Ejemplo n.º 1
 public function setUp()
     $date = new Datetime();
     $dmax = $date->format("Y-m-d H:i:s");
     $date->modify('-6 month');
     $dmin = $date->format("Y-m-d H:i:s");
     $databoxes = self::$DI['app']->getDataboxes();
     $ret = [];
     foreach ($databoxes as $databox) {
         $colls = $databox->get_collections();
         $rett = [];
         foreach ($colls as $coll) {
             $rett[$coll->get_coll_id()] = $coll->get_coll_id();
         $ret[$databox->get_sbas_id()] = implode(',', $rett);
     foreach ($ret as $sbasid => $collections) {
         $report = new module_report_connexion(self::$DI['app'], $dmin, $dmax, $sbasid, $collections);
         if (!$this->report instanceof module_report) {
             $this->report = $report;
         } elseif ($report->getTotal() > $this->report->getTotal()) {
             $this->report = $report;
     $this->report->setFilter([['f' => 'user', 'o' => '=', 'v' => 'admin'], ['f' => 'ddate', 'o' => 'LIKE', 'v' => '*'], ['f' => '1', 'o' => 'OR', 'v' => '1']]);
     $this->report->setOrder('user', 'ASC');
     $this->filter = new module_report_sqlfilter(self::$DI['app'], $this->report);
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Display instance connexion report
  * @param  Application  $app
  * @param  Request      $request
  * @return JsonResponse
 public function doReportConnexions(Application $app, Request $request)
     $cnx = new \module_report_connexion($app, $request->request->get('dmin'), $request->request->get('dmax'), $request->request->get('sbasid'), $request->request->get('collection'));
     $conf = ['user' => [$app->trans('phraseanet::utilisateurs'), 1, 1, 1, 1], 'ddate' => [$app->trans('report:: date'), 1, 0, 1, 1], 'ip' => [$app->trans('report:: IP'), 1, 0, 0, 0], 'appli' => [$app->trans('report:: modules'), 1, 0, 0, 0], 'fonction' => [$app->trans('report::fonction'), 1, 1, 1, 1], 'activite' => [$app->trans('report::activite'), 1, 1, 1, 1], 'pays' => [$app->trans('report::pays'), 1, 1, 1, 1], 'societe' => [$app->trans('report::societe'), 1, 1, 1, 1]];
     if ($request->request->get('printcsv') == 'on') {
         $this->doReport($app, $request, $cnx, $conf);
         return $this->getCSVResponse($app, $cnx, 'connections');
     $report = $this->doReport($app, $request, $cnx, $conf);
     if ($report instanceof Response) {
         return $report;
     return $app->json(['rs' => $app['twig']->render('report/ajax_data_content.html.twig', ['result' => isset($report['report']) ? $report['report'] : $report, 'is_infouser' => false, 'is_nav' => false, 'is_groupby' => false, 'is_plot' => false, 'is_doc' => false]), 'display_nav' => $report['display_nav'], 'next' => $report['next_page'], 'prev' => $report['previous_page'], 'page' => $report['page'], 'filter' => sizeof($report['filter']) > 0 ? serialize($report['filter']) : '', 'col' => $report['active_column'], 'limit' => $report['nb_record']]);
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * @desc fill the dash results for the current sbas
  * @return <void>
 public function process()
     try {
         //Get number of DLs
         $this->report['nb_dl'] = module_report_download::getNbDl($this->app, $this->dminsql, $this->dmaxsql, $this->sbasid, $this->collection);
         //Get Number of connexions
         $this->report['nb_conn'] = module_report_connexion::getNbConn($this->app, $this->dminsql, $this->dmaxsql, $this->sbasid, $this->collection);
         if ($this->app['conf']->get(['registry', 'modules', 'anonymous-report']) == false) {
              * get Top ten user of
              * number of dl doc, prev
              * number of weight dl by doc, prev
             $top = module_report_activity::topTenUser($this->app, $this->dminsql, $this->dmaxsql, $this->sbasid, $this->collection);
             $this->report['top_ten_user_doc'] = $top['top_ten_doc'];
             $this->report['top_ten_user_prev'] = $top['top_ten_prev'];
             $this->report['top_ten_user_poiddoc'] = $top['top_ten_poiddoc'];
             $this->report['top_ten_user_poidprev'] = $top['top_ten_poidprev'];
          *  get avtivity by hour
         $this->report['activity'] = module_report_activity::activity($this->app, $this->dminsql, $this->dmaxsql, $this->sbasid, $this->collection);
         // get activty by day
         $this->report['activity_day'] = module_report_activity::activityDay($this->app, $this->dminsql, $this->dmaxsql, $this->sbasid, $this->collection);
         // get Most document and preview DL
         $topdl = module_report_download::getTopDl($this->app, $this->dminsql, $this->dmaxsql, $this->sbasid, $this->collection);
         $this->report['top_dl_preview'] = $topdl['preview'];
         $this->report['top_dl_document'] = $topdl['document'];
         if ($this->app['conf']->get(['registry', 'modules', 'anonymous-report']) == false) {
             // get users that ask the most questions
             $this->report['ask'] = module_report_activity::activityQuestion($this->app, $this->dminsql, $this->dmaxsql, $this->sbasid, $this->collection);
         //get the refferer
         $this->report['top_ten_site'] = module_report_activity::activiteTopTenSiteView($this->app, $this->dminsql, $this->dmaxsql, $this->sbasid, $this->collection);
         //Get the most asked questions
         $this->report['top_ten_question'] = module_report_activity::activiteTopQuestion($this->app, $this->dminsql, $this->dmaxsql, $this->sbasid, $this->collection);
         //get the  number of added docuùments
         $this->report['activity_added'] = module_report_activity::activiteAddedDocument($this->app, $this->dminsql, $this->dmaxsql, $this->sbasid, $this->collection);
         //get number of edited document
         $this->report['activity_edited'] = module_report_activity::activiteEditedDocument($this->app, $this->dminsql, $this->dmaxsql, $this->sbasid, $this->collection);
         if ($this->app['conf']->get(['registry', 'modules', 'anonymous-report']) == false) {
             //get users that add the most documents
             $this->report['top_ten_added'] = module_report_activity::activiteAddedTopTenUser($this->app, $this->dminsql, $this->dmaxsql, $this->sbasid, $this->collection);
     } catch (DBALException $e) {