Ejemplo n.º 1
 function testDates()
     $ee = new getDate();
     $dateArray4 = $ee->getDateHandler('2013-08-30', '2013-08-31');
     $dateToday = date("Y-m-d");
     $beginDate4 = $dateArray4[0];
     $endDate4 = $dateArray4[1];
     $this->assertEqual('2013-08-30 00:00:00', $beginDate4);
     $this->assertEqual('2013-08-31 23:59:59', $endDate4);
Ejemplo n.º 2

include_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/ABC/model/connectDatabase.php";
include_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/ABC/model/getDate.php";
// cac dong thong bao, trang thai ben trang nguoi dung
$noti = "";
$state = "Đăng ký ăn";
$warn = "";
// ket noi den csdl
$db = new PDOData();
// nhan ve va thay doi format cua ngay mai
$d = new getDate();
$tomorrow = $d->getTomorrowForDatabase();
$tomorrow2 = $d->getTomorrowForPrint();
$temp = $d->getWeeksOfYear(1);
$dayForDatabase = $d->getDaysOfWeek(1);
if ($temp % 2 === 0) {
    $dayForDatabase += 7;
// gan id cua nguoi dung dang dang nhap
$clientId = $_SESSION['idClient'];
// kiem tra de huy dang ky an voi ngay da dang ky
$resu = $db->getData("SELECT * FROM dangkycuthe WHERE idTAIKHOAN= {$clientId} AND ngay= '{$tomorrow}';");
if (sizeof($resu) > 0) {
    $warn = "Bạn đã đăng ký cho suất ăn cho {$tomorrow2}.</br></br>Để hủy đăng ký, vui lòng tick vào ô bên dưới và ấn xác nhận...";
    $state = "Hủy đăng ký";
} else {
    $warn = "Bạn chưa đăng ký cho suất ăn cho {$tomorrow2}.</br></br>Để đăng ký, vui lòng tick vào ô bên dưới và ấn xác nhận...";
    $state = "Đăng ký ăn";
//$warn= $resu;
Ejemplo n.º 3

include_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/ABC/model/getDate.php";
include_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/ABC/model/connectDatabase.php";
// ket noi csdl
$db = new PDOData();
$d = new getDate();
// lay ve ngay
$toda = $d->getNextDaysForPrint(0);
$todayForDatabase = $d->getNextDaysForDatabase(0);
// lay ve thu tu ngay trong tuan
$spaceOfDays = $d->getDaysOfWeek(0);
$data = $db->getData("SELECT tk.idTAIKHOAN, ten, maNhanVien, hoTen FROM taikhoan AS tk, thongtintaikhoan AS tttk WHERE tttk.idTAIKHOAN IN (SELECT DISTINCT idTAIKHOAN FROM dangkycuthe WHERE ngay= '{$todayForDatabase}') AND tk.idTAIKHOAN IN (SELECT DISTINCT idTAIKHOAN FROM dangkycuthe WHERE ngay= '{$todayForDatabase}') AND tk.idTAIKHOAN= tttk.idTAIKHOAN");
if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
    foreach ($data as $spe) {
        // lay ra nhung thong bao co thay doi
        // ghep lai ten cua check box
        $idtk = $spe['idTAIKHOAN'];
        $aidtk = "a" . $idtk;
        if (isset($_POST[$idtk])) {
            $db->editData("UPDATE dangkycuthe SET denAnThucTe= 0 WHERE idTAIKHOAN= {$idtk}");
    $noti = "Thêm thành công các tài khoản không đến ăn ngày {$toda}...";
    echo "<script type='text/javascript'>alert('{$noti}'); window.location= 'index.php';</script>";

include_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/ABC/model/connectDatabase.php";
include_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/ABC/model/getDate.php";
// nhan ve va thay doi format cua ngay mai
$d = new getDate();
$db = new PDOData();
$days = array();
$oneDayLater = $d->getTomorrowForPrint();
$twoDaysLater = $d->getNextDaysForPrint(2);
$threeDaysLater = $d->getNextDaysForPrint(3);
$fourDaysLater = $d->getNextDaysForPrint(4);
$fiveDaysLater = $d->getNextDaysForPrint(5);
$sixDaysLater = $d->getNextDaysForPrint(6);
$sevenDaysLater = $d->getNextDaysForPrint(7);
$selected = 0;
$data = "";
// su kien nut random
if (isset($_POST["change"]) && isset($_POST["randomButton"])) {
    $countt = 0;
    $dbArr1 = array();
    $tempArr = $db->getData("SELECT idMONAN FROM monan WHERE idLOAIMONAN= 1");
    $lengthOfArr1 = count($tempArr);
    foreach ($tempArr as $s1) {
        $dbArr1[$countt] = $s1['idMONAN'];
    $countt = 0;
    $dbArr2 = array();
    $tempArr = $db->getData("SELECT * FROM monan WHERE idLOAIMONAN= 2");
    $lengthOfArr2 = count($tempArr);
Ejemplo n.º 5

require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "../../php/cashRegisterConfig.php";
require_once 'connect.php';
require_once 'class_getdate.php';
$gd = new getDate();
$beginDate = isset($_GET['startdate']) ? $_GET['startdate'] : '';
$endDate = isset($_GET['enddate']) ? $_GET['enddate'] : '';
$datesReturned = $gd->getDateHandler($beginDate, $endDate);
$startDate = $datesReturned[0];
$stopDate = $datesReturned[1];
$sql = "select t1.pluID, sum(t1.amount) as sales, sum(t1.Tax) as taxAmount, t2.name as itemName  from  transaction as t1,  department as t2 where t1.deptId=t2.id and (date BETWEEN \"{$startDate}\" AND \"{$stopDate}\") group  by t1.deptId";
$result = mysql_query($sql);
if (mysql_error() != "") {
    echo "Problem with query " . $sql . " error message is " . mysql_error();
<!DOCTYPE html> 

	<title>Virtual Cash Register Sales Report</title> 
<div data-role=page id="mainPage" data-theme="b"/> 
Ejemplo n.º 6

include_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/ABC/model/connectDatabase.php";
include_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/ABC/model/getDate.php";
// nhan ve va thay doi format cua ngay mai
$d = new getDate();
// ket noi den csdl
$db = new PDOData();
// cac bien danh cho su kien DANG KY
// cac dong thong bao, trang thai ben trang nguoi dung
$noti = "";
$state = "Đăng ký ăn";
$warn = "";
// bien su dung cho alert phan dang ky
$menuDay = $d->getTomorrowForPrint();
// dayForRegisterDatabase de gan gia tri cua $_SESSION['dayForRegisterDatabase']
$dayForRegisterDatabase = $d->getTomorrowForDatabase();
$days = array();
$oneDayLater = $d->getTomorrowForPrint();
$twoDaysLater = $d->getNextDaysForPrint(2);
$threeDaysLater = $d->getNextDaysForPrint(3);
$fourDaysLater = $d->getNextDaysForPrint(4);
$fiveDaysLater = $d->getNextDaysForPrint(5);
$sixDaysLater = $d->getNextDaysForPrint(6);
$sevenDaysLater = $d->getNextDaysForPrint(7);
$selected = 0;
$data = "";
// kiem tra xem nut duoc bam vao la nut nao
if (isset($_GET['d'])) {
    // khoi dong lai session cho ajax
Ejemplo n.º 7
 echo "<tr>";
 echo "<th style= 'width:10%; text-align: left;'>STT</th>";
 echo "<th style= 'width:25%; text-align: left;'>Ngày đăng ký</th>";
 echo "<th style= 'width:25%; text-align: left;'>Giá tiền</th>";
 echo "<th style= 'text-align: left;'>Đến ăn thực tế</th>";
 echo "</tr>";
 $bdk = 0;
 $bda = 0;
 $ddk = 0;
 foreach ($arr as $spe) {
     $day = $spe['day'];
     $month = $spe['month'];
     $year = $spe['year'];
     // lay ve ngay hien tai de so sanh xem ngay nao den an thuc te
     // ngay nao moi chi dang ky thoi, chua co du lieu cu the
     $d = new getDate();
     $today = $d->getToday();
     $todayD = date('d', $today);
     $todayM = date('m', $today);
     // hien thi ra xem do la ngay nao
     // chuyen sang int
     $dayInt = (int) $day;
     $monthInt = (int) $month;
     $todayDInt = (int) $todayD;
     $todayMInt = (int) $todayM;
     // gan mac dinh
     $datt = is_null($spe['denAnThucTe']) ? "Có" : "Không";
     // kiem tra de co the co thay doi
     if ($monthInt === $todayMInt && $dayInt > $todayDInt) {
         $datt = "Chưa có dữ liệu";