public function _list() { $oArticleModel = new model_article(); $tArticle = $oArticleModel->findAllOrderBy(module_table::getParam('order', 'titre'), module_table::getParam('side')); $oView = new _view('private/article::slist'); $oView->tArticle = $tArticle; $oView->tColumn = $oArticleModel->getListColumn(); //array('id','titre');// //on recupere un tableau indexe des auteurs pour afficher leur nom a la place de leur id $oView->tJoinAuteur = model_auteur::getInstance()->getSelect(); $this->oLayout->add('main', $oView); }
public function _listAjax() { $sOrder = module_table::getParam('order'); if ($sOrder == '') { $sOrder = 'titre'; } $sSide = module_table::getParam('side'); if ($sSide == '') { $sSide = 'ASC'; } $oArticleModel = new model_article(); $tArticle = $oArticleModel->findAllOrderBy($sOrder, $sSide); $oView = new _view('article::listViaModuleAjax'); $oView->tArticle = $tArticle; $oView->tColumn = $oArticleModel->getListColumn(); //on recupere un tableau indexe des auteurs pour afficher leur nom a la place de leur id $oView->tJoinAuteur = model_auteur::getInstance()->getSelect(); print $oView->show(); exit; }
?> <a href="<?php echo module_table::getLink(null, array('order' => $tDetail['order'], 'side' => 'asc', $sVarPage => $sValuePage)); ?> "><img src="css/images/flecheUp<?php if ($sParamOrder == $tDetail['order'] and $sParamSide == 'asc') { ?> On<?php } else { ?> Off<?php } ?> .png"/></a> <a href="<?php echo module_table::getLink(null, array('order' => $tDetail['order'], 'side' => 'desc', $sVarPage => $sValuePage)); ?> "><img src="css/images/flecheDown<?php if ($sParamOrder == $tDetail['order'] and $sParamSide == 'desc') { ?> On<?php } else { ?> Off<?php } ?> .png"/></a> <?php } ?> </th>
<?php //avec tri $oTable = new module_table('complex5ajax'); $oTable->enablePagination(); $oTable->setPaginationLimit(2); $oTable->setAjaxLink('article::listAjax'); $oTable->setClass('tb_list'); $oTable->setCycleClass(array(null, 'alt')); $oTable->addHeaderWithOrder('Titre', 'titre'); $oTable->addHeaderWithOrder('Auteur', 'auteur_id'); $oTable->addHeaderWithOrder('Priority', 'priority'); $oTable->addHeader(''); if ($this->tArticle) { foreach ($this->tArticle as $oArticle) { $sAuteur = null; if (isset($this->tJoinAuteur[$oArticle->auteur_id])) { $sAuteur = $this->tJoinAuteur[$oArticle->auteur_id]; } $oTable->addLine(array($oArticle->titre, $sAuteur, $oArticle->priority, '<a href="' . $this->getLink('article::edit', array('id' => $oArticle->getId())) . '">Edit</a> | <a href="' . $this->getLink('article::show', array('id' => $oArticle->getId())) . '">Show</a> | <a href="' . $this->getLink('article::delete', array('id' => $oArticle->getId())) . '">Delete</a>')); } } echo $oTable->build()->show();
?> <a href="<?php echo module_table::getLink(null, array('order' => $tDetail['order'], 'side' => 'asc')); ?> "><img src="css/images/flecheUp<?php if ($sParamOrder == $tDetail['order'] and $sParamSide == 'asc') { ?> On<?php } else { ?> Off<?php } ?> .png"/></a> <a href="<?php echo module_table::getLink(null, array('order' => $tDetail['order'], 'side' => 'desc')); ?> "><img src="css/images/flecheDown<?php if ($sParamOrder == $tDetail['order'] and $sParamSide == 'desc') { ?> On<?php } else { ?> Off<?php } ?> .png"/></a> <?php } ?> </th>
public static function setRootLink($sRootModule, $tRootParams = null) { self::$sRootModule = $sRootModule; self::$tRootParams = $tRootParams; }
<?php $sOrder = module_table::getParam('order'); $sSide = module_table::getParam('side'); ?> <div class="pagination"> <ul> <?php for ($i = 1; $i <= $this->iMax; $i++) { ?> <li <?php if ($i == $this->iPage + 1) { ?> class="selectionne"<?php } ?> ><a href="<?php echo module_table::getLink(null, array($this->sParamPage => $i, 'order' => $sOrder, 'side' => $sSide)); ?> ">page <?php echo $i; ?> </a></li> <?php } ?> </ul> </div>