  * Determines whether the specified preview object is supported by the renderer.
  * @param ilPreview $preview The preview object to check.
  * @return bool true, if the renderer supports the specified preview object; otherwise, false.
 public function supports($preview)
     // let parent check first
     if (!parent::supports($preview)) {
         return false;
     // get file extension
     require_once "./Modules/File/classes/class.ilObjFile.php";
     include_once './Modules/File/classes/class.ilObjFileAccess.php';
     $filename = ilObjFile::_lookupFileName($preview->getObjId());
     $ext = ilObjFileAccess::_getFileExtension($filename);
     // contains that extension?
     return in_array($ext, $this->getSupportedFileFormats());
  * Appends the text " - Copy" to a filename in the language of
  * the current user.
  * If the provided $nth_copy parameter is greater than 1, then
  * is appended in round brackets. If $nth_copy parameter is null, then
  * the function determines the copy number on its own.
  * If this function detects, that the filename already ends with " - Copy",
  * or with "- Copy ($nth_copy), it only appends the number of the copy to
  * the filename.
  * This function retains the extension of the filename.
  * Examples:
  * - Calling ilObjFileAccess::_appendCopyToTitle('Hello.txt', 1)
  *   returns: "Hello - Copy.txt".
  * - Calling ilObjFileAccess::_appendCopyToTitle('Hello.txt', 2)
  *   returns: "Hello - Copy (2).txt".
  * - Calling ilObjFileAccess::_appendCopyToTitle('Hello - Copy (3).txt', 2)
  *   returns: "Hello - Copy (2).txt".
  * - Calling ilObjFileAccess::_appendCopyToTitle('Hello - Copy (3).txt', null)
  *   returns: "Hello - Copy (4).txt".
 public static function _appendNumberOfCopyToFilename($a_file_name, $nth_copy = null)
     global $lng;
     // Get the extension and the filename without the extension
     $extension = ilObjFileAccess::_getFileExtension($a_file_name);
     if (strlen($extension) > 0) {
         $extension = '.' . $extension;
         $filenameWithoutExtension = substr($a_file_name, 0, -strlen($extension));
     } else {
         $filenameWithoutExtension = $a_file_name;
     // create a regular expression from the language text copy_n_of_suffix, so that
     // we can match it against $filenameWithoutExtension, and retrieve the number of the copy.
     // for example, if copy_n_of_suffix is 'Copy (%1s)', this creates the regular
     // expression '/ Copy \\([0-9]+)\\)$/'.
     $nthCopyRegex = preg_replace('/([\\^$.\\[\\]|()?*+{}])/', '\\\\${1}', ' ' . $lng->txt('copy_n_of_suffix'));
     $nthCopyRegex = '/' . preg_replace('/%1\\\\\\$s/', '([0-9]+)', $nthCopyRegex) . '$/';
     // Get the filename without any previously added number of copy.
     // Determine the number of copy, if it has not been specified.
     if (preg_match($nthCopyRegex, $filenameWithoutExtension, $matches)) {
         // this is going to be at least the third copy of the filename
         $filenameWithoutCopy = substr($filenameWithoutExtension, 0, -strlen($matches[0]));
         if ($nth_copy == null) {
             $nth_copy = $matches[1] + 1;
     } else {
         if (substr($filenameWithoutExtension, -strlen(' ' . $lng->txt('copy_of_suffix'))) == ' ' . $lng->txt('copy_of_suffix')) {
             // this is going to be the second copy of the filename
             $filenameWithoutCopy = substr($filenameWithoutExtension, 0, -strlen(' ' . $lng->txt('copy_of_suffix')));
             if ($nth_copy == null) {
                 $nth_copy = 2;
         } else {
             // this is going to be the first copy of the filename
             $filenameWithoutCopy = $filenameWithoutExtension;
             if ($nth_copy == null) {
                 $nth_copy = 1;
     // Construct the new filename
     if ($nth_copy > 1) {
         // this is at least the second copy of the filename, append " - Copy ($nth_copy)"
         $newFilename = $filenameWithoutCopy . sprintf(' ' . $lng->txt('copy_n_of_suffix'), $nth_copy) . $extension;
     } else {
         // this is the first copy of the filename, append " - Copy"
         $newFilename = $filenameWithoutCopy . ' ' . $lng->txt('copy_of_suffix') . $extension;
     return $newFilename;
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Handles the upload of a single file and adds it to the parent object.
  * @param array $file_upload An array containing the file upload parameters.
  * @return object The response object.
 protected function handleFileUpload($file_upload)
     global $ilUser;
     // file upload params
     $filename = $file_upload["name"];
     $type = $file_upload["type"];
     $size = $file_upload["size"];
     $temp_name = $file_upload["tmp_name"];
     // additional params
     $title = $file_upload["title"];
     $description = $file_upload["description"];
     $extract = $file_upload["extract"];
     $keep_structure = $file_upload["keep_structure"];
     // create answer object
     $response = new stdClass();
     $response->fileName = $filename;
     $response->fileSize = intval($size);
     $response->fileType = $type;
     $response->fileUnzipped = $extract;
     $response->error = null;
     // extract archive?
     if ($extract) {
         $zip_file = $filename;
         $adopt_structure = $keep_structure;
         include_once "Services/Utilities/classes/class.ilFileUtils.php";
         // Create unzip-directory
         $newDir = ilUtil::ilTempnam();
         // Check if permission is granted for creation of object, if necessary
         if ($this->id_type != self::WORKSPACE_NODE_ID) {
             $type = ilObject::_lookupType((int) $this->parent_id, true);
         } else {
             $type = ilObject::_lookupType($this->tree->lookupObjectId($this->parent_id), false);
         $tree = $access_handler = null;
         switch ($type) {
             // workspace structure
             case 'wfld':
             case 'wsrt':
                 $permission = $this->checkPermissionBool("create", "", "wfld");
                 $containerType = "WorkspaceFolder";
                 $tree = $this->tree;
                 $access_handler = $this->getAccessHandler();
                 // use categories as structure
             // use categories as structure
             case 'cat':
             case 'root':
                 $permission = $this->checkPermissionBool("create", "", "cat");
                 $containerType = "Category";
                 // use folders as structure (in courses)
             // use folders as structure (in courses)
                 $permission = $this->checkPermissionBool("create", "", "fold");
                 $containerType = "Folder";
         try {
             // 	processZipFile (
             //		Dir to unzip,
             //		Path to uploaded file,
             //		should a structure be created (+ permission check)?
             //		ref_id of parent
             //		object that contains files (folder or category)
             //		should sendInfo be persistent?)
             ilFileUtils::processZipFile($newDir, $temp_name, $adopt_structure && $permission, $this->parent_id, $containerType, $tree, $access_handler);
         } catch (ilFileUtilsException $e) {
             $response->error = $e->getMessage();
         } catch (Exception $ex) {
             $response->error = $ex->getMessage();
         // #15404
         if ($this->id_type != self::WORKSPACE_NODE_ID) {
             foreach (ilFileUtils::getNewObjects() as $parent_ref_id => $objects) {
                 if ($parent_ref_id != $this->parent_id) {
                 foreach ($objects as $object) {
                     $this->after_creation_callback_objects[] = $object;
     } else {
         if (trim($title) == "") {
             $title = $filename;
         } else {
             // BEGIN WebDAV: Ensure that object title ends with the filename extension
             $fileExtension = ilObjFileAccess::_getFileExtension($filename);
             $titleExtension = ilObjFileAccess::_getFileExtension($title);
             if ($titleExtension != $fileExtension && strlen($fileExtension) > 0) {
                 $title .= '.' . $fileExtension;
             // END WebDAV: Ensure that object title ends with the filename extension
         // create and insert file in grp_tree
         include_once "./Modules/File/classes/class.ilObjFile.php";
         $fileObj = new ilObjFile();
         include_once "./Services/Utilities/classes/class.ilMimeTypeUtil.php";
         $fileObj->setFileType(ilMimeTypeUtil::getMimeType("", $filename, $type));
         $this->object_id = $fileObj->create();
         $this->putObjectInTree($fileObj, $this->parent_id);
         // see uploadFiles()
         if (is_array($this->after_creation_callback_objects)) {
             $this->after_creation_callback_objects[] = $fileObj;
         // upload file to filesystem
         $fileObj->getUploadFile($temp_name, $filename);
         // BEGIN ChangeEvent: Record write event.
         require_once './Services/Tracking/classes/class.ilChangeEvent.php';
         ilChangeEvent::_recordWriteEvent($fileObj->getId(), $ilUser->getId(), 'create');
         // END ChangeEvent: Record write event.
     return $response;
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * Check if the file extension does still exist after an update of the title
  * @return 
 public function checkFileExtension($new_filename, $new_title)
     include_once './Modules/File/classes/class.ilObjFileAccess.php';
     $fileExtension = ilObjFileAccess::_getFileExtension($new_filename);
     $titleExtension = ilObjFileAccess::_getFileExtension($new_title);
     if ($titleExtension != $fileExtension && strlen($fileExtension) > 0) {
         // remove old extension
         $pi = pathinfo($this->getFileName());
         $suffix = $pi["extension"];
         if ($suffix != "") {
             if (substr($new_title, strlen($new_title) - strlen($suffix) - 1) == "." . $suffix) {
                 $new_title = substr($new_title, 0, strlen($new_title) - strlen($suffix) - 1);
         $new_title .= '.' . $fileExtension;
     return $new_title;
  * save object
  * @access	public
 function save()
     global $objDefinition, $ilUser;
     if (!$this->checkPermissionBool("create", "", "file")) {
         $this->ilErr->raiseError($this->lng->txt("permission_denied"), $this->ilErr->MESSAGE);
     $single_form_gui = $this->initSingleUploadForm();
     if ($single_form_gui->checkInput()) {
         $title = $single_form_gui->getInput("title");
         $description = $single_form_gui->getInput("description");
         $upload_file = $single_form_gui->getInput("upload_file");
         if (trim($title) == "") {
             $title = $upload_file["name"];
         } else {
             // BEGIN WebDAV: Ensure that object title ends with the filename extension
             $fileExtension = ilObjFileAccess::_getFileExtension($upload_file["name"]);
             $titleExtension = ilObjFileAccess::_getFileExtension($title);
             if ($titleExtension != $fileExtension && strlen($fileExtension) > 0) {
                 $title .= '.' . $fileExtension;
             // END WebDAV: Ensure that object title ends with the filename extension
         // create and insert file in grp_tree
         include_once "./Modules/File/classes/class.ilObjFile.php";
         $fileObj = new ilObjFile();
         include_once "./Services/Utilities/classes/class.ilMimeTypeUtil.php";
         $fileObj->setFileType(ilMimeTypeUtil::getMimeType("", $upload_file["name"], $upload_file["type"]));
         $this->object_id = $fileObj->create();
         $this->putObjectInTree($fileObj, $this->parent_id);
         // upload file to filesystem
         $fileObj->getUploadFile($upload_file["tmp_name"], $upload_file["name"]);
         // BEGIN ChangeEvent: Record write event.
         require_once 'Services/Tracking/classes/class.ilChangeEvent.php';
         ilChangeEvent::_recordWriteEvent($fileObj->getId(), $ilUser->getId(), 'create');
         // END ChangeEvent: Record write event.
         ilUtil::sendSuccess($this->lng->txt("file_added"), true);
         if ($this->ctrl->getCmd() == "saveAndMeta") {
             $this->ctrl->setParameter($this, "new_type", "");
             $target = $this->ctrl->getLinkTargetByClass(array("ilobjfilegui", "ilmdeditorgui"), "listSection", "", false, false);
         } else {
     } else {
  * Get item properties
  * @return	array		array of property arrays:
  *						"alert" (boolean) => display as an alert property (usually in red)
  *						"property" (string) => property name
  *						"value" (string) => property value
 function getProperties()
     global $lng, $ilUser;
     // BEGIN WebDAV: Get parent properties
     $props = parent::getProperties();
     // END WebDAV: Get parent properties
     // to do: implement extra smaller file info object
     include_once "./Modules/File/classes/class.ilObjFileAccess.php";
     // Display a warning if a file is not a hidden Unix file, and
     // the filename extension is missing
     if (!preg_match('/^\\.|\\.[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/', $this->title)) {
         $props[] = array("alert" => false, "property" => $lng->txt("filename_interoperability"), "value" => $lng->txt("filename_extension_missing"), 'propertyNameVisible' => false);
     // BEGIN WebDAV: Only display relevant information.
     $props[] = array("alert" => false, "property" => $lng->txt("type"), "value" => ilObjFileAccess::_getFileExtension($this->title), 'propertyNameVisible' => false);
     $fileData = ilObjFileAccess::_lookupFileData($this->obj_id);
     $props[] = array("alert" => false, "property" => $lng->txt("size"), "value" => ilFormat::formatSize($fileData['file_size'], 'short'), 'propertyNameVisible' => false);
     $version = $fileData['version'];
     if ($version > 1) {
         $props[] = array("alert" => false, "property" => $lng->txt("version"), "value" => $version);
     $props[] = array("alert" => false, "property" => $lng->txt("last_update"), "value" => ilObject::_lookupLastUpdate($this->obj_id, true), 'propertyNameVisible' => false);
     // END WebDAV: Only display relevant information.
     return $props;
Ejemplo n.º 7
  * Get item properties
  * @return	array		array of property arrays:
  *						"alert" (boolean) => display as an alert property (usually in red)
  *						"property" (string) => property name
  *						"value" (string) => property value
 function getProperties()
     global $lng, $ilUser;
     // BEGIN WebDAV: Get parent properties
     $props = parent::getProperties();
     // END WebDAV: Get parent properties
     // to do: implement extra smaller file info object
     include_once "./Modules/File/classes/class.ilObjFileAccess.php";
     // Display a warning if a file is not a hidden Unix file, and
     // the filename extension is missing
     if (!preg_match('/^\\.|\\.[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/', $this->title)) {
         $props[] = array("alert" => false, "property" => $lng->txt("filename_interoperability"), "value" => $lng->txt("filename_extension_missing"), 'propertyNameVisible' => false);
     // BEGIN WebDAV: Only display relevant information.
     $props[] = array("alert" => false, "property" => $lng->txt("type"), "value" => ilObjFileAccess::_getFileExtension($this->title), 'propertyNameVisible' => false);
     $fileData = ilObjFileAccess::getListGUIData($this->obj_id);
     if (is_array($fileData)) {
         $props[] = array("alert" => false, "property" => $lng->txt("size"), "value" => ilFormat::formatSize($fileData['size'], 'short'), 'propertyNameVisible' => false);
         $version = $fileData['version'];
         if ($version > 1) {
             // add versions link
             if (parent::checkCommandAccess("write", "versions", $this->ref_id, $this->type)) {
                 $link = $this->getCommandLink("versions");
                 $value = "<a href=\"{$link}\">" . $lng->txt("version") . ": {$version}</a>";
             } else {
                 $value = $lng->txt("version") . ": {$version}";
             $props[] = array("alert" => false, "property" => $lng->txt("version"), "value" => $value, "propertyNameVisible" => false);
         // #6040
         if ($fileData["date"]) {
             $props[] = array("alert" => false, "property" => $lng->txt("last_update"), "value" => ilDatePresentation::formatDate(new ilDateTime($fileData["date"], IL_CAL_DATETIME)), 'propertyNameVisible' => false);
     // END WebDAV: Only display relevant information.
     return $props;