function __construct($sel, $locale = null, $charset = null)
     if ($locale === null) {
         $locale = jApp::config()->locale;
     if ($charset === null) {
         $charset = jApp::config()->charset;
     if (strpos($locale, '_') === false) {
         $locale = jLocale::langToLocale($locale);
     $this->locale = $locale;
     $this->charset = $charset;
     $this->_suffix = '.' . $charset . '.properties';
     $this->_compilerPath = JELIX_LIB_CORE_PATH . 'jLocalesCompiler.class.php';
     if (jelix_scan_locale_sel($sel, $this)) {
         if ($this->module == '') {
             $this->module = jApp::getCurrentModule();
     } else {
         throw new jExceptionSelector('jelix~errors.selector.invalid.syntax', array($sel, $this->type));
 function initExpectedValue()
     $numbers = jLocale::get('jelix~captcha.number');
     $id = rand(1, intval($numbers));
     $this->question = jLocale::get('jelix~captcha.question.' . $id);
     $this->container->privateData[$this->ref] = jLocale::get('jelix~captcha.response.' . $id);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 function update()
     $id = $this->param('j_user_login');
     $pwd = $this->param('pwd');
     $pwdconf = $this->param('pwd_confirm');
     $rep = $this->getResponse('redirect');
     if ($this->personalView && $id != jAuth::getUserSession()->login) {
         jMessage::add(jLocale::get('jelix~errors.acl.action.right.needed'), 'error');
         $rep->action = 'master_admin~default:index';
         return $rep;
     if (trim($pwd) == '' || $pwd != $pwdconf) {
         jMessage::add(jLocale::get('crud.message.bad.password'), 'error');
         $rep->action = 'password:index';
         $rep->params['j_user_login'] = $id;
         return $rep;
     if (jAuth::changePassword($id, $pwd)) {
         jMessage::add(jLocale::get('crud.message.change.password.ok', $id), 'notice');
         if ($this->personalView) {
             $rep->action = 'user:index';
         } else {
             $rep->action = 'default:view';
         $rep->params['j_user_login'] = $id;
         return $rep;
     } else {
         jMessage::add(jLocale::get('crud.message.change.password.notok'), 'error');
         $rep->action = 'password:index';
         $rep->params['j_user_login'] = $id;
     return $rep;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 function index()
     $rep = $this->getResponse('html');
     $tpl = new jTpl();
     $gid = array(0);
     $o = new StdClass();
     $o->id_aclgrp = '0';
     $o->name = jLocale::get('');
     $o->grouptype = 0;
     $groups = array($o);
     $grouprights = array(0 => false);
     foreach (jAcl2DbUserGroup::getGroupList() as $grp) {
         $gid[] = $grp->id_aclgrp;
         $groups[] = $grp;
         $grouprights[$grp->id_aclgrp] = false;
     $rights = array();
     $p = jAcl2Db::getProfil();
     $rs = jDao::get('jelix~jacl2subject', $p)->findAllSubject();
     foreach ($rs as $rec) {
         $rights[$rec->id_aclsbj] = $grouprights;
     $rs = jDao::get('jelix~jacl2rights', $p)->getRightsByGroups($gid);
     foreach ($rs as $rec) {
         $rights[$rec->id_aclsbj][$rec->id_aclgrp] = true;
     $tpl->assign(compact('groups', 'rights'));
     if (jAcl2::check('')) {
         $rep->body->assign('MAIN', $tpl->fetch('groups_right'));
     } else {
         $rep->body->assign('MAIN', $tpl->fetch('groups_right_view'));
     return $rep;
  * Displays a list of project for a given repository.
  * @param string $repository. Name of the repository.
  * @return Html page with a list of projects.
 function index()
     if ($this->param('theme')) {
         jApp::config()->theme = $this->param('theme');
     $rep = $this->getResponse('html');
     // Get lizmap services
     $services = lizmap::getServices();
     // only maps
     if ($services->onlyMaps) {
         $repository = lizmap::getRepository($services->defaultRepository);
         if ($repository && jAcl2::check('lizmap.repositories.view', $repository->getKey())) {
             $project = lizmap::getProject($repository->getKey() . '~' . $services->defaultProject);
             if ($project) {
                 // test redirection to an other controller
                 $items = jEvent::notify('mainviewGetMaps')->getResponse();
                 foreach ($items as $item) {
                     if ($item->parentId == $repository->getKey() && $item->id == $services->defaultProject) {
                         $rep = $this->getResponse('redirectUrl');
                         $rep->url = $item->url;
                         return $rep;
                 // redirection to default controller
                 $rep = $this->getResponse('redirect');
                 $rep->action = 'view~map:index';
                 return $rep;
     // Get repository data
     $repository = $this->param('repository');
     $repositoryList = array();
     if ($repository) {
         if (!jAcl2::check('lizmap.repositories.view', $repository)) {
             $rep = $this->getResponse('redirect');
             $rep->action = 'view~default:index';
             jMessage::add(jLocale::get('view~default.repository.access.denied'), 'error');
             return $rep;
     $title = jLocale::get("view~default.repository.list.title");
     $rep->body->assign('repositoryLabel', $title);
     $rep->body->assign('isConnected', jAuth::isConnected());
     $rep->body->assign('user', jAuth::getUserSession());
     if ($services->allowUserAccountRequests) {
         $rep->body->assign('allowUserAccountRequests', True);
     if ($repository) {
         $lrep = lizmap::getRepository($repository);
         $title .= ' - ' . $lrep->getData('label');
     $rep->title = $title;
     $rep->body->assignZone('MAIN', 'main_view', array('repository' => $repository));
     $rep->addJSCode("\n      \$(window).load(function() {\n        \$('.liz-project-img').parent().mouseenter(function(){\n          var self = \$(this);\n          self.find('.liz-project-desc').slideDown();\n          self.css('cursor','pointer');\n        }).mouseleave(function(){\n          var self = \$(this);\n          self.find('.liz-project-desc').hide();\n        }).click(function(){\n          var self = \$(this);\n          window.location = self.parent().find('a.liz-project-view').attr('href');\n          return false;\n        });\n      });\n      ");
     // Js hack to normalize the height of the project thumbnails to avoid line breaks with long project titles
     $bp = jApp::config()->urlengine['basePath'];
     $rep->addJSLink($bp . 'js/view.js');
     return $rep;
 function onmasteradminGetMenuContent($event)
     if (jAcl2::check('activeusers.configuration')) {
         $item = new masterAdminMenuItem('activeusers', jLocale::get(''), jUrl::get('activeusers_admin~default:index'), 120, 'system');
 function onmasteradminGetMenuContent($event)
     $plugin = $GLOBALS['gJCoord']->getPlugin('auth', false);
     if ($plugin && $plugin->config['driver'] == 'Db' && jAcl2::check('auth.users.list')) {
         $event->add(new masterAdminMenuItem('users', jLocale::get('jauthdb_admin~auth.adminmenu.item.list'), jUrl::get('jauthdb_admin~default:index'), 10, 'system'));
Ejemplo n.º 8
  * Main Menu of the navbar
  * @pararm event $event Object of a listener
 function onhfnuGetMenuContent($event)
     $gJConfig = jApp::config();
     $event->add(new hfnuMenuItem('home', jLocale::get('havefnubb~main.home'), jUrl::get('havefnubb~default:index'), 1, 'main'));
     $event->add(new hfnuMenuItem('members', jLocale::get('havefnubb~main.member.list'), jUrl::get('havefnubb~members:index'), 2, 'main'));
     $event->add(new hfnuMenuItem('search', jLocale::get(''), jUrl::get('hfnusearch~default:index'), 3, 'main'));
     if ($gJConfig->havefnubb['rules'] != '') {
         $event->add(new hfnuMenuItem('rules', jLocale::get('havefnubb~main.rules'), jUrl::get('havefnubb~default:rules'), 4, 'main'));
     // dynamic menu
     $menus = jClasses::getService('havefnubb~hfnumenusbar')->getMenus();
     if (!empty($menus)) {
         foreach ($menus as $indx => $menu) {
             $event->add(new hfnuMenuItem($menu['itemName'], $menu['name'], $menu['url'], 50 + $menu['order'], 'main'));
     if ($event->getParam('admin') === true) {
         $url = '';
         try {
             // let's try to retrieve the url of the admin, if the admin is in
             // the same app
             $url = jUrl::get('hfnuadmin~default:index');
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             if (isset($gJConfig->havefnubb["admin_url"])) {
                 $url = $gJConfig->havefnubb["admin_url"];
         if ($url) {
             $event->add(new hfnuMenuItem('admin', jLocale::get('havefnubb~main.admin.panel'), $url, 100, 'main'));
Ejemplo n.º 9
 function update()
     $id = $this->param('id');
     $pwd = $this->param('pwd');
     $pwdconf = $this->param('pwd_confirm');
     $rep = $this->getResponse('redirect');
     if (trim($pwd) == '' || $pwd != $pwdconf) {
         jMessage::add(jLocale::get('crud.message.bad.password'), 'error');
         $rep->action = 'password:index';
         $rep->params['id'] = $id;
         return $rep;
     if (jAuth::changePassword($id, $pwd)) {
         jMessage::add(jLocale::get('crud.message.change.password.ok', $id), 'notice');
         if ($this->personalView) {
             $rep->action = 'user:index';
         } else {
             $rep->action = 'default:view';
         $rep->params['id'] = $id;
         return $rep;
     } else {
         jMessage::add(jLocale::get('crud.message.change.password.notok'), 'error');
         $rep->action = 'password:index';
         $rep->params['id'] = $id;
     return $rep;
Ejemplo n.º 10
  * Main page
 public function index()
     $submit = $this->param('validate');
     if ($submit == jLocale::get('hfnucontact~contact.form.saveBt')) {
         $form = jForms::fill('hfnucontact~admincontact');
         $rep = $this->getResponse('redirect');
         if (!$form->check()) {
             $rep->action = 'hfnucontact~admin:index';
             return $rep;
         $HfnucontactConfig = new jIniFileModifier(jApp::configPath('defaultconfig.ini.php'));
         $HfnucontactConfig->setValue('email_contact', $this->param('contact'), 'hfnucontact');
         jMessage::add(jLocale::get(''), 'ok');
         $rep->action = 'hfnucontact~admin:index';
         return $rep;
     } else {
         $form = jForms::create('hfnucontact~admincontact');
     $form->setData('contact', jApp::config()->hfnucontact['email_contact']);
     $rep = $this->getResponse('html');
     $tpl = new jTpl();
     $tpl->assign('form', $form);
     $rep->body->assign('MAIN', $tpl->fetch('hfnucontact~admincontact'));
     $rep->body->assign('selectedMenuItem', 'contact');
     return $rep;
  * Get JSON containing all translation for a given jelix property file.
  * @param string $property Name of the property file. Ex: map if searched file is
  * @param string $lang Language. Ex: fr_FR (optional)
  * @return binary object The image for this project.
 function getDictionary()
     $rep = $this->getResponse('json');
     // Get the property file
     $property = $this->param('property');
     $lang = $this->param('lang');
     if (!$lang) {
         $lang = jLocale::getCurrentLang() . '_' . jLocale::getCurrentCountry();
     $data = array();
     $path = jApp::appPath() . 'modules/view/locales/' . $lang . '/' . $property . '';
     if (file_exists($path)) {
         $lines = file($path);
         foreach ($lines as $lineNumber => $lineContent) {
             if (!empty($lineContent) and $lineContent != '\\n') {
                 $exp = explode('=', trim($lineContent));
                 if (!empty($exp[0])) {
                     $data[$exp[0]] = jLocale::get('view~dictionnary.' . $exp[0], null, $lang);
     $rep->data = $data;
     return $rep;
Ejemplo n.º 12
 protected function _prepareTpl()
     $menu = array();
     $menu['toplinks'] = new masterAdminMenuItem('toplinks', '', '');
     $dashboard = new masterAdminMenuItem('dashboard', jLocale::get(''), jUrl::get('default:index'));
     $dashboard->icon = $GLOBALS['gJConfig']->urlengine['jelixWWWPath'] . 'design/images/dashboard.png';
     $menu['toplinks']->childItems[] = $dashboard;
     $menu['system'] = new masterAdminMenuItem('system', jLocale::get(''), '', 100);
     $items = jEvent::notify('masteradminGetMenuContent')->getResponse();
     foreach ($items as $item) {
         if ($item->parentId) {
             if (!isset($menu[$item->parentId])) {
                 $menu[$item->parentId] = new masterAdminMenuItem($item->parentId, '', '');
             $menu[$item->parentId]->childItems[] = $item;
         } else {
             if (isset($menu[$item->id])) {
             } else {
                 $menu[$item->id] = $item;
     usort($menu, "masterAdminItemSort");
     foreach ($menu as $topitem) {
         usort($topitem->childItems, "masterAdminItemSort");
     $this->_tpl->assign('menuitems', $menu);
     $this->_tpl->assign('selectedMenuItem', $this->param('selectedMenuItem', ''));
Ejemplo n.º 13
 function in()
     $rep = $this->getResponse('redirectUrl');
     $conf = jApp::coord()->getPlugin('auth')->config;
     $url_return = '/';
     if ($conf['after_login'] == '') {
         throw new jException('');
     if ($conf['after_logout'] == '') {
         throw new jException('');
     $form = jForms::fill('jcommunity~login');
     if (!$form) {
         $rep->url = jUrl::get($conf['after_logout']);
         return $rep;
     if (!jAuth::login($form->getData('auth_login'), $form->getData('auth_password'), $form->getData('auth_remember_me'))) {
         $form->setErrorOn('auth_login', jLocale::get('jcommunity~login.error'));
         //jMessage::add(jLocale::get('jcommunity~login.error'), 'error');
         if ($auth_url_return = $this->param('auth_url_return')) {
             $url_return = jUrl::get('login:index', array('auth_url_return' => $auth_url_return));
         } else {
             $url_return = jUrl::get('login:index');
     } else {
         if (!($conf['enable_after_login_override'] && ($url_return = $this->param('auth_url_return')))) {
             $url_return = jUrl::get($conf['after_login']);
     $rep->url = $url_return;
     return $rep;
Ejemplo n.º 14
  * @param    array  $params   plugin parameters for the current action
  * @return null or jSelectorAct  if action should change
 public function beforeAction($params)
     $langDetected = false;
     $lang = '';
     if ($this->config['enableUrlDetection']) {
         $l = jApp::coord()->request->getParam($this->config['urlParamNameLanguage']);
         if ($l !== null) {
             $lang = jLocale::getCorrespondingLocale($l);
             if ($lang != '') {
                 $langDetected = true;
     if (!$langDetected) {
         if (isset($_SESSION['JX_LANG'])) {
             $lang = $_SESSION['JX_LANG'];
         } else {
             if ($this->config['useDefaultLanguageBrowser']) {
                 $lang = jLocale::getPreferedLocaleFromRequest();
     if ($lang != '') {
         $_SESSION['JX_LANG'] = $lang;
         jApp::config()->locale = $lang;
     return null;
Ejemplo n.º 15
 function onmasteradminGetMenuContent($event)
     if (jAcl2::check('auth.users.list')) {
         $item = new masterAdminMenuItem('pref', jLocale::get('jpref_admin~admin.item.title'), jUrl::get('jpref_admin~prefs:index'), 50, 'system');
         $item->icon = jApp::config()->urlengine['jelixWWWPath'] . 'design/images/cog.png';
Ejemplo n.º 16
 protected function _prepareTpl()
     $id = jAuth::getUserSession()->id;
     $title = jLocale::get("jmessenger~message.msg.inbox");
     $dao = jDao::get($this->dao);
     $msg = $dao->getRecus($id);
     $this->_tpl->assign(compact('msg', 'id', 'title'));
Ejemplo n.º 17
 function index()
     $rep = $this->getResponse('html');
     $groups = array();
     $o = new StdClass();
     $o->id_aclgrp = '-2';
     $o->name = jLocale::get('jacl2_admin~acl2.all.users.option');
     $o->grouptype = 0;
     $groups[] = $o;
     $o = new StdClass();
     $o->id_aclgrp = '-1';
     $o->name = jLocale::get('jacl2_admin~acl2.without.groups.option');
     $o->grouptype = 0;
     $groups[] = $o;
     foreach (jAcl2DbUserGroup::getGroupList() as $grp) {
         $groups[] = $grp;
     $listPageSize = 15;
     $offset = $this->intParam('idx', 0, true);
     $grpid = $this->intParam('grpid', -2, true);
     $p = jAcl2Db::getProfil();
     if ($grpid == -2) {
         //all users
         $dao = jDao::get('jelix~jacl2groupsofuser', $p);
         $cond = jDao::createConditions();
         $cond->addCondition('grouptype', '=', 2);
         $rs = $dao->findBy($cond, $offset, $listPageSize);
         $usersCount = $dao->countBy($cond);
     } elseif ($grpid == -1) {
         //only those who have no groups
         $sql = 'SELECT login, count(id_aclgrp) as nbgrp FROM jacl2_user_group 
                 GROUP BY login HAVING nbgrp < 2 ORDER BY login';
         $cnx = jDb::getConnection($p);
         $rs = $cnx->query($sql);
         $usersCount = -1;
     } else {
         //in a specific group
         $dao = jDao::get('jelix~jacl2usergroup', $p);
         $rs = $dao->getUsersGroupLimit($grpid, $offset, $listPageSize);
         $usersCount = $dao->getUsersGroupCount($grpid);
     $users = array();
     $dao2 = jDao::get('jelix~jacl2groupsofuser', $p);
     foreach ($rs as $u) {
         $u->groups = array();
         $gl = $dao2->getGroupsUser($u->login);
         foreach ($gl as $g) {
             if ($g->grouptype != 2) {
                 $u->groups[] = $g;
         $users[] = $u;
     $tpl = new jTpl();
     $tpl->assign(compact('offset', 'grpid', 'listPageSize', 'groups', 'users', 'usersCount'));
     $rep->body->assign('MAIN', $tpl->fetch('users_list'));
     return $rep;
Ejemplo n.º 18
 protected function _prepareTpl()
     $id = $this->getParam("id", jAuth::getUserSession()->id);
     $title = jLocale::get("jmessenger~message.msg.archived");
     $dao = jDao::get($this->dao);
     $msg = $dao->getArchive($id);
     $send = true;
     $this->_tpl->assign(compact('msg', 'id', 'title', 'send'));
Ejemplo n.º 19
 function onmasteradminGetMenuContent($event)
     $chemin = jApp::config()->urlengine['basePath'] . 'hfnu/admin/';
     if (jAcl2::check('modulesinfo.access')) {
         $item = new masterAdminMenuItem('modulesinfo', jLocale::get(''), jUrl::get('modulesinfo~default:index'), 202, 'system');
         $item->icon = $chemin . 'images/modules_list.png';
 function onmasteradminGetMenuContent($event)
     if (jAcl2::check('acl.user.view')) {
         $event->add(new masterAdminMenuItem('usersrights', jLocale::get(''), jUrl::get('jacl2db_admin~users:index'), 30, 'system'));
     if (jAcl2::check('')) {
         $event->add(new masterAdminMenuItem('usersgroups', jLocale::get(''), jUrl::get('jacl2db_admin~groups:index'), 20, 'system'));
Ejemplo n.º 21
 function onmasteradminGetMenuContent($event)
     $chemin = jApp::config()->urlengine['basePath'] . 'hfnu/admin/';
     if (jAcl2::check('jelixcache.access')) {
         $item = new masterAdminMenuItem('jelixcache', jLocale::get(''), jUrl::get('jelixcache~default:index'), 100, 'system');
         $item->icon = $chemin . 'images/clear_cache.png';
Ejemplo n.º 22
 function onmasteradminGetMenuContent($event)
     $plugin = $GLOBALS['gJCoord']->getPlugin('auth', false);
     if ($plugin && $plugin->config['driver'] == 'Db' && jAcl2::check('auth.users.list')) {
         $item = new masterAdminMenuItem('users', jLocale::get('jauthdb_admin~auth.adminmenu.item.list'), jUrl::get('jauthdb_admin~default:index'), 10, 'system');
         $item->icon = $GLOBALS['gJConfig']->urlengine['jelixWWWPath'] . 'design/images/user.png';
  * the menu item
  * @param object $event
  * @return void
 function onmasteradminGetMenuContent($event)
     $chemin = jApp::config()->urlengine['basePath'] . 'hfnu/admin/';
     if (jAcl2::check('')) {
         $event->add(new masterAdminMenuItem('hfnucontact', 'Contact', '', 40));
         $item = new masterAdminMenuItem('contact', jLocale::get(''), jUrl::get('hfnucontact~admin:index'), 100, 'hfnucontact');
         $item->icon = $chemin . 'images/contact.png';
  * the menu item
  * @param object $event
  * @return void
 function onmasteradminGetMenuContent($event)
     $chemin = jApp::config()->urlengine['basePath'] . 'hfnu/admin/';
     if (jAcl2::check('hfnu.admin.index')) {
         $event->add(new masterAdminMenuItem('hfnuthemes', jLocale::get('hfnuthemes~theme.themes'), '', 30));
         $item = new masterAdminMenuItem('theme', jLocale::get('hfnuthemes~theme.themes'), jUrl::get('hfnuthemes~default:index'), 10, 'hfnuthemes');
         $item->icon = $chemin . 'images/theme.png';
Ejemplo n.º 25
 * function that display the nickname of the admin that censored the post
function jtpl_function_html_censored_by($tpl, $id)
    $user = jDao::get('havefnubb~member')->getById($id);
    $str = jLocale::get('');
    if ($user->nickname != '') {
        echo $str . ' ' . $user->nickname;
    } else {
        echo $str . ' ' . $user->login;
Ejemplo n.º 26
 * NumberFormat plugin for jTpl that wraps PHP number_format function
 * @param float $number the number to format
 * @param int $decimals the number of decimals to return
 * @param string $dec_point the separator string for the decimals
 * @param string $thousands_sep the separator string for the thousands
 * @return string
function jtpl_modifier_common_number_format($number, $decimals = 0, $dec_point = false, $thousands_sep = false)
    if ($dec_point == false) {
        $dec_point = jLocale::get('jelix~format.decimal_point');
    if ($thousands_sep == false) {
        $thousands_sep = jLocale::get('jelix~format.thousands_sep');
    return number_format($number, $decimals, $dec_point, $thousands_sep);
Ejemplo n.º 27
 protected function _prepareTpl()
     $id = $this->getParam('id', false);
     $scope = $this->getParam('scope', false);
     if (!$id || !$scope) {
         throw new Exception(jLocale::get("jtags~tags.error.parametermissing"));
     $tags = jClasses::getService("jtags~tags")->getTagsBySubject($scope, $id);
  * the menu item
  * @param object $event
  * @return void
 function onmasteradminGetMenuContent($event)
     $chemin = jApp::config()->urlengine['basePath'] . 'hfnu/admin/';
     $event->add(new masterAdminMenuItem('hfnusearch', jLocale::get(''), '', 50));
     if (jAcl2::check('')) {
         $item = new masterAdminMenuItem('hfnusearch', jLocale::get(''), jUrl::get('hfnusearch~admin:index'), 100, 'hfnusearch');
         $item->icon = $chemin . 'images/search_engine.png';
Ejemplo n.º 29
 function index()
     $resp = $this->getResponse('html');
     $resp->title = jLocale::get('gui.dashboard.title');
     $resp->body->assignZone('MAIN', 'dashboard');
     if (jAuth::getUserSession()->login == 'admin' && jAuth::getUserSession()->password == md5('admin')) {
         jMessage::add(jLocale::get('gui.message.admin.password'), 'error');
     $resp->body->assign('selectedMenuItem', 'dashboard');
     return $resp;
Ejemplo n.º 30
 public function __construct($sel, &$container, $reset = false)
     parent::__construct($sel, $container, $reset);
     $ctrl = new jFormsControlinput('name');
     $ctrl->label = jLocale::get('');
     $ctrl = new jFormsControlsubmit('_submit');
     $ctrl->label = jLocale::get('');
     $ctrl->datasource = new jFormsStaticDatasource();