Ejemplo n.º 1
function handleFile($filePath)
    $con = Propel::getConnection(PartnerPeer::DATABASE_NAME, Propel::CONNECTION_WRITE);
    $fileName = basename($filePath);
    KalturaLog::info("Handling file [{$fileName}]");
    list($order, $objectType, $fileExtension) = explode('.', $fileName, 3);
    $objectConfigurations = parse_ini_file($filePath, true);
    $object = new $objectType();
    /* @var $object BaseObject */
    $peer = $object->getPeer();
    $peerClass = get_class($peer);
    $newObjectType = "Insert{$objectType}";
    if (!class_exists($newObjectType)) {
			class Insert' . $objectType . ' extends ' . $objectType . '
				public function setId($v)
					return $this;
				protected function doSave(PropelPDO $con)
					$affectedRows = 0; // initialize var to track total num of affected rows
					if (!$this->alreadyInSave) {
						$this->alreadyInSave = true;
						$this->objectSaved = false;
						if ($this->isModified()) {
							if ($this->isNew()) {
								$pk = BasePeer::doInsert($this->buildCriteria(), $con);
								$affectedRows += 1;
								$this->setId($pk);  //[IMV] update autoincrement primary key
								$this->objectSaved = true;
							} else {
								$affectedObjects = ' . $peerClass . '::doUpdate($this, $con);
									$this->objectSaved = true;
								$affectedRows += $affectedObjects;
							$this->resetModified(); // [HL] After being saved an object is no longer \'modified\'
						$this->alreadyInSave = false;
					return $affectedRows;
    $map = $peer->getTableMap();
    $primaryKeys = $map->getPrimaryKeys();
    foreach ($objectConfigurations as $objectConfiguration) {
        $object = new $newObjectType();
        /* @var $object BaseObject */
        $pk = null;
        $pkField = null;
        // New logic allowing to use other parameters as uique identifers for updates
        $identifierParam = null;
        $identifierColumn = null;
        $setters = array();
        foreach ($objectConfiguration as $attributeName => $value) {
            if ($attributeName == 'id') {
                $pk = $value;
            } elseif ($attributeName == 'identifierParam') {
                ${$attributeName} = $value;
            if (preg_match('/eval\\((?P<evalString>.+)\\)/', $value, $matches)) {
                $evalString = $matches["evalString"];
                $evaluator = new kEvalStringField();
                $evaluator->setScope(new kScope());
                $value = $evaluator->getValue();
                KalturaLog::info("Evaluated property value: {$value}");
            $setter = "set{$attributeName}";
            if (!is_callable(array($object, $setter))) {
                throw new Exception("Attribute [{$attributeName}] not defined on object type [{$objectType}]");
            if (preg_match('/^@[^@]+$/', $value)) {
                $valueFilePath = realpath(dirname($filePath) . '/' . substr($value, 1));
                if (!$valueFilePath || !is_file($valueFilePath)) {
                    throw new Exception("Attribute [{$attributeName}] file path [{$value}] not found");
                $value = file_get_contents($valueFilePath);
            if (preg_match('/^#[^#]+$/', $value)) {
                $value = kPluginableEnumsManager::genericApiToCore(substr($value, 1));
            $setters[$setter] = $value;
        $pkCriteria = null;
        $existingObject = null;
        if (!is_null($pk)) {
            $pkCriteria = new Criteria();
            $pkCriteria->add(constant(get_class($peer) . '::ID'), $pk);
            $existingObject = $peer->doSelectOne($pkCriteria, $con);
        } elseif (!is_null($identifierParam)) {
            // If we have some other form of identifier on the object
            $identifierColumn = $peer::translateFieldName($identifierParam, BasePeer::TYPE_STUDLYPHPNAME, BasePeer::TYPE_COLNAME);
            $c = new Criteria();
            $c->add($identifierColumn, $objectConfiguration[$identifierParam]);
            $existingObject = $peer->doSelectOne($c, $con);
        if ($existingObject) {
            KalturaLog::info('existing objects will not be re-written');
        foreach ($setters as $setter => $value) {
        if (!is_null($pkCriteria)) {
            BasePeer::doUpdate($object->buildPkeyCriteria(), $pkCriteria, $con);