Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: go.php Proyecto: Borvik/Munla
  * Redirects the user to the requested page under the specified
  * security context (https or http).
  * If the current context matches the requested context, then processing will
  * continue as normal.
  * @param bool $ssl
  *   A boolean indicating whether to switch to https or http.
 public static function ssl($ssl = true)
     if (!is_bool($ssl)) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid argument passed to go::ssl().  Must be a boolean value.');
     if (is::ssl() == $ssl) {
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: get.php Proyecto: Borvik/Munla
  * Attempts to construct the full URL for the given file.
  * Files that match a url (begin with http, ftp, or https followed by
  * ://) will be returned as is.
  * Files that appear to be a url (start with www.) will have the
  * current scheme prepended to them.
  * All others will be checked to see if the file exists relative to
  * the document root, and the current URL directory (request came from
  * http://www.mysite.com/path/two/otherfile.php then it would check 
  * both relative to http://www.mysite.com/path/two/ and http://www.mysite.com/.
  * If the file exists and is within the document root (can't have anyone
  * accessing system files using ../../ patterns) it will return the url
  * to the file.
  * If it cannot match as a URL or a valid file, it returns the passed
  * file exactly as it is.
  * Example:
  * Called from - http://www.mysite.com/path/file.php
  * File exists - http://www.mysite.com/css/layout.css
  * File exists - /var/systemfile (/var/www being the document root)
  * $file -> $return
  * css/layout.css -> http://www.mysite.com/css/layout.css
  * ../css/layout.css -> http://www.mysite.com/css/layout.css
  * http://www.othersite.com/file.pdf -> http://www.othersite.com/file.pdf
  * www.otheriste.com/file.pdf -> http://www.othersite.com/file.pdf
  * ../../systemfile -> systemfile (would result it broken link)
  * css/notthere.css -> css/notthere.css
  * @param string $file
  *   The file to create the URL for.
  * @return string
  *   The full URL of the file specified or the filename as given.
  *   If outside the server document root, the filename only.
 public static function cache_file_url($file)
     if (preg_match('/^(http|ftp|https):\\/\\//', $file)) {
         return $file;
     if (strlen($file) > 4 && strtolower(substr($file, 0, 4)) == 'www.') {
         return 'http' . (is::ssl() ? 's' : '') . '://' . $file;
     $docroot = strtr($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'], '\\', '/');
     $self = strtr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], '\\', '/');
     if (substr($docroot, -1) != '/') {
         $docroot .= '/';
     if (substr($self, 0, 1) == '/') {
         $self = substr($self, 1);
     $base_dir = get::dirname($docroot . $self);
     if (substr($base_dir, -1) != '/') {
         $base_dir .= '/';
     if (strlen($file) > strlen($docroot) && strtolower(substr($file, 0, strlen($docroot))) == strtolower($docroot)) {
         $file = substr($file, strlen($docroot));
     //try relative (from basename of URL file, and server docroot)
     if (file_exists($base_dir . $file) || file_exists($docroot . $file)) {
         $path = get::realpath(file_exists($base_dir . $file) ? $base_dir . $file : $docroot . $file);
         if ($path !== false && strtolower(substr($path, 0, strlen($docroot))) == strtolower($docroot)) {
             //file is within the website
             $self_url = self::url();
             if ($self_url == null) {
                 define('DEBUG_URL', true);
                 $self_url = self::url();
                 define('URL_DEBUGGED', true);
             $current = parse_url($self_url);
             $temp = '';
             if (isset($current['user']) && isset($current['pass'])) {
                 $temp .= sprintf('%s:%s@', $current['user'], $current['pass']);
             $temp .= $current['host'];
             if (isset($current['port'])) {
                 $temp .= ':' . $current['port'];
             return $current['scheme'] . '://' . str_replace('//', '/', $temp . '/' . substr($path, strlen($docroot)));
         } else {
             //file is outside of the website - hacking attempt
             return basename($file);
     return $file;
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Starts the application.
  * @return void
 public static function run()
     self::$starttime = microtime(true);
     if (isset(config::$session_cookie_domain)) {
         ini_set('session.cookie_domain', config::$session_cookie_domain);
     if (class_exists('formHelper')) {
     if (class_exists('csrfHelper')) {
         injector::register(array('csrfHelper', 'injector'));
     if (is::ssl() && isset(config::$https_domain) && !isset(config::$http_domain)) {
         if (is::existset($_GET, 'r_domain')) {
             config::$http_domain = get::fulldomain($_GET['r_domain']);
         } else {
             config::$http_domain = get::fulldomain('www');
     if (config::$isolated_subdomains) {
         // find the domain
         $domain = isset(config::$http_domain) ? config::$http_domain : get::fulldomain();
         // kill any subdomain sessions that have been transfered to another subdomain
         $existing = array_keys($_SESSION);
         foreach ($existing as $d) {
             if (!is_array($_SESSION[$d])) {
             if (array_key_exists('kill_munla_session', $_SESSION[$d]) && $_SESSION[$d]['kill_munla_session']) {
         // initialize and setup the session for this subdomain
         if (!array_key_exists($domain, $_SESSION)) {
             $_SESSION[$domain] = array();
         munla::$session =& $_SESSION[$domain];
     } else {
         munla::$session =& $_SESSION;
     if (class_exists('singleUseArray')) {
         if (!is::existset(munla::$session, 'MUNLA_SINGLE_USE')) {
             munla::$singleUse = new singleUseArray();
         } else {
             munla::$singleUse = unserialize(munla::$session['MUNLA_SINGLE_USE']);
     $route = get::route();
     if (is_array($route) && $route['controller'] == 'csrf' && $route['action'] == 'keepalive' && class_exists('csrfHelper') && is::existset($route, 'params') && count($route['params']) > 0) {
         if (isset($_POST['token'])) {
             echo csrfHelper::keepAlive($route['params'][0], $_POST['token']);
     if (class_exists('user') && is_subclass_of('user', 'userBase')) {
         if (!is::existset(munla::$session, 'MUNLA_USER')) {
             munla::$session['MUNLA_USER'] = new userWrapper(new user());
     if (class_exists('app') && is_callable(array('app', 'setup'))) {
     if (!isset(munla::$user) && is::existset(munla::$session, 'MUNLA_USER')) {
         munla::$user =& munla::$session['MUNLA_USER'];
     if (!is::ajax()) {
         $submittedForm = formHelper::process();
         if (isset($submittedForm)) {
     if (class_exists('app') && is_callable(array('app', 'start'))) {
         $route = app::start($route);
     if ($route === null) {
         $route = array('controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'index', 'params' => null);
     $controller = get::controller($route['controller']);
     if (!isset($controller) && $route['controller'] != 'index') {
         //push action to params, controller to action, and set controller to index and try again.
         if ($route['action'] != 'index') {
             if (!isset($route['params'])) {
                 $route['params'] = array();
             array_unshift($route['params'], $route['action']);
         $route['action'] = $route['controller'];
         $route['controller'] = 'index';
         $controller = get::controller('index');
     $view = null;
     if (isset($controller)) {
         $action = $controller->getAction(array($route['action'], $route['params']));
         if (isset($action)) {
             try {
                 $viewParams = call_user_func_array(array($controller, $action['action']), $action['params']);
                 //various things could happen here...
                 if (!isset($viewParams)) {
                     $viewParams = array();
                 } elseif (!is_array($viewParams)) {
                     $viewParams = array($viewParams);
                 $view = get::view($route, $controller, $viewParams);
             } catch (SSLException $e) {
             } catch (PermissionException $e) {
                 munla::$nohistory = true;
                 if (isset(munla::$user) && !munla::$user->is_logged_in() && munla::$user->getLoginView()) {
                     $view = munla::$user->getLoginView();
                 } else {
                     $view = get::view('errors/generic', 'default', array('error_msg' => $e->getMessage()));
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 munla::$nohistory = true;
                 $view = get::view('errors/generic', 'default', array('error_msg' => $e->getMessage()));
         } else {
             $view = get::view($route, $controller);
     } else {
         $view = get::view($route);
     if ($view != null) {
     } else {
         throw new Exception('View not found!');
     if (class_exists('app', false)) {
         munla::$nohistory = app::finish(munla::$nohistory);
     if (munla::$nohistory === false) {
         munla::$session['lastpage'] = get::url();
     if (isset(munla::$singleUse)) {
         munla::$session['MUNLA_SINGLE_USE'] = serialize(munla::$singleUse);
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * Checks the access permission for the given method name.  Checks SSL context, and user permission.
  * @param string $name The method the check.
  * @throws SSLException|PermissionException when access permission is invalid.
  * @return void
 public function check_permission($name)
     //first ignore some functions for some classes
     if (is_subclass_of($this->internal, 'controller') && $name == 'getAction') {
     //check SSL access
     $ssl = $this->internal->getSSL();
     if (isset($ssl)) {
         if (is_bool($ssl) && $ssl != is::ssl() || is_array($ssl) && array_key_exists($name, $ssl) && is_bool($ssl[$name]) && $ssl[$name] != is::ssl()) {
             throw new SSLException(sprintf('Invalid context to run "%s" on %s.  Must be %sssl.', $name, get_class($this->internal), $ssl ? '' : 'non-'));
     //check permission access
     $access = $this->internal->getAccess();
     if (is_array($access) && array_key_exists($name, $access) && isset($access[$name])) {
         $ret = munla::$user->hasPermission($access[$name]);
         if (is_string($ret)) {
             throw new PermissionException($ret);
         } elseif ($ret === false) {
             throw new PermissionException(sprintf('Invalid permissions to run "%s" on %s.', $name, get_class($this->internal)));