['LIMIT'] = $this->parameters->getData('count')['default'];
     if ($this->parameters->getParameter('openreferences')) {
         if (count($this->parameters->getParameter('imagecontainer')) > 0) {
             //$sSqlSelectFrom = $sSqlCl_to.'ic.il_to, '.$sSqlSelPage."ic.il_to AS sortkey".' FROM '.$this->tableNames['imagelinks'].' AS ic';
             $tables = ['ic' => 'imagelinks'];
         } else {
             //$sSqlSelectFrom = "SELECT $sSqlCalcFoundRows $sSqlDistinct ".$sSqlCl_to.'pl_namespace, pl_title'.$sSqlSelPage.$sSqlSortkey.' FROM '.$this->tableNames['pagelinks'];
             $this->addSelect(['pl_namespace', 'pl_title']);
             $tables = ['pagelinks'];
     } else {
         $tables = $this->tables;
         if (count($this->groupBy)) {
             $options['GROUP BY'] = $this->groupBy;
         if (count($this->orderBy)) {
             $options['ORDER BY'] = $this->orderBy;
             $_lastOrder = array_pop($options['ORDER BY']);
             $_lastOrder .= " " . $this->direction;
             $options['ORDER BY'][] = $_lastOrder;
     if ($this->parameters->getParameter('goal') == 'categories') {
         $categoriesGoal = true;
         $select = [$this->tableNames['page'] . '.page_id'];
         $options[] = 'DISTINCT';
     } else {
         if ($calcRows) {
             $options[] = 'SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS';
         if ($this->distinct) {
             $options[] = 'DISTINCT';
         $categoriesGoal = false;
         $select = $this->select;
     wfProfileOut(__METHOD__ . ": Query Build");
     wfProfileIn(__METHOD__ . ": Database Query");
     $queryError = false;
     try {
         if ($categoriesGoal) {
             $result = $this->DB->select($tables, $select, $this->where, __METHOD__, $options, $this->join);
             while ($row = $result->fetchRow()) {
                 $pageIds[] = $row['page_id'];
             $sql = $this->DB->selectSQLText(['clgoal' => 'categorylinks'], ['clgoal.cl_to'], ['clgoal.cl_from' => $pageIds], __METHOD__, ['ORDER BY' => 'clgoal.cl_to ' . $this->direction]);
         } else {
             $sql = $this->DB->selectSQLText($tables, $select, $this->where, __METHOD__, $options, $this->join);
         $result = $this->DB->query($sql);
         if ($calcRows) {
             $calcRowsResult = $this->DB->query('SELECT FOUND_ROWS() AS rowcount');
             $total = $this->DB->fetchRow($calcRowsResult);
             $this->foundRows = intval($total['rowcount']);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $queryError = true;
     if ($queryError == true || $result === false) {
         throw new \MWException(__METHOD__ . ": " . wfMessage('dpl_query_error', DPL_VERSION, $this->DB->lastError())->text());
     wfProfileOut(__METHOD__ . ": Database Query");
     return $result;
Ejemplo n.º 8
  * list all fields in a tables in the current database
  * @param object    $db        database object that is extended by this class
  * @param string $table name of table that should be used in method
  * @return mixed data array on success, a MDB error on failure
  * @access public
 function listTableFields(&$db, $table)
     if (MDB::isError($result)) {
         return $result;
     $columns = $db->getColumnNames($result);
     if (MDB::isError($columns)) {
     return $columns;