protected function _launch($id) { //$this->getHelper()->run($id); // implemented via remote request because potentially some package's cron task // may use front classes which will cause conflicts if executed from backend side. // otherwise, the only call of iaCore::run() would be enough $cronUrl = IA_CLEAR_URL . 'cron/?_t&t=' . (int) $id; iaUtil::getPageContent($cronUrl, 300); // $this->_iaCore->iaView->setMessages(iaLanguage::get('scheduled_task_ran'), iaView::SUCCESS); iaUtil::go_to($this->getPath()); }
protected function _indexPage(&$iaView) { // set default template if (isset($_POST['install']) || isset($_POST['reinstall'])) { if ($this->_installTemplate()) { $iaView->setMessages(iaLanguage::getf('template_installed', array('name' => $this->getHelper()->title)), iaView::SUCCESS); $this->_iaCore->iaCache->clearAll(); $this->_iaCore->factory('log')->write(iaLog::ACTION_INSTALL, array('type' => 'template', 'name' => $this->getHelper()->title)); iaUtil::go_to(IA_SELF); } } // download template if (isset($_POST['download'])) { if ($this->_downloadTemplate()) { $this->_iaCore->iaCache->remove(''); } } $templates = $this->_getList(); if ($this->_messages) { $iaView->setMessages($this->_messages, $this->_error ? iaView::ERROR : iaView::SUCCESS); } $iaView->assign('templates', $templates); $iaView->assign('tmpl', $this->_iaCore->get('tmpl')); }
private function _processAction(&$iaView) { $iaAcl = $this->_iaCore->factory('acl'); $iaLog = $this->_iaCore->factory('log'); $package = iaSanitize::sql($this->_iaCore->requestPath[0]); $action = $this->_iaCore->requestPath[1]; $error = false; switch ($action) { case 'activate': case 'deactivate': if (!$iaAcl->isAccessible($this->getName(), 'activate')) { return iaView::accessDenied(); } if ($this->_activate($package, 'deactivate' == $action)) { $type = 'deactivate' == $action ? iaLog::ACTION_DISABLE : iaLog::ACTION_ENABLE; $iaLog->write($type, array('type' => iaExtra::TYPE_PACKAGE, 'name' => $package), $package); } else { $error = true; } break; case 'set_default': if (!$iaAcl->isAccessible($this->getName(), $action)) { return iaView::accessDenied(); } $error = !$this->_setDefault($package); break; case 'reset': if (!$iaAcl->isAccessible($this->getName(), 'set_default')) { return iaView::accessDenied(); } $error = !$this->_reset($iaView->domain); break; case iaExtra::ACTION_INSTALL: case iaExtra::ACTION_UPGRADE: if (!$iaAcl->isAccessible($this->getName(), $action)) { return iaView::accessDenied(); } if ($this->_install($package, $action, $iaView->domain)) { // log this event $action = $this->getHelper()->isUpgrade ? iaLog::ACTION_UPGRADE : iaLog::ACTION_INSTALL; $iaLog->write($action, array('type' => iaExtra::TYPE_PACKAGE, 'name' => $package, 'to' => $this->getHelper()->itemData['info']['version']), $package); // $iaSitemap = $this->_iaCore->factory('sitemap', iaCore::ADMIN); $iaSitemap->generate(); } else { $error = true; } break; case iaExtra::ACTION_UNINSTALL: if (!$iaAcl->isAccessible($this->getName(), $action)) { return iaView::accessDenied(); } if ($this->_uninstall($package)) { $iaLog->write(iaLog::ACTION_UNINSTALL, array('type' => iaExtra::TYPE_PACKAGE, 'name' => $package), $package); } else { $error = true; } } $this->_iaCore->iaCache->clearAll(); $iaView->setMessages($this->getMessages(), $error ? iaView::ERROR : iaView::SUCCESS); iaUtil::go_to($this->getPath()); }
protected function _reopen($option, $action) { $options = array('add' => $this->getPath() . 'add/', 'list' => $this->getPath(), 'stay' => $this->getPath() . 'edit/' . $this->getEntryId() . '/'); $option = isset($options[$option]) ? $option : 'list'; if (iaCore::ACTION_EDIT == $action && 'stay' != $option || iaCore::ACTION_ADD == $action) { $this->_iaCore->factory('util'); iaUtil::go_to($options[$option]); } }
} else { $iaView->assign('pay_message', iaLanguage::getf('wait_for_gateway_answer', array('url' => IA_SELF . '?repay'))); } break; case iaTransaction::PASSED: if ('ipn' == $action) { $iaTransaction->createIpn($transaction); } else { $iaView->setMessages(iaLanguage::get('this_transaction_already_passed'), iaView::ALERT); iaUtil::go_to($iaPage->getUrlByName('member_funds')); } break; case iaTransaction::REFUNDED: case iaTransaction::FAILED: $iaView->setMessages($messages); iaUtil::go_to($iaPage->getUrlByName('member_funds')); break; default: $error = true; $messages[] = 'Unknown status'; } $iaView->setMessages($messages, $error ? iaView::ERROR : iaView::SUCCESS); $memberBalance = iaUsers::hasIdentity() ? iaUsers::getIdentity()->funds : 0; iaLanguage::set('funds_in_your_account', iaLanguage::getf('funds_in_your_account', array('sum' => $memberBalance, 'currency' => $iaCore->get('currency')))); $isBalancePayment = iaUsers::hasIdentity() && iaTransaction::TRANSACTION_MEMBER_BALANCE == $transaction['item'] && iaUsers::getIdentity()->id == $transaction['item_id']; $isFundsEnough = (bool) (!$isBalancePayment && iaUsers::hasIdentity() && iaUsers::getIdentity()->funds >= $transaction['amount']); // FIXME: solution to prevent csrf catching. // Should be replaced once it is possible to disable csrf checking for a single page. if (isset($_POST)) { $paymentPost = $_POST; if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ORIGIN'])) {
$results['num'] += count($array); $results['html'][$i] = implode('', $array); } } } $start = $start > 0 ? $start + $results['num'] - $results['all'] : $start; $limit = $results['num'] < $limit ? $limit - $results['num'] : 0; } } } if ($results['all']) { if (isset($_POST['q'])) { $search['terms'] = serialize($search['terms']); $searchId = $iaDb->insert($search, array('time' => 'UNIX_TIMESTAMP()')); $url = IA_URL . ($adv ? 'adv' : '') . 'search/?id=' . $searchId; iaUtil::go_to($url); } } // searched terms for additional fields if ($fields && $search['terms']['items']) { foreach ($search['terms']['items'] as $i => $f) { foreach ($f as $fname => $fval) { $fields[$i][$fname]['val'] = iaSanitize::html($fval['val']); $fields[$i][$fname]['cond'] = $fval['cond']; } } } } $iaDb->resetTable(); $iaView->assign('items', $adv ? array_keys($items) : array()); $iaView->assign('adv', $adv);
$tags = iaCore::ACTION_ADD == $pageAction ? '' : $iaBlog->getTagsString($id); $iaView->assign('item', $entry); $iaView->assign('tags', $tags); break; case iaCore::ACTION_DELETE: if (1 != count($iaCore->requestPath)) { return iaView::errorPage(iaView::ERROR_NOT_FOUND); } $id = (int) $iaCore->requestPath[0]; $entry = $iaDb->row(iaDb::ALL_COLUMNS_SELECTION, iaDb::convertIds($id)); if (!$entry) { return iaView::errorPage(iaView::ERROR_NOT_FOUND); } $result = $iaBlog->delete($id); $iaView->setMessages(iaLanguage::get($result ? 'deleted' : 'db_error'), $result ? iaView::SUCCESS : iaView::ERROR); iaUtil::go_to($baseUrl); break; default: $iaView->display('index'); $pageActions = array(); if (isset($iaCore->requestPath[0])) { $id = (int) $iaCore->requestPath[0]; if (!$id) { return iaView::errorPage(iaView::ERROR_NOT_FOUND); } $entry = $iaBlog->getById($id); if (empty($entry)) { return iaView::errorPage(iaView::ERROR_NOT_FOUND); } $title = iaSanitize::tags($entry['title']); iaBreadcrumb::toEnd($title);
protected function _indexPage(&$iaView) { if ('phrases' == $iaView->get('name')) { iaBreadcrumb::preEnd(iaLanguage::get('languages'), IA_ADMIN_URL . 'languages/'); $iaView->assign('action', 'phrases'); $iaView->display('languages'); return true; } $action = isset($this->_iaCore->requestPath[0]) ? $this->_iaCore->requestPath[0] : 'list'; $iaView->assign('action', $action); switch ($action) { case 'search': $pageCaption = iaLanguage::get('search_in_phrases'); break; case 'download': $pageCaption = iaLanguage::get('export_language'); if (isset($_POST['lang']) && $_POST['lang'] || isset($this->_iaCore->requestPath[1]) && array_key_exists($this->_iaCore->requestPath[1], $this->_iaCore->languages)) { $this->_downloadLanguage($iaView); } break; case 'comparison': $pageCaption = iaLanguage::get('languages_comparison'); $this->_compareLanguages($iaView); break; case 'rm': // TODO: set checkAccess $this->_removeLanguage($iaView); iaUtil::go_to($this->getPath()); break; case 'default': $this->_setLanguageAsDefault($iaView); iaUtil::go_to($this->getPath()); break; case 'import': $result = $this->_importLanguage($iaView); iaUtil::go_to($this->getPath() . ($result ? '' : 'download/')); break; } if (isset($pageCaption)) { iaBreadcrumb::toEnd($pageCaption, IA_SELF); $iaView->title($pageCaption); } }
private function _previewPage($action) { if (iaCore::ACTION_ADD == $action) { $_POST['save'] = true; } else { iaUtil::loadUTF8Functions('ascii', 'validation', 'bad', 'utf8_to_ascii'); $newPage = array(); $name = strtolower($_POST['name'] = !utf8_is_ascii($_POST['name']) ? utf8_to_ascii($_POST['name']) : $_POST['name']); if (isset($_POST['contents']) && is_array($_POST['contents'])) { function utf8_validation(&$item) { $item = !utf8_is_valid($item) ? utf8_bad_replace($item) : $item; } foreach ($_POST['contents'] as $key => $content) { utf8_validation($_POST['contents'][$key]); } $newPage['contents'] = $_POST['contents']; } $newPage['titles'] = $_POST['titles']; $newPage['passw'] = iaSanitize::sql($_POST['passw']); isset($_SESSION['preview_pages']) || ($_SESSION['preview_pages'] = array()); $_SESSION['preview_pages'][$name] = $newPage; $languagesEnabled = $this->_iaCore->get('language_switch', false) && count($this->_iaCore->languages); $redirectUrl = IA_CLEAR_URL . ($languagesEnabled ? $_POST['language'] . IA_URL_DELIMITER : '') . 'page' . IA_URL_DELIMITER . $name . IA_URL_DELIMITER . '?preview'; iaUtil::go_to($redirectUrl); } }
$info = array('image_width' => 500, 'image_height' => 500, 'thumb_width' => 150, 'thumb_height' => 150, 'resize_mode' => iaPicture::CROP); if ($image = $iaPicture->processImage($_FILES['image'], '', iaUtil::generateToken(), $info)) { empty($guestbook['avatar']) || $iaPicture->delete($guestbook['avatar']); // already has an assigned image $guestbook['avatar'] = $image; } } if (isset($_POST['status'])) { $guestbook['status'] = isset($_POST['status']) && !empty($_POST['status']) && in_array($_POST['status'], array(iaCore::STATUS_ACTIVE, iaCore::STATUS_INACTIVE)) ? $_POST['status'] : 'inactive'; } if (isset($_POST['email']) && iaValidate::isEmail($_POST['email'])) { $guestbook['email'] = $_POST['email']; } if (!$error && iaCore::ACTION_EDIT == $pageAction) { $id = $guestbook['id'] = (int) $iaCore->requestPath[0]; $result = $iaDb->update($guestbook); $messages[] = iaLanguage::get('saved'); if ($result) { $iaCore->factory('log')->write(iaLog::ACTION_UPDATE, array('item' => '', 'name' => iaLanguage::get('guestbook_message'), 'id' => $id, 'module' => 'guestbook')); } } $iaView->setMessages($messages, $error ? iaView::ERROR : iaView::SUCCESS); iaUtil::go_to(IA_ADMIN_URL . 'guestbook/'); } $iaView->assign('guestbook', $guestbook); $iaView->display('index'); } else { $iaView->grid('_IA_URL_plugins/guestbook/js/admin/index'); } } $iaDb->resetTable();
} if (!utf8_is_ascii($data['title_alias'])) { $data['title_alias'] = utf8_to_ascii($data['title_alias']); } } $data['title_alias'] = $iaCore->convertStr($data['title_alias']); if (empty($recipecat)) { $iaCore->startHook("phpAdminBeforeRecipecatAdd"); $data['id'] = $iaRecipecat->add($data); $msg = _t('recipecat_added'); } else { $data['id'] = $recipecat['id']; $iaCore->startHook("phpAdminBeforeRecipecatUpdate"); $iaRecipecat->update($data); $msg = _t('changes_saved'); } $recipecat = $iaDb->row('*', sprintf("`id`=%d", $data['id'])); $iaCore->msg($msg, $error ? 'error' : 'success'); if (isset($_POST['goto'])) { iaUtil::go_to(IA_ADMIN_URL . 'manage/recipecats/' . ($_POST['goto'] == 'add' ? 'add/' : '')); } } } $fields_groups = $iaCore->getFieldsGroups(); $iaCore->assign('fields_groups', $fields_groups); $iaCore->assign('recipecat', $recipecat); $iaCore->assign('isView', false); $iaCore->display('recipecats'); } } $iaDb->resetTable();
} else { $iaView->assign('pay_message', iaLanguage::getf('wait_for_gateway_answer', array('url' => IA_SELF . '?repay'))); } break; case iaTransaction::PASSED: if ('ipn' == $action) { $iaTransaction->createIpn($transaction); } else { $iaView->setMessages(iaLanguage::get('this_transaction_already_passed'), iaView::ALERT); iaUtil::go_to($iaPage->getUrlByName('member_balance')); } break; case iaTransaction::REFUNDED: case iaTransaction::FAILED: $iaView->setMessages($messages); iaUtil::go_to($iaPage->getUrlByName('member_balance')); break; default: $error = true; $messages[] = 'Unknown status'; } $iaView->setMessages($messages, $error ? iaView::ERROR : iaView::SUCCESS); $memberBalance = iaUsers::hasIdentity() ? iaUsers::getIdentity()->funds : 0; iaLanguage::set('balance_in_your_account', iaLanguage::getf('balance_in_your_account', array('sum' => $memberBalance, 'currency' => $iaCore->get('currency')))); $isBalancePayment = iaUsers::hasIdentity() && 'balance' == $transaction['item'] && iaUsers::getIdentity()->id == $transaction['item_id']; $isFundsEnough = (bool) (!$isBalancePayment && iaUsers::hasIdentity() && iaUsers::getIdentity()->funds >= $transaction['amount']); // FIXME: solution to prevent csrf catching. // Should be replaced once it is possible to disable csrf checking for a single page. if (isset($_POST)) { $paymentPost = $_POST; if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ORIGIN'])) {
} if (iaView::REQUEST_HTML == $iaView->getRequestType()) { if (iaCore::ACTION_ADD == $pageAction) { $html = 0; if (isset($_POST['save'])) { if ($_POST['type'] == 'text') { $body = str_replace("'", "\\'", $_POST['body']); } else { $body = str_replace("'", "\\'", $_POST['html_body']); $html = 1; } list($error, $msg) = $iaMailerPlugin->createQueue($_POST['from_name'], $_POST['from_mail'], $_POST['subj'], $body, $html, $_POST['groups'], $_POST['st']); $iaView->setMessages($msg, $error ? iaView::ERROR : iaView::SUCCESS); if (!$error) { $iaUtil = iaCore::util(); iaUtil::go_to(IA_ADMIN_URL . 'mailer/'); } } if (empty($_POST)) { $data = array('from_name' => iaUsers::getIdentity()->fullname, 'from_mail' => iaUsers::getIdentity()->email, 'type' => 'html', 'subj' => '', 'body' => ''); } else { $data = $_POST; } $statuses = $iaMailerPlugin->getAccountsStatusList(); $iaView->assign('data', $data); $iaView->assign('statuses', $statuses); $iaView->assign('usergroups', $iaCore->factory('users')->getUsergroups()); $iaView->assign('check', !empty($_POST['type']) && 'html' == $_POST['type'] ? true : false); } else { if ($queue = $iaMailerPlugin->getQueues()) { $iaView->assign('queue', $queue);
<?php //##copyright## if (iaView::REQUEST_HTML == $iaView->getRequestType()) { // affiliate member id $memberId = isset($iaCore->requestPath[0]) ? (int) $iaCore->requestPath[0] : 0; // affiliate product id used for tracking $productId = isset($iaCore->requestPath[1]) ? (int) $iaCore->requestPath[1] : 0; // check referer $visitorReferrer = getenv('HTTP_REFERER'); if ($memberId) { $iaVisitor = $iaCore->factoryPackage('visitor', IA_CURRENT_PACKAGE); // get unique tracking ID for a visitor in case it's not set $trackingSalt = isset($_COOKIE['IA_AFF_TRACKING']) ? $_COOKIE['IA_AFF_TRACKING'] : $memberId . iaUtil::generateToken(20); // update tracking record $iaVisitor->updateTrackingRecords($trackingSalt, $memberId, $productId, $visitorReferrer); } // redirect to the page $redirectUrl = $iaCore->get('aff_incoming_page', IA_URL); if ($productId) { $redirectUrl = $iaDb->one('`url`', iaDb::convertIds($productId), 'affiliates_products'); } iaUtil::go_to($redirectUrl); }
private function _checkForUpdates() { $url = sprintf(iaUtil::REMOTE_TOOLS_URL . 'get/updates/%s/', IA_VERSION); $content = iaUtil::getPageContent($url); if (!$content) { return; } $content = iaUtil::jsonDecode($content); if (is_array($content) && $content) { $messages = array(); foreach ($content as $entry) { switch ($entry['type']) { case self::UPDATE_TYPE_INFO: $messages[] = array($entry['id'], $entry['message']); break; case self::UPDATE_TYPE_PATCH: $version = explode('.', $entry['version']); if (count($version) > 3) { if ($this->_iaCore->get('auto_apply_critical_upgrades')) { $result = iaSystem::forceUpgrade($entry['version']); if (is_bool($result) && $result) { $this->_iaCore->factory('cache')->clearGlobalCache(); $message = iaLanguage::getf('script_upgraded', array('version' => $entry['version'])); $this->_iaCore->iaView->setMessages($message, iaView::SUCCESS); iaUtil::go_to(IA_SELF); } else { iaDebug::debug($result, 'Forced upgrade to the version ' . $entry['version']); } } } else { $url = sprintf('%sinstall/upgrade/check/%s/', IA_CLEAR_URL, $entry['version']); $this->_iaCore->iaView->setMessages(iaLanguage::getf('upgrade_available', array('url' => $url, 'version' => $entry['version'])), iaView::SYSTEM); } } } $this->_iaCore->iaView->assign('updatesInfo', $messages); } }
$messages[] = iaLanguage::get('incorrect_file'); } if (file_exists($file['path'] . $file['name'])) { $error = true; $messages[] = iaLanguage::get('file_already_exists'); } if (!fopen($file['url'], 'r')) { $error = true; $messages[] = iaLanguage::get('cant_get_file'); } if (!$error) { $return = file_put_contents($file['path'] . $file['name'], fopen($file['url'], 'r')); if ($return) { $messages[] = iaLanguage::get('file_uploaded'); $iaView->setMessages($messages, $error ? iaView::ERROR : iaView::SUCCESS); iaUtil::go_to(IA_ADMIN_URL . 'importer/'); } else { $error = true; $messages[] = iaLanguage::get('upload_failed'); $iaView->setMessages($messages, $error ? iaView::ERROR : iaView::SUCCESS); } } else { $iaView->setMessages($messages, $error ? iaView::ERROR : iaView::SUCCESS); } } if (!file_exists($file['path'])) { mkdir($file['path'], 0755); } $permissions = is_writable($file['path']); if (!$permissions) { $permissions = chmod($file['path'], 755);
private function _save(&$iaView) { $iaAcl = $this->_iaCore->factory('acl'); if (!$iaAcl->checkAccess($iaView->name() . iaAcl::SEPARATOR . iaCore::ACTION_EDIT)) { return iaView::accessDenied(); } $where = "`type` != 'hidden' " . ($this->_type ? 'AND `custom` = 1' : ''); $params = $this->_iaDb->keyvalue(array('name', 'type'), $where, iaCore::getConfigTable()); // correct admin dashboard URL generation $adminPage = $this->_iaCore->get('admin_page'); iaUtil::loadUTF8Functions('ascii', 'validation', 'bad', 'utf8_to_ascii'); $messages = array(); $error = false; if ($_POST['v'] && is_array($_POST['v'])) { $values = $_POST['v']; $this->_iaCore->startHook('phpConfigurationChange', array('configurationValues' => &$values)); $this->_iaDb->setTable(iaCore::getConfigTable()); foreach ($values as $key => $value) { $s = strpos($key, '_items_enabled'); if ($s !== false) { $p = $this->_iaCore->get($key, '', !is_null($this->_type)); $array = $p ? explode(',', $p) : array(); $data = array(); array_shift($value); if ($diff = array_diff($value, $array)) { foreach ($diff as $item) { array_push($data, array('action' => '+', 'item' => $item)); } } if ($diff = array_diff($array, $value)) { foreach ($diff as $item) { array_push($data, array('action' => '-', 'item' => $item)); } } $extra = substr($key, 0, $s); $this->_iaCore->startHook('phpPackageItemChangedForPlugin', array('data' => $data), $extra); } if (is_array($value)) { $value = implode(',', $value); } if (!utf8_is_valid($value)) { $value = utf8_bad_replace($value); trigger_error('Bad UTF-8 detected (replacing with "?") in configuration', E_USER_NOTICE); } if (self::TYPE_IMAGE == $params[$key]) { if (isset($_POST['delete'][$key])) { $value = ''; } elseif (!empty($_FILES[$key]['name'])) { if (!(bool) $_FILES[$key]['error']) { if (@is_uploaded_file($_FILES[$key]['tmp_name'])) { $ext = strtolower(utf8_substr($_FILES[$key]['name'], -3)); // if jpeg if ($ext == 'peg') { $ext = 'jpg'; } if (!array_key_exists(strtolower($_FILES[$key]['type']), $this->_imageTypes) || !in_array($ext, $this->_imageTypes, true) || !getimagesize($_FILES[$key]['tmp_name'])) { $error = true; $messages[] = iaLanguage::getf('file_type_error', array('extension' => implode(', ', array_unique($this->_imageTypes)))); } else { if ($this->_iaCore->get($key) && file_exists(IA_UPLOADS . $this->_iaCore->get($key))) { iaUtil::deleteFile(IA_UPLOADS . $this->_iaCore->get($key)); } $value = $fileName = $key . '.' . $ext; @move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$key]['tmp_name'], IA_UPLOADS . $fileName); @chmod(IA_UPLOADS . $fileName, 0777); } } } } else { $value = $this->_iaCore->get($key, '', !is_null($this->_type)); } } if ($this->_type) { $where = sprintf("`name` = '%s' AND `type` = '%s' AND `type_id` = %d", $key, $this->_type, $this->_typeId); $this->_iaDb->setTable(iaCore::getCustomConfigTable()); if ($_POST['c'][$key]) { $values = array('name' => $key, 'value' => $value, 'type' => $this->_type, 'type_id' => $this->_typeId); if ($this->_iaDb->exists($where)) { unset($values['value']); $this->_iaDb->bind($where, $values); $this->_iaDb->update(array('value' => $value), $where); } else { $this->_iaDb->insert($values); } } else { $this->_iaDb->delete($where); } $this->_iaDb->resetTable(); } else { $this->_iaDb->update(array('value' => $value), iaDb::convertIds($key, 'name')); } } $this->_iaDb->resetTable(); $this->_iaCore->iaCache->clearAll(); } if (!$error) { $iaView->setMessages(iaLanguage::get('saved'), iaView::SUCCESS); if (isset($_POST['param']['admin_page']) && $_POST['param']['admin_page'] != $adminPage) { iaUtil::go_to(IA_URL . $_POST['param']['admin_page'] . '/configuration/general/'); } } elseif ($messages) { $iaView->setMessages($messages); } }
protected function _htmlAction(&$iaView) { $_SESSION['manageMode'] = 'mode'; iaUtil::go_to(IA_URL); }
/** * Generates invoice for an item * * @param string $title plan title * @param double $cost plan cost * @param string $itemName item name * @param array $itemData item details * @param string $returnUrl return URL * @param int $planId plan id * @param bool $return true redirects to invoice payment URL * * @return string */ public function createInvoice($title, $cost, $itemName = 'members', $itemData = array(), $returnUrl = '', $planId = 0, $return = false) { if (!isset($itemData['id'])) { $itemData['id'] = 0; } $title = empty($title) ? iaLanguage::get('plan_title_' . $planId) : $title; $title .= $itemData['id'] ? ' - #' . $itemData['id'] : ''; $transactionId = uniqid('t'); $transaction = array('member_id' => (int) (isset($itemData['member_id']) && $itemData['member_id'] ? $itemData['member_id'] : iaUsers::getIdentity()->id), 'item' => $itemName, 'item_id' => $itemData['id'], 'amount' => $cost, 'currency' => $this->iaCore->get('currency'), 'sec_key' => $transactionId, 'status' => self::PENDING, 'plan_id' => $planId, 'return_url' => $returnUrl, 'operation' => $title, 'date' => date(iaDb::DATETIME_FORMAT)); $result = (bool) $this->iaDb->insert($transaction, null, $this->getTable()); $return || iaUtil::go_to(IA_URL . 'pay' . IA_URL_DELIMITER . $transactionId . IA_URL_DELIMITER); return $result ? $transactionId : false; }
} if (!utf8_is_ascii($data['title_alias'])) { $data['title_alias'] = utf8_to_ascii($data['title_alias']); } } $data['title_alias'] = $iaCore->convertStr($data['title_alias']); if (empty($cookbook)) { $iaCore->startHook("phpAdminBeforeCookbookAdd"); $data['id'] = $iaCookbook->add($data); $msg = _t('cookbook_added'); } else { $data['id'] = $cookbook['id']; $iaCore->startHook("phpAdminBeforeCookbookUpdate"); $iaCookbook->update($data); $msg = _t('changes_saved'); } $cookbook = $iaCookbook->getCookbookById($data['id']); $iaCore->msg($msg, $error ? 'error' : 'success'); if (isset($_POST['goto'])) { iaUtil::go_to(IA_ADMIN_URL . 'manage/cookbooks/' . ($_POST['goto'] == 'add' ? 'add/' : '')); } } } $fields_groups = $iaCore->getFieldsGroups(); $iaCore->assign('fields_groups', $fields_groups); $iaCore->assign('cookbook', $cookbook); $iaCore->assign('isView', false); $iaCore->display('cookbooks'); } } $iaDb->resetTable();
} } elseif ($_POST && empty($_POST['email'])) { $error = true; $message = iaLanguage::get('error_email_incorrect'); } $iaView->assign('message', $message); $iaView->assign('result', !$error); } } if (iaView::REQUEST_HTML == $iaView->getRequestType()) { if (!$iaCore->get('members_enabled')) { return iaView::errorPage(iaView::ERROR_NOT_FOUND); } $iaCore->factory('util'); if (iaUsers::hasIdentity()) { iaUtil::go_to(IA_URL . 'profile/'); } $memberId = null; $error = false; $messages = array(); $itemData = array(); if ('member_password_forgot' == $iaView->name()) { $code = isset($_GET['code']) ? trim($_GET['code']) : false; $email = isset($_POST['email']) ? $_POST['email'] : (isset($_GET['email']) ? $_GET['email'] : ''); $form = false === $code ? 'request' : 'confirm'; if ($email) { if ($form != 'confirm' && !iaValidate::isCaptchaValid()) { $error = true; $messages[] = iaLanguage::get('confirmation_code_incorrect'); } if (!iaValidate::isEmail($email)) {
private function _buildSitemap(&$iaView) { $iaSitemap = $this->_iaCore->factory('sitemap', iaCore::ADMIN); $iaSitemap->generate() ? $iaView->setMessages(iaLanguage::getf('sitemap_regenerated', array('url' => IA_CLEAR_URL . iaSitemap::FILENAME)), iaView::SUCCESS) : $iaView->setMessages(iaLanguage::get('sitemap_error')); if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) { iaUtil::go_to($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); } }