  * imports question(s) into the questionpool (after verification)
 function importVerifiedFileObject()
     if ($_POST["questions_only"] == 1) {
         $newObj =& $this->object;
     } else {
         include_once "./Modules/TestQuestionPool/classes/class.ilObjQuestionPool.php";
         // create new questionpool object
         $newObj = new ilObjQuestionPool(0, true);
         // set type of questionpool object
         // set title of questionpool object to "dummy"
         // set description of questionpool object
         $newObj->setDescription("questionpool import");
         // create the questionpool class in the ILIAS database (object_data table)
         // create a reference for the questionpool object in the ILIAS database (object_reference table)
         // put the questionpool object in the administration tree
         // get default permissions and set the permissions for the questionpool object
         // notify the questionpool object and all its parent objects that a "new" object was created
         $newObj->notify("new", $_GET["ref_id"], $_GET["parent_non_rbac_id"], $_GET["ref_id"], $newObj->getRefId());
     // start parsing of QTI files
     include_once "./Services/QTI/classes/class.ilQTIParser.php";
     $qtiParser = new ilQTIParser($_SESSION["qpl_import_qti_file"], IL_MO_PARSE_QTI, $newObj->getId(), $_POST["ident"]);
     $result = $qtiParser->startParsing();
     // import page data
     if (strlen($_SESSION["qpl_import_xml_file"])) {
         include_once "./Modules/LearningModule/classes/class.ilContObjParser.php";
         $contParser = new ilContObjParser($newObj, $_SESSION["qpl_import_xml_file"], $_SESSION["qpl_import_subdir"]);
     // set another question pool name (if possible)
     $qpl_name = $_POST["qpl_new"];
     if (strcmp($qpl_name, $newObj->getTitle()) != 0 && strlen($qpl_name) > 0) {
     // delete import directory
     include_once "./Services/Utilities/classes/class.ilUtil.php";
     if ($_POST["questions_only"] == 1) {
         $this->ctrl->redirect($this, "questions");
     } else {
         ilUtil::sendSuccess($this->lng->txt("object_imported"), true);
         ilUtil::redirect("ilias.php?ref_id=" . $newObj->getRefId() . "&baseClass=ilObjQuestionPoolGUI");