Ejemplo n.º 1
 function show($debugbarPlugin)
     $info = new debugbarItemInfo('errors', 'Errors');
     $messages = jLog::getMessages(array('error', 'warning', 'notice', 'deprecated', 'strict'));
     if (!jLog::isPluginActivated('memory', 'error')) {
         array_unshift($messages, new jLogErrorMessage('warning', 0, "Memory logger is not activated in jLog for errors, You cannot see them", '', 0, array()));
     if (!jLog::isPluginActivated('memory', 'warning')) {
         array_unshift($messages, new jLogErrorMessage('warning', 0, "Memory logger is not activated in jLog for warnings, You cannot see them", '', 0, array()));
     if (!jLog::isPluginActivated('memory', 'notice')) {
         array_unshift($messages, new jLogErrorMessage('notice', 0, "Memory logger is not activated in jLog for notices, You cannot see them", '', 0, array()));
     $c = count($messages);
     if ($c == 0) {
         $info->label = 'no error';
         #expand             $info->htmlLabel = '<img src="data:image/png;base64,__LOGONOERROR__" alt="no errors" title="no errors"/> 0';
     } else {
         $info->popupContent = '<ul id="jxdb-errors" class="jxdb-list">';
         $maxLevel = 0;
         $currentCount = array('error' => 0, 'warning' => 0, 'notice' => 0, 'deprecated' => 0, 'strict' => 0);
         foreach ($messages as $msg) {
             if ($msg instanceof jLogErrorMessage) {
                 $cat = $msg->getCategory();
                 if ($cat == 'error') {
                     $maxLevel = 1;
                 // careful: if you change the position of the div, update debugbar.js
                 $info->popupContent .= '<li class="jxdb-msg-' . $cat . '">
                 <h5><a href="#" onclick="jxdb.toggleDetails(this);return false;"><span>' . htmlspecialchars($msg->getMessage()) . '</span></a></h5>
                 <div><p>Code: ' . $msg->getCode() . '<br/> File: ' . htmlspecialchars($msg->getFile()) . ' ' . htmlspecialchars($msg->getLine()) . '</p>';
                 $info->popupContent .= $debugbarPlugin->formatTrace($msg->getTrace());
                 $info->popupContent .= '</div></li>';
         if ($maxLevel) {
             $info->htmlLabel = '<img src="' . $this->getErrorIcon() . '" alt="Errors" title="' . $c . ' errors"/> ' . $c;
             $info->popupOpened = true;
         } else {
             $info->htmlLabel = '<img src="' . $this->getWarningIcon() . '" alt="Warnings" title="There are ' . $c . ' warnings" /> ' . $c;
         $info->popupContent .= '</ul>';
         foreach ($currentCount as $type => $count) {
             if (($c = jLog::getMessagesCount($type)) > $count) {
                 $info->popupContent .= '<p class="jxdb-msg-warning">There are ' . $c . ' ' . $type . ' messages. Only first ' . $count . ' messages are shown.</p>';
Ejemplo n.º 2
 function show($debugbarPlugin)
     $info = new debugbarItemInfo('errors', 'Errors');
     $messages = jLog::getMessages(array('error', 'warning', 'notice', 'deprecated', 'strict'));
     if (!jLog::isPluginActivated('memory', 'error')) {
         array_unshift($messages, new jLogErrorMessage('warning', 0, "Memory logger is not activated in jLog for errors, You cannot see them", '', 0, array()));
     if (!jLog::isPluginActivated('memory', 'warning')) {
         array_unshift($messages, new jLogErrorMessage('warning', 0, "Memory logger is not activated in jLog for warnings, You cannot see them", '', 0, array()));
     if (!jLog::isPluginActivated('memory', 'notice')) {
         array_unshift($messages, new jLogErrorMessage('notice', 0, "Memory logger is not activated in jLog for notices, You cannot see them", '', 0, array()));
     $c = count($messages);
     if ($c == 0) {
         $info->label = 'no error';
         $info->htmlLabel = '<img src="" alt="no errors" title="no errors"/> 0';
     } else {
         $info->popupContent = '<ul id="jxdb-errors" class="jxdb-list">';
         $maxLevel = 0;
         $currentCount = array('error' => 0, 'warning' => 0, 'notice' => 0, 'deprecated' => 0, 'strict' => 0);
         foreach ($messages as $msg) {
             if ($msg instanceof jLogErrorMessage) {
                 $cat = $msg->getCategory();
                 if ($cat == 'error') {
                     $maxLevel = 1;
                 $info->popupContent .= '<li class="jxdb-msg-' . $cat . '">
                 <h5><a href="#" onclick="jxdb.toggleDetails(this);return false;"><span>' . htmlspecialchars($msg->getMessage()) . '</span></a></h5>
                 <div><p>Code: ' . $msg->getCode() . '<br/> File: ' . htmlspecialchars($msg->getFile()) . ' ' . htmlspecialchars($msg->getLine()) . '</p>';
                 $info->popupContent .= $debugbarPlugin->formatTrace($msg->getTrace());
                 $info->popupContent .= '</div></li>';
         if ($maxLevel) {
             $info->htmlLabel = '<img src="' . $this->getErrorIcon() . '" alt="Errors" title="' . $c . ' errors"/> ' . $c;
             $info->popupOpened = true;
         } else {
             $info->htmlLabel = '<img src="' . $this->getWarningIcon() . '" alt="Warnings" title="There are ' . $c . ' warnings" /> ' . $c;
         $info->popupContent .= '</ul>';
         foreach ($currentCount as $type => $count) {
             if (($c = jLog::getMessagesCount($type)) > $count) {
                 $info->popupContent .= '<p class="jxdb-msg-warning">There are ' . $c . ' ' . $type . ' messages. Only first ' . $count . ' messages are shown.</p>';
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * it should adds content or set some properties on the debugbar
  * to displays some contents.
  * @param debugbarHTMLResponsePlugin $debugbar the debugbar
 function show($debugbar)
     $info = new debugbarItemInfo('sqllog', 'SQL queries');
     $messages = jLog::getMessages('sql');
     $info->htmlLabel = '<img src="" alt="SQL queries" title="SQL queries"/> ';
     if (!jLog::isPluginActivated('memory', 'sql')) {
         $info->htmlLabel .= '?';
         $info->label .= 'memory logger is not active';
     } else {
         $realCount = jLog::getMessagesCount('sql');
         $currentCount = count($messages);
         $info->htmlLabel .= $realCount;
         if ($realCount) {
             if ($realCount > $currentCount) {
                 $info->popupContent = '<p class="jxdb-msg-warning">Too many queries (' . $realCount . '). Only first ' . $currentCount . ' queries are shown.</p>';
             $sqlDetailsContent = '<ul id="jxdb-sqllog" class="jxdb-list">';
             $totalTime = 0;
             foreach ($messages as $msg) {
                 if (get_class($msg) != 'jSQLLogMessage') {
                 $dao = $msg->getDao();
                 if ($dao) {
                     $m = 'DAO ' . $dao;
                 } else {
                     $m = substr($msg->getMessage(), 0, 50) . ' [...]';
                 $msgTime = $msg->getTime();
                 $totalTime += $msgTime;
                 $sqlDetailsContent .= '<li>
                 <h5><a href="#" onclick="jxdb.toggleDetails(this);return false;"><span>' . htmlspecialchars($m) . '</span></a></h5>
                 <p>Time: ' . $msgTime . 's</p>';
                 $sqlDetailsContent .= '<pre style="white-space:pre-wrap">' . htmlspecialchars($msg->getMessage()) . '</pre>';
                 if ($msg->getMessage() != $msg->originalQuery) {
                     $sqlDetailsContent .= '<p>Original query: </p><pre style="white-space:pre-wrap">' . htmlspecialchars($msg->originalQuery) . '</pre>';
                 $sqlDetailsContent .= $debugbar->formatTrace($msg->getTrace());
                 $sqlDetailsContent .= '</div></li>';
             $sqlDetailsContent .= '</ul>';
             $info->popupContent .= '<div>Total SQL time&nbsp;: ' . $totalTime . 's</div>';
             $info->popupContent .= $sqlDetailsContent;
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * it should adds content or set some properties on the debugbar
  * to displays some contents.
  * @param debugbarHTMLResponsePlugin $debugbar the debugbar
 function show($debugbar)
     $info = new debugbarItemInfo('sqllog', 'SQL queries');
     $messages = jLog::getMessages('sql');
     $info->htmlLabel = '<img src="data:image/png;base64,' . base64_encode(file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/../../htmlresponse/debugbar/icons/database.png')) . '" alt="SQL queries" title="SQL queries"/> ';
     if (!jLog::isPluginActivated('memory', 'sql')) {
         $info->htmlLabel .= '?';
         $info->label .= 'memory logger is not active';
     } else {
         $realCount = jLog::getMessagesCount('sql');
         $currentCount = count($messages);
         $info->htmlLabel .= $realCount;
         if ($realCount) {
             if ($realCount > $currentCount) {
                 $info->popupContent = '<p class="jxdb-msg-warning">Too many queries (' . $realCount . '). Only first ' . $currentCount . ' queries are shown.</p>';
             $sqlDetailsContent = '<ul id="jxdb-sqllog" class="jxdb-list">';
             $totalTime = 0;
             foreach ($messages as $msg) {
                 if (get_class($msg) != 'jSQLLogMessage') {
                 $dao = $msg->getDao();
                 if ($dao) {
                     $m = 'DAO ' . $dao;
                 } else {
                     $m = substr($msg->getMessage(), 0, 50) . ' [...]';
                 $msgTime = $msg->getTime();
                 $totalTime += $msgTime;
                 $sqlDetailsContent .= '<li>
                 <h5><a href="#" onclick="jxdb.toggleDetails(this);return false;"><span>' . htmlspecialchars($m) . '</span></a></h5>
                 <p>Time: ' . $msgTime . 's</p>';
                 $sqlDetailsContent .= '<pre style="white-space:pre-wrap">' . htmlspecialchars($msg->getMessage()) . '</pre>';
                 if ($msg->getMessage() != $msg->originalQuery) {
                     $sqlDetailsContent .= '<p>Original query: </p><pre style="white-space:pre-wrap">' . htmlspecialchars($msg->originalQuery) . '</pre>';
                 $sqlDetailsContent .= $debugbar->formatTrace($msg->getTrace());
                 $sqlDetailsContent .= '</div></li>';
             $sqlDetailsContent .= '</ul>';
             $info->popupContent .= '<div>Total SQL time&nbsp;: ' . $totalTime . 's</div>';
             $info->popupContent .= $sqlDetailsContent;
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * it should adds content or set some properties on the debugbar
  * to displays some contents.
  * @param debugbarHTMLResponsePlugin $debugbar the debugbar
 function show($debugbar)
     $info = new debugbarItemInfo('sqllog', 'SQL queries');
     $messages = jLog::getMessages('sql');
     #expand             $info->htmlLabel = '<img src="data:image/png;base64,__LOGOSQLLOG__" alt="SQL queries" title="SQL queries"/> ';
     if (!jLog::isPluginActivated('memory', 'sql')) {
         $info->htmlLabel .= '?';
         $info->label .= 'memory logger is not active';
     } else {
         $realCount = jLog::getMessagesCount('sql');
         $currentCount = count($messages);
         $info->htmlLabel .= $realCount;
         if ($realCount) {
             if ($realCount > $currentCount) {
                 $info->popupContent = '<p class="jxdb-msg-warning">Too many queries (' . $realCount . '). Only first ' . $currentCount . ' queries are shown.</p>';
             $info->popupContent .= '<ul id="jxdb-sqllog" class="jxdb-list">';
             foreach ($messages as $msg) {
                 $dao = $msg->getDao();
                 if ($dao) {
                     $m = 'DAO ' . $dao;
                 } else {
                     $m = substr($msg->getMessage(), 0, 50) . ' [...]';
                 $info->popupContent .= '<li>
                 <h5><a href="#" onclick="jxdb.toggleDetails(this);return false;"><span>' . htmlspecialchars($m) . '</span></a></h5>
                 <p>Time: ' . $msg->getTime() . 's</p>';
                 $info->popupContent .= '<pre style="white-space:pre-wrap">' . htmlspecialchars($msg->getMessage()) . '</pre>';
                 $info->popupContent .= $debugbar->formatTrace($msg->getTrace());
                 $info->popupContent .= '</div></li>';
             $info->popupContent .= '</ul>';
Ejemplo n.º 6
 function show($debugbarPlugin)
     $info = new debugbarItemInfo('errors', 'Errors');
     $messages = jLog::getMessages(array('error', 'warning', 'notice', 'deprecated', 'strict'));
     if (!jLog::isPluginActivated('memory', 'error')) {
         array_unshift($messages, new jLogErrorMessage('warning', 0, "Memory logger is not activated in jLog for errors, You cannot see them", '', 0, array()));
     if (!jLog::isPluginActivated('memory', 'warning')) {
         array_unshift($messages, new jLogErrorMessage('warning', 0, "Memory logger is not activated in jLog for warnings, You cannot see them", '', 0, array()));
     if (!jLog::isPluginActivated('memory', 'notice')) {
         array_unshift($messages, new jLogErrorMessage('notice', 0, "Memory logger is not activated in jLog for notices, You cannot see them", '', 0, array()));
     $c = count($messages);
     if ($c == 0) {
         $info->label = 'no error';
         $info->htmlLabel = '<img src="data:image/png;base64,' . base64_encode(file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/icons/accept.png')) . '" alt="no errors" title="no errors"/> 0';
     } else {
         $info->popupContent = '<ul id="jxdb-errors" class="jxdb-list">';
         $maxLevel = 0;
         $popupOpened = false;
         $currentCount = array('error' => 0, 'warning' => 0, 'notice' => 0, 'deprecated' => 0, 'strict' => 0);
         $openOnString = jApp::config()->debugbar['errors_openon'];
         $openOn = array();
         if ($openOnString == '*') {
             $popupOpened = true;
         } else {
             $openOn = preg_split("/\\s*,\\s*/", strtoupper($openOnString));
         foreach ($messages as $msg) {
             $cat = $msg->getCategory();
             if ($msg instanceof jLogErrorMessage) {
                 if ($cat == 'error') {
                     $maxLevel = 1;
                 if (!$popupOpened && in_array(strtoupper($cat), $openOn) !== FALSE) {
                     $popupOpened = true;
                 // careful: if you change the position of the div, update debugbar.js
                 $info->popupContent .= '<li class="jxdb-msg-' . $cat . '">
                 <h5><a href="#" onclick="jxdb.toggleDetails(this);return false;"><span>' . htmlspecialchars($msg->getMessage()) . '</span></a></h5>
                 <div><p>Code: ' . $msg->getCode() . '<br/> File: ' . htmlspecialchars($msg->getFile()) . ' ' . htmlspecialchars($msg->getLine()) . '</p>';
                 $info->popupContent .= $debugbarPlugin->formatTrace($msg->getTrace());
                 $info->popupContent .= '</div></li>';
             } else {
                 $info->popupContent .= '<li class="jxdb-msg-' . $cat . '">
                 <h5><a href="#" onclick="jxdb.toggleDetails(this);return false;"><span>' . htmlspecialchars($msg->getMessage()) . '</span></a></h5>
                 <div><p>Not a real PHP ' . $cat . ',  logged directly by your code. <br />Details are not available.</p></div></li>';
         if ($maxLevel) {
             $info->htmlLabel = '<img src="' . $this->getErrorIcon() . '" alt="Errors" title="' . $c . ' errors"/> ' . $c;
         } else {
             $info->htmlLabel = '<img src="' . $this->getWarningIcon() . '" alt="Warnings" title="There are ' . $c . ' warnings" /> ' . $c;
         $info->popupOpened = $popupOpened;
         $info->popupContent .= '</ul>';
         foreach ($currentCount as $type => $count) {
             if (($c = jLog::getMessagesCount($type)) > $count) {
                 $info->popupContent .= '<p class="jxdb-msg-warning">There are ' . $c . ' ' . $type . ' messages. Only first ' . $count . ' messages are shown.</p>';