Ejemplo n.º 1
$file = '../admin/data/hooks.txt';
$edit = file_get_contents($file);
$edit = preg_replace("~(-editprofile_abos_end[\r\n]+)~i", "\\1-editprofile_pic3_start\r\n-editprofile_pic3_end\r\n", $edit);
$edit = preg_replace("~(-misc_rules_end[\r\n]+)~i", "\\1-misc_board_rules_start\r\n-misc_board_rules_prepared\r\n-misc_board_rules_end\r\n", $edit);
$filesystem->chmod($file, 0666);
$filesystem->file_put_contents($file, $edit);
$file = '../admin/data/lang_email.php';
$edit = file($file);
$edit = array_map("trim", $edit);
$edit[] = "new_topic\tNotification about new topics for the board team";
$edit[] = "new_reply\tNotification about new replies for the board team";
$filesystem->chmod($file, 0666);
$filesystem->file_put_contents($file, implode("\n", $edit));
// classes
if (file_exists('../classes/function.cache.php')) {
// data
$c = new manageconfig();
$c->updateconfig('version', str, VISCACHA_VERSION);
$ft = array('avfiletypes', 'tpcfiletypes');
foreach ($ft as $type) {
    $data = explode('|', $config[$type]);
    $data2 = array();
    foreach ($data as $d) {
        if (substr($d, 0, 1) == '.') {
            $d = substr($d, 1);
        $data2[] = $d;
Ejemplo n.º 2
$c->updateconfig('version', str, VISCACHA_VERSION);
$c = new manageconfig();
$c->getdata('../admin/data/config.inc.php', 'admconfig');
$c->updateconfig('default_language', int, 0);
$c->updateconfig('checked_package_updates', int, 0);
$hooks = file_get_contents('../admin/data/hooks.txt');
if (strpos($hooks, "-update") === false) {
    $hooks = str_replace("-uninstall", "-uninstall\r\n-update_init\r\n-update_finish", $hooks);
    $filesystem->file_put_contents('../admin/data/hooks.txt', $hooks);
echo "- Configuration and Hooks updated.<br />";
// Old files
echo "- Old files deleted.<br />";
// Stylesheets
$dir = dir('../designs/');
while (false !== ($entry = $dir->read())) {
    $path = $dir->path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $entry . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
    if (is_dir($path) && is_numeric($entry) && $entry > 0) {
        if (file_exists($path . 'standard.css')) {
            $file = file_get_contents($path . 'standard.css');
            $file .= "\r\n.tooltip {\r\n\tleft: -1000px;\r\n\ttop: -1000px;\r\n\tvisibility: hidden;\r\n\tposition: absolute;\r\n\tmax-width: 300px;\r\n\tmax-height: 300px;\r\n\toverflow: auto;\r\n\tborder: 1px solid #336699;\r\n\tbackground-color: #ffffff;\r\n\tfont-size: 8pt;\r\n}\r\n";
            $file .= "\r\n.tooltip_header {\r\n\tdisplay: block;\r\n\tbackground-color: #E1E8EF;\r\n\tcolor: #24486C;\r\n\tpadding: 3px;\r\n\tborder-bottom: 1px solid #839FBC;\r\n}\r\n";
            $file .= "\r\n.tooltip_body {\r\n\tpadding: 3px;\r\n}\r\n";
            $filesystem->file_put_contents($path . 'standard.css', $file);
        if ($path . 'ie.css') {
            $file = file_get_contents($path . 'ie.css');
Ejemplo n.º 3
		<div class="bfoot">Your account (<em><?php 
                echo $_REQUEST['name'];
</em>) has been created!</div>
// Cache löschen
$cachedir = 'cache/';
if ($dh = @opendir($dir)) {
    while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
        if (strpos($file, '.inc.php') !== false) {
            $fileTrim = str_replace('.inc.php', '', $file);
            $filesystem->unlink($cachedir . $file);
if (count($error) == 0) {
    $lf = './locked.txt';
    $filesystem->file_put_contents($lf, '');
<div class="bbody">
<p>The installation is completed. You can access the Admin Control Panel with your username and password.
Please go through the settings and change everything to fit your needs.
After doing this, you can switch your board "online". By default it is switched "offline".
If you have problems, visit <a href="http://docs.viscacha.org" target="_blank">Viscacha.org</a>.</p>
<p class="hl_false">
For your server security please completely remove the installation directory (<code><?php 
Ejemplo n.º 4
$c->updateconfig('version', str, VISCACHA_VERSION);
$c->updateconfig('disableregistration', int, 0);
$c->updateconfig('hidedesign', int, 0);
$c->updateconfig('hidelanguage', int, 0);
$c->updateconfig('mlist_fields', str, 'fullname,pm,regdate,hp,icq,yahoo,aol,msn,jabber,skype');
$c->updateconfig('mlist_filtergroups', int, 0);
$c->updateconfig('mlist_showinactive', int, 0);
$c->updateconfig('register_notification', str, '');
$c->updateconfig('updatepostcounter', int, 1);
$d = file('../data/cron/crontab.inc.php');
$d = array_map('trim', $d);
$d[] = '0	*/6	*	*	*	recountpostcounts.php	#Recount User Post Counter';
$filesystem->file_put_contents('../data/cron/crontab.inc.php', implode("\n", $d));
$db->query("ALTER TABLE `{$db->pre}forums` ADD `count_posts` enum('0','1') NOT NULL default '1' AFTER `last_topic`", __LINE__, __FILE__);
$db->query("ALTER TABLE `{$db->pre}user` ADD `posts` mediumint(7) unsigned NOT NULL default '0' AFTER `regdate`", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Update Postcounts
$result = $db->query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS new, u.posts, u.id FROM {$db->pre}replies AS r LEFT JOIN {$db->pre}user AS u ON u.id = r.name WHERE r.guest = '0' GROUP BY u.id", __LINE__, __FILE__);
$i = 0;
while ($row = $db->fetch_assoc($result)) {
    if ($row['new'] != $row['posts']) {
        $db->query("UPDATE {$db->pre}user SET posts = '{$row['new']}' WHERE id = '{$row['id']}'", __LINE__, __FILE__);
// Refresh Cache
$dirs = array('../cache/', '../cache/modules/');
foreach ($dirs as $dir) {
    if ($dh = @opendir($dir)) {
Ejemplo n.º 5
                $css = null;
        if (empty($css)) {
            echo "<br />!!! <strong>Warning:</strong> Updating {$path} failed. Plase add the following CSS code to your main css file in designs/{$entry}:<br /><code>";
            echo htmlentities($newCss);
            echo "</code><br /><br />";
echo "- Stylesheets updated.<br />";
// Set incompatible packages inactive
echo "- Incompatible Packages set as 'inactive'.<br />";
// Refresh Cache
$dirs = array('cache/', 'cache/modules/');
foreach ($dirs as $dir) {
    if ($dh = @opendir($dir)) {
        while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
            if (strpos($file, '.php') !== false) {
                $filesystem->unlink($dir . $file);
echo "- Cache cleared.<br />";
echo "<br /><strong>Finished Update!</strong>";
<div class="bfoot center"><input type="submit" value="Continue" /></div>
Ejemplo n.º 6
$c->updateconfig('multiple_instant_notifications', int, 0);
$c = new manageconfig();
$c->getdata('admin/data/config.inc.php', 'admconfig');
$c->updateconfig('checked_package_updates', int, 0);
echo "- Configuration updated.<br />";
// Old files
$feeds = file_get_contents('data/feedcreator.inc.php');
$feeds = preg_replace('~[\\r\\n]+MBOX\\|mbox\\.inc\\.php\\|MBox\\|\\d\\|\\d~i', '', $feeds);
$filesystem->file_put_contents('data/feedcreator.inc.php', $feeds);
$dir = dir('images');
while (false !== ($entry = $dir->read())) {
    $path = "{$dir->path}/{$entry}";
    if (is_dir($path) && is_id($entry)) {
Ejemplo n.º 7
$c->updateconfig('searchzahl', int, 10);
$c->updateconfig('smileypath', str, 'images/smileys');
$c->updateconfig('smileyurl', str, 'images/smileys');
$c->updateconfig('spider_logvisits', int, 1);
$c->updateconfig('spider_pendinglist', int, 0);
$c->updateconfig(array('module_1', 'relatednum'), int, 5);
$c->updateconfig(array('module_3', 'items'), int, 5);
$c->updateconfig(array('module_3', 'teaserlength'), int, 300);
$c->updateconfig(array('module_4', 'title'), str, 'Ticker');
$c->updateconfig(array('module_4', 'feed'), int, 1);
$c->updateconfig(array('module_7', 'text'), str, 'Willkommen in Ihrer <a href="http://www.viscacha.org" target="_blank">Viscacha</a>-Installation!');
$c->updateconfig(array('module_7', 'title'), str, 'Wichtige Nachricht!');
$c->updateconfig(array('module_9', 'topicnum'), int, 10);
$c->updateconfig(array('module_10', 'repliesnum'), int, 5);
$filesystem->mkdir('../cache/modules/', 0777);
$filesystem->file_put_contents('../data/errlog_php.inc.php', '');
$db->query("ALTER TABLE `{$db->pre}abos` CHANGE `type` `type` ENUM( '', 'd', 'w', 'f' ) NOT NULL", __LINE__, __FILE__, false);
$result = $db->query("SELECT mid, tid FROM {$db->pre}fav", __LINE__, __FILE__, false);
while ($row = $db->fetch_assoc($result)) {
    $db->query("INSERT INTO `{$db->pre}abos` (`mid`, `tid`, `type`) VALUES ('{$row['mid']}', '{$row['tid']}', 'f')", __LINE__, __FILE__, false);
$db->query("DROP TABLE `{$db->pre}fav`", __LINE__, __FILE__, false);
$db->query("ALTER TABLE `{$db->pre}bbcode` CHANGE `type` `type` ENUM('censor','word','replace') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'word'", __LINE__, __FILE__, false);
$db->query("ALTER TABLE `{$db->pre}bbcode` RENAME `{$db->pre}textparser`", __LINE__, __FILE__, false);
$db->query("DROP TABLE `{$db->pre}bbcode`", __LINE__, __FILE__, false);
$db->query("ALTER TABLE `{$db->pre}cat` ADD `forumzahl` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0' AFTER `optvalue`", __LINE__, __FILE__, false);
$db->query("ALTER TABLE `{$db->pre}cat` ADD `topiczahl` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0' AFTER `forumzahl`", __LINE__, __FILE__, false);
Ejemplo n.º 8
$c->updateconfig('checked_package_updates', int, 0);
echo "- Configuration updated.<br />";
// Languages
$ini = array('admin/cms' => array('language_de' => array('admin_wysiwyg_alignment' => 'Ausrichtung:', 'admin_wysiwyg_alignment_bottom' => 'Unten', 'admin_wysiwyg_alignment_center' => 'Zentriert', 'admin_wysiwyg_alignment_left' => 'Links', 'admin_wysiwyg_alignment_middle' => 'Mitte', 'admin_wysiwyg_alignment_not_set' => 'Nicht gesetzt', 'admin_wysiwyg_alignment_right' => 'Rechts', 'admin_wysiwyg_alignment_top' => 'Oben', 'admin_wysiwyg_alt_text' => 'Alternativtext:', 'admin_wysiwyg_bgcolor' => 'Hintergrundfarbe', 'admin_wysiwyg_border_collapse' => 'Rahmen vereinigen:', 'admin_wysiwyg_border_color' => 'Rahmenfarbe', 'admin_wysiwyg_border_style' => 'Rahmenstil:', 'admin_wysiwyg_border_width' => 'Rahmenstärke:', 'admin_wysiwyg_choose' => 'Auswählen', 'admin_wysiwyg_color' => 'Farbe:', 'admin_wysiwyg_color_preview' => 'Vorschau der Farbe', 'admin_wysiwyg_custom_target' => 'Kein Ziel / Benutzerdefiniert', 'admin_wysiwyg_file' => 'Datei:', 'admin_wysiwyg_folder' => 'Verzeichnis:', 'admin_wysiwyg_folder_restrictions' => 'Das Verzeichnis darf nur Buchstaben, Zahlen, Unterstriche und Bindestriche enthalten.', 'admin_wysiwyg_form_cancel' => 'Abbrechen', 'admin_wysiwyg_form_submit' => 'Einfügen', 'admin_wysiwyg_form_upload' => 'Hochladen', 'admin_wysiwyg_height' => 'Höhe:', 'admin_wysiwyg_hey_code' => 'Hex-Code:', 'admin_wysiwyg_hspace' => 'Horizontaler Zwischenraum:', 'admin_wysiwyg_image_url' => 'Bild-Adresse:', 'admin_wysiwyg_insert_hr' => 'Horizontale Linie einfügen', 'admin_wysiwyg_insert_img' => 'Bild einfügen', 'admin_wysiwyg_insert_link' => 'Link einfügen', 'admin_wysiwyg_layout' => 'Layout', 'admin_wysiwyg_max_filesize' => 'Maximale Dateigröße: {$filesize}', 'admin_wysiwyg_name' => 'Titel:', 'admin_wysiwyg_no_files_found' => 'Es wurden leider keine Dateien gefunden.', 'admin_wysiwyg_no_shade' => 'Kein Schatten:', 'admin_wysiwyg_padding' => 'Innenabstand:', 'admin_wysiwyg_predefined_colors' => 'Vordefinierte Farben', 'admin_wysiwyg_preview' => 'Vorschau', 'admin_wysiwyg_prev_dir' => 'Vorheriges Verzeichnis', 'admin_wysiwyg_select_color' => 'Farbe wählen', 'admin_wysiwyg_select_img' => 'Bild auswählen', 'admin_wysiwyg_table_cols' => 'Spalten:', 'admin_wysiwyg_table_properties' => 'Tabellen-Einstellungen', 'admin_wysiwyg_table_rows' => 'Zeilen:', 'admin_wysiwyg_table_width' => 'Breite:', 'admin_wysiwyg_upload_x' => 'Bild hochladen', 'admin_wysiwyg_url' => 'Adresse:', 'admin_wysiwyg_vspace' => 'Vertikaler Zwischenraum:', 'admin_wysiwyg_width' => 'Breite:', 'admin_wysiwyg_width_full' => 'Voll'), 'language' => array('admin_wysiwyg_alignment' => 'Alignment:', 'admin_wysiwyg_alignment_bottom' => 'Bottom', 'admin_wysiwyg_alignment_center' => 'Center', 'admin_wysiwyg_alignment_left' => 'Left', 'admin_wysiwyg_alignment_middle' => 'Middle', 'admin_wysiwyg_alignment_not_set' => 'Not set', 'admin_wysiwyg_alignment_right' => 'Right', 'admin_wysiwyg_alignment_top' => 'Top', 'admin_wysiwyg_alt_text' => 'Alternate Text:', 'admin_wysiwyg_bgcolor' => 'Background-Color:', 'admin_wysiwyg_border_collapse' => 'Border-Collapse:', 'admin_wysiwyg_border_color' => 'Border-Color:', 'admin_wysiwyg_border_style' => 'Border-Style:', 'admin_wysiwyg_border_width' => 'Border-Width:', 'admin_wysiwyg_choose' => 'Choose', 'admin_wysiwyg_color' => 'Color:', 'admin_wysiwyg_color_preview' => 'Preview of the color', 'admin_wysiwyg_custom_target' => 'No target / Custom', 'admin_wysiwyg_file' => 'File:', 'admin_wysiwyg_folder' => 'Folder:', 'admin_wysiwyg_folder_restrictions' => 'The folder should only contain letters, numbers, underscores or hyphen.', 'admin_wysiwyg_form_cancel' => 'Cancel', 'admin_wysiwyg_form_submit' => 'Insert', 'admin_wysiwyg_form_upload' => 'Upload', 'admin_wysiwyg_height' => 'Height:', 'admin_wysiwyg_hey_code' => 'Hex-Code:', 'admin_wysiwyg_hspace' => 'Horizontal Space:', 'admin_wysiwyg_image_url' => 'Image URL:', 'admin_wysiwyg_insert_hr' => 'Insert Horizontal Ruler', 'admin_wysiwyg_insert_img' => 'Insert Image', 'admin_wysiwyg_insert_link' => 'Insert Hyperlink', 'admin_wysiwyg_layout' => 'Layout', 'admin_wysiwyg_max_filesize' => 'Max Filesize: {$filesize}', 'admin_wysiwyg_name' => 'Name:', 'admin_wysiwyg_no_files_found' => 'Sorry, no files found.', 'admin_wysiwyg_no_shade' => 'No Shade:', 'admin_wysiwyg_padding' => 'Padding:', 'admin_wysiwyg_predefined_colors' => 'Predefined colors', 'admin_wysiwyg_preview' => 'Preview', 'admin_wysiwyg_prev_dir' => 'Previous Directory', 'admin_wysiwyg_select_color' => 'Select Color', 'admin_wysiwyg_select_img' => 'Select Image', 'admin_wysiwyg_table_cols' => 'Columns:', 'admin_wysiwyg_table_properties' => 'Table Properties', 'admin_wysiwyg_table_rows' => 'Rows:', 'admin_wysiwyg_table_width' => 'Width:', 'admin_wysiwyg_upload_x' => 'Upload image', 'admin_wysiwyg_url' => 'URL:', 'admin_wysiwyg_vspace' => 'Vertical Space:', 'admin_wysiwyg_width' => 'Width:', 'admin_wysiwyg_width_full' => 'Full')), 'admin/db' => array('language_de' => array('admin_db_backup_options_invalid' => 'Die Wahl der Optionen war leider nicht korrekt. Sie müssen entweder die Struktur und/oder die Daten exportieren.'), 'language' => array('admin_db_backup_options_invalid' => 'The chosen options are not correct. You need to export the structure and/or the data.')), 'admin/designs' => array('language_de' => array('admin_design_copy_standard_css' => 'Erstelle ein neues Stylesheet-Verzeichnis und benutze die Stylesheets des Standard-Designs als Grundlage.', 'admin_design_create_new_images_directory' => 'Erstelle ein neues Bilder-Verzeichnis und benutze die Bilder des Standard-Designs als Grundlage.', 'admin_design_create_new_template_directory' => 'Erstelle ein neues Template-Verzeichnis und benutze die Templates des Standard-Designs als Grundlage.'), 'language' => array('admin_design_copy_standard_css' => 'Create a new directory for stylesheets and use the stylesheets from the standard design as base', 'admin_design_create_new_images_directory' => 'Create a new directory for images and use the images from the standard design as base.', 'admin_design_create_new_template_directory' => 'Create a new directory for templates and use the templates from the standard design as base.')), 'admin/global' => array('language_de' => array('admin_gll_docs' => NULL, 'admin_gll_pdf' => NULL, 'admin_gls_docs' => NULL, 'admin_gls_pdf' => NULL), 'language' => array('admin_gll_docs' => NULL, 'admin_gll_pdf' => NULL, 'admin_gls_docs' => NULL, 'admin_gls_pdf' => NULL)), 'admin/javascript' => array('language_de' => array('wysiwyg_backcolor' => 'Hintergrundfarbe', 'wysiwyg_bold' => 'Fett', 'wysiwyg_center' => 'Zentriert ausrichten', 'wysiwyg_clean_word' => 'HTML-Code von MS Word säubern?', 'wysiwyg_copy' => 'Kopieren', 'wysiwyg_cut' => 'Ausscheiden', 'wysiwyg_error_text_mode' => 'Sie sind im Text-Modus. Dieses Feature ist deswegen zur Zeit nicht verfügbar.', 'wysiwyg_font_face' => 'Schriftart', 'wysiwyg_font_size' => 'Schriftgröße', 'wysiwyg_forecolor' => 'Vordergrundfarbe', 'wysiwyg_headings' => 'Überschrift', 'wysiwyg_hr' => 'Horizontale Linie', 'wysiwyg_image' => 'Bild', 'wysiwyg_indent' => 'Einrücken', 'wysiwyg_italic' => 'Kursiv', 'wysiwyg_justify' => 'Blocksatz', 'wysiwyg_left' => 'Linksbündig ausrichten', 'wysiwyg_link' => 'Link', 'wysiwyg_maximize' => 'Editor maximieren', 'wysiwyg_not_compatible' => 'Der WYSIWYG-Editor wird von Ihrem Browser leider nicht (ausreichend) unterstützt.', 'wysiwyg_ordered_list' => 'Geordnete Liste', 'wysiwyg_outdent' => 'Ausrücken', 'wysiwyg_paste' => 'Einfügen', 'wysiwyg_redo' => 'Wiederherstellen', 'wysiwyg_remove_formatting' => 'Formatierung entfernen', 'wysiwyg_right' => 'Rechtsbündig ausrichten', 'wysiwyg_strikethrough' => 'Durchgestrichen', 'wysiwyg_strip_word' => 'Word HTML entfernen', 'wysiwyg_subscript' => 'Tiefgestellt', 'wysiwyg_superscript' => 'Hochgestellt', 'wysiwyg_table' => 'Tabelle', 'wysiwyg_underline' => 'Unterstrichen', 'wysiwyg_undo' => 'Rückgängig', 'wysiwyg_unordered_list' => 'Ungeordnete Liste', 'wysiwyg_view_source' => 'Quelltext ansehen', 'wysiwyg_view_text' => 'Design ansehen'), 'language' => array('wysiwyg_backcolor' => 'Back Color', 'wysiwyg_bold' => 'Bold', 'wysiwyg_center' => 'Justify Center', 'wysiwyg_clean_word' => 'Clean HTML inserted by MS Word?', 'wysiwyg_copy' => 'Copy', 'wysiwyg_cut' => 'Cut', 'wysiwyg_error_text_mode' => 'You are in TEXT Mode. This feature has been disabled.', 'wysiwyg_font_face' => 'Font face', 'wysiwyg_font_size' => 'Font Size', 'wysiwyg_forecolor' => 'Fore Color', 'wysiwyg_headings' => 'Headings', 'wysiwyg_hr' => 'Horizontal Ruler', 'wysiwyg_image' => 'Image', 'wysiwyg_indent' => 'Indent', 'wysiwyg_italic' => 'Italic', 'wysiwyg_justify' => 'Justify', 'wysiwyg_left' => 'Justify Left', 'wysiwyg_link' => 'Link', 'wysiwyg_maximize' => 'Maximize the editor', 'wysiwyg_not_compatible' => 'The WYSIWYG-Editor is not (completely) supported by your browser.', 'wysiwyg_ordered_list' => 'Ordered List', 'wysiwyg_outdent' => 'Outdent', 'wysiwyg_paste' => 'Paste', 'wysiwyg_redo' => 'Redo', 'wysiwyg_remove_formatting' => 'Remove Formatting', 'wysiwyg_right' => 'Justify Right', 'wysiwyg_strikethrough' => 'Strikethrough', 'wysiwyg_strip_word' => 'Strip Word HTML', 'wysiwyg_subscript' => 'Subscript', 'wysiwyg_superscript' => 'Superscript', 'wysiwyg_table' => 'Table', 'wysiwyg_underline' => 'Underline', 'wysiwyg_undo' => 'Undo', 'wysiwyg_unordered_list' => 'Unordered List', 'wysiwyg_view_source' => 'View Source', 'wysiwyg_view_text' => 'View Design')), 'admin/members' => array('language_de' => array('admin_member_activate_by_admin' => NULL, 'admin_member_activate_via_mail' => NULL, 'admin_member_at_least_one_match' => 'oder', 'admin_member_not_activated' => NULL, 'admin_member_whole_match' => 'und', 'admin_member_at_least_one_match_desc' => 'Nur eine der Angaben muss passen, um zu einem Treffer zu führen', 'admin_member_whole_match_desc' => 'Alle Angaben müssen passen, um zu einem Treffer zu führen'), 'language' => array('admin_member_activate_by_admin' => NULL, 'admin_member_activate_via_mail' => NULL, 'admin_member_at_least_one_match' => 'or', 'admin_member_not_activated' => NULL, 'admin_member_whole_match' => 'and', 'admin_member_at_least_one_match_desc' => 'at least one of the input have to lead to a match', 'admin_member_whole_match_desc' => 'the whole input have to lead to a match')), 'admin/settings' => array('language_de' => array('admin_activate_logging_missing_ip' => 'Aktiviert die Protokollierung von IPs und User-Agents:', 'admin_activate_pdf_topics' => NULL, 'admin_activate_pdf_topics_info' => NULL, 'admin_activate_spambot_at_guests' => 'Spam-Bot-Schutz bei Gastbeiträgen', 'admin_activate_spambot_registration' => 'Spam-Bot-Schutz bei der Registration:', 'admin_compress_pdf' => NULL, 'admin_compress_pdf_info' => NULL, 'admin_dyeing_letters_captcha' => 'Eingefärbte Buchstaben:', 'admin_examples_captcha' => NULL, 'admin_examples_captchaimg_textcodes' => NULL, 'admin_examples_textcodes' => NULL, 'admin_e_all' => 'Alle Fehler, Warnungen und Hinweise', 'admin_e_error' => 'Nur schwerewiegende Fehler', 'admin_e_notice' => NULL, 'admin_e_strict' => NULL, 'admin_e_warning' => NULL, 'admin_file_typ_captcha' => 'Dateityp:', 'admin_ftp_directory_does_not_exist' => 'Verzeichnis "{$ftp_path}" existiert leider nicht!', 'admin_image_height_captcha' => 'Standard Bildhöhe:', 'admin_image_width_captcha' => 'Standard Bildbreite:', 'admin_php_standard' => 'Standardeinstellung von PHP nutzen', 'admin_pic_quality_captcha' => 'Qualität der Bilder:', 'admin_save_php_errors_info' => 'Diese Option sollte nur zu Debugging-Zwecken aktiviert werden.', 'admin_setting_posts_topics_info' => 'Minimale und Maximale Längen, Beitragsänderungen und andere Einstellungen zu Beiträgen.', 'admin_spambot_posting' => NULL, 'admin_spambot_registration' => NULL, 'admin_topics_posts_pdf' => NULL, 'admin_wave_filter_captcha' => 'Wende den "Wellen"-Filter auf das Spamschutz-Bild an:', 'admin_captcha_type0' => 'Nicht aktiviert', 'admin_captcha_type1' => 'Standard (VeriWord)', 'admin_captcha_type2' => 'reCaptcha', 'admin_enable_change_vote' => 'Erlaubt sich bei einer Umfrage umzuentscheiden', 'admin_enable_change_vote_info' => 'Diese Option ermöglicht es Mitgliedern, sich, nach ihrer Stimmabgabe, bei einer Umfrage nochmal umzuentscheiden.', 'admin_e_none' => 'Keine Fehlermeldungen ausgeben', 'admin_recaptcha_private_key' => 'Interner Schlüssel:', 'admin_recaptcha_private_key_info' => '\'Private Key\', der Ihnen von {$re_link} zur Verfügung gestellt wurde.', 'admin_recaptcha_public_key' => 'Öffentlicher Schlüssel:', 'admin_recaptcha_public_key_info' => '\'Public Key\', der Ihnen von {$re_link} zur Verfügung gestellt wurde.', 'admin_spambot_recaptcha' => 'reCaptcha-Einstellungen', 'admin_spambot_recaptcha_info' => 'reCaptcha ist ein Online-Service zur Spam-Abwehr. Sie brauchen einen persönlichen Schlüssel um diesen Service in Anspruch zu nehmen (siehe unten). Ein Bild mit zwei Wörtern wird den Nutzern angezeigt. Diese Überprüfung unterstützt Audio und erlaubt blinden Benutzern sich ebenfalls zu registrieren.', 'admin_spambot_veriword' => 'VeriWord-Einstellungen', 'admin_spambot_veriword_info' => 'VeriWord ist der Standard-Spam-Schutz von Viscacha. Ein Bild, bestehend aus mehreren Zeichen in variierenden Schriften/Farben, wird dem Nutzer angezeigt. Das Verhalten und Aussehen des Bildes wird von diversen Optionen bestimmt, die unten angepasst werden können.'), 'language' => array('admin_activate_pdf_topics' => NULL, 'admin_activate_pdf_topics_info' => NULL, 'admin_activate_spambot_at_guests' => 'Spam-Bot-Protection at Posting of guests', 'admin_activate_spambot_registration' => 'Spam-Bot-Protection at Registration:', 'admin_compress_pdf' => NULL, 'admin_compress_pdf_info' => NULL, 'admin_dyeing_letters_captcha' => 'Dyeing letters:', 'admin_examples_captcha' => NULL, 'admin_examples_captchaimg_textcodes' => NULL, 'admin_examples_textcodes' => NULL, 'admin_e_all' => 'All errors, warnings and notices', 'admin_e_error' => 'Only fatal error messages', 'admin_e_notice' => NULL, 'admin_e_strict' => NULL, 'admin_e_warning' => NULL, 'admin_file_typ_captcha' => 'File type:', 'admin_ftp_directory_does_not_exist' => 'Directory "{$ftp_path}" does not exist!', 'admin_image_height_captcha' => 'Standard image height:', 'admin_image_width_captcha' => 'Standard image width:', 'admin_php_standard' => 'Standardeinstellung von PHP nutzen', 'admin_pic_quality_captcha' => 'Quality of the picture:', 'admin_save_php_errors_info' => 'This option should be activated only for debugging purposes!', 'admin_setting_posts_topics_info' => 'Minimum lengths and maximum lengths, editing and other settings on posts and topics.', 'admin_spambot_posting' => NULL, 'admin_spambot_registration' => NULL, 'admin_topics_posts_pdf' => NULL, 'admin_wave_filter_captcha' => 'Use "wave"-filter on Spam-Bot-Protection-Picture:', 'admin_captcha_type0' => 'Not active', 'admin_captcha_type1' => 'Standard (VeriWord)', 'admin_captcha_type2' => 'reCaptcha', 'admin_enable_change_vote' => 'Allow to change one\'s mind of a survey', 'admin_enable_change_vote_info' => 'This option allows members to change their vote in surveys again.', 'admin_e_none' => 'Keine Fehlermeldungen ausgeben', 'admin_recaptcha_private_key' => 'Private Key:', 'admin_recaptcha_private_key_info' => 'Private key provided to you by {$re_link}.', 'admin_recaptcha_public_key' => 'Public Key:', 'admin_recaptcha_public_key_info' => 'Public key provided to you by {$re_link}.', 'admin_spambot_recaptcha' => 'reCaptcha Settings', 'admin_spambot_recaptcha_info' => 'reCaptcha is an online service to protect against spam. You\'ll need to get your personal keys to use this service (see below). An image containing two words will be shown to the user. This verification supports audio, allowing blind users to register.', 'admin_spambot_veriword' => 'VeriWord Settings', 'admin_spambot_veriword_info' => 'VeriWord is the default spam protection of Viscacha. An image consisting of letters in varying fonts/colors will be shown to the user. The appearance of this image is dictated by several options that you may control below.')), 'classes' => array('language_de' => array('mailer_signing' => 'Signierungsfehler: '), 'language' => array('mailer_signing' => 'Signing Error: ')), 'global' => array('language_de' => array('pdf_attachments' => NULL, 'pdf_attachments_filesize' => NULL, 'pdf_footer' => NULL, 'pdf_postinfo' => NULL, 'pdf_vote' => NULL, 'pdf_vote_result' => NULL, 'pdf_vote_voters' => NULL, 'register_veriword' => 'Bitte geben Sie zum Spamschutz die Zeichenfolge aus dem Bild ein.', 'showtopic_options_pdf' => NULL, 'error_no_forum_permissions' => 'Sie haben leider keine Berechtigung die versteckten Foren anzusehen. Bitte melden Sie sich mit den nötigen Rechten an!', 'vote_change_option' => 'Votum ändern', 'vote_go_form' => 'Votum abgeben'), 'language' => array('pdf_attachments' => NULL, 'pdf_attachments_filesize' => NULL, 'pdf_footer' => NULL, 'pdf_postinfo' => NULL, 'pdf_vote' => NULL, 'pdf_vote_result' => NULL, 'pdf_vote_voters' => NULL, 'register_veriword' => 'Please enter the chard in the image. This is to avoid spam.', 'showtopic_options_pdf' => NULL, 'error_no_forum_permissions' => 'Sorry, you haven\'t got the permission to view the hidden forums. Please log in with the necessary permissions!', 'vote_change_option' => 'Change vote', 'vote_go_form' => 'Cast your vote')), 'modules' => array('language_de' => array('ps_nav_package_overview' => NULL, 'ps_nav_title' => NULL), 'language' => array('ps_nav_package_overview' => NULL, 'ps_nav_title' => NULL)), 'settings' => array('language_de' => array('compatible_version' => '0.8 RC6'), 'language' => array('compatible_version' => '0.8 RC6')), 'wwo' => array('language_de' => array('wwo_pdf' => NULL, 'wwo_pdf_fallback' => NULL), 'language' => array('wwo_pdf' => NULL, 'wwo_pdf_fallback' => NULL)));
echo "- Language files updated.<br />";
// MySQL
$file = 'install/package/update/db/db_changes.sql';
//$file = 'package/'.$package.'/db/db_changes.sql';
$sql = file_get_contents($file);
$sql = str_ireplace('{:=DBPREFIX=:}', $db->prefix(), $sql);
echo "- Database tables updated.<br />";
// Old files
$dir = dir('images');
while (false !== ($entry = $dir->read())) {
    $path = "{$dir->path}/{$entry}";
    if (is_dir($path) && is_id($entry)) {
echo "- Old files deleted.<br />";
// Set incompatible packages inactive
Ejemplo n.º 9
$filesystem->file_put_contents('admin/data/hooks.txt', implode("\r\n", $hooks));
echo "- Hooks updated.<br />";
// Config
$c = new manageconfig();
$c->updateconfig('version', str, VISCACHA_VERSION);
$c->updateconfig('spider_logvisits', int, 2);
$c = new manageconfig();
$c->getdata('admin/data/config.inc.php', 'admconfig');
$c->updateconfig('checked_package_updates', int, 0);
echo "- Configuration updated.<br />";
// Old files
$feeds = file_get_contents('data/feedcreator.inc.php');
$feeds = preg_replace('~[\\r\\n]+MBOX\\|mbox\\.inc\\.php\\|MBox\\|\\d\\|\\d~i', '', $feeds);
$filesystem->file_put_contents('data/feedcreator.inc.php', $feeds);
$dir = dir('language');
while (false !== ($entry = $dir->read())) {
    $path = "{$dir->path}/{$entry}";
    if (is_dir($path) && is_id($entry)) {
$filesystem->file_put_contents('data/errlog_php.inc.php', '');
$filesystem->file_put_contents("data/errlog_{$db->system}.inc.php", '');
echo "- Old files deleted.<br />";
// Languages
Ejemplo n.º 10
    $content = $db->escape_string($content);
    $doc['title'] = $db->escape_string($doc['title']);
    $doc['author'] = $db->escape_string($doc['author']);
    $db->query("\n\t\tINSERT INTO `v_documents_content` ( `did` , `lid` , `title` , `content` , `active` )\n\t\tVALUES (\n\t\t'{$doc['id']}', '{$config['langdir']}', '{$doc['title']}', '{$content}', '{$doc['active']}'\n\t\t)\n\t");
echo "- Database tables updated and documents converted.<br />";
// Update crontab file
$cron = file_get_contents('data/cron/crontab.inc.php');
if (strpos($cron, 'exportBoardStats.php') === false) {
    $cron = trim($cron);
    $cron .= "\r\n0\t5\t*\t*\t*\texportBoardStats.php\t#Daily: Export forum statistics to an ini-file (optional)";
    $filesystem->file_put_contents('data/cron/crontab.inc.php', $cron);
    echo "- Crontab updated.<br />";
// Old files
Ejemplo n.º 11
$c->updateconfig(array('viscacha_addreply_last_replies', 'repliesnum'), int, 5);
$c->updateconfig(array('viscacha_news_boxes', 'cutat'), str, 'teaser');
$c->updateconfig(array('viscacha_news_boxes', 'items'), int, 5);
$c->updateconfig(array('viscacha_news_boxes', 'teaserlength'), int, 300);
$c->updateconfig(array('viscacha_recent_topics', 'topicnum'), int, 10);
$c->updateconfig(array('viscacha_related_topics', 'hide_empty'), int, 1);
$c->updateconfig(array('viscacha_related_topics', 'relatednum'), int, 5);
$c = new manageconfig();
$c->getdata('../admin/data/config.inc.php', 'admconfig');
$c->updateconfig('nav_positions', str, 'left=Left Navigation' . "\r\n" . 'bottom=Bottom Navigation');
$c->updateconfig('package_server', str, 'http://files.viscacha.org/');
echo "- Configuration updated.<br />";
// Old files
echo "- Old files deleted.<br />";
// MySQL
$file = 'package/' . $package . '/db/db_changes.sql';
$sql = implode('', file($file));
$sql = str_replace('{:=DBPREFIX=:}', $db->pre, $sql);
echo "- Database tables updated.<br />";
$ini = array('custom' => array('language' => array('navigation' => 'Main Menu', 'n_forum' => 'Forums', 'n_portal' => 'Portal'), 'language_de' => array('navigation' => 'Hauptmenü', 'n_forum' => 'Forum', 'n_portal' => 'Portal')), 'modules' => array('language' => array('mymenu_newpm_1' => null, 'mymenu_newpm_2' => null, 'birthdaybox_module' => null, 'wwo_nav_detail' => 'Members: {@wwo->r}<br />Guests: {@wwo->g}<br />Spiders: {@wwo->b}', 'mymenu_newpm' => 'You have <strong>{%my->pms}</strong> new PM(s)!', 'last_private_message' => 'Last private message'), 'language_de' => array('mymenu_newpm_1' => null, 'mymenu_newpm_2' => null, 'birthdaybox_module' => null, 'wwo_nav_detail' => 'Mitglieder: {@wwo->r}<br />Gäste: {@wwo->g}<br />Suchmaschinen: {@wwo->b}', 'mymenu_newpm' => 'Sie haben <strong>{%my->pms}</strong> neue PN!', 'last_private_message' => 'Letzte private Nachricht')), 'settings' => array('language' => array('compatible_version' => VISCACHA_VERSION), 'language_de' => array('compatible_version' => VISCACHA_VERSION)), 'wwo' => array('language' => array('wwo_misc_report_post' => 'is reporting a post to the administration', 'wwo_team' => 'is viewing the <a href="members.php?action=team">team overview</a>'), 'language_de' => array('wwo_misc_report_post' => 'melden einen Beitrag', 'wwo_team' => 'Betrachtet die <a href="members.php?action=team">Teamübersicht</a>')), 'global' => array('language' => array('bbcodes_align' => null, 'bbcodes_align_center' => null, 'bbcodes_align_desc' => null, 'bbcodes_align_justify' => null, 'bbcodes_align_left' => null, 'bbcodes_align_right' => null, 'bbcodes_align_title' => null, 'bbcodes_bold' => null, 'bbcodes_bold_desc' => null, 'bbcodes_code' => null, 'bbcodes_code_desc' => null, 'bbcodes_color' => null, 'bbcodes_color_desc' => null, 'bbcodes_color_title' => null, 'bbcodes_edit' => null, 'bbcodes_edit_desc' => null, 'bbcodes_email' => null, 'bbcodes_email_desc' => null, 'bbcodes_example_text' => null, 'bbcodes_example_text2' => null, 'bbcodes_expand' => null, 'bbcodes_header' => null, 'bbcodes_header_desc' => null, 'bbcodes_header_h1' => null, 'bbcodes_header_h2' => null, 'bbcodes_header_h3' => null, 'bbcodes_header_title' => null, 'bbcodes_help' => null, 'bbcodes_help_example' => null, 'bbcodes_help_output' => null, 'bbcodes_help_syntax' => null, 'bbcodes_hide' => null, 'bbcodes_hide_desc' => null, 'bbcodes_hr' => null, 'bbcodes_hr_desc' => null, 'bbcodes_img' => null, 'bbcodes_img_desc' => null, 'bbcodes_italic' => null, 'bbcodes_italic_desc' => null, 'bbcodes_list' => null, 'bbcodes_list_desc' => null, 'bbcodes_list_ol' => null, 'bbcodes_note' => null, 'bbcodes_note_desc' => null, 'bbcodes_note_prompt1' => null, 'bbcodes_note_prompt2' => null, 'bbcodes_option' => null, 'bbcodes_ot' => null, 'bbcodes_ot_desc' => null, 'bbcodes_param' => null, 'bbcodes_quote' => null, 'bbcodes_quote_desc' => null, 'bbcodes_reader' => null, 'bbcodes_reader_desc' => null, 'bbcodes_size' => null, 'bbcodes_size_desc' => null, 'bbcodes_size_extended' => null, 'bbcodes_size_large' => null, 'bbcodes_size_small' => null, 'bbcodes_size_title' => null, 'bbcodes_sub' => null, 'bbcodes_sub_desc' => null, 'bbcodes_sup' => null, 'bbcodes_sup_desc' => null, 'bbcodes_table' => null, 'bbcodes_table_desc' => null, 'bbcodes_tt' => null, 'bbcodes_tt_desc' => null, 'bbcodes_underline' => null, 'bbcodes_underline_desc' => null, 'bbcodes_url' => null, 'bbcodes_url_desc' => null, 'bbcodes_url_prompt1' => null, 'bbcodes_url_promtp2' => null, 'bbcode_help_overview' => null, 'bbcode_help_smileys' => null, 'bbcode_help_smileys_desc' => null, 'bbhelp_title' => null, 'timezone_0' => null, 'timezone_n1' => null, 'timezone_n2' => null, 'timezone_n3' => null, 'timezone_n4' => null, 'timezone_n5' => null, 'timezone_n6' => null, 'timezone_n7' => null, 'timezone_n8' => null, 'timezone_n9' => null, 'timezone_n10' => null, 'timezone_n11' => null, 'timezone_n12' => null, 'timezone_n35' => null, 'timezone_p1' => null, 'timezone_p2' => null, 'timezone_p3' => null, 'timezone_p4' => null, 'timezone_p5' => null, 'timezone_p6' => null, 'timezone_p7' => null, 'timezone_p8' => null, 'timezone_p9' => null, 'timezone_p10' => null, 'timezone_p11' => null, 'timezone_p12' => null, 'timezone_p35' => null, 'timezone_p45' => null, 'timezone_p55' => null, 'timezone_p65' => null, 'timezone_p95' => null, 'timezone_p575' => null, 'showtopic_options_word' => null, 'banned_head' => 'Access denied: You are banned!', 'banned_left_never' => 'Never', 'banned_no_reason' => 'No reason specified.', 'bot_banned' => 'User-Agent or IP-Address is equal to one that is used by spam bots or e-mail collectors.', 'error_no_forums_found' => 'There are currently no forums to show. Please visit the <a href="admin.php">Admin Control Panel</a> to create forums.', 'post_report' => 'Report', 'post_reported' => 'Reported Post', 'report_message' => 'Message:', 'report_message_desc' => 'Note: You should only report a post if there is a violation of our guidelines.', 'report_post' => 'Report Post', 'report_post_locked' => 'This post has been reported already and will be checked as soon as possible.', 'report_post_success' => 'Thanks for your message. The moderators and administrators have been informed and we will check the post as soon as possible.', 'spellcheck_disabled' => 'Spellcheck is disabled.', 'banned_reason' => 'You have been banned for the following reason:', 'banned_until' => 'Date the ban will be lifted: ', 'admin_report' => 'Reported Post', 'admin_report_not_found' => 'This post has been checked and has been set as done.', 'admin_report_reset' => 'Set as done:', 'admin_report_reset_success' => 'The reporst has been set as done.', 'board_rules' => 'Forum Guidelines', 'no_board_rules_specified' => 'No forum guidelines specified.', 'why_register_desc' => 'In order to login you must be registered. Registering takes only a few seconds but gives you increased access.  The board administrator may also grant additional permissions to registered users. Before you login please ensure you are familiar with our terms of use and related policies. Please ensure you heed the forum guidelines as you use the forum.', 'you_had_to_accept_agb' => 'You have to accept the forum guidelines!'), 'language_de' => array('bbcodes_align' => null, 'bbcodes_align_center' => null, 'bbcodes_align_desc' => null, 'bbcodes_align_justify' => null, 'bbcodes_align_left' => null, 'bbcodes_align_right' => null, 'bbcodes_align_title' => null, 'bbcodes_bold' => null, 'bbcodes_bold_desc' => null, 'bbcodes_code' => null, 'bbcodes_code_desc' => null, 'bbcodes_color' => null, 'bbcodes_color_desc' => null, 'bbcodes_color_title' => null, 'bbcodes_edit' => null, 'bbcodes_edit_desc' => null, 'bbcodes_email' => null, 'bbcodes_email_desc' => null, 'bbcodes_example_text' => null, 'bbcodes_example_text2' => null, 'bbcodes_expand' => null, 'bbcodes_header' => null, 'bbcodes_header_desc' => null, 'bbcodes_header_h1' => null, 'bbcodes_header_h2' => null, 'bbcodes_header_h3' => null, 'bbcodes_header_title' => null, 'bbcodes_help' => null, 'bbcodes_help_example' => null, 'bbcodes_help_output' => null, 'bbcodes_help_syntax' => null, 'bbcodes_hide' => null, 'bbcodes_hide_desc' => null, 'bbcodes_hr' => null, 'bbcodes_hr_desc' => null, 'bbcodes_img' => null, 'bbcodes_img_desc' => null, 'bbcodes_italic' => null, 'bbcodes_italic_desc' => null, 'bbcodes_list' => null, 'bbcodes_list_desc' => null, 'bbcodes_list_ol' => null, 'bbcodes_note' => null, 'bbcodes_note_desc' => null, 'bbcodes_note_prompt1' => null, 'bbcodes_note_prompt2' => null, 'bbcodes_option' => null, 'bbcodes_ot' => null, 'bbcodes_ot_desc' => null, 'bbcodes_param' => null, 'bbcodes_quote' => null, 'bbcodes_quote_desc' => null, 'bbcodes_reader' => null, 'bbcodes_reader_desc' => null, 'bbcodes_size' => null, 'bbcodes_size_desc' => null, 'bbcodes_size_extended' => null, 'bbcodes_size_large' => null, 'bbcodes_size_small' => null, 'bbcodes_size_title' => null, 'bbcodes_sub' => null, 'bbcodes_sub_desc' => null, 'bbcodes_sup' => null, 'bbcodes_sup_desc' => null, 'bbcodes_table' => null, 'bbcodes_table_desc' => null, 'bbcodes_tt' => null, 'bbcodes_tt_desc' => null, 'bbcodes_underline' => null, 'bbcodes_underline_desc' => null, 'bbcodes_url' => null, 'bbcodes_url_desc' => null, 'bbcodes_url_prompt1' => null, 'bbcodes_url_promtp2' => null, 'bbcode_help_overview' => null, 'bbcode_help_smileys' => null, 'bbcode_help_smileys_desc' => null, 'bbhelp_title' => null, 'timezone_0' => null, 'timezone_n1' => null, 'timezone_n2' => null, 'timezone_n3' => null, 'timezone_n4' => null, 'timezone_n5' => null, 'timezone_n6' => null, 'timezone_n7' => null, 'timezone_n8' => null, 'timezone_n9' => null, 'timezone_n10' => null, 'timezone_n11' => null, 'timezone_n12' => null, 'timezone_n35' => null, 'timezone_p1' => null, 'timezone_p2' => null, 'timezone_p3' => null, 'timezone_p4' => null, 'timezone_p5' => null, 'timezone_p6' => null, 'timezone_p7' => null, 'timezone_p8' => null, 'timezone_p9' => null, 'timezone_p10' => null, 'timezone_p11' => null, 'timezone_p12' => null, 'timezone_p35' => null, 'timezone_p45' => null, 'timezone_p55' => null, 'timezone_p65' => null, 'timezone_p95' => null, 'timezone_p575' => null, 'showtopic_options_word' => null, 'banned_head' => 'Zugriff verweigert: Sie wurden gesperrt!', 'banned_left_never' => 'Niemals', 'banned_no_reason' => 'Keine Begründung angegeben.', 'bot_banned' => 'User-Agent oder IP-Adresse entspricht einem bekannten Spam-Bot oder E-Mail-Sammler.', 'error_no_forums_found' => 'Es wurde keine anzuzeigenden Foren gefunden. Sie können in der <a href="admin.php">Administration</a> neue Foren erstellen.', 'post_report' => 'Melden', 'post_reported' => 'Gemeldeter Beitrag', 'report_message' => 'Nachricht:', 'report_message_desc' => 'Hinweis: Ein Beitrag sollte nur dann gemeldet werden, wenn ein Verstoß gegen unsere Regeln vorliegt.', 'report_post' => 'Beitrag melden', 'report_post_locked' => 'Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits gemeldet und wird bald geprüft.', 'report_post_success' => 'Danke für Ihre Nachricht. Die Moderatoren und Administratoren wurden verständigt und es wird sich in Kürze jemand darum kümmern.', 'spellcheck_disabled' => 'Rechtschreibprüfung wurde deaktiviert.', 'banned_reason' => 'Sie wurden aus folgendem Grund gesperrt:', 'banned_until' => 'Ende der Sperre: ', 'admin_report' => 'Gemeldeter Beitrag', 'admin_report_not_found' => 'Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits überprüft und als erledigt markiert.', 'admin_report_reset' => 'Als erledigt markieren:', 'admin_report_reset_success' => 'Die Meldung wurde als erledigt markiert.')));
Ejemplo n.º 12
$db->query("ALTER TABLE `{$db->pre}settings_groups` CHANGE `name` `name` varchar(120) NOT NULL default ''", __LINE__, __FILE__);
$db->query("ALTER TABLE `{$db->pre}user` CHANGE `timezone` `timezone` varchar(5) default NULL default ''", __LINE__, __FILE__);
echo "- Database tables updated (MySQL 5 compatibility).<br />";
// templates
$dir = "../templates/";
$tplids = array();
$d = dir($dir);
while (false !== ($entry = $d->read())) {
    if (is_dir($dir . $entry) && preg_match('/^\\d{1,}$/', $entry) && $entry != '.' && $entry != '..') {
        $tplids[] = $entry;
foreach ($tplids as $id) {
    $tpldir = $dir . $id;
    $filesystem->unlink($tpldir . '/register.html');
    $filesystem->chmod($tpldir . '/header.html', 0666);
    $header = file_get_contents($tpldir . '/header.html');
    $header = str_replace("<!--[if IE]>", "<!--[if lt IE 7]>", $header);
    $filesystem->file_put_contents($tpldir . '/header.html', $header);
echo "- Templates updated.<br />";
// language files
$ini = array('custom' => array('language' => array('credits' => 'Credits', 'imprint' => 'Imprint'), 'language_de' => array('credits' => 'Credits', 'imprint' => 'Impressum')), 'global' => array('language' => array('ats_choose' => 'No Status / Standard', 'ats_choose_desc' => 'This forum allows you to mark topics as good or bad.  You should consider the following when rating threads:<br /> <em>Good:</em>Threads rated "good" will be given priority by the system. Threads should be rated as good if they successfully resolve problems that are frequently encountered on the board. Any content that you feel is beneficial should be marked "good"<br /> <em>Bad:</em>These topics will be given less priority by the system and can be automatically ignored by board members. Threads that are off topic, sensless or otherwise useless should get this mark.<br /> <em>article:</em>Threads that are marked as "article" will be listed in the article overview and can be easily access this way.<br /> <em>News:</em> News Threads are posted to the internal news system and will be offered to the readers via the board itself and alternativly on other websites via rss-feed.', 'ats_choose_standard_a' => ' (Standard: Article)', 'ats_choose_standard_n' => ' (Standard: News)', 'bbcodes_tt' => 'Typewriter text', 'log_wrong_data' => 'You entered invalid login data or your account has not yet been activated.<br />Did you <a href="log.php?action=pwremind">forget your password</a>? If you have not received a validation e-mail click <a href="register.php?action=resend">here</a>.', 'post_quote_direct' => 'Quote post directly', 'post_quote_multi' => 'Save post for quoting (Multiquote)', 'register_resend_desc' => 'Please enter your registered member name below to search for any pending validation requests. If any are found, the email will be resent to the email address you registered with.', 'register_resend_no_user' => 'Sorry, but not member with this name or a pending registration was found. Maybe the administrator has to activate your account.', 'register_resend_success' => 'An e-mail, required for account activation, has been sent to you again.', 'register_resend_title' => 'Resend validation email', 'textarea_check_length' => 'Check length', 'textarea_decrease_size' => 'Decrease Size', 'textarea_increase_size' => 'Increase Size', 'th_status' => 'Status'), 'language_de' => array('ats_choose' => 'Kein Status / Standard', 'ats_choose_desc' => 'In dieser Forensoftware ist es möglich Themen als Gut, Schlecht, Artikel oder Nachricht zu markieren. Das bedeuten die einzelnen Typen:<br /> <em>Gut:</em> Themen können als "Gut" markiert werden. Sie werden dann als solche markiert und bevorzugt. Man sollte Themen als Gut markieren wenn Sie häufig nachgefragt werden und in diesem Thema die Lösung zu diesem Problem steht. Weiterhin sollten gute Diskussionen als solche markiert werden.<br /> <em>Schlecht:</em> Das Gegenteil zu "Gut". Themen werden nicht bevorzugt und können von den Mitgliedern automatisch ausgeblendet werden. Themen die zu sehr vom Thema abschweifen oder nicht wirklich Sinn haben, sollten mit diesem Status belegt werden.<br /> <em>Artikel:</em> Themen die als Artikel bezeichnet werden, werde in der Artikelübersicht gelistet und können so komfortabel duchgesehen werden.<br /> <em>Nachricht:</em> Mit "Nachricht" markierte Themen werden in einem eigenen Newssystem zum durchlesen angeboten und können auf der eigenen Homepage eingebunden werden.', 'ats_choose_standard_a' => ' (Standard: Artikel)', 'ats_choose_standard_n' => ' (Standard: News)', 'bbcodes_tt' => 'Schreibmaschinenschrift', 'log_wrong_data' => 'Sie haben falsche Benutzerdaten angegeben oder Sie sind noch nicht freigeschaltet.<br />Benutzen Sie die <a href="log.php?action=pwremind">Passwort vergessen</a>-Funktion wenn Sie Ihr Passwort nicht mehr wissen. Falls Sie keine Freischalt-E-Mail bekommen haben, klicken Sie <a href="register.php?action=resend">hier</a>.', 'post_quote_direct' => 'Beitrag direkt zitieren', 'post_quote_multi' => 'Beitrag zum Zitieren merken (Multiquote)', 'register_resend_desc' => 'Solltest Du Dich bereits registriert - aber den Bestätigungslink der Registrierungs-E-Mail noch nicht angeklickt haben, konnte Deine Registrierung nicht vollständig abgeschlossen werden. Du hast hier die Möglichkeit, Dir diese E-Mail erneut zuschicken zu lassen, ohne den Registrierungsvorgang wiederholen zu müssen. Dazu trägst Du lediglich den bereits von Dir beantragten Benutzernamen ein - und die E-Mail wird Dir erneut an Deine bereits bei der Registrierung angegebene E-Mail-Adresse übersandt.', 'register_resend_no_user' => 'Es wurde leider kein Benutzer mit diesem Namen oder einer benötigten Freischaltung gefunden. Eventuell muss der Administrator Sie noch freischalten.', 'register_resend_success' => 'Die Aktivierungs-E-Mail wurde Ihnen erneut zugeschickt.', 'register_resend_title' => 'Registrierungs-E-Mail erneut verschicken', 'textarea_check_length' => 'Überprüfe Textlänge', 'textarea_decrease_size' => 'Verkleinern', 'textarea_increase_size' => 'Vergrößern', 'th_status' => 'Status')), 'javascript' => array('language' => array('js_quote_multi' => 'Save post for quoting (Multiquote)', 'js_quote_multi_2' => 'Removed saved post (Multiquote)', 'js_ta_left' => ' characters left.', 'js_ta_max' => 'The maximum allowed length is: ', 'js_ta_too_much' => ' characters too much.', 'js_ta_used' => 'You have '), 'language_de' => array('js_quote_multi' => 'Beitrag zum Zitieren merken (Multiquote)', 'js_quote_multi_2' => 'Gemerktes Zitat entfernen (Multiquote)', 'js_ta_left' => ' Zeichen übrig.', 'js_ta_max' => 'Die maximal erlaubte Länge ist: ', 'js_ta_too_much' => ' Zeichen zu viel benutzt.', 'js_ta_used' => 'Sie haben ')), 'wwo' => array('language' => array('wwo_log_logout' => 'is logging out'), 'language_de' => array('wwo_log_logout' => 'Meldet sich ab')));
$c = new manageconfig();
$codes = array();
$keys = array('language', 'language_de');
foreach ($keys as $entry) {
    if (preg_match('~language_(\\w{2})_?(\\w{0,2})~i', $entry, $code)) {
        if (!isset($codes[$code[1]])) {
            $codes[$code[1]] = array();