Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Record sales on InfusionSoft
 private function _infusion_sales($product, $plan, $email, $first_name, $last_name, $affiliate_id, $paid_amount = NULL)
     // Add or Get buyer from InfusionSoft
     require_once app_path() . "/libraries/infusionsoft/isdk.php";
     // Add InfusionSoft Library
     $isapp = new iSDK();
     // Create Connection
     if ($isapp->cfgCon("comissionTracker")) {
         // find contact by email
         $contacts = $isapp->findByEmail($email, array('Id', 'Email'));
         // If contact found
         if (!empty($contacts[0]['Id'])) {
             $contact_id = $contacts[0]['Id'];
         } else {
             // Create new contact
             $contactData = array('Email' => $email, 'FirstName' => $first_name, 'LastName' => $last_name);
             $contact_id = $isapp->addCon($contactData);
         // Sets current date
         $currentDate = date("d-m-Y");
         $oDate = $isapp->infuDate($currentDate);
         // Creates blank order
         $newOrder = $isapp->blankOrder($contact_id, "{$product->name} - {$plan->name} ({$contact_id})", $oDate, NULL, $affiliate_id);
         // Add Order Item - Product ID
         // type = 4 or 9 (Product or Subscription)
         $infusion_product_type = $product->type == 1 ? 4 : 9;
         if ($paid_amount === NULL or $paid_amount === '') {
             $paid_amount = $plan->price;
         $orderPrice = $paid_amount;
         //$paid_amount ? $paid_amount : $plan->price;
         $orderPrice = floatval(round($orderPrice, 2));
         $result = $isapp->addOrderItem($newOrder, $plan->infusion_id, $infusion_product_type, $orderPrice, 1, "Sales Made From DK Solution", "Generated Through API");
         // Add Manual Payment - since CC charged with Stripe
         $payment = $isapp->manualPmt($newOrder, $orderPrice, $oDate, "Credit Card", "Payment via DK Solution", false);
         // Add Affiliate in our database
         if ($affiliate_id) {
             // Get Affiliate
             $affiliate = Affiliate::find($affiliate_id);
             if (!$affiliate or empty($affiliate->email)) {
                 $affData = $isapp->dsFind('Affiliate', 1, 0, 'Id', $affiliate_id, array('AffName', 'ContactId'));
             if (!$affiliate) {
                 $affName = !empty($affData[0]['AffName']) ? $affData[0]['AffName'] : NULL;
                 // Save Affiliate name
                 $affiliate = new Affiliate();
                 $affiliate->id = $affiliate_id;
                 $affiliate->name = $affName;
             if ($affiliate and empty($affiliate->email)) {
                 $affContactId = !empty($affData[0]['ContactId']) ? $affData[0]['ContactId'] : NULL;
                 if ($affContactId) {
                     $affContactData = $isapp->dsFind('Contact', 1, 0, 'Id', $affContactId, array('Email'));
                     $affEmail = !empty($affContactData[0]['Email']) ? $affContactData[0]['Email'] : NULL;
                     $affiliate->email = $affEmail;
             // Send Commission Email to Affiliate
             if ($affiliate->email) {
                 // Get earned commission
                 $from = strtotime("midnight", time());
                 $to = strtotime("tomorrow", time()) - 1;
                 $start = date('Ymd\\TH:i:s', $from);
                 $finish = date('Ymd\\TH:i:s', $to);
                 $commissions = $isapp->affCommissions($affiliate->id, $start, $finish);
                 if (!empty($commissions) and is_array($commissions)) {
                     foreach ($commissions as $commission) {
                         if ($commission['InvoiceId'] == $newOrder) {
                             $AffEarnedCommission = $commission['AmtEarned'];
                 // Send email to Affiliate
                 if (!empty($AffEarnedCommission)) {
                     $this->_send_email_commission($product->name, $plan->name, $affiliate->email, $affiliate->name, $AffEarnedCommission);
         return $newOrder;
     } else {
         // Error
         // echo "Connection Failed";
         return FALSE;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public function getTest()
     //require_once app_path() .  DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "";
     require_once app_path() . "/libraries/infusionsoft/isdk.php";
     $isapp = new iSDK();
     // Get Affiliate ID from Cookie
     $affiliate_id = Cookie::get('_dks_isa');
     // Create Connection
     if ($isapp->cfgCon("comissionTracker")) {
         // find contact by email
         $contacts = $isapp->findByEmail('*****@*****.**', array('Id', 'Email'));
         // If contact found
         if (!empty($contacts[0]['Id'])) {
             $contact_id = $contacts[0]['Id'];
         } else {
             // Create new contact
             $contactData = array('Email' => '*****@*****.**');
             $contact_id = $isapp->addCon($contactData);
         echo $contact_id;
         echo "<br><br>";
         // Testing Order Through Invoice
         //Sets current date
         $currentDate = date("d-m-Y");
         $oDate = $isapp->infuDate($currentDate);
         echo "date set<br/>";
         //Creates blank order
         $newOrder = $isapp->blankOrder($contact_id, "New Order for Contact {$contact_id}", $oDate, NULL, $affiliate_id);
         echo "newOrder=" . $newOrder . "<br/>";
         //$newOrder = 710;
         // Add Order Item - Product ID
         // type = 4 or 9 (Product or Subscription)
         $result = $isapp->addOrderItem($newOrder, 24, 4, 50.0, 1, "Sale Made From API", "Generated Through API");
         echo "item added<br/>";
         // Add Manual Payment - since CC charged with Stripe
         $payment = $isapp->manualPmt($newOrder, 50.0, $oDate, "credit", "Order done through API / Stripe", false);
     } else {
         echo "Connection Failed";
     //$affiliate_id = Cookie::get('_dks_isa');
     //echo "hi " . app_path();
 public function shoppingcart()
     if (isset($_POST['first_name'])) {
         $app = new \iSDK();
         if ($app->cfgCon("connectionName")) {
             $qry = array('Email' => $_POST['emailAddress']);
             $ret = array("Id");
             $dups = $app->dsQuery("Contact", 1, 0, $qry, $ret);
             if (empty($dups)) {
                 $contact = array("FirstName" => $_POST['first_name'], "LastName" => $_POST['last_name'], "State" => $_POST['state'], "Phone1" => $_POST['phoneNumber'], "City" => $_POST['city'], "Email" => $_POST['emailAddress'], "Address1Type" => $_POST['addressLine1'], "ZipFour1" => $_POST['last_name'], "Country" => $_POST['last_name'], "Company" => $_POST['company']);
                 $date = date('d/m/y');
                 $cid = $app->addCon($contact);
             } else {
                 $cid = $dups[0]['Id'];
                 $contact = array("FirstName" => $_POST['first_name'], "LastName" => $_POST['last_name'], "State" => $_POST['state'], "Phone1" => $_POST['phoneNumber'], "City" => $_POST['city'], "Email" => $_POST['emailAddress'], "Address1Type" => $_POST['addressLine1'], "ZipFour1" => $_POST['last_name'], "Country" => $_POST['last_name'], "Company" => $_POST['company']);
                 $contact_ID = $app->updateCon($cid, $contact);
             $fullname = explode(" ", $_POST['nameoncard']);
             $card['FirstName'] = $fullname[0];
             $card['LastName'] = $fullname[1];
             $card['CardNumber'] = $_POST['cnumber'];
             $card['ExpirationMonth'] = $_POST['cardmonth'];
             $card['ExpirationYear'] = $_POST['cardyear'];
             $card['CVV2'] = $_POST['CVV'];
             $result = $app->validateCard($card);
             if ($result['Valid'] == 'false') {
                 $msg = "Order cancel due to credit card";
                 return view('licenses.shoppingcart', compact('msg'));
             } else {
                 $ccid = $app->dsAdd("CreditCard", $card);
                 //$timezone = new DateTimeZone( "America/New_York" );
                 //$date = new DateTime();
                 //$date->setTimezone( $timezone );
                 $currentDate = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
                 $oDate = $app->infuDate($currentDate);
                 try {
                     $invID = $app->blankOrder($cid, "Order for Licenses" . $cid, $oDate, 0, 0);
                 } catch (Exception $e) {
                     echo 'Caught exception: ', $e->getMessage(), "\n";
                 $ord = $app->getOrderId($invID);
                 $Quantity = $_POST['Quantity'];
                 $subID = array();
                 for ($i = 1; $i <= $Quantity; $i++) {
                     $app->addOrderItem((int) $invID, (int) 50, (int) 4, (double) 0.1, (int) 1, 'Licenses Item' . $i, '');
                     $_intproductid = $app->addRecurringAdv((int) $cid, true, (int) 34, (int) 1, (double) 0.1, false, (int) 2, (int) $ccid, (int) 0, (int) 30);
                     $_nextBillDate = date("d-m-Y", strtotime("1 Months + 1 day"));
                     $subID[$i] = $_intproductid;
                     $thedate = $app->infuDate($_nextBillDate);
                     $app->updateSubscriptionNextBillDate($_intproductid, $thedate);
                     $service["Frequency"] = 1;
                     $service["BillingCycle"] = 2;
                     $app->dsUpdate("RecurringOrder", $_intproductid, $service);
                 $payStat = $app->chargeInvoice((int) $invID, "Payment Via API", (int) $ccid, (int) 2, false);
                 if (substr($payStat['Message'], 0, 2) == "91") {
                     $payStat = $app->chargeInvoice((int) $invID, "Payment Via API", (int) $ccid, (int) 2, false);
                 if ($payStat['RefNum'] != "E" && $payStat['Code'] == "APPROVED") {
                     $msg = "Thanks For Order";
                     $user_id = Auth::user()->id;
                     $users = User::findOrFail($user_id);
                     for ($i = 1; $i <= $Quantity; $i++) {
                         $date = new \DateTime();
                         $license = new License();
                         $license->life = 1;
                         $license->license_key = $subID[$i];
                         $license->company_id = $users->company_id;
                         $license->user_id = 0;
                         $license->status = 'ACTIVE';
                         $license->created_by = Auth::user()->id;
                         $license->created_at = $date;
                         $license->updated_at = $date;
                     return view('licenses.shoppingcart', compact('msg'));
                 } else {
                     $msg = "Order cancel due payment";
                     return view('licenses.shoppingcart', compact('msg'));
     $msg = "";
     return view('licenses.shoppingcart', compact('msg'));
Ejemplo n.º 4

require_once "../src/isdk.php";
$app = new iSDK();
if ($app->cfgCon("connectionName")) {
    echo "connected<br/>";
    echo "app connected<br/>";
    $currentDate = date("d-m-Y");
    $oDate = $app->infuDate($currentDate);
    echo "date set<br/>";
    $cid = 36;
    $newOrder = $app->blankOrder($cid, "New Order for Contact " . $cid, $oDate, 0, 0);
    echo "New order created=" . $newOrder . "<br/>";
    $result = $app->addOrderItem($newOrder, 0, 4, 66.66, 1, "Infusionsoft Stuff", "new stuff!");
    echo "item added<br/>";
    $operation = $app->manualPmt($newOrder, 66.66, $oDate, "Cash", "fakemoney", false);
    if ($operation) {
        echo "payment has been added for invoiceId-" . $newOrder;
    } else {
        echo "Manual Payment Failed<br />";
} else {
    echo "Connection Failed";
Ejemplo n.º 5
        $fname = $order[10];
        $lname = $order[11];
        $email = $order[9];
        $company = $order[12];
        $add1 = $order[13];
        $add2 = $order[14];
        $country = $order[17];
        $zip = $order[18];
        $phone = $order[19];
        $city = $order[15];
        $state = $order[16];
        // if this is a new order then get the contact by querying the account id field for the EKM customer Id
        $con = $thisapp->dsQuery('Contact', 1000, 0, array('AccountId' => $order[0]), array('Id'));
        /* the condition below tests to see if the billing address is the same as the shipping address and if TRUE is the
        result then that means no and we should use the specific shipping fields otherwise use the billing information
        if ($order[20] == 'TRUE') {
            $company = $order[21];
            $fname = $order[22];
            $lname = $order[23];
            $add1 = $order[24];
            $add2 = $order[25];
            $city = $order[26];
            $state = $order[27];
            $country = $order[28];
            $zip = $order[29];
        $iId = $thisapp->blankOrder($con[0]['Id'], 'testing it out', $thisapp->infuDate($order[3]), 0, 0);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 $card['FirstName'] = $fullname[0];
 $card['LastName'] = $fullname[1];
 $card['CardNumber'] = $_POST['cnumber'];
 $card['ExpirationMonth'] = $_POST['cardmonth'];
 $card['ExpirationYear'] = $_POST['cardyear'];
 $card['CVV2'] = $_POST['CVV'];
 $result = $app->validateCard($card);
 if ($result['Valid'] == 'false') {
     $error = "Order cancel due to credit card";
 } else {
     $ccid = $app->dsAdd("CreditCard", $card);
     //$timezone = new DateTimeZone( "America/New_York" );
     //$date = new DateTime();
     //$date->setTimezone( $timezone );
     $currentDate = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
     $oDate = $app->infuDate($currentDate);
     try {
         $invID = $app->blankOrder($cid, "Order for Licenses" . $cid, $oDate, 0, 0);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         echo 'Caught exception: ', $e->getMessage(), "\n";
     $ord = $app->getOrderId($invID);
     $Quantity = $_POST['Quantity'];
     $subID = array();
     for ($i = 1; $i <= $Quantity; $i++) {
         $app->addOrderItem((int) $invID, (int) 50, (int) 4, (double) 0.1, (int) 1, 'Licenses Item' . $i, '');
         $_intproductid = $app->addRecurringAdv((int) $cid, true, (int) 34, (int) 1, (double) 0.1, false, (int) 2, (int) $ccid, (int) 0, (int) 30);
         $_nextBillDate = date("d-m-Y", strtotime("1 Months + 1 day"));
         $subID[$i] = $_intproductid;
         $thedate = $app->infuDate($_nextBillDate);
         $app->updateSubscriptionNextBillDate($_intproductid, $thedate);