public function send() { $out = ''; if (Input::exists("post")) { $this->subject = Input::method("POST", "s"); $this->name = Input::method("POST", "n"); $this->email = Input::method("POST", "e"); $this->message = Input::method("POST", "m"); $this->lang = Input::method("POST", "l"); $this->ip = get_ip::ip(); $_SESSION["send_view"] = isset($_SESSION["send_view"]) ? $_SESSION["send_view"] + 1 : 1; if ($_SESSION["send_view"] > 150) { if ($this->lang == "en") { $out = '<font color="red">Error !</font>'; } else { $out = '<font color="red">მოხდა შეცდომა !</font>'; } exit; } // echo $this->email; if (empty($this->subject) || empty($this->name) || empty($this->email) || empty($this->message) || empty($this->lang)) { if ($this->lang == "en") { $out = '<font color="red">All field are required !</font>'; } else { $out = '<font color="red">ყველა ველის შევსება სავალდებულოა !</font>'; } } else { if (!$this->isValidEmail($this->email)) { if ($this->lang == "en") { $out = '<font color="red">Email is not valid !</font>'; } else { $out = '<font color="red">გთხოვთ გადაამოწმოთ ელ-ფოსტის ველი !</font>'; } } else { $i = $this->selectEmailGeneralInfo(); $message = wordwrap(strip_tags($this->message), 70, "\r\n"); $message .= '<br />Sender IP: ' . $this->ip; $headers = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n"; $headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8' . "\r\n"; $headers .= 'To: ' . $i["fromname"] . ' <' . $i["from"] . '>' . "\r\n"; $headers .= 'From: ' . $this->name . ' <' . $this->email . '>' . "\r\n"; $send_email = mail($to, $this->subject, $message, $headers); if ($send_email) { if ($this->lang == "en") { $out = '<font color="green">Message sent !</font>'; } else { $out = '<font color="green">შეტყობინება გაგზავნილია !</font>'; } } else { if ($this->lang == "en") { $out = '<font color="red">Error !</font>'; } else { $out = '<font color="red">მოხდა შეცდომა !</font>'; } } } } } echo $out; }
public function requests($c) { // .catalog-add-form-data .form-input // #add-catalogue-item $conn = $this->conn($c); if (Input::method("POST", "checknotification") == "true" && $_SESSION["batumi_id"]) { $cachfile = "_cache/notifications_" . $_SESSION["batumi_id"] . ".json"; if (file_exists($cachfile)) { echo file_get_contents($cachfile); } else { $session_id = $_SESSION['batumi_id']; $select = 'SELECT `studio404_notifications`.*, (SELECT `studio404_users`.`namelname` FROM `studio404_users` WHERE `studio404_users`.`id`=`studio404_notifications`.`actionuserid`) AS usersnamelname, (SELECT `studio404_users`.`picture` FROM `studio404_users` WHERE `studio404_users`.`id`=`studio404_notifications`.`actionuserid`) AS userspicture FROM `studio404_notifications` WHERE NOT FIND_IN_SET(' . $session_id . ',`studio404_notifications`.`seen`) AND `studio404_notifications`.`actionuserid`!=:actionuserid AND (`studio404_notifications`.`touserids`="nope" || FIND_IN_SET(' . $session_id . ',`studio404_notifications`.`touserids`)) ORDER BY `studio404_notifications`.`id` ASC '; $prepare = $conn->prepare($select); $prepare->execute(array(":actionuserid" => $session_id)); if ($prepare->rowCount() > 0) { $fetch = $prepare->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $fh = @fopen($cachfile, 'w') or die("Error opening output file"); @fwrite($fh, json_encode($fetch, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE)); @fclose($fh); echo file_get_contents($cachfile); } else { echo "Error"; } } exit; } if (Input::method("POST", "loadcatalogform") == "true" && Input::method("POST", "v")) { $sql = 'SELECT * FROM `studio404_forms` WHERE `cid`=:cid AND `lang`=:lang ORDER BY `id` ASC'; $prepare = $conn->prepare($sql); $prepare->execute(array(":cid" => Input::method("POST", "v"), ":lang" => 1)); $fetch = $prepare->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); echo "<div style='text-align:left' class='catalog-add-form-data'>"; $select_form = new select_form(); $file_count = 0; foreach ($fetch as $form) { if ($form["type"] == "text") { if ($form["important"] == "yes") { $dataimportant = "data-important='true'"; } else { $dataimportant = "data-important='false'"; } ?> <div class="form-group"> <label><?php echo $form["label"]; ?> : <?php echo $form["important"] == "yes" ? '<font color="red">*</font>' : ''; ?> </label> <!-- Fisrname & lastname --> <input class="form-control form-input" type="text" placeholder="<?php echo $form["placeholder"]; ?> " data-name="<?php echo $form["name"]; ?> " data-attach="<?php echo $form["attach_column"]; ?> " data-type="text" data-important="<?php echo $form["important"]; ?> " value="" /> </div> <?php } else { if ($form["type"] == "select") { $fetchx = $select_form->select_options($c, $form["id"], Input::method("POST", "v"), 1); ?> <div class="form-group"> <label><?php echo $form["label"]; ?> : <?php echo $form["important"] == "yes" ? '<font color="red">*</font>' : ''; ?> </label> <!-- Fisrname & lastname --> <select class="form-control form-input" data-name="<?php echo $form["name"]; ?> " data-attach="<?php echo $form["attach_column"]; ?> " data-important="<?php echo $form["important"]; ?> " data-type="select"> <?php foreach ($fetchx as $value) { echo '<option value="' . htmlentities($value["text"]) . '">' . $value["text"] . '</option>'; } ?> </select> </div> <?php } else { if ($form["type"] == "checkbox") { ?> <div class="form-group"> <label><?php echo $form["label"]; ?> : <?php echo $form["important"] == "yes" ? '<font color="red">*</font>' : ''; ?> </label> <!-- Fisrname & lastname --> <?php $fetchx = $select_form->select_options($c, $form["id"], Input::method("POST", "v"), 1); foreach ($fetchx as $value) { echo '<div class="checkbox">'; echo '<label><input type="checkbox" class="form-input" data-name="' . $form["name"] . '" data-attach="' . $form["attach_column"] . '" data-important="' . $form["important"] . '" data-type="checkbox" value="' . htmlentities($value["text"]) . '" />' . $value["text"] . '</label>'; echo '</div>'; } ?> </div> <?php } else { if ($form["type"] == "filex") { // not signed cant upload $multiple = ""; // not signed cant upload multy $fileformat = $form["attach_format"]; $fileformat = explode(",", $form["attach_format"]); $accept = ""; foreach ($fileformat as $value) { $accept .= "." . $value . ","; } ?> <label><?php echo $form["label"]; ?> : <?php echo $multiple == "multiple" ? '<a href="javascript:void(0)" class="makemedouble" data-doubleid="form-name-' . $file_count . '" data-filename="file[' . $file_count . '][]" data-fileaccept="' . $accept . '"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus-sign"></i></a>' : ''; echo $form["important"] == "yes" ? '<font color="red">*</font>' : ''; ?> ( <?php echo $form["attach_format"]; ?> )</label> <!-- Fisrname & lastname --> <input type="hidden" name="file" value="true" /> <input type="hidden" name="filenumber[<?php echo $file_count; ?> ]" value="<?php echo $file_count; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="form-name-<?php echo $file_count; ?> " value="<?php echo $form["name"]; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="form-attach-<?php echo $file_count; ?> " value="<?php echo $form["attach_column"]; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="form-important-<?php echo $file_count; ?> " value="<?php echo $form["important"]; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="form-multiple-<?php echo $file_count; ?> " value="<?php echo $multiple; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="form-format-<?php echo $file_count; ?> " value="<?php echo $form["attach_format"]; ?> " /> <?php if ($multiple) { echo '<span id="form-name-' . $file_count . '"><input class="form-control form-input" type="file" name="file[' . $file_count . '][]" value="" accept="' . $accept . '" /></span>'; } else { ?> <input class="form-control form-input" type="file" name="file[<?php echo $file_count; ?> ][]" value="" accept="<?php echo $accept; ?> " /> <?php } ?> <!-- <div class="form-group"> <label><?php echo $form["label"]; ?> : <?php echo $form["important"] == "yes" ? '<font color="red">*</font>' : ''; ?> </label> <input class="form-control form-input" type="file" data-name="<?php echo $form["name"]; ?> " data-attach="<?php echo $form["attach_column"]; ?> " data-type="file" data-important="<?php echo $form["important"]; ?> " data-multiple="<?php echo $multiple; ?> " data-formatsx="<?php echo $form["attach_format"]; ?> " value="" <?php echo $multiple; ?> /> </div> --> <?php } else { if ($form["type"] == "date") { ?> <div class="form-group"> <label><?php echo $form["label"]; ?> : <?php echo $form["important"] == "yes" ? '<font color="red">*</font>' : ''; ?> </label> <!-- Fisrname & lastname --> <input type="text" class="form-control form-input" data-inputmask="'alias': 'dd/mm/yyyy'" data-mask="" data-name="<?php echo $form["name"]; ?> " data-attach="<?php echo $form["attach_column"]; ?> " data-important="<?php echo $form["important"]; ?> " data-type="date" value="dd/mm/YYYY" /> </div> <?php } else { if ($form["type"] == "textarea") { ?> <div class="form-group"> <label><?php echo $form["label"]; ?> : <?php echo $form["important"] == "yes" ? '<font color="red">*</font>' : ''; ?> </label> <!-- Fisrname & lastname --> <textarea class="form-control form-input" data-name="<?php echo $form["name"]; ?> " data-attach="<?php echo $form["attach_column"]; ?> " data-type="textarea" data-important="<?php echo $form["important"]; ?> "></textarea> </div> <?php } } } } } } $file_count++; } echo '</div>'; exit; } if (Input::method("POST", "deleteGalleryItem") == "true" && is_numeric(Input::method("POST", "i"))) { $sql = 'SELECT `file` FROM `studio404_gallery_file` WHERE `idx`=:idx'; $prepare = $conn->prepare($sql); $prepare->execute(array(":idx" => Input::method("POST", "i"))); if ($prepare->rowCount() > 0) { $update = 'UPDATE `studio404_gallery_file` SET `status`=:status WHERE `idx`=:idx'; $prepareup = $conn->prepare($update); $prepareup->execute(array(":idx" => Input::method("POST", "i"), ":status" => 1)); $fecth = $prepare->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $getFile = DIR . $fecth['file']; if (file_exists($getFile)) { @unlink($getFile); } $insert_notification = new insert_notification(); $insert_notification->insert($c, $_SESSION["batumi_id"], "ფოტოს წაშლა ::" . Input::method("POST", "i"), "Delete Photo ::" . Input::method("POST", "i")); echo "Done"; } } if (Input::method("POST", "sendmessage") == "true" && Input::method("POST", "u") && Input::method("POST", "s") && Input::method("POST", "m") && Input::method("POST", "a")) { $u = json_decode(Input::method("POST", "u"), true); $count = count($u); if ($count > 0) { $attach = Input::method("POST", "a") == "true" ? 1 : 0; $draft = Input::method("POST", "d") == "yes" ? 1 : 0; $tousers = implode(",", $u); $sql = 'INSERT INTO `studio404_messages` SET `date`=:date, `ip`=:ip, `fromuser`=:fromuser, `tousers`=:tousers, `subject`=:subject, `text`=:textx, `attchment`=:attchment, `draft`=:draft'; $prepare = $conn->prepare($sql); $prepare->execute(array(":date" => time(), ":ip" => get_ip::ip(), ":fromuser" => $_SESSION["batumi_id"], ":tousers" => $tousers, ":subject" => Input::method("POST", "s"), ":textx" => Input::method("POST", "m"), ":draft" => $draft, ":attchment" => $attach)); $lastInsertId = $conn->lastInsertId(); $files = glob(DIR . '_cache/*'); // get all file names foreach ($files as $file) { // iterate files if (is_file($file)) { @unlink($file); } // delete file } $url = WEBSITE . 'ge/mailbox/readmail?id=' . $lastInsertId . '&back=mailbox/inbox::'; $url .= WEBSITE . 'en/mailbox/readmail?id=' . $lastInsertId . '&back=mailbox/inbox'; $insert_notification = new insert_notification(); $insert_notification->insert($c, $_SESSION["batumi_id"], Input::method("POST", "s"), Input::method("POST", "s"), $url, "message", $tousers); echo $conn->lastInsertId(); } else { echo "Error"; } } if (Input::method("POST", "messageseen") == "true") { $session_id = $_SESSION["batumi_id"]; $sql = 'UPDATE `studio404_notifications` SET `seen` = CONCAT(`seen`, "' . $session_id . ',") WHERE `type`="message" AND FIND_IN_SET("' . $session_id . '", `touserids`) AND NOT FIND_IN_SET("' . $session_id . '", `seen`)'; $prepare = $conn->prepare($sql); $prepare->execute(); $files = glob(DIR . '_cache/*'); // get all file names foreach ($files as $file) { // iterate files if (is_file($file)) { @unlink($file); } // delete file } echo "Done"; } // if (Input::method("POST", "notification_count") == "true") { $session_id = $_SESSION["batumi_id"]; $sql = 'UPDATE `studio404_notifications` SET `seen` = CONCAT(`seen`, "' . $session_id . ',") WHERE `type`="notification" AND NOT FIND_IN_SET("' . $session_id . '", `seen`)'; $prepare = $conn->prepare($sql); $prepare->execute(); $files = glob(DIR . '_cache/*'); // get all file names foreach ($files as $file) { // iterate files if (is_file($file)) { @unlink($file); } // delete file } echo "Done"; } if (Input::method("POST", "removeUnpublished") == "true" && Input::method("POST", "i")) { $sql = 'UPDATE `studio404_module_item` SET `status`=1 WHERE `idx`=:idx'; $prepare = $conn->prepare($sql); $idx = (int) Input::method("POST", "i"); $prepare->execute(array(":idx" => $idx)); $sql2 = 'UPDATE `studio404_gallery_attachment` SET `status`=1 WHERE `connect_idx`=:idx'; $prepare2 = $conn->prepare($sql2); $prepare2->execute(array(":idx" => $idx)); $files = glob(DIR . '_cache/*'); // get all file names foreach ($files as $file) { // iterate files if (is_file($file)) { @unlink($file); } // delete file } $insert_notification = new insert_notification(); $insert_notification->insert($c, $_SESSION["batumi_id"], "წაშალა მონაცემი ს.კ: N" . $idx, "Deleted Item ID: N" . $idx); echo "Done"; } if (Input::method("POST", "givepermision") == "true") { $idx = Input::method("POST", "p") && is_numeric(Input::method("POST", "p")) ? Input::method("POST", "p") : 0; $sql = 'UPDATE `studio404_module_item` SET `visibility`=2 WHERE `idx`=' . $idx . ' AND `status`!=1'; $conn->query($sql); $files = glob(DIR . '_cache/*'); // get all file names foreach ($files as $file) { // iterate files if (is_file($file)) { @unlink($file); } // delete file } echo "Done"; exit; } if (Input::method("POST", "removepermision") == "true") { $idx = Input::method("POST", "p") && is_numeric(Input::method("POST", "p")) ? Input::method("POST", "p") : 0; $sql = 'UPDATE `studio404_module_item` SET `visibility`=1 WHERE `idx`=' . $idx; $conn->query($sql); $files = glob(DIR . '_cache/*'); // get all file names foreach ($files as $file) { // iterate files if (is_file($file)) { @unlink($file); } // delete file } $insert_notification = new insert_notification(); $insert_notification->insert($c, $_SESSION["batumi_id"], "ნებართვის მოხსნა ::" . $idx, "Remove Permision ::" . $idx); echo "Done"; exit; } if (Input::method("POST", "addCatalogItem") == "true") { if (!isset($_SESSION["batumi_id"])) { $_SESSION["batumi_id"] = 0; } $macat = json_decode(Input::method("POST", "macat"), true); $types = json_decode(Input::method("POST", "ta"), true); $values = json_decode(Input::method("POST", "va"), true); $names = json_decode(Input::method("POST", "na"), true); $db_columns = json_decode(Input::method("POST", "ca"), true); $checkbox_values = json_decode(Input::method("POST", "ca2"), true); $importent = json_decode(Input::method("POST", "ia"), true); $sql = 'SELECT MAX(`idx`) AS maxidx, (SELECT MAX(`position`) FROM `studio404_module_item` WHERE `status`!=1 ) AS maxposition FROM `studio404_module_item`'; $prepare = $conn->prepare($sql); $prepare->execute(); if ($prepare->rowCount() > 0) { $fetch = $prepare->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $maxidx = $fetch["maxidx"] + 1; $maxposition = $fetch["maxposition"] + 1; } else { $maxidx = 1; $maxposition = 1; } //select gallery max idx $sqlg = 'SELECT MAX(`idx`) AS maxid FROM `studio404_gallery` WHERE `lang`=:lang'; $prepareg = $conn->prepare($sqlg); $prepareg->execute(array(":lang" => 1)); $fetchg = $prepareg->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $gallery_maxidx = $fetchg['maxid'] ? $fetchg['maxid'] + 1 : 1; $columns_and_data = ''; $xx = 0; foreach ($db_columns as $val) { if ($types[$xx] == "text" || $types[$xx] == "select" || $types[$xx] == "textarea") { $columns_and_data .= '`' . $val . '`="' . $values[$xx] . '", '; } else { if ($types[$xx] == "checkbox") { if ($checkbox_values[$xx] == "yes") { $checkboxdata_value[$val][] = $values[$xx]; } } else { if ($types[$xx] == "file") { $columns_and_data .= '`' . $val . '`="' . $values[$xx] . '", '; } else { if ($types[$xx] == "date") { $timestamp = strtotime(str_replace('/', '-', $values[$xx])); $columns_and_data .= '`' . $val . '`="' . $timestamp . '", '; } } } } $xx++; } if (is_array($checkboxdata_value)) { foreach ($checkboxdata_value as $key => $value) { $columns_and_data .= '`' . $key . '`="' . implode(",", $checkboxdata_value[$key]) . '", '; } } $uid = new uid(); $u = $uid->generate(9); $url = ''; foreach ($c['languages.num.array'] as $l) { $insert = 'INSERT INTO `studio404_module_item` SET ' . $columns_and_data . ' `cataloglist`="' . implode(",", $macat) . '", `insert_ip`="' . get_ip::ip() . '", `insert_admin`="' . $_SESSION["batumi_id"] . '", `position`="' . $maxposition . '", `idx`="' . $maxidx . '", `visibility`=1, `lang`="' . $l . '", `uid`="' . $u . '", `date`="' . time() . '", `expiredate`="' . time() . '", `module_idx`="25" '; $query = $conn->query($insert); $insertId = $conn->lastInsertId(); $s = 'SELECT `idx` FROM studio404_module_item WHERE `id`=:id'; $p = $conn->prepare($s); $p->execute(array(":id" => $insertId)); if ($p->rowCount() > 0) { $f = $p->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $p = Input::method("POST", "p"); $url .= WEBSITE . 'ge/monacemis-redaqtireba?parent=' . $p . '&idx=' . $f['idx'] . '&back=' . $p . '::'; } // insert gallery $sql_media = 'INSERT INTO `studio404_gallery` SET `idx`=:idx, `date`=:datex, `title`=:title, `lang`=:lang, `status`=:status '; $prepare_media = $conn->prepare($sql_media); $prepare_media->execute(array(":idx" => $gallery_maxidx, ":datex" => time(), ":title" => "batumi catalog", ":lang" => $l, ":status" => 0)); // insert gallery attachment $sql_media2 = 'INSERT INTO `studio404_gallery_attachment` SET `idx`=:idx, `connect_idx`=:connect_idx, `pagetype`=:pagetype, `lang`=:lang, `status`=:status '; $prepare_media2 = $conn->prepare($sql_media2); $prepare_media2->execute(array(":idx" => $gallery_maxidx, ":connect_idx" => $maxidx, ":pagetype" => "catalogpage", ":lang" => $l, ":status" => 0)); } $files = glob(DIR . '_cache/*'); // get all file names foreach ($files as $file) { // iterate files if (is_file($file)) { @unlink($file); } // delete file } $selectCatName = 'SELECT `title` FROM `studio404_pages` WHERE `lang`=1 AND `idx` IN (' . implode(",", $macat) . ')'; $prepareCatName = $conn->prepare($selectCatName); $prepareCatName->execute(); $fetchCatName = $prepareCatName->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $selectCatName2 = 'SELECT `title` FROM `studio404_pages` WHERE `lang`=2 AND `idx` IN (' . implode(",", $macat) . ')'; $prepareCatName2 = $conn->prepare($selectCatName2); $prepareCatName2->execute(); $fetchCatName2 = $prepareCatName2->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $insert_notification = new insert_notification(); $insert_notification->insert($c, $_SESSION["batumi_id"], "დაამატა მონაცემი", "Added data", $url); echo $gallery_maxidx; exit; } /* EDIT start */ if (Input::method("POST", "editCatalogItem") == "true" && Input::method("POST", "editidx")) { if (!isset($_SESSION["batumi_id"])) { $_SESSION["batumi_id"] = 0; } $editidx = Input::method("POST", "editidx"); $macat = json_decode(Input::method("POST", "macat"), true); $types = json_decode(Input::method("POST", "ta"), true); $values = json_decode(Input::method("POST", "va"), true); $names = json_decode(Input::method("POST", "na"), true); $db_columns = json_decode(Input::method("POST", "ca"), true); $checkbox_values = json_decode(Input::method("POST", "ca2"), true); $importent = json_decode(Input::method("POST", "ia"), true); $columns_and_data = ''; $xx = 0; foreach ($db_columns as $val) { if ($types[$xx] == "text" || $types[$xx] == "select" || $types[$xx] == "textarea") { $columns_and_data .= '`' . $val . '`="' . $values[$xx] . '", '; } else { if ($types[$xx] == "checkbox") { if ($checkbox_values[$xx] == "yes") { $checkboxdata_value[$val][] = $values[$xx]; } } else { if ($types[$xx] == "file") { $columns_and_data .= '`' . $val . '`="' . $values[$xx] . '", '; } else { if ($types[$xx] == "date") { $timestamp = strtotime(str_replace('/', '-', $values[$xx])); $columns_and_data .= '`' . $val . '`="' . $timestamp . '", '; } } } } $xx++; } if (is_array($checkboxdata_value)) { foreach ($checkboxdata_value as $key => $value) { $columns_and_data .= '`' . $key . '`="' . implode(",", $checkboxdata_value[$key]) . '", '; } } $selectEditAdmins = 'SELECT `edit_admin` FROM `studio404_module_item` WHERE `idx`=:idx AND `lang`=:lang'; $prp = $conn->prepare($selectEditAdmins); $prp->execute(array(":lang" => Input::method("POST", "edit_language"), ":idx" => $editidx)); $ftc = $prp->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $edit_admin = $ftc['edit_admin'] . "," . $_SESSION["batumi_id"]; $update = 'UPDATE `studio404_module_item` SET ' . $columns_and_data . ' `cataloglist`="' . implode(",", $macat) . '", `edit_admin`=:edit_admin WHERE `idx`=:idx AND `lang`=:lang'; $prepare = $conn->prepare($update); $prepare->execute(array(":lang" => Input::method("POST", "edit_language"), ":edit_admin" => $edit_admin, ":idx" => $editidx)); $files = glob(DIR . '_cache/*'); // get all file names foreach ($files as $file) { // iterate files if (is_file($file)) { @unlink($file); } // delete file } $url = ''; $p = Input::method("POST", "p"); $url .= WEBSITE . 'ge/monacemis-redaqtireba?parent=' . $p . '&idx=' . $editidx . '&back=' . $p . '::'; $url .= WEBSITE . 'en/monacemis-redaqtireba?parent=' . $p . '&idx=' . $editidx . '&back=' . $p; $insert_notification = new insert_notification(); $insert_notification->insert($c, $_SESSION["batumi_id"], "დაარედაქტირა მონაცემი ", "Edited Data", $url); echo "Done"; exit; } /* EDIT end */ if (Input::method("POST", "adddatabasecolumn") == "true" && Input::method("POST", "a") && Input::method("POST", "ct") && Input::method("POST", "cn")) { $arrayType = array("int", "varchar", "text", "longtext"); if (in_array(Input::method("POST", "ct"), $arrayType)) { if (Input::method("POST", "ct") == "varchar") { $type = "VARCHAR(255)"; } else { if (Input::method("POST", "ct") == "int") { $type = "INT(11)"; } else { if (Input::method("POST", "ct") == "text") { $type = "TEXT"; } else { if (Input::method("POST", "ct") == "longtext") { $type = "LONGTEXT"; } } } } $sql = 'ALTER TABLE `studio404_module_item` ADD COLUMN `' . Input::method("POST", "cn") . '` ' . $type . ' NOT NULL AFTER `' . str_replace(" ", "", Input::method("POST", "a")) . '` '; $prepare = $conn->prepare($sql); $prepare->execute(); $files = glob(DIR . '_cache/*'); // get all file names foreach ($files as $file) { // iterate files if (is_file($file)) { @unlink($file); } // delete file } $insert_notification = new insert_notification(); $insert_notification->insert($c, $_SESSION["batumi_id"], "ბაზაში სვეტის დამატება ::" . Input::method("POST", "cn"), "Database Insert New Column ::" . Input::method("POST", "cn")); echo "Done"; } else { echo "Error"; } exit; } if (Input::method("POST", "updatedatabasecolumn") == "true" && Input::method("POST", "ecno") && Input::method("POST", "ecn") && Input::method("POST", "ect") && Input::method("POST", "datatype")) { if (Input::method("POST", "ect") == "delete") { $sql = 'ALTER TABLE `studio404_module_item` DROP COLUMN `' . Input::method("POST", "ecn") . '`'; $prepare = $conn->prepare($sql); $prepare->execute(); $insert_notification = new insert_notification(); $insert_notification->insert($c, $_SESSION["batumi_id"], "ბაზაში სვეტის წაშლა ::" . Input::method("POST", "ecn"), "Database delete Column ::" . Input::method("POST", "ecn")); echo "Done"; } else { if (Input::method("POST", "ecno") != Input::method("POST", "ecn")) { $sql = 'ALTER TABLE `studio404_module_item` CHANGE COLUMN `' . Input::method("POST", "ecno") . '` `' . Input::method("POST", "ecn") . '` ' . Input::method("POST", "datatype"); $prepare = $conn->prepare($sql); $prepare->execute(); $insert_notification = new insert_notification(); $insert_notification->insert($c, $_SESSION["batumi_id"], "ბაზაში სვეტის რედაქტირება ::" . Input::method("POST", "ecno"), "Database rename Column ::" . Input::method("POST", "ecno")); echo "Done"; } else { echo "Done"; } } $files = glob(DIR . '_cache/*'); // get all file names foreach ($files as $file) { // iterate files if (is_file($file)) { @unlink($file); } // delete file } exit; } if (Input::method("POST", "createform") == "true" && Input::method("POST", "t") && Input::method("POST", "lang") && Input::method("POST", "l") && Input::method("POST", "n") && Input::method("POST", "d")) { $catId = (int) Input::method("POST", "catId"); $type = json_decode(Input::method("POST", "t"), true); $lang = json_decode(Input::method("POST", "lang"), true); $label = json_decode(Input::method("POST", "l"), true); $name = json_decode(Input::method("POST", "n"), true); $value = json_decode(Input::method("POST", "v"), true); $database = json_decode(Input::method("POST", "d"), true); $important = json_decode(Input::method("POST", "i"), true); $list = json_decode(Input::method("POST", "li"), true); $filter = json_decode(Input::method("POST", "f"), true); $dataOptions = json_decode(Input::method("POST", "dop"), true); $dataCheckbox = json_decode(Input::method("POST", "dch"), true); $fileformat = json_decode(Input::method("POST", "ff"), true); $multiple = json_decode(Input::method("POST", "mp"), true); if (Input::method("POST", "update_lang") == "single") { $c['languages.num.array'] = array($lang[0]); } foreach ($c['languages.num.array'] as $lang_numeric_array_value) { // delete old catalog form $sql = 'DELETE FROM `studio404_forms` WHERE `cid`=:cid AND `lang`=:lang'; $prepare = $conn->prepare($sql); $prepare->execute(array(":cid" => $catId, ":lang" => $lang_numeric_array_value)); if ($prepare->rowCount() > 0) { $sql2 = 'DELETE FROM `studio404_forms_lists` WHERE `cid`=:cid AND `lang`=:lang'; $prepare2 = $conn->prepare($sql2); $prepare2->execute(array(":cid" => $catId, ":lang" => $lang_numeric_array_value)); } for ($x = 0; $x < count($type); $x++) { if ($type[$x] == "text" || $type[$x] == "date" || $type[$x] == "textarea") { $vdb = $value[$x] ? $value[$x] : ""; $insert = 'INSERT INTO `studio404_forms` SET `cid`=:cid, `label`=:label, `type`=:type, `name`=:name, `placeholder`=:placeholder, `attach_column`=:attach_column, `important`=:important, `list`=:list, `filter`=:filter, `lang`=:lang'; $prepare_insert = $conn->prepare($insert); $prepare_insert->execute(array(":cid" => $catId, ":label" => $label[$x], ":type" => $type[$x], ":name" => $name[$x], ":placeholder" => $vdb, ":attach_column" => rtrim($database[$x]), ":important" => $important[$x], ":list" => $list[$x], ":filter" => $filter[$x], ":lang" => $lang_numeric_array_value)); } else { if ($type[$x] == "file") { $vdb = $value[$x] ? $value[$x] : ""; $insert = 'INSERT INTO `studio404_forms` SET `cid`=:cid, `label`=:label, `attach_format`=:attach_format, `attach_multiple`=:attach_multiple, `type`=:type, `name`=:name, `placeholder`=:placeholder, `attach_column`=:attach_column, `important`=:important, `list`=:list, `filter`=:filter, `lang`=:lang'; $prepare_insert = $conn->prepare($insert); $attachformat = $fileformat[$x] ? $fileformat[$x] : "jpg"; $attachmulti = $multiple[$x] ? $multiple[$x] : "no"; $prepare_insert->execute(array(":cid" => $catId, ":label" => $label[$x], ":type" => $type[$x], ":name" => $name[$x], ":placeholder" => $vdb, ":attach_column" => $database[$x], ":important" => $important[$x], ":attach_format" => $attachformat, ":attach_multiple" => $attachmulti, ":list" => $list[$x], ":filter" => $filter[$x], ":lang" => $lang_numeric_array_value)); } else { if ($type[$x] == "select" || $type[$x] == "checkbox") { $vdb = $value[$x] ? $value[$x] : ""; $insert = 'INSERT INTO `studio404_forms` SET `cid`=:cid, `label`=:label, `type`=:type, `name`=:name, `placeholder`=:placeholder, `attach_column`=:attach_column, `important`=:important, `list`=:list, `filter`=:filter, `lang`=:lang'; $prepare_insert = $conn->prepare($insert); $prepare_insert->execute(array(":cid" => $catId, ":label" => $label[$x], ":type" => $type[$x], ":name" => $name[$x], ":placeholder" => $vdb, ":attach_column" => $database[$x], ":important" => $important[$x], ":list" => $list[$x], ":filter" => $filter[$x], ":lang" => $lang_numeric_array_value)); $lastId = $conn->lastInsertId(); $foreachelement = $type[$x] == "select" ? $dataOptions[$x] : $dataCheckbox[$x]; foreach ($foreachelement as $option) { $optioninsert = 'INSERT INTO `studio404_forms_lists` SET `cid`=:cid, `cf_id`=:cf_id, `text`=:textx, `lang`=:lang'; $prepare_option_insert = $conn->prepare($optioninsert); $prepare_option_insert->execute(array(":cid" => $catId, ":cf_id" => $lastId, ":textx" => $option, ":lang" => $lang_numeric_array_value)); } } } } } } $files = glob(DIR . '_cache/*'); // get all file names foreach ($files as $file) { // iterate files if (is_file($file)) { @unlink($file); } // delete file } $insert_notification = new insert_notification(); $insert_notification->insert($c, $_SESSION["batumi_id"], "ფორმის განახლება ::" . $catId, "Form Updated: " . $catId); echo "Done"; exit; } if (Input::method("POST", "b_auth") == "true" && Input::method("POST", "e") && Input::method("POST", "p") && Input::method("POST", "c")) { if ($_SESSION['protect_x'] != Input::method("POST", "c")) { echo "wrongCaptcha"; } else { $sql = 'SELECT `id`,`username`,`namelname`,`picture`,`user_type` FROM `studio404_users` WHERE `username`=:username AND `password`=:password AND `user_type`!=:user_type'; $prepare = $conn->prepare($sql); $prepare->execute(array(":username" => Input::method("POST", "e"), ":password" => md5(Input::method("POST", "p")), ":user_type" => "administrator")); if ($prepare->rowCount() > 0) { $fetch = $prepare->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $_SESSION["batumi_id"] = $fetch['id']; $_SESSION["batumi_username"] = $fetch['username']; $_SESSION["batumi_namelname"] = $fetch['namelname']; $_SESSION["batumi_picture"] = $fetch['picture']; $_SESSION["batumi_user_type"] = $fetch['user_type']; echo "Enter"; } else { echo "NoUser"; } } exit; } if (Input::method("POST", "removeuserx") == "true" && Input::method("POST", "uid")) { $sql = 'UPDATE `studio404_users` SET `status`=1 WHERE `id`=:uid'; $prepare = $conn->prepare($sql); $prepare->execute(array(":uid" => Input::method("POST", "uid"))); $files = glob(DIR . '_cache/*'); // get all file names foreach ($files as $file) { // iterate files if (is_file($file)) { @unlink($file); } // delete file } echo "Done"; exit; } if (Input::method("POST", "logout") == "true") { session_destroy(); echo "Out"; exit; } if (Input::method("POST", "updateUserProfile") == "true" && Input::method("POST", "n") && Input::method("POST", "m") && Input::method("POST", "e") && Input::method("POST", "a") && Input::method("POST", "lang")) { $sql = 'UPDATE `studio404_users` SET `dob`=:dob, `namelname`=:namelname, `mobile`=:mobile, `email`=:email, `address`=:address WHERE `id`=:id'; $prepare = $conn->prepare($sql); $dob = str_replace("/", "-", Input::method("POST", "d")); $dob = strtotime($dob); $prepare->execute(array(":namelname" => Input::method("POST", "n"), ":dob" => $dob, ":mobile" => Input::method("POST", "m"), ":email" => Input::method("POST", "e"), ":address" => Input::method("POST", "a"), ":id" => $_SESSION["batumi_id"])); if (Input::method("POST", "lang") == "en") { echo "Profile Updated !"; } else { echo "პროფილი განახლდა !"; } exit; } if (Input::method("POST", "addcatalogue") == "true" && Input::method("POST", "n")) { $maxIdx = 'SELECT MAX(`idx`) as maxidx FROM `studio404_pages`'; $prepare = $conn->prepare($maxIdx); $prepare->execute(); if ($prepare->rowCount() > 0) { $fetch = $prepare->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $maxidx = $fetch["maxidx"] + 1; } else { $maxidx = 1; } if (Input::method("POST", "p")) { $cid = Input::method("POST", "p"); } else { $cid = 4; } $pos = 'SELECT MAX(`position`) as posmax FROM `studio404_pages` WHERE `cid`=:cid AND `status`!=1'; $prepare2 = $conn->prepare($pos); $prepare2->execute(array(":cid" => $cid)); if ($prepare2->rowCount() > 0) { $fetch2 = $prepare2->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $posmax = $fetch2["posmax"] + 1; } else { $posmax = 1; } $model = 'SELECT MAX(`idx`) as model_idx FROM `studio404_module_attachment`'; $modelp = $conn->prepare($model); $modelp->execute(); if ($modelp->rowCount() > 0) { $modelf = $modelp->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $modelx = $modelf["model_idx"] + 1; } else { $posmax = 1; } $slug_generation = new slug_generation(); $slug = $slug_generation->generate(Input::method("POST", "n")); for ($x = 1; $x <= 2; $x++) { $sql = 'INSERT INTO `studio404_pages` SET `date`=:datex, `menu_type`=:menu_type, `page_type`=:page_type, `idx`=:idx, `cid`=:cid, `subid`=:cid, `title`=:titlex, `shorttitle`=:titlex, `slug`=:slug, `position`=:position, `visibility`=2, `lang`=:lang, `insert_admin`=:insert_admin'; $preparein = $conn->prepare($sql); $preparein->execute(array(":cid" => $cid, ":datex" => time(), ":page_type" => 'catalogpage', ":menu_type" => 'sub', ":idx" => $maxidx, ":position" => $posmax, ":titlex" => Input::method("POST", "n"), ":slug" => $slug, ":lang" => $x, ":insert_admin" => $_SESSION["batumi_id"])); $insertCat = 'INSERT INTO `studio404_module_attachment` SET `idx`=:idx, `connect_idx`=:connect_idx, `page_type`=:page_type, `lang`=:lang'; $prepatta = $conn->prepare($insertCat); $prepatta->execute(array(":idx" => $modelx, ":connect_idx" => $maxidx, ":page_type" => "catalogpage", ":lang" => $x)); $insertCat2 = 'INSERT INTO `studio404_module` SET `idx`=:idx, `date`=:datex, `title`=:titlex, `lang`=:lang'; $prepatta2 = $conn->prepare($insertCat2); $prepatta2->execute(array(":idx" => $modelx, ":datex" => time(), ":titlex" => Input::method("POST", "n"), ":lang" => $x)); } $files = glob(DIR . '_cache/*'); // get all file names foreach ($files as $file) { // iterate files if (is_file($file)) { @unlink($file); } // delete file } $name = Input::method("POST", "n"); $insert_notification = new insert_notification(); $insert_notification->insert($c, $_SESSION["batumi_id"], "დაემატა კატალოგის კატეგორია: {$name}", "Catalogue's Category Added: {$name}"); echo "Done"; exit; } if (Input::method("POST", "editcatalogue") == "true" && Input::method("POST", "n") && Input::method("POST", "i") && Input::method("POST", "lang")) { $n = Input::method("POST", "n"); $i = Input::method("POST", "i"); $lang = Input::method("POST", "lang"); $old = Input::method("POST", "old"); $sql = 'UPDATE `studio404_pages` SET `title`=:titlex WHERE `idx`=:idx AND `lang`=:lang'; $prepare = $conn->prepare($sql); $prepare->execute(array(":idx" => $i, ":lang" => $lang, ":titlex" => $n)); if ($prepare->rowCount() > 0) { $files = glob(DIR . '_cache/*'); // get all file names foreach ($files as $file) { // iterate files if (is_file($file)) { @unlink($file); } // delete file } $insert_notification = new insert_notification(); $insert_notification->insert($c, $_SESSION["batumi_id"], "განახლდა კატალოგის დასახელება: {$old} TO {$n}", "Catalogue Updated: {$old} TO {$n}"); echo "Done"; } exit; } if (Input::method("POST", "checkmodelitem") && Input::method("POST", "ci") && Input::method("POST", "lang")) { // echo "a"; $sql0 = 'SELECT `id` FROM `studio404_pages` WHERE `cid`=:cid AND `status`!=1'; $preparex = $conn->prepare($sql0); $preparex->execute(array(":cid" => Input::method("POST", "ci"))); if ($preparex->rowCount() > 0) { echo "Exists"; } else { $sql = 'SELECT `studio404_module_item`.`id` FROM `studio404_module_attachment`,`studio404_module_item` WHERE `studio404_module_attachment`.`connect_idx`=:connect_idx AND `studio404_module_attachment`.`page_type`=:page_type AND `studio404_module_attachment`.`lang`=:lang AND `studio404_module_attachment`.`status`!=:one AND `studio404_module_attachment`.`idx`=`studio404_module_item`.`module_idx` AND `studio404_module_item`.`lang`=:lang AND `studio404_module_item`.`status`!=:one '; $prepare = $conn->prepare($sql); $prepare->execute(array(":connect_idx" => Input::method("POST", "ci"), ":page_type" => 'catalogpage', ":lang" => Input::method("POST", "lang"), ":one" => 1)); if ($prepare->rowCount() > 0) { echo "Exists"; } else { echo "Free to delete"; } } exit; } if (Input::method("POST", "removeCatalogue") == "true" && Input::method("POST", "cidx")) { $selPos = 'SELECT `title`,`cid`,`position` FROM `studio404_pages` WHERE `idx`=:idx'; $prepare1 = $conn->prepare($selPos); $prepare1->execute(array(":idx" => Input::method("POST", "cidx"))); if ($prepare1->rowCount() > 0) { $fetch1 = $prepare1->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $title = $fetch1['title']; $cid = $fetch1['cid']; $posfrom = $fetch1['position']; $uppos = 'UPDATE `studio404_pages` SET `position`=`position`-1 WHERE `cid`=:cid AND `position`>:posfrom AND `status`!=1'; $prepare2 = $conn->prepare($uppos); $prepare2->execute(array(":cid" => $cid, ":posfrom" => $posfrom)); $sql = 'UPDATE `studio404_pages` SET `status`=1 WHERE `idx`=:idx'; $prepare = $conn->prepare($sql); $prepare->execute(array(":idx" => Input::method("POST", "cidx"))); $files = glob(DIR . '_cache/*'); // get all file names foreach ($files as $file) { // iterate files if (is_file($file)) { @unlink($file); } // delete file } $insert_notification = new insert_notification(); $insert_notification->insert($c, $_SESSION["batumi_id"], "წაშალა კატალოგი: {$title}", "Catalogue Deleted: {$title}"); echo "Done"; } exit; } if (Input::method("POST", "changeposition") == "true" && Input::method("POST", "t") && Input::method("POST", "i") && Input::method("POST", "c") && Input::method("POST", "p")) { if (Input::method("POST", "t") == "up") { $sql = 'UPDATE `studio404_pages` SET `position`=0 WHERE `idx`=:idx'; $prepare = $conn->prepare($sql); $prepare->execute(array(":idx" => Input::method("POST", "i"))); if ($prepare->rowCount() > 0) { $minpos = Input::method("POST", "p") - 1; $sql2 = 'UPDATE `studio404_pages` SET `position`=`position`+1 WHERE `position`=:minpos AND `cid`=:cid'; $prepare2 = $conn->prepare($sql2); $prepare2->execute(array(":minpos" => $minpos, ":cid" => Input::method("POST", "c"))); if ($prepare2->rowCount() > 0) { $sql3 = 'UPDATE `studio404_pages` SET `position`=:minpos WHERE `position`=0 AND `cid`=:cid'; $prepare3 = $conn->prepare($sql3); $prepare3->execute(array(":minpos" => $minpos, ":cid" => Input::method("POST", "c"))); if ($prepare3->rowCount() > 0) { $files = glob(DIR . '_cache/*'); // get all file names foreach ($files as $file) { // iterate files if (is_file($file)) { @unlink($file); } // delete file } $insert_notification = new insert_notification(); $insert_notification->insert($c, $_SESSION["batumi_id"], "კატალოგის პოზიციის შეცვლა", "Change Catalogue Position"); echo "Done"; } } } } else { $sql = 'UPDATE `studio404_pages` SET `position`=0 WHERE `idx`=:idx'; $prepare = $conn->prepare($sql); $prepare->execute(array(":idx" => Input::method("POST", "i"))); if ($prepare->rowCount() > 0) { $pluspos = Input::method("POST", "p") + 1; $sql2 = 'UPDATE `studio404_pages` SET `position`=`position`-1 WHERE `position`=:pluspos AND `cid`=:cid'; $prepare2 = $conn->prepare($sql2); $prepare2->execute(array(":pluspos" => $pluspos, ":cid" => Input::method("POST", "c"))); if ($prepare2->rowCount() > 0) { $sql3 = 'UPDATE `studio404_pages` SET `position`=:pluspos WHERE `position`=0 AND `cid`=:cid'; $prepare3 = $conn->prepare($sql3); $prepare3->execute(array(":pluspos" => $pluspos, ":cid" => Input::method("POST", "c"))); if ($prepare3->rowCount() > 0) { $files = glob(DIR . '_cache/*'); // get all file names foreach ($files as $file) { // iterate files if (is_file($file)) { @unlink($file); } // delete file } $insert_notification = new insert_notification(); $insert_notification->insert($c, $_SESSION["batumi_id"], "კატალოგის პოზიციის შეცვლა", "Change Catalogue Position"); echo "Done"; } } } } } if (Input::method("POST", "adduser") == "true" && Input::method("POST", "u") && Input::method("POST", "us") && Input::method("POST", "n") && Input::method("POST", "m")) { $sql = 'INSERT INTO `studio404_users` SET `username`=:username, `password`=:password, `user_type`=:user_type, `namelname`=:namelname, `dob`=:dob, `mobile`=:mobile, `email`=:email, `address`=:address'; $prepare = $conn->prepare($sql); $dob = str_replace("/", "-", Input::method("POST", "d")); $dob = strtotime($dob); $username = Input::method("POST", "u"); $password = md5(Input::method("POST", "p")); $user_type = Input::method("POST", "us"); $namelname = Input::method("POST", "n"); $mobile = Input::method("POST", "m"); $email = Input::method("POST", "e"); $address = Input::method("POST", "a"); $image = Input::method("POST", "i"); $prepare->execute(array(":username" => $username, ":password" => $password, ":user_type" => $user_type, ":namelname" => $namelname, ":dob" => $dob, ":mobile" => $mobile, ":email" => $email, ":address" => $address)); $insert_notification = new insert_notification(); $insert_notification->insert($c, $_SESSION["batumi_id"], "დაამატა მომხმარებელი -> " . $namelname, "Added New User -> " . $namelname); if ($prepare->rowCount() > 0) { $files = glob(DIR . '_cache/*'); // get all file names foreach ($files as $file) { // iterate files if (is_file($file)) { @unlink($file); } // delete file } } else { echo "Error"; } exit; } if (Input::method("POST", "edituser") == "true" && Input::method("POST", "n") && Input::method("POST", "m") && Input::method("POST", "userid")) { if (Input::method("POST", "p") != "") { $password = md5(Input::method("POST", "p")); $sql_p = '`password`=:password, '; } else { $sql_p = ''; } $sql = 'UPDATE `studio404_users` SET ' . $sql_p . '`namelname`=:namelname, `dob`=:dob, `mobile`=:mobile, `email`=:email, `address`=:address WHERE `id`=:userid'; $prepare = $conn->prepare($sql); $dob = str_replace("/", "-", Input::method("POST", "d")); $dob = strtotime($dob); $userid = Input::method("POST", "userid"); $namelname = Input::method("POST", "n"); $mobile = Input::method("POST", "m"); $email = Input::method("POST", "e"); $address = Input::method("POST", "a"); $image = Input::method("POST", "i"); if (Input::method("POST", "p") != "") { $prepare->execute(array(":userid" => $userid, ":password" => $password, ":namelname" => $namelname, ":dob" => $dob, ":mobile" => $mobile, ":email" => $email, ":address" => $address)); } else { $prepare->execute(array(":userid" => $userid, ":namelname" => $namelname, ":dob" => $dob, ":mobile" => $mobile, ":email" => $email, ":address" => $address)); } if ($prepare->rowCount() > 0) { $files = glob(DIR . '_cache/*'); // get all file names foreach ($files as $file) { // iterate files if (is_file($file)) { @unlink($file); } // delete file } } else { echo "Error"; } exit; } if (Input::method("POST", "reloadImage") == "true") { $_SESSION['protect_x'] = ustring::random(4); echo "Done"; } if (Input::method("POST", "removemessage") == "true" && is_numeric(Input::method("POST", "rmi"))) { $id = Input::method("POST", "rmi"); $delete_admin = $_SESSION["batumi_id"]; $sql = 'SELECT `status` FROM `studio404_messages` WHERE `id`=:id'; $prepare = $conn->prepare($sql); $prepare->execute(array(":id" => $id)); if ($prepare->rowCount() > 0) { $fetch = $prepare->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $old_status = $fetch["status"]; if ($old_status == 0) { $new_status = $delete_admin; } else { $new_status = $old_status . "," . $delete_admin; } $sql2 = 'UPDATE `studio404_messages` SET `status`=:status WHERE `id`=:id'; $prepare2 = $conn->prepare($sql2); $prepare2->execute(array(":status" => $new_status, ":id" => $id)); echo "Done"; } } /* end batumi */ }
public function requests($c) { $conn = $this->conn($c); if (Input::method("POST", "logAsAdministrator") == "true" && Input::method("POST", "uid") && Input::method("POST", "ut") && Input::method("POST", "un")) { unset($_SESSION["user_data"]); unset($_SESSION["tradewithgeorgia_username"]); unset($_SESSION["tradewithgeorgia_company_type"]); unset($_SESSION["tradewithgeorgia_user_id"]); unset($_SESSION["tradewithgeorgia_user_namelname"]); $_SESSION["tradewithgeorgia_username"] = Input::method("POST", "un"); $_SESSION["tradewithgeorgia_company_type"] = Input::method("POST", "ut"); $_SESSION["tradewithgeorgia_user_id"] = Input::method("POST", "uid"); if (!empty(Input::method("POST", "nln"))) { $_SESSION["tradewithgeorgia_user_namelname"] = Input::method("POST", "nln"); } echo "Done"; } if (Input::method("POST", "resetMapTitles") == "true") { $j = json_decode(Input::method("POST", "maparr"), true); $filter = array_filter($j); $sql = 'SELECT `title`,`code` FROM `vectormap_new` WHERE find_in_set(cast(`code` as char), :code)'; $prepare = $conn->prepare($sql); $prepare->execute(array(":code" => implode(",", $filter))); if ($prepare->rowCount() > 0) { $fetch = $prepare->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); echo json_encode($fetch); } else { echo "Empty"; } } if (Input::method("POST", "mapfilter") == "true" && Input::method("POST", "t")) { $chosenid = Input::method("POST", "c"); if (Input::method("POST", "t") == "viewby") { $sql = 'SELECT `idx`,`title`,`shorttitle` FROM `studio404_pages` WHERE `cid`=:cid AND `visibility`!=:one AND `status`!=:one'; $prepare = $conn->prepare($sql); $prepare->execute(array(":cid" => $chosenid, ":one" => 1)); if ($prepare->rowCount() > 0) { $fetch = $prepare->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); echo json_encode($fetch); } else { echo "Empty"; } } else { if (Input::method("POST", "t") == "traderegime") { $sql = 'SELECT `studio404_module_item`.`title` AS smi_title, `studio404_module_item`.`long_description` AS smi_long_description, `studio404_module_item`.`tags` AS smi_color FROM `studio404_module_attachment`,`studio404_module`,`studio404_module_item` WHERE `studio404_module_attachment`.`connect_idx`=:connect_idx AND `studio404_module_attachment`.`lang`=:five AND `studio404_module_attachment`.`status`!=:one AND `studio404_module_attachment`.`idx`=`studio404_module`.`idx` AND `studio404_module`.`lang`=:five AND `studio404_module`.`status`!=:one AND `studio404_module`.`idx`=`studio404_module_item`.`module_idx` AND `studio404_module_item`.`lang`=:five AND `studio404_module_item`.`visibility`!=:one AND `studio404_module_item`.`status`!=:one ORDER BY `studio404_module_item`.`idx` ASC '; $prepare = $conn->prepare($sql); $prepare->execute(array(":connect_idx" => $chosenid, ":five" => 5, ":one" => 1)); if ($prepare->rowCount() > 0) { $fetch = $prepare->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); echo json_encode($fetch); } else { echo "Empty"; } } else { echo "Empty"; } } exit; } if (Input::method("POST", "searchTooManyData") == "true") { $s = Input::method("POST", "s"); $super = Input::method("POST", "super"); $searchLike = is_numeric($s) ? '"' . $s . '%"' : '"%' . $s . '%"'; $sql = 'SELECT `idx`,`title`,`cid` FROM `studio404_pages` WHERE `title` LIKE ' . $searchLike . ' AND `cid`=:cid AND `status`!=1'; $prepare = $conn->prepare($sql); $prepare->execute(array(":cid" => $super)); if ($prepare->rowCount() > 0) { $fetch = $prepare->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); echo json_encode($fetch); } else { echo "Empty"; } } if (Input::method("POST", "changeusertype") == "true" && Input::method("POST", "t") && $_SESSION["tradewithgeorgia_user_id"]) { $userid = $_SESSION["tradewithgeorgia_user_id"]; $typetochange = Input::method("POST", "t"); if ($typetochange == "sp") { $findtype = "serviceprovider"; $url = WEBSITE . 'en/profile-service'; } else { $findtype = "manufacturer"; $url = WEBSITE . 'en/profile-products'; } $sql = 'SELECT * FROM `studio404_users` WHERE `username`=:username AND `company_type`=:type AND `status`!=1'; $prepare = $conn->prepare($sql); $prepare->execute(array(":username" => $_SESSION["tradewithgeorgia_username"], ":type" => $findtype)); if ($prepare->rowCount() > 0) { $fetch = $prepare->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $_SESSION["tradewithgeorgia_company_type"] = $findtype; $_SESSION["tradewithgeorgia_user_id"] = $fetch["id"]; $_SESSION["user_data"]["id"] = $fetch["id"]; if ($findtype == "manufacturer") { $_SESSION["user_data"]["picture"] = $fetch["picture"]; // * $_SESSION["user_data"]["companyname"] = $fetch["namelname"]; // * $_SESSION["user_data"]["sector"] = $fetch["sector_id"]; // * $_SESSION["user_data"]["subsector"] = $fetch["sub_sector_id"]; // * $_SESSION["user_data"]["establishedin"] = $fetch["established_in"]; $_SESSION["user_data"]["productioncapasity"] = $fetch["production_capacity"]; $_SESSION["user_data"]["address"] = $fetch["address"]; $_SESSION["user_data"]["mobiles"] = $fetch["mobile"]; // * $_SESSION["user_data"]["numemploy"] = $fetch["number_of_employes"]; $_SESSION["user_data"]["certificates"] = $fetch["certificates"]; $_SESSION["user_data"]["contactpersones"] = $fetch["contact_person"]; $_SESSION["user_data"]["officephone"] = $fetch["office_phone"]; $_SESSION["user_data"]["companysize"] = $fetch["company_size"]; $_SESSION["user_data"]["webaddress"] = $fetch["web_address"]; $_SESSION["user_data"]["ad_position1"] = $fetch["ad_position1"]; // * $_SESSION["user_data"]["ad_email1"] = $fetch["ad_email1"]; //* $_SESSION["user_data"]["ad_person2"] = $fetch["ad_person2"]; $_SESSION["user_data"]["ad_position2"] = $fetch["ad_person2"]; $_SESSION["user_data"]["ad_mobile2"] = $fetch["ad_mobile2"]; $_SESSION["user_data"]["ad_email2"] = $fetch["ad_email2"]; $_SESSION["user_data"]["ad_upload_catalog"] = $fetch["ad_upload_catalog"]; $_SESSION["user_data"]["contactemail"] = $fetch["email"]; // * $_SESSION["user_data"]["about"] = $fetch["about"]; // * $_SESSION["user_data"]["products"] = $fetch["products"]; $_SESSION["user_data"]["exportmarkets"] = $fetch["export_markets_id"]; } else { $_SESSION["user_data"]["picture"] = $fetch["picture"]; $_SESSION["user_data"]["companyname"] = $fetch["namelname"]; $_SESSION["user_data"]["sector"] = $fetch["sector_id"]; $_SESSION["user_data"]["subsector"] = $fetch["sub_sector_id"]; $_SESSION["user_data"]["establishedin"] = $fetch["established_in"]; $_SESSION["user_data"]["productioncapasity"] = $fetch["production_capacity"]; $_SESSION["user_data"]["address"] = $fetch["address"]; $_SESSION["user_data"]["mobiles"] = $fetch["mobile"]; $_SESSION["user_data"]["numemploy"] = $fetch["number_of_employes"]; $_SESSION["user_data"]["certificates"] = $fetch["certificates"]; $_SESSION["user_data"]["contactpersones"] = $fetch["contact_person"]; $_SESSION["user_data"]["officephone"] = $fetch["office_phone"]; $_SESSION["user_data"]["companysize"] = $fetch["company_size"]; $_SESSION["user_data"]["webaddress"] = $fetch["web_address"]; $_SESSION["user_data"]["ad_position1"] = $fetch["ad_position1"]; $_SESSION["user_data"]["ad_email1"] = $fetch["ad_email1"]; $_SESSION["user_data"]["ad_person2"] = $fetch["ad_person2"]; $_SESSION["user_data"]["ad_position2"] = $fetch["ad_person2"]; $_SESSION["user_data"]["ad_mobile2"] = $fetch["ad_mobile2"]; $_SESSION["user_data"]["ad_email2"] = $fetch["ad_email2"]; $_SESSION["user_data"]["ad_upload_catalog"] = $fetch["ad_upload_catalog"]; $_SESSION["user_data"]["contactemail"] = $fetch["email"]; $_SESSION["user_data"]["about"] = $fetch["about"]; $_SESSION["user_data"]["products"] = $fetch["products"]; $_SESSION["user_data"]["exportmarkets"] = $fetch["export_markets_id"]; } echo $url; } else { echo "Error"; } } if (Input::method("POST", "sendemail1") && Input::method("POST", "email1") && isset($_COOKIE["password1"]) && Input::method("POST", "lc") == $_SESSION['protect_register']) { $sendemail1 = strtolower(Input::method("POST", "sendemail1")); $email1 = Input::method("POST", "email1"); $password1 = $_COOKIE["password1"]; $email2 = explode("@", $email1); if (is_array($email2)) { $email2 = $email2[0]; } else { $email2 = "none"; } $hash = ustring::random(18); $msg = '<div style="margin:0; padding:0; width:100%;"><img src="' . TEMPLATE . 'img/mailheader2.png" width="100%" alt="Mail header"/></div>'; $msg .= '<p style="font-size:14px; font-family:roboto">Hello dear user, you have registered to our website: <b>' . WEBSITE . '</b></font></p>'; //$msg .= '<p><a href="'.WEBSITE.'en/start?popup=true&email='.$email2.'&hash='.$hash.'">'.WEBSITE.'en/start?popup=true&email='.$email2.'&hash='.$hash.'</a></p>'; $sql = 'SELECT `id` FROM `studio404_users` WHERE `username`=:email AND `status`!=:status'; $prepare = $conn->prepare($sql); $prepare->execute(array(":email" => $email1, ":status" => 1)); if ($prepare->rowCount() > 0) { echo "Error"; } else { //$this->send("::Registration::","Dear user",$email1,$msg); $insert_pre = 'INSERT INTO `studio404_users_pre` SET `date`=:datex, `ip`=:ip, `hash`=:hash, `email`=:email, `password`=:password, `status`=1'; $prepare = $conn->prepare($insert_pre); $prepare->execute(array(":datex" => time(), ":ip" => get_ip::ip(), ":hash" => $hash, ":email" => $email1, ":password" => $_COOKIE["password1"])); $ip = get_ip::ip(); $companyUserTypes = array("manufacturer", "serviceprovider", "company", "individual"); foreach ($companyUserTypes as $ctype) { $sql2 = 'INSERT INTO `studio404_users` SET `registered_date`=:registered_date, `registered_ip`=:registered_ip, `username`=:email, `password`=:password, `company_type`=:company_type, `user_type`=:user_type, `allow`=:allow'; $prepare2 = $conn->prepare($sql2); $prepare2->execute(array(":registered_date" => time(), ":registered_ip" => $ip, ":email" => $email1, ":password" => md5($password1), ":company_type" => $ctype, ":user_type" => 'website', ":allow" => 1)); } $sql = 'SELECT `host`,`user`,`pass`,`from`,`fromname` FROM `studio404_newsletter` WHERE `id`=1'; $prepare = $conn->prepare($sql); $prepare->execute(); $fetch = $prepare->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $host = $fetch["host"]; $user = $fetch["user"]; $pass = $fetch["pass"]; $from = $fetch["from"]; $fromname = $fetch["fromname"]; $send_email = new send_email(); $send_email->send($host, $user, $pass, $from, $fromname, $email1, "::Registration::", $msg); echo $_SESSION['protect_login']; } } if (Input::method("POST", "sendemail2")) { $sendemail2 = Input::method("POST", "sendemail3"); $type2 = Input::method("POST", "type2"); $email2 = Input::method("POST", "email2"); $_SESSION["register_code_tradewithgeorgia"] = ustring::random(6); $msg = '<div style="margin:0; padding:0; width:100%;"><img src="' . TEMPLATE . 'img/mailheader.png" width="100%" alt="Mail header"/></div>'; $msg .= '<p style="font-size:14px; font-family:roboto">Hello dear user, you have registered to our website: <b>' . WEBSITE . '</b>; Your registration code is: <font color="red">' . $_SESSION["register_code_tradewithgeorgia"] . '</font></p>'; $sql = 'SELECT `id` FROM `studio404_users` WHERE `username`=:email AND `status`!=:status'; $prepare = $conn->prepare($sql); $prepare->execute(array(":email" => $email2, ":status" => 1)); if ($prepare->rowCount() > 0) { echo "Error"; } else { $sql = 'SELECT `host`,`user`,`pass`,`from`,`fromname` FROM `studio404_newsletter` WHERE `id`=1'; $prepare = $conn->prepare($sql); $prepare->execute(); $fetch = $prepare->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $host = $fetch["host"]; $user = $fetch["user"]; $pass = $fetch["pass"]; $from = $fetch["from"]; $fromname = $fetch["fromname"]; $send_email = new send_email(); $send_email->send($host, $user, $pass, $from, $fromname, $email2, "::Registration::", $msg); } } if (Input::method("POST", "finalregister") == "true") { if (!Input::method("POST", "e") || !Input::method("POST", "h")) { echo "Error"; } else { $e = Input::method("POST", "e"); $h = Input::method("POST", "h"); $sqlCheckPre = 'SELECT * FROM `studio404_users_pre` WHERE `email` LIKE "' . $e . '%" AND `hash`=:hash AND `status`=1'; $preparePre = $conn->prepare($sqlCheckPre); $preparePre->execute(array(":hash" => $h)); if ($preparePre->rowCount() > 0) { $fetchPre = $preparePre->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $email_pre = $fetchPre['email']; $password_pre = $fetchPre['password']; $id_pre = $fetchPre['id']; $sqlUpdatePre = 'UPDATE `studio404_users_pre` SET `status`=2 WHERE `id`=:id'; $prepareUpdatePre = $conn->prepare($sqlUpdatePre); $prepareUpdatePre->execute(array(":id" => $id_pre)); } else { echo "Error"; return 2; } $ip = get_ip::ip(); $sql = 'SELECT `id` FROM `studio404_users` WHERE `username`=:email AND `status`!=:status'; $prepare = $conn->prepare($sql); $prepare->execute(array(":email" => $email_pre, ":status" => 1)); if ($prepare->rowCount() > 0) { echo "Error"; } else { $companyUserTypes = array("manufacturer", "serviceprovider", "company", "individual"); foreach ($companyUserTypes as $ctype) { $sql2 = 'INSERT INTO `studio404_users` SET `registered_date`=:registered_date, `registered_ip`=:registered_ip, `username`=:email, `password`=:password, `company_type`=:company_type, `user_type`=:user_type, `allow`=:allow'; $prepare2 = $conn->prepare($sql2); $prepare2->execute(array(":registered_date" => time(), ":registered_ip" => $ip, ":email" => $email_pre, ":password" => md5($password_pre), ":company_type" => $ctype, ":user_type" => 'website', ":allow" => 2)); } echo "Done"; } } } if (Input::method("POST", "finalregister2")) { if (empty(Input::method("POST", "code")) || Input::method("POST", "code") != $_SESSION["register_code_tradewithgeorgia"]) { echo "Error"; } else { if (!Input::method("POST", "t") || !Input::method("POST", "e") || !Input::method("POST", "p") || !Input::method("POST", "p2")) { echo "Error"; } else { if (!$this->isValidEmail(Input::method("POST", "e"))) { echo "Error"; } else { $e = Input::method("POST", "e"); $p = Input::method("POST", "p"); $t = Input::method("POST", "t"); $ip = get_ip::ip(); $sql = 'SELECT `id` FROM `studio404_users` WHERE `username`=:email AND `status`!=:status'; $prepare = $conn->prepare($sql); $prepare->execute(array(":email" => $e, ":status" => 1)); if ($prepare->rowCount() > 0) { echo "Error"; } else { $companyUserTypes = array("manufacturer", "serviceprovider", "company", "individual"); foreach ($companyUserTypes as $ctype) { $sql2 = 'INSERT INTO `studio404_users` SET `registered_date`=:registered_date, `registered_ip`=:registered_ip, `username`=:email, `password`=:password, `company_type`=:company_type, `user_type`=:user_type, `allow`=:allow'; $prepare2 = $conn->prepare($sql2); $prepare2->execute(array(":registered_date" => time(), ":registered_ip" => $ip, ":email" => $e, ":password" => md5($p), ":company_type" => $t, ":user_type" => 'website', ":allow" => 1)); } echo "Done"; } } } } } if (Input::method("POST", "logintry")) { if (!Input::method("POST", "lg") || !Input::method("POST", "e") || !Input::method("POST", "p") || !Input::method("POST", "c")) { echo "Error empty"; } else { if (Input::method("POST", "c") != $_SESSION['protect_login']) { echo "Error code"; } else { $e = strtolower(Input::method("POST", "e")); $p = Input::method("POST", "p"); $sql = 'SELECT * FROM `studio404_users` WHERE `username`=:username AND `company_type`=:companyType AND `password`=:password AND `user_type`=:user_type AND `status`!=:one'; $prepare = $conn->prepare($sql); $prepare->execute(array(":username" => $e, ":password" => md5($p), ":user_type" => 'website', ":companyType" => Input::method("POST", "lg"), ":one" => 1)); if ($prepare->rowCount() > 0) { $fetch = $prepare->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $_SESSION["tradewithgeorgia_username"] = $e; $_SESSION["tradewithgeorgia_company_type"] = $fetch["company_type"]; $_SESSION["tradewithgeorgia_user_id"] = $fetch["id"]; if (!empty($fetch["namelname"])) { $_SESSION["tradewithgeorgia_user_namelname"] = $fetch["namelname"]; } // update $usql = 'UPDATE `studio404_users` SET `logtime`=:logtime, `log`=`log`+1 WHERE `id`=:id'; $prepare2 = $conn->prepare($usql); $prepare2->execute(array(":logtime" => time(), ":id" => $fetch["id"])); echo "Done"; } else { echo "Error numrows"; } } } } if (Input::method("POST", "logout")) { session_destroy(); echo "Done"; } if (Input::method("POST", "loadsubsector") && $_SESSION["tradewithgeorgia_username"]) { $sval = json_decode(Input::method("POST", "sval")); $l = count($sval); // echo "ass ".$l; $x = 1; $in = ''; foreach ($sval as $i) { $i = (int) $i; if ($x >= $l) { $in .= $i; } else { $in .= $i . ","; } $x++; } //echo $in; if (!Input::method("POST", "products")) { //echo '<option value="">Choose</option>'; } try { $sql = 'SELECT `idx`,`title` FROM `studio404_pages` WHERE `cid` IN (' . $in . ') AND `visibility`!=:visibility AND `status`!=:status'; $prepare = $conn->prepare($sql); $prepare->execute(array(":visibility" => 1, ":status" => 1)); $fetch = $prepare->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $i = 0; foreach ($fetch as $val) { //echo '<option value="'.$val['idx'].'" title="'.htmlentities($val['title']).'">'.$val['title'].'</option>'; echo '<div class="selectItem2" data-checkbox="selectItemx' . $i . '"> <input type="checkbox" name="selectItem2[]" class="sector_ids2" id="selectItemx' . $i . '" value="' . $val['idx'] . '" /> <span>' . $val['title'] . '</span> </div>'; $i++; } } catch (Exception $e) { } } if (Input::method("POST", "loadproducts") && $_SESSION["tradewithgeorgia_username"]) { $sval = json_decode(Input::method("POST", "sval")); $l = count($sval); // echo "ass ".$l; $x = 1; $in = ''; foreach ($sval as $i) { $i = (int) $i; if ($x >= $l) { $in .= $i; } else { $in .= $i . ","; } $x++; } try { $sql = 'SELECT `idx`,`title` FROM `studio404_pages` WHERE `cid` IN (' . $in . ') AND `visibility`!=:visibility AND `status`!=:status'; $prepare = $conn->prepare($sql); $prepare->execute(array(":visibility" => 1, ":status" => 1)); $fetch = $prepare->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $checkusersproducts = 'SELECT `products` FROM `studio404_users` WHERE `username`=:username AND `status`!=:one'; $prepare2 = $conn->prepare($checkusersproducts); $prepare2->execute(array(":username" => $_SESSION["tradewithgeorgia_username"], ":one" => 1)); $f = $prepare2->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if ($prepare2->rowCount()) { $e = explode(",", $f["products"]); } else { $e = array(); } $i = 0; foreach ($fetch as $val) { if (Input::method("POST", "option")) { if (!in_array($val['idx'], $e)) { continue; } echo '<option value="' . $val['idx'] . '" title="' . htmlentities($val['title']) . '">' . $val['title'] . '</option>'; } else { echo '<div class="selectItem3" data-checkbox="selectItemxx' . $i . '"> <input type="checkbox" name="selectItem3[]" class="sector_ids3" id="selectItemxx' . $i . '" value="' . $val['idx'] . '" /> <span>' . $val['title'] . '</span> </div>'; } $i++; } } catch (Exception $e) { } } if (Input::method("POST", "changeprofile") == "true" && $_SESSION["tradewithgeorgia_username"]) { $p_companyname = strip_tags(Input::method("POST", "p_companyname")); $p_establishedin = strip_tags(Input::method("POST", "p_establishedin")); $p_address = strip_tags(Input::method("POST", "p_address")); $p_mobiles = strip_tags(Input::method("POST", "p_mobiles")); $p_numemploy = strip_tags(Input::method("POST", "p_numemploy")); $p_contactpersones = strip_tags(Input::method("POST", "p_contactpersones")); $p_officephone = strip_tags(Input::method("POST", "p_officephone")); $p_companysize = strip_tags(Input::method("POST", "p_companysize")); $p_webaddress = strip_tags(Input::method("POST", "p_webaddress")); $p_ad_position1 = strip_tags(Input::method("POST", "p_ad_position1")); $p_ad_email1 = strip_tags(Input::method("POST", "p_ad_email1")); $p_ad_person2 = strip_tags(Input::method("POST", "p_ad_person2")); $p_ad_position2 = strip_tags(Input::method("POST", "p_ad_position2")); $p_ad_mobile2 = strip_tags(Input::method("POST", "p_ad_mobile2")); $p_ad_email2 = strip_tags(Input::method("POST", "p_ad_email2")); $p_contactemail = strip_tags(Input::method("POST", "p_contactemail")); $p_about = strip_tags(nl2br(Input::method("POST", "p_about"))); $p_products = json_decode(Input::method("POST", "p_products")); $p_products = implode(",", $p_products); $p_exportmarkets = json_decode(Input::method("POST", "p_exportmarkets")); $p_exportmarkets = implode(",", $p_exportmarkets); $p_sector = json_decode(Input::method("POST", "p_sector")); $p_sector = implode(",", $p_sector); $p_subsector = json_decode(Input::method("POST", "p_subsector")); $p_subsector = implode(",", $p_subsector); $p_file = Input::method("POST", "p_file"); $p_certificates = json_decode(Input::method("POST", "p_certificates")); $p_certificates = implode(",", $p_certificates); $sql = 'UPDATE `studio404_users` SET `namelname`=:namelname, `sector_id`=:sector_id, `sub_sector_id`=:sub_sector_id, `established_in`=:established_in, `address`=:address, `mobile`=:mobile, `number_of_employes`=:number_of_employes, `certificates`=:certificates, `contact_person`=:contact_person, `office_phone`=:office_phone, `company_size`=:company_size, `web_address`=:web_address, `ad_position1`=:ad_position1, `ad_email1`=:ad_email1, `ad_person2`=:ad_person2, `ad_position2`=:ad_position2, `ad_mobile2`=:ad_mobile2, `ad_email2`=:ad_email2, `email`=:email, `about`=:about, `products`=:products, `export_markets_id`=:export_markets_id WHERE `username`=:username AND `id`=:companyId AND `status`!=:one '; $prepare = $conn->prepare($sql); $prepare->execute(array(":namelname" => $p_companyname, ":sector_id" => $p_sector, ":sub_sector_id" => $p_subsector, ":established_in" => $p_establishedin, ":address" => $p_address, ":mobile" => $p_mobiles, ":number_of_employes" => $p_numemploy, ":certificates" => $p_certificates, ":contact_person" => $p_contactpersones, ":office_phone" => $p_officephone, ":company_size" => $p_companysize, ":web_address" => $p_webaddress, ":ad_position1" => $p_ad_position1, ":ad_email1" => $p_ad_email1, ":ad_person2" => $p_ad_person2, ":ad_position2" => $p_ad_position2, ":ad_mobile2" => $p_ad_mobile2, ":ad_email2" => $p_ad_email2, ":email" => $p_contactemail, ":about" => $p_about, ":products" => $p_products, ":export_markets_id" => $p_exportmarkets, ":username" => $_SESSION["tradewithgeorgia_username"], ":companyId" => $_SESSION["tradewithgeorgia_user_id"], ":one" => 1)); $_SESSION["user_data"]["companyname"] = $p_companyname; $_SESSION["user_data"]["sector"] = $p_sector; $_SESSION["user_data"]["subsector"] = $p_subsector; $_SESSION["user_data"]["establishedin"] = $p_establishedin; $_SESSION["user_data"]["address"] = $p_address; $_SESSION["user_data"]["mobiles"] = $p_mobiles; $_SESSION["user_data"]["numemploy"] = $p_numemploy; $_SESSION["user_data"]["certificates"] = $p_certificates; $_SESSION["user_data"]["contactpersones"] = $p_contactpersones; $_SESSION["user_data"]["officephone"] = $p_officephone; $_SESSION["user_data"]["companysize"] = $p_companysize; $_SESSION["user_data"]["webaddress"] = $p_webaddress; $_SESSION["user_data"]["ad_position1"] = $p_ad_position1; $_SESSION["user_data"]["ad_email1"] = $p_ad_email1; $_SESSION["user_data"]["ad_person2"] = $p_ad_person2; $_SESSION["user_data"]["ad_position2"] = $p_ad_position2; $_SESSION["user_data"]["ad_mobile2"] = $p_ad_mobile2; $_SESSION["user_data"]["ad_email2"] = $p_ad_email2; $_SESSION["user_data"]["contactemail"] = $p_contactemail; $_SESSION["user_data"]["about"] = $p_about; $_SESSION["user_data"]["products"] = $p_products; $_SESSION["user_data"]["exportmarkets"] = $p_exportmarkets; echo "Done"; } if (Input::method("POST", "changecompanyprofile") == "true" && $_SESSION["tradewithgeorgia_username"]) { $p_companyname = strip_tags(Input::method("POST", "p_companyname")); $p_establishedin = strip_tags(Input::method("POST", "p_establishedin")); $p_address = strip_tags(Input::method("POST", "p_address")); $p_mobiles = strip_tags(Input::method("POST", "p_mobiles")); $p_numemploy = strip_tags(Input::method("POST", "p_numemploy")); $p_contactpersones = strip_tags(Input::method("POST", "p_contactpersones")); $p_officephone = strip_tags(Input::method("POST", "p_officephone")); $p_companysize = strip_tags(Input::method("POST", "p_companysize")); $p_webaddress = strip_tags(Input::method("POST", "p_webaddress")); $p_ad_position1 = strip_tags(Input::method("POST", "p_ad_position1")); $p_ad_email1 = strip_tags(Input::method("POST", "p_ad_email1")); $p_ad_person2 = strip_tags(Input::method("POST", "p_ad_person2")); $p_ad_position2 = strip_tags(Input::method("POST", "p_ad_position2")); $p_ad_mobile2 = strip_tags(Input::method("POST", "p_ad_mobile2")); $p_ad_email2 = strip_tags(Input::method("POST", "p_ad_email2")); $p_contactemail = strip_tags(Input::method("POST", "p_contactemail")); $p_about = strip_tags(nl2br(Input::method("POST", "p_about"))); $p_sector = json_decode(Input::method("POST", "p_sector")); $p_sector = implode(",", $p_sector); $p_file = Input::method("POST", "p_file"); // $str = file_get_contents("php://input"); // if($str){ // $filename = md5(time()).".jpg"; // $path = 'testu/'.$filename; // file_put_contents($path, $str); // } $sql = 'UPDATE `studio404_users` SET `namelname`=:namelname, `sector_id`=:sector_id, `sub_sector_id`=:sub_sector_id, `established_in`=:established_in, `production_capacity`=:production_capacity, `address`=:address, `mobile`=:mobile, `number_of_employes`=:number_of_employes, `certificates`=:certificates, `contact_person`=:contact_person, `office_phone`=:office_phone, `company_size`=:company_size, `web_address`=:web_address, `ad_position1`=:ad_position1, `ad_email1`=:ad_email1, `ad_person2`=:ad_person2, `ad_position2`=:ad_position2, `ad_mobile2`=:ad_mobile2, `ad_email2`=:ad_email2, `email`=:email, `about`=:about, `products`=:products, `export_markets_id`=:export_markets_id WHERE `username`=:username AND `company_type`=:company_type AND `id`=:companyId AND `allow`!=:one AND `status`!=:one '; $prepare = $conn->prepare($sql); $prepare->execute(array(":namelname" => $p_companyname, ":sector_id" => $p_sector, ":sub_sector_id" => $p_subsector, ":established_in" => $p_establishedin, ":address" => $p_address, ":mobile" => $p_mobiles, ":number_of_employes" => $p_numemploy, ":certificates" => $p_certificates, ":contact_person" => $p_contactpersones, ":office_phone" => $p_officephone, ":company_size" => $p_companysize, ":web_address" => $p_webaddress, ":ad_position1" => $p_ad_position1, ":ad_email1" => $p_ad_email1, ":ad_person2" => $p_ad_person2, ":ad_position2" => $p_ad_position2, ":ad_mobile2" => $p_ad_mobile2, ":ad_email2" => $p_ad_email2, ":email" => $p_contactemail, ":about" => $p_about, ":products" => $p_products, ":export_markets_id" => $p_exportmarkets, ":username" => $_SESSION["tradewithgeorgia_username"], ":companyId" => $_SESSION["tradewithgeorgia_user_id"], ":company_type" => $_SESSION["tradewithgeorgia_company_type"], ":one" => 1)); $_SESSION["user_data"]["companyname"] = $p_companyname; $_SESSION["user_data"]["sector"] = $p_sector; $_SESSION["user_data"]["establishedin"] = $p_establishedin; $_SESSION["user_data"]["address"] = $p_address; $_SESSION["user_data"]["mobiles"] = $p_mobiles; $_SESSION["user_data"]["numemploy"] = $p_numemploy; $_SESSION["user_data"]["contactpersones"] = $p_contactpersones; $_SESSION["user_data"]["officephone"] = $p_officephone; $_SESSION["user_data"]["companysize"] = $p_companysize; $_SESSION["user_data"]["webaddress"] = $p_webaddress; $_SESSION["user_data"]["ad_position1"] = $p_ad_position1; $_SESSION["user_data"]["ad_email1"] = $p_ad_email1; $_SESSION["user_data"]["ad_person2"] = $p_ad_person2; $_SESSION["user_data"]["ad_position2"] = $p_ad_position2; $_SESSION["user_data"]["ad_mobile2"] = $p_ad_mobile2; $_SESSION["user_data"]["ad_email2"] = $p_ad_email2; $_SESSION["user_data"]["contactemail"] = $p_contactemail; $_SESSION["user_data"]["about"] = $p_about; echo "Done"; } if (Input::method("POST", "changeindividualprofile") == "true" && $_SESSION["tradewithgeorgia_username"]) { $p_companyname = strip_tags(Input::method("POST", "p_companyname")); $p_address = strip_tags(Input::method("POST", "p_address")); $p_mobiles = strip_tags(Input::method("POST", "p_mobiles")); $p_webaddress = strip_tags(Input::method("POST", "p_webaddress")); $p_contactemail = strip_tags(Input::method("POST", "p_contactemail")); $p_sector = json_decode(Input::method("POST", "p_sector")); $p_sector = implode(",", $p_sector); $sql = 'UPDATE `studio404_users` SET `namelname`=:namelname, `sector_id`=:sector_id, `address`=:address, `mobile`=:mobile, `web_address`=:web_address, `email`=:email WHERE `username`=:username AND `id`=:companyId AND `allow`!=:one AND `status`!=:one '; $prepare = $conn->prepare($sql); $prepare->execute(array(":namelname" => $p_companyname, ":sector_id" => $p_sector, ":address" => $p_address, ":mobile" => $p_mobiles, ":web_address" => $p_webaddress, ":email" => $p_contactemail, ":username" => $_SESSION["tradewithgeorgia_username"], ":companyId" => $_SESSION["tradewithgeorgia_user_id"], ":one" => 1)); $_SESSION["user_data"]["companyname"] = $p_companyname; $_SESSION["user_data"]["sector"] = $p_sector; $_SESSION["user_data"]["address"] = $p_address; $_SESSION["user_data"]["mobiles"] = $p_mobiles; $_SESSION["user_data"]["webaddress"] = $p_webaddress; $_SESSION["user_data"]["contactemail"] = $p_contactemail; echo "Done"; } if (Input::method("POST", "changepassword")) { if (!empty(Input::method("POST", "o")) && !empty(Input::method("POST", "n")) && !empty(Input::method("POST", "r")) && !empty(Input::method("POST", "n")) == !empty(Input::method("POST", "r"))) { $oldpass = Input::method("POST", "o"); $sql = 'SELECT `id` FROM `studio404_users` WHERE `username`=:username AND `password`=:password AND `allow`!=:one AND `status`!=:one'; $prepare = $conn->prepare($sql); $prepare->execute(array(":username" => $_SESSION["tradewithgeorgia_username"], ":password" => md5($oldpass), ":one" => 1)); if ($prepare->rowCount()) { $n = md5(Input::method("POST", "n")); $update = 'UPDATE `studio404_users` SET `password`=:password WHERE `username`=:username AND `allow`!=:one AND `status`!=:one'; $prepare2 = $conn->prepare($update); $prepare2->execute(array(":username" => $_SESSION["tradewithgeorgia_username"], ":password" => $n, ":one" => 1)); echo "Done"; } else { echo "Error"; } } else { echo "Error"; } } if (Input::method("POST", "hscode") && Input::method("POST", "hscode") == "true" && Input::method("POST", "s") && strlen(Input::method("POST", "s")) >= 3) { if (is_numeric(Input::method("POST", "s"))) { $like = ' AND `title` LIKE "' . Input::method("POST", "s") . '%" '; } else { $like = ' AND `title` LIKE "%' . Input::method("POST", "s") . '%" '; } $sql = 'SELECT `idx`,`title` FROM `studio404_pages` WHERE `cid`=:cid ' . $like . ' AND `status`!=:one ORDER BY `title` ASC'; $prepare = $conn->prepare($sql); $prepare->execute(array(":cid" => 769, ":one" => 1)); $fetch = $prepare->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if ($prepare->rowCount()) { foreach ($fetch as $val) { echo '<li><a href="javascript:;" class="resultx" data-idx="' . $val["idx"] . '">' . $val["title"] . '</a></li>'; } } else { echo ''; } } if (Input::method("POST", "delproduct") && Input::method("POST", "delproduct") == "true" && Input::method("POST", "pid") && is_numeric(Input::method("POST", "pid")) && !empty($_SESSION["tradewithgeorgia_user_id"])) { $check = 'SELECT `position`,`picture` FROM `studio404_module_item` WHERE `idx`=:idx AND `module_idx`=3 AND `insert_admin`=:insert_admin'; $pre_check = $conn->prepare($check); $pre_check->execute(array(":idx" => (int) Input::method("POST", "pid"), ":insert_admin" => $_SESSION["tradewithgeorgia_user_id"])); $ch_fetch = $pre_check->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if (!empty($ch_fetch["picture"])) { $old_pic = DIR . 'files/usersproducts/' . $ch_fetch["picture"]; @unlink($old_pic); } $update_pos = 'UPDATE `studio404_module_item` SET `position`=`position`-1 WHERE `status`!=1 AND `position`>' . $ch_fetch['position'] . ' AND `module_idx`=3 '; $query = $conn->query($update_pos); $sql = 'UPDATE `studio404_module_item` SET `status`=:one WHERE `insert_admin`=:insert_admin AND `module_idx`=:module_idx AND `idx`=:idx'; $prepare = $conn->prepare($sql); $prepare->execute(array(":idx" => (int) Input::method("POST", "pid"), ":insert_admin" => $_SESSION["tradewithgeorgia_user_id"], ":module_idx" => 3, ":one" => 1)); echo "Done"; } if (Input::method("POST", "delservice") && Input::method("POST", "delservice") == "true" && Input::method("POST", "sid") && is_numeric(Input::method("POST", "sid")) && !empty($_SESSION["tradewithgeorgia_user_id"])) { $check = 'SELECT `position` FROM `studio404_module_item` WHERE `idx`=:idx AND `module_idx`=4 AND `insert_admin`=:insert_admin'; $pre_check = $conn->prepare($check); $pre_check->execute(array(":idx" => (int) Input::method("POST", "sid"), ":insert_admin" => $_SESSION["tradewithgeorgia_user_id"])); $ch_fetch = $pre_check->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $update_pos = 'UPDATE `studio404_module_item` SET `position`=`position`-1 WHERE `status`!=1 AND `position`>' . $ch_fetch['position'] . ' AND `module_idx`=4 '; $query = $conn->query($update_pos); $sql = 'UPDATE `studio404_module_item` SET `status`=:one WHERE `insert_admin`=:insert_admin AND `module_idx`=:module_idx AND `idx`=:idx'; $prepare = $conn->prepare($sql); $prepare->execute(array(":idx" => (int) Input::method("POST", "sid"), ":insert_admin" => $_SESSION["tradewithgeorgia_user_id"], ":module_idx" => 4, ":one" => 1)); echo "Done"; } if (Input::method("POST", "delenquire") == "true" && Input::method("POST", "eid") && is_numeric(Input::method("POST", "eid")) && !empty($_SESSION["tradewithgeorgia_user_id"])) { $check = 'SELECT `position` FROM `studio404_module_item` WHERE `idx`=:idx AND `module_idx`=5 AND `insert_admin`=:insert_admin'; $pre_check = $conn->prepare($check); $pre_check->execute(array(":idx" => (int) Input::method("POST", "eid"), ":insert_admin" => $_SESSION["tradewithgeorgia_user_id"])); $ch_fetch = $pre_check->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $update_pos = 'UPDATE `studio404_module_item` SET `position`=`position`-1 WHERE `status`!=1 AND `position`>' . $ch_fetch['position'] . ' AND `module_idx`=5 '; $query = $conn->query($update_pos); $sql = 'UPDATE `studio404_module_item` SET `status`=:one WHERE `insert_admin`=:insert_admin AND `module_idx`=:module_idx AND `idx`=:idx'; $prepare = $conn->prepare($sql); $prepare->execute(array(":idx" => (int) Input::method("POST", "eid"), ":insert_admin" => $_SESSION["tradewithgeorgia_user_id"], ":module_idx" => 5, ":one" => 1)); echo "Done"; } if (Input::method("POST", "addproduct") == "true" && Input::method("POST", "p") && Input::method("POST", "pn") && Input::method("POST", "d") && strlen(Input::method("POST", "d")) <= $c["textarea.max.symbols"]) { if (isset($_SESSION["addproducttry"]) && $_SESSION["addproducttry"] == Input::method("POST", "pn")) { echo "Error"; } $topublish = calculate::filled($_SESSION["user_data"]); if ($topublish < 100) { exit; } $products = (int) Input::method("POST", "p"); $shelf_life = strip_tags(Input::method("POST", "s")); $packaging = strip_tags(Input::method("POST", "pkg")); $awards = strip_tags(Input::method("POST", "a")); $prcap = strip_tags(Input::method("POST", "prcap")); $check_product = 'SELECT `cid` FROM `studio404_pages` WHERE `idx`=:idx AND `status`!=:one'; $prepare = $conn->prepare($check_product); $prepare->execute(array(":idx" => $products, ":one" => 1)); $fetch = $prepare->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $retrieve_users_info = new retrieve_users_info(); $subsector = (int) $retrieve_users_info->retrieve_subsector_from_product($products, "idx"); $check_hscode = 'SELECT `id` FROM `studio404_pages` WHERE `cid`=:cid AND `idx`=:idx AND `status`!=:one'; $prepare2 = $conn->prepare($check_hscode); $prepare2->execute(array(":cid" => 769, ":idx" => (int) Input::method("POST", "c"), ":one" => 1)); if (!$prepare->rowCount() || !$prepare2->rowCount()) { echo "Error"; } else { //select max idx $sqlm = 'SELECT MAX(`idx`)+1 AS maxid FROM `studio404_module_item`'; $querym = $conn->query($sqlm); $rowm = $querym->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $maxidm = $rowm['maxid'] ? $rowm['maxid'] : 1; // pos $sqlm2 = 'SELECT MAX(`position`)+1 AS pos FROM `studio404_module_item` WHERE `module_idx`=3 AND `status`!=1'; $querym2 = $conn->query($sqlm2); $rowm2 = $querym2->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $pos = $rowm2['pos'] ? $rowm2['pos'] : 1; $slug_generation = new slug_generation(); $uid = new uid(); $u = $uid->generate(); $slug = PRE_VIEW . "/" . $u . "/" . $slug_generation->generate(Input::method("POST", "pn")); $sql = 'INSERT INTO `studio404_module_item` SET `idx`=:idx, `uid`=:uid, `insert_ip`=:insert_ip, `date`=:datex, `module_idx`=:module_idx, `title`=:title, `hscode`=:hscode, `sub_sector_id`=:sub_sector_id, `products`=:products, `shelf_life`=:shelf_life, `packaging`=:packaging, `awards`=:awards, `production_capacity`=:production_capacity, `long_description`=:long_description, `slug`=:slug, `insert_admin`=:insert_admin, `position`=:position, `lang`=:lang, `visibility`=:visibility, `status`=:status'; $prepare = $conn->prepare($sql); $prepare->execute(array(":idx" => $maxidm, ":uid" => $u, ":insert_ip" => get_ip::ip(), ":datex" => time(), ":module_idx" => 3, ":title" => strip_tags(Input::method("POST", "pn")), ":hscode" => strip_tags(Input::method("POST", "c")), ":sub_sector_id" => $subsector, ":products" => $products, ":shelf_life" => $shelf_life, ":packaging" => $packaging, ":awards" => $awards, ":production_capacity" => $prcap, ":long_description" => strip_tags(nl2br(Input::method("POST", "d"))), ":slug" => $slug, ":insert_admin" => $_SESSION["tradewithgeorgia_user_id"], ":position" => $pos, ":lang" => LANG_ID, ":visibility" => 1, ":status" => 0)); if (!$prepare) { echo "Error"; } else { echo $maxidm; $_SESSION["addproducttry"] = Input::method("POST", "pn"); } } } if (Input::method("POST", "loadproduct") == "true" && Input::method("POST", "prid") && is_numeric(Input::method("POST", "prid"))) { // load project info for update form $products_sql = 'SELECT `studio404_module_item`.`id`, `studio404_module_item`.`idx`, `studio404_module_item`.`title`, `studio404_module_item`.`picture`, `studio404_module_item`.`shelf_life`, `studio404_module_item`.`packaging`, `studio404_module_item`.`awards`, `studio404_module_item`.`production_capacity`, `studio404_module_item`.`long_description`, `studio404_module_item`.`visibility`, `studio404_pages`.`idx` AS hs_id, `studio404_pages`.`title` AS hs_title FROM `studio404_module_item`, `studio404_pages` WHERE `studio404_module_item`.`idx`=:idx AND `studio404_module_item`.`insert_admin`=:insert_admin AND `studio404_module_item`.`status`!=:one AND `studio404_module_item`.`hscode`=`studio404_pages`.`idx` AND `studio404_pages`.`status`!=:one ORDER BY `studio404_module_item`.`date` DESC LIMIT 10'; $prepare_product = $conn->prepare($products_sql); $prepare_product->execute(array(":idx" => Input::method("POST", "prid"), ":insert_admin" => $_SESSION["tradewithgeorgia_user_id"], ":one" => 1)); $fetch = $prepare_product->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); echo json_encode($fetch); } if (Input::method("POST", "loadservices") == "true" && Input::method("POST", "srid") && is_numeric(Input::method("POST", "srid")) && $_SESSION["tradewithgeorgia_user_id"]) { // load project info for update form $products_sql = 'SELECT `id`,`idx`,`title`,`products`,`long_description` FROM `studio404_module_item` WHERE `id`=:id AND `insert_admin`=:insert_admin AND `status`!=:one ORDER BY `date` DESC LIMIT 10'; $prepare_product = $conn->prepare($products_sql); $prepare_product->execute(array(":id" => Input::method("POST", "srid"), ":insert_admin" => $_SESSION["tradewithgeorgia_user_id"], ":one" => 1)); $fetch = $prepare_product->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); echo json_encode($fetch); } if (Input::method("POST", "loadenquires") == "true" && Input::method("POST", "eid") && is_numeric(Input::method("POST", "eid")) && $_SESSION["tradewithgeorgia_user_id"]) { // load project info for update form $products_sql = 'SELECT `id`,`idx`,`title`,`type`,`sector_id`,`long_description` FROM `studio404_module_item` WHERE `id`=:id AND `insert_admin`=:insert_admin AND `status`!=:one ORDER BY `date` DESC LIMIT 10'; $prepare_product = $conn->prepare($products_sql); $prepare_product->execute(array(":id" => Input::method("POST", "eid"), ":insert_admin" => $_SESSION["tradewithgeorgia_user_id"], ":one" => 1)); $fetch = $prepare_product->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); echo json_encode($fetch); } if (Input::method("POST", "changeservice") == "true" && is_numeric(Input::method("POST", "i")) && Input::method("POST", "s") && Input::method("POST", "t") && Input::method("POST", "d")) { $i = Input::method("POST", "i"); $s = Input::method("POST", "s"); $t = Input::method("POST", "t"); $d = Input::method("POST", "d"); $retrieve_users_info = new retrieve_users_info(); //$p = $retrieve_users_info->retrieveDb($s); $subsector = (int) $retrieve_users_info->retrieve_subsector_from_product($s, "idx"); $sql = 'UPDATE `studio404_module_item` SET `title`=:title, `sub_sector_id`=:sub_sector_id, `products`=:products, `long_description`=:long_description, `visibility`=:one WHERE `id`=:id AND `insert_admin`=:insert_admin '; $prepare = $conn->prepare($sql); $prepare->execute(array(":title" => $t, ":sub_sector_id" => $subsector, ":products" => $s, ":long_description" => $d, ":id" => $i, ":insert_admin" => $_SESSION["tradewithgeorgia_user_id"], ":one" => 1)); echo "Done"; } // if (Input::method("POST", "changeenquire") == "true" && is_numeric(Input::method("POST", "i")) && Input::method("POST", "t") && Input::method("POST", "s") && Input::method("POST", "ti") && Input::method("POST", "d")) { $i = Input::method("POST", "i"); $t = Input::method("POST", "t"); $s = Input::method("POST", "s"); $ti = Input::method("POST", "ti"); $d = Input::method("POST", "d"); $sql = 'UPDATE `studio404_module_item` SET `type`=:type, `sector_id`=:sector_id, `title`=:title, `long_description`=:long_description, `visibility`=:one WHERE `id`=:id AND `insert_admin`=:insert_admin '; $prepare = $conn->prepare($sql); $prepare->execute(array(":type" => $t, ":sector_id" => $s, ":title" => $ti, ":long_description" => $d, ":id" => $i, ":insert_admin" => $_SESSION["tradewithgeorgia_user_id"], ":one" => 1)); echo "Done"; } if (Input::method("POST", "makeitchange") == "true") { $pi = Input::method("POST", "pi"); $pn = Input::method("POST", "pn"); $phs = Input::method("POST", "phs"); $psl = Input::method("POST", "psl"); $pp = Input::method("POST", "pp"); $pa = Input::method("POST", "pa"); $pd = Input::method("POST", "pd"); $prdcap = Input::method("POST", "prdcap"); $sql = 'UPDATE `studio404_module_item` SET `title`=:title, `hscode`=:hscode, `shelf_life`=:shelf_life, `packaging`=:packaging, `awards`=:awards, `production_capacity`=:production_capacity, `long_description`=:long_description, `visibility`=:one WHERE `id`=:id AND `insert_admin`=:insert_admin '; $prepare = $conn->prepare($sql); $prepare->execute(array(":title" => $pn, ":hscode" => $phs, ":shelf_life" => $psl, ":packaging" => $pp, ":awards" => $pa, ":long_description" => $pd, ":production_capacity" => $prdcap, ":id" => $pi, ":insert_admin" => $_SESSION["tradewithgeorgia_user_id"], ":one" => 1)); echo "Done"; } if (Input::method("POST", "addservice") == "true" && Input::method("POST", "t") && Input::method("POST", "s") && Input::method("POST", "d")) { $t = Input::method("POST", "t"); $s = Input::method("POST", "s"); $d = Input::method("POST", "d"); if (isset($_SESSION["addproducttry"]) && $_SESSION["addproducttry"] == Input::method("POST", "s")) { echo "Error"; } //select max idx $sqlm = 'SELECT MAX(`idx`)+1 AS maxid FROM `studio404_module_item`'; $querym = $conn->query($sqlm); $rowm = $querym->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $maxidm = $rowm['maxid'] ? $rowm['maxid'] : 1; // pos $sqlm2 = 'SELECT MAX(`position`)+1 AS pos FROM `studio404_module_item` WHERE `module_idx`=5197 AND `status`!=1'; $querym2 = $conn->query($sqlm2); $rowm2 = $querym2->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $pos = $rowm2['pos'] ? $rowm2['pos'] : 1; $slug_generation = new slug_generation(); $uid = new uid(); $u = $uid->generate(); $slug = PRE_VIEW . "/" . $u . "/" . $slug_generation->generate(Input::method("POST", "t")); $retrieve_users_info = new retrieve_users_info(); //$p = $retrieve_users_info->retrieveDb($t); $subsector = (int) $retrieve_users_info->retrieve_subsector_from_product($t, "idx"); $sql = 'INSERT INTO `studio404_module_item` SET `idx`=:idx, `uid`=:uid, `insert_ip`=:insert_ip, `date`=:datex, `module_idx`=:module_idx, `title`=:title, `sub_sector_id`=:sub_sector_id, `products`=:products, `long_description`=:long_description, `slug`=:slug, `insert_admin`=:insert_admin, `position`=:position, `lang`=:lang, `visibility`=:visibility, `status`=:status'; $prepare = $conn->prepare($sql); $prepare->execute(array(":idx" => $maxidm, ":uid" => $u, ":insert_ip" => get_ip::ip(), ":datex" => time(), ":module_idx" => 4, ":title" => $s, ":sub_sector_id" => $subsector, ":products" => (int) $t, ":long_description" => strip_tags(nl2br($d)), ":slug" => $slug, ":insert_admin" => $_SESSION["tradewithgeorgia_user_id"], ":position" => $pos, ":lang" => LANG_ID, ":visibility" => 1, ":status" => 0)); $_SESSION["addproducttry"] = Input::method("POST", "s"); echo "Done"; } if (Input::method("POST", "addenquire") == "true" && Input::method("POST", "t") && Input::method("POST", "s") && Input::method("POST", "ti") && Input::method("POST", "d")) { $t = Input::method("POST", "t"); $s = Input::method("POST", "s"); $ti = Input::method("POST", "ti"); $d = Input::method("POST", "d"); //select max idx $sqlm = 'SELECT MAX(`idx`)+1 AS maxid FROM `studio404_module_item`'; $querym = $conn->query($sqlm); $rowm = $querym->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $maxidm = $rowm['maxid'] ? $rowm['maxid'] : 1; // pos $sqlm2 = 'SELECT MAX(`position`)+1 AS pos FROM `studio404_module_item` WHERE `module_idx`=5198 AND `status`!=1'; $querym2 = $conn->query($sqlm2); $rowm2 = $querym2->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $pos = $rowm2['pos'] ? $rowm2['pos'] : 1; $slug_generation = new slug_generation(); $uid = new uid(); $u = $uid->generate(); $slug = PRE_VIEW . "/" . $u . "/" . $slug_generation->generate($ti); $sql = 'INSERT INTO `studio404_module_item` SET `idx`=:idx, `uid`=:uid, `insert_ip`=:insert_ip, `date`=:datex, `module_idx`=:module_idx, `type`=:type, `title`=:title, `sector_id`=:sector_id, `long_description`=:long_description, `slug`=:slug, `insert_admin`=:insert_admin, `position`=:position, `lang`=:lang, `visibility`=:visibility, `status`=:status'; $prepare = $conn->prepare($sql); $prepare->execute(array(":idx" => $maxidm, ":uid" => $u, ":insert_ip" => get_ip::ip(), ":datex" => time(), ":module_idx" => 5, ":type" => $t, ":title" => $ti, ":sector_id" => (int) $s, ":long_description" => strip_tags(nl2br($d)), ":slug" => $slug, ":insert_admin" => $_SESSION["tradewithgeorgia_user_id"], ":position" => $pos, ":lang" => LANG_ID, ":visibility" => 1, ":status" => 0)); echo "Done"; } if (Input::method("POST", "saveusersemail") && Input::method("POST", "e")) { if ($this->isValidEmail(Input::method("POST", "e"))) { if (Input::method("POST", "latestupdates") == "true") { //products and enquires $sql = 'SELECT `id` FROM `studio404_newsletter_emails` WHERE `type`="email" AND `group_id`=1 AND `email`=:email AND `status`!=:one '; $prepare = $conn->prepare($sql); $prepare->execute(array(":email" => Input::method("POST", "e"), ":one" => 1)); if ($prepare->rowCount() > 0) { echo "Exists"; } else { $unsubscribe = sha1(md5(Input::method("POST", "e") . "Studio404")); $sql_insert = 'INSERT INTO `studio404_newsletter_emails` SET `type`="email", `unsubscribe`=:unsubscribe, `u_ip`=:u_ip, `name`="User", `group_id`=1, `email`=:email '; $prepare2 = $conn->prepare($sql_insert); $prepare2->execute(array(":unsubscribe" => $unsubscribe, ":u_ip" => get_ip::ip(), ":email" => Input::method("POST", "e"))); echo "Done"; } } } else { echo "Error"; } } if (Input::method("POST", "loadevents") == "true") { $current = time(); $sql = 'SELECT `studio404_module_item`.`idx` AS smi_idx, `studio404_module_item`.`title` AS smi_title FROM `studio404_module_attachment`, `studio404_module`, `studio404_module_item` WHERE `studio404_module_attachment`.`connect_idx`=:sma_connect_id AND `studio404_module_attachment`.`page_type`=:sma_page_type AND `studio404_module_attachment`.`lang`=:lang AND `studio404_module_attachment`.`status`!=:status AND `studio404_module_attachment`.`idx`=`studio404_module`.`idx` AND `studio404_module`.`lang`=:lang AND `studio404_module`.`status`!=:status AND `studio404_module`.`idx`=`studio404_module_item`.`module_idx` AND `studio404_module_item`.`date`>:current AND `studio404_module_item`.`event_registration`="on" AND `studio404_module_item`.`lang`=:lang AND `studio404_module_item`.`status`!=:status ORDER BY `studio404_module_item`.`date` DESC '; $prepare = $conn->prepare($sql); $prepare->execute(array(":sma_connect_id" => 16, ":sma_page_type" => 'eventpage', ":lang" => LANG_ID, ":status" => 1, ":current" => $current)); $fetch = $prepare->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); echo json_encode($fetch); } if (Input::method("POST", "regEvent") == "true" && Input::method("POST", "ei") && Input::method("POST", "n") && Input::method("POST", "e") && Input::method("POST", "m")) { $event = 'SELECT `title` FROM `studio404_module_item` WHERE `idx`=:idx AND `status`!=:one'; $prepare_e = $conn->prepare($event); $prepare_e->execute(array(":idx" => (int) Input::method("POST", "ei"), ":one" => 1)); if ($prepare_e->rowCount() > 0) { $uid = new uid(); $event_ticket_id = $uid->generate(8); $token = $uid->generate(12); $insert = 'INSERT INTO `studio404_event_tickets` SET `date`=:datex, `uid`=:uid, `event_id`=:event_id, `namelname`=:namelname, `email`=:email, `mobile`=:mobile, `token`=:token'; $insert_pre = $conn->prepare($insert); $insert_pre->execute(array(":datex" => time(), ":uid" => $event_ticket_id, ":event_id" => (int) Input::method("POST", "ei"), ":namelname" => Input::method("POST", "n"), ":email" => Input::method("POST", "e"), ":mobile" => Input::method("POST", "m"), ":token" => $token)); } echo WEBSITE . "en/about-us/events/ticket?id=" . $event_ticket_id . "&token=" . $token; } if (Input::method("POST", "sendmsgtouser") == "true" && is_numeric(Input::method("POST", "i")) && Input::method("POST", "n") && Input::method("POST", "c") && Input::method("POST", "e") && Input::method("POST", "cn") && Input::method("POST", "m")) { if ($this->isValidEmail(Input::method("POST", "e"))) { $sql = 'SELECT `id`,`namelname`,`email` FROM `studio404_users` WHERE `id`=:id AND `status`!=:one'; $prepare = $conn->prepare($sql); $prepare->execute(array(":id" => (int) Input::method("POST", "i"), ":one" => 1)); if ($prepare->rowCount() > 0) { $fetch = $prepare->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if ($fetch["email"]) { $sql2 = 'SELECT `title` FROM `studio404_pages` WHERE `idx`=:idx'; $prepare2 = $conn->prepare($sql2); $prepare2->execute(array(":idx" => (int) Input::method("POST", "c"))); $fetch2 = $prepare2->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); // select email hosts $sql = 'SELECT `host`,`user`,`pass`,`from`,`fromname` FROM `studio404_newsletter` WHERE `id`=1'; $prepare = $conn->prepare($sql); $prepare->execute(); $fetch_ = $prepare->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $host = $fetch_["host"]; $user = $fetch_["user"]; $pass = $fetch_["pass"]; $from = $fetch_["from"]; $fromname = $fetch_["fromname"]; $subject = "::Message::"; $message = ''; $message .= '<div style="margin:0; padding:0; width:100%;"><img src="' . TEMPLATE . 'img/mailheader.png" width="100%" alt="Mail header"/></div>'; $message .= '<b>Send time: </b>' . date("d/m/Y H:m:s") . "<br />"; $message .= '<b>Company or Person Name: </b>' . strip_tags(Input::method("POST", "n")) . "<br />"; $message .= '<b>Country: </b>' . strip_tags($fetch2["title"]) . "<br />"; $message .= '<b>Email address: </b>' . strip_tags(Input::method("POST", "e")) . "<br />"; $message .= '<b>Contact number: </b>' . strip_tags(Input::method("POST", "cn")) . "<br />"; $message .= '<b>Message: </b>' . strip_tags(Input::method("POST", "m")) . "<br />"; $message .= '<b>Sender IP: </b>' . get_ip::ip() . "<br />"; $send_email = new send_email(); $send_email->send($host, $user, $pass, $from, $fromname, $fetch["email"], $subject, $message); $to_to = '<i>Msg sent to ' . $fetch["id"] . ') ' . $fetch["namelname"] . '</i>'; $send_email->send($host, $user, $pass, $from, $fromname, $from, "::Message::", $message . $to_to); echo "Done"; } else { echo "Error"; } } else { echo "Error"; } } else { echo "Error"; } } if (Input::method("POST", "asktoaddcertificate") == "true" && Input::method("POST", "c") && $_SESSION["tradewithgeorgia_user_id"]) { $sql = 'SELECT `id` FROM `studio404_pages` WHERE `title`=:title AND `cid`=755 AND `status`!=1'; $prepare = $conn->prepare($sql); $prepare->execute(array(":title" => Input::method("POST", "c"))); if ($prepare->rowCount() > 0) { echo "Exists"; } else { $max = 'SELECT `id`, (SELECT MAX(`idx`) FROM `studio404_pages`) AS maxidx, (SELECT MAX(`position`) FROM `studio404_pages` WHERE `cid`=755 AND `status`!=1) AS maxposition FROM `studio404_pages` LIMIT 1'; $prepareMax = $conn->prepare($max); $prepareMax->execute(); $fetchMax = $prepareMax->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $c = Input::method("POST", "c"); $slug = slug_generation::gen($c); $maxidx = $fetchMax["maxidx"] + 1; $maxposition = $fetchMax["maxposition"] + 1; $sqlinsert = 'INSERT INTO `studio404_pages` SET `idx`=:maxidx, `cid`=755, `date`=:datex, `menu_type`="sub", `page_type`="textpage", `title`=:title, `shorttitle`=:title, `redirectlink`="false", `slug`=:slug, `insert_admin`=:insert_admin, `lang`=5, `visibility`=1, `position`=:maxposition '; $prepareinsert = $conn->prepare($sqlinsert); $prepareinsert->execute(array(":maxidx" => $maxidx, ":maxposition" => $maxposition, ":datex" => time(), ":title" => $c, ":slug" => $slug, ":insert_admin" => $_SESSION["tradewithgeorgia_user_id"])); echo "Done"; } } if (Input::method("POST", "loadreadmore") == "true" && is_numeric(Input::method("POST", "u")) && is_numeric(Input::method("POST", "p"))) { $sql = 'SELECT `studio404_module_item`.*, (SELECT `studio404_users`.`company_type` FROM `studio404_users` WHERE `studio404_users`.`id`=`studio404_module_item`.`insert_admin`) AS com_type, (SELECT `studio404_users`.`namelname` FROM `studio404_users` WHERE `studio404_users`.`id`=`studio404_module_item`.`insert_admin`) AS com_name, (SELECT `studio404_pages`.`title` FROM `studio404_pages` WHERE `studio404_pages`.`idx`=`studio404_module_item`.`hscode`) AS hscode_title FROM `studio404_module_item` WHERE `studio404_module_item`.`insert_admin`=' . (int) Input::method("POST", "u") . ' AND `studio404_module_item`.`id`=' . (int) Input::method("POST", "p") . ' AND `studio404_module_item`.`status`!=:one '; $prepare = $conn->prepare($sql); $prepare->execute(array(":one" => 1)); if ($prepare->rowCount() > 0) { $fetch = $prepare->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $retrieve_users_info = new retrieve_users_info(); $out = ''; $picture = $fetch["picture"] ? WEBSITE . 'image?f=' . WEBSITE . 'files/usersproducts/' . $fetch["picture"] . '&w=175&h=175' : ''; if ($fetch["com_type"] == "manufacturer") { $out .= '<div class="col-sm-12"><h3 class="modal-title">' . $fetch["title"] . '</h3></div>'; $out .= '<div class="col-sm-4">'; $out .= '<div class="form-group"><img src="' . $picture . '" class="img-responsive" alt="" style="width:100%" /></div>'; $out .= '</div>'; // ------------------------------------------------------------// $out .= '<div class="col-sm-8">'; $out .= '<div class="form-group"><b>HS code:</b> ' . $fetch["hscode_title"] . '</div>'; $out .= '<div class="form-group"><b>Packiging:</b> ' . $fetch["packaging"] . '</div>'; $out .= '<div class="form-group"><b>Shelf life:</b> ' . $fetch["shelf_life"] . '</div>'; $out .= '<div class="form-group"><b>Awards:</b> ' . $fetch["awards"] . '</div>'; $out .= '<div class="form-group"><b>Description:</b> ' . nl2br(strip_tags($fetch["long_description"])) . '</div>'; $out .= '<div class="form-group"><b>Product Analysis:</b> <a href="' . WEBSITE . 'files/document/' . $fetch["productanalisis"] . '" target="_blank">PDF</a></div>'; $out .= '<div class="form-group"><b>User:</b> ' . $fetch["com_name"] . '</div>'; $out .= '</div>'; } else { if ($fetch["com_type"] == "serviceprovider") { $out .= '<div class="col-sm-12">'; $out .= '<h3 class="modal-title">' . $fetch["title"] . '</h3>'; $out .= '<div class="form-group"><b>Description:</b> ' . nl2br(strip_tags($fetch["long_description"])) . '</div>'; $out .= '<div class="form-group"><b>User:</b> ' . $fetch["com_name"] . '</div>'; $out .= '</div>'; } else { if ($fetch["com_type"] == "company" || $fetch["com_type"] == "individual") { $out .= '<div class="col-sm-12">'; $out .= '<h3 class="modal-title">' . $fetch["title"] . '</h3>'; $out .= '<div class="form-group"><b>Date:</b> ' . date("d.m.Y", $fetch["date"]) . '</div>'; $out .= '<div class="form-group"><b>Description:</b> ' . nl2br(strip_tags($fetch["long_description"])) . '</div>'; $out .= '<div class="form-group"><b>User:</b> ' . $fetch["com_name"] . '</div>'; $out .= '</div>'; } } } echo $out; } } if (Input::method("POST", "loadmore") == "true") { $type = Input::method("POST", "t"); $typex = Input::method("POST", "tx"); $sector = Input::method("POST", "sec"); $subsector = Input::method("POST", "ss"); $products = Input::method("POST", "p"); $exportmarkets = Input::method("POST", "e"); $certificate = Input::method("POST", "c"); $enquire_type = Input::method("POST", "v"); $from = Input::method("POST", "f"); $load = Input::method("POST", "l"); $search = Input::method("POST", "ser"); $uid = Input::method("POST", "uid"); switch ($type) { case "companylist": $limit = ' LIMIT ' . $from . ', ' . $load; $orderBy = ' ORDER BY `studio404_users`.`id` DESC'; $subsectors = $subsector && is_numeric($subsector) ? ' FIND_IN_SET(' . $subsector . ',`studio404_users`.`sub_sector_id`) AND ' : ''; $products = $products && is_numeric($products) ? ' FIND_IN_SET(' . $products . ',`studio404_users`.`products`) AND ' : ''; $exportmarkets = $exportmarkets && is_numeric($exportmarkets) ? ' FIND_IN_SET(' . $exportmarkets . ',`studio404_users`.`export_markets_id`) AND ' : ''; $certificates = $certificate && is_numeric($certificate) ? ' FIND_IN_SET(' . $certificate . ',`studio404_users`.`certificates`) AND ' : ''; $search = !empty($search) ? '`studio404_users`.`namelname` LIKE "' . $search . '%" OR `studio404_users`.`namelname` LIKE "%' . $search . '" OR MATCH(`studio404_users`.`namelname`) AGAINST ("' . $search . '") AND ' : ''; $sql = 'SELECT `studio404_users`.`id` AS su_id, `studio404_users`.`username` AS su_username, `studio404_users`.`sub_sector_id` AS su_sub_sector_id, `studio404_users`.`namelname` AS su_namelname, `studio404_users`.`picture` AS su_picture, `studio404_users`.`products` AS su_products, `studio404_users`.`export_markets_id` AS su_export_markets_id, `studio404_users`.`certificates` AS su_certificates, `studio404_users`.`company_type` AS su_companytype FROM `studio404_users` WHERE `studio404_users`.`user_type`=:user_type AND `studio404_users`.`allow`!=:one AND `studio404_users`.`namelname`<>"" AND `studio404_users`.`picture`<>"" AND `studio404_users`.`sector_id`<>"" AND `studio404_users`.`sub_sector_id`<>"" AND `studio404_users`.`products`<>"" AND ' . $subsectors . ' ' . $products . ' ' . $exportmarkets . ' ' . $certificates . ' ' . $search . ' (`studio404_users`.`company_type`=:manufacturer OR `studio404_users`.`company_type`=:serviceprovider) AND `studio404_users`.`status`!=:one ' . $orderBy . ' ' . $limit . ' '; $prepare = $conn->prepare($sql); $prepare->execute(array(":manufacturer" => 'manufacturer', ":serviceprovider" => 'serviceprovider', ":user_type" => 'website', ":one" => 1)); if ($prepare->rowCount() > 0) { $retrieve_users_info = new retrieve_users_info(); $fetch = $prepare->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $result = array(); $x = 0; foreach ($fetch as $val) { $result[$x]["su_id"] = $val["su_id"]; $result[$x]["su_username"] = $val["su_username"]; $result[$x]["su_namelname"] = $val["su_namelname"]; $result[$x]["su_picture"] = $val["su_picture"]; $result[$x]["su_companytype"] = $val["su_companytype"]; $result[$x]["su_sub_sector_id"] = $retrieve_users_info->retrieveDb($val["su_sub_sector_id"]); $result[$x]["su_products"] = $retrieve_users_info->retrieveDb($val["su_products"]); $result[$x]["su_export_markets_id"] = $retrieve_users_info->retrieveDb($val["su_export_markets_id"]); $result[$x]["su_certificates"] = $retrieve_users_info->retrieveDb($val["su_certificates"]); $x++; } echo json_encode($result); } else { echo "Empty"; } break; case "productslist": $limit = ' LIMIT ' . $from . ', ' . $load; $orderBy = ' ORDER BY `studio404_module_item`.`id` DESC'; $subsectors = $subsector && is_numeric($subsector) ? ' FIND_IN_SET(' . $subsector . ',`studio404_module_item`.`sub_sector_id`) AND ' : ''; $products = $products && is_numeric($products) ? ' FIND_IN_SET(' . $products . ',`studio404_module_item`.`products`) AND ' : ''; $search = !empty($search) ? ' (`studio404_module_item`.`title` LIKE "' . $search . '%" OR `studio404_module_item`.`title` LIKE "%' . $search . '" OR MATCH(`studio404_module_item`.`title`) AGAINST ("' . $search . '") OR `studio404_users`.`namelname` LIKE "%' . $search . '" OR `studio404_users`.`namelname` LIKE "' . $search . '%" OR MATCH(`studio404_users`.`namelname`) AGAINST ("' . $search . '") OR `studio404_module_item`.`long_description` LIKE "' . $search . '%" OR `studio404_module_item`.`long_description` LIKE "%' . $search . '" OR MATCH(`studio404_module_item`.`long_description`) AGAINST ("' . $search . '")) AND ' : ''; $sql = 'SELECT `studio404_module_item`.`id`, `studio404_module_item`.`idx`, `studio404_module_item`.`title`, `studio404_module_item`.`picture`, `studio404_module_item`.`sub_sector_id`, `studio404_module_item`.`hscode`, `studio404_module_item`.`products`, `studio404_module_item`.`shelf_life`, `studio404_module_item`.`packaging`, `studio404_module_item`.`awards`, `studio404_module_item`.`long_description`, `studio404_users`.`id` AS users_id, `studio404_users`.`namelname` AS users_name, `studio404_users`.`company_type` AS su_companytype FROM `studio404_module_item`, `studio404_users` WHERE `studio404_module_item`.`module_idx`=3 AND ' . $subsectors . ' ' . $products . ' ' . $search . ' `studio404_module_item`.`visibility`=:two AND `studio404_module_item`.`status`!=:one AND `studio404_module_item`.`insert_admin`=`studio404_users`.`id` AND `studio404_users`.`status`!=:one ' . $orderBy . ' ' . $limit . ' '; $prepare = $conn->prepare($sql); $prepare->execute(array(":two" => 2, ":one" => 1)); if ($prepare->rowCount() > 0) { $retrieve_users_info = new retrieve_users_info(); $fetch = $prepare->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $result = array(); $x = 0; $ctext = new ctext(); foreach ($fetch as $val) { $result[$x]["id"] = $val["id"]; $result[$x]["idx"] = $val["idx"]; $result[$x]["title"] = $val["title"]; $result[$x]["picture"] = $val["picture"]; $result[$x]["hscode"] = $val["hscode"]; $result[$x]["shelf_life"] = $val["shelf_life"]; $result[$x]["packaging"] = $val["packaging"]; $result[$x]["awards"] = $val["awards"]; $result[$x]["long_description"] = $ctext->cut(strip_tags($val["long_description"]), 120); $result[$x]["users_id"] = $val["users_id"]; $result[$x]["users_name"] = $val["users_name"]; $result[$x]["su_companytype"] = $val["su_companytype"]; $result[$x]["sub_sector_id"] = $retrieve_users_info->retrieveDb($val["sub_sector_id"]); $result[$x]["products"] = $retrieve_users_info->retrieveDb($val["products"]); $x++; } echo json_encode($result); } else { echo "Empty"; } break; case "servicelist": $limit = ' LIMIT ' . $from . ', ' . $load; $orderBy = ' ORDER BY `studio404_module_item`.`id` DESC'; $subsectors = $subsector && is_numeric($subsector) ? ' FIND_IN_SET(' . $subsector . ',`studio404_module_item`.`sub_sector_id`) AND ' : ''; $services = $products && is_numeric($products) ? ' FIND_IN_SET(' . $products . ',`studio404_module_item`.`products`) AND ' : ''; $search = !empty($search) ? ' (`studio404_module_item`.`title` LIKE "' . $search . '%" OR `studio404_module_item`.`title` LIKE "%' . $search . '" OR MATCH(`studio404_module_item`.`title`) AGAINST ("' . $search . '") OR `studio404_module_item`.`long_description` LIKE "' . $search . '%" OR `studio404_module_item`.`long_description` LIKE "%' . $search . '" OR MATCH(`studio404_module_item`.`long_description`) AGAINST ("' . $search . '") OR `studio404_users`.`namelname` LIKE "' . $search . '%" OR `studio404_users`.`namelname` LIKE "%' . $search . '" OR MATCH(`studio404_users`.`namelname`) AGAINST ("' . $search . '")) AND ' : ''; $sql = 'SELECT `studio404_module_item`.`id`, `studio404_module_item`.`idx`, `studio404_module_item`.`title`, `studio404_module_item`.`picture`, `studio404_module_item`.`sub_sector_id`, `studio404_module_item`.`hscode`, `studio404_module_item`.`products`, `studio404_module_item`.`shelf_life`, `studio404_module_item`.`packaging`, `studio404_module_item`.`awards`, `studio404_module_item`.`long_description`, `studio404_users`.`id` AS users_id, `studio404_users`.`namelname` AS users_name, `studio404_users`.`picture` AS users_picture, `studio404_users`.`company_type` AS su_companytype FROM `studio404_module_item`, `studio404_users` WHERE `studio404_module_item`.`module_idx`=4 AND ' . $subsectors . ' ' . $services . ' ' . $search . ' `studio404_module_item`.`visibility`=:two AND `studio404_module_item`.`status`!=:one AND `studio404_module_item`.`insert_admin`=`studio404_users`.`id` AND `studio404_users`.`status`!=:one ' . $orderBy . ' ' . $limit . ' '; $prepare = $conn->prepare($sql); $prepare->execute(array(":two" => 2, ":one" => 1)); if ($prepare->rowCount() > 0) { $retrieve_users_info = new retrieve_users_info(); $fetch = $prepare->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $result = array(); $x = 0; $ctext = new ctext(); foreach ($fetch as $val) { $result[$x]["id"] = $val["id"]; $result[$x]["idx"] = $val["idx"]; $result[$x]["title"] = $val["title"]; $result[$x]["picture"] = $val["users_picture"]; $result[$x]["hscode"] = $val["hscode"]; $result[$x]["shelf_life"] = $val["shelf_life"]; $result[$x]["packaging"] = $val["packaging"]; $result[$x]["awards"] = $val["awards"]; $result[$x]["long_description"] = $ctext->cut(strip_tags($val["long_description"]), 120); $result[$x]["users_id"] = $val["users_id"]; $result[$x]["users_name"] = $val["users_name"]; $result[$x]["su_companytype"] = $val["su_companytype"]; $result[$x]["sub_sector_id"] = $retrieve_users_info->retrieveDb($val["sub_sector_id"]); $result[$x]["products"] = $retrieve_users_info->retrieveDb($val["products"]); $x++; } echo json_encode($result); } else { echo "Empty"; } break; case "enquirelist": $limit = ' LIMIT ' . $from . ', ' . $load; $orderBy = ' ORDER BY `studio404_module_item`.`id` DESC'; $sector = $sector && is_numeric($sector) ? ' FIND_IN_SET(' . $sector . ',`studio404_module_item`.`sector_id`) AND ' : ''; $ctype = $typex ? '`studio404_users`.`company_type`="' . $typex . '" AND ' : ''; $type = $enquire_type ? '`studio404_module_item`.`type`="' . $enquire_type . '" AND ' : ''; $search = !empty($search) ? '`studio404_module_item`.`title` LIKE "%' . $search . '%" AND ' : ''; $sql = 'SELECT `studio404_module_item`.`id`, `studio404_module_item`.`idx`, `studio404_module_item`.`date`, `studio404_module_item`.`title`, `studio404_module_item`.`type`, `studio404_module_item`.`long_description`, `studio404_users`.`id` AS users_id, `studio404_users`.`namelname` AS users_name, `studio404_users`.`company_type` AS su_companytype, (SELECT `title` FROM `studio404_pages` WHERE `studio404_pages`.`idx`=`studio404_module_item`.`sector_id` AND `lang`=:lang) AS sector_name FROM `studio404_module_item`, `studio404_users` WHERE `studio404_module_item`.`module_idx`=5 AND ' . $sector . ' ' . $type . ' ' . $search . ' `studio404_module_item`.`visibility`=:two AND `studio404_module_item`.`status`!=:one AND `studio404_module_item`.`insert_admin`=`studio404_users`.`id` AND ' . $ctype . ' `studio404_users`.`status`!=:one ' . $orderBy . ' ' . $limit . ' '; // echo $sql; $prepare = $conn->prepare($sql); $prepare->execute(array(":lang" => LANG_ID, ":two" => 2, ":one" => 1)); if ($prepare->rowCount() > 0) { $fetch = $prepare->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $result = array(); $x = 0; $ctext = new ctext(); foreach ($fetch as $val) { $result[$x]["id"] = $val["id"]; $result[$x]["idx"] = $val["idx"]; $result[$x]["date"] = date("d.m.Y", $val['date']); $result[$x]["title"] = $val["title"]; $result[$x]["type"] = $val["type"]; $result[$x]["long_description"] = nl2br($ctext->cut(strip_tags($val['long_description']), 260)); $result[$x]["users_id"] = $val["users_id"]; $result[$x]["users_name"] = $val["users_name"]; $result[$x]["su_companytype"] = $val["su_companytype"]; $result[$x]["sector_name"] = $val["sector_name"]; $x++; } echo json_encode($result); } else { echo "Empty"; } break; case "eventslist": $limit = ' LIMIT ' . $from . ', ' . $load; $sql = 'SELECT `studio404_module_item`.`slug`, `studio404_module_item`.`date`, `studio404_module_item`.`expiredate`, `studio404_module_item`.`title`, `studio404_module_item`.`event_booth`, ( SELECT `studio404_gallery_file`.`file` FROM `studio404_gallery_attachment`,`studio404_gallery`,`studio404_gallery_file` WHERE `studio404_gallery_attachment`.`connect_idx`=`studio404_module_item`.`idx` AND `studio404_gallery_attachment`.`pagetype`=:pagetype AND `studio404_gallery_attachment`.`lang`=:lang AND `studio404_gallery_attachment`.`status`!=:status AND `studio404_gallery_attachment`.`idx`=`studio404_gallery`.`idx` AND `studio404_gallery`.`lang`=:lang AND `studio404_gallery`.`status`!=:status AND `studio404_gallery`.`idx`=`studio404_gallery_file`.`gallery_idx` AND `studio404_gallery_file`.`media_type`=:media_type AND `studio404_gallery_file`.`lang`=:lang AND `studio404_gallery_file`.`status`!=:status ORDER BY `studio404_gallery_file`.`position` ASC LIMIT 1 ) AS pic FROM `studio404_pages`,`studio404_module_attachment`, `studio404_module`, `studio404_module_item` WHERE `studio404_pages`.`page_type`=:pagetype AND `studio404_pages`.`lang`=:lang AND `studio404_pages`.`status`!=:status AND `studio404_pages`.`idx`=`studio404_module_attachment`.`connect_idx` AND `studio404_module_attachment`.`page_type`=:pagetype AND `studio404_module_attachment`.`lang`=:lang AND `studio404_module_attachment`.`status`!=:status AND `studio404_module_attachment`.`idx`=`studio404_module`.`idx` AND `studio404_module`.`lang`=:lang AND `studio404_module`.`status`!=:status AND `studio404_module`.`idx`=`studio404_module_item`.`module_idx` AND `studio404_module_item`.`lang`=:lang AND `studio404_module_item`.`visibility`!=:visibility AND `studio404_module_item`.`status`!=:status ORDER BY `studio404_module_item`.`date` DESC ' . $limit . ' '; $prepare = $conn->prepare($sql); $prepare->execute(array(":pagetype" => 'eventpage', ":media_type" => 'photo', ":lang" => LANG_ID, ":status" => 1, ":visibility" => 1)); if ($prepare->rowCount() > 0) { $ctext = new ctext(); $fetch = $prepare->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $result = array(); $x = 0; foreach ($fetch as $val) { $result[$x]["datetime"] = $val["expiredate"]; $result[$x]["date"] = date("d M Y", $val["date"]); $result[$x]["slug"] = $val["slug"]; $result[$x]["pic"] = $val["pic"]; $result[$x]["event_booth"] = $val["event_booth"]; $result[$x]["title"] = $ctext->cut($val["title"], 30); $x++; } echo json_encode($result); } else { echo "Empty"; } break; case "newslist": $limit = ' LIMIT ' . $from . ', ' . $load; $sql = 'SELECT `studio404_module_item`.`date`, `studio404_module_item`.`slug`, `studio404_module_item`.`title` FROM `studio404_pages`,`studio404_module_attachment`, `studio404_module`, `studio404_module_item` WHERE `studio404_pages`.`page_type`=:pagetype AND `studio404_pages`.`lang`=:lang AND `studio404_pages`.`status`!=:status AND `studio404_pages`.`idx`=`studio404_module_attachment`.`connect_idx` AND `studio404_module_attachment`.`page_type`=:pagetype AND `studio404_module_attachment`.`lang`=:lang AND `studio404_module_attachment`.`status`!=:status AND `studio404_module_attachment`.`idx`=`studio404_module`.`idx` AND `studio404_module`.`lang`=:lang AND `studio404_module`.`status`!=:status AND `studio404_module`.`idx`=`studio404_module_item`.`module_idx` AND `studio404_module_item`.`lang`=:lang AND `studio404_module_item`.`visibility`!=:visibility AND `studio404_module_item`.`status`!=:status ORDER BY `studio404_module_item`.`date` DESC ' . $limit . ' '; $prepare = $conn->prepare($sql); $prepare->execute(array(":pagetype" => 'newspage', ":media_type" => 'photo', ":lang" => LANG_ID, ":status" => 1, ":visibility" => 1)); if ($prepare->rowCount() > 0) { $ctext = new ctext(); $fetch = $prepare->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $result = array(); $x = 0; foreach ($fetch as $val) { $result[$x]["date"] = "<span>" . date("d", $val["date"]) . "</span> " . date("M", $val["date"]); $result[$x]["slug"] = $val["slug"]; $result[$x]["title"] = $ctext->cut($val["title"], 30); $x++; } echo json_encode($result); } else { echo "Empty"; } break; case "profileproductlist": $limit = ' LIMIT ' . $from . ', ' . $load; $sql = 'SELECT `studio404_module_item`.`idx`, `studio404_module_item`.`title`, `studio404_module_item`.`picture`, `studio404_module_item`.`packaging`, `studio404_module_item`.`awards`, `studio404_module_item`.`long_description`, `studio404_module_item`.`productanalisis`, `studio404_module_item`.`visibility`, `studio404_pages`.`title` AS hs_title FROM `studio404_module_item`, `studio404_pages` WHERE `studio404_module_item`.`insert_admin`=:insert_admin AND `studio404_module_item`.`module_idx`=:module_idx AND `studio404_module_item`.`status`!=:one AND `studio404_module_item`.`hscode`=`studio404_pages`.`idx` AND `studio404_pages`.`status`!=:one ORDER BY `studio404_module_item`.`date` DESC ' . $limit; $prepare = $conn->prepare($sql); $prepare->execute(array(":insert_admin" => $_SESSION["tradewithgeorgia_user_id"], ":module_idx" => 3, ":one" => 1)); if ($prepare->rowCount() > 0) { $ctext = new ctext(); $fetch = $prepare->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $result = array(); $x = 0; foreach ($fetch as $val) { $result[$x]["idx"] = $val["idx"]; $result[$x]["title"] = $val["title"]; $result[$x]["picture"] = $val["picture"]; $result[$x]["packaging"] = $val["packaging"]; $result[$x]["awards"] = $val["awards"]; $result[$x]["long_description"] = $val["long_description"]; $result[$x]["productanalisis"] = $val["productanalisis"]; $result[$x]["visibility"] = $val["visibility"]; $result[$x]["hs_title"] = $val["hs_title"]; $x++; } echo json_encode($result); } else { echo "Empty"; } break; case "profileservicelist": $limit = ' LIMIT ' . $from . ', ' . $load; $sql = 'SELECT `id`,`idx`,`title`,`long_description`, `visibility` FROM `studio404_module_item` WHERE `module_idx`=:module_idx AND `insert_admin`=:insert_admin AND `status`!=:one ORDER BY `date` DESC ' . $limit; $prepare = $conn->prepare($sql); $prepare->execute(array(":module_idx" => 4, ":insert_admin" => $_SESSION["tradewithgeorgia_user_id"], ":one" => 1)); if ($prepare->rowCount() > 0) { $ctext = new ctext(); $fetch = $prepare->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $result = array(); $x = 0; foreach ($fetch as $val) { $result[$x]["id"] = $val["id"]; $result[$x]["idx"] = $val["idx"]; $result[$x]["title"] = $val["title"]; $result[$x]["long_description"] = $val["long_description"]; $result[$x]["visibility"] = $val["visibility"]; $x++; } echo json_encode($result); } else { echo "Empty"; } break; case "profileenquirelist": $limit = ' LIMIT ' . $from . ', ' . $load; $sql = 'SELECT `studio404_module_item`.`id`, `studio404_module_item`.`idx`, `studio404_module_item`.`date`, `studio404_module_item`.`title`, `studio404_module_item`.`sector_id`, `studio404_module_item`.`type`, `studio404_module_item`.`long_description`, `studio404_module_item`.`visibility` FROM `studio404_module_item` WHERE `studio404_module_item`.`insert_admin`=:insert_admin AND `studio404_module_item`.`module_idx`=:module_idx AND `studio404_module_item`.`status`!=:one ORDER BY `studio404_module_item`.`date` DESC ' . $limit; $prepare = $conn->prepare($sql); $prepare->execute(array(":insert_admin" => $_SESSION["tradewithgeorgia_user_id"], ":module_idx" => 5, ":one" => 1)); if ($prepare->rowCount() > 0) { $ctext = new ctext(); $fetch = $prepare->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $result = array(); $x = 0; foreach ($fetch as $val) { $result[$x]["id"] = $val["id"]; $result[$x]["idx"] = $val["idx"]; $result[$x]["date"] = date("d.m.Y", $val["date"]); $result[$x]["title"] = $val["title"]; $result[$x]["sector_id"] = $val["sector_id"]; $result[$x]["type"] = $val["type"]; $result[$x]["long_description"] = strip_tags(nl2br($val["long_description"])); $result[$x]["visibility"] = $val["visibility"]; $x++; } echo json_encode($result); } else { echo "Empty"; } break; case "userspageserviceprovider": $limit = ' LIMIT ' . $from . ', ' . $load; $model_template_userstatements = new model_template_userstatements(); $fetch = $model_template_userstatements->stats($c, 'serviceprovider', $uid, $limit); if ($fetch) { $ctext = new ctext(); $result = array(); $x = 0; foreach ($fetch as $val) { $result[$x]["id"] = $val["id"]; $result[$x]["idx"] = $val["idx"]; $result[$x]["title"] = $val["title"]; $result[$x]["long_description"] = strip_tags(nl2br($val["long_description"])); $x++; } echo json_encode($result); } else { echo "Empty"; } break; case "userspagemanufacturer": $limit = ' LIMIT ' . $from . ', ' . $load; $model_template_userstatements = new model_template_userstatements(); $fetch = $model_template_userstatements->stats($c, 'manufacturer', $uid, $limit); if ($fetch) { $ctext = new ctext(); $result = array(); $x = 0; $retrieve_users_info = new retrieve_users_info(); foreach ($fetch as $val) { $result[$x]["id"] = $val["id"]; $result[$x]["idx"] = $val["idx"]; $result[$x]["title"] = $val["title"]; $result[$x]["picture"] = $val["picture"]; $result[$x]["hscode"] = $val["hscode"]; $result[$x]["shelf_life"] = $val["shelf_life"]; $result[$x]["packaging"] = $val["packaging"]; $result[$x]["awards"] = $val["awards"]; $result[$x]["sub_sector_id"] = $retrieve_users_info->retrieveDb($val["sub_sector_id"]); $result[$x]["products"] = $retrieve_users_info->retrieveDb($val["products"]); $result[$x]["long_description"] = strip_tags(nl2br($val["long_description"])); $x++; } echo json_encode($result); } else { echo "Empty"; } break; case "userspageenquires": $limit = ' LIMIT ' . $from . ', ' . $load; $model_template_userstatements = new model_template_userstatements(); $fetch = $model_template_userstatements->stats($c, 'company', $uid, $limit); if ($fetch) { $ctext = new ctext(); $result = array(); $x = 0; $retrieve_users_info = new retrieve_users_info(); foreach ($fetch as $val) { $result[$x]["id"] = $val["id"]; $result[$x]["idx"] = $val["idx"]; $result[$x]["date"] = date("d.m.Y", $val["date"]); $result[$x]["title"] = $val["title"]; $result[$x]["type"] = $val["type"]; $result[$x]["long_description"] = strip_tags(nl2br($val["long_description"])); $x++; } echo json_encode($result); } else { echo "Empty"; } break; case "usefulllinks": $limit = ' LIMIT ' . $from . ', ' . $load; $sql = 'SELECT `studio404_components_inside`.`id`, `studio404_components_inside`.`title`, `studio404_components_inside`.`desc`, `studio404_components_inside`.`image`, `studio404_components_inside`.`url` FROM `studio404_components_inside` WHERE `studio404_components_inside`.`cid`=3 AND `studio404_components_inside`.`status`!=:one ORDER BY `studio404_components_inside`.`position` ASC ' . $limit; $prepare = $conn->prepare($sql); $prepare->execute(array(":one" => 1)); if ($prepare->rowCount() > 0) { $ctext = new ctext(); $fetch = $prepare->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $result = array(); $x = 0; foreach ($fetch as $val) { $result[$x]["id"] = $val["id"]; $result[$x]["title"] = $val["title"]; $result[$x]["titleShort"] = $ctext->cut($val["title"], 110); $result[$x]["desc"] = $val["desc"]; $result[$x]["image"] = WEBSITE . 'image?f=' . WEBSITE_ . $val["image"] . '&w=215&h=80'; $result[$x]["url"] = $val["url"]; $x++; } echo json_encode($result); } else { echo "Empty"; } break; } } if (Input::method("POST", "passwordRecover") == "true" && Input::method("POST", "e") && Input::method("POST", "c")) { if ($this->isValidEmail(Input::method("POST", "e")) && Input::method("POST", "c") === $_SESSION['protect_x']) { try { $sql = 'SELECT `id` FROM `studio404_users` WHERE `username`=:username AND `status`!=1'; $prepare = $conn->prepare($sql); $prepare->execute(array(":username" => Input::method("POST", "e"))); if ($prepare->rowCount() > 0) { $recover = ustring::random(15); $ufetch = $prepare->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $setRecover = 'UPDATE `studio404_users` SET `recover`=:recover WHERE `id`=:id'; $setPrepare = $conn->prepare($setRecover); $setPrepare->execute(array(":id" => $ufetch['id'], ":recover" => $recover)); $msg = '<div style="margin:0; padding:0; width:100%;"><img src="' . TEMPLATE . 'img/mailheader.png" width="100%" alt="Mail header"/></div>'; $msg .= '<p style="font-size:14px; font-family:roboto">Password recover link: <a href="' . WEBSITE . LANG . '/recover?rl=' . $recover . '&ui=' . $ufetch['id'] . '" style="color:red">Click here</a></p>'; $sql = 'SELECT `host`,`user`,`pass`,`from`,`fromname` FROM `studio404_newsletter` WHERE `id`=1'; $prepare = $conn->prepare($sql); $prepare->execute(); $fetch = $prepare->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $host = $fetch["host"]; $user = $fetch["user"]; $pass = $fetch["pass"]; $from = $fetch["from"]; $fromname = $fetch["fromname"]; $send_email = new send_email(); $send_email->send($host, $user, $pass, $from, $fromname, Input::method("POST", "e"), "::Recover password::", $msg); echo "Please check your email address !"; } else { echo "Error"; } } catch (Exception $e) { echo "Error"; } } else { echo "Error"; } } if (Input::method("POST", "loadCountriesExport") == "true") { $val = strip_tags(Input::method("POST", "v")); $userId = $_SESSION["tradewithgeorgia_user_id"]; $selectMarket = 'SELECT `export_markets_id` FROM `studio404_users` WHERE `id`="' . (int) $userId . '"'; $prepare = $conn->prepare($selectMarket); $prepare->execute(); if ($prepare->rowCount() > 0) { $fetch = $prepare->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if ($fetch["export_markets_id"] != "") { $selectxx = 'SELECT `idx`,`title`,(SELECT `id` FROM `studio404_users` LIMIT 1) AS xx FROM `studio404_pages` WHERE `cid`="561" AND `idx` IN(' . $fetch["export_markets_id"] . ') AND `status`!=1 ORDER BY `title` ASC'; $preparexx = $conn->prepare($selectxx); $preparexx->execute(); $fetchxx = $preparexx->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if (!empty(Input::method("POST", "v"))) { $v = '`title` LIKE "' . $val . '%" AND '; } else { $v = ''; } } else { $fetchxx = array(); if (!empty(Input::method("POST", "v"))) { $v = '`title` LIKE "' . $val . '%" AND '; } else { $v = ''; } $fetch["export_markets_id"] = 5555; } $select = 'SELECT `idx`,`title`,(SELECT `id` FROM `studio404_users` WHERE `id`=0 LIMIT 1) AS xx FROM `studio404_pages` WHERE ' . $v . ' `cid`="561" AND `idx` NOT IN(' . $fetch["export_markets_id"] . ') AND `status`!=1 ORDER BY `title` ASC'; $preparexxx = $conn->prepare($select); $preparexxx->execute(); $fetchxxx = $preparexxx->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $result = array_merge($fetchxxx, $fetchxx); echo json_encode($result); } } }
public function requests($c) { $conn = $this->conn($c); if (Input::method("POST", "recoverrequest") == "true" && Input::method("POST", "e") && Input::method("POST", "l")) { if (filter_var(Input::method("POST", "e"), FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { $sql = 'SELECT `id` FROM `studio404_users` WHERE `username`=:username AND `status`!=1'; $prepare = $conn->prepare($sql); $prepare->execute(array(":username" => Input::method("POST", "e"))); if ($prepare->rowCount() > 0) { $ustring = ustring::random(5) . time(); $temp = ustring::random(5); $u = 'INSERT INTO `studio404_users_pass_recover` SET `date`=:date, `ip`=:ip, `usersemail`=:usersemail, `temp`=:temp, `hash`=:hash, `status`=0'; $prepare2 = $conn->prepare($u); $prepare2->execute(array(":date" => time(), ":ip" => get_ip::ip(), ":usersemail" => Input::method("POST", "e"), ":temp" => $temp, ":hash" => $ustring)); $send_email = new send_email(); $to = Input::method("POST", "e"); $subject = Input::method("POST", "l") == "ge" ? "პაროლის აღდგება" : "Passowd recovery"; $message = Input::method("POST", "l") == "ge" ? "პაროლის აღსადგენად გადადით დაკლიკეთ <a href='" . WEBSITE . "ge/temporary-password?token=" . $ustring . "' target='_blank'>აქ</a>" : "To recover password please click <a href='" . WEBSITE . "en/temporary-password?token=" . $ustring . "' target='_blank'>here</a>"; $send_email->send($c[""], $c["email.username"], $c["email.password"], $c["email.fromemail"], $c["email.fromename"], $to, $subject, $message); echo "Done"; } else { echo "error"; } } else { echo "error"; } exit; } if (Input::method("POST", "registerme") == "true") { $e = Input::method("POST", "e"); $p = Input::method("POST", "p"); $n = Input::method("POST", "n"); if (!$e || !$p || !$n) { echo "Error"; } else { $ip = get_ip::ip(); $sql = 'SELECT `id` FROM `studio404_users` WHERE `username`=:email AND `status`!=:status'; $prepare = $conn->prepare($sql); $prepare->execute(array(":email" => $e, ":status" => 1)); if ($prepare->rowCount() > 0) { echo "Error"; } else { $sql2 = 'INSERT INTO `studio404_users` SET `registered_date`=:registered_date, `registered_ip`=:registered_ip, `namelname`=:namelname, `username`=:email, `password`=:password, `user_type`=:user_type, `allow`=:allow'; $prepare2 = $conn->prepare($sql2); $prepare2->execute(array(":registered_date" => time(), ":registered_ip" => $ip, ":email" => $e, ":namelname" => $n, ":password" => md5($p), ":user_type" => 'website', ":allow" => 2)); echo "Done"; exit; } } } if (Input::method("POST", "loadmore") == "true") { $type = Input::method("POST", "t"); $from = Input::method("POST", "f"); $to = Input::method("POST", "t2"); $dlang = Input::method("POST", "l"); if ($type == "epigraphy") { $sql = 'SELECT `id`,`idx`,`title`,`cid`,`lang`,`url` FROM `studio404_components_inside` WHERE `cid`=:cid AND `lang`=:lang AND `status`!=1 ORDER BY `position` ASC LIMIT ' . $from . ',' . $to; $prepare = $conn->prepare($sql); $prepare->execute(array(":cid" => 8, ":lang" => $dlang)); if ($prepare->rowCount() > 0) { $fetch = $prepare->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); echo json_encode($fetch); } else { echo "Empty"; } } else { if ($type == "usefulllinks") { $sql = 'SELECT `id`,`idx`,`title`,`cid`,`lang`,`url` FROM `studio404_components_inside` WHERE `cid`=:cid AND `lang`=:lang AND `status`!=1 ORDER BY `position` ASC LIMIT ' . $from . ',' . $to; $prepare = $conn->prepare($sql); $prepare->execute(array(":cid" => 9, ":lang" => $dlang)); if ($prepare->rowCount() > 0) { $fetch = $prepare->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); echo json_encode($fetch); } else { echo "Empty"; } } else { echo "Notin"; } } exit; } if (Input::method("POST", "logintry") == "true") { if (!Input::method("POST", "e") || !Input::method("POST", "p")) { echo "Error"; } else { $sql = 'SELECT `id`,`username`,`namelname`,`picture`,`email`,`gender`, `mobile` FROM `studio404_users` WHERE `username`=:username AND `password`=:password AND `status`!=1'; $prepare = $conn->prepare($sql); $md5 = md5(Input::method("POST", "p")); $prepare->execute(array(":username" => Input::method("POST", "e"), ":password" => $md5)); // echo "WPP 2"; if ($prepare->rowCount() > 0) { $fetch = $prepare->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $sql_update = 'UPDATE `studio404_users` SET `logtime`="' . time() . '" WHERE `id`=' . $fetch["id"]; $query = $conn->query($sql_update); $_SESSION["greek_id"] = $fetch["id"]; $_SESSION["greek_user"] = $fetch["username"]; $_SESSION["greek_picture"] = $fetch["picture"]; $_SESSION["greek_namelname"] = $fetch["namelname"]; $_SESSION["greek_email"] = $fetch["email"]; $_SESSION["greek_gender"] = $fetch["gender"]; $_SESSION["greek_mobile"] = $fetch["mobile"]; echo "Done"; } else { echo "Error"; } } exit; } if (Input::method("POST", "updateprofile") == "true" && Input::method("POST", "n")) { $namelname = Input::method("POST", "n"); $email = Input::method("POST", "e"); $gender = Input::method("POST", "g"); $contactnumber = Input::method("POST", "c"); $sql = 'UPDATE `studio404_users` SET `namelname`=:namelname, `email`=:email, `gender`=:gender, `mobile`=:mobile WHERE `id`=:id'; $prepare = $conn->prepare($sql); $prepare->execute(array(":namelname" => $namelname, ":email" => $email, ":gender" => $gender, ":mobile" => $contactnumber, ":id" => $_SESSION["greek_id"])); $_SESSION["greek_namelname"] = $namelname; $_SESSION["greek_email"] = $email; $_SESSION["greek_gender"] = $gender; $_SESSION["greek_mobile"] = $contactnumber; echo "Done"; exit; } if (Input::method("POST", "signout") == "true") { unset($_SESSION["greek_id"]); unset($_SESSION["greek_user"]); echo "Done"; exit; } if (Input::method("POST", "updatepass") == "true" && Input::method("POST", "o") && Input::method("POST", "n") == Input::method("POST", "r")) { $md5 = md5(Input::method("POST", "o")); $nmd5 = md5(Input::method("POST", "n")); $sql = 'SELECT `id` FROM `studio404_users` WHERE `password`=:password AND `id`=:id'; $prepare = $conn->prepare($sql); $prepare->execute(array(":password" => $md5, ":id" => $_SESSION["greek_id"])); if ($prepare->rowCount() > 0) { $sql2 = 'UPDATE `studio404_users` SET `password`=:password WHERE `id`=:id'; $prepare2 = $conn->prepare($sql2); $prepare2->execute(array(":password" => $nmd5, ":id" => $_SESSION["greek_id"])); echo "Done"; } else { echo "owrong"; } } }