Ejemplo n.º 1
 if (is_array($arrIndusShop)) {
     $arrNewIndusCs = array();
     foreach ($arrIndusShop as $k => $v) {
         $arrNewIndusCs[$v['indus_pid']][] = $v;
 $arrBulletins = db_factory::query(sprintf("select art_id,art_title,listorder,is_recommend,pub_time from %switkey_article where cat_type='article' and art_cat_id=17 order by is_recommend desc, listorder asc, pub_time desc limit 0,5", TABLEPRE), 1, $intIndexCacheTime);
 $arrDynamics = kekezu::get_feed("feedtype='work_accept'", "feed_time desc", 5);
 $arrWithdraws = db_factory::query(sprintf("select * from %switkey_withdraw where withdraw_status=2 order by process_time desc limit 0,5", TABLEPRE), 1, $intIndexCacheTime);
 if ($task_open) {
     $arrCashCoverage = kekezu::get_cash_cove('', true);
     $final_task = kekezu::get_classify_indus();
     $arrRecommTaskLists = db_factory::query(sprintf("select task_id,task_title,task_cash,task_cash_coverage,username,work_num from %switkey_task where  task_status=2 order by start_time desc limit 21", TABLEPRE), 1, $intIndexCacheTime);
 if ($shop_open) {
     $final_shop = kekezu::get_classify_indus('shop');
     $arrRecommGoodsLists = db_factory::query(sprintf("select service_id,title,price,unite_price,pic,username from %switkey_service where  service_status=2 order by  on_time desc limit 8", TABLEPRE), 1, $intIndexCacheTime);
 $strSql = ' select a.case_id,a.obj_id,a.obj_type,a.case_img,a.case_title,a.case_price ';
 $task_open and $strSql .= ',b.work_num,b.model_id,b.username,b.uid ';
 $shop_open and $strSql .= ' ,c.sale_num,c.model_id,c.username,b.uid ';
 $strSql .= ' from ' . TABLEPRE . 'witkey_case a ';
 $task_open and $strSql .= ' left join ' . TABLEPRE . 'witkey_task b ON a.obj_id = b.task_id ';
 $shop_open or $strSql .= ' where a.obj_type="task" ';
 $shop_open and $strSql .= ' left join ' . TABLEPRE . 'witkey_service c on  a.obj_id= c.service_id ';
 $task_open or $strSql .= ' where a.obj_type="service" ';
 $strSql .= " order by a.on_time desc limit 9 ";
 $arrCaseLists = db_factory::query($strSql, 1, $intIndexCacheTime);
 if (!$basic_config['css_auto_fit']) {
     $arrCaseLists = array_merge(array($arrCaseLists[0]), $arrCaseLists);
     if (count($arrCaseLists) > 9) {
Ejemplo n.º 2

defined('IN_KEKE') or exit('Access Denied');
$strNavActive = "tasklist";
$rs_indus = kekezu::get_classify_indus('task', 'total');
$nav_active_index = "tasklist";
$intId = intval($id);
if ($intId) {
    $strTaskSql = 'select * from ' . TABLEPRE . 'witkey_task where task_id = ' . $intId;
    $arrTaskInfo = db_factory::get_one($strTaskSql);
    $arrTaskInfo or kekezu::show_msg(kekezu::lang("operate_notice"), "index.php?do=tasklist", 2, "对不起,您访问的页面没找到!", "warning");
    $arrTaskInfo['ext_time'] = intval($arrTaskInfo['ext_time']);
    $arrModelInfo = $model_list[$arrTaskInfo['model_id']];
    if ($arrTaskInfo['uid']) {
        $arrFavorite = db_factory::get_count(sprintf('select count(*) from %s where uid = %d and obj_id = %d and keep_type = "task"', TABLEPRE . 'witkey_favorite', intval($gUid), intval($arrTaskInfo['task_id'])));
        if ($arrFavorite) {
            $arrTaskInfo['favorite'] = true;
    $arrTaskInfo['uid'] != $uid && $gUid != ADMIN_UID && $arrTaskInfo['task_status'] == 1 and kekezu::show_msg($_lang['friendly_notice'], 'index.php?do=tasklist', 1, $_lang['task_auditing'], 'warning');
    $arrTaskInfo['uid'] != $uid && $gUid != ADMIN_UID && $arrTaskInfo['task_status'] == 0 and kekezu::show_msg($_lang['friendly_notice'], 'index.php?do=tasklist', 1, $_lang['task_not_pay'], 'warning');
    $arrConfig = unserialize($model_list[$arrTaskInfo['model_id']]['config']);
    if (!$arrModelInfo) {
        kekezu::show_msg('页面不存在', 'index.php?do=tasklist', 3, null, 'warning');
    if ($arrTaskInfo['seohide'] == 1) {
        if (!$gUid) {
            kekezu::show_msg('页面不存在', 'index.php?do=tasklist', 3, null, 'warning');
    } else {
        if ($arrTaskInfo['indus_id']) {