Ejemplo n.º 1
 function getImageURLs($folder)
     $path = modVinaoraCu3erHelper::getImagePath($folder);
     $images = modVinaoraCu3erHelper::getImages($folder);
     if (count($images)) {
         foreach ($images as $key => $value) {
             $images[$key] = $path . '/' . $value;
     return $images;
$config_name = $config_name ? $config_name : "demo1.xml.php";
$config_name = $config_custom == "-1" ? $config_name : $config_custom;
// Check Config file (.xml) exits and valid XML
$config = modVinaoraCu3erHelper::getConfig($config_dir, $config_name);
// Config File exist and valid
if ($config) {
    $width = modVinaoraCu3erHelper::getAttributes($config, 'settings/general', 'slide_panel_width');
    $height = modVinaoraCu3erHelper::getAttributes($config, 'settings/general', 'slide_panel_height');
} else {
    $xml = modVinaoraCu3erHelper::createXML($params);
    modVinaoraCu3erHelper::createConfig($config_dir, $config_name, $xml);
$width = !empty($width) ? $width : $params->get('slide_panel_width');
$height = !empty($height) ? $height : $params->get('slide_panel_height');
// Add SWFObject Library to <head> tag
// Initialize variables
$media = JURI::base() . 'media/mod_vinaora_cu3er/';
// Use JURI::base() for Full URL
$config_path = $media . 'config/' . $config_name;
$slideshow_path = $media . 'flash/cu3er.swf';
$expressInstall_path = $media . 'js/swfobject/expressInstall.swf';
$flash_version = '9';
$swffont = $params->get('swffont');
$font_path = $swffont != '-1' ? $media . 'flash/fonts/' . $swffont : '';
$moduleclass_sfx = trim($params->get('moduleclass_sfx'));
$module_id = $module->id;
$container = 'vinaora-3d-slideshow' . $module_id;
// Add Custom CSS to <head> tag
$document =& JFactory::getDocument();
$css = "\n\t" . '<style type="text/css">' . "\n\t" . '#' . $container . ' {width:' . $width . 'px; outline:0;}' . "\n  " . '</style>';