Ejemplo n.º 1
    function definition_after_data() {
        global $DB;
        $mform = $this->_form;

        $hierarchy = new hierarchy();
        //$eid = $this->_customdata['temp'];
        //  if ($eid->id < 0) {
        $school = $mform->getElementValue('schoolid');      

        $tools = array();
        if ($school[0] > 0 || $school>0) {
              $fid = $school[0];
            $schoolid = $school;
            $hierarchy = new hierarchy();

            $upcomingsemester = $hierarchy->get_upcoming_school_semesters($schoolid);
            //   print_object($upcomingsemester);
            $activesemester = $hierarchy->get_allmyactivesemester(null, $schoolid);
            //     print_object($activesemester);
            $active_upcomingsemester = $upcomingsemester + $activesemester;

            $newel = $mform->createElement('select', 'semesterid', get_string('selectsemester_timetable', 'local_timetable'), $active_upcomingsemester);
            $mform->insertElementBefore($newel, 'addsemesterlisthere');    
            $mform->addRule('semesterid', get_string('selectsemester_timetable', 'local_timetable'), 'required', null, 'client');
            // $formatvalue2 [0];
        //  }
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * @method cobalt_update_program
  * @todo Update the details of the existing Programs
  * @param  $data(array)
  * */
 function cobalt_update_program($data) {
     global $DB;
     $DB->update_record('local_program', $data);
     $hierarchy = new hierarchy();
     $DB->delete_records('local_level_settings', array('levelid' => $data->id));
Ejemplo n.º 3
    function definition() {
        global $USER, $CFG, $DB, $PAGE;
        $mform = $this->_form;
        $mform->addElement('header', 'settingsheader', get_string('system_settings', 'local_cobaltsettings'));
        $hier1 = new hierarchy();
        $schoolids = $hier1->get_assignedschools();
        if (!empty($schoolids)) {
            $count = sizeof($schoolids);
            if ($count > 1) {
                $parents = $hier1->get_school_parent($schoolids, '', true);
                $attributes1 = 'style="height:25px; width:29%; "';
                $mform->addElement('select', 'schoolid', get_string('schoolid', 'local_collegestructure'), $parents, $attributes1);
                $mform->addRule('schoolid', get_string('missingschool', 'local_collegestructure'), 'required', null, 'client');
            } else {
                $schoolname = $DB->get_record('local_school', array('id' => $schoolids[0]->id));
                $mform->addElement('static', 'sid', get_string('select', 'local_collegestructure'), $schoolname->fullname);
                $mform->addElement('hidden', 'schoolid', $schoolids[0]->id);
        $mform->addElement('advcheckbox', 'batch', null, 'Batch', array('group' => 1), array(0, 1));
        $mform->addElement('html', '<div style=" margin-left:265px;" class="form-description"><p>' . get_string('enable_batch', 'local_cobaltsettings') . '
        $mform->addElement('advcheckbox', 'prefix_suffix', null, 'Prefix-Suffix', array('group' => 1), array(0, 1));
        $mform->addElement('html', '<div style=" margin-left:265px;" class="form-description"><p>' . get_string('create_batch', 'local_cobaltsettings') . '
        $mform->addElement('advcheckbox', 'online_app', null, 'Online Applications', array('group' => 1), array(0, 1));
        $mform->addElement('html', '<div style=" margin-left:265px; color:light-grey" class="form-description"><p>' . get_string('enable_online', 'local_cobaltsettings') . '
        $mform->addElement('advcheckbox', 'certificate', null, 'Issue certificates', array('group' => 1), array(0, 1));
        /* start of vijaya jan-29 */
        $mform->addElement('advcheckbox', 'onlinepayment', null, 'Online Payment', array('group' => 1), array(0, 1));
        /* end of vijaya jan-29 */
        $this->add_action_buttons(true, 'Submit');
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * To display success and error message based on condition
  * @param  int $output it holds reultent value
  * @param string $success it holds the success message
  * @param string $error - error message
  * @param string $currenturl(display the confirmation message in this url)
  * @param object $data used to print dynamic string
  * @return display confirmation message
 function success_error_msg($output, $success, $error, $currenturl, $data) {
     $hier = new hierarchy();
     if ($output)
         $confirm_msg = get_string($success, 'local_lecturetype', $data);
         $confirm_msg = get_string($error, 'local_lecturetype', $data);
     $hier->set_confirmation($confirm_msg, $currenturl, array('style' => 'notifysuccess'));
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * To display success and error message based on condition
  * @param  int $output it holds reultent value
  * @param string $success it holds the success message
  * @param string $error - error message
  * @param string $currenturl(display the confirmation message in this url)
  * @param object $data used to print dynamic string
  * @return display confirmation message
 function success_error_msg($output, $success, $error, $currenturl, $data) {
     $hier = new hierarchy();
     if ($output) {
         $confirm_msg = get_string($success, 'local_examtype', $data);
         $options = array('style' => 'notifysuccess');
     } else {
         $confirm_msg = get_string($error, 'local_examtype', $data);
         $options = array('style' => 'notifyproblem');
     $hier->set_confirmation($confirm_msg, $currenturl, $options);
Ejemplo n.º 6
    public function definition() {
        global $USER, $CFG, $PAGE;
        $school = new school();
        $mform = $this->_form;
        $id = $this->_customdata['id'];
        $schools = $this->_customdata['tool'];
        $editoroptions = $this->_customdata['editoroptions'];
        if ($id < 0)
            $mform->addElement('header', 'settingsheader', get_string('createschool', 'local_collegestructure'));
            $mform->addElement('header', 'settingsheader', get_string('editschool', 'local_collegestructure'));
        $tools = array();
        $hierarchy = new hierarchy();
        $items = $hierarchy->get_school_items(true);
        $parents = $hierarchy->get_school_parent($items, $schools->id);
        if (count($parents) <= 1) {
            $mform->addElement('hidden', 'parentid', 0);
            $mform->setType('parentid', PARAM_RAW);
        } else {
            $mform->addElement('select', 'parentid', get_string('parent', 'local_collegestructure'), $parents);
            $mform->setType('parentid', PARAM_RAW);
        $mform->addHelpButton('parentid', 'parent', 'local_collegestructure');
        $mform->addElement('text', 'fullname', get_string('schoolname', 'local_collegestructure'), $tools);
        $mform->setType('fullname', PARAM_TEXT);
        $mform->addRule('fullname', get_string('missingschoolname', 'local_collegestructure'), 'required', null, 'client');

        $mform->addElement('editor', 'description', get_string('description', 'local_collegestructure'), null, $editoroptions);
        $mform->setType('description', PARAM_RAW);

        $selecttype = array();
        $selecttype['1'] = get_string('campus', 'local_collegestructure');
        $selecttype['2'] = get_string('university', 'local_collegestructure');
        $selecttype['3'] = get_string('location', 'local_collegestructure');
        $mform->addElement('select', 'type', get_string('type', 'local_collegestructure'), $selecttype);
        $mform->addHelpButton('type', 'type', 'local_collegestructure');
        $mform->setType('type', PARAM_RAW);
        $mform->addElement('hidden', 'id');
        $mform->setType('id', PARAM_INT);
        $now = date("d-m-Y");
        $now = strtotime($now);
        $mform->addElement('hidden', 'timecreated', $now);
        $mform->setType('timecreated', PARAM_RAW);
        $mform->addElement('hidden', 'usermodified', $USER->id);
        $mform->setType('usermodified', PARAM_RAW);
        $themelist = $school->cobalt_get_theme_list();
        $mform->addElement('select', 'theme', get_string('theme', 'local_collegestructure'), $themelist);
        $mform->setType('theme', PARAM_RAW);
        $mform->addRule('theme', get_string('missingtheme', 'local_collegestructure'), 'required', null, 'client');
        $submit = ($id > 0) ? get_string('update_school', 'local_collegestructure') : get_string('create', 'local_collegestructure');
        $this->add_action_buttons('false', $submit);
Ejemplo n.º 7
function user_download_xls($fields) {

    global $CFG, $DB;
    $filename = clean_filename(get_string('course', 'local_cobaltcourses') . '.xls');
    $workbook = new MoodleExcelWorkbook('-');
    $worksheet = array();
    $worksheet[0] = $workbook->add_worksheet('');
    $col = 0;
    foreach ($fields as $fieldname) {
        $worksheet[0]->write(0, $col, $fieldname);

    $hierarchy = new hierarchy();
    $schoollist = $hierarchy->get_assignedschools();
    if (is_siteadmin()) {
        $schoollist = $hierarchy->get_school_items();

    $sheetrow = 1;
    foreach ($schoollist as $school) {
        $courses = $DB->get_records('local_cobaltcourses', array('schoolid' => $school->id));
        foreach ($courses as $course) {
            $post = new stdclass();

            $post->fullname = $course->fullname;
            $post->shortname = $course->shortname;
            $departmentname = $DB->get_field('local_department', 'fullname', array('id' => $course->departmentid));
            $post->courselibraryname = $departmentname;
            $schoolname = $DB->get_field('local_school', 'fullname', array('id' => $course->schoolid));
            $post->organizationname = $schoolname;
            $post->summary = $course->summary;
            $post->coursetype = ($course->coursetype == 0) ? 'General' : 'Elective';
            $post->credithours = $course->credithours;
            $post->coursecost = $course->coursecost;
            $col = 0;
            foreach ($fields as $fieldname) {
                $worksheet[0]->write($sheetrow, $col, $post->$fieldname);

Ejemplo n.º 8
    function definition() {
        global $USER, $CFG, $DB, $PAGE;
        $mform = $this->_form;
        $PAGE->requires->yui_module('moodle-local_cobaltsettings-cobaltsetting', 'M.local_cobaltsettings.init_cobaltsetting', array(array('formid' => $mform->getAttribute('id'))));
        /* ---used for editing purpose--- */
        $eid = $this->_customdata['temp'];

        if ($eid->id <= 0)
            $mform->addElement('header', 'settingsheader', get_string('category_level_settings', 'local_cobaltsettings'));
            $mform->addElement('header', 'settingsheader', get_string('editentity_level_settings', 'local_cobaltsettings'));
        $hier = new hierarchy();
        $global_ob = global_settings::getInstance();

        $aca_list = $hier->get_records_cobaltselect_menu('local_cobalt_entity', '', null, '', 'id,name', 'Select Category');

        $mform->addElement('select', 'entityid', get_string('category', 'local_cobaltsettings'), $aca_list);
        $mform->addRule('entityid', get_string('category', 'local_cobaltsettings'), 'required', null, 'client');
        $mform->setType('entityid', PARAM_INT);

        $mform->addElement('submit', 'updatecourseformat', get_string('courseformatudpate'));

        $mform->addElement('hidden', 'categorytypehere');
        $mform->setType('categorytypehere', PARAM_TEXT);
        $mform->addElement('hidden', 'radiobuttonhere');
        $mform->setType('radiobuttonhere', PARAM_INT);

        $radioarray = array();
        $radioarray[] = & $mform->createElement('radio', 'level', 'SCH', get_string('schoollevel', 'local_collegestructure'), 'SL');
        $radioarray[] = & $mform->createElement('radio', 'level', 'PCH', get_string('programlevel', 'local_programs'), 'PL');
        $radioarray[] = & $mform->createElement('radio', 'level', 'CCH', get_string('curriculumlevel', 'local_curriculum'), 'CL');
        $mform->addGroup($radioarray, 'radioarray', '', array(' '), false);
        $mform->addRule('radioarray', get_string('category', 'local_cobaltsettings'), 'required', null, 'client');

        /* if($eid->id <= 0){	
          $mform->disabledIf('radioarray', 'radiobuttondisable', 'eq', 1);
          } */

        $mform->addElement('hidden', 'id');
        $mform->setType('id', PARAM_INT);
        if ($eid->id > 0)
            $string = get_string('updateentity', 'local_cobaltsettings');
            $string = get_string('createentity', 'local_cobaltsettings');
        $this->add_action_buttons(true, $string);
Ejemplo n.º 9
    public function definition() {
        global $CFG, $DB;
        $mform = & $this->_form;
        $hierarchy = new hierarchy();
        if (is_siteadmin()) {
            $scho = $hierarchy->get_school_items();
        } else {
            $scho = $hierarchy->get_assignedschools();
        $count = count($scho);
        if ($count > 1) {
            $school = $hierarchy->get_school_parent($scho);
            $mform->addElement('select', 'schoolid', get_string('schoolid', 'local_collegestructure'), $school);
            $mform->addRule('schoolid', get_string('required'), 'required', null, 'client');
        } else {
            $school = $DB->get_record('local_school', array('visible' => 1));
            $mform->addElement('static', 'school', get_string('schoolid', 'local_collegestructure'), $school->fullname);
            $mform->setType('school', PARAM_RAW);

            $mform->addElement('hidden', 'schoolid', $school->id);
            $mform->setType('schoolidid', PARAM_INT);

        for ($i = 0; $i <= 23; $i++) {
            $hours[$i] = sprintf("%02d", $i);
        for ($i = 0; $i < 60; $i+=5) {
            $minutes[$i] = sprintf("%02d", $i);

        $durtime = array();
        $durtime[] = & $mform->createElement('select', 'starthours', get_string('hour', 'form'), $hours, false, true);
        $durtime[] = & $mform->createElement('select', 'startminutes', get_string('minute', 'form'), $minutes, false, true);
        $mform->addGroup($durtime, 'starttime', get_string('starttime', 'local_attendance'), array(' '), true);

        $durtimes = array();
        $durtimes[] = & $mform->createElement('select', 'endhours', get_string('hour', 'form'), $hours, false, true);
        $durtimes[] = & $mform->createElement('select', 'endminutes', get_string('minute', 'form'), $minutes, false, true);
        $mform->addGroup($durtimes, 'endtime', get_string('orgendtime', 'local_attendance'), array(' '), true);

        $mform->addElement('hidden', 'id');
        $mform->setType('id', PARAM_INT);

        $submit = ($this->_customdata['id'] > 0) ? 'Update' : 'Create';
        $this->add_action_buttons('false', $submit);
Ejemplo n.º 10
function user_download_xls($fields) {

    global $CFG, $DB;
    $filename = clean_filename(get_string('department', 'local_departments') . '.xls');
    $workbook = new MoodleExcelWorkbook('-');
    $worksheet = array();
    $worksheet[0] = $workbook->add_worksheet('');
    $col = 0;
    foreach ($fields as $fieldname) {
        $worksheet[0]->write(0, $col, $fieldname);

    $hierarchy = new hierarchy();
    /*   Bug report #260 
     * Edited by hemalatha c arun <*****@*****.**>
     * resolved- If loggedin user is admin, downloading all the department   
    if (is_siteadmin()) {
        $sql = "SELECT distinct(s.id),s.* FROM {local_school} s ORDER BY s.sortorder";
        $schoollist = $DB->get_records_sql($sql);
    } else
        $schoollist = $hierarchy->get_assignedschools();

    $sheetrow = 1;
    foreach ($schoollist as $school) {
        $departments = $DB->get_records('local_department', array('schoolid' => $school->id));
        foreach ($departments as $department) {
            $post = new stdclass();
            $post->shortname = $department->shortname;
            $post->fullname = $department->fullname;
            $schoolname = $DB->get_field('local_school', 'fullname', array('id' => $department->schoolid));
            $post->schoolname = $schoolname;
            $post->summary = $department->description;
            $col = 0;
            foreach ($fields as $fieldname) {
                $worksheet[0]->write($sheetrow, $col, $post->$fieldname);
Ejemplo n.º 11
function user_download_xls($fields) {
    $hier = new hierarchy();
    $schools = $hier->get_assignedschools();

    global $CFG, $DB;
    $filename = clean_filename('Users.xls');
    $workbook = new MoodleExcelWorkbook('-');
    $worksheet = array();
    $worksheet[0] = $workbook->add_worksheet('');
    $col = 0;
    foreach ($fields as $fieldname) {
        $worksheet[0]->write(0, $col, $fieldname);

    $sheetrow = 1;
    $myuser = users::getInstance();

    $users = $DB->get_records_sql("SELECT u.id, u.username, u.email, u.firstname, u.lastname, u.city, u.country,
                                            u.lastaccess, u.confirmed, u.mnethostid, u.suspended FROM {user} u, {local_users} lu
                                            WHERE lu.userid = u.id ");

    foreach ($users as $user) {
        $rid = $myuser->get_rolename($user->id);
        $post = new stdclass();
        $post->firstname = $user->firstname;
        $post->lastname = $user->lastname;
        $post->email = $user->email;

        $post->schoolname = $myuser->get_schoolnames($user);
        $post->roleid = $myuser->get_rolename($user->id);
        $col = 0;
        foreach ($fields as $fieldname) {
            $worksheet[0]->write($sheetrow, $col, $post->$fieldname);

Ejemplo n.º 12
function user_download_xls($fields) {
    global $CFG, $DB;
    $filename = clean_filename(get_string('program', 'local_programs') . '.xls');
    $workbook = new MoodleExcelWorkbook('-');
    $worksheet = array();
    $worksheet[0] = $workbook->add_worksheet('');
    $col = 0;
    foreach ($fields as $fieldname) {
        $worksheet[0]->write(0, $col, $fieldname);

    $hierarchy = new hierarchy();
    $schoollist = $hierarchy->get_assignedschools();
    $sheetrow = 1;
    foreach ($schoollist as $school) {
        $programs = $DB->get_records('local_program', array('schoolid' => $school->id));
        foreach ($programs as $program) {
            $post = new stdclass();
            $post->shortname = $program->shortname;
            $post->fullname = $program->fullname;
            $departmentname = $DB->get_field('local_department', 'fullname', array('id' => $program->departmentid));
            $post->departmentname = $departmentname;
            $schoolname = $DB->get_field('local_school', 'fullname', array('id' => $program->schoolid));
            $post->schoolname = $schoolname;
            $post->summary = $program->description;
            $post->type = ($program->type == 0) ? 'UnderGraduate' : 'PostGraduate';
            $post->duration = $program->duration;
            $col = 0;
            foreach ($fields as $fieldname) {
                $worksheet[0]->write($sheetrow, $col, $post->$fieldname);
Ejemplo n.º 13
 function definition() {
     global $USER, $CFG, $DB, $PAGE;
     $id = optional_param('id', -1, PARAM_INT);
     $hierarchy = new hierarchy();
     $instance = new cobalt_examtype();
     $mform = $this->_form;
     $editoroptions = $this->_customdata['editoroptions'];
     if ($id > 0)
         $mform->addElement('header', 'settingsheader', get_string('editexamtype', 'local_examtype'));
         $mform->addElement('header', 'settingsheader', get_string('addeditexamtype', 'local_examtype'));
     $items = $hierarchy->get_school_items();
     $school = $hierarchy->get_school_parent($items);
     if ($id < 0) {
         $mform->addElement('select', 'schoolid', get_string('schoolid', 'local_collegestructure'), $school);
         $mform->addRule('schoolid', get_string('missingschool', 'local_collegestructure'), 'required', null, 'client');
         $mform->setType('schoolid', PARAM_RAW);
     if ($id > 0) {
         $mform->addElement('static', 'school_name', get_string('schoolid', 'local_collegestructure'));
         $mform->addElement('hidden', 'schoolid');
         $mform->setType('schoolid', PARAM_RAW);
     $mform->addElement('text', 'examtype', get_string('examtype', 'local_examtype'));
     $mform->addRule('examtype', get_string('examtypereq', 'local_examtype'), 'required', null, 'client');
     $mform->setType('examtype', PARAM_RAW);
     $mform->addElement('editor', 'description', get_string('description', 'local_examtype'), null, $editoroptions);
     $mform->setType('description', PARAM_RAW);
     $mform->addElement('hidden', 'id');
     $mform->setType('id', PARAM_INT);
     if ($id < 0)
         $save = get_string('addeditexamtype', 'local_examtype');
         $save = get_string('updateexamtype', 'local_examtype');
     $this->add_action_buttons(true, $save);
Ejemplo n.º 14
    function get_table($tools) {
        global $PAGE, $USER, $DB, $OUTPUT, $CFG;
        $data = array();
        $capabilities_array = array('local/departments:manage', 'local/departments:delete', 'local/departments:update', 'local/departments:visible');
        foreach ($tools as $tool) {
            $line = array();
            //  $line[]=$tool->shortname;
            $linkcss = $tool->visible ? ' ' : 'class="dimmed" ';
            // $line[] = html_writer::tag('a', $tool->fullname, array('href' => ''.$CFG->wwwroot.'/local/departments/viewdept.php?id='.$tool->id.''));
            $line[] = '<a ' . $linkcss . ' href="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/local/departments/viewdept.php?id=' . $tool->id . '">' . format_string($tool->fullname) . '</a>';
            $line[] = $tool->shortname;
            $schoolname = $DB->get_record('local_school', array('id' => $tool->schoolid));
            $line[] = $schoolname->fullname;
            $hier = new hierarchy();
            // ------------------- Edited by hema------------------------------

            $systemcontext = context_system::instance();
            if (has_any_capability($capabilities_array, $systemcontext)) {
                $buttons = $hier->get_actions('departments', 'departments', $tool->id, $tool->visible);
                $line[] = $buttons;
            $data[] = $line;
        echo "<div id='filter-box' >";
        echo '<div class="filterarea"></div></div>';

        //View Part starts
        //start the table
        $table = new html_table();
        $table->id = 'depttable';
        $table->head = array(
            get_string('deptfullname', 'local_departments'),
            get_string('deptid', 'local_departments'),
            get_string('schoolid', 'local_collegestructure'));
        // ------------------- Edited by hema------------------------------ 
        if (has_any_capability($capabilities_array, $systemcontext)) {
            array_push($table->head, get_string('action'));
        $table->size = array('15%', '15%', '15%', '15%');
        $table->align = array('left', 'left', 'left', 'center');
        $table->width = '99%';
        $table->data = $data;
        echo html_writer::table($table);
Ejemplo n.º 15
    function definition_after_data() {
        global $DB, $PAGE, $USER, $hierarchy, $exams, $selected_class, $data;
        $hierarchy = new hierarchy();
        $gradesub = new grade_submission();
        $mform = $this->_form;
        $id = $this->_customdata['id'];
        $selected_school = $mform->getElementValue('schoolid');
        $selected_program = array();
        $disable = ($id > 0) ? 'disabled="disabled"' : '';

        // for programs and semesters in a school
        if ($selected_school[0] > 0) {
            $programs_list = array();
            $programs_list = $hierarchy->get_records_cobaltselect_menu('local_program', "schoolid=$selected_school[0] AND visible=1", null, '', 'id,fullname', '--Select--');
            $programs_listdrop = $mform->createElement('select', 'programid', get_string('programslist', 'local_scheduleexam'), $programs_list, $disable);
            $mform->insertElementBefore($programs_listdrop, 'addprogramslisthere');
            if ($id < 0) {
                $mform->addRule('programid', get_string('programreq', 'local_scheduleexam'), 'required', null, 'client');
            $selected_program = array();
            $selected_program = $mform->getElementValue('programid');

        if ($selected_school[0] > 0 AND $selected_program[0] > 0) {

            $table = new html_table();
            $table->head = array(
                get_string('studentid', 'local_graduation'), get_string('studentname', 'local_gradesubmission'), get_string('program', 'local_programs'), get_string('graduation', 'local_graduation'));
            $table->size = array('30%', '30%', '20%', '19%');
            $table->align = array('left', 'left', 'left', 'center');
            $table->width = '99%';
            $table->data = $data;
            $tabledata = html_writer::table($table);
            $mform->addElement('html', $tabledata);
Ejemplo n.º 16
     * @method get_users_listing
     * @todo to get user list of school based on condition  
     * @param string $sort fieldname
     * @param string $dir specify the order to sort
     * @param int $page page number
     * @param int $recordsperpage records perpage
     * @param string $extraselect extra condition to select user
     * @param array $extraparams
     * @return array of objects , list of users
    function get_users_listing($sort = 'lastaccess', $dir = 'ASC', $page = 0, $recordsperpage = 0, $extraselect = '', array $extraparams = null, $extracontext = null) {
        global $DB, $CFG;

        $select = "deleted <> 1 AND id <> :guestid";  //$select = "deleted=0";
        $params = array('guestid' => $CFG->siteguest);

        if ($extraselect) {
            $select .= " AND $extraselect";
            $params = $params + (array) $extraparams;

        // If a context is specified, get extra user fields that the current user
        // is supposed to see.
        $extrafields = '';
        if ($extracontext) {
            $extrafields = get_extra_user_fields_sql($extracontext, '', '', array('id', 'username', 'email', 'firstname', 'lastname', 'city', 'country',
                'lastaccess', 'confirmed', 'mnethostid'));
         * ###Bugreport#183-Filters
         * @author Naveen Kumar<*****@*****.**>
         * (Resolved) Added $select parameters for conditions 
        // warning: will return UNCONFIRMED USERS
        //  print_object($params);
        $users = $DB->get_records_sql("SELECT *
                                       FROM {user}
                                       WHERE $select", $params);

        $hierarchy = new hierarchy();
        $schoollist = $hierarchy->get_assignedschools();
        $schoollist = $hierarchy->get_school_parent($schoollist, $selected = array(), $inctop = false, $all = false);
        if (is_siteadmin()) {
            $schoollist = $hierarchy->get_school_items();
        $schoolidin = implode(',', array_keys($schoollist));
        if ($users && $schoollist) {
            $useridin = implode(',', array_keys($users));
            return $DB->get_records_sql("select user.* from (SELECT u.id, u.username, u.email, u.firstname, u.lastname, u.city, u.country,
                                            u.lastaccess, u.confirmed, u.mnethostid, u.suspended FROM {user} u
                                        JOIN {local_users} lu ON lu.userid = u.id
                                        JOIN {local_school_permissions} sp ON sp.userid = u.id
                                        WHERE u.id in ($useridin) AND sp.schoolid IN ($schoolidin)
                                        SELECT u.id, u.username, u.email, u.firstname, u.lastname, u.city, u.country,
                                            u.lastaccess, u.confirmed, u.mnethostid, u.suspended FROM {user} u
                                        JOIN {local_users} lu ON lu.userid = u.id
                                        JOIN {local_userdata} ud ON ud.userid = u.id
                                        WHERE u.id in ($useridin) AND ud.schoolid IN ($schoolidin)) user GROUP BY user.id ORDER BY user.$sort $dir LIMIT $page, $recordsperpage ");
Ejemplo n.º 17
/* ---check the context level of the user and check weather the user is login to the system or not--- */
//if (!has_capability('local/assignmentor:manage', $systemcontext)) {
//  print_error('You dont have permissions');
$PAGE->navbar->add(get_string('pluginname', 'local_assignmentor'), new moodle_url('/local/assignmentor/assign_mentor.php'));
$PAGE->navbar->add(get_string('assign', 'local_assignmentor'));
$currenturl = "{$CFG->wwwroot}/local/assignmentor/index.php";
echo $OUTPUT->header();
/* ----heading---- */
echo $OUTPUT->heading(get_string('pluginname', 'local_assignmentor'));
$hier = new hierarchy();
/* ---adding tabs using prefix_tabs function--- */
$currenttab = 'assignmentor';
$assignee_ob = assign_mentortostudent::getInstance();
if (isset($CFG->allowframembedding) and ! $CFG->allowframembedding) {
    echo $OUTPUT->box(get_string('desc_assign_mentor', 'local_assignmentor'));
/* ---description of the  table --- */
echo $OUTPUT->box_start('generalbox boxaligncenter boxwidthwide');
echo $OUTPUT->box_end();
/* ---after selecting students and mentor(assigning mentor to department)---- */
$data = data_submitted();
if (!empty($mentorid) && !empty($data)) {
    if (!empty($data->check)) {
        $count = sizeof($data->check);
Ejemplo n.º 18
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../config.php');
global $CFG, $USER, $DB;
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/local/lib.php');
$id = optional_param('recid', 0, PARAM_INT);
$tid = optional_param('tid', 0, PARAM_INT);
$reject = optional_param('reject', 0, PARAM_INT);
$PAGE->set_title(get_string('pluginname', 'local_profilechange'));
$PAGE->set_heading(get_string('pluginname', 'local_profilechange'));
$hierarchy = new hierarchy();
$PAGE->navbar->add(get_string('myprofile', 'local_profilechange'));
$PAGE->navbar->add(get_string('pluginname', 'local_profilechange'));
echo $OUTPUT->header();
$hierarchy = new hierarchy();
if ($id > 0) {
    $value = $DB->set_field('local_request_profile_change', 'reg_approval', $reject, array('id' => $id));
    $message = get_string('reject_profile_change', 'local_request');
    $nexturl = '../../local/request/approval_profile.php';
    $style = array('style' => 'notifysuccess');
    $hierarchy->set_confirmation($message, $nexturl, $style);
}if ($tid > 0) {
    $value = $DB->set_field('local_request_transcript', 'reg_approval', $reject, array('id' => $tid));
    $message = get_string('reject_transcript', 'local_request');
    $nexturl = '../../local/request/approval_transcript.php';
    $style = array('style' => 'notifysuccess');
    $hierarchy->set_confirmation($message, $nexturl, $style);
}echo $OUTPUT->footer();
Ejemplo n.º 19
 * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
 * and open the template in the editor.

require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../config.php');
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/local/cobaltcourses/lib.php');
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/local/cobaltcourses/cobaltcourse_form.php');
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/local/lib.php');
global $USER, $DB, $CFG;

$id = optional_param('id', -1, PARAM_INT);
$delete = optional_param('delete', 0, PARAM_BOOL);
$confirm = optional_param('confirm', 0, PARAM_BOOL);
$visible = optional_param('visible', -1, PARAM_INT);

$hierarchy = new hierarchy();
$conf = new object();
$systemcontext = context_system::instance();

if ($CFG->forcelogin) {
} else {
if (!has_capability('local/cobaltcourses:manage', $systemcontext)) {
    print_error('You dont have permissions');
/* ---check the context level of the user and check weather the user is login to the system or not--- */
Ejemplo n.º 20

//Header and the navigation bar
$PAGE->navbar->add(get_string('pluginheading', 'local_gradeletter'));
$PAGE->navbar->add(get_string('view', 'local_gradeletter'));
$PAGE->set_title(get_string('pluginheading', 'local_gradeletter') . ': ' . get_string('view', 'local_gradeletter'));

echo $OUTPUT->header();

//Heading of the page
echo $OUTPUT->heading(get_string('pluginheading', 'local_gradeletter'));

$hierarchy = new hierarchy();
$schoollist = $hierarchy->get_assignedschools();
$schoollist = $hierarchy->get_school_parent($schoollist, $selected = array(), $inctop = false, $all = false);
if (is_siteadmin()) {
    $schoollist = $hierarchy->get_school_items();

// Moodle 2.2 and onwards
if (isset($CFG->allowframembedding) and ! $CFG->allowframembedding) {
    echo $OUTPUT->box(get_string('allowframembedding', 'local_gradeletter'));

$schoolidin = implode(',', array_keys($schoollist));
$sql = "SELECT * FROM {$CFG->prefix}local_gradeletters WHERE schoolid IN ($schoolidin)";
$grade_letters = $DB->get_records_sql($sql);
Ejemplo n.º 21
    function definition_after_data() {
        global $DB,$CFG;
        $mform = $this->_form;
        $formatvalue = $mform->getElementValue('schoolid');
        $id = $this->_customdata['id'];
        $tools = array();
        if ($formatvalue) {
            $hierarchy = new hierarchy();
            $curricula = new curricula();
            $formatvalue = $formatvalue[0];
            $tools = $hierarchy->get_records_cobaltselect_menu('local_program', "schoolid=$formatvalue AND visible=1", null, '', 'id,fullname', '--Select--');
            $checkentitysetting = array();
            $checkentitysetting = $hierarchy->get_entitysetting('CL', $formatvalue);

            if ($formatvalue > 0) {              
                $newel = $mform->createElement('static', 'programid', get_string('program', 'local_programs'), $hierarchy->cobalt_navigation_msg('No program available yet, Click here ','Create Program',$CFG->wwwroot.'/local/programs/program.php'));
                $newel = $mform->createElement('select', 'programid', get_string('program', 'local_programs'), $tools);
                $mform->insertElementBefore($newel, 'addprogramslisthere');
                //$mform->setType('addprogramslisthere', PARAM_RAW);
                $mform->addRule('programid', get_string('missingfullname', 'local_programs'), 'required', null, 'client');
                $mform->setType('id', PARAM_INT);

                /** curriculum settings like credithours are displayed here on selecting the school/university
                 * get_entitysetting() function exect if credit hours are set at curriculum level
                if ($checkentitysetting) {
                    foreach ($checkentitysetting as $settings) {

                        $level = "CL";
                        $level = $mform->createElement('hidden', 'level', $level);
                        $mform->insertElementBefore($level, 'addsettinglisthere');
                        if ($settings->entityid == 1) {
                            $settingheading = $mform->createElement('header', 'moodle', get_string('settingone', 'local_curriculum'));
                            $mform->insertElementBefore($settingheading, 'addsettinglisthere');
                            $entityids = 1;
                            $entitys = $mform->createElement('hidden', 'entityids', $entityids);
                            $mform->insertElementBefore($entitys, 'addsettinglisthere');

                            $subentitys = $mform->createElement('hidden', 'subentityidse', $entityids);
                            $mform->insertElementBefore($subentitys, 'addsettinglisthere');

                            $credithours = $mform->createElement('text', 'mincrhour', get_string('minch', 'local_curriculum'));
                            $mform->insertElementBefore($credithours, 'addsettinglisthere');
                            $mform->addRule('mincrhour', get_string('missingtotalch', 'local_curriculum'), 'required', null, 'client');
                            $mform->setType('mincrhour', PARAM_RAW);
                        if ($settings->entityid == 2) {

                            $settingheading = $mform->createElement('header', 'moodle', get_string('settingtwo', 'local_curriculum'));
                            $mform->insertElementBefore($settingheading, 'addsettinglisthere');

                            $entity = 2;
                            $entity = $mform->createElement('hidden', 'entityid', $entity);
                            $mform->insertElementBefore($entity, 'addsettinglisthere');

                            $subentity = $mform->createElement('hidden', 'subentityid', $entityids);
                            $mform->insertElementBefore($subentity, 'addsettinglisthere');

                            $freshman = $mform->createElement('text', 'mincredithours[0]', get_string('freshmancrhr', 'local_curriculum'));

                            $mform->insertElementBefore($freshman, 'addsettinglisthere');

                            $sophomore = $mform->createElement('text', 'mincredithours[1]', get_string('sophomorecrhr', 'local_curriculum'));
                            $mform->insertElementBefore($sophomore, 'addsettinglisthere');
                            $junior = $mform->createElement('text', 'mincredithours[2]', get_string('juniorcrhr', 'local_curriculum'));
                            $mform->insertElementBefore($junior, 'addsettinglisthere');

                            $senior = $mform->createElement('text', 'mincredithours[3]', get_string('seniorcrhr', 'local_curriculum'));
                            $mform->insertElementBefore($senior, 'addsettinglisthere');
                            if ($id < 0) {
                                $mform->setDefault('mincredithours[0]', NULL);
                                $mform->setDefault('mincredithours[1]', NULL);
                                $mform->setDefault('mincredithours[2]', NULL);
                                $mform->setDefault('mincredithours[3]', NULL);
                /*                 * End of the curriculum settings
Ejemplo n.º 22
$PAGE->navbar->add(get_string('mycurriculum', 'local_curriculum'));
$users = users::getInstance();
echo $OUTPUT->header();
/* ---Heading of the page--- */
echo $OUTPUT->heading(get_string('mycurriculum', 'local_curriculum'));

/* ---Moodle 2.2 and onwards--- */
$currenttab = 'myplan';
/* ---adding tabs--- */
if (isset($CFG->allowframembedding) and ! $CFG->allowframembedding) {
    echo $OUTPUT->box(get_string('mycurriculumdec', 'local_curriculum'));

// -----used get to cuurent active semesterid--------------------------------
$hier = new hierarchy();
$semesterid = $hier->get_allmyactivesemester($USER->id);
foreach ($semesterid as $key => $value)
    $semid_getclass = $key;

//Assume only one curriculum
$query = "SELECT cp.* FROM {local_userdata} u JOIN {local_curriculum} cp ON cp.id=u.curriculumid where u.userid={$USER->id}";
$list = $DB->get_record_sql($query);
//foreach ($currlicList as $list) {
    $table = new html_table();
    $table->head = array(get_string('course', 'local_cobaltcourses') . 's', get_string('status'), get_string('grades'), get_string('enrollsem', 'local_curriculum'));
    $table->size = array('40%', '20%', '20%', '20%');
    $table->align = array('left', 'center', 'center', 'center');
    $data = array();
    $out = '';
Ejemplo n.º 23

<div id="page" class="container-fluid">
    <div id="page-content" class="row-fluid">
                    <?php if ($hasnavbar) { ?>
                   <div id="bnavbar"><div id="onavbar"><?php echo $OUTPUT->navbar(); ?></div>
            <nav class="breadcrumb-button"><?php echo $PAGE->button; ?></nav></div>
            <?php } ?>
   <div id="header-notifications">

     $hierarche=new hierarchy ();
        foreach ( $hierarche->get_confirmation() as $notice) {
            if (isset($notice['style'])) {
                notify($notice['message'], $notice['style']);
            } else {

        <div class="span6">
                <div id="region-pre" class="block-region">
                    <div class="region-content">
                    <?php echo $OUTPUT->blocks_for_region('side-pre'); ?>
Ejemplo n.º 24
 * List the tool provided in a course
 * @package    local
 * @subpackage programs
 * @copyright  2013 Vinodkumar <*****@*****.**>
 * @license    http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../config.php');
global $CFG, $PAGE, $DB;
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/local/onlinepayment/lib.php');
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/local/onlinepayment/paytax_form.php');
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/local/lib.php');

$fullname = optional_param('fullname', '', PARAM_TEXT);
$orderid = optional_param('id', 0, PARAM_INT);
$hierarchy = new hierarchy();
$systemcontext = context_system::instance();

//get the admin layout
//check the context level of the user and check weather the user is login to the system or not
if ($CFG->forcelogin) {
} else {
//If the loggedin user have the required capability allow the page
//if (!has_capability('local/payment:createtax', $systemcontext)) {
//  print_error('You dont have permissions');
Ejemplo n.º 25
$capabilities_array = $mysemester->semester_capabilities();
if (!has_any_capability($capabilities_array, $systemcontext)) {
    print_error('You dont have permissions');
$PAGE->set_title(get_string('semesters', 'local_semesters') . ': ' . get_string('report', 'local_semesters'));
//Header and the navigation bar
$PAGE->set_heading(get_string('semesters', 'local_semesters'));
$PAGE->navbar->add(get_string('pluginname', 'local_semesters'), new moodle_url('/local/semesters/index.php'));
$PAGE->navbar->add(get_string('report', 'local_semesters'));
echo $OUTPUT->header();
//Heading of the page
echo $OUTPUT->heading(get_string('pluginname', 'local_semesters'));
$currenttab = 'report';
$hierarchy = new hierarchy();
$schoollist = $hierarchy->get_assignedschools();

if (is_siteadmin()) {
    $schoollist = $hierarchy->get_school_items();
$parent = $hierarchy->get_school_parent($schoollist, '', false, false);
$schoolid = implode(',', array_keys($parent));
//get the reports for the Current & Completed Semesters.

$semesters = $mysemester->get_listofsemesters($currenttab, $schoolid);
$data = array();
foreach ($semesters as $semester) {
    $line = array();
    $line[] = $semester->fullname;
    $line[] = $DB->count_records('local_user_semester', array('semesterid' => $semester->id));
Ejemplo n.º 26
/* ---get the admin layout--- */
/* ---check the context level of the user and check weather the user is login to the system or not--- */
if (!has_capability('local/cobaltsettings:view', $systemcontext)) {
$PAGE->navbar->add(get_string('global_settings', 'local_cobaltsettings'), new moodle_url('/local/cobaltsettings/school_settings.php'));
echo $OUTPUT->header();
/* ---global settings--- */
echo $OUTPUT->heading(get_string('school_settings', 'local_cobaltsettings'));

$currenturl = "{$CFG->wwwroot}/local/cobaltsettings/school_settings.php";
$hier1 = new hierarchy();
/* ---instance of school settings form--- */
$system = new schoolsettings_form();
/* ---adding tabs using cobalt_settings_tabs function--- */
$global_ob = global_settings::getInstance();
/* ---checking if login user is registrar or admin--- */
$schoolid = $global_ob->check_loginuser_registrar_admin();

try {

    /* ---description of the cobalt level settings table--- */
    echo $des = get_string('des_slsettings', 'local_cobaltsettings');

    /* ---used to fectching exists schoolids in cobalt settings table--- */
    $tool = $DB->get_records('local_school_settings');
    $temp1_cond = array_chunk($tool, 4);
Ejemplo n.º 27
$systemcontext = context_system::instance();

//check the context level of the user and check weather the user is login to the system or not
$PAGE->set_title(get_string('curriculum', 'local_curriculum') . ': ' . get_string('assigncourses', 'local_curriculum'));
//Header and the navigation bar
$PAGE->set_heading(get_string('curriculumplan', 'local_curriculum'));

$cplan = curriculumplan::getInstance();
$conf = new object();

$returnurl = new moodle_url('/local/curriculum/assigncourses.php', array('id' => $id, 'mode' => $mode, 'cid' => $cid));
$hierarchy = new hierarchy();

//Adding the courses to the Curriculumplan 
if (!empty($moveto) and $data = data_submitted()) {
    $crs = array();
    foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
        if (preg_match('/^c\d+$/', $key)) {
            $cuid = substr($key, 1);
            array_push($crs, $cuid);
    $currenturl = new moodle_url('/local/curriculum/assigncourses.php', array('id' => $id, 'mode' => $mode, 'cid' => $cid));
    if ($flag) {
        //"Assign Module" is set, assign all the courses from the module to the Curriculum 
        $conf->module = $DB->get_field('local_module', 'fullname', array('id' => $moduleid));
        $cplan->assign_modules($id, $data->moveto, $moduleid);
Ejemplo n.º 28
$systemcontext = context_system::instance();
if (!isloggedin() || isguestuser()) {

    print_error('You dont have permissions');
$strheading = get_string('requisitions_id', 'local_request');
$PAGE->navbar->add(get_string('newrequest', 'local_request'));

$mform = new requestid_form();
$hierarchy = new hierarchy();
$nexturl = $CFG->wwwroot . '/local/request/request_id.php';
//Form processing and displaying is done here
$x = optional_param('schoolid', 0, PARAM_INT);
$requestid = new requests();
global $USER;
if ($mform->is_cancelled()) {
    /* if click on cancel it redirects us to request_id.php file */
} else if ($fromform = $mform->get_data()) {
    /* presence of data */
    if (isset($fromform->school_name)) {
        $schoolid = $fromform->school_name;
        if (isset($fromform->program_name)) {
            $pro_id = $fromform->program_name;
            $semesters = $requestid->semester($fromform->school_name, $fromform->program_name);
Ejemplo n.º 29
 * @subpackage scheduleexam
 * @copyright  2013 pramod <*****@*****.**>
 * @license    http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../config.php');
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/local/scheduleexam/lib.php');
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/local/scheduleexam/edit_form.php');
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/local/lib.php');

$systemcontext =context_system::instance();
if (!has_capability('local/scheduleexam:manage', $systemcontext)) {
    print_error('You dont have permissions');

$hierarchy = new hierarchy();
global $exams;
$exams = new schedule_exam();

$id = optional_param('id', -1, PARAM_INT);    // user id; -1 if creating new tool
$delete = optional_param('delete', 0, PARAM_BOOL);
$confirm = optional_param('confirm', 0, PARAM_BOOL);
$visible = optional_param('visible', -1, PARAM_INT);
$currenttab = optional_param('mode', 'create', PARAM_RAW);

if ($id > 0) {
    if (!($tool = $DB->get_record('local_scheduledexams', array('id' => $id)))) {
        print_error('invalidtoolid', 'local_scheduleexam');
    $tool->opendate = date("m/d/Y", $tool->opendate);
} else {
Ejemplo n.º 30
        if (!($tool = $DB->get_record('local_cobalt_gpasettings', array('id' => $id)))) {
            $e = get_string('invalidtoolid', 'local_prefix');
            throw new Exception($e);
    } else {
        $tool = new stdClass();
        $tool->id = -1;
    $PAGE->navbar->add(get_string('global_settings', 'local_cobaltsettings'), new moodle_url('/local/cobaltsettings/school_settings.php'));
    if ($delete == 0) {
        $nav_subhead = ($id > 0 ? 'editgpasettings' : 'gpasettings');
        $PAGE->navbar->add(get_string($nav_subhead, 'local_cobaltsettings'));
    $currenturl = "{$CFG->wwwroot}/local/cobaltsettings/view_gpasettings.php";
    $hier1 = new hierarchy();
    $global_ob = global_settings::getInstance();

    /* --- Start of delete code semester gpa settings--- */
    if ($delete) {
        $PAGE->url->param('delete', 1);
        if ($confirm and confirm_sesskey()) {
            $res = $DB->delete_records('local_cobalt_gpasettings', array('id' => $id));
            $global_ob->success_error_msg($res, 'success_del_semgpa', 'error_del_semgpa', $currenturl);
        $strheading = get_string('delete_gpasettings', 'local_cobaltsettings');
        echo $OUTPUT->header();
        $currenttab = 'gpa_settings';