Ejemplo n.º 1
 public function getShippedOn()
     if ($this->shippedOn) {
         return $this->shippedOn->format('d-m-Y');
     } else {
         return false;
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Writes a QTime for the given timestamp or DateTime object
  * The QTime will only carry the number of milliseconds since midnight.
  * This means you should probably only use this for times within the current
  * day.
  * If you pass a timestamp from any other day, it will write the number of
  * milliseconds that passed since that day's midnight. Note that reading
  * this number has no indication this is not the current day, so you're
  * likely going to lose the day information and may end up with wrong dates.
  * The QTime will be sent as the number of milliseconds since midnight,
  * without any awareness of timezone or DST properties. Thus, writing this
  * will assume it is relative to the current timezone. This means that the
  * time "14:10:34.5108" will be 14h after midnight, irrespective of its
  * actual timezone. The receiving side may not be aware of your local
  * timezone, so it can only assume its own local timezone as a base.
  * Make sure to use (i.e. convert via `setTimeZone()`) to the same timezone
  * on both sides or consider using the `writeQDateTime()` method instead,
  * which uses absolute time stamps and does not suffer from this.
  * You can also pass a Unix timestamp to this function, this will be assumed
  * to be relative to the local midnight timestamp. If you need more control
  * over your timezone, consider passing a `DateTime` object instead.
  * @param DateTime|float $timestamp
  * @see self::writeQDateTime
 public function writeQTime($timestamp)
     if ($timestamp instanceof \DateTime) {
         $msec = $timestamp->format('H') * 3600000 + $timestamp->format('i') * 60000 + $timestamp->format('s') * 1000 + (int) ($timestamp->format('0.u') * 1000);
     } else {
         $msec = round(($timestamp - strtotime('midnight', (int) $timestamp)) * 1000);