  * Automatic plugin modules and helper loading
  * @param  sfEvent  $event
 public function listenToContextLoadFactories(sfEvent $event)
     // Enable module automatically
     sfConfig::set('sf_enabled_modules', array_merge(sfConfig::get('sf_enabled_modules', array()), array('ioEditableContent')));
     // Load helper as well
     // create the editable content service
     $this->_editableContentService = $this->_createEditableContentService($event->getSubject()->getUser());
     // load the editor assets
     if ($this->_editableContentService->shouldShowEditor()) {

require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../bootstrap/functional.php';
require_once $_SERVER['SYMFONY'] . '/vendor/lime/lime.php';
$dispatcher = $configuration->getEventDispatcher();
$t = new lime_test();
$t->info('1 - Test some basic getters and setters');
$service = new ioEditableContentService($context->getUser(), $dispatcher, array('test_option' => 'test_val'));
$t->is($service->getOption('test_option', 'default'), 'test_val', '->getOption() works for options passed in the constructor');
$service->setOption('new_option', 'foo');
$t->is($service->getOption('new_option'), 'foo', '->setOption() sets the option value correctly');
$t->is($service->getOption('fake_option', 'bar'), 'bar', '->getOption() on a nonexistent option returns the default value.');
$t->info('2 - Test shouldShowEditor()');
$service = new ioEditableContentService($context->getUser(), $dispatcher);
$t->is($service->shouldShowEditor(null, true), false, '->shouldShowEditor() returns false: no credential passed in, but we still require auth.');
$t->is($service->shouldShowEditor(null, true), true, '->shouldShowEditor() returns true if no credential is passed to require.');
$service->setOption('admin_credential', 'test_edit_credential');
$t->is($service->shouldShowEditor(null, true), false, '->shouldShowEditor() returns false: the user does not have the credential');
$t->is($service->shouldShowEditor(null, true), true, '->shouldShowEditor() returns true: the user has the proper credential');
$t->info('3 - Test getContent()');
$service = new ioEditableContentService($context->getUser(), $dispatcher);
$blog = new Blog();
$blog->title = 'Unit test blog';
$blog->body = 'Lorem Ipsum';
$t->info('  3.1 - Test a single-field, no partial rendering');
$result = $service->getContent($blog, array('title'));
$t->is($result, 'Unit test blog', '->getContent() returns the correct value');
$t->info('  3.2 - Test multiple fields, no partial - throws an exception');