public function applyDiscountHTML($totalCost) { $xStatus = new lib_userStatus(); $reduction = $this->getReduction(); $i = 0; $query = "SELECT RETAIL, quantity\n\t\tFROM bz_bookstore, carts\n\t\tWHERE ={$this->id} AND = UPC"; $result = mysql_query($query); if ($this->isApplyDiscount($totalCost)) { while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $i++; $price = $row["RETAIL"]; $quan = $row["quantity"]; $subTotal = $xStatus->price($price * $quan); if ($reduction < $subTotal) { echo '<input type="hidden" name="discount_amount_' . $i . '" value="' . $reduction . '">'; $reduction = 0; } else { echo '<input type="hidden" name="discount_amount_' . $i . '" value="' . ($subTotal - 0.01) . '">'; $reduction -= $subTotal - 0.01; } } } }
//member info: $query = "\n\tSELECT * \n\tFROM membership_ipn\n\tWHERE user_id = {$id}\n\t"; $result = mysql_query($query); if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 1) { $hasData = true; $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); $realname = $row["real_name"]; $phone = $row["phone"]; $yy = $row["birth_year"]; $mm = $row["birth_month"]; $dd = $row["birth_day"]; } else { $hasData = false; $realname = $phone = $yy = $mm = $dd = "没资料"; } $yStatus = new lib_userStatus($id); ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <style> #main{ margin-top:20px; margin-left:50px; margin-right:50px; font-size:15px; } #mainform{ height:500px;
public function displayPaypalForm() { $xStatus = new lib_userStatus(); ?> <form action="" method="post" class="paypal_btn"> <input type="hidden" value="utf-8" name="charset"> <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_cart"> <input type="hidden" name="upload" value="1"> <input type="hidden" name="business" value="*****@*****.**"> <input type="hidden" name="currency_code" value="US"> <?php for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->itemArr); $i++) { ?> <input type="hidden" name="item_name_<?php echo $i + 1; ?> " value="<?php echo $this->itemArr[$i]["PROD_NAME"]; ?> "> <input type="hidden" name="amount_<?php echo $i + 1; ?> " value="<?php echo $xStatus->price($this->itemArr[$i]["RETAIL"]); ?> "> <input type="hidden" name="quantity_<?php echo $i + 1; ?> " value="<?php echo $this->itemArr[$i]["quantity"]; ?> "> <?php } $pointObj = new lib_giftPoint($this->id); $pointObj->applyDiscountHTML($this->getCostTotal()); ?> <input TYPE="hidden" name="return" value=""> <input TYPE="hidden" name="cancel_return" value=""> <input type="hidden" name="notify_url" value=""> <input type="hidden" name="custom" value="<?php echo $this->id; ?> "> <input type="image" src="images/paypal_btn.jpg" width="150" height="30" border="0" name="submit" alt="Make payments with PayPal - it's fast, free and secure!"> </form> <?php }
public function displayLISTPage() { $xStatus = new lib_userStatus(); if ($this->itemNum == 0) { echo "<h3>對不起, 沒有結果! 暫時沒有這樣的書.</h3>"; } else { $lowerBound = ($this->curPage - 1) * $this->itemDisplayPerPage; $upperBound = $this->curPage * $this->itemDisplayPerPage <= $this->itemNum ? $this->curPage * $this->itemDisplayPerPage : $this->itemNum; for ($i = $lowerBound; $i < $upperBound; $i++) { ?> <li> <span class="bookTitle"> </span> <span class="bookUnit"><a title="哥布林之夜" href="detail.php?id=<?php echo $this->itemArr[$i]["ID"]; ?> " target="_blank"><img alt="哥布林之夜" src="<?php echo $this->itemArr[$i]["imgLink"]; ?> " /></a> </span> <span class="li_detail"> <p style="padding-top:0px;margin-top:0px;"><b><a class="book" href="detail.php?id=<?php echo $this->itemArr[$i]["ID"]; ?> " style="font-size:25px; padding-top:0px;margin-top:0px;text-decoration:underline;color:#3A79F0"><?php echo $this->itemArr[$i]["PROD_NAME"]; ?> </a></b></p> <p>定價:<span><?php echo $this->itemArr[$i]["RETAIL"]; ?> 美元</span> (貴賓會員優惠價:<span><?php echo $xStatus->printPriceDescript(); ?> </span>:<span><?php echo $xStatus->price($this->itemArr[$i]["RETAIL"]); ?> </span>美元)</p> <p>庫存: <span><?php echo $this->itemArr[$i]["QTY_HND"]; ?> </span> 本 (如果沒庫存表明到貨時間)</p> <form class="cart_form"> <p> 你要購買的數量: <input id="buy_amount" name="quantity" type="text" value="1" size="2" maxlength="2"/> 本 </p> <p> </p> <p class="story_summary"><?php echo $this->itemArr[$i]["detail"]; ?> </p> <p style="text-align:right;"><a href="detail.php?id=<?php echo $this->itemArr[$i]["ID"]; ?> "> <更多...> </a></p> <span class="top_right_btn"> <img class="bookImgBtn" id="submit" pid ="<?php echo $this->itemArr[$i]["UPC"]; ?> " src="images/add_to_cart_btn.png" width="115" height="32" border="0" /> </span> </form> </span> </li> <?php } } }