public function addUpdateEndorsement($skill_endorsement_id, $skill_id, $display_user_id, $logged_user_id, $message) { $dbc = mysqli_connect($GLOBALS['db_servername'], $GLOBALS['db_username'], $GLOBALS['db_password'], $GLOBALS['db_name']) or die("Not connected.."); if ($skill_endorsement_id <= 0) { $q = "INSERT INTO skill_endorsements (user_id, skill_id, endorsed_by_user_id, comments)\nVALUES (" . $display_user_id . "," . $skill_id . "," . $logged_user_id . ",'" . $message . "')"; } else { $q = "Update skill_endorsements \n\t\t\t\t\tset \n\t\t\t\t\t\tcomments='" . $message . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\tendorsed_on=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP\n\t\t\t\t\twhere skill_endorsement_id=" . $skill_endorsement_id; } //echo $q . '<br>'; $r = mysqli_query($dbc, $q); // Get $skill_endorsement_id of the insert query if ($skill_endorsement_id <= 0) { $skill_endorsement_id = -1; if ($r) { $skill_endorsement_id = mysqli_insert_id($dbc); } } mysqli_close($dbc); // close the connection if ($r) { // Add notification -- endorsed $objNotification = new notification(); $result = $objNotification->addNotification(3, $display_user_id, $logged_user_id, $skill_endorsement_id); return true; } else { return false; } }
public function checknoti() { $notifications = notification::where('user_id', Auth::user()->id)->get(); //dd(empty($notifications)); if ($notifications->count()) { return response()->json(1); } return response()->json(0); }
static function album($menu, $theme) { if (!user::active()->guest) { $item = $theme->item(); if ($item) { $watching = notification::is_watching($item); $menu->append(Menu::factory("link")->id("watch")->label(t("Enable notifications for this album"))->url(url::site("notification/watch/{$item->id}?csrf=" . access::csrf_token()))->css_id($watching ? "gRemoveWatchLink" : "gAddWatchLink")); } } }
static function site_menu($menu, $theme) { if (!user::active()->guest) { $item = $theme->item(); if ($item && $item->is_album() && access::can("view", $item)) { $watching = notification::is_watching($item); $label = $watching ? t("Remove notifications") : t("Enable notifications"); $menu->get("options_menu")->append(Menu::factory("link")->id("watch")->label($label)->css_id("gNotifyLink")->url(url::site("notification/watch/{$item->id}?csrf=" . access::csrf_token()))); } } }
/** * Takes notification data and sends a message or email. * Expected data: * - sender => stdClass (User object) * - subject => string * - content => string * - contentformat => int (e.g. FORMAT_HTML). Optional; default FORMAT_PLAIN * - notification => bool|int * - recipients => array (Array of user objects) * - recipientemails => array (Array of email addresses) * * @param array $data Notification data * @return array */ public static function notify(\core\event\base $event) { $dataformid = $event->other['dataid']; $man = \mod_dataform_notification_manager::instance($dataformid); $result = false; if ($rules = $man->get_type_rules_enabled()) { $params = array(); $params['event'] = $event->eventname; $params['dataformid'] = $dataformid; $params['viewid'] = !empty($event->other['viewid']) ? $event->other['viewid'] : null; $params['entryid'] = !empty($event->other['entryid']) ? $event->other['entryid'] : null; foreach ($rules as $rule) { if ($rule->is_applicable($params)) { $notification = new notification(); $message = $notification->prepare_data($event, $rule); $result = ($result or $notification->send_message($message)); } } } return $result; }
function watch($id) { access::verify_csrf(); $item = ORM::factory("item", $id); access::required("view", $item); if (notification::is_watching($item)) { notification::remove_watch($item); message::success(sprintf(t("You are no longer watching %s"), $item->title)); } else { notification::add_watch($item); message::success(sprintf(t("You are now watching %s"), $item->title)); } url::redirect($item->url(array(), true)); }
function watch($id) { access::verify_csrf(); $item = ORM::factory("item", $id); access::required("view", $item); $watching = notification::is_watching($item); if (!$watching) { notification::add_watch($item); message::success(sprintf(t("Watch Enabled on %s!"), $item->title)); } else { notification::remove_watch($item); message::success(sprintf(t("Watch Removed on %s!"), $item->title)); } url::redirect($item->url()); }
} else { // echo "<script> alert('3'); </script>"; $stm = "select * from users where email='" . $email . "'"; $res = mysqli_query($conn, $stm); if (mysqli_num_rows($res) > 0) { // echo "<script> alert('4'); </script>"; $_SESSION['errorMess'] = 2; echo "<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='0; url='>"; // echo "<script> alert('5'); </script>"; } else { // echo "<script> alert('6'); </script>"; $value = 0; $cnumber = $cc . $cnumber; $stm = "insert into users(name, lname, email, username, password, contactNumber, activationCode,activated) values('" . $fname . "','" . $lname . "','" . $email . "','" . $uname . "','" . $password . "'," . $cnumber . "," . $activation . "," . $value . ");"; mysqli_query($conn, $stm); // echo "<script> alert('7'); </script>"; $not = new notification(); $link = "" . $activation . "&email=" . $email; $body = "Thank you for registering with us.<br><br><a href='" . $link . "'>Click here</a> to activate your account."; $ans = $not->email("*****@*****.**", "Administration", "*****@*****.**", "mailstodeliver", $email, "Activation Email", $body); $_SESSION['emailSent'] = $ans; echo "<script> alert('" . $ans . "'); </script>"; if ($ans == 1) { $refCode = $not->message("12035432147", $cnumber, $link); } // echo "<script> alert('8'); </script>"; $_SESSION['newlyRegistered'] = $uname; echo "<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='0; url='>"; } } mysqli_close($conn);
/** * Function to handle course recurrence events. * * @param user $user CM user object representing the user in the course * * @return boolean TRUE is successful, otherwise FALSE */ public static function course_recurrence_handler($user) { global $CFG, $CURMAN; require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/curriculum/lib/notifications.php'; /// Does the user receive a notification? $sendtouser = $CURMAN->config->notify_courserecurrence_user; $sendtorole = $CURMAN->config->notify_courserecurrence_role; $sendtosupervisor = $CURMAN->config->notify_courserecurrence_supervisor; /// If nobody receives a notification, we're done. if (!$sendtouser && !$sendtorole && !$sendtosupervisor) { return true; } $context = get_system_context(); /// Make sure this is a valid user. $enroluser = new user($user->id); if (empty($enroluser->id)) { print_error('nouser', 'block_curr_admin'); return true; } $message = new notification(); /// Set up the text of the message $text = empty($CURMAN->config->notify_courserecurrence_message) ? get_string('notifycourserecurrencemessagedef', 'block_curr_admin') : $CURMAN->config->notify_courserecurrence_message; $search = array('%%userenrolname%%', '%%coursename%%'); $replace = array(fullname($user), $user->coursename); $text = str_replace($search, $replace, $text); $eventlog = new Object(); $eventlog->event = 'course_recurrence'; $eventlog->instance = $user->enrolmentid; $eventlog->fromuserid = $user->id; if ($sendtouser) { $message->send_notification($text, $user, null, $eventlog); } $users = array(); if ($sendtorole) { /// Get all users with the notify_courserecurrence capability. if ($roleusers = get_users_by_capability($context, 'block/curr_admin:notify_courserecurrence')) { $users = $users + $roleusers; } } if ($sendtosupervisor) { /// Get parent-context users. if ($supervisors = cm_get_users_by_capability('user', $user->id, 'block/curr_admin:notify_courserecurrence')) { $users = $users + $supervisors; } } foreach ($users as $u) { $message->send_notification($text, $u, $enroluser, $eventlog); } return true; }
print "mailing to {$recipient_name} <{$email}>\n"; $content = task_header($recipient_name); $sql = "SELECT,,,, tas.priority, tas.status, tas.due_date\r\n FROM " . $tableCollab["tasks"] . " tas, " . $tableCollab["projects"] . " pro\r\n WHERE tas.status IN (2,3) \r\n AND tas.project =\r\n AND tas.assigned_to = '{$staffid}'\r\n ORDER BY tas.due_date, tas.status"; $rows = mysql_query($sql, $res); while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($rows)) { if ($row[6] < $datenow) { $content .= task_row($row, $late_task_color); } elseif ($row[6] == $datenow) { $content .= task_row($row, $today_task_color); } else { $content .= task_row($row, $normal_task_color); } } $content .= task_footer(); // set up the email object $tasknotice = new notification(); $tasknotice->From = $from_email; $tasknotice->FromName = $from_name; $tasknotice->Subject = $subject_txt; $tasknotice->Body = $content; $tasknotice->AddAddress($email); // $tasknotice->getUserinfo($staffid,"to"); if ($send_html) { $tasknotice->IsHTML("true"); $tasknotice->AltBody = "this message uses html entities, but you prefer plain text !"; } // send the email if (!$tasknotice->Send()) { echo "Message was not sent\n"; echo "Mailer Error: " . $tasknotice->ErrorInfo . "\n\n"; }
<?php $tmpquery = "WHERE IN({$id})"; $taskNoti = new request(); $taskNoti->openTasks($tmpquery); $tmpquery = "WHERE = '{$project}'"; $projectNoti = new request(); $projectNoti->openProjects($tmpquery); $tmpquery = "WHERE noti.member IN({$at})"; $listNotifications = new request(); $listNotifications->openNotifications($tmpquery); $comptListNotifications = count($listNotifications->not_id); if ($listNotifications->not_statustaskchange[0] == "0") { $mail = new notification(); $mail->getUserinfo($idSession, "from"); $mail->partSubject = $strings["noti_prioritytaskchange1"]; $mail->partMessage = $strings["noti_prioritytaskchange2"]; if ($projectNoti->pro_org_id[0] == "1") { $projectNoti->pro_org_name[0] = $strings["none"]; } $complValue = $taskNoti->tas_completion[0] > 0 ? $taskNoti->tas_completion[0] . "0 %" : $taskNoti->tas_completion[0] . " %"; $idStatus = $taskNoti->tas_status[0]; $idPriority = $taskNoti->tas_priority[0]; $body = $mail->partMessage . "\n\n" . $strings["task"] . " : " . $taskNoti->tas_name[0] . "\n" . $strings["start_date"] . " : " . $taskNoti->tas_start_date[0] . "\n" . $strings["due_date"] . " : " . $taskNoti->tas_due_date[0] . "\n" . $strings["completion"] . " : " . $complValue . "\n" . $strings["priority"] . " : {$priority[$idPriority]}\n" . $strings["status"] . " : {$status[$idStatus]}\n" . $strings["description"] . " : " . $taskNoti->tas_description[0] . "\n\n" . $strings["project"] . " : " . $projectNoti->pro_name[0] . " (" . $projectNoti->pro_id[0] . ")\n" . $strings["organization"] . " : " . $projectNoti->pro_org_name[0] . "\n\n" . $strings["noti_moreinfo"] . "\n"; if ($taskNoti->tas_mem_organization[0] == "1") { $body .= "{$root}/general/login.php?url=tasks/viewtask.php%3Fid={$id}"; } else { if ($taskNoti->tas_mem_organization[0] != "1" && $projectNoti->pro_published[0] == "0" && $taskNoti->tas_published[0] == "0") { $body .= "{$root}/general/login.php?url=projects_site/home.php%3Fproject=" . $projectNoti->pro_id[0]; } }
<?php include_once 'classes/notification.php'; if (isset($_REQUEST['user_id'])) { $user_id = $_REQUEST['user_id']; $objNotification = new notification(); $unreadMessageCount = $objNotification->getUnreadMessageCount($user_id); if (isset($unreadMessageCount) && $unreadMessageCount > 0) { echo $unreadMessageCount; } }
} $tmpquery = "WHERE IN({$num})"; $meetingNoti = new request(); $meetingNoti->openMeetings($tmpquery); $tmpquery = "WHERE = '{$project}'"; $projectNoti = new request(); $projectNoti->openProjects($tmpquery); $tmpquery = "WHERE noti.member IN({$att_mem_id_list})"; $listNotifications = new request(); $listNotifications->openNotifications($tmpquery); $comptListNotifications = count($listNotifications->not_id); for ($i = 0; $i < $comptListNotifications; $i++) { if ($listNotifications->not_meetingassignment[$i] != "0") { continue; } $mail = new notification(); $mail->getUserinfo($_SESSION['idSession'], "from"); $mail->partSubject = $strings["noti_meetingassignment1"]; $mail->partMessage = $strings["noti_meetingassignment2"]; if ($projectNoti->pro_org_id[0] == "1") { $projectNoti->pro_org_name[0] = $strings["none"]; } $idStatus = $meetingNoti->mee_status[0]; $idPriority = $meetingNoti->mee_priority[0]; $body = $mail->partMessage . "\n\n" . $strings["meeting"] . " : " . $meetingNoti->mee_name[0] . "\n" . $strings["me_agenda"] . " : " . $meetingNoti->mee_agenda[0] . "\n" . $strings["date"] . " : " . $meetingNoti->mee_date[0] . "\n" . $strings["start_time"] . " : " . $meetingNoti->mee_start_time[0] . "\n" . $strings["end_time"] . " : " . $meetingNoti->mee_end_time[0] . "\n" . $strings["me_location"] . " : " . $meetingNoti->mee_location[0] . "\n" . $strings["priority"] . " : {$priority[$idPriority]}\n" . $strings["status"] . " : {$status[$idStatus]}\n\n" . $strings["project"] . " : " . $projectNoti->pro_name[0] . " (" . $projectNoti->pro_id[0] . ")\n" . $strings["organization"] . " : " . $projectNoti->pro_org_name[0] . "\n\n" . $strings["noti_moreinfo"] . "\n"; if ($meetingNoti->mee_mem_organization[0] == "1") { $body .= "{$root}/general/login.php?url=meetings/viewmeeting.php%3Fid={$num}"; } else { if ($meetingNoti->mee_mem_organization[0] != "1" && $projectNoti->pro_published[0] == "0" && $meetingNoti->mee_published[0] == "0") { $body .= "{$root}/general/login.php?url=projects_site/home.php%3Fproject=" . $projectNoti->pro_id[0]; }
session_start(); define('DOCROOT', realpath(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/'); require DOCROOT . 'dbConn.php'; $con = new dbConn(); $password = $_POST['password']; $email = $_SESSION['email']; require DOCROOT . 'activationAndNotifications.php'; $stm = "select pwcr from users where email = '" . $email . "';"; $res = $con->execute($stm); if ($res->num_rows > 0) { while ($row = $res->fetch_assoc()) { if ($row['pwcr'] == 1) { $stm = "update users set password = '******' where email='" . $email . "';"; if ($con->execute($stm) === true) { $not = new notification(); $body = "Password changed successfully."; $not->email("*****@*****.**", "Administration", "*****@*****.**", "mailstodeliver", $email, "Password Changed Successfully", $body); $stm = "update users set pcwr = 0 where email = '" . $email . "';"; $con->execute($stm); $stm = "update users set activationCode = 0 where email = '" . $email . "';"; $con->execute($stm); $_SESSION['homeMessage'] = "Password has been changed successfully."; echo "<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='0; url='>"; } else { $_SESSION['homeMessage'] = "Link has been expired."; echo "<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='0; url='>"; } } } }
/** * Adds an object to the instance pool. * * Propel keeps cached copies of objects in an instance pool when they are retrieved * from the database. In some cases -- especially when you override doSelect*() * methods in your stub classes -- you may need to explicitly add objects * to the cache in order to ensure that the same objects are always returned by doSelect*() * and retrieveByPK*() calls. * * @param notification $value A notification object. * @param string $key (optional) key to use for instance map (for performance boost if key was already calculated externally). */ public static function addInstanceToPool(notification $obj, $key = null) { if (Propel::isInstancePoolingEnabled()) { if ($key === null) { $key = (string) $obj->getId(); } // if key === null self::$instances[$key] = $obj; } }
function notify_admin($action, $parent, $child) { $cclass = $child->get__table(); $cname = $child->nname; $pclass = $parent->getClass(); $pname = $parent->nname; $not = new notification(null, null, 'client-admin'); $not->get(); if (!array_search_bool($cclass, $not->class_list)) { return; } $subject = "{$cclass} {$cname} was {$action} to {$pclass} {$pname} "; send_mail_to_admin($subject, $subject); }
unset($product_row[$product_key]); } } $subject = "Search Ad - Search Ads products budget has ended"; $message = "The following Search Ad products have reached balance 0 (zero)." . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; foreach ($product_row as $product_details) { $new_balance = $product_details['balance'] - $product_details['last_cost']; $new_balance = $new_balance < 0 ? 0 : number_format($new_balance, 2); $add_product_to_message = false; if ($product_details['balance'] != '') { try { $values = array('budget_credit' => $new_balance, 'last_adwords_date' => $yesterday_date); $db_syssql->update()->table('sYra.google_advertising_product_credit')->values($values)->where('product_data_id = :monthly_budget_product_data_id')->binds(array(':monthly_budget_product_data_id' => $product_details['monthly_budget_product_data_id']))->execute(); } catch (DatabaseException $dbe) { //Show generic error for db class exceptions throw new Exception('An error has occurred, please try again'); } if ($new_balance <= 0) { $add_product_to_message = true; } } if ($add_product_to_message) { $message .= "Product ID: {$product_details['product_data_id']}" . PHP_EOL . "Member ID: {$product_details['member_id']}" . PHP_EOL . "Client ID: {$product_details['client_id']}" . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; $send_email = true; } } if ($send_email) { notification::send($to, FROM_EMAIL, FROM_EMAIL_NAME, $subject, $message); } } cron_commit($execution_id);
//Generated by Cobalt, a rapid application development framework. //Cobalt developed by JV Roig ( //**************************************************************************************** require 'path.php'; init_cobalt('View notification'); if (xsrf_guard()) { init_var($_POST['btn_cancel']); init_var($_POST['btn_submit']); if ($_POST['btn_cancel']) { log_action('Pressed cancel button'); redirect("listview_notification.php"); } if ($_POST['btn_submit']) { log_action('Pressed submit button'); require 'subclasses/notification.php'; $dbh_notification = new notification(); if ($message == "") { log_action('Exported table data to CSV'); $timestamp = date('Y-m-d'); $token = generate_token(0, 'fs'); $csv_name = $token . $_SESSION['user'] . '_notification_' . $timestamp . '.csv'; $filename = TMP_DIRECTORY . '/' . $csv_name; $csv_contents = $dbh_notification->export_to_csv(); $csv_file = fopen($filename, "wb"); fwrite($csv_file, $csv_contents); fclose($csv_file); chmod($filename, 0755); $csv_name = urlencode($csv_name); $message = 'CSV file successfully generated: <a href="/' . BASE_DIRECTORY . '/download_generic.php?filename=' . $csv_name . '">Download the CSV file.</a>'; $message_type = 'system'; }
private static function getIndicator() { if (!self::$indicator) { self::$indicator = new myFileIndicator("gogonotifications"); } return self::$indicator; }
/** * Save the locked state for a post * * @return result array. */ public function save_posts_locked_from_submit() { global $DB; // Ensure that post exists and get the right courseid. $postid = required_param('postid', PARAM_INT); if (!($post = $DB->get_record('format_socialwall_posts', array('id' => $postid)))) { print_error('invalidpostid', 'format_socialwall'); } // ... check capability. $coursecontext = \context_course::instance($post->courseid); if (!has_capability('format/socialwall:lockcomment', $coursecontext)) { print_error('missingcaplockcomment', 'format_socialwall'); } $locked = optional_param('locked', '0', PARAM_INT); if ($post->locked != $locked) { $post->locked = $locked; $post->timemodified = time(); $DB->update_record('format_socialwall_posts', $post); // We use a instant enqueueing, if needed you might use events here. notification::enqueue_post_locked($post); } return array('error' => '0', 'message' => 'postsaved', 'postid' => $post->id, 'locked' => "{$post->locked}"); }
$tmpquery = "WHERE mem.login = '******'"; $userDetail = new request(); $userDetail->openMembers($tmpquery); $comptUserDetail = count($userDetail->mem_id); // test if user exists if ($comptUserDetail == "0") { $error = $strings["no_login"]; } else { if ($userDetail->mem_email_work[0] != "") { // test if email of user exists password_generator(); $pw = get_password($pass_g); $tmpquery = 'UPDATE ' . $tableCollab['members'] . " SET password='******' WHERE login = '******'"; connectSql($tmpquery); $body = $strings['user_name'] . ' : ' . $userDetail->mem_login[0] . "\n\n" . $strings['password'] . " : {$pass_g}"; $mail = new notification(); $mail->getUserinfo('1', 'from'); $subject = 'NetOffice ' . $strings['password']; $mail->Subject = $subject; $mail->Priority = '1'; $mail->Body = $body; $mail->AddAddress($userDetail->mem_email_work[0], $userDetail->mem_name[0]); $mail->Send(); $mail->ClearAddresses(); // redirect to login page with message header('Location: ../general/login.php?msg=emailpwd'); exit; } else { $error = $strings['no_email']; } }
/** * Function to handle class not completed events. * * @param student $student The class enrolment / student object who is "not completed" * @uses $CFG * @uses $DB * @return boolean TRUE is successful, otherwise FALSE */ public static function class_notcompleted_handler($student) { global $CFG, $DB; require_once elispm::lib('notifications.php'); /// Does the user receive a notification? $sendtouser = elis::$config->local_elisprogram->notify_classnotcompleted_user; $sendtorole = elis::$config->local_elisprogram->notify_classnotcompleted_role; $sendtosupervisor = elis::$config->local_elisprogram->notify_classnotcompleted_supervisor; /// If nobody receives a notification, we're done. if (!$sendtouser && !$sendtorole && !$sendtosupervisor) { return true; } if (!empty($student->moodlecourseid)) { if (!($context = context_course::instance($student->moodlecourseid))) { if (in_cron()) { mtrace(get_string('invalidcontext')); } else { debugging(get_string('invalidcontext')); } return true; } } else { $context = context_system::instance(); } $message = new notification(); /// Set up the text of the message $text = empty(elis::$config->local_elisprogram->notify_classnotcompleted_message) ? get_string('notifyclassnotcompletedmessagedef', self::LANG_FILE) : elis::$config->local_elisprogram->notify_classnotcompleted_message; $search = array('%%userenrolname%%', '%%classname%%', '%%coursename%%'); $user = new user($student->userid); if (!$user) { if (in_cron()) { mtrace(get_string('nouser', 'local_elisprogram')); } else { debugging(get_string('nouser', 'local_elisprogram')); } return true; } $user->load(); // Get course info $pmcourse = $DB->get_record(course::TABLE, array('id' => $student->courseid)); $pmclass = $DB->get_record(pmclass::TABLE, array('id' => $student->classid)); $replace = array($user->moodle_fullname(), $pmclass->idnumber, $pmcourse->name); $text = str_replace($search, $replace, $text); $eventlog = new Object(); $eventlog->event = 'class_notcompleted'; $eventlog->instance = $student->classid; $eventlog->fromuserid = $user->id; if ($sendtouser) { $message->send_notification($text, $user, null, $eventlog); } $users = array(); if ($sendtorole) { /// Get all users with the notify_classnotcomplete capability. if ($roleusers = get_users_by_capability($context, 'local/elisprogram:notify_classnotcomplete')) { $users = $users + $roleusers; } } if ($sendtosupervisor) { /// Get parent-context users. if ($supervisors = pm_get_users_by_capability('user', $user->id, 'local/elisprogram:notify_classnotcomplete')) { $users = $users + $supervisors; } } // Send notifications to any users who need to receive them. foreach ($users as $touser) { $message->send_notification($text, $touser, $user, $eventlog); } return true; }
/** save a new comment from submit * * @global record $USER * @global object $DB * @return array, result array. */ public function save_likes_from_submit() { global $USER, $DB; if (empty($this->course->enablelikes)) { print_error('likesaredisabled', 'format_socialwall'); } // Ensure that post exists and get the right courseid. $postid = required_param('postid', PARAM_INT); if (!($post = $DB->get_record('format_socialwall_posts', array('id' => $postid)))) { print_error('invalidpostid', 'format_socialwall'); } $userlike = optional_param('userlike', '0', PARAM_INT); // ... check capability. $coursecontext = \context_course::instance($post->courseid); if (!has_capability('format/socialwall:like', $coursecontext)) { print_error('missingcaplikepost', 'format_socialwall'); } $refresh = false; if (empty($userlike)) { if ($like = $DB->get_records('format_socialwall_likes', array('postid' => $postid, 'fromuserid' => $USER->id))) { $DB->delete_records_select('format_socialwall_likes', 'fromuserid = ? AND postid = ?', array($USER->id, $postid)); $refresh = true; // We use a instant enqueueing, if needed you might use events here. notification::enqueue_like_deleted($post); } } else { if (!($like = $DB->get_records('format_socialwall_likes', array('postid' => $postid, 'fromuserid' => $USER->id)))) { $newlike = new \stdClass(); $newlike->courseid = $this->course->id; $newlike->postid = $postid; $newlike->fromuserid = $USER->id; $newlike->timecreated = time(); $DB->insert_record('format_socialwall_likes', $newlike); $refresh = true; notification::enqueue_like_created($post); } } $result = array('error' => '0', 'message' => 'likesaved', 'postid' => $postid, 'userlike' => $userlike, 'countcomments' => $post->countcomments, 'countlikes' => $post->countlikes); if ($refresh) { $posts = posts::instance($this->course->id); $result['countlikes'] = $posts->refresh_likes_count($postid); } return $result; }
/** * Function to handle curriculum not completed events. * */ public static function curriculum_notcompleted_handler($curstudent) { global $CFG, $DB; require_once elispm::lib('notifications.php'); /// Does the user receive a notification? $sendtouser = elis::$config->local_elisprogram->notify_curriculumnotcompleted_user; $sendtorole = elis::$config->local_elisprogram->notify_curriculumnotcompleted_role; $sendtosupervisor = elis::$config->local_elisprogram->notify_curriculumnotcompleted_supervisor; /// If nobody receives a notification, we're done. if (!$sendtouser && !$sendtorole && !$sendtosupervisor) { return true; } $context = context_system::instance(); // Send notifications $message = new notification(); /// Set up the text of the message $text = empty(elis::$config->local_elisprogram->notify_curriculumnotcompleted_message) ? get_string('notifycurriculumnotcompletedmessagedef', 'local_elisprogram') : elis::$config->local_elisprogram->notify_curriculumnotcompleted_message; $user = new user($curstudent->userid); if (!$user) { return true; } $user->load(); // Get course info $program = $DB->get_record(curriculum::TABLE, array('id' => $curstudent->curriculumid)); $search = array('%%userenrolname%%', '%%programname%%'); $replace = array($user->moodle_fullname(), $program->name); $text = str_replace($search, $replace, $text); $eventlog = new Object(); $eventlog->event = 'curriculum_notcompleted'; $eventlog->instance = $curstudent->id; /// Store the assignment id. $eventlog->fromuserid = $user->id; if ($sendtouser) { $message->send_notification($text, $user, null, $eventlog); } $users = array(); if ($sendtorole) { /// Get all users with the notify_curriculumnotcomplete capability. if ($roleusers = get_users_by_capability($context, 'local/elisprogram:notify_programnotcomplete')) { $users = $users + $roleusers; } } if ($sendtosupervisor) { /// Get parent-context users. if ($supervisors = pm_get_users_by_capability('user', $user->id, 'local/elisprogram:notify_programnotcomplete')) { $users = $users + $supervisors; } } foreach ($users as $u) { $message->send_notification($text, $u, $user, $eventlog); } return true; }
function replace_admin_actions() { global $config, $lang; require_once $config['basepath'] . '/include/'; $login = new login(); $login_status = $login->loginCheck('Agent'); if ($login_status !== true) { // Run theese commands even if not logged in. $data = ''; switch ($_GET['action']) { case 'send_forgot': require_once $config['basepath'] . '/include/'; $data = login::forgot_password(); break; case 'forgot': require_once $config['basepath'] . '/include/'; $data = login::forgot_password_reset(); break; default: $data .= $login_status; break; } } else { switch ($_GET['action']) { case 'index': require_once $config['basepath'] . '/include/'; $admin = new general_admin(); $data = $admin->index_page(); break; case 'edit_page': require_once $config['basepath'] . '/include/'; $listing = new editor(); $data = $listing->page_edit(); break; case 'edit_user_images': require_once $config['basepath'] . '/include/'; $images = new image_handler(); $data = $images->edit_user_images(); break; case 'edit_listing_images': require_once $config['basepath'] . '/include/'; $images = new image_handler(); $data = $images->edit_listing_images(); break; case 'edit_vtour_images': require_once $config['basepath'] . '/include/'; $images = new image_handler(); $data = $images->edit_vtour_images(); break; case 'edit_listing_files': require_once $config['basepath'] . '/include/'; $files = new file_handler(); $data = $files->edit_listing_files(); break; case 'edit_user_files': require_once $config['basepath'] . '/include/'; $files = new file_handler(); $data = $files->edit_user_files(); break; case 'add_listing': require_once $config['basepath'] . '/include/'; $listing_editor = new listing_editor(); $data = $listing_editor->add_listing(); break; case 'edit_my_listings': require_once $config['basepath'] . '/include/'; $listing_editor = new listing_editor(); $data = $listing_editor->edit_listings(); break; case 'edit_listings': require_once $config['basepath'] . '/include/'; $listing_editor = new listing_editor(); $data = $listing_editor->edit_listings(false); break; case 'configure': require_once $config['basepath'] . '/include/'; $listing_editor = new configurator(); $data = $listing_editor->show_configurator(); break; case 'edit_listing_template': require_once $config['basepath'] . '/include/'; $listing = new template_editor(); $data = $listing->edit_listing_template(); break; case 'edit_listings_template_field_order': require_once $config['basepath'] . '/include/'; $listing = new template_editor(); $data = $listing->edit_listings_template_field_order(); break; case 'edit_agent_template_field_order': require_once $config['basepath'] . '/include/'; $listing = new template_editor(); $data = $listing->edit_template_field_order($type = 'agent'); break; case 'edit_member_template_field_order': require_once $config['basepath'] . '/include/'; $listing = new template_editor(); $data = $listing->edit_template_field_order($type = 'member'); break; case 'edit_agent_template_add_field': require_once $config['basepath'] . '/include/'; $listing = new template_editor(); $data = $listing->add_user_template_field($type = 'agent'); break; case 'edit_member_template_add_field': require_once $config['basepath'] . '/include/'; $listing = new template_editor(); $type = 'member'; $data = $listing->add_user_template_field($type); break; case 'edit_listing_template_search': require_once $config['basepath'] . '/include/'; $listing = new template_editor(); $data = $listing->edit_listing_template_search(); break; case 'edit_listing_template_search_results': require_once $config['basepath'] . '/include/'; $listing = new template_editor(); $data = $listing->edit_listing_template_search_results(); break; case 'user_manager': require_once $config['basepath'] . '/include/'; $user_managment = new user_managment(); $data = $user_managment->show_user_manager(); break; case 'edit_user_template': require_once $config['basepath'] . '/include/'; $listing = new template_editor(); $data = $listing->edit_user_template(); break; case 'edit_listing_template_add_field': require_once $config['basepath'] . '/include/'; $listing = new template_editor(); $data = $listing->add_listing_template_field(); break; case 'add_page': require_once $config['basepath'] . '/include/'; $listing = new editor(); $data = $listing->add_page(); break; case 'view_log': require_once $config['basepath'] . '/include/'; $data = log::view(); break; case 'clear_log': require_once $config['basepath'] . '/include/'; $data = log::clear_log(); break; case 'show_property_classes': require_once $config['basepath'] . '/include/'; $data = propertyclass::show_classes(); break; case 'modify_property_class': require_once $config['basepath'] . '/include/'; $data = propertyclass::modify_property_class(); break; case 'delete_property_class': require_once $config['basepath'] . '/include/'; $data = propertyclass::delete_property_class(); break; case 'insert_property_class': require_once $config['basepath'] . '/include/'; $data = propertyclass::insert_property_class(); break; case 'add_listing_property_class': require_once $config['basepath'] . '/include/'; $listing_editor = new listing_editor(); $data = $listing_editor->add_listing_logic(); break; //Todo Finish Adding Blog Items //Todo Finish Adding Blog Items case 'edit_blog': require_once $config['basepath'] . '/include/'; $listing = new blog_editor(); $data = $listing->blog_edit_index(); break; case 'edit_blog_post': require_once $config['basepath'] . '/include/'; $listing = new blog_editor(); $data = $listing->blog_edit(); break; case 'add_blog': require_once $config['basepath'] . '/include/'; $listing = new blog_editor(); $data = $listing->add_post(); break; case 'edit_blog_post_comments': require_once $config['basepath'] . '/include/'; $listing = new blog_editor(); $data = $listing->edit_post_comments(); break; case 'addon_manager': require_once $config['basepath'] . '/include/'; $am = new addon_manager(); $data = $am->display_addon_manager(); break; case 'send_notifications': require_once $config['basepath'] . '/include/'; $notify = new notification(); $data = $notify->NotifyUsersOfAllNewListings(); break; default: // Handle Addons $addon_name = array(); if (preg_match("/^addon_(.\\S*?)_.*/", $_GET['action'], $addon_name)) { include_once $config['basepath'] . '/addons/' . $addon_name[1] . '/'; $function_name = $addon_name[1] . '_run_action_admin_template'; $data = $function_name(); } } } return $data; }
<?php require 'components/get_listview_referrer.php'; require 'subclasses/notification.php'; $dbh_notification = new notification(); $dbh_notification->set_where("notification_id='" . quote_smart($notification_id) . "'"); if ($result = $dbh_notification->make_query()->result) { $data = $result->fetch_assoc(); extract($data); }
/** * Notifies that students have not passed their classes via the notifications where applicable, * setting enrolment status to failed where applicable * * @param int $pmuserid optional userid to update, default(0) updates all users */ function pm_update_student_enrolment($pmuserid = 0) { global $DB; require_once elispm::lib('data/student.class.php'); require_once elispm::lib('notifications.php'); //look for all enrolments where status is incomplete / in progress and end time has passed $select = 'completestatusid = :status AND endtime > 0 AND endtime < :time'; $params = array('status' => STUSTATUS_NOTCOMPLETE, 'time' => time()); if ($pmuserid) { $select .= ' AND userid = :userid'; $params['userid'] = $pmuserid; } $students = $DB->get_recordset_select(student::TABLE, $select, $params); if (!empty($students)) { foreach ($students as $s) { // Send notification, if enabled. $sendnotification = !empty(elis::$config->local_elisprogram->notify_incompletecourse_user) ? true : false; if ($sendnotification === true) { $a = $DB->get_field(pmclass::TABLE, 'idnumber', array('id' => $s->classid)); $message = get_string('incomplete_course_message', 'local_elisprogram', $a); $cuser = new user($s->userid); $from = get_admin(); notification::notify($message, $cuser, $from); } //set status to failed $s->completetime = time(); $s->completestatusid = STUSTATUS_FAILED; $stu = new student($s->id); $stu->set_from_data($s); $stu->update(); } } return true; }
/** * @param string $query * @return object of mysqli query pointer * @throws Exception */ public function sendReport($exc) { $msg = "<div style='direction:ltr;'>Error No: " . $exc->getCode() . " - " . $exc->getMessage() . "<br >" . nl2br($exc->getTraceAsString()) . '</div>'; exit('<!-- ' . $msg . ' -->'); if (!class_exists('notification')) { $notfile = dirname(__FILE__) . '/notification.php'; if (file_exists($notfile)) { include $notfile; } else { exit('<!-- ' . $msg . ' -->'); } } $subject = "database error #" . $exc->getCode(); $userinfo = array('email' => "*****@*****.**", 'nickname' => "system tech team"); notification::getNotifications()->sendMail($subject, $userinfo, 'blank', $msg); }
<?php // $Revision: 1.2 $ /* vim: set expandtab ts=4 sw=4 sts=4: */ /** * $Id: noti_newrequest.php,v 1.2 2004/12/13 00:18:26 madbear Exp $ * * Copyright (c) 2003 by the NetOffice developers * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. */ $mail = new notification(); $mail->getUserinfo($_SESSION['idSession'], "from"); $tmpquery = "WHERE = '{$num}'"; $requestDetail = new request(); $requestDetail->openSupportRequests($tmpquery); if ($supportType == "team") { $tmpquery = "WHERE tea.project = '" . $requestDetail->sr_project[0] . "'"; $listTeam = new request(); $listTeam->openTeams($tmpquery); $comptListTeam = count($listTeam->tea_id); for ($i = 0; $i < $comptListTeam; $i++) { if ($_SESSION['idSession'] == $listTeam->tea_mem_id[$i]) { $mail->partSubject = $strings["support"] . " " . $strings["support_id"]; $mail->partMessage = $strings["noti_support_request_new2"]; $subject = $mail->partSubject . ": " . $requestDetail->sr_id[0]; $body = $mail->partMessage . ""; $body .= "" . $requestDetail->sr_subject[0] . "";
$_SESSION['db_password'] = "******"; $_SESSION['db_database'] = "oraparacollect"; #$db = mysqli_connect($_SESSION['db_host'], $_SESSION['db_user'], $_SESSION['db_password'], $_SESSION['db_database']); test commnect include_once "../classes/class_server.php"; include_once "../classes/class_server_actions.php"; include_once "../classes/class_instance.php"; include_once "../classes/class_instance_actions.php"; include_once "../classes/class_parameter.php"; include_once "../classes/class_parameter_actions.php"; include_once "../classes/class_notification.php"; # Generating instance objects $arr_server_objs = server_actions::get_all_server(); # FRA Monitor Notification foreach ($arr_server_objs as $server) { if ($server->get_fra_assigned_percentage() >= 100) { if (notification::check_fra_notification_flag($server->server_id) == false) { notification::send_fra_notification($server, $GLOBALS['config']['fra_notification_mail']); notification::add_fra_notification_flag($server->server_id); } } else { notification::drop_fra_notification_flag($server->server_id); } } # Switchover Notificaiton $so_data_arr = parameter_actions::get_all_switchover_as_array(); foreach ($so_data_arr as $time => $switchover) { if (notification::check_switchover_flag($time, $switchover['rz1_db_id'], $switchover['rz2_db_id']) == false) { notification::send_switchover_notification($switchover, $GLOBALS['config']['switchover_notification_mail']); notification::add_switchover_flag($time, $switchover['rz1_db_id'], $switchover['rz2_db_id']); } }