Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Given the grade tree and an array of element ids (e.g. c15, i42), and expecting the 'moveafter' URL param,
  * moves the selected items to the requested location. Then redirects the user to the given $returnurl
  * @param object $gtree The grade tree (a recursive representation of the grade categories and grade items)
  * @param array $eids
  * @param string $returnurl
 function move_elements($eids, $returnurl)
     $moveafter = required_param('moveafter', PARAM_INT);
     if (!is_array($eids)) {
         $eids = array($eids);
     if (!($after_el = $this->gtree->locate_element("cg{$moveafter}"))) {
         print_error('invalidelementid', '', $returnurl);
     $after = $after_el['object'];
     $parent = $after;
     $sortorder = $after->get_sortorder();
     foreach ($eids as $eid) {
         if (!($element = $this->gtree->locate_element($eid))) {
             print_error('invalidelementid', '', $returnurl);
         $object = $element['object'];
     redirect($returnurl, '', 0);
Ejemplo n.º 2
    $data->aggregation = $aggregationtype;
    grade_category::set_properties($grade_category, $data);
//first make sure we have proper final grades - we need it for locking changes
$normalisationmessage = null;
$originalweights = grade_helper::fetch_all_natural_weights_for_course($courseid);
$alteredweights = grade_helper::fetch_all_natural_weights_for_course($courseid);
if (array_diff($originalweights, $alteredweights)) {
    $normalisationmessage = get_string('weightsadjusted', 'grades');
// get the grading tree object
// note: total must be first for moving to work correctly, if you want it last moving code must be rewritten!
$gtree = new grade_tree($courseid, false, false);
if (empty($eid)) {
    $element = null;
    $object = null;
} else {
    if (!($element = $gtree->locate_element($eid))) {
        print_error('invalidelementid', '', $returnurl);
    $object = $element['object'];
$switch = grade_get_setting($course->id, 'aggregationposition', $CFG->grade_aggregationposition);
$strgrades = get_string('grades');
$strgraderreport = get_string('graderreport', 'grades');
$moving = false;
$movingeid = false;
if ($action == 'moveselect') {
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Static recursive helper - add colspan information into categories
  * @param array &$element The seed of the recursion
  * @return int
 public function inject_colspans(&$element)
     if (empty($element['children'])) {
         return 1;
     $count = 0;
     foreach ($element['children'] as $key => $child) {
         $count += grade_tree::inject_colspans($element['children'][$key]);
     $element['colspan'] = $count;
     return $count;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 private function fill_table_recursive(&$element)
     global $DB, $CFG;
     $type = $element['type'];
     $depth = $element['depth'];
     $grade_object = $element['object'];
     $eid = $grade_object->id;
     $element['userid'] = $this->user->id;
     $fullname = $this->gtree->get_element_header($element, true, true, true);
     $data = array();
     $hidden = '';
     $excluded = '';
     $class = '';
     $classfeedback = '';
     // If this is a hidden grade category, hide it completely from the user
     if ($type == 'category' && $grade_object->is_hidden() && !$this->canviewhidden && ($this->showhiddenitems == GRADE_REPORT_USER_HIDE_HIDDEN || $this->showhiddenitems == GRADE_REPORT_USER_HIDE_UNTIL && !$grade_object->is_hiddenuntil())) {
         return false;
     if ($type == 'category') {
         $this->evenodd[$depth] = ($this->evenodd[$depth] + 1) % 2;
     $alter = $this->evenodd[$depth] == 0 ? 'even' : 'odd';
     /// Process those items that have scores associated
     if ($type == 'item' or $type == 'categoryitem' or $type == 'courseitem') {
         $header_row = "row_{$eid}_{$this->user->id}";
         $header_cat = "cat_{$grade_object->categoryid}_{$this->user->id}";
         if (!($grade_grade = grade_grade::fetch(array('itemid' => $grade_object->id, 'userid' => $this->user->id)))) {
             $grade_grade = new grade_grade();
             $grade_grade->userid = $this->user->id;
             $grade_grade->itemid = $grade_object->id;
         /// Hidden Items
         if ($grade_grade->grade_item->is_hidden()) {
             $hidden = ' dimmed_text';
         $hide = false;
         // If this is a hidden grade item, hide it completely from the user.
         if ($grade_grade->is_hidden() && !$this->canviewhidden && ($this->showhiddenitems == GRADE_REPORT_USER_HIDE_HIDDEN || $this->showhiddenitems == GRADE_REPORT_USER_HIDE_UNTIL && !$grade_grade->is_hiddenuntil())) {
             $hide = true;
         } else {
             if (!empty($grade_object->itemmodule) && !empty($grade_object->iteminstance)) {
                 // The grade object can be marked visible but still be hidden if
                 // the student cannot see the activity due to conditional access
                 // and it's set to be hidden entirely.
                 $instances = $this->modinfo->get_instances_of($grade_object->itemmodule);
                 if (!empty($instances[$grade_object->iteminstance])) {
                     $cm = $instances[$grade_object->iteminstance];
                     if (!$cm->uservisible) {
                         // If there is 'availableinfo' text then it is only greyed
                         // out and not entirely hidden.
                         if (!$cm->availableinfo) {
                             $hide = true;
         if (!$hide) {
             /// Excluded Item
             if ($grade_grade->is_excluded()) {
                 $fullname .= ' [' . get_string('excluded', 'grades') . ']';
                 $excluded = ' excluded';
             /// Other class information
             $class = "{$hidden} {$excluded}";
             if ($this->switch) {
                 // alter style based on whether aggregation is first or last
                 $class .= ($type == 'categoryitem' or $type == 'courseitem') ? " " . $alter . "d{$depth} baggt b2b" : " item b1b";
             } else {
                 $class .= ($type == 'categoryitem' or $type == 'courseitem') ? " " . $alter . "d{$depth} baggb" : " item b1b";
             if ($type == 'categoryitem' or $type == 'courseitem') {
                 $header_cat = "cat_{$grade_object->iteminstance}_{$this->user->id}";
             /// Name
             $data['itemname']['content'] = $fullname;
             $data['itemname']['class'] = $class;
             $data['itemname']['colspan'] = $this->maxdepth - $depth;
             $data['itemname']['celltype'] = 'th';
             $data['itemname']['id'] = $header_row;
             /// Actual Grade
             $gradeval = $grade_grade->finalgrade;
             if (!$this->canviewhidden) {
                 /// Virtual Grade (may be calculated excluding hidden items etc).
                 $adjustedgrade = $this->blank_hidden_total_and_adjust_bounds($this->courseid, $grade_grade->grade_item, $gradeval);
                 $gradeval = $adjustedgrade['grade'];
                 // We temporarily adjust the view of this grade item - because the min and
                 // max are affected by the hidden values in the aggregation.
                 $grade_grade->grade_item->grademax = $adjustedgrade['grademax'];
                 $grade_grade->grade_item->grademin = $adjustedgrade['grademin'];
             if ($this->showfeedback) {
                 // Copy $class before appending itemcenter as feedback should not be centered
                 $classfeedback = $class;
             $class .= " itemcenter ";
             if ($this->showweight) {
                 $data['weight']['class'] = $class;
                 $data['weight']['content'] = '-';
                 $data['weight']['headers'] = "{$header_cat} {$header_row} weight";
                 // has a weight assigned, might be extra credit
                 if ($grade_object->aggregationcoef > 0 && $type != 'courseitem') {
                     $data['weight']['content'] = number_format($grade_object->aggregationcoef, 2);
             if ($this->showgrade) {
                 if ($grade_grade->grade_item->needsupdate) {
                     $data['grade']['class'] = $class . ' gradingerror';
                     $data['grade']['content'] = get_string('error');
                 } else {
                     if (!empty($CFG->grade_hiddenasdate) and $grade_grade->get_datesubmitted() and !$this->canviewhidden and $grade_grade->is_hidden() and !$grade_grade->grade_item->is_category_item() and !$grade_grade->grade_item->is_course_item()) {
                         // the problem here is that we do not have the time when grade value was modified, 'timemodified' is general modification date for grade_grades records
                         $class .= ' datesubmitted';
                         $data['grade']['class'] = $class;
                         $data['grade']['content'] = get_string('submittedon', 'grades', userdate($grade_grade->get_datesubmitted(), get_string('strftimedatetimeshort')));
                     } else {
                         if ($grade_grade->is_hidden()) {
                             $data['grade']['class'] = $class . ' dimmed_text';
                             $data['grade']['content'] = '-';
                             if ($this->canviewhidden) {
                                 $data['grade']['content'] = grade_format_gradevalue($gradeval, $grade_grade->grade_item, true);
                         } else {
                             $data['grade']['class'] = $class;
                             $data['grade']['content'] = grade_format_gradevalue($gradeval, $grade_grade->grade_item, true);
                 $data['grade']['headers'] = "{$header_cat} {$header_row} grade";
             // Range
             if ($this->showrange) {
                 $data['range']['class'] = $class;
                 $data['range']['content'] = $grade_grade->grade_item->get_formatted_range(GRADE_DISPLAY_TYPE_REAL, $this->rangedecimals);
                 $data['range']['headers'] = "{$header_cat} {$header_row} range";
             // Percentage
             if ($this->showpercentage) {
                 if ($grade_grade->grade_item->needsupdate) {
                     $data['percentage']['class'] = $class . ' gradingerror';
                     $data['percentage']['content'] = get_string('error');
                 } else {
                     if ($grade_grade->is_hidden()) {
                         $data['percentage']['class'] = $class . ' dimmed_text';
                         $data['percentage']['content'] = '-';
                         if ($this->canviewhidden) {
                             $data['percentage']['content'] = grade_format_gradevalue($gradeval, $grade_grade->grade_item, true, GRADE_DISPLAY_TYPE_PERCENTAGE);
                     } else {
                         $data['percentage']['class'] = $class;
                         $data['percentage']['content'] = grade_format_gradevalue($gradeval, $grade_grade->grade_item, true, GRADE_DISPLAY_TYPE_PERCENTAGE);
                 $data['percentage']['headers'] = "{$header_cat} {$header_row} percentage";
             // Lettergrade
             if ($this->showlettergrade) {
                 if ($grade_grade->grade_item->needsupdate) {
                     $data['lettergrade']['class'] = $class . ' gradingerror';
                     $data['lettergrade']['content'] = get_string('error');
                 } else {
                     if ($grade_grade->is_hidden()) {
                         $data['lettergrade']['class'] = $class . ' dimmed_text';
                         if (!$this->canviewhidden) {
                             $data['lettergrade']['content'] = '-';
                         } else {
                             $data['lettergrade']['content'] = grade_format_gradevalue($gradeval, $grade_grade->grade_item, true, GRADE_DISPLAY_TYPE_LETTER);
                     } else {
                         $data['lettergrade']['class'] = $class;
                         $data['lettergrade']['content'] = grade_format_gradevalue($gradeval, $grade_grade->grade_item, true, GRADE_DISPLAY_TYPE_LETTER);
                 $data['lettergrade']['headers'] = "{$header_cat} {$header_row} lettergrade";
             // Rank
             if ($this->showrank) {
                 if ($grade_grade->grade_item->needsupdate) {
                     $data['rank']['class'] = $class . ' gradingerror';
                     $data['rank']['content'] = get_string('error');
                 } elseif ($grade_grade->is_hidden()) {
                     $data['rank']['class'] = $class . ' dimmed_text';
                     $data['rank']['content'] = '-';
                 } else {
                     if (is_null($gradeval)) {
                         // no grade, no rank
                         $data['rank']['class'] = $class;
                         $data['rank']['content'] = '-';
                     } else {
                         /// find the number of users with a higher grade
                         $sql = "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(userid))\n                                  FROM {grade_grades}\n                                 WHERE finalgrade > ?\n                                       AND itemid = ?\n                                       AND hidden = 0";
                         $rank = $DB->count_records_sql($sql, array($grade_grade->finalgrade, $grade_grade->grade_item->id)) + 1;
                         $data['rank']['class'] = $class;
                         $data['rank']['content'] = "{$rank}/" . $this->get_numusers(false);
                         // total course users
                 $data['rank']['headers'] = "{$header_cat} {$header_row} rank";
             // Average
             if ($this->showaverage) {
                 $data['average']['class'] = $class;
                 if (!empty($this->gtree->items[$eid]->avg)) {
                     $data['average']['content'] = $this->gtree->items[$eid]->avg;
                 } else {
                     $data['average']['content'] = '-';
                 $data['average']['headers'] = "{$header_cat} {$header_row} average";
             // Feedback
             if ($this->showfeedback) {
                 if ($grade_grade->overridden > 0 and ($type == 'categoryitem' or $type == 'courseitem')) {
                     $data['feedback']['class'] = $classfeedback . ' feedbacktext';
                     $data['feedback']['content'] = get_string('overridden', 'grades') . ': ' . format_text($grade_grade->feedback, $grade_grade->feedbackformat);
                 } else {
                     if (empty($grade_grade->feedback) or !$this->canviewhidden and $grade_grade->is_hidden()) {
                         $data['feedback']['class'] = $classfeedback . ' feedbacktext';
                         $data['feedback']['content'] = ' ';
                     } else {
                         $data['feedback']['class'] = $classfeedback . ' feedbacktext';
                         $data['feedback']['content'] = format_text($grade_grade->feedback, $grade_grade->feedbackformat);
                 $data['feedback']['headers'] = "{$header_cat} {$header_row} feedback";
     /// Category
     if ($type == 'category') {
         $data['leader']['class'] = $class . ' ' . $alter . "d{$depth} b1t b2b b1l";
         $data['leader']['rowspan'] = $element['rowspan'];
         if ($this->switch) {
             // alter style based on whether aggregation is first or last
             $data['itemname']['class'] = $class . ' ' . $alter . "d{$depth} b1b b1t";
         } else {
             $data['itemname']['class'] = $class . ' ' . $alter . "d{$depth} b2t";
         $data['itemname']['colspan'] = $this->maxdepth - $depth + count($this->tablecolumns) - 1;
         $data['itemname']['content'] = $fullname;
         $data['itemname']['celltype'] = 'th';
         $data['itemname']['id'] = "cat_{$grade_object->id}_{$this->user->id}";
     /// Add this row to the overall system
     $this->tabledata[] = $data;
     /// Recursively iterate through all child elements
     if (isset($element['children'])) {
         foreach ($element['children'] as $key => $child) {
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * Static recursive helper - add colspan information into categories
  * @param array &$element The seed of the recursion
  * @return int
 public function inject_colspans(&$element)
     if (empty($element['children'])) {
         return 1;
     $count = 0;
     foreach ($element['children'] as $key => $child) {
         if (!self::can_output_item($child)) {
         $count += grade_tree::inject_colspans($element['children'][$key]);
     $element['colspan'] = $count;
     return $count;
Ejemplo n.º 6
require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/grade/lib.php';
$courseid = required_param('id', PARAM_INT);
$action = required_param('action', PARAM_ALPHA);
$eid = required_param('eid', PARAM_ALPHANUM);
$PAGE->set_url('/grade/edit/tree/action.php', array('id' => $courseid, 'action' => $action, 'eid' => $eid));
/// Make sure they can even access this course
if (!($course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $courseid)))) {
$context = context_course::instance($course->id);
// default return url
$gpr = new grade_plugin_return();
$returnurl = $gpr->get_return_url($CFG->wwwroot . '/grade/edit/tree/index.php?id=' . $course->id);
// get the grading tree object
$gtree = new grade_tree($courseid, false, false);
// what are we working with?
if (!($element = $gtree->locate_element($eid))) {
    print_error('invalidelementid', '', $returnurl);
$object = $element['object'];
$type = $element['type'];
switch ($action) {
    case 'hide':
        if ($eid and confirm_sesskey()) {
            if (!has_capability('moodle/grade:manage', $context) and !has_capability('moodle/grade:hide', $context)) {
                print_error('nopermissiontohide', '', $returnurl);
            if ($type == 'grade' and empty($object->id)) {
Ejemplo n.º 7
$eid = optional_param('eid', 0, PARAM_ALPHANUM);
/// Make sure they can even access this course
if (!($course = get_record('course', 'id', $courseid))) {
$context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $course->id);
require_capability('moodle/grade:manage', $context);
/// return tracking object
$gpr = new grade_plugin_return(array('type' => 'edit', 'plugin' => 'tree', 'courseid' => $courseid));
$returnurl = $gpr->get_return_url(null);
//first make sure we have proper final grades - we need it for locking changes
// get the grading tree object
// note: total must be first for moving to work correctly, if you want it last moving code must be rewritten!
$gtree = new grade_tree($courseid, false, false);
if (empty($eid)) {
    $element = null;
    $object = null;
} else {
    if (!($element = $gtree->locate_element($eid))) {
        error('Incorrect element id!', $returnurl);
    $object = $element['object'];
$switch = grade_report::get_pref('aggregationposition');
$strgrades = get_string('grades');
$strgraderreport = get_string('graderreport', 'grades');
$strcategoriesedit = get_string('categoriesedit', 'grades');
$strcategoriesanditems = get_string('categoriesanditems', 'grades');
$navigation = grade_build_nav(__FILE__, $strcategoriesanditems, array('courseid' => $courseid));
Ejemplo n.º 8
  * Builds and returns the rows that will make up the right part of the grader report
  * @param boolean $displayaverages whether to display average rows in the table
  * @return array Array of html_table_row objects
 public function get_right_rows($displayaverages)
     global $CFG, $USER, $OUTPUT, $DB, $PAGE;
     $rows = array();
     $this->rowcount = 0;
     $numrows = count($this->gtree->get_levels());
     $numusers = count($this->users);
     $gradetabindex = 1;
     $columnstounset = array();
     $strgrade = $this->get_lang_string('grade');
     $strfeedback = $this->get_lang_string("feedback");
     $arrows = $this->get_sort_arrows();
     $jsarguments = array('cfg' => array('ajaxenabled' => false), 'items' => array(), 'users' => array(), 'feedback' => array(), 'grades' => array());
     $jsscales = array();
     // Get preferences once.
     $showactivityicons = $this->get_pref('showactivityicons');
     $quickgrading = $this->get_pref('quickgrading');
     $showquickfeedback = $this->get_pref('showquickfeedback');
     $enableajax = $this->get_pref('enableajax');
     $showanalysisicon = $this->get_pref('showanalysisicon');
     // Get strings which are re-used inside the loop.
     $strftimedatetimeshort = get_string('strftimedatetimeshort');
     $strexcludedgrades = get_string('excluded', 'grades');
     $strerror = get_string('error');
     foreach ($this->gtree->get_levels() as $key => $row) {
         $headingrow = new html_table_row();
         $headingrow->attributes['class'] = 'heading_name_row';
         foreach ($row as $columnkey => $element) {
             $sortlink = clone $this->baseurl;
             if (isset($element['object']->id)) {
                 $sortlink->param('sortitemid', $element['object']->id);
             $eid = $element['eid'];
             $object = $element['object'];
             $type = $element['type'];
             $categorystate = @$element['categorystate'];
             if (!empty($element['colspan'])) {
                 $colspan = $element['colspan'];
             } else {
                 $colspan = 1;
             if (!empty($element['depth'])) {
                 $catlevel = 'catlevel' . $element['depth'];
             } else {
                 $catlevel = '';
             // Element is a filler
             if ($type == 'filler' or $type == 'fillerfirst' or $type == 'fillerlast') {
                 $fillercell = new html_table_cell();
                 $fillercell->attributes['class'] = $type . ' ' . $catlevel;
                 $fillercell->colspan = $colspan;
                 $fillercell->text = ' ';
                 // This is a filler cell; don't use a <th>, it'll confuse screen readers.
                 $fillercell->header = false;
                 $headingrow->cells[] = $fillercell;
             } else {
                 if ($type == 'category') {
                     // Make sure the grade category has a grade total or at least has child grade items.
                     if (grade_tree::can_output_item($element)) {
                         // Element is a category.
                         $categorycell = new html_table_cell();
                         $categorycell->attributes['class'] = 'category ' . $catlevel;
                         $categorycell->colspan = $colspan;
                         $categorycell->text = $this->get_course_header($element);
                         $categorycell->header = true;
                         $categorycell->scope = 'col';
                         // Print icons.
                         if ($USER->gradeediting[$this->courseid]) {
                             $categorycell->text .= $this->get_icons($element);
                         $headingrow->cells[] = $categorycell;
                 } else {
                     // Element is a grade_item
                     if ($element['object']->id == $this->sortitemid) {
                         if ($this->sortorder == 'ASC') {
                             $arrow = $this->get_sort_arrow('up', $sortlink);
                         } else {
                             $arrow = $this->get_sort_arrow('down', $sortlink);
                     } else {
                         $arrow = $this->get_sort_arrow('move', $sortlink);
                     $headerlink = $this->gtree->get_element_header($element, true, $showactivityicons, false, false, true);
                     $itemcell = new html_table_cell();
                     $itemcell->attributes['class'] = $type . ' ' . $catlevel . ' highlightable' . ' i' . $element['object']->id;
                     $itemcell->attributes['data-itemid'] = $element['object']->id;
                     if ($element['object']->is_hidden()) {
                         $itemcell->attributes['class'] .= ' dimmed_text';
                     $singleview = '';
                     // FIXME: MDL-52678 This is extremely hacky we should have an API for inserting grade column links.
                     if (get_capability_info('gradereport/singleview:view')) {
                         if (has_all_capabilities(array('gradereport/singleview:view', 'moodle/grade:viewall', 'moodle/grade:edit'), $this->context)) {
                             $url = new moodle_url('/grade/report/singleview/index.php', array('id' => $this->course->id, 'item' => 'grade', 'itemid' => $element['object']->id));
                             $singleview = $OUTPUT->action_icon($url, new pix_icon('t/editstring', get_string('singleview', 'grades', $element['object']->get_name())));
                     $itemcell->colspan = $colspan;
                     $itemcell->text = shorten_text($headerlink) . $arrow . $singleview;
                     $itemcell->header = true;
                     $itemcell->scope = 'col';
                     $headingrow->cells[] = $itemcell;
         $rows[] = $headingrow;
     $rows = $this->get_right_icons_row($rows);
     // Preload scale objects for items with a scaleid and initialize tab indices
     $scaleslist = array();
     $tabindices = array();
     foreach ($this->gtree->get_items() as $itemid => $item) {
         $scale = null;
         if (!empty($item->scaleid)) {
             $scaleslist[] = $item->scaleid;
             $jsarguments['items'][$itemid] = array('id' => $itemid, 'name' => $item->get_name(true), 'type' => 'scale', 'scale' => $item->scaleid, 'decimals' => $item->get_decimals());
         } else {
             $jsarguments['items'][$itemid] = array('id' => $itemid, 'name' => $item->get_name(true), 'type' => 'value', 'scale' => false, 'decimals' => $item->get_decimals());
         $tabindices[$item->id]['grade'] = $gradetabindex;
         $tabindices[$item->id]['feedback'] = $gradetabindex + $numusers;
         $gradetabindex += $numusers * 2;
     $scalesarray = array();
     if (!empty($scaleslist)) {
         $scalesarray = $DB->get_records_list('scale', 'id', $scaleslist);
     $jsscales = $scalesarray;
     // Get all the grade items if the user can not view hidden grade items.
     // It is possible that the user is simply viewing the 'Course total' by switching to the 'Aggregates only' view
     // and that this user does not have the ability to view hidden items. In this case we still need to pass all the
     // grade items (in case one has been hidden) as the course total shown needs to be adjusted for this particular
     // user.
     if (!$this->canviewhidden) {
         $allgradeitems = grade_item::fetch_all(array('courseid' => $this->courseid));
     foreach ($this->users as $userid => $user) {
         if ($this->canviewhidden) {
             $altered = array();
             $unknown = array();
         } else {
             $usergrades = $this->allgrades[$userid];
             $hidingaffected = grade_grade::get_hiding_affected($usergrades, $allgradeitems);
             $altered = $hidingaffected['altered'];
             $unknown = $hidingaffected['unknown'];
         $itemrow = new html_table_row();
         $itemrow->id = 'user_' . $userid;
         $fullname = fullname($user);
         $jsarguments['users'][$userid] = $fullname;
         foreach ($this->gtree->items as $itemid => $unused) {
             $item =& $this->gtree->items[$itemid];
             $grade = $this->grades[$userid][$item->id];
             $itemcell = new html_table_cell();
             $itemcell->id = 'u' . $userid . 'i' . $itemid;
             $itemcell->attributes['data-itemid'] = $itemid;
             // Get the decimal points preference for this item
             $decimalpoints = $item->get_decimals();
             if (in_array($itemid, $unknown)) {
                 $gradeval = null;
             } else {
                 if (array_key_exists($itemid, $altered)) {
                     $gradeval = $altered[$itemid];
                 } else {
                     $gradeval = $grade->finalgrade;
             if (!empty($grade->finalgrade)) {
                 $gradevalforjs = null;
                 if ($item->scaleid && !empty($scalesarray[$item->scaleid])) {
                     $gradevalforjs = (int) $gradeval;
                 } else {
                     $gradevalforjs = format_float($gradeval, $decimalpoints);
                 $jsarguments['grades'][] = array('user' => $userid, 'item' => $itemid, 'grade' => $gradevalforjs);
             // MDL-11274
             // Hide grades in the grader report if the current grader doesn't have 'moodle/grade:viewhidden'
             if (!$this->canviewhidden and $grade->is_hidden()) {
                 if (!empty($CFG->grade_hiddenasdate) and $grade->get_datesubmitted() and !$item->is_category_item() and !$item->is_course_item()) {
                     // the problem here is that we do not have the time when grade value was modified, 'timemodified' is general modification date for grade_grades records
                     $itemcell->text = "<span class='datesubmitted'>" . userdate($grade->get_datesubmitted(), $strftimedatetimeshort) . "</span>";
                 } else {
                     $itemcell->text = '-';
                 $itemrow->cells[] = $itemcell;
             // emulate grade element
             $eid = $this->gtree->get_grade_eid($grade);
             $element = array('eid' => $eid, 'object' => $grade, 'type' => 'grade');
             $itemcell->attributes['class'] .= ' grade i' . $itemid;
             if ($item->is_category_item()) {
                 $itemcell->attributes['class'] .= ' cat';
             if ($item->is_course_item()) {
                 $itemcell->attributes['class'] .= ' course';
             if ($grade->is_overridden()) {
                 $itemcell->attributes['class'] .= ' overridden';
                 $itemcell->attributes['aria-label'] = get_string('overriddengrade', 'gradereport_grader');
             if (!empty($grade->feedback)) {
                 $feedback = wordwrap(trim(format_string($grade->feedback, $grade->feedbackformat)), 34, '<br>');
                 $itemcell->attributes['data-feedback'] = $feedback;
                 $jsarguments['feedback'][] = array('user' => $userid, 'item' => $itemid, 'content' => $feedback);
             if ($grade->is_excluded()) {
                 // Adding white spaces before and after to prevent a screenreader from
                 // thinking that the words are attached to the next/previous <span> or text.
                 $itemcell->text .= " <span class='excludedfloater'>" . $strexcludedgrades . "</span> ";
             // Do not show any icons if no grade (no record in DB to match)
             if (!$item->needsupdate and $USER->gradeediting[$this->courseid]) {
                 $itemcell->text .= $this->get_icons($element);
             $hidden = '';
             if ($grade->is_hidden()) {
                 $hidden = ' dimmed_text ';
             $gradepass = '******';
             if ($grade->is_passed($item)) {
                 $gradepass = '******';
             } else {
                 if (is_null($grade->is_passed($item))) {
                     $gradepass = '';
             // if in editing mode, we need to print either a text box
             // or a drop down (for scales)
             // grades in item of type grade category or course are not directly editable
             if ($item->needsupdate) {
                 $itemcell->text .= "<span class='gradingerror{$hidden}'>" . $strerror . "</span>";
             } else {
                 if ($USER->gradeediting[$this->courseid]) {
                     if ($item->scaleid && !empty($scalesarray[$item->scaleid])) {
                         $itemcell->attributes['class'] .= ' grade_type_scale';
                     } else {
                         if ($item->gradetype == GRADE_TYPE_VALUE) {
                             $itemcell->attributes['class'] .= ' grade_type_value';
                         } else {
                             if ($item->gradetype == GRADE_TYPE_TEXT) {
                                 $itemcell->attributes['class'] .= ' grade_type_text';
                     if ($item->scaleid && !empty($scalesarray[$item->scaleid])) {
                         $scale = $scalesarray[$item->scaleid];
                         $gradeval = (int) $gradeval;
                         // scales use only integers
                         $scales = explode(",", $scale->scale);
                         // reindex because scale is off 1
                         // MDL-12104 some previous scales might have taken up part of the array
                         // so this needs to be reset
                         $scaleopt = array();
                         $i = 0;
                         foreach ($scales as $scaleoption) {
                             $scaleopt[$i] = $scaleoption;
                         if ($quickgrading and $grade->is_editable()) {
                             $oldval = empty($gradeval) ? -1 : $gradeval;
                             if (empty($item->outcomeid)) {
                                 $nogradestr = $this->get_lang_string('nograde');
                             } else {
                                 $nogradestr = $this->get_lang_string('nooutcome', 'grades');
                             $attributes = array('tabindex' => $tabindices[$item->id]['grade'], 'id' => 'grade_' . $userid . '_' . $item->id);
                             $gradelabel = $fullname . ' ' . $item->itemname;
                             $itemcell->text .= html_writer::label(get_string('useractivitygrade', 'gradereport_grader', $gradelabel), $attributes['id'], false, array('class' => 'accesshide'));
                             $itemcell->text .= html_writer::select($scaleopt, 'grade[' . $userid . '][' . $item->id . ']', $gradeval, array(-1 => $nogradestr), $attributes);
                         } else {
                             if (!empty($scale)) {
                                 $scales = explode(",", $scale->scale);
                                 // invalid grade if gradeval < 1
                                 if ($gradeval < 1) {
                                     $itemcell->text .= "<span class='gradevalue{$hidden}{$gradepass}'>-</span>";
                                 } else {
                                     $gradeval = $grade->grade_item->bounded_grade($gradeval);
                                     //just in case somebody changes scale
                                     $itemcell->text .= "<span class='gradevalue{$hidden}{$gradepass}'>{$scales[$gradeval - 1]}</span>";
                     } else {
                         if ($item->gradetype != GRADE_TYPE_TEXT) {
                             // Value type
                             if ($quickgrading and $grade->is_editable()) {
                                 $value = format_float($gradeval, $decimalpoints);
                                 $gradelabel = $fullname . ' ' . $item->itemname;
                                 $itemcell->text .= '<label class="accesshide" for="grade_' . $userid . '_' . $item->id . '">' . get_string('useractivitygrade', 'gradereport_grader', $gradelabel) . '</label>';
                                 $itemcell->text .= '<input size="6" tabindex="' . $tabindices[$item->id]['grade'] . '" type="text" class="text" title="' . $strgrade . '" name="grade[' . $userid . '][' . $item->id . ']" id="grade_' . $userid . '_' . $item->id . '" value="' . $value . '" />';
                             } else {
                                 $itemcell->text .= "<span class='gradevalue{$hidden}{$gradepass}'>" . format_float($gradeval, $decimalpoints) . "</span>";
                     // If quickfeedback is on, print an input element
                     if ($showquickfeedback and $grade->is_editable()) {
                         $feedbacklabel = $fullname . ' ' . $item->itemname;
                         $itemcell->text .= '<label class="accesshide" for="feedback_' . $userid . '_' . $item->id . '">' . get_string('useractivityfeedback', 'gradereport_grader', $feedbacklabel) . '</label>';
                         $itemcell->text .= '<input class="quickfeedback" tabindex="' . $tabindices[$item->id]['feedback'] . '" id="feedback_' . $userid . '_' . $item->id . '" size="6" title="' . $strfeedback . '" type="text" name="feedback[' . $userid . '][' . $item->id . ']" value="' . s($grade->feedback) . '" />';
                 } else {
                     // Not editing
                     $gradedisplaytype = $item->get_displaytype();
                     if ($item->scaleid && !empty($scalesarray[$item->scaleid])) {
                         $itemcell->attributes['class'] .= ' grade_type_scale';
                     } else {
                         if ($item->gradetype == GRADE_TYPE_VALUE) {
                             $itemcell->attributes['class'] .= ' grade_type_value';
                         } else {
                             if ($item->gradetype == GRADE_TYPE_TEXT) {
                                 $itemcell->attributes['class'] .= ' grade_type_text';
                     // Only allow edting if the grade is editable (not locked, not in a unoverridable category, etc).
                     if ($enableajax && $grade->is_editable()) {
                         // If a grade item is type text, and we don't have show quick feedback on, it can't be edited.
                         if ($item->gradetype != GRADE_TYPE_TEXT || $showquickfeedback) {
                             $itemcell->attributes['class'] .= ' clickable';
                     if ($item->needsupdate) {
                         $itemcell->text .= "<span class='gradingerror{$hidden}{$gradepass}'>" . $error . "</span>";
                     } else {
                         // The max and min for an aggregation may be different to the grade_item.
                         if (!is_null($gradeval)) {
                             $item->grademax = $grade->get_grade_max();
                             $item->grademin = $grade->get_grade_min();
                         $itemcell->text .= "<span class='gradevalue{$hidden}{$gradepass}'>" . grade_format_gradevalue($gradeval, $item, true, $gradedisplaytype, null) . "</span>";
                         if ($showanalysisicon) {
                             $itemcell->text .= $this->gtree->get_grade_analysis_icon($grade);
             // Enable keyboard navigation if the grade is editable (not locked, not in a unoverridable category, etc).
             if ($enableajax && $grade->is_editable()) {
                 // If a grade item is type text, and we don't have show quick feedback on, it can't be edited.
                 if ($item->gradetype != GRADE_TYPE_TEXT || $showquickfeedback) {
                     $itemcell->attributes['class'] .= ' gbnavigable';
             if (!empty($this->gradeserror[$item->id][$userid])) {
                 $itemcell->text .= $this->gradeserror[$item->id][$userid];
             $itemrow->cells[] = $itemcell;
         $rows[] = $itemrow;
     if ($enableajax) {
         $jsarguments['cfg']['ajaxenabled'] = true;
         $jsarguments['cfg']['scales'] = array();
         foreach ($jsscales as $scale) {
             // Trim the scale values, as they may have a space that is ommitted from values later.
             $jsarguments['cfg']['scales'][$scale->id] = array_map('trim', explode(',', $scale->scale));
         $jsarguments['cfg']['feedbacktrunclength'] = $this->feedback_trunc_length;
         // Student grades and feedback are already at $jsarguments['feedback'] and $jsarguments['grades']
     $jsarguments['cfg']['isediting'] = (bool) $USER->gradeediting[$this->courseid];
     $jsarguments['cfg']['courseid'] = $this->courseid;
     $jsarguments['cfg']['studentsperpage'] = $this->get_students_per_page();
     $jsarguments['cfg']['showquickfeedback'] = (bool) $showquickfeedback;
     $module = array('name' => 'gradereport_grader', 'fullpath' => '/grade/report/grader/module.js', 'requires' => array('base', 'dom', 'event', 'event-mouseenter', 'event-key', 'io-queue', 'json-parse', 'overlay'));
     $PAGE->requires->js_init_call('M.gradereport_grader.init_report', $jsarguments, false, $module);
     $PAGE->requires->strings_for_js(array('addfeedback', 'feedback', 'grade'), 'grades');
     $PAGE->requires->strings_for_js(array('ajaxchoosescale', 'ajaxclicktoclose', 'ajaxerror', 'ajaxfailedupdate', 'ajaxfieldchanged'), 'gradereport_grader');
     if (!$enableajax && $USER->gradeediting[$this->courseid]) {
         $PAGE->requires->yui_module('moodle-core-formchangechecker', 'M.core_formchangechecker.init', array(array('formid' => 'gradereport_grader')));
         $PAGE->requires->string_for_js('changesmadereallygoaway', 'moodle');
     $rows = $this->get_right_range_row($rows);
     if ($displayaverages) {
         $rows = $this->get_right_avg_row($rows, true);
         $rows = $this->get_right_avg_row($rows);
     return $rows;
Ejemplo n.º 9
 private function fill_table_recursive(&$element)
     global $DB, $CFG;
     $type = $element['type'];
     $depth = $element['depth'];
     $grade_object = $element['object'];
     $eid = $grade_object->id;
     $element['userid'] = $this->user->id;
     $fullname = $this->gtree->get_element_header($element, true, false, true);
     $data = array();
     $hidden = '';
     $excluded = '';
     $class = '';
     $classfeedback = '';
     $row_class = '';
     $activity_start_date = '';
     // If this is a hidden grade category, hide it completely from the user
     if ($type == 'category' && $grade_object->is_hidden() && !$this->canviewhidden && ($this->showhiddenitems == GRADE_REPORT_MARKSHEET_HIDE_HIDDEN || $this->showhiddenitems == GRADE_REPORT_MARKSHEET_HIDE_UNTIL && !$grade_object->is_hiddenuntil())) {
         return false;
     if ($type == 'category') {
         $this->evenodd[$depth] = ($this->evenodd[$depth] + 1) % 2;
     $alter = $this->evenodd[$depth] == 0 ? 'even' : 'odd';
     if ($type == 'item') {
         $cat_id = $grade_object->categoryid;
     } else {
         $cat_id = ' ';
     /// Process those items that have scores associated
     if ($type == 'item' or $type == 'categoryitem' or $type == 'courseitem') {
         //&& ($depth == 2)) {
         $header_row = "row_{$eid}_{$this->user->id}";
         $header_cat = "cat_{$grade_object->categoryid}_{$this->user->id}";
         if (!($grade_grade = grade_grade::fetch(array('itemid' => $grade_object->id, 'userid' => $this->user->id)))) {
             $grade_grade = new grade_grade();
             $grade_grade->userid = $this->user->id;
             $grade_grade->itemid = $grade_object->id;
         $hide = false;
         // If this is a hidden grade item, hide it completely from the user.
         if ($grade_grade->is_hidden() && !$this->canviewhidden && ($this->showhiddenitems == GRADE_REPORT_MARKSHEET_HIDE_HIDDEN || $this->showhiddenitems == GRADE_REPORT_MARKSHEET_HIDE_UNTIL && !$grade_grade->is_hiddenuntil())) {
             $hide = true;
         } else {
             if (!empty($grade_object->itemmodule) && !empty($grade_object->iteminstance)) {
                 // The grade object can be marked visible but still be hidden if...
                 //  1) "enablegroupmembersonly" is on and the activity is assigned to a grouping the user is not in.
                 //  2) the student cannot see the activity due to conditional access and its set to be hidden entirely.
                 $instances = $this->gtree->modinfo->get_instances_of($grade_object->itemmodule);
                 if (!empty($instances[$grade_object->iteminstance])) {
                     $cm = $instances[$grade_object->iteminstance];
                     if (!$cm->uservisible) {
                         // Further checks are required to determine whether the activity is entirely hidden or just greyed out.
                         if ($cm->is_user_access_restricted_by_group() || $cm->is_user_access_restricted_by_conditional_access() || $cm->is_user_access_restricted_by_capability()) {
                             $hide = true;
         if ($grade_grade->grade_item->is_hidden() && !$this->showhiddenactivity) {
             $hide = true;
         //set start dates by category
         $categoryid = $grade_grade->grade_item->categoryid;
         if ($type == 'item' && isset($cm)) {
             $this->grade_category_modids[$categoryid][] = $cm->id;
         /// Hidden Items
         if ($grade_grade->grade_item->is_hidden()) {
             $hidden = ' hidden';
         if (!$hide) {
             /// Excluded Item
             if ($grade_grade->is_excluded()) {
                 $fullname .= ' [' . get_string('excluded', 'grades') . ']';
                 $excluded = ' excluded';
             if (isset($grade_grade->grade_item->itemmodule)) {
                 $modname = $grade_grade->grade_item->itemmodule;
             if (isset($cm)) {
                 $modid = $cm->id;
             if ($type == "categoryitem") {
                 // print_r($grade_grade);
                 // $timemodified = $grade_grade->grade_item->timemodified;
                 // $activity_start_date = new DateTime('@'.$timemodified);
                 // print_r($activity_start_date);
                 echo "<br>";
             /// Other class information
             if (isset($modname) && isset($modid)) {
                 $modaction = "view";
                 $course = $this->course;
                 $user = $this->user->id;
                 $activity_start_date = get_activity_start_date($course, $user, $modname, $modaction, $modid);
             if ($type == 'item') {
                 $categoryid = $grade_grade->grade_item->categoryid;
                 if (!isset($this->grade_category_start_dates[$categoryid])) {
                     $this->grade_category_start_dates[$categoryid] = new DateTime("now");
                 if ($activity_start_date < $this->grade_category_start_dates[$categoryid]) {
                     $this->grade_category_start_dates[$categoryid] = $activity_start_date;
             if ($type == 'categoryitem') {
                 $iteminstance = $grade_grade->grade_item->iteminstance;
                 if (isset($iteminstance) && isset($this->grade_category_start_dates)) {
                     $activity_start_date = $this->grade_category_start_dates[$iteminstance];
             $class = "{$hidden} {$excluded}";
             if ($this->switch) {
                 // alter style based on whether aggregation is first or last
                 $class .= ($type == 'categoryitem' or $type == 'courseitem') ? " " . $alter . "d{$depth} baggt b2b" : " item b1b";
             } else {
                 $class .= ($type == 'categoryitem' or $type == 'courseitem') ? " " . $alter . "d{$depth} baggb" : " item b1b";
                 $class .= ($type == 'categoryitem' or $type == 'courseitem') ? " categoryitem " : "";
             if ($type == 'categoryitem' or $type == 'courseitem') {
                 $header_cat = "cat_{$grade_object->iteminstance}_{$this->user->id}";
             /// Name
             $data['itemname']['content'] = $fullname;
             $data['itemname']['class'] = $class;
             $data['itemname']['colspan'] = $this->maxdepth - $depth + 2;
             $data['itemname']['celltype'] = 'th';
             $data['itemname']['id'] = $header_row;
             /// Actual Grade
             $gradeval = $grade_grade->finalgrade;
             if ($this->showfeedback) {
                 // Copy $class before appending itemcenter as feedback should not be centered
                 $classfeedback = $class;
             $class .= " itemcenter ";
             if ($this->showweight) {
                 $data['weight']['class'] = $class;
                 $data['weight']['content'] = '-';
                 $data['weight']['headers'] = "{$header_cat} {$header_row} weight";
                 // has a weight assigned, might be extra credit
                 if ($grade_object->aggregationcoef > 0 && $type != 'courseitem') {
                     $data['weight']['content'] = number_format($grade_object->aggregationcoef, 2);
             if ($this->showgrade) {
                 if ($grade_grade->grade_item->needsupdate) {
                     $data['grade']['class'] = $class . ' gradingerror';
                     $data['grade']['content'] = get_string('error');
                 } else {
                     if (!empty($CFG->grade_hiddenasdate) and $grade_grade->get_datesubmitted() and !$this->canviewhidden and $grade_grade->is_hidden() and !$grade_grade->grade_item->is_category_item() and !$grade_grade->grade_item->is_course_item()) {
                         // the problem here is that we do not have the time when grade value was modified, 'timemodified' is general modification date for grade_grades records
                         $class .= ' datesubmitted';
                         $data['grade']['class'] = $class;
                         $data['grade']['content'] = get_string('submittedon', 'grades', userdate($grade_grade->get_datesubmitted(), get_string('strftimedatetimeshort')));
                     } elseif ($grade_grade->is_hidden()) {
                         $data['grade']['class'] = $class . ' hidden';
                         $data['grade']['content'] = '-';
                     } else {
                         $data['grade']['class'] = $class;
                         $gradeval = $this->blank_hidden_total($this->courseid, $grade_grade->grade_item, $gradeval);
                         $data['grade']['content'] = grade_format_gradevalue($gradeval, $grade_grade->grade_item, true);
                 $data['grade']['headers'] = "{$header_cat} {$header_row} grade";
             // Range
             if ($this->showrange) {
                 $data['range']['class'] = $class;
                 $data['range']['content'] = $grade_grade->grade_item->get_formatted_range(GRADE_DISPLAY_TYPE_REAL, $this->rangedecimals);
                 $data['range']['headers'] = "{$header_cat} {$header_row} range";
             // Percentage
             if ($this->showpercentage) {
                 if ($grade_grade->grade_item->needsupdate) {
                     $data['percentage']['class'] = $class . ' gradingerror';
                     $data['percentage']['content'] = get_string('error');
                 } else {
                     if ($grade_grade->is_hidden()) {
                         $data['percentage']['class'] = $class . ' hidden';
                         $data['percentage']['content'] = '-';
                     } else {
                         $data['percentage']['class'] = $class;
                         $data['percentage']['content'] = grade_format_gradevalue($gradeval, $grade_grade->grade_item, true, GRADE_DISPLAY_TYPE_PERCENTAGE);
                 $data['percentage']['headers'] = "{$header_cat} {$header_row} percentage";
             // Lettergrade
             if ($this->showlettergrade) {
                 if ($grade_grade->grade_item->needsupdate) {
                     $data['lettergrade']['class'] = $class . ' gradingerror';
                     $data['lettergrade']['content'] = get_string('error');
                 } else {
                     if ($grade_grade->is_hidden()) {
                         $data['lettergrade']['class'] = $class . ' hidden';
                         if (!$this->canviewhidden) {
                             $data['lettergrade']['content'] = '-';
                         } else {
                             $data['lettergrade']['content'] = grade_format_gradevalue($gradeval, $grade_grade->grade_item, true, GRADE_DISPLAY_TYPE_LETTER);
                     } else {
                         $data['lettergrade']['class'] = $class;
                         $data['lettergrade']['content'] = grade_format_gradevalue($gradeval, $grade_grade->grade_item, true, GRADE_DISPLAY_TYPE_LETTER);
                 $data['lettergrade']['headers'] = "{$header_cat} {$header_row} lettergrade";
             // Rank
             if ($this->showrank) {
                 if ($grade_grade->grade_item->needsupdate) {
                     $data['rank']['class'] = $class . ' gradingerror';
                     $data['rank']['content'] = get_string('error');
                 } elseif ($grade_grade->is_hidden()) {
                     $data['rank']['class'] = $class . ' hidden';
                     $data['rank']['content'] = '-';
                 } else {
                     if (is_null($gradeval)) {
                         // no grade, no rank
                         $data['rank']['class'] = $class;
                         $data['rank']['content'] = '-';
                     } else {
                         /// find the number of users with a higher grade
                         $sql = "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(userid))\n                                  FROM {grade_grades}\n                                 WHERE finalgrade > ?\n                                       AND itemid = ?\n                                       AND hidden = 0";
                         $rank = $DB->count_records_sql($sql, array($grade_grade->finalgrade, $grade_grade->grade_item->id)) + 1;
                         $data['rank']['class'] = $class;
                         $data['rank']['content'] = "{$rank}/" . $this->get_numusers(false);
                         // total course users
                 $data['rank']['headers'] = "{$header_cat} {$header_row} rank";
             // Average
             if ($this->showaverage) {
                 $data['average']['class'] = $class;
                 if (!empty($this->gtree->items[$eid]->avg)) {
                     $data['average']['content'] = $this->gtree->items[$eid]->avg;
                 } else {
                     $data['average']['content'] = '-';
                 $data['average']['headers'] = "{$header_cat} {$header_row} average";
             // Start Date
             if ($this->showtimeupdate) {
                 $data['startdate']['class'] = $class;
                 if (!empty($activity_start_date)) {
                     $data['startdate']['content'] = $activity_start_date->format('d-m-Y');
                 } else {
                     $data['startdate']['content'] = '-';
                 $data['startdate']['headers'] = "{$header_cat} {$header_row} startdate";
             // Time Update
             if ($this->showtimeupdate) {
                 $data['timeupdate']['class'] = $class;
                 if (!empty($grade_grade->timemodified)) {
                     $data['timeupdate']['content'] = date("d/m/Y", $grade_grade->timemodified);
                 } else {
                     // if ((!empty($grade_grade->grade_item->timemodified)) && ($type == "categoryitem")){
                     //     $data['timeupdate']['content'] = date("d/m/Y", $grade_grade->grade_item->timemodified);
                     // }else {
                     // }
                     $data['timeupdate']['content'] = '-';
                 $data['timeupdate']['headers'] = "{$header_cat} {$header_row} timeupdate";
             // Feedback
             if ($this->showfeedback) {
                 if ($grade_grade->overridden > 0 and ($type == 'categoryitem' or $type == 'courseitem')) {
                     $data['feedback']['class'] = $classfeedback . ' feedbacktext';
                     $data['feedback']['content'] = get_string('overridden', 'grades') . ': ' . format_text($grade_grade->feedback, $grade_grade->feedbackformat);
                 } else {
                     if (empty($grade_grade->feedback) or !$this->canviewhidden and $grade_grade->is_hidden()) {
                         $data['feedback']['class'] = $classfeedback . ' feedbacktext';
                         $data['feedback']['content'] = '&nbsp;';
                     } else {
                         $data['feedback']['class'] = $classfeedback . ' feedbacktext';
                         $data['feedback']['content'] = format_text($grade_grade->feedback, $grade_grade->feedbackformat);
                 $data['feedback']['headers'] = "{$header_cat} {$header_row} feedback";
     /// Category
     if ($type == 'category') {
         //&& ($depth == 2)){
         // $data['leader']['class'] = $class.' '.$alter."d$depth b1t b2b b1l";
         // $data['leader']['rowspan'] = $element['rowspan'];
         // if ($this->switch) { // alter style based on whether aggregation is first or last
         //    $data['itemname']['class'] = $class.' '.$alter."d$depth b1b b1t";
         // } else {
         // $data['itemname']['class'] = $class.' '.$alter."d$depth b2t";
         $data['itemname']['class'] = $class . ' category';
         // }
         $data['itemname']['colspan'] = $this->maxdepth - $depth + count($this->tablecolumns) - 0;
         $data['itemname']['content'] = $fullname;
         $data['itemname']['celltype'] = 'th';
         $data['itemname']['id'] = "cat_{$grade_object->id}_{$this->user->id}";
     /// Add this row to the overall system
     $this->tabledata[] = $data;
     /// Recursively iterate through all child elements
     if (isset($element['children'])) {
         foreach ($element['children'] as $key => $child) {
Ejemplo n.º 10
 private function fill_table_recursive(&$element)
     global $DB, $CFG;
     $type = $element['type'];
     $depth = $element['depth'];
     $grade_object = $element['object'];
     $eid = $grade_object->id;
     $element['userid'] = $this->user->id;
     $fullname = $this->gtree->get_element_header($element, true, true, true);
     $data = array();
     $hidden = '';
     $excluded = '';
     $class = '';
     // If this is a hidden grade category, hide it completely from the user
     if ($type == 'category' && $grade_object->is_hidden() && !$this->canviewhidden && ($this->showhiddenitems == GRADE_REPORT_USER_HIDE_HIDDEN || $this->showhiddenitems == GRADE_REPORT_USER_HIDE_UNTIL && !$grade_object->is_hiddenuntil())) {
         return false;
     if ($type == 'category') {
         $this->evenodd[$depth] = ($this->evenodd[$depth] + 1) % 2;
     $alter = $this->evenodd[$depth] == 0 ? 'even' : 'odd';
     /// Process those items that have scores associated
     if ($type == 'item' or $type == 'categoryitem' or $type == 'courseitem') {
         if (!($grade_grade = grade_grade::fetch(array('itemid' => $grade_object->id, 'userid' => $this->user->id)))) {
             $grade_grade = new grade_grade();
             $grade_grade->userid = $this->user->id;
             $grade_grade->itemid = $grade_object->id;
         /// Hidden Items
         if ($grade_grade->grade_item->is_hidden()) {
             $hidden = ' hidden';
         // If this is a hidden grade item, hide it completely from the user.
         if ($grade_grade->is_hidden() && !$this->canviewhidden && ($this->showhiddenitems == GRADE_REPORT_USER_HIDE_HIDDEN || $this->showhiddenitems == GRADE_REPORT_USER_HIDE_UNTIL && !$grade_grade->is_hiddenuntil())) {
             // return false;
         } else {
             /// Excluded Item
             if ($grade_grade->is_excluded()) {
                 $fullname .= ' [' . get_string('excluded', 'grades') . ']';
                 $excluded = ' excluded';
             /// Other class information
             $class = "{$hidden} {$excluded}";
             if ($this->switch) {
                 // alter style based on whether aggregation is first or last
                 $class .= ($type == 'categoryitem' or $type == 'courseitem') ? " " . $alter . "d{$depth} baggt b2b" : " item b1b";
             } else {
                 $class .= ($type == 'categoryitem' or $type == 'courseitem') ? " " . $alter . "d{$depth} baggb" : " item b1b";
             /// Name
             $data['itemname']['content'] = $fullname;
             $data['itemname']['class'] = $class;
             $data['itemname']['colspan'] = $this->maxdepth - $depth;
             /// Actual Grade
             $gradeval = $grade_grade->finalgrade;
             $class .= " itemcenter ";
             if ($this->showweight) {
                 $data['weight']['class'] = $class;
                 $data['weight']['content'] = '-';
                 // has a weight assigned, might be extra credit
                 if ($grade_object->aggregationcoef > 0 && $type != 'courseitem') {
                     $data['weight']['content'] = number_format($grade_object->aggregationcoef, 2) . '%';
             if ($this->showgrade) {
                 if ($grade_grade->grade_item->needsupdate) {
                     $data['grade']['class'] = $class . ' gradingerror';
                     $data['grade']['content'] = get_string('error');
                 } else {
                     if (!empty($CFG->grade_hiddenasdate) and $grade_grade->get_datesubmitted() and !$this->canviewhidden and $grade_grade->is_hidden() and !$grade_grade->grade_item->is_category_item() and !$grade_grade->grade_item->is_course_item()) {
                         // the problem here is that we do not have the time when grade value was modified, 'timemodified' is general modification date for grade_grades records
                         $class .= ' datesubmitted';
                         $data['grade']['class'] = $class;
                         $data['grade']['content'] = get_string('submittedon', 'grades', userdate($grade_grade->get_datesubmitted(), get_string('strftimedatetimeshort')));
                     } elseif ($grade_grade->is_hidden()) {
                         $data['grade']['class'] = $class . ' hidden';
                         $data['grade']['content'] = '-';
                     } else {
                         $data['grade']['class'] = $class;
                         $gradeval = $this->blank_hidden_total($this->courseid, $grade_grade->grade_item, $gradeval);
                         $data['grade']['content'] = grade_format_gradevalue($gradeval, $grade_grade->grade_item, true);
             // Range
             if ($this->showrange) {
                 $data['range']['class'] = $class;
                 $data['range']['content'] = $grade_grade->grade_item->get_formatted_range(GRADE_DISPLAY_TYPE_REAL, $this->rangedecimals);
             // Percentage
             if ($this->showpercentage) {
                 if ($grade_grade->grade_item->needsupdate) {
                     $data['percentage']['class'] = $class . ' gradingerror';
                     $data['percentage']['content'] = get_string('error');
                 } else {
                     if ($grade_grade->is_hidden()) {
                         $data['percentage']['class'] = $class . ' hidden';
                         $data['percentage']['content'] = '-';
                     } else {
                         $data['percentage']['class'] = $class;
                         $data['percentage']['content'] = grade_format_gradevalue($gradeval, $grade_grade->grade_item, true, GRADE_DISPLAY_TYPE_PERCENTAGE);
             // Lettergrade
             if ($this->showlettergrade) {
                 if ($grade_grade->grade_item->needsupdate) {
                     $data['lettergrade']['class'] = $class . ' gradingerror';
                     $data['lettergrade']['content'] = get_string('error');
                 } else {
                     if ($grade_grade->is_hidden()) {
                         $data['lettergrade']['class'] = $class . ' hidden';
                         if (!$this->canviewhidden) {
                             $data['lettergrade']['content'] = '-';
                         } else {
                             $data['lettergrade']['content'] = grade_format_gradevalue($gradeval, $grade_grade->grade_item, true, GRADE_DISPLAY_TYPE_LETTER);
                     } else {
                         $data['lettergrade']['class'] = $class;
                         $data['lettergrade']['content'] = grade_format_gradevalue($gradeval, $grade_grade->grade_item, true, GRADE_DISPLAY_TYPE_LETTER);
             // Rank
             if ($this->showrank) {
                 if ($grade_grade->grade_item->needsupdate) {
                     $data['rank']['class'] = $class . ' gradingerror';
                     $data['rank']['content'] = get_string('error');
                 } elseif ($grade_grade->is_hidden()) {
                     $data['rank']['class'] = $class . ' hidden';
                     $data['rank']['content'] = '-';
                 } else {
                     if (is_null($gradeval)) {
                         // no grade, no rank
                         $data['rank']['class'] = $class;
                         $data['rank']['content'] = '-';
                     } else {
                         /// find the number of users with a higher grade
                         $sql = "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(userid))\n                                  FROM {grade_grades}\n                                 WHERE finalgrade > ?\n                                       AND itemid = ?\n                                       AND hidden = 0";
                         $rank = $DB->count_records_sql($sql, array($grade_grade->finalgrade, $grade_grade->grade_item->id)) + 1;
                         $data['rank']['class'] = $class;
                         $data['rank']['content'] = "{$rank}/" . $this->get_numusers(false);
                         // total course users
             // Average
             if ($this->showaverage) {
                 $data['average']['class'] = $class;
                 if (!empty($this->gtree->items[$eid]->avg)) {
                     $data['average']['content'] = $this->gtree->items[$eid]->avg;
                 } else {
                     $data['average']['content'] = '-';
             // Feedback
             if ($this->showfeedback) {
                 if ($grade_grade->overridden > 0 and ($type == 'categoryitem' or $type == 'courseitem')) {
                     $data['feedback']['class'] = $class . ' feedbacktext';
                     $data['feedback']['content'] = get_string('overridden', 'grades') . ': ' . format_text($grade_grade->feedback, $grade_grade->feedbackformat);
                 } else {
                     if (empty($grade_grade->feedback) or !$this->canviewhidden and $grade_grade->is_hidden()) {
                         $data['feedback']['class'] = $class . ' feedbacktext';
                         $data['feedback']['content'] = '&nbsp;';
                     } else {
                         $data['feedback']['class'] = $class . ' feedbacktext';
                         $data['feedback']['content'] = format_text($grade_grade->feedback, $grade_grade->feedbackformat);
     /// Category
     if ($type == 'category') {
         $data['leader']['class'] = $class . ' ' . $alter . "d{$depth} b1t b2b b1l";
         $data['leader']['rowspan'] = $element['rowspan'];
         if ($this->switch) {
             // alter style based on whether aggregation is first or last
             $data['itemname']['class'] = $class . ' ' . $alter . "d{$depth} b1b b1t";
         } else {
             $data['itemname']['class'] = $class . ' ' . $alter . "d{$depth} b2t";
         $data['itemname']['colspan'] = $this->maxdepth - $depth + count($this->tablecolumns) - 1;
         $data['itemname']['content'] = $fullname;
     /// Add this row to the overall system
     $this->tabledata[] = $data;
     /// Recursively iterate through all child elements
     if (isset($element['children'])) {
         foreach ($element['children'] as $key => $child) {
Ejemplo n.º 11
function generate_jwc_xml($jwc_courses, $export_users, $include_cats = false, $dryrun = true)
    global $course, $output, $jwc, $DB, $USER, $nonexist_users;
    if ($include_cats) {
        $heading = '导出分项成绩及总分到教务处';
    } else {
        $heading = '导出总分到教务处';
    if ($dryrun) {
        $heading .= '(模拟)';
    } else {
        $heading .= '(正式)';
    echo $output->heading($heading);
    //first make sure we have proper final grades - this must be done before constructing of the grade tree
    // 获得成绩类别和项信息
    $tree = new grade_tree($course->id, true, true);
    $levels = $tree->get_levels();
    // 总分
    $total_item = normalize_grade_item($levels[0][0]['object']->grade_item);
    $sub_items = array();
    $extra_items = array();
    $items = array();
    // 顶级成绩分类和项
    if (array_key_exists(1, $levels) && $include_cats) {
        foreach ($levels[1] as $element) {
            if ($element['type'] == 'item') {
                $grade_item = normalize_grade_item($element['object']);
            } else {
                if ($element['type'] == 'category') {
                    $tmp = array_pop($element['children']);
                    $grade_item = normalize_grade_item($tmp['object']);
                    $grade_item->itemname = $element['object']->fullname;
                } else {
                    // ignore unused fillers
            if ($grade_item->grademax <= 0) {
                // 不计分成绩项/类别
            if ($grade_item->aggregationcoef) {
                // 额外加分
                $extra_items[$grade_item->id] = $grade_item;
            } else {
                $sub_items[$grade_item->id] = $grade_item;
    /// 验证成绩项是否符合教务处要求
    $result = true;
    // 总成绩满分必须是100分
    if ($total_item->grademax != MAX_TOTAL_GRADE) {
        echo $output->require_max_total_grade($total_item->grademax);
        $result = false;
    if ($include_cats) {
        // 总成绩算法必须是“简单加权平均分”
        $total_aggregation = $levels[0][0]['object']->aggregation;
        if ($total_aggregation != GRADE_AGGREGATE_WEIGHTED_MEAN2 and $total_aggregation != GRADE_AGGREGATE_SUM) {
            echo $output->require_aggregation($total_aggregation);
            $result = false;
        // 子成绩项权重和必须为100
        // 所有非加分的分项相加为100,才合法,除非不包含子类别
        $weight_sum = 0;
        foreach ($sub_items as $item) {
            $weight_sum += $item->grademax;
        if ($include_cats and $weight_sum != MAX_TOTAL_GRADE) {
            echo $output->require_100_weight($weight_sum);
            $result = false;
        // 子成绩项数量不能超过8
        if (count($sub_items) > MAX_SUB_GRADE_COUNT) {
            echo $output->require_max_subitems(count($sub_items));
            $result = false;
        // 加分成绩项数量不能超过2
        if (count($extra_items) > MAX_EXTRA_SUB_GRADE_COUNT) {
            echo $output->require_max_extraitems(count($extra_items));
            $result = false;
    if (!$result) {
        echo $output->modify_items_link();
        return false;
    $xml = new gradebook_xml();
    if ($dryrun) {
        echo $output->box_start();
        echo $output->heading('可导出成绩项', 3);
    $itemtable = new html_table();
    $itemtable->head = array('成绩分项名称', '权重', '加分');
    foreach ($sub_items as $item) {
        $itemtable->data[] = new html_table_row(array($item->itemname, $item->grademax . '%', '否'));
        $xml->add_weight_item($item->id, $item->itemname, $item->grademax, $item->grademax);
    foreach ($extra_items as $item) {
        $itemtable->data[] = new html_table_row(array($item->itemname, $item->grademax . '%', '是'));
        $xml->add_weight_item($item->id, $item->itemname, $item->grademax, $item->grademax, true);
    $itemtable->data[] = new html_table_row(array($total_item->itemname, $total_item->grademax . '%', '-'));
    if ($dryrun) {
        echo html_writer::table($itemtable);
    // 本地不存在的用户
    if (!empty($nonexist_users)) {
        echo $output->heading('教务处有记录而本站无对应用户的学生', 3);
        $usertable = new html_table();
        $usertable->head = array('序号', '姓名', '学号');
        $count = 0;
        foreach ($nonexist_users as $user) {
            $row = array();
            $row[] = new html_table_cell($count);
            $row[] = new html_table_cell($user->name);
            $row[] = new html_table_cell($user->code);
            $usertable->data[] = new html_table_row($row);
        echo html_writer::table($usertable);
    // 用户成绩
    if ($dryrun) {
        echo $output->heading('可导出成绩', 3);
    $items = $sub_items + $extra_items;
    $items[$total_item->id] = $total_item;
    $geub = new grade_export_update_buffer();
    $gui = new graded_users_iterator($course, $items);
    $usertable = new html_table();
    $usertable->head = array('序号', '姓名', '学号');
    foreach ($items as $item) {
        $usertable->head[] = $item->itemname;
    $count = 0;
    while ($userdata = $gui->next_user()) {
        $user = $userdata->user;
        if ($user->auth != 'cas' || empty($user->idnumber)) {
            // 非cas用户成绩不可导出
        if (!array_key_exists($user->id, $export_users)) {
            // 教务处无记录用户不导出
        $row = array();
        $row[] = new html_table_cell($count);
        $row[] = new html_table_cell($user->firstname);
        $row[] = new html_table_cell($user->idnumber);
        $grades = array();
        foreach ($userdata->grades as $itemid => $grade) {
            if ($itemid == $total_item->id) {
                // 总分
                $finalgrade = round($grade->finalgrade);
                $grades[0] = $finalgrade;
            } else {
                $finalgrade = round($grade->finalgrade, 1);
                $grades[$itemid] = $finalgrade;
            $row[] = new html_table_cell($finalgrade);
        $xml->add_user($user->idnumber, $user->firstname, $grades);
        $usertable->data[] = new html_table_row($row);
    if ($dryrun) {
        echo html_writer::table($usertable);
        echo $output->box_end();
    // 存入数据库
    foreach ($jwc_courses as $jwc_course) {
        $new = new stdClass();
        $new->xml = $xml->asXML();
        $new->requestkey = md5($new->xml);
        $new->expiredtime = time() + KEY_EXPIRED_TIME;
        $new->user = $USER->id;
        $new->course = $course->id;
        if (!$dryrun) {
            if ($old = $DB->get_record('grade_export_jwc', array('requestkey' => $new->requestkey))) {
                $old->expiredtime = time() + KEY_EXPIRED_TIME;
                $DB->update_record('grade_export_jwc', $old);
            } else {
                $DB->insert_record('grade_export_jwc', $new);
            // real export
            $errormsg = '';
            if (!$jwc->export($jwc_course->xkid, $new->requestkey, $errormsg)) {
                $errormsg = textlib_get_instance()->convert($errormsg, 'gbk');
                echo $output->notification('导出过程出错(' . $errormsg . ')。请将这串字符串报告给管理员:' . $new->requestkey);
                return false;
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 12
  * Test can_output_item.
 public function test_can_output_item()
     $generator = $this->getDataGenerator();
     // Course level grade category.
     $course = $generator->create_course();
     // Grade tree looks something like:
     // - Test course    (Rendered).
     $gradetree = grade_category::fetch_course_tree($course->id);
     // Add a grade category with default settings.
     $generator->create_grade_category(array('courseid' => $course->id));
     // Grade tree now looks something like:
     // - Test course n        (Rendered).
     // -- Grade category n    (Rendered).
     $gradetree = grade_category::fetch_course_tree($course->id);
     foreach ($gradetree['children'] as $child) {
     // Add a grade category with grade type = None.
     $nototalcategory = 'No total category';
     $nototalparams = ['courseid' => $course->id, 'fullname' => $nototalcategory, 'aggregation' => GRADE_AGGREGATE_WEIGHTED_MEAN];
     $nototal = $generator->create_grade_category($nototalparams);
     $catnototal = grade_category::fetch(array('id' => $nototal->id));
     // Set the grade type of the grade item associated to the grade category.
     $catitemnototal = $catnototal->load_grade_item();
     $catitemnototal->gradetype = GRADE_TYPE_NONE;
     // Grade tree looks something like:
     // - Test course n        (Rendered).
     // -- Grade category n    (Rendered).
     // -- No total category   (Not rendered).
     $gradetree = grade_category::fetch_course_tree($course->id);
     foreach ($gradetree['children'] as $child) {
         if ($child['object']->fullname == $nototalcategory) {
         } else {
     // Add another grade category with default settings under 'No total category'.
     $normalinnototalparams = ['courseid' => $course->id, 'fullname' => 'Normal category in no total category', 'parent' => $nototal->id];
     // Grade tree looks something like:
     // - Test course n                           (Rendered).
     // -- Grade category n                       (Rendered).
     // -- No total category                      (Rendered).
     // --- Normal category in no total category  (Rendered).
     $gradetree = grade_category::fetch_course_tree($course->id);
     foreach ($gradetree['children'] as $child) {
         // All children are now visible.
         if (!empty($child['children'])) {
             foreach ($child['children'] as $grandchild) {
     // Add a grade category with grade type = None.
     $nototalcategory2 = 'No total category 2';
     $nototal2params = ['courseid' => $course->id, 'fullname' => $nototalcategory2, 'aggregation' => GRADE_AGGREGATE_WEIGHTED_MEAN];
     $nototal2 = $generator->create_grade_category($nototal2params);
     $catnototal2 = grade_category::fetch(array('id' => $nototal2->id));
     // Set the grade type of the grade item associated to the grade category.
     $catitemnototal2 = $catnototal2->load_grade_item();
     $catitemnototal2->gradetype = GRADE_TYPE_NONE;
     // Add a category with no total under 'No total category'.
     $nototalinnototalcategory = 'Category with no total in no total category';
     $nototalinnototalparams = ['courseid' => $course->id, 'fullname' => $nototalinnototalcategory, 'aggregation' => GRADE_AGGREGATE_WEIGHTED_MEAN, 'parent' => $nototal2->id];
     $nototalinnototal = $generator->create_grade_category($nototalinnototalparams);
     $catnototalinnototal = grade_category::fetch(array('id' => $nototalinnototal->id));
     // Set the grade type of the grade item associated to the grade category.
     $catitemnototalinnototal = $catnototalinnototal->load_grade_item();
     $catitemnototalinnototal->gradetype = GRADE_TYPE_NONE;
     // Grade tree looks something like:
     // - Test course n                                    (Rendered).
     // -- Grade category n                                (Rendered).
     // -- No total category                               (Rendered).
     // --- Normal category in no total category           (Rendered).
     // -- No total category 2                             (Not rendered).
     // --- Category with no total in no total category    (Not rendered).
     $gradetree = grade_category::fetch_course_tree($course->id);
     foreach ($gradetree['children'] as $child) {
         if ($child['object']->fullname == $nototalcategory2) {
         } else {
         if (!empty($child['children'])) {
             foreach ($child['children'] as $grandchild) {
                 if ($grandchild['object']->fullname == $nototalinnototalcategory) {
                 } else {
Ejemplo n.º 13
 * Re-sorts the gradebook to put all MTG grade items first.
 * Gets all of the grade items for the specifed course. Iterates over the array
 * of items and moves the MTG items to the front of the array. Then does a
 * second pass to renumber all the sortorders to make the items sequential from
 * 2 upwards (1 will be the course item).
 * @param object $course Database record for course, containing the id.
function sort_gradebook($course)
    global $CFG, $DB;
    require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/grade/lib.php';
    require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/grade/edit/tree/lib.php';
    $gtree = new \grade_tree($course->id, false, false);
    $fields = array('alis_avgcse', 'alis_alisnum', 'alis_alis', 'alis_mtg', 'alis_cpg');
    $params = array($course->id);
    list($in_sql, $in_params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($params);
    $params = \array_merge($params, $in_params);
    $where = 'courseid = ? AND idnumber ' . $in_sql;
    $gradeitems = $DB->get_records_select('grade_items', $where, $params, 'itemnumber DESC');
    $courseitem = $DB->get_record('grade_items', array('courseid' => $course->id, 'itemtype' => 'course'));
    //$mtgitems = count_records_select('grade_items', $where);
    // First, move the MTG grade items to the front
    $offset = 0;
    foreach ($gradeitems as $item) {
        if (!($element = $gtree->locate_element('i' . $item->id))) {
        $object = $element['object'];
        $moveafter = 'c' . $courseitem->iteminstance;
        $first = 1;
        // If First is set to 1, it means the target is the first child of the category $moveafter
        if (!($after_el = $gtree->locate_element($moveafter))) {
        $after = $after_el['object'];
        $sortorder = $after->get_sortorder();
        if (!$first) {
            $parent = $after->get_parent_category();
        } else {
Ejemplo n.º 14
     * Fill the table with data.
     * @param $element - An array containing the table data for the current row.
    private function fill_table_recursive(&$element) {
        global $DB, $CFG;

        $type = $element['type'];
        $depth = $element['depth'];
        $grade_object = $element['object'];
        $eid = $grade_object->id;
        $element['userid'] = $this->user->id;
        $fullname = $this->gtree->get_element_header($element, true, true, true, true, true);
        $data = array();
        $hidden = '';
        $excluded = '';
        $itemlevel = ($type == 'categoryitem' || $type == 'category' || $type == 'courseitem') ? $depth : ($depth + 1);
        $class = 'level' . $itemlevel . ' level' . ($itemlevel % 2 ? 'odd' : 'even');
        $classfeedback = '';

        // If this is a hidden grade category, hide it completely from the user
        if ($type == 'category' && $grade_object->is_hidden() && !$this->canviewhidden && (
                $this->showhiddenitems == GRADE_REPORT_USER_HIDE_HIDDEN ||
                ($this->showhiddenitems == GRADE_REPORT_USER_HIDE_UNTIL && !$grade_object->is_hiddenuntil()))) {
            return false;

        if ($type == 'category') {
            $this->evenodd[$depth] = (($this->evenodd[$depth] + 1) % 2);
        $alter = ($this->evenodd[$depth] == 0) ? 'even' : 'odd';

        /// Process those items that have scores associated
        if ($type == 'item' or $type == 'categoryitem' or $type == 'courseitem') {
            $header_row = "row_{$eid}_{$this->user->id}";
            $header_cat = "cat_{$grade_object->categoryid}_{$this->user->id}";

            if (! $grade_grade = grade_grade::fetch(array('itemid'=>$grade_object->id,'userid'=>$this->user->id))) {
                $grade_grade = new grade_grade();
                $grade_grade->userid = $this->user->id;
                $grade_grade->itemid = $grade_object->id;


            /// Hidden Items
            if ($grade_grade->grade_item->is_hidden()) {
                $hidden = ' dimmed_text';

            $hide = false;
            // If this is a hidden grade item, hide it completely from the user.
            if ($grade_grade->is_hidden() && !$this->canviewhidden && (
                    $this->showhiddenitems == GRADE_REPORT_USER_HIDE_HIDDEN ||
                    ($this->showhiddenitems == GRADE_REPORT_USER_HIDE_UNTIL && !$grade_grade->is_hiddenuntil()))) {
                $hide = true;
            } else if (!empty($grade_object->itemmodule) && !empty($grade_object->iteminstance)) {
                // The grade object can be marked visible but still be hidden if
                // the student cannot see the activity due to conditional access
                // and it's set to be hidden entirely.
                $instances = $this->modinfo->get_instances_of($grade_object->itemmodule);
                if (!empty($instances[$grade_object->iteminstance])) {
                    $cm = $instances[$grade_object->iteminstance];
                    if (!$cm->uservisible) {
                        // If there is 'availableinfo' text then it is only greyed
                        // out and not entirely hidden.
                        if (!$cm->availableinfo) {
                            $hide = true;

            // Actual Grade - We need to calculate this whether the row is hidden or not.
            $gradeval = $grade_grade->finalgrade;
            $hint = $grade_grade->get_aggregation_hint();
            if (!$this->canviewhidden) {
                /// Virtual Grade (may be calculated excluding hidden items etc).
                $adjustedgrade = $this->blank_hidden_total_and_adjust_bounds($this->courseid,

                $gradeval = $adjustedgrade['grade'];

                // We temporarily adjust the view of this grade item - because the min and
                // max are affected by the hidden values in the aggregation.
                $grade_grade->grade_item->grademax = $adjustedgrade['grademax'];
                $grade_grade->grade_item->grademin = $adjustedgrade['grademin'];
                $hint['status'] = $adjustedgrade['aggregationstatus'];
                $hint['weight'] = $adjustedgrade['aggregationweight'];
            } else {
                // The max and min for an aggregation may be different to the grade_item.
                if (!is_null($gradeval)) {
                    $grade_grade->grade_item->grademax = $grade_grade->rawgrademax;
                    $grade_grade->grade_item->grademin = $grade_grade->rawgrademin;

            if (!$hide) {
                /// Excluded Item
                if ($grade_grade->is_excluded()) {
                    $fullname .= ' ['.get_string('excluded', 'grades').']';
                    $excluded = ' excluded';

                /// Other class information
                $class .= $hidden . $excluded;
                if ($this->switch) { // alter style based on whether aggregation is first or last
                   $class .= ($type == 'categoryitem' or $type == 'courseitem') ? " ".$alter."d$depth baggt b2b" : " item b1b";
                } else {
                   $class .= ($type == 'categoryitem' or $type == 'courseitem') ? " ".$alter."d$depth baggb" : " item b1b";
                if ($type == 'categoryitem' or $type == 'courseitem') {
                    $header_cat = "cat_{$grade_object->iteminstance}_{$this->user->id}";

                /// Name
                $data['itemname']['content'] = $fullname;
                $data['itemname']['class'] = $class;
                $data['itemname']['colspan'] = ($this->maxdepth - $depth);
                $data['itemname']['celltype'] = 'th';
                $data['itemname']['id'] = $header_row;

                if ($this->showfeedback) {
                    // Copy $class before appending itemcenter as feedback should not be centered
                    $classfeedback = $class;
                $class .= " itemcenter ";
                if ($this->showweight) {
                    $data['weight']['class'] = $class;
                    $data['weight']['content'] = '-';
                    $data['weight']['headers'] = "$header_cat $header_row weight";
                    // has a weight assigned, might be extra credit

                    // This obliterates the weight because it provides a more informative description.
                    if (is_numeric($hint['weight'])) {
                        $data['weight']['content'] = format_float($hint['weight'] * 100.0, 2) . ' %';
                    if ($hint['status'] != 'used' && $hint['status'] != 'unknown') {
                        $data['weight']['content'] .= '<br>' . get_string('aggregationhint' . $hint['status'], 'grades');

                if ($this->showgrade) {
                    if ($grade_grade->grade_item->needsupdate) {
                        $data['grade']['class'] = $class.' gradingerror';
                        $data['grade']['content'] = get_string('error');
                    } else if (!empty($CFG->grade_hiddenasdate) and $grade_grade->get_datesubmitted() and !$this->canviewhidden and $grade_grade->is_hidden()
                           and !$grade_grade->grade_item->is_category_item() and !$grade_grade->grade_item->is_course_item()) {
                        // the problem here is that we do not have the time when grade value was modified, 'timemodified' is general modification date for grade_grades records
                        $class .= ' datesubmitted';
                        $data['grade']['class'] = $class;
                        $data['grade']['content'] = get_string('submittedon', 'grades', userdate($grade_grade->get_datesubmitted(), get_string('strftimedatetimeshort')));

                    } else if ($grade_grade->is_hidden()) {
                        $data['grade']['class'] = $class.' dimmed_text';
                        $data['grade']['content'] = '-';
                        if ($this->canviewhidden) {
                            $data['grade']['content'] = grade_format_gradevalue($gradeval,
                    } else {
                        $data['grade']['class'] = $class;
                        $data['grade']['content'] = grade_format_gradevalue($gradeval,
                    $data['grade']['headers'] = "$header_cat $header_row grade";

                // Range
                if ($this->showrange) {
                    $data['range']['class'] = $class;
                    $data['range']['content'] = $grade_grade->grade_item->get_formatted_range(GRADE_DISPLAY_TYPE_REAL, $this->rangedecimals);
                    $data['range']['headers'] = "$header_cat $header_row range";

                // Percentage
                if ($this->showpercentage) {
                    if ($grade_grade->grade_item->needsupdate) {
                        $data['percentage']['class'] = $class.' gradingerror';
                        $data['percentage']['content'] = get_string('error');
                    } else if ($grade_grade->is_hidden()) {
                        $data['percentage']['class'] = $class.' dimmed_text';
                        $data['percentage']['content'] = '-';
                        if ($this->canviewhidden) {
                            $data['percentage']['content'] = grade_format_gradevalue($gradeval, $grade_grade->grade_item, true, GRADE_DISPLAY_TYPE_PERCENTAGE);
                    } else {
                        $data['percentage']['class'] = $class;
                        $data['percentage']['content'] = grade_format_gradevalue($gradeval, $grade_grade->grade_item, true, GRADE_DISPLAY_TYPE_PERCENTAGE);
                    $data['percentage']['headers'] = "$header_cat $header_row percentage";

                // Lettergrade
                if ($this->showlettergrade) {
                    if ($grade_grade->grade_item->needsupdate) {
                        $data['lettergrade']['class'] = $class.' gradingerror';
                        $data['lettergrade']['content'] = get_string('error');
                    } else if ($grade_grade->is_hidden()) {
                        $data['lettergrade']['class'] = $class.' dimmed_text';
                        if (!$this->canviewhidden) {
                            $data['lettergrade']['content'] = '-';
                        } else {
                            $data['lettergrade']['content'] = grade_format_gradevalue($gradeval, $grade_grade->grade_item, true, GRADE_DISPLAY_TYPE_LETTER);
                    } else {
                        $data['lettergrade']['class'] = $class;
                        $data['lettergrade']['content'] = grade_format_gradevalue($gradeval, $grade_grade->grade_item, true, GRADE_DISPLAY_TYPE_LETTER);
                    $data['lettergrade']['headers'] = "$header_cat $header_row lettergrade";

                // Rank
                if ($this->showrank) {
                    if ($grade_grade->grade_item->needsupdate) {
                        $data['rank']['class'] = $class.' gradingerror';
                        $data['rank']['content'] = get_string('error');
                        } elseif ($grade_grade->is_hidden()) {
                            $data['rank']['class'] = $class.' dimmed_text';
                            $data['rank']['content'] = '-';
                    } else if (is_null($gradeval)) {
                        // no grade, no rank
                        $data['rank']['class'] = $class;
                        $data['rank']['content'] = '-';

                    } else {
                        /// find the number of users with a higher grade
                        $sql = "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(userid))
                                  FROM {grade_grades}
                                 WHERE finalgrade > ?
                                       AND itemid = ?
                                       AND hidden = 0";
                        $rank = $DB->count_records_sql($sql, array($grade_grade->finalgrade, $grade_grade->grade_item->id)) + 1;

                        $data['rank']['class'] = $class;
                        $data['rank']['content'] = "$rank/".$this->get_numusers(false); // total course users
                    $data['rank']['headers'] = "$header_cat $header_row rank";

                // Average
                if ($this->showaverage) {
                    $data['average']['class'] = $class;
                    if (!empty($this->gtree->items[$eid]->avg)) {
                        $data['average']['content'] = $this->gtree->items[$eid]->avg;
                    } else {
                        $data['average']['content'] = '-';
                    $data['average']['headers'] = "$header_cat $header_row average";

                // Feedback
                if ($this->showfeedback) {
                    if ($grade_grade->overridden > 0 AND ($type == 'categoryitem' OR $type == 'courseitem')) {
                    $data['feedback']['class'] = $classfeedback.' feedbacktext';
                        $data['feedback']['content'] = get_string('overridden', 'grades').': ' . format_text($grade_grade->feedback, $grade_grade->feedbackformat);
                    } else if (empty($grade_grade->feedback) or (!$this->canviewhidden and $grade_grade->is_hidden())) {
                        $data['feedback']['class'] = $classfeedback.' feedbacktext';
                        $data['feedback']['content'] = '&nbsp;';
                    } else {
                        $data['feedback']['class'] = $classfeedback.' feedbacktext';
                        $data['feedback']['content'] = format_text($grade_grade->feedback, $grade_grade->feedbackformat);
                    $data['feedback']['headers'] = "$header_cat $header_row feedback";
                // Contribution to the course total column.
                if ($this->showcontributiontocoursetotal) {
                    $data['contributiontocoursetotal']['class'] = $class;
                    $data['contributiontocoursetotal']['content'] = '-';
                    $data['contributiontocoursetotal']['headers'] = "$header_cat $header_row contributiontocoursetotal";

            // We collect the aggregation hints whether they are hidden or not.
            if ($this->showcontributiontocoursetotal) {
                $hint['grademax'] = $grade_grade->grade_item->grademax;
                $hint['grademin'] = $grade_grade->grade_item->grademin;
                $hint['grade'] = $gradeval;
                $parent = $grade_object->load_parent_category();
                if ($grade_object->is_category_item()) {
                    $parent = $parent->load_parent_category();
                $hint['parent'] = $parent->load_grade_item()->id;
                $this->aggregationhints[$grade_grade->itemid] = $hint;

        /// Category
        if ($type == 'category') {
            $data['leader']['class'] = $class.' '.$alter."d$depth b1t b2b b1l";
            $data['leader']['rowspan'] = $element['rowspan'];

            if ($this->switch) { // alter style based on whether aggregation is first or last
               $data['itemname']['class'] = $class.' '.$alter."d$depth b1b b1t";
            } else {
               $data['itemname']['class'] = $class.' '.$alter."d$depth b2t";
            $data['itemname']['colspan'] = ($this->maxdepth - $depth + count($this->tablecolumns) - 1);
            $data['itemname']['content'] = $fullname;
            $data['itemname']['celltype'] = 'th';
            $data['itemname']['id'] = "cat_{$grade_object->id}_{$this->user->id}";

        /// Add this row to the overall system
        foreach ($data as $key => $celldata) {
            $data[$key]['class'] .= ' column-' . $key;
        $this->tabledata[] = $data;

        /// Recursively iterate through all child elements
        if (isset($element['children'])) {
            foreach ($element['children'] as $key=>$child) {

        // Check we are showing this column, and we are looking at the root of the table.
        // This should be the very last thing this fill_table_recursive function does.
        if ($this->showcontributiontocoursetotal && ($type == 'category' && $depth == 1)) {
            // We should have collected all the hints by now - walk the tree again and build the contributions column.
