Ejemplo n.º 1
            <h2>Where did you find us?</h2>
foreach ($this->askOptions as $askId => $askOpt) {
    echo htmlBup::radiobutton('where_find_us', array('value' => $askId));
    echo $askOpt['label'];
    if ($askId == 4) {
                    <label id="bupFindUsUrlShell" style="display: none;">Please, post url: <?php 
        echo htmlBup::text('find_on_web_url');
    } elseif ($askId == 5) {
                    <label style="display: none;" id="bupOtherWayTextShell"><?php 
        echo htmlBup::textarea('other_way_desc');
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Function to get field params
  * @param object $params 
 public static function getFieldAttributes($params)
     $output = '';
     if (!empty($params->attr)) {
         foreach ($params->attr as $key => $value) {
             $output .= langBup::_($key) . ':<br />';
             $output .= htmlBup::text('params[attr][' . $key . ']', array('value' => $value)) . '<br />';
     } else {
         $output .= langBup::_('class') . ':<br />';
         $output .= htmlBup::text('params[attr][class]', array('value' => '')) . '<br />';
         $output .= langBup::_('id') . ':<br />';
         $output .= htmlBup::text('params[attr][id]', array('value' => '')) . '<br />';
     return $output;
Ejemplo n.º 3
echo langBup::_('Exclude:');
echo htmlBup::text('opt_values[exclude]', array('attrs' => 'class="excludeInput" title="If entering multiple files/directories, then separate them with commas."', 'value' => frameBup::_()->getModule('options')->get('exclude')));
    <div class="emailOpt">
    	<td width="120"><?php 
echo langBup::_('Email notification:');
echo htmlBup::checkbox('opt_values[email_ch]', array('attrs' => 'class="bupCheckboxNotUnCheck"', 'value' => 1, 'checked' => frameBup::_()->getModule('options')->getValueType('email') ? 'checked' : ''));
    	<div class="emailAddress" <?php 
echo frameBup::_()->getModule('options')->getValueType('email') ? '' : 'style="display:none"';
echo htmlBup::text('opt_values[email]', array('attrs' => 'class="excludeInput" placeholder="*****@*****.**" title=""', 'value' => frameBup::_()->getModule('options')->get('email')));
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * Returns credentials form
  * @since  1.1
  * @param  array  $defaults 
  * @return array
 protected function getCredentialsForm($defaults = array())
     return array('legend' => __('Enter your AWS Access Key,<br/>Secret Key and Bucket name', BUP_LANG_CODE), 'fields' => array(array('label' => __('Access Key', BUP_LANG_CODE), 'field' => htmlBup::text('access', array('value' => isset($defaults['access']) ? $defaults['access'] : '', 'attrs' => 'class="inputField100per"'))), array('label' => __('Secret Key', BUP_LANG_CODE), 'field' => htmlBup::text('secret', array('value' => isset($defaults['access']) ? $defaults['access'] : '', 'attrs' => 'class="inputField100per"'))), array('label' => __('Bucket', BUP_LANG_CODE), 'field' => htmlBup::text('bucket', array('value' => isset($defaults['bucket']) ? $defaults['bucket'] : '', 'attrs' => 'class="inputField100per"')))), 'extra' => array(htmlBup::button(array('value' => __('&nbsp;&nbsp; Save &nbsp;&nbsp;', BUP_LANG_CODE), 'attrs' => 'class="button button-primary button-large" id="bupAmazonCredentials"'))));
Ejemplo n.º 5
<h4 class="cspTitle"><?php 
echo htmlBup::text('opt_values[msg_title]', array('value' => $this->optModel->get('msg_title')));
<div class="cspLeftCol">
langBup::_e('Select color');
echo htmlBup::colorpicker('opt_values[msg_title_color]', array('value' => $this->optModel->get('msg_title_color')));
<div class="cspRightCol">
langBup::_e('Select font');
echo htmlBup::fontsList('opt_values[msg_title_font]', array('value' => $this->optModel->get('msg_title_font')));
<div class="clearfix"></div>
<div class="clearfix">
echo htmlBup::button(array('value' => langBup::_('Set default'), 'attrs' => 'id="cspMsgTitleSetDefault"'));
	<div id="cspAdminOptMsgTitleDefaultMsg"></div>
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * Function to process field params
 public function processParams($tag, $id)
     return '';
     if ($this->name == "params") {
         if (is_array($this->value) || is_object($this->value)) {
             $params = $this->value;
         } else {
             $params = json_decode($this->value);
         $add_option = '';
         switch ($tag) {
             case 5:
                 $add_option = langBup::_('Add Checkbox');
                 $options_tag = '';
                 $image_tag = ' style="display:none"';
             case 9:
                 $add_option = langBup::_('Add Item');
                 $options_tag = '';
                 $image_tag = ' style="display:none"';
             case 12:
                 $add_option = langBup::_('Add Item');
                 $options_tag = '';
                 $image_tag = ' style="display:none"';
             case 10:
                 $options_tag = '';
                 $add_option = langBup::_('Add Radio Button');
                 $image_tag = ' style="display:none"';
             case 8:
                 $image_tag = '';
                 $options_tag = ' style="display:none"';
                 $options_tag = ' style="display:none"';
                 $image_tag = ' style="display:none"';
         if ($tag > 0 || $id == 0) {
             $output .= '<div class="options options_tag"' . $options_tag . '>';
             $output .= '<span class="add_option">' . $add_option . '</span>';
             $output .= fieldAdapterBup::_($id, 'getExtraFieldOptions', fieldAdapterBup::STR);
             $output .= '</div>';
             $output .= '<div class="options image_tag"' . $image_tag . '>' . langBup::_('Dimensions') . ':<br />';
             $params->width ? $width = $params->width : '';
             $params->height ? $height = $params->height : '';
             $output .= langBup::_('width') . ':<br />';
             $output .= htmlBup::text('params[width]', array('value' => $width)) . '<br />';
             $output .= langBup::_('height') . ':<br />';
             $output .= htmlBup::text('params[height]', array('value' => $height)) . '<br />';
             $output .= '</div>';
         if ($this->adapt['htmlParams']) {
             $output .= fieldAdapterBup::_($this, $this->adapt['htmlParams'], fieldAdapterBup::STR);
         } else {
             $output .= '<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="set_properties">' . langBup::_('Click to set field "id" and "class"') . '</a>';
             $output .= '<div class="attributes" style="display:none;">' . langBup::_('Attributes') . ':<br />';
             $output .= fieldAdapterBup::_($params, 'getFieldAttributes', fieldAdapterBup::STR);
             $output .= '</div>';
         return $output;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public static function textFieldsDynamicTable($name, $params = array('value' => '', 'attrs' => '', 'options' => array()))
     $res = '';
     if (empty($params['options'])) {
         $params['options'] = array(0 => array('label' => ''));
     if (!empty($params['options'])) {
         $pattern = array();
         foreach ($params['options'] as $key => $p) {
             $pattern[$key] = htmlBup::text($name . '[][' . $key . ']');
         $countOptions = count($params['options']);
         $remove = '<a href="#" onclick="toeRemoveTextFieldsDynamicTable(this); return false;">remove</a>';
         $add = '<a href="#" onclick="toeAddTextFieldsDynamicTable(this, ' . $countOptions . '); return false;">add</a>';
         $res = '<div class="toeTextFieldsDynamicTable">';
         if (empty($params['value'])) {
             $params['value'] = array();
         } elseif (!is_array($params['value'])) {
             $params['value'] = utilsBup::jsonDecode($params['value']);
             //$params['value'] = $params['value'][0];
         $i = 0;
         do {
             $res .= '<div class="toeTextFieldDynamicRow">';
             foreach ($params['options'] as $key => $p) {
                 switch ($countOptions) {
                     case 1:
                         if (isset($params['value'][$i])) {
                             $value = is_array($params['value'][$i]) ? $params['value'][$i][$key] : $params['value'][$i];
                         } else {
                             $value = '';
                     case 2:
                         $value = isset($params['value'][$i][$key]) ? $params['value'][$i][$key] : '';
                 $paramsForText = array('value' => $value);
                 $res .= __($p['label'], BUP_LANG_CODE) . htmlBup::text($name . '[' . $i . '][' . $key . ']', $paramsForText);
             $res .= $remove . '</div>';
         } while ($i < count($params['value']));
         $res .= $add;
         $res .= '</div>';
     return $res;
Ejemplo n.º 8
                            <i class="fa fa-question supsystic-tooltip" title="<?php 
_e('Specify the path where the data is to be backed up. It \'Use relative path\' ckeckbox has been set up, the path will be set against in the root directory, where the WordPress is installed. If \'Use relative path\' checkbox has been of, the full path to the disk root should be specified.', BUP_LANG_CODE);
_e('Warehouse:', BUP_LANG_CODE);

echo htmlBup::text('opt_values[warehouse]', array('attrs' => 'class="input-regular" id="warehouseInput" style="width: 100% !important"', 'value' => str_replace('\\', '/', frameBup::_()->getModule('options')->get('warehouse'))));
                            <i class="fa fa-question supsystic-tooltip" title="<?php 
_e('If the checkbox has been set up, then the backup path must be specified in the Warehouse field against the root directory, where the WordPress is installed. if the checkbox has been off, then the backup path must be specified in the Warehouse field against the disk root."', BUP_LANG_CODE);
_e('Use relative path', BUP_LANG_CODE);
                            <div style="float: right">
echo htmlBup::checkbox('__toggleWarehouseAbs', array('attrs' => 'class="bupCheckbox wareabs" id="warehouseToggle"', 'checked' => frameBup::_()->getModule('options')->get('warehouse_abs') == 1 ? 'checked' : ''));