Ejemplo n.º 1
        $looks = $mc->get_looks_filtered($mno, $rate_style, $rate_gender, $rate_plus_blogger, $orderby, $start, $rate_limit, $table_name, $rate_look_topic);
        echo "<br><BR>filtered looksfiltered looksfiltered looksfiltered looksfiltered looks<bbr><br><br><Br>";
        //                print_r($looks);
        //                echo "<br><br>";
            echo "<br>  rated look not elimated yet <br> ";
            echo " total look res ".count($looks).'<br>';
            for ($i=0; $i < count($looks) ; $i++) {
                echo "  $c.)  ".$looks[$i]['plno'].' style = '.$looks[$i]['style'].' pltratings =  '.$looks[$i]['pltratings'].'<br>';
                $j = count($mylookrated);
            echo " Rate Look Modals now <br> pagenum = $pagenum <br> start = $start <br> end = $end  <br> limit = $rate_limit  <br> rate_style = $rate_style  <br> rate_looks = $rate_looks <br> rate_status = $rate_status <BR> ";
            echo " <h4> rertrieved from database </h4> ";
            // print_r($looks);
            echo "<h4>  rated look was cleaned by elimation  </h4> ";
        #display look  and fetch with rated and un rated.
        //$plnos = $mc->remove_rated_looks( $looks , $mylookrated ,  $rate_status  );
        $plnos = $mc->ratedUnrated($looks, $mylookrated, $rate_status, $table_name);
        //                echo "final result";
        //                print_r($plnos);
        $mc->print_look_modals($plnos, $table_name);
echo "</span> ";

Ejemplo n.º 2
        	for ($i=0; $i < count($mylookrated) ; $i++) { 
        		echo "  $c.)  ".$mylookrated[$i]['plno'].'<br>'; 
        #get look with filter
        $looks = $mc->get_looks_filtered($mno, $rate_style, $orderby, $start, $rate_limit);
        	echo "<br>  rated look not elimated yet <br> "; 
        	echo " total look res ".count($looks).'<br>';
        	for ($i=0; $i < count($looks) ; $i++) {    
        		echo "  $c.)  ".$looks[$i]['plno'].' style = '.$looks[$i]['style'].' pltratings =  '.$looks[$i]['pltratings'].'<br>'; 
        		$j = count($mylookrated); 	 
            echo " Rate Look Modals now <br> pagenum = $pagenum <br> start = $start <br> end = $end  <br> limit = $rate_limit  <br> rate_style = $rate_style  <br> rate_looks = $rate_looks <br> rate_status = $rate_status <BR> "; 
            echo " <h4> rertrieved from database </h4> ";
            // print_r($looks);
            echo "<h4>  rated look was cleaned by elimation  </h4> "; 
        #display look  and fetch with rated and un rated.
        $plnos = $mc->remove_rated_looks($looks, $mylookrated, $rate_status);
echo "</span> ";

Ejemplo n.º 3
require "../../../fs_folders/php_functions/connect.php";
require "../../../fs_folders/php_functions/function.php";
require "../../../fs_folders/php_functions/library.php";
require "../../../fs_folders/php_functions/source.php";
require "../../../fs_folders/php_functions/myclass.php";
require "../../../fs_folders/php_functions/Class/User.php";
require "../../../fs_folders/php_functions/Class/Look.php";
$mc = new myclass();
$_SESSION['mno'] = $mc->get_cookie('mno', 136);
$mno = $mc->get_cookie('mno', 136);
//    $pagenum 	  = intval($_GET['pagenum']);
//    $rate_style   = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['rate_style']);
//    $rate_looks   = $_GET['rate_looks'];
//    $rate_status  = $_GET['rate_status'];
//    $rate_limit   = intval($_GET['rate_limit']);
//    $retrievedas  = !empty( $_GET['retrievedas'] ) ? $_GET['retrievedas'] : null ;
$user = new User($mno, $db);
$look = new Look($mno, $db);
$rate_style = $_GET['rate_style'];
$rate_gender = $_GET['rate_gender'];
$rate_plus_blogger = $_GET['rate_plus_blogger'];
$rate_latest = $_GET['rate_latest'];
$rate_status = $_GET['rate_status'];
echo "\n       {$rate_style}         = rate_style <br>\n       {$rate_gender}        = rate_gender <br>\n       {$rate_plus_blogger}  = rate_plus_blogger <br>\n       {$rate_latest}        = rate_latest <br>\n       {$rate_status}        = rate_status <br>\n    ";
$response = $look->ratingSort($rate_gender, $rate_plus_blogger, $rate_style, array('row' => $rate_latest, 'orderBy' => 'desc'), $rate_status, array('start' => 1, 'end' => 3, 'base' => 200));
// echo "above is the response";