Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Download File
  * @global type $wpdb
  * @global type $user_ID 
 public function download_file()
     global $wpdb, $user_ID;
     $dl_id = (int) get_query_var('dl_id');
     $dl_name = get_query_var('dl_name');
     $dl_name = addslashes($this->download_file_name_decode($dl_name));
     //do this ONLY when dl_name is NOT EMPTY and is NOT remote file!
     if (!self::is_remote_file($dl_name) && !empty($dl_name) && '/' != substr($dl_name, 0, 1)) {
         $dl_name = '/' . $dl_name;
     $download_options = $this->get_opt('download_options');
     if ($dl_id > 0 || !empty($dl_name)) {
         //check if the header already sent.This may be PHP error messages genareated by other WordPress plugins.
         if ($dl_id > 0 && $download_options['use_filename'] == 0) {
             $file = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT file_id, file, file_name , file_permission FROM {$wpdb->downloads} WHERE file_id = {$dl_id} AND file_permission != -2");
         } elseif (!empty($dl_name) && $download_options['use_filename'] == 1) {
             $file = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT file_id, file,  file_name , file_permission FROM {$wpdb->downloads} WHERE file = '{$dl_name}' AND file_permission != -2");
         if (!$file) {
             wp_die(__('Invalid File ID or File Name.', self::textdomain));
         $file_path = stripslashes($this->get_opt('download_path'));
         $file_url = stripslashes($this->get_opt('download_path_url'));
         $download_method = intval($this->get_opt('download_method'));
         $file_id = intval($file->file_id);
         $file_name = stripslashes($file->file);
         $down_name = stripslashes($file->file_name);
         $file_permission = intval($file->file_permission);
         $current_user = wp_get_current_user();
         if ($file_permission > 0 && intval($current_user->wp_user_level) >= $file_permission && intval($user_ID) > 0 || $file_permission == 0 && intval($user_ID) > 0 || $file_permission == -1) {
             if ($download_options['check_referer']) {
                 if (!isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) || $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] == '') {
                     wp_die(__('Please do not leech.', self::textdomain));
                 $refererhost = parse_url($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);
                 $validReferer = array('www.your-domain.com', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);
                 if (!in_array($refererhost['host'], $validReferer)) {
                     wp_die(__('Please do not leech.', self::textdomain));
             if (!self::is_remote_file($file_name)) {
                 if (!is_file($file_path . $file_name)) {
                     wp_die(__('File does not exist.', self::textdomain));
                 $update_hits = $wpdb->query("UPDATE {$wpdb->downloads} SET file_hits = (file_hits + 1), file_last_downloaded_date = '" . current_time('timestamp') . "' WHERE file_id = {$file_id} AND file_permission != -2");
                 if ($download_method == 0) {
                     $filesize = filesize($file_path . $file_name);
                     $fp = fopen($file_path . $file_name, 'rb');
                     if (!$fp) {
                         wp_die(__('Error: can not read the file!Please contact the webmaster.', self::textdomain));
                     if ($filesize <= 0) {
                         wp_die(__('Error: filesize is zero.', self::textdomain));
                     header("Pragma: public");
                     header("Expires: 0");
                     header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0");
                     header("Content-Type: application/force-download");
                     header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream");
                     header("Content-Type: application/download");
                     header('Content-Disposition: attachment; ' . self::_header_filename(htmlspecialchars_decode(self::get_download_name($down_name))));
                     header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary");
                     header("Content-Length: " . $filesize);
                     $download_options = $this->get_opt('download_options');
                     // maximum execution time in seconds
                     //memory linit 256M
                     @ini_set('memory_limit', 8 * 1024 * 1024 * 256);
                     $length = $filesize;
                     define('CHUNK_SIZE', 4096);
                     $data = '';
                     while ($length > 0) {
                         $to_read = $length > CHUNK_SIZE ? CHUNK_SIZE : $length;
                         echo fread($fp, $to_read);
                         $length -= $to_read;
                     //@readfile ( $file_path . $file_name );
                 } else {
                     header('Location: ' . $file_url . $file_name);
             } else {
                 $update_hits = $wpdb->query("UPDATE {$wpdb->downloads} SET file_hits = (file_hits + 1), file_last_downloaded_date = '" . current_time('timestamp') . "' WHERE file_id = {$file_id} AND file_permission != -2");
                 header('Location: ' . $file_name);
         } else {
             wp_die(__('You do not have permission to download this file.', self::textdomain));