public function test1() { $ini_file = '/tmp/test.ini'; $x = new ini($ini_file); $x->set('Category', 'spex', 17); $val = $x->get('Category', 'spex'); unlink($ini_file); $this->assertEquals($val, 17); }
function sendMail() { $cfg = new ini(); $cfg->setFileName('./include/config/account.ini'); $cfg->load(); $user_mail = $cfg->getElementByValue('user', 'email'); $mail = new PHPMailer(); $mail->IsSMTP(); //$mail->SMTPDebug= 2; //konfiguracja serwera $mail->PluginDir = "phpmailer/"; $mail->Mailer = "smtp"; $mail->Host = $cfg->getElementByValue('server-config', 'Host'); $mail->SMTPSecure = $cfg->getElementByValue('server-config', 'SMTPSecure'); $mail->Port = $cfg->getElementByValue('server-config', 'Port'); // $mail->SMTPKeepAlive = true; $mail->SMTPAuth = true; $mail->Username = $cfg->getElementByValue('server-config', 'Login'); $mail->Password = $cfg->getElementByValue('server-config', 'Passwort'); //koniec połączenia //baza danych $mydb = new DB(); $qwery = "SELECT `id`, `email` FROM mail_data Where sended=" . $checkbox_value; $request = mysql_query($qwery); if ($request === false) { die('Nie można było odebrać danych do bazy' . ' z powodu blendu:' . mysql_error()); } if (mysql_num_rows() == 0) { echo 'Brak danych w bazie'; exit(1); } while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($request)) { $id = $row['id']; $address = $row['email']; $mail->SetLanguage("pl", "phpmailer/language/"); $mail->CharSet = "UTF-8"; $mail->ContentType = "text/html"; $mail->isHTML(true); $mail->From = user_mail; $mail->FromName = "Kamil z webbooster"; $mail->Subject = "Tytuł wiadomości"; $mail->Body = ' To jest nowa testowa treść, z prawidłowo interpretowanymi polskimi znaczkami, a to jest <b>pogrubione</b>, a to jest <a href="">link</a><br/> <div>trolololo</div> '; $mail->AddAddress($address); if ($mail->Send()) { return true; } else { throw new Exception('"E-mail nie mógł zostać wysłany, przyczyna :".$mail->ErrorInfo', 5); } } // $mail->SmtpClose(); //zamykamy połączeie }
private function openDatabase($channel) { $channel = strtolower($channel); if (isset($this->quotesCache[$channel])) { return $this->quotesCache[$channel]; } else { $cqDB = new ini("modules/quotes_ini/quotes_database/" . $channel . ".txt"); if ($cqDB->getError()) { return false; } $this->quotesCache[$channel] = $cqDB; return $cqDB; } }
function _get_recursive($key, $filename, $locale_id) { $path = $this->_get_path($filename, $locale_id); $md5_path = md5($path); if(isset($this->_cache[$md5_path][$key])) return $this->_cache[$md5_path][$key]; if(isset($this->_ini_objects[$md5_path])) $ini =& $this->_ini_objects[$md5_path]; else { $ini =& ini :: instance($path); $this->_ini_objects[$md5_path] =& $ini; } if(!($value = $ini->get_option($key, 'constants'))) { if($ini->has_option('filename', 'extends')) { $extend_filename = $ini->get_option('filename', 'extends'); $value = $this->_get_recursive($key, $extend_filename, $locale_id); } } if($value) $this->_cache[$md5_path][$key] = $value; return $value; }
/** * Запись/обновление кеша * * @access private * @param string $name уникальное имя сервера * @param array $params * @return boolean */ public function set_cache($name, $params) { $cache = new ini($this->sysf . 'cache.ini'); if (empty($cache->file)) { return false; } $cache->content[$name] = $params; $cache->write(); }
static function add($script) { if (!in_array($script, self::$includes)) { if (self::isLink($script)) { } else { ini::append('replace', 'css', $script); } self::$includes[] = $script; } }
function rollApps() { $tmp = $apps = array(); $file = SYS_ROOT . 'conf/global/apps.ini'; $tmp = ini::parse($file); foreach ($tmp as $k => $v) { $v['app'] = $k; s::roll('apps', $v); } }
function test_group() { $ini =& ini::instance('test.ini', TEST_CASES_DIR, false); debug_mock::expect_write_notice('unknown block', array('ini' => $ini->file_name(), 'block_name' => 'no_group')); $this->assertNull($ini->group('no_group')); $this->assertNotNull($ini->group('default')); $group = $ini->group('test2'); $this->assertTrue(is_array($group) && sizeof($group) == 3); $this->assertEqual($group['test1'], 2); $this->assertEqual($group['test2'], 3); $this->assertEqual($group['test3'], " #It's just a \"test\"!# "); }
function load($app) { $file = APPS . $app . '/settings.ini'; if (defined('ADMIN_SITE_ID')) { $site_id = ADMIN_SITE_ID; } else { $site_id = SITE_ID; } self::$settings[$app] = ini::parse($file, $site_id); if (!self::$settings[$app]) { self::$settings[$app] = ini::parse($file, 1); } }
function &get_ini($file_name, $use_cache = null) { if (!($path = get_ini_real_path($file_name))) { error('ini file not found', __FILE__ . ' : ' . __LINE__ . ' : ' . __FUNCTION__, array('file' => $file_name)); } if (isset($GLOBALS['testing_ini'][$file_name])) { $use_cache = false; } if (!($ini =& ini::instance($path, $use_cache))) { error('couldnt retrieve ini instance', __FILE__ . ' : ' . __LINE__ . ' : ' . __FUNCTION__, array('file' => $path)); } return $ini; }
/** * @return unknown * @param $filename unknown * @param $use_cache unknown * @desc Enter description here... */ function &get_ini($filename, $use_cache = null) { if (file_exists(PROJECT_DIR . 'core/settings/' . $filename)) { $root_dir = PROJECT_DIR . 'core/settings/'; } elseif (file_exists(LIMB_DIR . 'core/settings/' . $filename)) { $root_dir = LIMB_DIR . 'core/settings/'; } else { error('ini file not found', __FILE__ . ' : ' . __LINE__ . ' : ' . __FUNCTION__, array('file' => $filename)); } if (!($ini =& ini::instance($filename, $root_dir, $use_cache))) { error('couldnt retrieve ini instance', __FILE__ . ' : ' . __LINE__ . ' : ' . __FUNCTION__, array('file' => $filename)); } return $ini; }
public function getSlaps() { $slaps = new ini( "./modules/slap/slaps.ini" ); if( $slaps->getError( ) ) { $this->ircClass->notice( $nick, "Error while getting slaps." ); return; } $sections = $slaps->getSections( ); foreach( $sections as $slap ) { $msg = $slaps->getIniVal( $slap, "msg" ); $status = $slaps->getIniVal( $slap, "status" ); $argArray = array('msg' => $msg, 'status' => $status); } $this->slaps = $slaps; }
public function handle_onjoin($line, $args) { $nick = $line['fromNick']; $hostmask = $line['fromIdent'] . "@" . $line['fromHost']; $channel = $line['text']; if ($channel == $this->ircClass->getNick()) { return; } if ($nick == $this->ircClass->getNick()) { return; } $ini = new ini("modules/chopper_ini/hosts.ini"); $_ops = $ini->getVars($channel); foreach ($_ops as $_hm => $_mode) { $_mode = trim($_mode); //$this->ircClass->privMsg($channel,"Does {$hostmask} match {$_hm}?"); if ($this->ircClass->hostMasksMatch($hostmask, $_hm)) { //$this->ircClass->privMsg($channel,"Yep. Granting +{$_mode} to {$nick} in {$channel}."); $this->ircClass->changeMode($channel, "+", $_mode, $nick); break; } } }
static function add($script, $where = 'head') { // if not already added.. if (!in_array($script, self::$isAdded)) { // force adding it to the html head if ($where != 'head') { ini::append('replace', $where, self::draw($script)); } else { self::$toGlom[] = $script; } // add it to "already added" list self::$isAdded[] = $script; } }
public function init() { unset($this->badWords); $this->badWords = array(); $badWords = new ini("modules/bad_words/bad_words.ini"); if ($badWords->getError()) { return; } $channels = $badWords->getSections(); if ($channels === false) { return; } foreach ($channels as $channel) { $channel = irc::myStrToLower($channel); $bw = $badWords->getSection($channel); if ($bw == false || !is_array($bw)) { continue; } foreach ($bw as $badword => $blah) { $this->badWords[$channel][$badword] = true; } } }
public function __construct($keyStr) { $iniParams = ini::read(os::path('lib', 'modules', 'captcha', 'config.ini')); foreach ($iniParams as $k => $v) { $this->{$k} = $v; } // CAPTCHA image colors (RGB, 0-255) // $this->foreground_color = array(0, 0, 0); // $this->background_color = array(220, 230, 255); $this->foreground_color = array(mt_rand(0, 100), mt_rand(0, 100), mt_rand(0, 100)); $this->background_color = array(mt_rand(200, 255), mt_rand(200, 255), mt_rand(200, 255)); // Что надо нарисовать $this->keyString = $keyStr; }
function installApp() { if ($_FILES['app']['name']) { if ($_FILES['app']['type'] != 'application/zip') { s::set('ERRORS', '<ul><li>Неверный формат архива приложения.</li></ul>'); } else { $arr = explode('.', $_FILES['app']['name']); if (count($arr) < 5) { s::set('ERRORS', '<ul><li>Неверный формат архива приложения.</li></ul>'); } else { define('INSTALL_APP', $arr[0]); define('INSTALL_APP_VERSION', $arr[1] . '.' . $arr[2] . '.' . $arr[3]); files::fullRemoveDir(SYS_ROOT . 'var/tmp/apps/'); $path = SYS_ROOT . 'var/tmp/apps/'; zipfile::read($_FILES['app']['tmp_name']); zipfile::extract($path); $install_file = $path . 'install.php'; if (!file_exists($install_file)) { s::set('ERRORS', '<ul><li>Не найден инсталляционый файл приложения.</li></ul>'); } else { include $install_file; // copy lang files $tmp_lang_dir = SYS_ROOT . 'var/tmp/apps/langs/'; $lang_dir = SYS_ROOT . 'langs/admin/'; if (file_exists($lang_dir)) { $array = files::getFiles($tmp_lang_dir); foreach ($array as $v) { if (!file_exists($lang_dir . $v)) { copy($tmp_lang_dir . $v, $lang_dir . $v); } else { $lang = ini::parse($tmp_lang_dir . $v); ini::parse($lang_dir . $v); ini::add($lang); ini::write(); } } } // copy app files $dir = SYS_ROOT . 'var/tmp/apps/' . INSTALL_APP . '/'; $new_dir = SYS_ROOT . 'apps/' . INSTALL_APP . '/'; files::copyDir($dir, $new_dir); // clear tmp files::fullRemoveDir(SYS_ROOT . 'var/tmp/apps/'); headers::app('manage'); } } } } }
function load($lang, $site_id = false) { if ($site_id) { $file = SYS_ROOT . 'langs/web/' . $site_id . '/' . $lang . '.ini'; } else { $file = SYS_ROOT . 'langs/admin/' . $lang . '.ini'; } $array = ini::parse($file); if ($array) { foreach ($array as $v) { self::$lang = $v; } } else { return false; } }
function &get_ini($file_name, $use_cache = null) { if (isset($GLOBALS['testing_ini'][$file_name])) { $dir = VAR_DIR; $use_cache = false; } elseif (file_exists(PROJECT_DIR . 'core/settings/' . $file_name)) { $dir = PROJECT_DIR . 'core/settings/'; } elseif (file_exists(LIMB_DIR . 'core/settings/' . $file_name)) { $dir = LIMB_DIR . 'core/settings/'; } else { error('ini file not found', __FILE__ . ' : ' . __LINE__ . ' : ' . __FUNCTION__, array('file' => $file_name)); } if (!($ini =& ini::instance($dir . $file_name, $use_cache))) { error('couldnt retrieve ini instance', __FILE__ . ' : ' . __LINE__ . ' : ' . __FUNCTION__, array('file' => $dir . $file_name)); } return $ini; }
function _do_get($key, $filename, $locale_id) { $path = $this->_get_path($filename, $locale_id); if (isset($this->_cache[$path][$key])) { return $this->_cache[$path][$key]; } if (isset($this->_ini_objects[$path])) { $ini =& $this->_ini_objects[$path]; } else { $ini =& ini::instance($path); $this->_ini_objects[$path] =& $ini; } if ($value = $ini->get_option($key, 'constants')) { $this->_cache[$path][$key] = $value; } return $value; }
function loadEngine() { if (self::$sections[0] == string::clearBoth(SYS_DIR)) { self::$engine = 'admin'; } elseif (SYS_DIR == '/') { self::$engine = 'admin'; } if (!self::$engine) { // load boot.ini $ini = ini::parse(SYS_ROOT . 'conf/global/boot.ini'); if ($ini) { self::$engine = arrays::returnValue($ini, self::$sections[0]); } } if (!self::$engine) { self::$engine = 'web'; } define('ENGINE', self::$engine); }
static function getHeader($includes, $masterFname, $hashFname) { // check hash $hash = self::getHash($includes); $previousHash = trim(file_get_contents(realpath($hashFname))); if (self::DEBUG) { funx::debug("Exists {$masterFname}? " . intval(file_exists($masterFname)) . " New Hash: {$hash}, Old Hash: {$previousHash}"); } if (!file_exists($masterFname) or $hash != $previousHash) { self::saveHeader($hash, $includes, $masterFname, $hashFname); } // return header information if (strstr($masterFname, 'js')) { ini::append('replace', 'head', '<script type="text/javascript" src="/' . $masterFname . '"></script>' . "\n"); } elseif (strstr($masterFname, 'css')) { ini::append('replace', 'head', '<link rel="stylesheet" href="/' . $masterFname . '" type="text/css">' . "\n"); } //'<link rel="stylesheet" href="/'.$masterFname.'" type="text/css" media="Screen">'."\n"); return $ret; }
private function loadAds() { $ads = new ini("./modules/default/ads.ini"); if ($ads->getError()) { return; } $sections = $ads->getSections(); foreach ($sections as $ad) { $int = $ads->getIniVal($ad, "int"); $channel = $ads->getIniVal($ad, "chan"); $msg = $ads->getIniVal($ad, "msg"); $argArray = array('msg' => $msg, 'channel' => $channel); $this->timerClass->addTimer($ad, $this, "misc_adTimer", $argArray, $int); } $this->ads = $ads; }
function get($name, $value = false, $lang = false) { if (!self::$biblio) { if (!$lang) { $lang = LANG_INDEX; } self::$biblio = ini::parse(SYS_ROOT . 'data/' . $lang . '/biblio.ini'); } if ($value !== false) { if (isset(self::$biblio[$name][$value])) { return self::$biblio[$name][$value]; } else { return false; } } else { if (isset(self::$biblio[$name])) { return self::$biblio[$name]; } else { return false; } } }
function _get_recursive($key, $filename, $language_id) { $path = $this->_get_path($filename, $language_id); if (isset($this->_cache[$path][$key])) { return $this->_cache[$path][$key]; } if (isset($this->_ini_objects[$path])) { $ini =& $this->_ini_objects[$path]; } else { $ini =& ini::instance($path); $this->_ini_objects[$path] =& $ini; } if (!($value = $ini->variable('constants', $key))) { if ($ini->has_variable('extends', 'filename')) { $extend_filename = $ini->variable('extends', 'filename'); $value = $this->_get_recursive($key, $extend_filename, $language_id); } } if ($value) { $this->_cache[$path][$key] = $value; } return $value; }
/** * Вытаскивает таблицу маршрутизации из .ini файла, если не находит — возвращает пустой массив. */ private function load_ini(Context $ctx) { $raw = array(); foreach ($ctx->config->get('routes', array()) as $k => $v) { $raw['GET/' . $k] = $v; } foreach (os::find('lib', 'modules', '*', 'route.ini') as $iniFile) { foreach (ini::read($iniFile) as $k => $v) { if (is_array($v)) { $raw[$k] = $v; $raw[$k]['static'] = true; } elseif ('dynamic' == $k and false !== strpos($v, '::')) { list($class, $method) = explode('::', $v); if (method_exists($class, $method)) { try { if (is_array($tmp = call_user_func(array($class, $method), $ctx))) { foreach ($tmp as $k => $v) { $raw[$k] = $v; } } } catch (Exception $e) { Logger::log(get_class($e) . ' in ' . $v . '()'); } } } } } // Опрос динамических маршрутов. foreach ((array) $ctx->registry->poll('ru.molinos.cms.route.poll') as $tmp) { if (!empty($tmp['result'])) { foreach ($tmp['result'] as $k => $v) { $raw[$k] = $v; } } } return $raw; }
function &_get_ini($with_variation = false, $directory = '') { $type = $with_variation ? 'variation' : 'default'; $country = $this->get_country_code(); $country_variation = $this->get_country_variation(); $language = $this->get_language_code(); $locale = $language; if ($country !== '') { $locale .= '-' . $country; } if ($with_variation) { if ($country_variation !== '') { $locale .= '@' . $country_variation; } } $file_name = $locale . '.ini'; if (file_exists($directory . '/' . $file_name)) { return ini::instance($directory . '/' . $file_name); } else { return null; } }
static function trim($ra, $allowedKeys) { $ret = array(); if (is_array($ra)) { // copy over allowed keys foreach ($allowedKeys as $k) { $ret[$k] = $ra[$k]; } // track missing keys $missing = ''; $ak = array_flip($allowedKeys); foreach ($ra as $k => $i) { if (!isset($ak[$k])) { $missing .= (strlen($missing) ? ', ' : '') . "{$k}"; } } if (strlen($missing)) { $missing = "DB Warning: These fields aren't allowed in one of the tables: {$missing}\n"; funx::debug($missing); email::send(ini::get('email-address'), 'DB Squeak', $missing); } } return $ret; }
<?php ini_set('memory_limit', '256M'); if (!defined('DIR_KIT')) { define('DIR_KIT', dirname(__FILE__) . '/'); } append_include_path(DIR_KIT); append_include_path(DIR_KIT . 'ext/'); umask(07); ini_set('display_errors', '0'); error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_PARSE); ini::set('debug', false); ini::set('dir-sessions', '/tmp/'); function __autoload($class) { $dirs = array(DIR_KIT, DIR_KIT . 'obj/', 'php/obj/'); foreach ($dirs as $dir) { $f = $dir . $class . '.php'; if (is_file($f)) { require_once $f; break; } } } function append_include_path($dir) { $t = 'include_path'; $d = ini_get($t); if (!strstr($d, $dir)) { ini_set($t, $d . ':' . $dir); }
<?php error_reporting(E_ALL); foreach (glob("cgi-bin/*.php") as $filename) { include_once $filename; } $config = ini::SettingArray('default.ini'); if (isset($_GET['ajax']) || isset($_POST['ajax'])) { if (isset($config['language'])) { include_once 'language/' . $config['language'] . '.php'; } if (file_exists('site/ajax/' . $_GET['ajax'] . '.php')) { include_once 'site/ajax/' . $_GET['ajax'] . '.php'; } else { echo json_encode(array('error' => 'Ajax not Found.')); } } elseif (isset($_GET['html']) || isset($_POST['html'])) { if (file_exists('site/html/' . $_GET['html'] . '.html')) { include_once 'site/html/' . $_GET['html'] . '.html'; } else { echo '<div id="exception">' . _SITE_NONE_MODULE . '</div>'; } } elseif (isset($_GET['doc']) || isset($_POST['doc'])) { include_once 'config.php'; if (isset($config['language'])) { include_once 'language/' . $config['language'] . '.php'; } ?> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" ""> <html> <head>